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Truth is stranger than Fiction based on Fact

June 3, 2020

Truth is stranger than Fiction based on Fact

Bible Believers’ Newsletter 1110

“We focus on the present Truth – what Jesus is doing now. . .”
ISSN 1442-8660

It is our pleasure and privilege once again to greet you in the precious Name of our Lord Jesus Christ and welcome you to fellowship in God’s unchanging Word with the emphasis on “the present Truth”—what Jesus is doing now.

Our main article, “Truth is stranger than Fiction based on Fact” shows us that the Devil has a plan that he is seeking to accomplish with the assistance of the children of Darkness who are intellectually wiser in their lifetime than the children of Light. Yet there are wise men in the Lord and in the world who able to discern the plan, objective and workings of the Adversary and his dupes. A select few have sought to bring the results of their research to the attention of good men and true that they may prove their scholarship and share this important intelligence so that society may avert the difficulties and dangers of Satan’s works.

“We wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, and against spiritual wickedness in high places, taking unto ourselves the whole armour of God.” By God’s grace He prepares us for the battle with the research and analysis of certain men. We will quote author and ‘insider’ George Orwell, and John Coleman, author and analyst of world affairs, adding Biblical support to enable you to readily identify their messages with Brother Branham’s prophecies. Be patient, read carefully, prayerfully, and do not neglect to read the Full story and view the videos linked to our items of current news.

This Newsletter serves those of like precious faith. We encourage you to share our Newsletter with friends, family and colleagues, and look forward to any comments or questions you may have. Whoever will receive the truth is welcome to feed their soul from the waters of the River of Life. Everything here presented should be confirmed personally in your own Bible.

Your brother-in-Christ
Anthony Grigor-Scott

How Far will the Trump Regime and Congress Push China?

May 29, 2020 — The US is waging undeclared . . . aiming to undermine China’s growing political, economic, financial, industrial, technological, and military development and prominence on the world stage. It has nothing to do with a PRC military or other security threat. China is at peace with its neighbours and other nations. Thursday, Pompeo continued his war of words on China. Falsely accusing Beijing of eroding Hong Kong’s liberties—a US specialty at home and abroad—he urged “decertification” of the city: “I can no longer certify that Hong Kong continues to warrant . . . deferential treatment under US law.” He falsely claimed that China’s new national security law “contradicts the spirit (of) the one country, two systems framework.” He ignored months of made-in-the-USA Hong Kong protests last year, featuring violence and vandalism. Orchestrated by US dark forces . . . interfering in China’s internal affairs, a major breach of the UN Charter and other international law—US operates globally, by its own imperial rules . . .
Full story:

Comment: Which outcome is more likely? Confirmation of Xi’s hunch that the time is now right for a PRC that intimidates Asia into acquiescence and gradually overmatches the US in the region, or actions by a US-backed partnership to change the odds and strike back against Chinese efforts to dominate (

“Whereas the West believes that the promotion of liberal democracy can help achieve global peace and prosperity, the CCP [Chinese Communist Party] blames the global promotion of ‘so-called universal values’ for conflict and disruption worldwide” . . . China’s preferred alternative is a global order rooted in . . . “anti-ideology—a system of global integration in which every country can select its own political and economic models (

In April, US President Donald Trump ordered the US Navy to send ships into the Caribbean, supposedly on an anti-drug mission. These ships threatened an embargo of Venezuela . . . As it turned out; the US Navy did not intervene. Why the United States did not block the Iranian vessels does not have to do with Iran or Venezuela alone. It has to do with the presence of China behind both countries (

Trump the Peace Candidate? This President abhors International Treaties

May 28, 2020 — The Donald Trump White House is currently considering detonating a nuclear weapon . . . to send a message that those weapons sitting around in storage will be available for use. The testing is in response to alleged development of low-yield tactical nuclear devices by Beijing and Moscow, a claim that is unsupported by any evidence and which is likely a contrivance designed to suggest that there is strong leadership coming out of Washington at a time when the Administration has been faulted for its multiple failures in combating the coronavirus.

The Pentagon and national security agencies directed by the White House have also been discussing the viability of engaging in war with those same two global competitors Russia and China, either individually or even simultaneously . . . A recent interview with US Special Representative for Syria James Jeffrey revealed that American troops are staying in Syria not to confront ISIS but rather in hopes that Russia will be drawn into a “quagmire” . . . repeated attempts to demonize China for the coronavirus suggest that tension with that country will increase considerably as US elections draw nearer. Both China and Russia have already been accused of planning to interfere in November’s presidential polling . . .
Full story:

Comment: The Coronavirus false flag in association with corrupt politicians worldwide, the UN, International banksters and associated entities is pushing for Lucifer’s one world government.

Washington keeps accusing China of orchestrating Border Clashes with India

May 25, 2020 — It is no coincidence that many analysts believe that the Sino-Indian confrontation has influenced Trump to shape this strategy. China for now has maintained its restraint, seeking to gain mutual understanding with India, so Washington was still unable to achieve its strategic goals. The Trump administration relies heavily on provoking disputes to worsen conflicts between different countries and China. In this way Washington makes these countries strategically dependent on the US. However, the problem is that the US strategy. But New Delhi does not want the US to use India as a tool . . . Full story:

The Australian Government is gearing up for War with China

May 27, 2020 — The United States will send 1,200 Marines to Australia in coming weeks amid increasing tensions between Western nations and China over COVID-19. The main force will begin arriving in Darwin in early June but an advance party of 54 Marines has been stationed in the Northern Territory for two months. The US and Australian governments postponed this year’s deployment of Marine Rotational Force—Darwin in March due to the coronavirus pandemic. Full story: Australia and US Military ready to fight China in South China Sea Australia joins military exercises in South China Sea as government stockpiles fuel ABC News.

Comment: The Pentagon’s Defense Advanced Research Project Agency (DARPA) had knowledge of the pandemic outbreak at least since last November, possibly earlier (Whitney Webb, Last American Vagabond). This means President Trump knew about it, but let it happen. DARPA is also financially supported by the Bill Gates Foundation. According to Whitney Webb, DARPA and its partners agencies are planning to “produce DNA and RNA vaccines, classes of vaccine that has never been approved for human use in the US, now being produced by DARPA-partnered companies, that billionaire and global health “philanthropist” Bill Gates recently asserted has him “most excited,” relative to other Covid-19 vaccine candidates”  (

Corporate Media setting Stage for New Cold War with China

May 15, 2020 — Corporate media are laying the ideological groundwork for a new cold war with China, presenting the nation as a hostile power that needs to be kept in check . . . Republican Sen. Mitt Romney said, “The Covid-19 pandemic has revealed that, to a great degree, our very health is in Chinese hands; from medicines to masks, we are at Beijing’s mercy.” America, in this conception, is under Chinese domination, a tyranny that’s evidently imposed not only by the Chinese government, but by Chinese people generally.

Details like the US having more than 21 times as many nuclear warheads as China, or the fact that it’s the US dollar and not the Chinese yuan that underpins the global financial system, do not enter into consideration . . . Then he revealed China’s supposed threat to America’s “security”: “Because our military has missions around the world, this means that in the Pacific, where China concentrates its firepower, it will have military superiority.” In other words, China is a danger because it “concentrates its firepower” in the ocean nearest to it, while the US’s divine right to empire requires that its military saturate the globe.

The idea that China is a threat to Americans’ security is baseless: China hasn’t threatened to attack America, while the US has a massive military presence in the Asia/Pacific region. The Pentagon, with bipartisan support, wants to engorge that menace with a $20 billion budget increase, and with offensive weaponry such as land-based Tomahawk cruise missiles that had been banned by the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty until the US abrogated the deal. China, meanwhile, has no military installations anywhere close to the United States . . . Full story:

COVID-19 Death Toll may be Half what’s on Record

May 28, 2020 — Dr. John Lott of the Crime Prevention Research Center has said the recorded coronavirus death toll may be a dramatically overstated. One America’s John Hines sat down with him to learn more . . . Full story:

Comment: Facts vs. Fake, a worldwide lockdown of everything.” I’ve signed death certificates during Covid-19. You can’t trust any of the statistics on the number of victims. All the numbers are wrong, not just COVID and they’re being used to justify “Immunity Passports.” Ditto in Switzerland, Italy, Australia and New York, and the ‘science’ (sic) behind social distancing CDC’s mask-wearing unmasked A leaked 93-page report titled Analysis of the Crisis Managementdrafted by a scientific panel appointed by the German interior ministry and composed by external medical experts from several German universities denounced the COVID-19 plandemic as a false flag, and berated the government for ignoring expert advise.

In a 2015 TED Talk on the subject of the Ebola outbreak, Gates said: “As awful as this [Ebola] epidemic has been, the next one could be much worse. The world is simply not prepared to deal with a disease—an especially virulent flu, for example—that infects large numbers of people very quickly. Of all the things that could kill 10 million people or more, by far the most likely is an epidemic.”

Those words seem prescient now. But Gates’ predictions didn’t stop there. In 2017, at the Davos World Economic Forum, he created something called CEPI (the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations) to start preparing to fight a global pandemic.

And last year, the CEPI foundation started making documentaries, warning about the threat of an emerging new virus. In a Netflix video, Gates proposed an imaginary scenario where a virus emerged from a Chinese wet market, where live and dead animals are stored. When you look at how his foundation described the scenario (codenamed ‘Event 201’), things go from strangely accurate to outright prophetic: According to the CEPI website, the scenario simulated an ‘outbreak of a novel zoonotic coronavirus transmitted from bats to pigs to people that eventually becomes efficiently transmissible from person to person, leading to a severe pandemic.’

This was last year, way before the emergence of COVID-19. The question is . . . if Gates saw the threat coming so specifically, does he also see the solution? Maybe, his Foundation has invested billions of dollars in the WHO, CDC, DARPA, several laboratories and vaccine manufacturers before COVID-19.

Mandatory Vaccinations, Biometric Identification and Digital Payments coming soon to Australia

May 28, 2020 — We are currently living through a crisis that has been predicted by Bill Gates, which is triggering a response from the global health organizations the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation has bankrolled and driving us toward a vaccination and biometric ID solution, which Bill Gates has been working on for years, the answer to the question, “Who is Bill Gates?” is quickly becoming one of the most important questions of our lives.

As Gates admits, it is not a spirit of selfless generosity that motivates his interest in vaccines and other lucrative health interventions. He tells one reporter that his foundation has received $100 billion overall “and there’s been over a 20-to-1 return. So, if you just look at the economic benefits that’s a pretty strong number compared to anything else.” Gates’ philanthropic investment scheme has paid off well, with his $50 billion dollar net worth having ballooned to over $100 billion after his decade of altruism in the vaccine market.

As critics of his foundation have repeatedly pointed out, the nine million people who die every year of hunger would be best served by securing food supplies, running water and other basic necessities—not costly medical interventions for rare diseases. But there is no return on investment to be made from that kind of charity. No, this is not about charity. It is about control. The population control grid that Gates has been quietly funding into existence for the past decade; a biometric identification system tied to a digital payments infrastructure that will be used to track, catalogue and control every movement, every transaction and every interaction of every citizen is just now coming into view but the real question is, Why is he doing this? Full story:

Your ‘Immunity Passport’ Future begins to materialize as Airlines call for Digital ID Tracking Systems

May 26, 2020 — The International Air Transport Association (IATA), which represents 299 airlines, recently issued their publication, Biosecurity for Air Transport, a Roadmap for Restarting Aviation, which outlines their strategy to open up air travel as governments begin to lift travel restrictions. Under a section titled, “The passenger experience” and “Temporary biosecurity measures,” IATA describes their vision of post-COVID-19 flights. The organization calls for contact tracing, a controversial method of tracking the civilian population to track the spread of COVID-19 . . . Full story:

American Hubris Robust in a Cataclysmic Global Pandemic

May 25, 2020 — The early foundations for war are being set up by the obvious protagonists. That China has cancelled the dollar peg . . . opting for the Chinese Yuan . . . to escape the weaponisation of the dollar. China is, also, developing its artificial intelligence (AI) and 6G for her People’s Liberation Army (PLA) . . .

The economic scenario unfolding in the United States, indicates that unemployment will hit 30% soon, one that is broader when compared to that of the Great Depression of the 1930s. One in three will be without a means to life . . . massive economic disruption . . . Bankruptcies of High Street businesses are up . . . Retrenchments and layoffs by the thousands have been announced . . . workers are not being given the means to keep consumption healthy as China has done by giving coupons to the population . . . economic disruption is of a global dimension . . . [can] economically ravaged America . . . support a peace that requires immense financial resources . . . both the US domestic and global economy are being almost torn asunder . . . the price of oil per barrel has tanked. The shale oil industry is no longer supportable, dashing the US oil self-sufficient façade and leaving many firms bankrupt . . . With its perpetual war policy still on-going, where regime change remains active, it is difficult to perceive of Washington as part of global solidarity . . . Full story:

Chinese ridicule Trump’s China ‘Cut-Off’ Threat

May 14, 2020 — “Is Trump totally insane?” Experts and the international community couldn’t help but ask this question after US President Donald Trump threatened to “cut off the whole relationship” with China on Thursday in an interview with FOX Business . . . US politicians, businessmen and Americans would not allow him to do so, Xin Qiang, deputy director of the Center for US Studies at Fudan University, told the Global Times . . .

The associate dean of Renmin University of China’s School of International Studies in Beijing, told the Global Times . . . “The China-US relationship is the most important bilateral relationship in the world and involves huge interests of the two countries, as well as the rest of the world. Therefore, it is not something he can cut off emotionally. If the US unilaterally cuts off ties, the American people will pay a heavier price than us, because China’s domestic market is huge and 75-80 percent of Chinese manufacturers are supplying China’s market, and the 2 to 5 percent that supply the US can also be absorbed by the domestic market,” he noted . . . Full story:

Israel reveals Date of Planned West Bank Annexation

May 26, 2020 — The head of the Governmental Coalition in Israel, Mickey Zohar, revealed that the measures to legislate the process of imposing Israeli sovereignty on all Jewish residential communities in the West Bank will begin in early July . . . these measures will continue for only a few weeks . . . the concerned authorities are currently working on mapping in order to reach understandings with the American administration about the areas that Israel will impose their sovereignty over in the West Bank.

In response to a question about whether the White House would insist on the establishment of a Palestinian state in exchange for the annexation, the head of the government coalition said: “He opposes this demand, expressing his conviction that Israel will not give up the annexation in any case” . . . government would also not agree to freezing construction work in isolated residential compounds in the occupied West Bank, but was ready to freeze construction in places not close to those that would be imposed on Israeli sovereignty . . . Full story:

Truth is stranger than Fiction based on Fact

Let us commence with Truths and Facts that are THUS SAITH THE LORD:

Brother Branham said, “But the Lord showed me a vision of the great powerful woman, in 1933, it’s on paper. Of how that “Roosevelt would help cause the world to go to war.” How that “Mussolini would make his first invasion to Ethiopia and he would take it, but he would come to a disgraceful end.” And how that “Then the three isms: Nazism, Fascism, and Communism, would all wind up in Communism.” And how many in here remembers me just keep having you stand, just say it over, I’d tell you, “Watch Russia! Watch Russia, the king of the North! Watch Russia, king of the North! Watch Russia, king of the North!”? . . . for all those isms will heap up into Russia” (60-1211E, The Laodicean Church Age, p. 501:44).

Brother Branham said, “Make an image to her.” What would it be? Just what they’re doing right now, just exactly, moving up in this confederation of churches, “All the churches belong to this organization, all go into one group.” Now they’re getting a Bible. And Pope John has invited them all back. The Archbishop of Canterbury, all going around. First thing you know, the whole thing comes right back to Mammy, because they’re harlots to begin with. See? They say, “We’ll all join together in one big cause to fight Communism.” And don’t know that God raised up Communism (I can prove that by this Bible). And even put in their minds of them to avenge the saints, of the blood that they had shed upon the earth. God organized Communism just the same as He did King Nebuchadnezzar to chastise Israel. He raised up Communism, and someday she’ll blow Rome plumb off the map” (60-1208, The Thyatirean Church Age, p. 311:140; Revelation 13:14; 16:12-16; 17:16; 18:16-20, 24).

Brother Branham said, “Let’s take Daniel’s vision. That’s the Word of God. “Thou, O King Nebuchadnezzar, is this head of gold,” Babylon. “Another kingdom will succeed thee, which is silver,” see, which was Medo-Persia. Another one was Greece, Alexander the Great. Next, come in, Rome. And there wasn’t nothing said about a communism. Rome conquered the world.”

Assisi Meeting“Jesus Christ was born in the Roman kingdom, and persecuted, His first time come here, by the Roman kingdom. And on His Second Advent, Coming now, His Message is persecuted by the Roman denominations, which is the mother of all of them. And when He returns, He’ll come back to wipe out that Roman kingdom, that the Jews has always looked for Him to come and wipe out the Roman kingdom.”

“The Catholic hierarchy with all the denominations in the world, right now coming together as an organization, the confederation of churches organizing themselves together. It isn’t Russia. It’s Rome. THUS SAITH THE LORD. Yeah.”

Premier Khrushchev in UN“Show me a Scripture where communism, or anything else besides Rome, will rule. Did Medo-Persia succeed Nebuchadnezzar? Sure. Did Greece succeed them? Yeah. Did Rome take them over, from there? Did it break up into ten Ottoman powers just like we got now? Did. . . Eisenhower, which means “iron.” Khrushchev means “clay.” Did they have their meeting right here? And Khrushchev took off his shoe. To make it a plain, open thing, beat on the desk, like that, to show the people” (62-0311, The Greatest Battle Ever Fought, par. 406-410; Daniel 2:37-45; Revelation 17:5; 19:20; Vatican II and Assisi Meetings).

Brother Branham said, “I just might as well say it; it’s on my heart. What you people afraid of communism for? Afraid communism’s going to rule the world. You people don’t know the Bible. Show me one place where it said communism will rule the world. The Bible said Rome will rule the world, not communism. Oh, communism’s just a puppet in the hands of God, playing it all up to persecute them all together and make His Words come to pass. Same thing, He said, “Who can we get to deceive Ahab to send him up there?” to make Elijah’s prophecy come to pass. Communism ain’t going to rule the world”.

“You see, Daniel saw that vision. Every one of them kingdoms succeeded one another, right on down. And it never did come into communism. It went right out with that strength of Rome in the feet. Right. Romanism’s going to rule the world, not communism. Don’t worry about that. That don’t bother me a bit” (62-0624, Super Sign, E-67, I Kings 22:1-38; Daniel 2; 11:36-45).

Brother Branham said, “In Revelation 13:14, we learn that the beast spreads his influence through the image which was built for him. The image that is made is a world-wide ecumenical council, wherein all the organized churches will get together with the Roman Catholics (they are doing it even now.) It is quite possible this union will come in order to stop the power of communism. But since communism like Nebuchadnezzar has been raised up to burn the flesh of the harlot, Rome will be overcome and destroyed. Take note that everywhere the Romish church went, communism followed. It has to be that way. And let me warn you now, don’t get thinking communism is your only enemy. No sir. It is the Catholic Church also, and even more so”  (An Exposition of the Seven Church Ages, p. 236:3; Matthew 13:36-43; Revelation 6:8; 14:9; 19:17-21).

Brother Branham said, “Just a little while, we’ll be summoned, then the Rapture will come. Just a little bitty group, like Enoch, will be taken up. Then, “the remnant of the woman’s seed, that keep the commandments of God,” Jews, “have the testimony of Jesus Christ,” Gentile, will be hunted down like dogs, “and shall give their life for their testimony.” Then, one great morning, the break of the Millennium, for the Honeymoon will start” (64-0802, The Future Home of the Heavenly Bridegroom and the Earthly Bride, p. 62:510-512; I Thessalonians 4:16; Revelation 12:17).

Ephesians 1:4-6, “God has chosen us in Christ Jesus before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before Him in love: having predestinated us unto the adoption of children by Jesus Christ to Himself, according to the good pleasure of His will, to the praise of the glory of His grace, wherein He has made us accepted in the beloved . . . Having made known unto us the mystery of His will, according to His good pleasure which He has purposed in Himself: that in the dispensation of the fulness of times He might gather together in one all things in Christ, both which are in heaven, and we who are alive and remain on earth; even in Him: in Whom also we have obtained an inheritance, being predestinated according to the purpose of Him who works all things after the counsel of His own will: that we should be to the praise of His glory, who first trusted in Christ”.

God’s eternal purpose is being accomplished in Christ who called and chose us according to His foreknowledge of our decisions (John 15:16; I Peter 1:2). “Full of wisdom, and perfect in beauty,” Lucifer knew “the letter” of God’s purpose without understanding His objective was to be accomplished by grace through faith. Exercising free moral agency he conceived an alternative plan and became God’s Adversary, Satan, the Devil and god of this evil age.

After six thousand years Christ will take His Wife Home and turn to the elect of Jacob’s bloodline as the whole creation passes from man’s day to the Day of the Lord. Cast down to earth incarnate in the “vicar of Christ,” then president of One World Government, Satan will receive universal worship with the mutual adversaries Judaeo-Communism, Judaeo-Catholicism, Zionism and Mammonites at enmity with Christ’s remnant which keep the commandments of God, and have the testimony of Jesus Christ” (Revelation 12:17).

In this junction of time scripture is coming to pass in real time reported unrecognized in the media. The great tribulation commenced under the First Seal and Israel’s First Trumpet: Jesus said, “unless those days are shortened, there should no flesh be saved [for the body change]: but for the elect’s sake those days will be shortened” (Matthew 24:21-22). He revealed the end-time Message through His Prophet William Branham; this placed us in the rapture and is bringing us to maturity in the unity of the faith for the manifestation of the Sons of God and the body change. The COVID-19 false flag hoax is also “shortening the days” by destroying the physical and economic health of “all kindreds and tongues and nations . . . whose names are not written in the Book of Life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world” (Revelation 13:7-8). Without faith these will ultimately fall under the power of the international Jewish banksters, Judaeo-Communism, the Judaeo-Roman and apostate (once) Protestant churches, physical Serpent’s seed or an undisciplined mixed multitude. So you “all things work together for good, to them that love Go, to them who are the called according to His purpose”  (Romans 8:28).

Our responsibility is to remain sanctified under the Token as “the squeeze” fits us to exercise of our “third Pull” and to manifest that we are a Son or a Daughter of Jesus Christ.

Let us now consider Fiction that is based on Truth and Facts:

George Orwell’s “1984” and “Animal Farm” were not an outworking of the apparent supernatural prescience of his real persona, Eric Arthur Blair. He was an ‘insider’ and these books were written as “mass appeal” organizing documents on behalf of One World Order. When George Orwell wanted to tell the world what was planned for it, he cloaked his message in fiction because he feared no one would believe the truth. Written in 1948, “1984” describes globalism and the totalitarian new world order now unfolding at warp speed behind the long-planned coronavirus false flag psychological operation managed by the mammonite and religious planners under whom in unison were leaders in politics, industry, academia, business, the military, etc,. H. G. Wells wrote, “The Open Conspiracy,” will appear first, I believe, as a conscious organization of intelligent and quite possibly in some cases, wealthy men, as a movement having distinct social and political aims, confessedly ignoring most of the existing apparatus of political control, or using it as an incidental implement in the stages, a mere movement of a number of people in a certain direction who will presently discover with a sort of surprise the common object toward which they are all moving . . . in all sorts of ways they will be influencing and controlling the apparatus of the ostensible government” (Anticipations of the Reaction of Mechanical and Scientific Progress upon Human Life and Thought, p. 285).

Summarized, the intent and purpose of this ‘broad church’ described in Dr. John Coleman’s “Conspirators’ Hierarchy, The Story of the Committee of 300” and portrayed in the chart below, is to bring to pass the following conditions:

Georgia GuidestonesA One World Government and one unit monetary system, under permanent non-elected oligarchists who self-select from among their numbers in the form of a feudal system as it was in the Middle Ages. Population will be limited by restrictions on the number of children per family, diseases, wars, famines, until 1 billion people who are useful to the ruling class, in areas which will be strictly and clearly defined, remain as total world population. (The mysterious Georgia Guidestones stipulate: “Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perfect balance with nature.” The anonymity of the guidestones’ authors and their advocacy of eugenics, and internationalism in agreement with UN policies have made them controversial).

There will be no middle class, only rulers and servants. All laws will be uniform under a legal system of world courts practicing the same unified code of laws, backed up by a One World Government police force and a One World unified military to enforce laws in all former countries where no national boundaries shall exist. The system will be on the basis of a welfare state; those who are obedient and subservient to the One World Government will be rewarded with the means to live; those who are rebellious will simply be starved to death or be declared outlaws, thus a target for anyone who wishes to kill them. Privately owned firearms or weapons of any kind will be prohibited.

Only one religion will be allowed and that will be in the form of a One World Government Church, The Royal Institute for Foreign Affairs, which has been in existence since 1920 as we shall see. Satanism, Luciferianism and Witchcraft shall he recognized, as legitimate One World Government curricula with no private or church schools. All Christian churches have already been subverted and Christianity will be a thing of the past in the One World Government. [Rome and her (once) Protestant daughter Churches have been apostate since Christ’s second or (Gk.) parousia Coming in 1963; the first resurrection will take place before Satan is cast down to earth to incarnate Rome’s pope and rule “all the kingdoms of the world” (Matthew 4:8-9; Revelation 12:7-13).

One World Government church[Above all, the battle is a spiritual one. Unfortunately, the Christian churches have become little more than social clubs run by the infinitely evil World Council of Churches (WCC), whose beginnings lie not in Moscow but in the City of London, as we see from this chart right —> which gives the structure of the One World Government Church. This body, The Royal Institute for Foreign Affairs, set up in the 1920’s serves as a vehicle for One World Government policies and stands as a monument to the long-range planning capabilities of the Committee of 300].

To induce a state where there is no individual freedom or any concept of liberty surviving, there shall be no such thing as republicanism, sovereignty or rights residing with the people. National pride and racial identity shall be stamped out and in the transition phase it shall be subject to the severest penalties to even mention one’s racial origin.

Each person shall be fully indoctrinated that he or she is a creature of the One World Government with an identification number clearly marked on their person as to be readily accessible, which identifying number shall be in the master file of the NATO computer in Brussels, Belgium, subject to instant retrieval by any agency of the One World Government at any time. The master Files of the CIA, FBI, state and local police agencies, IRS, FEMA and Social Security will be vastly expanded and form the basis of personal records of all individuals in the United States.

Marriage will be outlawed and there shall be no family life as we know it. Children will be removed from their parents at an early-age and brought up by wards as state property. Such an experiment was carried out in East Germany under Erich Honnecker when children were taken from parents considered by the state to be disloyal citizens. Women will he degraded by the continued process of “women’s liberation” groups. Free sex will be mandatory.

Failure to comply at least once by the age of 20 shall be punishable by severe reprisals against her person. Self-abortion shall be taught and practiced after two children are born to a woman; such records shall be contained in the personal file of each woman in the One World Government’s regional computers. If a woman falls pregnant after she has previously given birth to two children, she shall be forcibly removed to an abortion clinic for such an abortion and sterilization to be carried out.

Pornography will be promoted and be compulsorily show in every theater or cinema, including homosexual and lesbian pornography. The use of “recreational” drugs shall be compulsory, with each person allotted drug quotas which can be purchased at One World Government stores throughout the world. Mind control drugs will be expanded and usage become compulsory. Such mind control drugs shall be given in food and/or water supplies without the knowledge and/or consent of the people. [As fluoride is administered today – Ed]. Drug bars shall be set up, run by One World Government employees, where the slave-class shall be able to spend their free time. In this manner the non-elite masses will be reduced to the level and behavior of controlled animals with no will of their own and easily regimented and controlled.

The economic system shall be based upon the ruling oligarchical class allowing just enough foods and services to be produced to keep the mass slave labour camps going. All wealth shall be aggregated in the hands of the elite members of the Committee of 300. Each individual shall be indoctrinated to understand that he or she is totally dependent upon the state for survival. The world shall be ruled by Committee of 300 Executive Decrees which become instant law. Boris Yeltsin was using Committee of 300 decrees to impose the Committee’s will on Russia as a trial run. [It seems western nations are using Committee of 300 decrees under the COVID-19 plandemic to destroy the global economy – Ed]. Courts of punishment and not courts of justice shall exist.

Industry is to be totally destroyed [as it is under cover of the COVID-19 false flag psyop – Ed] along with nuclear powered energy systems. Only the Committee of 300 members and their elitists shall have the right to any of the earth’s resources. Agriculture shall be solely in the hands of the Committee of 300 with food production strictly controlled. As these measures begin to take effect, large populations in the cities shall be forcibly removed to remote areas and those who refuse to go shall be exterminated in the manner of the One World Government experiment carried out by Pol Pot in Cambodia.

[The “Office of Population Affairs” with the US State Department has the sole statutory obligation to study, experiment, promote and undertake policy-reviews with the object of reducing the number of people living in the world. Those who established Communism and took over Russia and later Eastern Europe, China and Cuba, who established Nazism, and later took over Western Europe and (once) Great Britain by the Common Market, now control the United States: their eugenics policies are unchanged.

This was secretly negotiated with China by Secretary of State Henry Kissinger and Pol Pot murdered 40% of Cambodian population in the next four years. Kissinger then ordered the Office of Population Affairs to undertake a new series of “demographic studies” targeting areas of Latin America and Africa. The world is now familiar with the US-sponsored warfare, drug-running and AIDS disseminating programs in those countries. (See Bible Believers’ Church Newsletter 64 – Ed].

Euthanasia for the terminally ill and the aged shall be compulsory. No cities shall be larger than a predetermined number as described in the work of Count Richard von Coudenhove-Kalergi. Essential workers will be moved to other cities if the one they are in becomes overpopulated. Other non-essential workers will be chosen at random and sent to underpopulated cities to fill “quotas.” [Under the worldwide COVID-19 social experiment “non-essential” workers have been unemployed for the past six weeks].

At least 4 billion “useless eaters” shall be eliminated by the year 2050 by means of limited wars, organized epidemics of fatal rapid-acting diseases and starvation. [See UN Agendas 2020, 2030 and 2050. Note the long list of viruses, ‘unintentional’ contamination of vaccines and adjuvants or biowarfare deployed in the last forty years – Ed]. Energy, food and water shall be kept at subsistence levels for the non-elite, starting with the White populations of Western Europe and North America and then spreading to other races. The population of Canada, Western Europe and the United States will be decimated more rapidly than on other continents, until the world’s population reaches a manageable level of 1 billion, of which 500 million will consist of Chinese and Japanese races, selected because they are people who have been regimented for centuries and who are accustomed to obeying authority without question.

From time to time there shall be artificially contrived food and water shortages and medical care to remind the masses that their very existence depends on the goodwill of the Committee of 300.

After the destruction of housing, auto, steel and heavy goods industries, there shall be limited housing, and industries of any kind allowed to remain shall be under the direction of NATO’s Club of Rome as shall all scientific and space exploration development, limited to the elite under the control of the Committee of 300. Space weapons of all former nations shall be destroyed along with nuclear weapons.

All essential and non-essential pharmaceutical products, doctors, dentists and health care workers will be registered in the central computer data bank and no medicine or medical care will be prescribed without express permission of regional controllers responsible for each city, town and village.

The United States will be flooded by peoples of alien cultures who will eventually overwhelm White America, people with no concept of what the United States Constitution stands for and who will, in consequence, do nothing to defend it, and in whose minds the concept of liberty and justice is so weak as to matter little. FOOD and shelter shall be the main concern.

No central bank save the Bank of International Settlements and the World Bank will be allowed to operate. Private banks will be outlawed. Remuneration for work performed shall be under a uniform predetermined scale throughout the One World Government. There shall be no wage disputes allowed, nor any diversion from the standard uniform scales of pay laid down by the One World Government. Those who break the law will be instantly executed.

There shall be no cash or coinage in the hands of the non-elite. All transactions shall be carried out by means of a debit card which shall bear the identification number of the holder. Any person who in any way infringes the rules and regulations of the Committee of 300 shall have the use of his or her card suspended for varying times according to the nature and severity of the infringement. [This is being progressively instituted in China’s scheme, an inversion of C. H. Douglas’ honourable Social Credit – Ed].

[Eugenicist Bill Gates has been working on this over many years: “Time is not on our side. Even as we speak, mass vaccination campaigns are being prepared. Biometric identification schemes and “immunity passports” are already being rolled-out. Programs for tracking tracing and surveilling the entire population are already being beta-tested and the digital payment infrastructure; the system of financial exclusion that will allow governments to turn off our access to the economy at will is being put into place . . .” – Ed].

Such persons will find, when they go to make purchases, that their card is blacklisted and they will not be able to obtain services of any kind. Attempts to trade “old” coins, that is to say silver coins of previous and now defunct nations, shall be treated as a capital crime subject to the death penalty. [Only digital currency for the prols – Ed]. All such coinage shall be required to be surrendered within a given time along with guns, rifles, explosives and automobiles. Only the elite and One World Government high-ranking functionaries will be allowed private transport, weapons, coinage and automobiles.

If the offense is a serious one, the card will be seized at the checking point where it is presented. Thereafter that person shall not be able to obtain food, water, shelter, employment or medical services, and shall be officially listed as an outlaw. Large bands of outlaws will thus be created and they will live in regions that at best afford subsistence, subject to being hunted down and shot on sight. Persons assisting outlaws in any way whatsoever shall likewise be shot. Outlaws, who fail to surrender to the police or military after a declared period of time, shall have a former family member selected at random to serve prison terms in their stead.

Rival factions and groups such as Arabs and Jews and African tribes [“undefined territories” on the map below – Ed] shall have differences magnified and allowed to wage wars of extermination against each other under the eyes of NATO and UN observers. The same tactics will be used in Central and South America. These wars of attrition shall take place BEFORE the take-over of the One World Government and shall be engineered on every continent where large groups of people with ethnic and religious differences live, such as the Sikhs, Moslem Pakistanis and the Hindu Indians. Ethnic and religious differences shall be magnified and exacerbated and violent conflict as a means of “settling” their differences shall be encouraged and fostered.

Thought PoliceAll information services and print media shall be under the control of the One World Government. Regular brainwashing control measures shall be passed off as “entertainment” in the manner in which it was practiced and became a fine art in America. Youths removed from “disloyal parents,” shall receive special education designed to brutalize them. Youth of both sexes shall receive training to qualify as prison guards for the One World labour camp system (John Coleman, “Conspirators’ Hierarchy, The Story of the Committee of 300“).

Orwell foretold history would be constantly rewritten and how government would relentlessly pursue politically incorrect thinkers [semper eadem (always the same)]. Scripture informs us that “the whole world will worship Satan incarnate” who offered this New World Order to Jesus if He would worship him, “and that no man might buy or sell, unless he that has the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name” (Matthew 4:8-9; Revelation 13:8, 17). British PM William Gladstone, an Anglican with strong Catholicising tendencies, cried, “Rome has substituted for the proud boast of semper eadem, a policy of violence and change in faith.

HeresyIn 1542 the Supreme Sacred Congregation of the Roman and Universal Inquisition was established to “spread sound Catholic doctrine and defend those points of Christian tradition which seem in danger because of new and unacceptable (Biblical) doctrines.” In 1571, Pius V created the Congregation for the Reform of the Index of Forbidden Books. Originally entrusted to the Inquisition, this task was exercised by this new Dicastery for more than three centuries, until its suppression in 1917. As part of the reform of the Roman Curia carried out by Sixtus V (Papal bull Immensa aeterni Dei, January 22, 1588), the responsibilities of the Inquisition were extended to everything relating directly or indirectly to faith and morals. Pius X reorganized the Congregation, changing its name to the Sacred Congregation of the Holy Office (Apostolic Constitution Sapienti consilio, June 29, 1908). Later, Benedict XV, suppressing the Sacred Congregation of the Index, assigned its duties again to the Holy Office, which at the same time was relieved of its responsibility for indulgences (Motu proprio Alloquentes, March 25, 1917). In 1965, Paul VI undertook a new reform of the Congregation. The name was changed to the Sacred Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, and its methods used for doctrinal examination were updated: over the punitive tendency of condemnation, the positive disposition of correcting from errors, together with protection, preservation and promotion of the faith, prevailed (Motu proprio Integrae servandae, December 7, 1965) and the Index of Prohibited Books abrogated. John Paul II and Benedict XVI further adjusted “Semper eadem” (
Fictitious world map of Orwell's 1984

Oceania, Eurasia and Eastasia are the three fictional superstates in George Orwell’s 1949 dystopian satire “1984”. Recent Newsletters have explained that the United Nations claims sovereignty over the universe and what were once nations are mere states of the UN whose capital is New York.

All Oceania’s citizens know about the world is whatever the Party want them to know, how the world evolved into the three states is unknown. All three are totalitarian dictatorships in a perpetual state of warfare—sometimes two against one, sometimes all three states against each other. These wars are fought in the disputed territories, running from North Africa across the Middle East and southern India to Southeast Asia.

Oceania, the totalitarian oligarchy superstate of the Americas, Britain, Ireland, Greenland, Iceland, Australia, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea, Polynesia, and Southern Africa below the River Congo (South Africa, Angola, Namibia, Zaire, Botswana, Zambia, Zaire, Zimbabwe, Mozambique, Malawi, and Tanzania). It also controls, to different degrees and at various times during the course of its perpetual war with either Eurasia or Eastasia, the Polar Regions, India, Indonesia, and the islands of the Pacific.

The ruling doctrine of Oceania is Ingsoc, the Newspeak neologism for English Socialism. Its nominal leader is Big Brother, believed by the masses to have been the leader of the revolution and still used as an icon by the Party. The cult of personality is maintained through Big Brother’s function as a focal point for love, fear, and reverence, more easily felt towards an individual than towards an organization. The unofficial language of Oceania is English (officially called Oldspeak), and the official language is Newspeak. The restructuring of the language is intended to eliminate any thought the government deem unorthodox by eliminating words needed to express such thoughts.

The society of Oceania is sharply stratified into three groups: the small ruling Inner Party, the more-numerous and highly indoctrinated Outer Party, and the large body of politically-meaningless Proletariats. Apart from exceptions such as Hate Week, the Proles remain essentially outside Oceania’s political control and are placated by trivial sports and other entertainment: the Thought Police manage any Proles who are socially aware enough to be a problem.


In the 13th century the Mongol Genghis Khan ruled over the largest continuous land mass the world has ever seen. George Orwell’s fictitious “1984” world map (above) affirms the fact that Ghengis Khan’s empire will be eclipsed after the midst of Daniel’s Seventieth Week when Russia annexes the whole of Continental Europe, creating a single polity, the superstate of Eurasia stretching from Portugal to the Bering Strait because “the ten horns of Europe’s Black Nobility and the beast shall hate the whore, unite with the Russian Federation, and make Vatican City State desolate and naked, and eat her flesh and burn her with nuclear fire” as Jesus prophesied in Revelation 17:16 and 18:15-19. “The Capstone Kingdom, which shall never be destroyed—Christ and His Bride shall break in pieces and consume all of these kingdoms and it shall stand forever” (Daniel 2:43-44; Revelation 19:11-16).

Rome, the fourth Gentile world empire—not Communism—will rule to “the days of the kingdoms of the ten toes of iron and clay” which represent the ten nations into which Imperial Rome divided, five eastern, and five western European nations. For centuries they have tried to reach an accommodation but Constantinople, Orthodox Catholicism, its popes, its trinity and East Rome’s Judaeo-Communism have been unable to reach a compromise with Vatican City State, Judaeo-Catholicism, its pope, its trinity and West Rome’s Judaeo-capitalism as Jewish Premier Khrushchev and Jewish President Eisenhower discovered in the UN. Both East and West Rome have “mingled themselves with the seed of men.” West Rome has a covenant with the non-Semitic, anti-Semitic self-styled Jews (Daniel 9:29) and is ruled by the City of London; the West opened the flood gates of immigration and is subservient. Mother Russia and East Rome fought against these people for over a thousand years and were conquered from the East Side of New York City in 1917. According to Goldstein’s book, the ruling ideology of Eurasia is identified as “Neo-Bolshevism,” a variation of the Oceanian “Ingsoc”.

Orwell frequently describes the countenanceof the average Eurasian as “Mongolic,” a mixed race of Europeans intermarried with Mongols (Daniel 2:43). (The word also applies to a language family in Eurasia). This physiognomy would be absent from the three previous Gentile World Empires as there was no marked racial distinction between the subjected provinces and the conquering monarchy, and by subjection, they became substantially one people, and readily blended together. Even Alexander’s Empire did not become so intermingled with foreign people as to constitute heterogeneous elements as was the Roman. In Rome, the element of strength—”the iron”—was in the original material of the empire; the weak, the heterogeneous element—”the clay”—was introduced from the foreign nations.

  • Professor Keane groups man round four leading types, which may be named the black, yellow, red and white, or the Ethiopic, Mongolic, American and Caucasic. Each may be subdivided, though not with great exactness, into smaller groups, either according to physical; characteristics, of which the form of the head is most important, or according to language.
  • The Kalmucks and other Mongolic tribes are Lamaists (20,300), and some of the Kurds profess the peculiar tenets of the Yezids.
  • Or Boreal branch of the yellow or Mongolic race.
  • As a race they exhibit manifest evidences of their Ural-Altaic or Mongolic descent in their short stature, absence of beard, oblique eyes, broad face, low forehead and small mouth (

The only soldiers to appear other than Oceanians are the Eurasians. When a large number of captured soldiers are executed in Victory Square, some Slavs are mentioned, but the stereotype of the Eurasian maintained by the Party is Mongoloid, like O’Brien’s servant, Martin. (See Meyers’ ethnographic map). This implies that the Party uses racism to avert sympathy towards an enemy, selectively parading Central Asian (Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan) troops in front of the Oceanians. [As in the real world these scholars did not understand that there are two races of human beings or four if you divide Adam’s race between Japheth, Shem and Ham].


Eastasia’s borders are not as clearly defined as those of the other two superstates, but it is known that they encompass most of modern-day China, Japan, Korea, and Taiwan. Eastasia repeatedly captures and loses Indonesia, New Guinea, and the various Pacific archipelagos. Its political ideology is, according to the novel, “called by a Chinese name usually translated as Death-worship, but perhaps better rendered as ‘Obliteration of the Self’.”

Regardless, like “Neo-Bolshevism” in Eurasia, “Obliteration of the Self” in Eastasia is a skewed, totalising ideology which parallels Ingsoc. “Obliteration of the self” is a major theme of “1984,” and the phrase roughly sums up Ingsoc’s goals. In Oceania, Ingsoc holds any sense of selfhood or individuality to be thought crime, and every arm of the government works to promote the citizens’ obliteration of self in service to Big Brother.

[In Oceania “Down Under” Rockefeller Foundation’s global franchise over education, Jewry’s worldwide media and entertainment monopoly and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation with its interlocking directorates of vaccine manufacturers, WHO, CDC, etc,. is “obliterating the self.” Scenarios for the Future of Technology and International Development—a Rockefeller primer for tyrannical politicians, has the world in “Lock step” to deindustrialization, abject poverty and a return to serfdom behind the HOAX of their COVID-19 plan. COVID-19 is paving the way to Cold War with China, and laying the groundwork for division between Europe’s Black Nobility, the USA and Roman Catholicism and their alliance with Russia].

Little is known about Eastasia. According to Goldstein’s book, Eastasia emerged a decade after the establishment of the other two superstates, after years of “confused fighting” among its predecessor nations. It is also said in the book that the industriousness and the fecundity of the people of Eastasia allow them to overcome their territorial inadequacy in comparison to the other two powers.

International relations

The world of “1984” exists in a state of perpetual war among the three major powers. Two of the three states are aligned against the third: Oceania and Eurasia against Eastasia or Eurasia and Eastasia against Oceania. However, space weapons of all former nations were destroyed with nuclear weapons, thus each superstate is so powerful that even an alliance of the other two cannot destroy it, which results in a continuing stalemate. From time to time, one of the states betrays its ally and sides with its former enemy. When that occurs, Oceania’s Ministry of Truth rewrites history to make it appear to Oceania’s citizens that the current state of affairs is the way it has always been, and any and all documents with contradictory information are destroyed in the memory hole.

Goldstein’s book states that the war is not a war in the traditional sense but simply exists to use up resources and keep the population in line. Victory for any side is not attainable or even desirable, but the Inner Party, through an act of doublethink, believes that such victory is possible. Although the war began with the limited use of atomic weapons in a limited atomic war in the 1950s, the combatants all stopped using them for fear of upsetting the balance of power.

Truth is stranger than Fiction when Fiction is based upon Fact: Biblical THUS SAITH THE LORD in the Absolute of God’s written Word and THUS SAITH THE LORD in the spoken Word of His vindicated Prophet, William Branham when it is confirmed by multiple witnesses from Genesis to Revelation.

As your eyes traverse and transmit the devious devices of Satan and man’s intellectual assessments to your mind you will recognize developments that confirm the prophecies of God’s unchanging Word are further advanced than you had realized. “Forever, O Lord, Your Word is settled in heaven” (Psalm 119:89). nl1110.htm

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Brother Grigor-Scott is a non-denominational minister who has ministered full-time since 1981, primarily to other ministers and their congregations overseas. He pastors Bible Believers’ tiny congregation, and is available to teach in your church.

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The Abomination that makes Desolate

May 26, 2020

Bible Believers’ Newsletter 1109

“We focus on the present Truth – what Jesus is doing now. . .”
ISSN 1442-8660

Christian greetings in the precious Name of our Lord Jesus Christ; we appreciate your company and fellowship around God’s unchanging Word.

Android PhoneWe have two main articles this week: please welcome contributing author Professor Michel Chossudovsky, it is several years since we have published one of his articles. In his carefully researched study he dissects “Global Capitalism, ‘World Government’ and the Corona Crisis,” to show that as Christ’s “Little Flock” we are confronted by the stupendous mass of natural and spiritual Serpent’s seed and a corrupt Christ-rejecting Establishment, yet by God’s grace we stand. Our second main article expounds “The Abomination that makes Desolate,” identifying several historical example, the present day abomination, and that which is to come.

In recent months the best politicians and corruptocrats money can buy, Jewish criminal organizations like the UN, WHO, usurers, Big Pharma, multinational corporations privy to the plan, and their worldwide publicity monopoly whose expertise conjures fear of the unknown has transformed the common cold into a psychological weapon that has the entire planet under house arrest! Jesus said, “I will forewarn you whom you shall fear: Fear him, who after he has killed has power to cast your soul into hell; Fear him”.

Don’t allow men to bind and disempower you by deceit, rest your soul upon a clear understanding of what II Peter 1:12 called “the present Truth,” what Jesus is doing now. The world power confidently asserted, “We will obtain the power of destroying little by little, step by step, all that at the outset when we enter on our rights, we are compelled to introduce into the constitutions of States to prepare for the transition to an imperceptible abolition of every kind of constitution, and then the time is come to turn every form of government into our despotism.”

“The recognition of our despot may also come before the destruction of the constitution; the moment for this recognition will come when the peoples, utterly wearied by the irregularities and incompetence—a matter which we shall arrange for—of their rulers, will clamour: “Away with them and give us one king over all the earth who will unite us and annihilate the causes of disorders—frontiers, nationalities, religions, State debts—who will give us peace and quiet which we cannot find under our rulers and representatives.”

(The United Nations is patterned after the Tower of Babel: whereas it was God’s intention to scatter the seventy nations around the earth and separate Adam’s race from the race of Cain, Satan tried to oppose His purpose by having Nimrod, the son of Cush, to build Babel. “Go to, let us build us a city and a tower, whose top may reach unto heaven [God’s first Bible “the witness of the stars”]; and let us make us a name [(Heb.) Shem . . . let us usurp his destined blessings], lest we be scattered abroad upon the face of the whole earth” (Genesis 11:4)].

“But you yourselves perfectly well know that to produce the possibility of the expression of such wishes by all the nations it is indispensable to trouble in all countries the people’s relations with their governments so as to utterly exhaust humanity with dissension, hatred, struggle, envy and even by the use of torture, by starvation, by the inoculation of diseases, by want, so that the “Goyim” see no other issue than to take refuge in our complete sovereignty in money and in all else.”

“But if we give the nations of the world a breathing space the moment we long for is hardly likely ever to arrive” (Protocol 10).

Do you see the predicament the world in is today? Brother Branham called this “the squeeze;” and “the press” will become much tighter than it is now because the PTB will not allow us a “breathing space”.

He said, “When God sends forth a Message and tells the people, and they don’t receive it, then He withdraws His servant and sends His plagues: famine, death, spiritually speaking, physically also. You watch for a depression, brother. You think you’ve seen something; you just wait after while. You haven’t seen nothing. You think you’re dying for a good spiritual revival; you wait till after a bit. You just wait, long and cry to hear the Word of God. The Bible said so. “There’ll be a famine in the last days,” said the prophet Amos 8:11, “and not for bread and water alone, but for hearing the true Word of God.” But that voice will be quiet in the wilderness somewhere, hid away” (Jezebel Religion, p. 22:100).

Whether we are in a global quarantine contrary to medical sense (read the column headed overall risk.” Death from COVID-19 is less that 0.003%, and these figures are corrupt exaggerations, there almost no risk at all). And a simultaneous shutdown of the world economy by corrupt men—for no sound reason—except unbelief. “And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth” (Revelation 6:8).

“The world has gone insane” as Brother Branham prophesied. People outside the Message are mesmerized—brainwashed by mass hysteria invoked by “the seed of the Serpent whom God set at enmity with the seed of the first Adam and the last Adam” (Genesis 3:15). And those of Adam’s seed who know not God, being without hope and afraid, have surrendered body, mind and soul and are sleep-walking into Judaeo-Communism. At the appointed hour Judaeo-Catholicism will refinance the US dollar and rule the world from Jerusalem, “And all who dwell upon earth shall worship the Devil-incarnate pope, whose names are not written in the Book of Life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world” (Revelation 13:8).

This Newsletter serves those of like precious faith. We encourage you to share our Newsletter with friends, family and colleagues, and look forward to any comments or questions you may have. Whoever will receive the truth is welcome to feed their soul from the waters of the River of Life. Everything here presented should be confirmed personally in your own Bible.

Your brother-in-Christ
Anthony Grigor-Scott

China updates its ‘Art of (Hybrid) War’

May 19, 2020 — Retired General Qiao Liang, director of the Council for Research on National Security, a senior air force colonel in the People’s Liberation Army, and Wang Xiangsui, another senior colonel, caused a tremendous uproar in 1999 with the publication of “Unrestricted Warfare: China’s Master Plan to Destroy America” . . . General Qiao thinks that, “if we have to dance with the wolves, we should not dance to the rhythm of the US. We should have our own rhythm, and even try to break their rhythm, to minimize its influence. If American power is brandishing its stick, it’s because it has fallen into a trap.”

The gold standard expression has come in a no-holds barred Global Times editorial: “We must be clear that coping with US suppression will be the key focus of China’s national strategy. We should enhance cooperation with most countries. The US is expected to contain China’s international front lines, and we must knock out this US plot and make China-US rivalry a process of US self-isolation” . . . An inevitable corollary is that the all-out offensive to cripple Huawei will be counterpunched in kind, targeting Apple, Qualcom, Cisco and Boeing, even including “investigations or suspensions of their right to do business in China.” So for all practical purposes, Beijing has now publicly unveiled its strategy to counteract US President Donald Trump’s “We could cut off the whole relationship” kind of assertions.

A toxic racism-meets-anti-communism matrix is responsible for the predominant anti-Chinese sentiment across the US, encompassing at least 66% of the whole population. Trump instinctively seized it—and repackaged it as his re-election campaign theme . . . What we should expect is absolute emphasis on domestic spending—and social stability—over a struggle to become a global leader, even if that’s not totally overlooked.

After all, President Xi Jinping made it clear earlier this week that a “Covid-19 vaccine development and deployment in China, when available,” won’t be subjected to Big Pharma logic, but “will be made a global public good. This will be China’s contribution to ensuring vaccine accessibility and affordability in developing countries.” The Global South is paying attention.

Internally, Beijing will boost support for state-owned enterprises that are strong in innovation and risk-taking. China always defies predictions by Western “experts.” For instance, exports rose 3.5% in April, when the experts were forecasting a decline of 15.7%. The trade surplus was $45.3 billion, when experts were forecasting only $6.3 billion. Beijing seems to identify clearly the extending gap between a West, especially the US, that’s plunging into de facto New Great Depression territory with a China that’s about to rekindle economic growth. The center of gravity of global economic power keeps moving, inexorably, toward Asia . . . Full story:

Communizing China was a Jewish projectComment: The unbelievable folly of President Trump whose nation, without a self-sufficient manufacturing sector lacks the capacity to compete with China except by military containment. Trump has planted and watered the seeds of US self-isolation and annihilation. It will contain China but imperialist Judaeo-Roman refinancing of the dollar will embolden church and state united against their mutual enemy, Judaeo-Communism. Communizing China was a Jewish project: when Rome breaks her covenant with Jewry and forces her “mark of the beast,” NATO/Europe will ally re-communized Russia which will ‘nuke’ Vatican City State (Revelation 17:12 – 18:20), and eventually the USA, thereafter Jewry will deploy her Samson Option at Armageddon rather than receive Jesus Christ.

Since the end of the Second World War, Catholic imperialism’s wooing of the Dollar has been crowned by such success that it has managed to identify both its enemies and its interests with those of the USA This astounding amalgamation was anything but accidental. It came about chiefly owing to the fact that both the Vatican and the Dollar were able to supply what the other partner conspicuously lacked: namely, the subtle omnipotence of religion in the case of the Dollar, and the crass omnipotence of the Dollar in the case of organized religion. The result has been that both imperialisms have been able ever since to infuse renewed vigour into their expansionistic drives, in a manner extremely advantageous to both. Thus, for instance, whereas the Dollar, besides backing its economic imperialism with its industrial wealth or with the threat of nuclear weapons, can now give additional weight to both, owing to having behind it the organized religion, translated into power politics, of its new partner, so Catholic imperialism is rendered speedily more effective by the solidification of its religious and diplomatic machinery, thanks to the support of the Dollar.

In this manner the Dollar-Vatican alliance not only becomes extremely useful to both partners, but is transformed into a mighty instrument with which to carry out a common policy.

If the reverberations of a Dollar-Vatican joint action were influencing only the internal affairs of nations, it would be serious enough. But the sum of this interference very often affects world problems and hence world politics. In view of its increase, therefore, it behooves the lover of freedom diligently to study the origin, development, and actual working of both these dangerous imperialisms (Avro Manhattan, The Dollar and the Vatican, p. 3:6).

In view of all this, the Vatican is evidently an imponderable power of the greatest magnitude in the conduct of the affairs of nations. When backed by the might of the Dollar, with all the gigantic economic resources of which the Dollar is a symbol, then it is clear that the Vatican is far more of a menace to the liberties of men than before it struck its unholy alliance with the Dollar.

Conversely, the Dollar, because of the sly support it receives from the Vatican, has turned into an even more vigorous instrument of penetration, particularly in Latin America and in Europe.

This is one of the greatest realities of this century, and should be viewed with the gravest misgiving. For it is anything but a factor conducive to peace. The Dollar and the Vatican have combined to expand their joint dominion. Should Western man come to accept a civilization which relies only on its gold to move the human spirit, or a political system based on tenets conceived by medieval theology, then Western man as we know him today is doomed.

Catholics have been reprimanded for criticizing the imperialistic designs of their Church, while Americans have been persecuted for opposing the imperialistic designs of an increasingly aggressive dollar policy. Unfortunately, neither will prevent the two emboldened imperialisms from careering towards ever greater conquests (ibid, p. 20:5 – 21:2).

US trying to dismember China promoting Separatism in its Regions

May 21, 2020 — HR 649, The Uyghur Human Rights Policy Act of 2019 “is part of the overall US strategy to isolate China and portray it as a pariah state” . . . based on unsubstantiated allegations that the Uyghurs of China are being subjected to wholesale repression and subjugation as an ethnic minority. The evidence for these allegations has been provided by separatists in Xinjiang, aided, abetted and funded by the US government . . . a self-fulfilling prophecy . . . As Secretary of State Pompeo himself revealed, the US is proud to lie, cheat and steal and has “entire training courses” in how to do it . . . The US has long sought to dismember China by supporting separatist movements in her outlying regions. Since the 1950s . . . promotes both ethnic and religious rivalry between minority populations and the majority of Han people, counter to the Chinese policy of ethnic unity and solidarity . . . Full story:

USA Plan: Militarized Control of Population. The ‘National Covid-19 Testing Action Plan’

May 24, 2020 — The Rockefeller Foundation has presented the ‘National Covid-19 Testing Action Plan,’ indicating the “pragmatic steps to reopen our workplaces and our communities.” However, it is not simply a matter of health measures as it appears from the title . . .

The Pandemic Testing Board (PTB) would “consist of leaders from business, government and academia” (government representatives would not in the first row, but finance and economic representatives being listed in order of importance) . . . The plan calls for 3 million US citizens to be Covid-19 tested weekly, and the number should be raised to 30 million per week within six months . . . 30 million people a day . . . within a year.

For each test, “a fair market reimbursement (e.g. $100) for all Covid-19 assays” is expected . . . The members of the “Pandemic Response Corps” would receive an average gross wage of $40,000 per year, a State expenditure of $4-12 billion a year is expected for it . . . The operation is carried out in the name of “Covid-19 control,” whose mortality rate has so far been less than 0.03% of the US population according to official data. In the Rockefeller Foundation Plan the virus is used as a real weapon, more dangerous than Covid-19 itself . . . Full story:


Global Capitalism, ‘World Government’ & the Corona Crisis

By Professor Michel Chossudovsky © 2020 all rights reserved

May 24, 2020 — The COVID-19 crisis is marked by a public health “emergency” under WHO . . . triggering a Worldwide process of economic, social and political restructuring. Social engineering is being applied. Governments are pressured into extending the lockdown, despite its devastating economic and social consequences. What is happening is unprecedented in World history . . . The closing down of national economies applied Worldwide will inevitably result in poverty, mass unemployment and an increase in mortality. It’s an act of economic warfare. Stage One: Trade War against China On January 30, 2020 . . .

Stage Two: The Financial Crash Spearheaded by Fear and Stock Market Manipulation . . .

Stage Three: Lockdown, Confinement, Closing Down of the Global Economy Politicians are lying. Neither the lockdown nor the closing down of national economies constitute a solution to the public health crisis . . .

Who Controls the Politicians? Why are politicians lying? They are the political instruments of the financial establishment including the “Ultra-rich philanthropists.” Their task is to carry out the global economic restructuring project which consists in freezing economic activity Worldwide . . .

Let us be under no illusions; this is a carefully planned operation. There is nothing spontaneous or accidental. Economic recession is engineered at national and global levels. In turn, this crisis is also integrated into US-NATO military and intelligence planning. It is intent not only upon weakening China, Russia and Iran; it also consists in destabilizing the economic fabric of the European Union (EU).

“Global Governance” A new stage in the evolution of global capitalism is unfolding. A system of “Global Governance” controlled by powerful financial interests including corporate foundations and Washington think tanks oversees decision-making at both the national and global levels. National governments become subordinate . . .

“World Government” Instructions are transmitted to national governments worldwide. The fear campaign plays a crucial role in building acceptance and social submission to this “supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and bankers.”

Global governance establishes a consensus which is then imposed on “sovereign” national governments Worldwide, described by David Rockefeller as “national auto-determination practiced in past centuries.” Essentially, this is an extended form of “regime change”.

Thousands of politicians and officials must be convinced and/or bribed for this operation to succeed. It’s an unsubtle form of “political arm twisting” (while respecting “social distancing”).

The decision to close down the global economy with a view to “saving lives” has not only been accepted as a means to combating the virus, it has been sustained by media disinformation and the fear campaign. People do not question the consensus, a consensus which borders on the absurd.

Global Capitalism and “The Economic Landscape” The crisis redefines the structure of the global economic landscape. It destabilizes small and medium sized enterprises Worldwide; it precipitates entire sectors of the global economy including air travel, tourism, retail trade, manufacturing, etc. into bankruptcy. The lockdown creates famine in developing countries. It has geopolitical implications.

The Pentagon and US intelligence are involved. The corona crisis affects to conduct of US-NATO led wars in the Middle East including Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan and Yemen. It is also used to target specific countries including Iran and Venezuela.

This engineered crisis is unprecedented in world history. It is an act of war.

The lockdown triggers a process of disengagement of human and material resources from the productive process. The real economy is brought to a standstill. Curtailing economic activity undermines the “reproduction of real life.” This not only pertains to the actual production of the “necessities of life” (food, health, education, and housing) it also pertains to the “reproduction” of social relations, political institutions, culture, and national identity. At the time of writing, the lockdown is not only triggering an economic crisis, it is also undermining and destroying the very fabric of civil society not to mention the nature of government and the institutions of the state (crippled by mounting debts), which will eventually be privatized under the supervision of Big Money creditors.

There are conflicts within the capitalist system which are rarely addressed by the mainstream media. Billionaires, powerful banking and financial institutions (which are creditors of both governments and corporations) are waging an undeclared war against the real economy. Whereas the Big Money financial and banking establishments are “creditors,” the corporate entities of the real economy which are being destabilized and driven into bankruptcy are “debtors”.

Bankruptcies This diabolical process is not limited to wiping out small and medium sized enterprises. Big Money is also the creditor of large corporations (including airlines, hotel chains, hi tech labs, retailers, import-export firms, etc.) which are now on the verge of bankruptcy.

The global financial establishment is not monolithic. It is marked by divisions and rivalry. The dominant Big Money faction seeks to destabilize its competitors from within. The results of which would be a string of bankruptcies of regional and national banking institutions as well as a process of global financial consolidation.

In the US, numerous retailers, airlines, restaurant and hotel chains filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy in February. But this is just the beginning. The big gush of bankruptcies will occur in the wake of the lockdown (“The New Normal”). And at the time of writing, the financial establishment is relentlessly pressuring (corrupt) national governments to postpone the lifting of the lockdown. And the governments are telling us that this is to “protect people against the virus”.

Canada’s province of Alberta which is largely dependent on oil revenues is bankrupt.

“Countries that represent over 50 per cent of the world’s global GDP are closed for business. Economists looking for historical comparisons mention the 1929 stock crash, the 1974 economic crisis or the 2008 recession. But they admit that these all fall short of the toll that this pandemic could have.”  (Wired News UK, April 29, 2020).

In Britain, recent reports state (It’s very British”) “we do not know how many have gone bankrupt”.

A chunk of Britain’s business landscape may have already been permanently erased, as some 21,000 more UK businesses collapsed in March alone than the same month a year ago, according to data gathered by the Enterprise Research Centre, a group of university researchers.

What these reports fail to mention are the unspoken causes: a fear campaign on behalf of the creditors, instructions by corrupt governments to close down the economy, allegedly to “save lives,” which is a big lie. Lives are not being saved, and they know it.

The coronavirus crisis “has ground US business to a halt.” National economies are destabilized. The objective of Big Money is to weaken their competitors, “pick up the pieces” and eventually buy out or eliminate bankrupt corporations. And there are many to choose from.

Global Finance Capitalism The interests of Big Money (global financial interests) overlap with those of Big Pharma, Big Oil, the Defense contractors, etc. Major banking institutions in the US including JP Morgan Chase, Bank of America, Citigroup, Wells Fargo, State Street Co. and Goldman Sachs, are investing in the war economy including the development of nuclear weapons under Trump’s 1.2 trillion dollar nuclear weapons program (first established under Obama).

The ultimate objective of “Big Money” is to transform nation states (with their own institutions and a national economy) into “open economic territories” [Agenda 2020 and 2030 – Ed]. That was the fate of Iraq and Afghanistan. But now you can do it without sending in troops, by simply ordering subservient proxy governments integrated by corrupt politicians to close down their economy on humanitarian grounds, the so-called “Responsibility to Protect” (R2P) without the need for military intervention.

Impossible to estimate or evaluate. More than half the global economy is disrupted or at a standstill.

Let’s be clear. This is an imperial agenda. What do the global financial elites want? To privatize the State? To own and privatize the entire planet?

The tendency is towards the centralization and concentration of economic power. Heavily indebted national governments are instruments of Big Money. They are proxies. Key political appointments are controlled by lobby groups representing Wall Street, The Military Industrial Complex, Big Pharma, Big Oil, the Corporate Media and the Digital Communications Giants, etc.

Big Money in Europe and America (through Washington Lobby groups) seek to control national governments.

In what direction are we going? What is the future of humanity? The current corona crisis is a sophisticated imperial project, which consists in worldwide domination by a handful of multibillion dollar conglomerates. Is this World War III? Global capitalism is destroying national capitalism.

The unspoken intent of global capitalism is the destruction of the nation state and its institutions leading to global poverty on an unprecedented scale.

The following citation by Lenin dated December 1915 at the height of the First World War pointed with foresight to some of the contradictions which we are presently facing. On the other hand, we should understand that there are no easy solutions and that this crisis is intended to reinforce imperialism and the clutch of global capitalism:

“There is no doubt that the development is going in the direction of a single World trust which will swallow up all enterprises and all states without exception. But the development in this direction is proceeding under such stress, with such a tempo, with such contradictions, conflicts and convulsions not only economical, but political national, etc. etc — that before a single world trust will be reached, before the respective financial national capitals will have formed a “World Union” of ultra imperialism, imperialism will explode and capitalism will turn into its opposite.

(V. I. Lenin, Introduction to Imperialism and World Economy by N, Bukharin, Martin Lawrence, London, printed in the US, Russian Edition, November 1917).

How to reverse the tide. The first priority is to repeal the lie.

In this regard, it is unfortunate that many people who are “progressive” (including prominent Left intellectuals) are—despite the lies—supportive of the lockdown and closing down of the economy as a solution to the public health emergency. That’s the stance of the Democratic Party in the US, which goes against common sense.

Truth is a powerful weapon for repealing the lies of the corporate media and the governments.

When the Lie becomes the Truth there is No Moving Backwards Without the fear campaign and media propaganda, the actions taken by our governments would not have a leg to stand on. “Social Distancing” does not prevent the financial elites from providing instructions to corrupt politicians.

On the other hand, “social distancing” combined with confinement is being used as a means of social subordination. It prevents people from meeting as well as protesting this so-called New World Order. Organization, Truth and Solidarity are essential to reversing the tide. The first step of a worldwide movement is “counter-propaganda”. Full story:

Comment: Professor Chossudovsky stated, “15 years ago chloroquine was recommended by the CDC as “A potent inhibitor of SARS Coronavirus.” Why is Fauci BLOCKING it? Chloroquine was used in 2002 and tested against SARS-1 coronavirus in a study under the auspices of the CDC published in the Journal of Virology. The main conclusion of an August 2005 report in the peer reviewed Virology Journal (summary below) stated: “Chloroquine is a potent inhibitor of SARS coronavirus infection and spread. It was used in the SARS-1 outbreak in 2002: it had the endorsement of the CDC” (

Leading Neocon directs Pentagon Middle East Planning

May 21, 2020 — The Global War on Terror or GWOT was declared in the wake of 9/11 by President George W. Bush. It basically committed the United States to work to eliminate all “terrorist” groups worldwide, whether or not the countries being targeted agreed that they were beset by terrorists and whether or not they welcomed US “help” . . . sovereignty exercised by foreign governments is and should be limited by the reach of the US military. Surrounding a competitor with military bases and warships is a concept that many in Washington are currently trying to sell regarding a suitable response to the Chinese economic and political challenge.

Tulsi Gabbard: Washington’s gift to the world has been corruption . . . [the exposure of US corruption is spectacular – Ed] . . . the Trump Administration is intent on pursuing a hard-line aggressive policy in the Middle East and elsewhere . . . the neoconservatives . . . are back and resuming their drive to obtain the positions of power that will permit endless war, starting with Iran . . . Full story:

US is using Wheat as a Weapon of War in Syria

May 19, 2020 — Apache helicopters of the US occupation forces flew low Sunday morning, according to residents of the Adla village, in the Shaddadi countryside, south of Hasaka, as they dropped ‘thermal balloons,’ an incendiary weapon, causing the wheat fields to explode into flames while the hot dry winds fanned the raging fire. After delivering their fiery pay-load, the helicopters flew close to homes in an aggressive manner, which caused residents and especially small children to fear for their lives. The military maneuver was delivering a clear message: don’t sell your wheat to the Syrian government. Head of Hasaka Agricultural Directorate Rajab Salameh said in a statement to SANA that several fires have broken out in agricultural fields in Tal Tamer countryside, as well.

The US illegal bases in Syria fly Apache helicopters. [Non-Semitic, anti-Semitic self-styled Jewish] US President Trump portrays himself as a champion of the American Christians, and he has millions of loyal supporters among the Christian churches across the US. However, the Christian Bible states in Deuteronomy 20:19 that it is a sin against God to destroy food or food crops even during times of war . . . Full story:

More Useless Energy Policies

May 25, 2020 — The Australian Minister for Promoting Useless Energy thinks that hydrogen fuel, carbon capture and storage, soil carbon and biofuels are priorities for energy policy and greenhouse gas reduction . . .

‘Hydrogen’ does not supply net energy—burning it can return some of the energy used to produce it from hydrocarbons or electrolysis of water. It is an expensive explosive gas that makes less sense than Snowy 2—more energy in than out! Moreover, we have no infrastructure that can safely store, distribute or use hydrogen in our transport fleet, energy network or smelters. Governments should not force energy consumers or taxpayers to promote Canberra’s thought bubbles—let the ‘green hydrogen’ entrepreneurs risk their own or shareholders’ money.

‘Carbon capture and storage’ is another dumb idea. To capture CO2 emissions from coal, gas or biomass power stations consumes a lot of energy to separate, store, pipe and pump it underground (hoping it will stay there). It would be far better leave non-polluting CO2 in the lower atmosphere and surround every power station with crops and forests hungry for the CO2 plant food so essential to their growth. Trying to extract CO2 from the atmosphere is even dumber because the mighty oceans will quickly release CO2 from their huge stores to restore equilibrium between atmosphere and oceans. Even if it could be done, it is a bad idea—why steal plant food from grass, crops and forests?

‘Soil carbon’ is green-speak for what every sensible pastoralist tries to do—increase the humus and biological activity in soil. The quickest way to do this is via keyline/contour ripping to retain water in the soil (as shown in Australia by P. A. Yeoman), and by managed periodic heavy impact of grazing animals to promote pasture growth (as shown in Africa by Alan Savory). But it is total nonsense to turn ‘carbon farming’ into a costly rural rort run by a bureaucracy of soil samplers and modelers who think it will cool the climate.

‘Biofuels’ are another way to waste energy, food crops and trees to do jobs better done by coal, gas and oil—a crime against humanity and environment. If our Minister for Promoting Useless Energy is determined to sequester and store carbon, there is only one sensible way—restore the forestry industry. Harvest mature forest trees for poles, posts, sleepers, paper, cardboard or dance floors. Then replant with new trees. Young trees grow rapidly and extract much CO2. But old trees reach a stage of carbon equilibrium when the CO2 they extract in summer is equal to what they lose as leaves, branches and trunks fall to frosts, droughts, bushfires and termites.

Comment: Atmospheric CO2 comes primarily from the ocean, not industry; more, much more atmospheric CO2 plant food would be beneficial to all. Present warming is a natural function of The Sun’s Milankovitch Cycle.


The Abomination that makes Desolate

In Leviticus 26, God informed Israel of the blessings of obedience and warned of the curses for disobedience to His Law, for idolatry, neglect of His sabbaths, and disrespect to His sanctuary should their lack of sanctification or ungodliness make it unclean and desolate.

Leviticus 26:31, “I will make your cities waste, and bring your sanctuaries to desolation, and I will not receive your offerings of incense”.

The purpose of the Law and its ordinances was to separate clean from unclean; always remember “that without holiness no man shall see God,” and that the Mercy Seat without Blood—is a Judgment Seat. Should the altar become profaned, Israel’s continual sacrifice must cease to be offered, precluding intercession by the priest before the golden altar of incense, and the removal of the sins of individual Israelites and of the nation.

Though Jesus had overcome all the assaults of His enemies in the Temple they declined to give Him their faith, at length by their absolute silence. As Lord of the temple which had rejected Him in the person of those with legal authority in it, Messiah, the Spirit, the hope of the Gentiles and the blessing of Israel was murdered in the temple, and from that time onward it was “the Jews’ house” and a hall of desolation (Matthew 23:38-39).

In Matthew 24:1-3 “Jesus departed the temple and His disciples came to Him, admiring the stones and buildings of the temple which was the pride of the nation.” [The whole temple had been built with the greatest cost and magnificence, so nothing was more stupendous than the uncommon measure of those stones, some of which, particularly those employed in the foundations, were above 90 feet in length; and the superstructure was worthy of such foundations. And some of the stones were of the whitest marble, 70 feet long, 8 feet high, and 9 feet broad. Indeed, the marble of the temple was so white that, according to Josephus, it appeared at a distance like a mountain of snow; while the gilding of several of its external parts, especially when the sun shone upon it, rendered it a most splendid and beautiful spectacle (Bishop Newton).

“Jesus said to them, do you see all these buildings? Truly I assure you, not one stone here shall be left upon another, which will not be thrown down.”  [These words fell on the ears of the disciples and awed them into silence; besides, Judea was at peace. It was not till they had crossed to the Mount of Olives that even the foremost and most favoured ventured to ask their questions].

Jerusalem's TempleBy observing these things, the disciples suggest what a pity that such a grand edifice should be destroyed, and how unaccountable it is that a place of so much strength could easily be demolished. Titus was desirous of preserving it and the city and sent Josephus and other Jews again and again to persuade them to a surrender, but One greater than Titus had determined it otherwise. The Jews themselves first set fire to the porticoes of the temple, then the Romans. One soldier, neither waiting for any command, nor trembling at such an attempt, but urged by a certain Divine impulse, says Josephus, mounted the shoulder of his companion, thrust a burning brand in at the golden window, and thereby set fire to the building of the temple itself. Titus ran immediately to the temple, and commanded the soldiers to extinguish the flame; but neither exhortations nor threatenings could restrain their violence; they either could not, or would not hear those behind encouraging those before to set fire to the temple. Titus was still for preserving the holy place, and commanded his soldiers to be beaten for disobeying him. But a certain warlike and vehement fury, overcame their reverence for their general, and their dread of his commands. A soldier, in the dark, set fire to the doors; and thus, as Josephus says, the temple was burned against the will of Caesar. The city also shared the same fate, and was burned and destroyed. The Romans burned the extremest parts of the city, and demolished the walls; three towers only and some part of the wall were left standing, for the better encampment of the soldiers, and to show to posterity what a city, and how fortified, the valour of the Romans had taken. All the rest of the city was so demolished and leveled with the ground, that they who came to see it could not believe it had ever been inhabited.

Hegesippus the Nazarene, a Christian chronicler of the early Church who wrote against the heresies of the Gnostics and of Marcion said, “Titus was astonished, when he destroyed the temple; at which time his soldiers plundered it, and took away “the gifts,” with which it is was adorned. These rich and valuable things were dedicated to it, and either laid up in it, or hung upon its walls and pillars as was usual in other temples. These may have included the golden table given by Pompey, and the spoils which Herod dedicated; and particularly the golden vine, which was a gift of his; besides multitudes of other valuable things, which were greatly enriching and ornamental to it.”

Thus the prophetic Words of Moses and Jesus Messiah were fulfilled. Isaiah 55:11, “My Word that goes forth from My mouth it shall not return to Me void, but shall accomplish what I desire and prosper in the matter whereto I sent it.” Judea would murder their Messiah, God’s true Temple, and Israel’s near Kinsman Redeemer: “His blood would upon them and their children” (Matthew 27:25).

“And as Jesus sat upon the Mount of Olives that evening, the disciples came to Him privately, asking, Tell us, 1). When shall these things be? And 2). What shall be the sign of Your (Gk.) ‘parousia’ Coming? And 3). What shall be the sign of the consummation?”

1). The first question asked by the disciples was fulfilled in AD70 when the Israelites were betrayed by lawless assimilated Edomite Jews (Genesis 3:15) whose forebears had betrayed the Judeans to Nebuchadnezzar and razed the first temple.

2). Their second question was “what shall be the sign of Your (Gk.) ‘parousia’ Coming.” This passage is the first occurrence of the Greek word ‘parousia,’ which was so prominent in the teaching of the Epistles (I Thessalonians 2:19; 3:13; James 5:7; I John 2:28, etc.). It refers to Christ’s unseen second Coming: His arrival and subsequent Presence in W_O_R_D form through the revelation of the Seven Seals by His Prophet William Branham. This was not His second physical advent which will take place after the consummation of life and the binding of Satan when Jesus and the glorified New Testament saints “tread down the nuclear ashes of the wicked” into the millennium (Malachi 4:1-3). This has been a stumbling block to most denominational believers for centuries because they have been anticipating the glorified Man to mysteriously drop from the sky, despite the fact Jesus told us NOT to look for the Man but for restoration of the faith once delivered to the apostolic saints (Matthew 24:22-28; Zechariah 14:7; Malachi 4:5, 6b; Matthew 17:11; Jude 3).

The revelation of the Seven Seals brought Christ back to earth in W_O_R_D form. Brother Branham said, “How will . . . the people that’s believing Him know it unless they’re constantly in the Word, to know what He is! Daniel said, “The wise shall know; but the foolish, the unwise, wouldn’t know. They shall know their God.” Now, now, how He shall appear in the last days, is to bring the people back to the Word, so that the Bride will know Her Husband, know Her Mate, the revealed Word. That’s why this has to happen”.

We are blessed to live at the most glorious point in world history. The mystery of God was finished in 1963 when Christ opened the Sealed Book and returned to earth in W_O_R_D form through the lips of His Prophet William Branham. By God’s grace we now have the perfect interpretation of His Word with divine vindication drawing us to maturity in the unity of the faith for the manifestation of the Sons of God and the translation. Paul said, “when that which is perfect or complete—the fullness of the Word—is come, that which was in part, PART-Word and Christ’s mediation for the fullness of the Word, shall be done away” (I Corinthians 13:10). Meanwhile, the world is falling apart again: the apostate (once) Protestant churches and once Christian nations, having rejected their Lord and put Him without the camp, are quite insane. Witness the united States as “the image unto the beast” on its inevitable decline, led to perdition by Satan on his “pale horse with authority over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth”.

William Branham“The sign of Christ’s second or (Gk.) ‘parousia’ Coming” prophesied in Daniel 7:9, Revelation 1:14 and 10:1-4 was the Pillar of Cloud that appeared on February 28, 1963 warning the world of impending judgment in the dispensation change from Son of God and Mediator, to the prophetic Office Son of man and Judge as mandated by God’s first Bible, “The Witness of the Stars” (Psalm 19:1-3). Isaiah 34:4, 40:8, Matthew 24:29, Romans 10:14-18, Revelation 6:13-14 and 12:8-9 assure us “God’s Word that is forever settled in heaven” (Psalm 119:89). These images were published in the May 17, 1963 issue of Life Magazine. Science, (April 19, 1963), Weatherwise, (June, 1963), scientific journals, Encyclopaedia Year Books, and books on Meteorology. Scientists and astronomers have been unable to provide a natural explanation for this phenomenon.

This Cloud manifest a second time, on March 8, 1963, over Mount Sunset, Arizona, seen only by the Prophet who was caught up with the theophanies of the angels to the first six Church Ages to complete the fullness of the Spirit that had anointed each Messenger in portion. This symbolism was necessary because only the fullness of the Spirit could reveal Christ, the fullness of the Word. A prophet is always a sign of judgment and in addition to a sign in the heavens, the Lord must send and vindicate a prophet to deliver warning and a way to escape the oncoming storm of judgment (Genesis 18:17; Isaiah 48:5; Amos 3:7). Brother Branham was the greatest prophet since Enoch who warned of the consummation by water; his ministry “proclaimed the day of vengeance of our God” and warned of the soon coming destruction by nuclear fire (Isaiah 61:2b; Malachi 4:4:1-3, 5, 6b).

In Newsletter 752, “Debunking? the Seventh Angel and His Message” we discuss this Supernatural phenomenon above the atmosphere where there is no moisture to form a cloud. Many times the Prophet foretold its appearance. In his Message, “Is this the Sign of the End Time, Sir” (62-1230e) six brethren described their spiritual dreams and one described a vision, they came to pass on March 8, 1963.

3). The disciple’s third question was “what shall be the sign of the consummation of life?” Jesus described these signs throughout the Gospels and in the Book of Revelation. For instance, in the remainder of Matthew 24 He outlined the following two thousand years, sketching the function of the six written Seals, the ministry of Israel’s two witnesses, Christ’s mediation in the office Son of God, and His unseen parousia Coming in the office Son of Man after the close of the seven Church Ages when redemption was over. In Matthew 25 He explained His parousia coming to us Gentiles and elaborated on its purpose, the millennium, and the Great White Throne Judgment.

In accordance with Leviticus 26 Nebuchadnezzar made the temple desolate as prophesied by the Jeremiah 25:1-18. So when Daniel prayed he implored, “Hear the prayer of Your servant, and his supplications, and cause Your face to shine upon Your sanctuary that is desolate” (Daniel 9:17).

The Babylonian Empire was succeeded by Medo-Persia which set Judah free to return to Jerusalem. In 334BC Alexander the Great invaded the Achaemenid (Persian) Empire and began a series of campaigns that lasted 10 years. Thus the Medo-Persian Empire was succeeded by the Greek Empire of Alexander the Great which upon his untimely death was divided among his four generals.

Antiochus Epiphanes IV who ruled the Syrian division desolated the temple by sacrificing a sow on the great altar, making a broth of its carcass and scattering it about the sanctuary. He burned the Torah, forbad circumcision, and in 167BC, dedicated the temple to the Olympic spirit of Jupiter or Zeus, whose incarnation he claimed to be.

Daniel, 8:9-13, “He challenged (Michael) the Prince of the saints, stopped the continual sacrifice, and profaned God’s sanctuary. It was because of Judah’s transgressions that God gave up His people and their sacrifice. And the wicked prospered and cast down the truth to the ground. Then Daniel heard one saint ask another, when will the daily sacrifice be restored, and for how long will the transgression of desolation cause both the sanctuary and the people to be trodden under foot?”

Daniel 11:31 also alludes to Antiochus Epiphanes “polluting the sanctuary of strength, by taking away the daily sacrifice, and placing the abomination that makes desolate.” He was a type of the final antichrist and as we read through this chapter, the prophecy points to that end-time prince of Rome when he is incarnate by Satan and called the beast (Revelation 13:1-8; 17:11-18; 19:20; 20:10).

In the Hebrew of the Old Testament and the Greek of the New, the word ‘abomination’ refers to some detestable thing, like unclean food, mixed marriages, swine or an idol that profanes the sanctuary or is otherwise abhorrent, or an appallment laying to waste.

Clearly we are living in a detestable era wherein those things that are condoned and even encouraged by church and state are “abomination to the Lord God.” For instance:

Leviticus 20:13, “If a man also lie with mankind, as he lies with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them”.

Deuteronomy 22:5, “The woman shall not wear that which pertains to a man, neither shall a man put on a woman’s garment: for all that do so are abomination to the Lord your God”.

Deuteronomy 24:1-4, “When a man takes a wife, and marries her, if he has found some indecency in her (Deuteronomy 22:13-21): then let him write her a bill of divorcement, and give it in her hand, and send her out from his house, and she leaves and goes and becomes another man’s wife, if the latter husband turns against her, and write her a bill of divorcement, and puts it in her hand, and sends her out of his house; or if the latter husband dies who took her to be his wife; then her former husband who sent her away may not take her again to be his wife, since she has been defiled; for that is an abomination before the Lord: and you shall not bring sin on the land which the Lord your God gives you as an inheritance”.

Deuteronomy 27:15, “Cursed is the man who makes a graven image or a molten image, an abomination to the Lord, the work of the hands of the craftsman, and sets it up [the idol] in a secret place. And all the people shall answer and say, Amen”.

Proverbs 12:22, “Lying lips are abomination to the Lord: but they that deal truly are His delight”.

Proverbs 20:10, “Diverse weights, and diverse measures, both of them are alike abomination to the Lord”.

Daniel 9:27; 12:11, “The pope of the Roman Universal church will make a firm covenant with Jewry for one week [of years]: and in the midst of the week he will put a stop to sacrifice and grain offering, to enforce the abomination [of her trinity dogma which is the mark of the beast (Revelation 13:15-18)] he will desolate Israel’s third temple, even until the consummation, and that decreed will be poured upon the desolate”.

Matthew 24:15 and Mark 13:14, “When you see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, standing where it ought not, (let him that reads understand,) then let them that be in Judaea flee to the mountains.” At that time “the abomination of desolation” was Roman Legionnaires surveying Jerusalem from Mount Scopus prior to their investment. As I write “the abomination of desolation” is es Sakhra, the Dome of the Rock. This will be demolished by the earthquake of Zechariah 14:4-5 and replaced by ,“a house of prayer for all people” (Isaiah 58:7. its dedication in the midst of Daniel’s Seventieth Week will be usurped by the Devil-incarnate pope and it will become “the abomination of desolation.” “That which is highly esteemed among men is abomination in the sight of God” (Luke 16:15).

Revelation 21:27, “Nothing unclean and no one who practices abomination and lying, shall enter the gates of New Jerusalem, but only those who are written in the Lamb’s Book of Life”.

Throughout Scripture there were many abominations that have desolated God’s sanctuary. Jesus prophesied, “Destroy this Temple [of My body], and in three days I will raise it up” (John 2:19). “We are members of His Body, of His flesh, and of His bones . . . we shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed” (Ephesians 5:30; I Corinthians 15:51).

Speaking on the Mount of Olives He prophesied, “When you see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, stand in the holy place, (who so reads, let him understand): this is the signal for those in Judea to escape to the mountains: anyone on the housetop should not come down to take anything out of his house: neither let he who is in the field return back for his clothes. And woe to them with child, and to they who give suck in those days! But pray that your flight be not in the winter [when the hills are full of snow], neither on the sabbath day” when the City gates are closed for you will be trapped (Matthew 24:3, 15-20).

“The abomination of desolation spoken of by the prophet Daniel” would be perpetrated by Rome, the fourth Gentile world empire that would raze the Temple, and He foretold two desolations by Rome.

Daniel 9:26-27, “After seven weeks and three score and two weeks (483 prophetic years each of 360-days counting from the going forth of king Cyrus’ command “to restore and to build Jerusalem”) Messiah will be unjustly executed and left with nothing: and the people of [Roman Generals Vespasian and his son Titus who shall come will destroy the city and the sanctuary; and the end thereof shall be with a military overthrow . . .”

The Roman prince of whom Daniel speaks in verse 26 is the one to whom Jesus referred in Matthew 24:15 and Luke 21:20. This first desolation by Rome was when the army of General Titus, later Caesar, destroyed the City and temple in AD70.

Daniel’s seventy weeks are reckoned against 490 sabbtical years or 70 jubilees in which the Judeans cultivated the land instead of allowing it to rest. Consequently God had them taken as captives to Babylon for 70 years while their land enjoyed its desolations of rest (Leviticus 26:34-35; II Chronicles 36:20-21; Jeremiah 29:10-12). Daniel’s Seventy Weeks commenced with Cyrus’ command to terminate the Captivity and release the Judeans.

“. . . and unto the end of the war desolations are determined.”

This is Israel’s “war” of unbelief and disobedience against the Lord God. This will continue unto the end of Daniel’s Seventieth Week when the sixfold purpose of Gabriel’s instructions to Daniel are fulfilled (Daniel 9:24) and the nation of 144,000 elect Israelites is born-again in one day, their revelation will “anoint the Most Holy”—Israel’s King Jesus and His Wife, their Gentile Queen, the elect Church. Brother Branham said, “His people had just crowned Him King of kings and Lord of lords; [they are] coming back to His holy Temple, [their King and Queen] anointed with the Presence of God to live and to reign through the Millennium with His Church. Amen! The appearing with the mighty King to take Her place at His side, the new royal anointed Temple.”

[I Corinthians 6:19-20, “Do you not know that your body is a sanctuary of the Holy Ghost Who is in you, Whom you have from God, and that you are not your own? For you have been bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body”].

“Now, the sixfold purpose of Revelations 6:1 to Revelations 19:21 is fulfilled” (The Sixfold Purpose of Gabriel’s Vision to Daniel, p. 70:134-135).

Once born-again these elect Israelites will be martyred (Matthew 27:25; Revelation 6:11; 14:12-13; 15:2-4) which will bring the consummation of the six thousand years through which man has laboured against sin, and our thousand year sinless day of rest, the millennium.

Luke 21:24, “The Judeans shall fall by the edge of the sword, and be led away captive into all nations (after Titus destroys the City): and Jerusalem shall be trodden down of the Gentiles, until the times of the Gentiles are fulfilled” then God will open the eyes of Israel’s elect (Romans 11:25).

Daniel 9:27, “And the prince of Rome [the Devil-incarnate Pope in Daniel’s Seventieth Week after the close of the Gentile dispensation] will covenant with the Jewry for one week of years: And in the midst of the week [when the global economy is prospering he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation [which Jewry will have restored] to cease, and for the overspreading of abominations he shall make it desolate, even until the consummation, and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate”.

The second Roman desolation of the Temple will be caused when the Pope profanes the third temple the Jews will erect on Mount Moriah. He will do away with the animal sacrifices that will have been restored, seat himself in the temple and force his trinitarian “mark of the beast” upon the Jews as he imposed it upon us Gentiles following the First Nicaea Council (Isaiah 14:12-15; Revelation 12:8-17; 13:4-18).

I’ll paraphrase what Paul wrote in II Thessalonians 2:1-12, “We implore you, brethren, by the “parousia” Coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, and by our gathering together unto Him; that you don’t become nervous and unsettled if you hear of visions from Fatima, superstitious rumors or secret revelations contrary to the Word, that the day of Christ [and the end of the Gentile dispensation and Daniel’s Seventieth Week] are at hand.”

[This explains what Jesus meant when He said, “If they say I am in Jerusalem, in Rome or some secret place, believe them not. My “parousia” Coming will be universal and cannot be observed by the eye but must be seen (or understood) by faith” (Matthew 24:23-28).

Look up the word “coming” in your Greek lexicon and learn to distinguish between the words ‘parousia’ and ‘erchomai.’ In II Thessalonians 2:1-2 Paul is telling us to remember that this is a ‘parousia’ Coming and not the physical return of a Man. So there is no need to chase rumors or visions because His Presence will be manifest to all of the saints individually by their faith or understanding of the mysteries that were hidden under the Seven Seals.

Christ’s ‘parousia’ is God’s Presence made known personally to His saints in the fullness of His Word through the revelation of the Seven Seals. It is this common understanding that calls both the wise and foolish virgins OUT from “her,” Rome and her once Protestant harlot daughter churches INTO “Him,” Christ the Word (Matthew 25:1-13; I Thessalonians 4:16; Revelation 18:4).

Remember the church is a woman, and on the forehead of the Judaeo-Roman church Jesus saw “the caption: mystery, Babylon the great, the mother of harlots and abominations of the earth” whereas a plate of pure gold on the mitre of Israel’s high was engraved, “HOLINESS TO THE LORD” (Leviticus 26:36-38; Revelation 17:5). Rome is the final desolator; her Devil-incarnate Pope will profane the third the temple.

“Let no man deceive you by any means: for Daniel’s Seventieth Week shall not commence until the whole world apostatizes, then that man of sin, the son of perdition will be publicly revealed; who defies all gods and tears down all objects of worship or adoration until he enters the temple of God, claiming himself to be God.”

“You should remember I told you this when I was with you. And know that it is only the Presence of the Holy Spirit that prevents him from revealing himself now. For the mystery of iniquity is already at work: however the Holy Spirit will continue to restrain him until He leaves the earth in the departure of His Body, Christ’s Bride.”

“After this the Wicked One will be made known to the world, whom the Lord shall consume with the Word and render powerless with the brightness of his ‘parousia’ [because Light disperses darkness, and he cannot stand before faith]. Satan’s ‘parousia’ will be accompanied by miracles, signs, lying wonders and in all of the deceitfulness of unrighteousness in his followers who will perish because they received not the love of the Truth, that they might be saved” (John 14:6b; II Thessalonians 2:5-12; Revelation 13:3-4, 8; 19:15).

Satan has been incarnating himself gradually through the spirit of antichrist by “the deeds of the nicolaitans which Jesus hates” and which became “the doctrine of the nicolaitans” when the Judaeo-Roman church was organized in AD325 at the First Nicaea Council; eventually the false prophet was made pope and crowned with a triple crown. Soon the pope will be incarnate by Satan, and as the beast he will be worshipped by the lost.

Jesus said, “Thy Word is truth” and these perish because God did not receive their advances. God’s love is elective love. He loves whom He will because He is sovereign, and He is perfect. It is not that the Man of Sin and his followers don’t love God; but God hates them because they do not receive His love, the Word. And to reject faith and the seal of God is to take the mark of the beast. The evidence of God’s love is communion or fellowship with Him by faith (John 16:13). Spiritual revelation is God communicating with you, personally expressing your mutual relationship.

“Because they have rejected relationship with Him by faith, God will send them a strong delusion, causing them to believe the lie [Satan told Eve—that God loves everybody, so it matters not what one believes so long as you love Jesus]. And those who take pleasure in unrighteousness [by reasoning against the faith], receive the mark of the beast and are damned for not being restored to the truth” (Malachi 4:6; Revelation 22:10-19).

The last abomination that makes desolate will be Rome’s final Pope incarnate by Satan who will unite the world in Roman Catholicism against the Word, and together with his deceived followers, he will be cast into the lake of Fire after Armageddon.

Revelation 19:20, “And the [Devil-incarnate] beast was taken, and with him the false prophet [Pope emeritus] who performed miracles in his presence [claiming infallibility in Peter’s chair], with which he deceived all who received the mark of the beast [trinitarianism], and who worshipped his Protestant image. These were cast alive into the lake of Fire burning with brimstone” (Revelation 2:20-23).

es SakhramEs Sakhra, the Dome of the Rock is the present “abomination that makes the sanctuary desolate” and prevents Israel from reviving their animal sacrifices and temple worship. Here Abraham was to offer Isaac, a type of Christ who was sacrificed on this mountain for Adam’s entire race. Jerusalem is God’s only provided place of worship for those under the Old Covenant (Deuteronomy 16:2, 5-6). God requires all adult male Israelites to assemble on this mountain three times in the year to observe the feasts of Unleavened Bread and Passover, Pentecost and Booths. Until Israel observes the Old Covenant they claim to believe, God cannot open their eyes to His New Covenant. The earthquake that divides the Mount of Olives will demolish es Sakhra and an irresistible Muslim invasion will cause a mass exodus of non-Semitic, anti-Semitic Israeli self-styled Jews enabling Jacob’s children to return for redemption without “fear of the Jews”.

Despite the illegal actions of the non-Semitic, anti-Semitic self-styled Jews Donald Trump and Jared Kushner in Palestine and the Golan Heights, their impasse is without geopolitical or diplomatic resolution. To Christians it is of historic and prophetic interest only, for unlike Moslems, self-styled Jews, Israelites and Roman Catholics, who are mutual enemies, we are sojourners with no continuing city here; ours is a Spiritual Kingdom Headquartered in heaven. In God’s time His hand will cleanse the temple site of this abomination, as prophesied in Zechariah 14:1-4:“behold, the day of the Lord comes, when God will gather all nations to fight against Jerusalem; the city will be taken and the houses rifled, the loot divided, and the women raped; half the city shall go into captivity, and the residue of the people shall not be cut off from the city.”

Jerusalem was made an international city by UN Resolution 181 of 1947, and when the State of Israel was proclaimed at midnight, May 14, 1948, Palestine was already partitioned, with the Eastern half of Old Jerusalem in Jordan (whose King is responsible for maintaining and protecting the Dome of the Rock).

The Six-Day War (June 5-10, 1967) saw the whole of Jerusalem brought under Israeli sovereignty, igniting religious and multilateral conflicts that have blazed ever since. In 1975, the Houston Chronicle reported Secretary of State Henry Kissinger proposed “that Jerusalem become an international city with the control of holy places and the religious administration given to the pope.” Since then, the Vatican has itself proposed moving from Rome to Jerusalem, and has held numerous meetings to that effect with high-ranking Ashkenazim-Jewish officials of the Marxist State of Israel.

The Covenant of Daniel 9:27 giving the Vatican Political Authority over Jerusalem was settled in 1993. In a story broken first by La Stampa in Italy, Shishi in Israel, and verified with documented proof in Haaretz, on May 1993, Shimon Peres promised the pope hegemony of the Old City of Jerusalem by the end of the year 2000.

In July, 1997, the powerful Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) finally revealed its plans for Israel in its Middle East Task Force Report, headed by Henry Seigman. It was recommended that Israel withdraw to its 1948 lines, that Jerusalem be divided, and that half the city be the capital of a Palestinian state.

On March 6, 2000, Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat declared, “The year 2000 is the year for the Palestinian state with Jerusalem as its capital. . .” Under the terms of the new peace accord signed in with Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak, September 2000 is the target date for completion of final status negotiations. President Arafat was poisoned and twenty years later Palestine is still occupied by so-called Jews.

The last reference to “the abomination that makes desolate” found in the Book of Daniel does not refer to es Sakhra, but to the Beast who will cancel the daily sacrifice the Jews will have restored, and enforce Roman Catholicism by the military might of his (once) Protestant image (Revelation 13:8; 15-18). “And from the time that the daily sacrifice shall be taken away, and the abomination that makes desolate set up, there shall be one thousand two hundred and ninety days. Blessed is he who waits, and comes to the thousand three hundred and five and thirty days” (Daniel 12:11-12).

Referring to this final abomination that makes desolate, Jesus “saw the woman drunk with the blood of the saints, and with the blood of the Christian martyrs: . . . and in her was found the blood of prophets, and of saints, and of all that were slain upon the earth” (Revelation 17:6; 18:24). <bb000702.htm; nl125.htm=””> nl1109.htm </bb000702.htm;>

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Brother Grigor-Scott is a non-denominational minister who has ministered full-time since 1981, primarily to other ministers and their congregations overseas. He pastors Bible Believers’ tiny congregation, and is available to teach in your church.

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Blessed Assurance

May 19, 2020

Bible Believers’ Newsletter 1108

“We focus on the present Truth – what Jesus is doing now. . .”
ISSN 1442-8660

Christian greetings in the precious Name of our Lord Jesus Christ, thank you for your patience, I am so happy to deliver this Newsletter.

Android Phone“Blessed Assurance” traces the trail of the Serpent from Judas’ betrayal of our virgin-born Kinsman Redeemer to Calvary. Here Jesus paid the wages of sin—our unbelief in His revealed Word. Through seven Church Ages Christ called the members of His Bride chosen from the foundation of the world. Redemption ended in 1963 and His “little Flock” crowned Jesus “King of kings, and Lord of lords”  (Revelation 5). His Adversary rode through the Gospel Age building his huge church of sin and transgressions. When Satan is cast down to earth he will incarnate the last Pope. One cannot crown a spirit thus Satan must be incarnate before he can be crowned.

Take time to read the news items, following the links and viewing the videos for “the mystery of lawlessness” is busily at work and you must be familiar with “the present Truth.” When you know that you know that you know “the peace of God, which passes all understanding, will keep your heart and mind through Christ Jesus.” The world which was created and is sustained by Christ the Word is falling apart because the Glue of His Spoken Word is seldom applied. Do not simply read and listen—UNDERSTAND that Satan’s PLANdemic is for global hegemony and recognize that “as it was in the days of Noah, the end of all flesh has come before God; for the earth is filled with violence; and He will destroy them with the earth” (Genesis 6:13; Matthew 24:37).

This Newsletter serves those of like precious faith. “The harvest truly is great, but the labourers are few” we encourage you to share our Newsletter with friends, family, colleagues and strangers, and welcome your questions and suggestions. Whoever will receive the truth is welcome to feed their soul from the waters of the River of Life. Everything here presented should be confirmed personally in your own Bible.

Your brother-in-Christ
Anthony Grigor-Scott

Three Cardinals join Global Appeal decrying Crackdown on Basic Freedoms over Coronavirus

May 7, 2020 — Catholic clergy led by former papal nuncio Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò and Cardinals Gerhard Ludwig Mueller, Joseph Zen, and Janis Pujats have joined an appeal “for the Church and the world” . . . facts have shown that, under the pretext of the Covid-19 epidemic, the inalienable rights of citizens have in many cases been violated and their fundamental freedoms, including the exercise of freedom of worship, expression and movement, have been disproportionately and unjustifiably restricted. Public health must not, and cannot, become an alibi for infringing on the rights of millions of people around the world, let alone for depriving the civil authority of its duty to act wisely for the common good. This is particularly true as growing doubts emerge from several quarters about the actual contagiousness, danger and resistance of the virus. Many authoritative voices in the world of science and medicine confirm that the media’s alarmism about Covid-19 appears to be absolutely unjustified.

coronavirus statsWe have reason to believe, on the basis of official data on the incidence of the epidemic as related to numbers of deaths, that there are powers interested in creating panic among the world’s population with the sole aim of permanently imposing unacceptable forms of restriction on freedoms, of controlling people and of tracking their movements. The imposition of these illiberal measures is a disturbing prelude to the realization of a world government past all control.

We also believe that in some situations containment measures that were adopted, including the closure of shops and businesses, have precipitated a crisis that has brought down entire sectors of the economy. This encourages interference by foreign powers and has serious social and political repercussions. Those with governmental responsibility must stop these forms of social engineering, by taking measures to protect their citizens whom they represent, and in whose interests they have a serious obligation to act. Likewise, let them help the family, the cell of society, by not unreasonably penalizing the weak and elderly, forcing them into a painful separation from their loved ones. The criminalization of personal and social relationships must likewise be judged as an unacceptable part of the plan of those who advocate isolating individuals in order to better manipulate and control them.

We ask the scientific community to be vigilant, so that cures for Covid-19 are offered in honesty for the common good. Every effort must be made to ensure that shady business interests do not influence the choices made by government leaders and international bodies. It is unreasonable to penalize those remedies that have proved to be effective, and are often inexpensive, just because one wishes to give priority to treatments or vaccines that are not as good, but which guarantee pharmaceutical companies far greater profits, and exacerbate public health expenditures. Let us also remember, as Pastors, that for Catholics it is morally unacceptable to develop or use vaccines derived from material from aborted fetuses.

We also ask government leaders to ensure that forms of control over people, whether through tracking systems or any other form of location-finding, are rigorously avoided. The fight against Covid-19, however serious, must not be the pretext for supporting the hidden intentions of supranational bodies that have very strong commercial and political interests in this plan. In particular, citizens must be given the opportunity to refuse these restrictions on personal freedom, without any penalty whatsoever being imposed on those who do not wish to use vaccines, contact tracking or any other similar tool. Let us also consider the blatant contradiction of those who pursue policies of drastic population control and at the same time present themselves as the savior of humanity, without any political or social legitimacy. Finally, the political responsibility of those who represent the people can in no way be left to “experts” who can indeed claim a kind of immunity from prosecution, which is disturbing to say the least.

We strongly urge those in the media to commit themselves to providing accurate information and not penalizing dissent by resorting to forms of censorship, as is happening widely on social media, in the press and on television. Providing accurate information requires that room be given to voices that are not aligned with a single way of thinking. This allows citizens to consciously assess the facts, without being heavily influenced by partisan interventions. A democratic and honest debate is the best antidote to the risk of imposing subtle forms of dictatorship, presumably worse than those our society has seen rise and fall in the recent past.

Finally . . . autonomy to govern, worship, and teach . . . are an innate right that Our Lord Jesus Christ has given . . . We should like to invite all people of good will not to shirk their duty to cooperate for the common good, each according to his or her own state and possibilities and in a spirit of fraternal charity . . . but this cannot disregard either a respect for natural law or a guarantee of individual freedoms. The civil duties to which citizens are bound imply the State’s recognition of their rights.

We are all called to assess the current situation in a way consistent with the teaching of the Gospel. This means taking a stand: either with Christ or against Christ. Let us not be intimidated or frightened by those who would have us believe that we are a minority: Good is much more widespread and powerful than the world would have us believe. We are fighting against an invisible enemy that seeks to divide citizens, to separate children from their parents, grandchildren from their grandparents, the faithful from their pastors, students from teachers, and customers from vendors. Let us not allow centuries of Christian civilization to be erased under the pretext of a virus, and an odious technological tyranny to be established, in which nameless and faceless people can decide the fate of the world by confining us to a virtual reality. If this is the plan to which the powers of this earth intend to make us yield, know that Jesus Christ, King and Lord of History, has promised that “the gates of Hell shall not prevail” (Matthew 16:18).

Let us entrust government leaders and all those who rule over the fate of nations to Almighty God, that He may enlighten and guide them in this time of great crisis . . . Full story:

Comment: Coronavirus lives on plastic for three days. Where did you get your plastic bottles of water to expose your family sheltering at home? You can’t go out to healthy sunshine in the park yet you may walk around a supermarket exposing yourself to hundreds . . . but you cannot attend church.

There is no scientific basis in keeping big businesses open and closing small businesses. Good bacteria and viruses protect us against bad bacteria and viruses. The immune system works by being exposed to antigens. Sheltering in place reduces the immune response. When we re-open we will face many illnesses because sheltering in place has weakened their immune system. If you want to dance on someone’s constitutional rights, you’d better have a good reason and not just someone’s theory.

The Global Health Mafia Protection Racket

May 8, 2020 — Exposing the health mafia, World Economic Forum, World Bank, GPMG, WHO, Rockefeller and Bill & Melinda Gates Foundations (and subsidiaries), Pfizer, Event 201, Gavi Inst., Johns Hopkins, The Global Fund, Merck, Glakso Smith Kline, Johnson & Johnson, NAM, Sanofi, Takeda, the UN, CDC the patent holder of Ebola, Rockefeller a patent holder of coronavirus, Serco, The Internet of Things, British Merial, Sanofi-Aventis, Boehringer-Ingelheim, Wellcome Trust, The Pirbright Institute (Rothschild) the patent holder of CORONAVIRUS, QinetiQ Group Plc, AstraZenica, etc., etc. Full story: plus, Proof the Coronavirus is a bioweapon created by DARPA, and Coronavirus Crown Agents of the City of London.

Comment: Is this interlocking directorate a genocidal cartel? The corona virus racket is a money-making fear-inducing psyop whose objective, aligned with decades-old UN policy, is global depopulation and one world government. Respiratory Therapist Exposes the Fake Virus Pandemic. The prime function of COVID-19 is to assist thoroughly corrupt and treasonous national leaders to bankrupt their nations and the global economy to preserve the fraudulent banking system and facilitate the establishment of one world government.

DOD & HHS award $138 Million Contract to ApiJect Systems to provide Prefilled COVID-19 Vaccine Syringes with RFID Microchip Tracking System

May 12, 2020 — ApiJect they make pre-filled syringes for injecting people with vaccines, and provide RFID microchip tracking after the shot is administered. Today, the DoD and the HHS handed ApiJect a check for $138 million, with an order to deliver hundreds of millions of these devices by October of 2020. The contract also enables ApiJect Systems America to accelerate the launch of RAPID USA manufactured in new and permanent US-based BFS facilities with the ultimate production goal of over 500 million prefilled syringes (doses) in 2021. Welcome to the ‘new normal’, it comes with an RFID microchip-enabled COVID-19 vaccination syringe with YOUR name on it. That’s the new normal. The only question is what will you do when they come to your door, and tell you it’s mandatory? You might want to figure out your response to that scenario sooner rather than later. Now would be a good time. Full story:

Trump Regime blocks UN Security Council Resolution for ‘Global Ceasefire’ during COVID-19 Epidemic

May 10, 2020 — Run by warlord members from both right wings of the one-party state, the US geopolitical agenda prioritizes permanent wars against invented enemies to enforce their will on humanity by brute force and other hostile actions. At a time when containing COVID-19 outbreaks and combating the severest economic collapse in modern memory matter most, the Trump regime blocked a proposed global ceasefire Security Council resolution to assure no interference in its imperial wars on humanity.

Russia strongly supports what Trump regime hardliners oppose, Kremlin UN envoy Vassily Nebenzia saying the following:

“In view of the worldwide spread of the COVID-19 coronavirus epidemic, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation is urging all parties to regional armed conflicts to immediately stop hostilities, secure a ceasefire, and introduce a humanitarian pause.” Failure to implement it “could lead to a global humanitarian disaster, given that most people in the current hot spots lack access to medicines and skilled medical assistance.”

Endless conflicts in “Afghanistan, Iraq, Yemen, Libya . . . Syria,” and Occupied Palestine (notably Gaza) are of “special concern,” along with African hot spots, and refugee camps with large numbers of people living in close quarters. Russia called for belligerents like the US to halt illegal “use military force outside of their national borders . . .” Washington’s agenda is polar opposite, prioritizing endless wars, abhorring peace, stability, social justice, and the rule of law . . . Full story:

Comment: The United States of America is the image unto the beast of Imperial Rome.

New Court Files expose Sheldon Adelson’s Security Team in US Spy Operation against Julian Assange

May 14, 2020 — “I was the CIA director. We lied, we cheated, we stole” – now Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, College Station, TX, April 15, 2019.

“When Adelson’s favoured candidate, Donald Trump, moved into the Oval Office, the CIA came under the control of Mike Pompeo, another Adelson ally who seemed to relish the opportunity to carry out illegal acts, including spying on American citizens, in the name of national security . . .”

[Donald Trump funder, fellow Jew and] Casino operator Sheldon Adelson allegedly employed David Morales’ small security consulting firm UC Global as a front for the CIA to spy on Julian Assange within the Ecuadorian Embassy in London . . . “after Morales proposed breaking into the office of Assange’s lead counsel, the office was burglarized. The witnesses also detailed a proposal to kidnap or poison Assange. A police raid at the home of Morales netted two handguns with their serial numbers filed off, along with stacks of cash.”

“Thanks to new court disclosures, The Grayzone is also able to reveal the identity of Sands security staff who presumably liaised between Morales, Adelson’s company, and US intelligence . . . By altering the cameras so they could be controlled from the outside, and outfitting them with hidden microphones, Morales put in place the mechanism to snoop on Assange’s intimate conversations with friends and lawyers. He also took steps to feed the footage to a separate, exterior storage server, thus keeping the operation hidden from Ecuador’s SENAIN. His marching orders came from an organization he described simply as “the American client” . . . Full story:

China forges ahead through Chaos and US Threats

May 10, 2020 — According to a secret, invisible document, China would have to “prepare for armed confrontation between the two global powers”—a reference to the US. It’s as if this was an aggressive strategy deployed by the Chinese state in the first place, and not in response to the massive escalation of hybrid warfare 2.0 by the United States government . . . the whole game is about hybrid warfare 2.0 deployed by the US to contain the emerging superpower . . .

With the EU totally paralyzed and graphically proving its irrelevance on myriad levels . . . the—declining—West, almost in block, is terrified that China is in the irreversible process of becoming the top global power. Even after suffering the massive Covid-19 blow, Beijing seems to be in control of all base variables in its economic policy . . . The CCP will double down on developing the whole production machine side by side with widespread application of AI techniques . . . China will first secure its own national interests—in terms of global supply chains and exports . . . there will be concentrated focus on selected New Silk Roads overland and maritime connectivity corridors—Health Silk Road included . . . Beijing’s trade with 56 Belt and Road nations scattered across Asia, Africa, Europe and South America represents a very important 30% of total annual trade . . . compare it to the 13% to 32% contraction in global trade forecast by the WTO for 2020 . . . China will remain the top engine of the global economy . . . with Belt and Road at the very core of . . . macro-foreign policy strategy, coupled with a solid drive towards multilateralism . . .

Moscow is very much aware that Washington is deploying missile defense systems very close to Russia’s borders . . . More complex is the issue of Pentagon bioweapon labs in the former USSR—an issue also closely followed by Beijing. Moscow has identified a lab near Tblisi in Georgia, and 11 of them in Ukraine. And way back in 2014, when Crimea was reunited with Russia, scientists also found a lab in Simferopol . . . next big move in the geopolitical chessboard points to the partnership negotiating their bilateral relations with the US as a team . . . Full story:

Mass Joblessness deepens in US as Corporations move to implement Permanent Layoffs

May 8, 2020 — US government figures released today show . . . the official unemployment rate hit 14.7 percent. According to the Department of Labor, 20.5 million jobs were lost in April, a number far larger than anything ever previously recorded . . . the number of jobs lost so far is equal to the total combined workforce of 25 US states . . . “The country is now at 40.6 million unemployed, or 24.9% of the work force. That matches the annual worst year of the Great Depression without . . .”

The economic catastrophe is being compounded by the continued refusal of the US government to marshal aid for the unemployed. After handing out trillions to the banks, the ruling class, spearheaded by the Trump administration, is seeking to use social distress as a weapon in its campaign to break down public opposition to the reopening of the economy even as the coronavirus pandemic continues . . . Last week there were an additional 3.2 million new applications for unemployment assistance, bringing to 33 million the number of people who have filed since the outbreak of the pandemic . . .
Full story:


Blessed Assurance

Cross and Crescent, mother and daughter

The Seventh Vial in Revelation 16:17-21 describes the final conflict in terms reminiscent of the defeat of Babylon the Great. The redirection and drying up of the great river Euphrates left Great Babylon open to invasion by “the kings of the East” as the apostasy of “MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF [the apostate (once) Protestant] HARLOT [daughter churches] AND ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH [Fascism, Nazism, Communism, Islam, Zionism, capitalism, Feminism, etc.,] brought God’s wrath upon the world church system under the Sixth Vial. While the apostasy of each Jewish US president from Bush I to Donald Trump has destroyed the buffer state of Iraq and dried up the Great River Euphrates, Christendom’s natural border and defence, a type of the Holy Spirit, “that the way of the kings from the East might be prepared.” As I write President Trump is goading Iran, Iraq, Russia and China, ignoring the fact that “God is no respecter of persons;” as He raised Nebuchadnezzar to conquer apostate Judah, He has raised Judaeo-Communism to destroy the false church and North America. The close of the Gentile dispensation will be marked by the sinking of Los Angeles and a 1,500 by 300-400 mile segment of earth’s crust.

In less than three decades, a mere blink of the eye in historical terms, the USA has gone from the world’s sole superpower to a massive foundering wreck that is helpless before the coronavirus it created and intent on blaming the rest of the world for its own shortcomings. As journalist Fintan O’Toole noted recently in the Irish Times (April 25, 2020):

“Over more than two centuries, the United States has stirred a very wide range of feelings in the rest of the world: love and hatred, fear and hope, envy and contempt, awe and anger. But there is one emotion that has never been directed towards the US until now: pity“.

Here is what Jesus prophesied of the Laodicea Church Age which dates from the 1906 Pentecostal Revival in Azusa Street, Los Angeles to the opening of the Seven Seals on Mount Sunset near Tucson, Arizona in 1963. “Because you say, ‘I am rich, and increased with goods, and have need of nothing; and know not that [spiritually] you are wretched, and miserable which is to be pitied, and poor, and blind, and naked” (Revelation 3:17).

Jesus also prophesied concerning this self-appointed ‘exceptional’ nation which has been a global threat since 1945 and certainly since the collapse of the USSR. He identified the (once) Protestant United States as “the image unto the beast of Imperial Rome” and the apostate (once) Protestant churches as “the image unto the beast of Papal Rome.” His Prophet William Branham declared the United States had rejected her last chance for national repentance in 1956/7, the jubilee of the Pentecostal Revival. “It’s a million miles from being a Christian country. I don’t even pray for it. How can I pray for it, and it won’t repent under the mighty powers of God demonstrated before it; and denying, and closing the doors to It, and walking away? I commit it to God. And she is going further away. And now she is going to sink. Just watch what happens” (65-0718M, Trying to do God a Service without being His Will, par. 137; Hebrews 6:5-6).

“Remember the Jewish people was declared a nation at Lake Success by the UNSCOP Committee on May 6, 1946 [(UN docs. A/C.I/P.V.46-57 (May 6-13) when under shabbos goy President Harry Truman the United States voted with Jewish-ruled USSR to give non-Semitic, anti-Semitic self-styled Jews the land God promised to the Israelites]! Brother Branham said, “And the Angel of the Lord appeared to me on May 7, 1946 at Green’s Mill, Indiana . . . come into the room where I was at, a Man walking. He didn’t have wings; He was just a big man, had a white garment down to His feet. And He said that I was born to pray for sick people. And I told Him I was uneducated, illiterate, and I wasn’t able to go. He said I’d be praying for kings and monarchs, and Message around the world, a Message that would bring the second Coming of Christ was near . . . THUS SAITH THE LORD, I said, America made her final decision in 1946. Watch, since then. She’s gone, and there’s nothing left but judgment and chaos” (58-0309, The Handwriting on the Wall, p. 12:99, 121, 123).

City of London CrestThe alien banksters of the City of London that rule the United States and the world have worked under cover of the fake COVID-19 false flag black flag psyop to preserve a shaky US dollar and fractional reserve fiat banking system until they can replace it with digital currency under authoritarian collectivized government from which they can take their “pound of flesh.” Economically, you can’t shut down entire economies all over the world—lay off millions upon millions of people in every country on every continent, have central banks print money out of thin air to keep everything afloat—and not expect a catastrophic collapse in global growth.

Expect and prepare for deflation, global DEPRESSION and worldwide FAMINE (Jeremiah 15:2-3; Amos 8:11; Revelation 6:8; 19:17-18).

YOU must keep up-to-date with national and international news otherwise you will be unable to recognize scripture coming to pass in real time. If you are a MINISTER not following current news you cannot acquaint your congregation with “the present Truth” expounded by Brother Branham (II Peter 1:12; I John 1:7). Please open “The Revelation of the Seven Seals” to p. 168:5 – 171:2 in the old book, or p. 150:349-371 in the new book.

“And after the Church is taken away, Rome and the Jews will make a covenant with one another. The Bible said they would, with the holy people (Daniel 7:25; 8:24-25; 9:27; 12:7; Revelation 11:7; 12:14). And now notice, they’ll make it, because why? This nation is going to be busted, and the rest of the world . . . is busted. You know that. If we’re living off of taxes, due bills for forty years from now, where are we at? There’s only one thing can happen. That’s to call in the currency and pay off the bonds; and we can’t do it. Wall Street owns them, and Wall Street’s controlled by the Jews; the rest of it’s in the Vatican, and the Jews has got the rest of it in Wall Street with the commerce of the world”.

“We can’t call it in. And if we could do it, do you think these whiskey guys and all these tobacco people with billions times billions of dollars a year and write off all their income tax for old vulgar pictures and things like that—go out in Arizona there and buy millions of acres of land—or thousands—and dig them big wells at fifty thousand dollars and pay it off with income tax? And they’d put you in jail if you don’t pay yours. But they write it off and throw up wells and send bulldozers in.”

“And what do they do? They put housing projects in there, and the next turn around with their money they made (they have got to make an investment) and put houses, projects in there and sell them for millions of dollars. Do you think them guys is going to compromise to change the currency?”

“Like this fellow down here in (What’s his name?) Castro did. He done the only smart thing he ever did do then, when he destroyed the bonds: paid them off and destroyed them. Notice, but we can’t do that. These guys won’t let us.”

“The rich merchants of the earth hold it, and then there’s only one thing to do: the Catholic church can pay it off. She’s the only one that’s got the money; she can do it, and she will do it.”

“And in doing this to get it, she’ll compromise with the Jews and make a covenant, and when she makes this covenant with the Jews . . . Now, remember, I’m taking this from the Scriptures. And now, when she does this and makes this covenant, we notice in Daniel 8:23 and 25 he will cause craft to prosper (and craft is manufacturing), in his hand.”

Daniel 8:22-26, “Upon the untimely death of Alexander the Great the Grecian Empire was divided between four of his generals; [Ptolemy I took Egypt, Selucius took Babylonia, Antigonus took Syria, and Antipater took Macedonia and Greece], four kingdoms will arise from his nation, but not in Alexander’s power [or family, and lacking his strength and dignity]”.

BEWARE because Daniel 8:23-26 has a compound revelation. “In the latter time of their kingdom, when the rebellion has reached its full measure (verses 6, 12 and 13), an insolent king, skilled in intrigue, versed in cunning dissimulation, by which he is able to conceal his purposes from both friend and foe will come to the throne.” This was not President Donald Trump but General Antiochus Epiphanes ruler of Syria who was a forerunner of the 21st century Beast of Rome. “And his power shall be mighty, but not by his own power” [but by Divine permission (verses 12-13; Isaiah 10:5-34)].

Lightning strikes StPetersBrother Branham however was speaking of Rome, the fourth Gentile world Empire which succeeded the Grecian Empire and the four horns or kingdoms ruled by Alexander’s generals. “People look at Rome. They look at the nation of Italy. And as they look they do not realize that Rome with her strict confines where the pope has an actual area as his domain is literally a nation within a nation; it has ambassadors and receives ambassadors. Papal false Christian Rome (she is even called the eternal city—how blasphemous) now controls by religion even more ably than when pagan Imperial Rome controlled by the pure iron of force. Rome took on a new lease of life when Constantine joined church and state and backed the union by force. The spirit that motivated pagan Rome is the same spirit that now motivates false Christian Rome. You can see that is so because you now know that the fourth empire never went out of existence; it just changed in its outer texture.”

“Once the Nicene Council had swung the power of political Rome to the church, it seemed that there were no limits to which this pretender to the First Christian Church would go. The name, Christian, which originally brought persecution, now became the name of the persecutors. It was in this age that Augustine of Hippo (354-430) set forth the precept that the church ought and MUST use force if necessary to bring her children back into the fold, and that it was in harmony with the Word of God to kill the heretics and apostates. In his controversy with the Donatists he wrote . . . “It is indeed better that men should be led to worship God by teaching than that they should be driven to it by fear of punishment or pain, but it does not follow that because the former course produces the better men, therefore those who do not yield to it should be neglected. For many have found advantage (as we have proved and are daily proving by actual experience) in being first compelled by fear or pain, so that they might afterwards be influenced by teaching, so that they might follow out in act what they have already learned in word . . . whilst those are better who are guided aright by love, those are certainly more numerous who are corrected by fear. For who can possibly love us more than Christ Who laid down His life for the sheep?” (An Exposition of the Seven Church Ages, p. 195:1-2).

Augustine of Hippo, were he alive today, might be managing COVID-19 sorcery to transform economic prosperity to irrecoverable debt, healthy individuals to cadavers, and democratic liberty to top-down authoritarian socialism (Revelation 21:8; 22:14). The Judaeo-Roman church kingdom is the fourth and final Gentile Empire, and it will rule the entire world to the consummation (Daniel 2:40-45; 7:22; 11:21-22; Revelation 16:12-16; 19:19-20).

Romans 8:23: “And in the latter part of the four horns’ reign,” when their power was diminishing, and the Roman empire beginning to be established in Greece whence the Grecian kingdoms in Asia had their origin: for the bringing of Greece into subjection to the Roman power was a manifest indication of the declension of the Macedonian, or third Gentile world Empire, with its four heads, and the advancement of the fourth. This was remarkably brought to pass when Æmilius, the Roman consul, vanquished Perseus, king of Macedonia, and thereby brought all Greece under the power of the Romans in 166BC, and about the time when Antiochus profaned the temple, and set up the abomination of desolation. Before that time, the four horns, or kingdoms, had been reduced to two principal ones, Syria and Egypt. Antiochus had attempted to conquer the latter and marched toward Alexandria to besiege that city. Conquest would have made him absolute master of the whole kingdom, but in order to prevent his success Ptolemy Euergetes and his sister Cleopatra had sent ambassadors to the Romans, to beg their relief; and when Popilius was deputed by the senate to go into Egypt, he proposed terms to Antiochus which he was obliged to accept, and obey the commands of the senate. Thus both Syria and Egypt became, in some sort, vassals to Rome.

“When the transgressors are come to the full”—Here Daniel assigns the reason why God allowed these calamities to fall on His people, whose wickedness had risen to a very great height. Bishop Newton gives the following account. “The high-priesthood was exposed to sale. Good Onias was ejected for a sum of money, to make room for wicked Jason; and Jason again was supplanted for a greater sum of money, by a worse man, if possible, than himself, his brother Menelaus; and the golden vessels of the temple were sold, to pay for the sacrilegious purchase. At the same time, the customs of the heathen nations were introduced among the Jews whose youth were trained up and exercised after the manner of the Greeks; the people apostatized from the true religion, and even the priests, despising the temple and neglecting the sacrifices, hastened to be partakers of unlawful diversions. The temple was profaned under the conduct of the high-priest Menelaus; it was defiled with pig’s blood, and plundered of everything valuable; and in the same year Paulus Æmilius vanquished Perseus, the last king of Macedonia, thereby putting an end to that kingdom. The Jewish religion was put down, and heathen worship was set up in the cities of Judea, and in Jerusalem; and the temple itself was consecrated to Jupiter Olympus, and his image was erected upon the very altar.”

So “the transgressors were come to the full in the latter time” of the Macedonian empire when “A king of fierce countenance stood up.” This was the very character of Antiochus according to Diodorus, Polybius and all the historians. “A wicked man hardens his face” (Ecclesiastes 8:1) and Antiochus was a defiant, hard and unyielding man, a master of dissimulation, able to conceal his meaning under ambiguous words, and disguise his designs from friend and foe. Thus “the transgressions were come to the full” before the Romans had commission to destroy Jerusalem and its temple. In applying “a king (kingdom or empire) of fierce countenance, and understanding dark sentences” to Rome it indicates firm resolve based upon their being very learned and skillful in all things relating to government and its intrigues. The learning of Rome is proverbial to the present time.

“And his power shall be mighty, but not by his own power.” The strength of the other kingdoms consisted in themselves; whereas the Roman Empire, as a horn or kingdom of the goat, was not mighty by its own power, nor was it strong by virtue of the goat which signified Alexander’s empire, but drew its nourishment and strength from Rome and Italy. There grew the trunk and body of the tree; though the branches extended over Greece, Asia, Syria, and Egypt. “And he shall destroy to an extraordinary degree. And prosper, and succeed in whatever he does, and shall destroy the warlike enemies over whom he shall triumph and the holy people [Israel].” In taking Jerusalem Rome made ninety-seven thousand Jews and Israelites captives and slew eleven hundred thousand, so they destroyed this once mighty and holy people!

Leaving Antiochus in the past we shall fix our eyes upon Rome as Daniel 8:25 opens a view to the near future: “According to his intelligence, understanding and wisdom, Rome will cause craft to prosper in his hand.” As Brother Branham explained, “craft is manufacturing;” once Rome restores the US dollar to the gold standard she will be the mortgagor of all nations and the global economy will prosper by papal influence “He will magnify himself in his heart, and by [pretending] peace [and friendship] will destroy many nations” without making war, being a declared enemy, or receiving injuries from them. Since 1945 the United States has unlawfully made war over fifty times with weak foreign nations, yet not once has it declared war.

By refinancing the US dollar the Devil-incarnate last pope will preserve the Jew’s paper wealth and they will restore the crooked banking system; trade will revive and the global economy will prosper in a time of peace. Unanimously acclaimed the inaugural president of one world government vicariously ruling from Jerusalem over “all the kingdoms of this world” (Matthew 4:8), Satan incarnate will restore peace by ordering the withdrawal of Russia’s victorious military from mainland USA.

Paul called this incarnation “that man of sin, the son of perdition . . . who opposes and exalts himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sits in the temple of God, showing himself that he is God” (II Thessalonians 2:4; Isaiah 14:12-14).

Once again overcome by the pride of life, the seven headed dragon (Revelation 12:3; 13:1; 17:3, 9-18) will “rise up against the Prince of princes; but he shall be broken without [human] hand [but by an act of God].” It was by Roman authority that Jesus was condemned to death and crucified (Daniel 8:10-11); subsequently Papal Rome’s persecutions nearly destroyed the Christian religion but the Lord’s House is not founded on Peter but upon the rock of revelation from Above (Matthew 16:18-19).

Body of ChristDaniel’s vision is set “at the time of the end” (Daniel 8:17, 19; 11:35, 40; 12:4, 9). In Daniel 8:25 (9:27b; Revelation 11:3-12) we find that in the midst of Daniel’s Seventieth Week Rome will break her covenant with the Jews and force the mark of the beast, her trinity dogma, on pain of death. Revelation 13:11-15, current news and modern history identify the United States of America as the second beast that exercises all the power of Imperial Rome by its nuclear-armed military. Under obedience to the first beast in its Papal incarnation (Revelation 13:1-4; 18:18) the United States will form a Protestant image to Rome, unite church and state, and force the mark the beast as did the Judaeo-Roman Universal church. After it organized at the First Nicaea Council in AD325 the false church ‘evangelized’ the state religion at the point of a legionnaire’s sword, but “Rome will be broken without handby Christ’s Stone Kingdom “cut out of the mountain without hands,” when it smites the world power on its feet (Daniel 2:34, 39-45; Zechariah 4:7).

Pope Emeritis Benedict XVI(Lat.) Semper eadem, which means “ever the same,” has always been a proud Catholic boast but neither theologically nor historically was it adequately theorized or explained. Then as now the mark of the beast is the polytheistic trinity. How can three persons be in one God? Not only is there no Bible for it, but it shows even a lack of intelligent reasoning. Three distinct persons, though identical substance, make three gods, or language has lost its meaning entirely. Ham begat Cush and Cush begat Nimrod; Cush led the people away from the true God and as the “interpreter of the gods” persuaded them to take another form of religion. He inspired them to go ahead with the tower which his son actually built. This encouragement is what brought the confusion and the division of men, so that he was both “interpreter and confuser.” Cush was the father of the polytheistic system and when men were deified by men, he of course, became the father of the gods. This concept of three persons in one god is worshipped under different names by Judaism, Islam and all religions who know it not. It passed from Babylon to Imperial Rome where it was introduced into Christendom at the Hegelian dialectic of the First Nicaea Council.

Revelation 19:11-21 shows how leading His Kingdom Jesus will “Judge and make war without hand by the sharp Sword of His Spoken Word . . . And the beast [or Devil-incarnate last pope] will be taken, and with him the false prophet that wrought miracles he was granted to perform in behalf of the beast, [such as forming a universal assemblage of Catholics at the core; grouped with them the Protestant denominations, sects and churches; grouped around them believing Jews, believing Muslims, believing Hindus, believing Buddhists (Revelation 13:12-14)]. “By such miracles he deceived those who received the mark of the beast, and them that worship the lake of Fire burning with brimstone, and the remnant was slain with the Sword of Him that sat upon the horse, which sword proceeded out of His mouth: and all the fowls were filled with their flesh.”

Revelation 20:10, 14-15, “And the Devil that deceived them was cast into the lake of Fire and brimstone, where the beast and the false prophet are, and shall be tormented day and night forever and ever . . . And death and hell were cast into the lake of Fire. This is the second death. And whosoever was not found written in the Book of life was cast into the lake of Fire”.

“And the vision of the evening and the morning which was told in Daniel 8:14, 26 is truth and two thousand three hundred evening-mornings must elapse before the end of the period of afflictions permitted to be brought upon Israel before the cleansing of the sanctuary. Wherefore shut up the vision; for it shall retain its prophetic value over a long period and relates to a distant future.” On the contrary John, who represents Christ’s end-time Bride is told not to seal up the revelation of the Seventh Seal which has been revealed to Him because “the time of its fulfillment is nigh” (Revelation 22:10).

Notice the difference between the Old Testament seer who sees only shadows and types far removed from the final future: instead of beholding the beast, Daniel saw his forerunner, Antiochus Epiphanes. Likewise the Maccabees and Josephus saw only Judas Maccabaeus’ physical cleansing of the Sanctuary three and a half years (about 2,300 days) after Antiochus apostatized the people and profaned the Sanctuary, whereas we see the future incarnate beast, not his type. These prophecies described by New Testament symbols would have been meaningless to the Old Testament saints and speak not of “the Jews’ house” (Matthew 23:38) but the heavenly Sanctuary and its cleansing of the sins of our 144,000 Israelite attendants. Their revelation, repentance, mourning, regeneration and recognition of the justice of their coming martyrdom in the second half of Daniel’s Seventieth Week (Zechariah 12:1 – 13:9; Matthew 27:25; Revelation 14:1-5; 15:2-4) is two thousand three hundred years beyond the trespassors Antiochus, Israel and Rome. Daniel 8:26 points us back to verses 11-19 to recognize the antitype and to understand that the “two thousand evenings and mornings” mentioned in Daniel 8:23-26 are days of years as in Daniel 7:25; 9:24-27; 12:7 and Revelation 11:3, etc.

The reason for the greater minuteness of historical facts and dates, given in Daniel’s prophecies, than in those of the New Testament, is that Israel, not having yet the clear views which Christians have of immortality and the heavenly inheritance, could only be directed to the earthly future: for it was on earth the looked-for Messiah was to appear, and the sum and subject of Old Testament prophecy was the kingdom of God upon earth. The minuteness of the revelation of Israel’s earthly destiny was to compensate for the absence, in the Old Testament, of views of heavenly glory. Thus, in Daniel 9:24-27, the times of Messiah are foretold to the very year; in Daniel 8:14 the times of Antiochus, even to the day; in Daniel 11:5-20 the Syro-Egyptian struggles in most minute detail. And in Daniel 9:24-27 and Exodus 12:1-6, the year, month, day and hour in which Israel’s Messiah would be crucified and slain.

Passover is a memorial of the Israelites defined as an evening-until-morning overnight event to be observed once a year. Thus, evening and morning” in the chrono-specific prophecy in Daniel 8:14 and 26 does not represent a 24-hour day, nor does it have anything to do with the morning and evening sacrifices; it means a night, Passover night, the annual reminder of God’s redemption of Israel which rejected the true and antitypical Lamb of God, Jesus Christ, on Calvary. I understand these two thousand three hundred years of evenings and mornings represent 2,300 Passovers wherein the sacrifice could not be conducted at Jerusalem (Deuteronomy 16:1-12)—Passovers God did not recognize because in rejecting the Lord that bought them Israel had filled up the measure of their iniquities and “by wicked hands crucified and slain” the real Passover Lamb (Acts 2:23).

Deuteronomy 16:5-6, “You may not sacrifice the Passover within any of the towns which the Lord your God is giving you: but at the place which the Lord your God shall choose to establish His Name, there you shall sacrifice the Passover in the evening at sunset, at the season that you came out of Egypt”.

The Passover was not a religious feast or sacramental occasion but an actual sacrifice (Exodus 12:27; 23:18); hence “Christ our Passover is sacrificed for us” (I Corinthians 5:7). No sacrifice was accepted but from the altar that sanctified it. It was therefore necessary that they should go up to the place of the altar; for though the paschal lamb was entirely eaten by the owners in their separate homes, yet it must be killed in the court of the temple, its blood sprinkled, and its inwards burned upon the altar. By confining Israel to the appointed place God kept them to the appointed rule from which they would have been apt to vary and introduce foolish inventions of their own, had they been permitted to offer these sacrifices within their own gates, from under the inspection of the priests. Furthermore, being appointed to attend where God had chosen to place His Name, they were directed to have their eye upon Him in the solemnity, and the desire of their hearts toward the remembrance of His Name, and were pointed to the place where Messiah, the true Passover, was to be slain. At even—at the season that they came out of Egypt.

Under the Old Testament God placed His Name in Jerusalem, under the New Testament His Name is in Christ, and we must come under His Blood (Matthew 11:28-30; John 5:43).

In Deuteronomy 16:12 each Israelite was to “remember that he was a bondman or slave in Egypt: and [bound under obligation] to observe and obey these statutes.” So in John 18:3, 12, 24 and 28 we find “a detachment of six hundred soldiers and the captain and officers of the Jews took Jesus, and bound Him” under obligation to obey as one already marked “condemned,” the Pascal Lamb was taken, confined and subsequently killed by the whole assembly of the congregation of Israel in the evening of Nisan 14 (Exodus 12:5-6). It was early, between cock-crowing and sunrise, 3.00 to 6.00 a.m. and Pilate having sent the band was expecting its return.

After a hurried meeting the Sanhedrim condemned Jesus to death, they led Him from Caiaphas to the hall of judgment to seek Roman authority to carry out the sentence: “and it was early; and they themselves did not enter into the judgment hall in order that they should be defiled; but might eat the Passover” (John 18:28). Killing an innocent man would not in the least defile or render them unfit for eating the Passover, but to go into a house that had not been “purged of leaven,” and as the residence of a Gentile was unclean, though he was the governor, would stain their hypocritical consciences—a singular scale of magnitude which saw no sin in condemning Jesus but great sin in entering Pilate’s palace!

We have finished with the Grecian Empire and Antigonas so let us read Daniel 7:23-27 and focus on verse 7:25 where we will see that “The fourth beast [described in Daniel 7:19-20 and Revelation 13:1-3, is Papal Rome, a composite of the attributes of the previous three beasts or Gentile world empires]; the fourth kingdom upon earth will be diverse from all kingdoms [as it will be a church kingdom], and it will devour the whole earth, and shall tread it down, and break it in pieces. And the ten horns out of this kingdom are ten kings that shall arise [Germany, France, England, Spain, Switzerland, Italy, Portugal, Heruli, Vandals, and Ostrogoths]: and another, the pope, shall rise after them; and he shall be diverse from the first, and he shall subdue three kingdoms the major German tribes of Heruli, Vandals, and the Ostrogoths.” These ten nations made up the western and Holy Roman Empire then formed NATO; they will eventually ally Russia, then Vatican City State and the United States of America will be destroyed (Revelation 17:11-18; 18:1-20).

Daniel 7:25: “And he shall speak great words against the most High, and constantly harass the saints of the most High, and try to alter God’s dispensations and Laws [in the midst of Daniel’s Seventieth Week when he begins to force the mark of the beast]: and they shall be given into his hand until a time and times and half a time” or three and a half years (Daniel 9:27b; 12:7; Revelation 13:5-80). “But the judgment shall sit, and they shall take away his dominion, to consume and to destroy it unto the end. And the kingdom and dominion, and the greatness of the kingdom under the whole heaven, shall be given to the people of the saints of the most High, whose kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, and all dominions shall serve and obey him”.

Please open “The Revelation of the Seven Seals” to p. 168:5 – 171:2 in the old book, or p. 151:355-371 in the new book. “And he makes this covenant with the Jews, and in the midst of this three and a half years, he breaks his covenant as soon as he gets the thing wrapped up and gets the money of the Jews tied up. And when he does that, oh, my, oh, my, he’s called the antichrist until the end of the Church Age, for he and his children are against Christ and the Word. This man’s called the antichrist. Now, he’s going to hold the money. And that’s where I think he’ll come in. Just a minute, while I say this, then I want to go back to it in a minute.”

“He’s called the antichrist and will be called the antichrist in the sight of God until the end time. Now, but then he’ll be called something else.”

“Now, when he gets the money all under control, then he will break this covenant with the Jews, as Daniel here said he would do it, in the midst of the last half of the seventy weeks of Daniel. And then, brother, what will he do? He will have all of the world trade and the commerce, a pact with the world, ’cause he will hold the wealth of the world completely.”

“And during that time, them two prophets will rise on the scene and call that hundred and forty-four thousand. Then what will take place? Then the mark of the beast of Revelations 13 will set in, ’cause he holds all the commerce, trade and everything of the world. And what will take place then? The mark of the beast will come in that no man can buy or sell except him that has the mark of the beast. Thank God, the Church will be enjoying a great three and a half years in glory. Don’t have to go through that.”

“Now, notice, at the end of the Church Ages, now, he and his children are called the antichrist, ’cause anything that’s against Christ is antichrist. And anything that’s against the Word is against Christ, ’cause Christ is the Word. Now, he’s antichrist.”

“Then in Revelations 12:7-9, when Satan is cast out, the accuser . . . You want to put that down, ’cause I want to read it; we haven’t got time now, ’cause it’s fifteen till ten. See?”

“But in Revelation 12:7-9, Satan the spirit, the devil, which is up there now, accuser of our brethren, all right; the Church is taken up, and Satan is cast out. When the Church goes up, Satan comes down. Then Satan incarnates himself in the antichrist and is called the beast.”

“Then in Revelations 13, he sets the mark down. See, when He that letteth—only now Christianity is left on the earth in its purity is because Him that letteth. You remember back here in Thessalonians? Setting upon the temple of God, calling himself God; forgiving sins on earth, and that’ll go on, and iniquity shall abound and on, ’cause it won’t be known yet until his time to be revealed is called. And then the Church will be caught away. And when it’s caught away, then he changes hisself from an antichrist now. Oh, my, the church, the great church . . . Now, he becomes the beast. Hm. I wished I could make people see that.”

“Now, remember, the antichrist and the beast is the same self spirit. There’s the trinity. Yes, sir. It’s three stages of the same devil power. Remember, Nicolaitane (See?), it had to be incarnate before it could be crowned. See? Now, watch this. Three stages: first stage he’s called antichrist; second stage, he’s called the false prophet; third stage, he’s called the beast.”

“Notice, Nicolaitane, the antichrist teaching that started in the days of Paul against God’s Word: antichrist . . . Then he’s called again the false prophet, which when the teaching become a man, he was a prophet to the teaching of the hierarchy of the hierarchy of the Catholic church. The Pope was the prophet to the false word, and that made him a false prophet.”

“The third stage is a beast, a man that’s crowned in the last days with every power that pagan Rome ever had, because the seven-headed beast, dragon, was cast out of heaven and come incarnate in the false prophet. Here it is; he had seven crowns, and he was cast out and throwed into the earth and the sea. All right.”

“What are we saying? Who is this rider, this horse rider? You know what it is? It’s Satan’s superman” (The Revelation of the Seven Seals, p. 151:355-371).

Isaiah 46:9-11, “Remember the former things of old: for I am God, and there is none else; I am God, and there is none like Me, Declaring the end from the beginning, and from ancient times the things that are not yet done, saying, “My counsel shall stand, and I will do all My pleasure: Calling a ravenous bird from the east, the man that executeth My counsel from a far country: yea, I have spoken it, I will also bring it to pass; I have purposed it, I will also do it.”

Let’s read the prophecy of Jeremiah 50:35-38 concerning the manner of Babylon’s defeat, “A sword is upon the Chaldeans, saith the Lord, and upon the inhabitants of Babylon, and upon her princes, and upon her wise men. A sword is upon the prophets and they shall become fools: panic shall seize her mightiest warriors. War shall devour their horses and their chariots, and all the mingled people (foreigners) that are in the midst of her shall become as women: (spiritually mingled people are in Rome’s midst); her treasures shall be plundered (as will Rome). A drought is upon her waters; and they shall be dried up: for it is the land of graven images, and they are mad upon their idols.” (Isn’t that a picture of Rome today)?

As a prelude to Babylon’s doom, the waters of the Euphrates were dried up when the army of Cyrus under Darius diverted their flow. And they marched along the river bed and under the walls to defeat the city in the climax of Belshazzar’s impious feast.

Map of Parthian EmpireThat was in natural Babylon. Rome eventually succeeded to world dominion. Euphrates was the eastern frontier of her empire, beyond which lay the Parthian menace. The Parthian Empire stretched from the Euphrates to India and the Oxus (Amu-Darya) river in what was Soviet Central Asia. For centuries it was the rival of Rome, and more than once proved her match on the battlefield. Parthia once made Judea a vassal state and became part of the Persian Empire of Cyrus and Darius. They submitted to Alexander without resistance and came under the rule of the Selucid kings of Syria but eventually gained their independence.

An invasion from the EAST was something greatly feared in Israel’s past; almost all of her devastators—Assyrians, Babylonians and Persians—had come from beyond the Euphrates, and in John’s present as he lived under Imperial Rome. The religion of the people of the region of old Parthia today is predominantly Muslim.

Imperial Rome became Papal Rome and in Revelation 9:14 and 16:12, Jesus used Euphrates to symbolize the boundary of Papal Rome’s influence. Her defence is what little fear and superstition she retains of the Gospel Message, without which she has claim to nothing, much less dominion over heaven, earth and purgatory. But psychology lingers long.

In the world, psychology counts for more than fundamentals. And in religion, people base their eternal destiny upon what they can see with their eyes and what they want to believe, rather than what they understand by faith. Brother Branham said “America’s spending tax money that will not be collected for forty years. We’ve spent our gold reserve. We’re broke. We don’t have any money; and we’re only living off a past reputation. This nation is living off past reputation of what the forefathers were, and that’s the reason we think we’ll be saved. God never respected Israel on what they had been; but on what they were. And the church is living off a past reputation it got back yonder under the ministry of the Lion Age. “We are the ‘Church,’ we are the ‘Mother Church’.” And Methodist is living off their reputation. Baptist is living off their reputation, and Pentecost is living off of theirs, “Glory to God!” A long time ago when the saints used to dance in the Spirit and “The Lord did this and that.” See, all past reputation.

Here’s what I think will take place: I believe the time will come when we’re forced to face the issue. Instead of us changing the currency . . . What would that do to the Philip Morris? What would that do to the whiskey company? What would that do to the steel industry? What would that do to all the commerce? . . . It would break them! They’d be broke! But if we can borrow that money . . . See how smart Satan is? Then the nation sells out to the church and then church and state is united again . . . (ibid. old book, p. 504:Q28; new book p. 651:Q29).

The church’s one defence is behind the Word of God, the rivers of living Water which is the Holy Spirit. Remember Babylon means Gate of God. It is an impersonation of the New Jerusalem with the water of Life flowing from it. And as the drying up of the great river Euphrates removed all restraint upon the kings of the east when Media and Persia captured Babylon, Rome’s apostasy and rejection of the Word dried up the moat of the Holy Spirit, exposing her to the kings of the earth and their armies, who seek to attack the Papal Roman Empire.

Revelation 16:12, “And the sixth angel poured out his vial upon the great river Euphrates; and the water thereof was dried up, that the way of the kings of the EAST might be prepared”.

The Sixth Vial dried up what little Holy Spirit there might have been in Rome’s traditions and dogma. God gave her a thousand years of Dark Ages to repent and she repented not. All she has left is political deception and intrigue. Revelation 16:13-14, “And I saw three unclean spirits like frogs come out of the mouth of the dragon [Satan veiled behind Imperial Rome (Revelation 12:3)], and out of the mouth of the beast [Satan veiled behind Papal Rome (Revelation 13:1-8)], and out of the mouth of the false prophet [the first Pope]. For they are the spirits of demons, working miracles, which go forth unto the rulers of the earth and of the whole world, to gather them to the battle of that great day of God Almighty.” You see, Rome’s power is not truly spiritual, it is political. She makes alliances—concordats—with the seed of men (Daniel 2:43).

NATORome will bring all of the denominations together, uniting church and state as a (once) Protestant image unto the beast. We learn from Daniel 2 that the ten toes of the image of Nebuchadnezzar’s dream are the European nations into which Imperial Rome fractured, now known as the North Atlantic Treaty Organization which consists of thirty apostate member states which will agree to give their power to Rome. And to “address the rise of China,” NATO co-operates closely with Australia, New Zealand, Japan and South Korea, Colombia, Israel, the Ukraine, Afghanistan, countries in North Africa and other busybody nations anxious to participate in World War III, then confront Jesus at Armageddon. According to Daniel 7 and Revelation 17:12-17, “The ten horns which you saw are ten kings, which have received no kingdom as yet; but receive power as kings [preselected democratically elected dictators—prime ministers, and presidents like F.D. Roosevelt], one hour with the beast. These have one mind, and shall give their power and strength to the beast [when it refinances the US dollar, saving Europe from a Communist-led world government. Seven Imperial rulers—Julius Caesar, Augustus, Tiberius, Caligula, Claudius, Nero and Galba, were deified; “the Devil-incarnate beast or last Pope that was, and is not, even he is the eighth, and is of the seven, and goes into perdition” (Revelation 13:4-8)]. “These [Jew-led European states] shall make war with the Lamb, and the Lamb shall overcome them: for he is Lord of lords, and King of kings: and they that are with him are called, and chosen, and faithful. And Brother Branham (Revelation 17:1) said unto . . . . [insert YOUR name because John represents Christ’s end-time Bride] . . . . “The waters which you saw, where the whore sits, are peoples, and multitudes, and nations, and tongues. And the ten horns which you saw on the beast, these [Jew-ruled European states] shall HATE the whore, [when Rome breaks her covenant with the Jewish international usurers in the midst of Daniel’s seventieth week, and sides with Russia] and shall make her desolate and naked, and shall eat her flesh, and burn her with nuclear fire (Leviticus 21:9; Revelation 18:4-20). For God has put in their hearts to fulfil His will, and to agree, and give their kingdom to the beast, until the words of God shall be fulfilled”.

The object of the kings of the East, or once Judaeo-Communist bloc, is the destruction of MYSTERY BABYLON—Rome. And they will succeed. AFTER that “the kings of the earth and of the whole world,” gathered by the three ‘isms’ that arose from the three Woes, will go to Armageddon.

NATO logoYes, there will come a time after the beast breaks his covenant with Israel and forces self-worship that his allies will have had enough and will hate the whore and will destroy Rome with atomic fire. Rome is lewd, and naked of the Holy Spirit. Jesus warned Bible believers in these last days, “Behold, I come as a thief. Blessed is he that watches, and keeps his garments, lest he walk naked and they see his shame” like those who slumbered and slept in the pews and the foolish virgins who trim their lamps but ran out of the Spirit (Matthew 25).

This is not simply a battle against God (I Samuel 17:47; II Chronicles 20:15), it is the absolute and decisive battle wherein the coming of the Kingdom is at stake. Revelation 16:16, “And the three unclean spirits of Judaeo-Fascism, Judaeo-Nazism and Judaeo-Communism gathered them together into a place called in the Hebrew tongue Armageddon.” Revelation 19:19-21, “And I saw the beast, and the kings of the earth, and their armies, gathered together to make war against Him that sat on the horse, and against His army. And the beast was taken, and with him the false prophet that wrought miracles before him, with which he deceived them that had received the mark of the beast, and them that worshipped his image. These both were cast alive into a lake of Fire burning with brimstone. And the remnant was slain with the sword of Him that sat upon the horse, which sword proceeded out of His mouth: and all the fowls were filled with their flesh.”

Two popes as Jesus prophesied in Revelation 19:20 and 20:10. How late is the hour?

Now we understand from Scripture that this drying up of the river Euphrates has a twofold significance. From the Gentile perspective it is the apostatizing of Rome and her harlot daughters prior to their destruction in the lake of Fire. But there is also the Israelite perspective to be considered “if they abide not still in unbelief, God is able to graft them back into the olive tree” because the blindness of elect Israelites will be taken away after the fullness of the Gentiles comes in (Romans 11:23).

Isaiah 11:10-12: “And it shall be in the day that the Gospel is publicly proclaimed that there shall be a root of Jesse—Jesus Christ—the root and offspring of David whose Name and knowledge shall stand as a permanent rallying point in view of all the nations to whom not only Israelites but an election from all nations of Adam’s race shall seek and discern (John 12:32), and by conversion enter His glorious rest” (Matthew 11:28-30).

“And it shall come to pass in that day, after the close of the Gentile dispensation (Psalm 63:23; Luke 21:24; Romans 11:25), that the Lord shall set His hand again the second time to recover the remnant of His people Israel, which shall be left, from Assyria, and from Egypt, and from Pathros, and from Cush, and from Elam, and from Shinar, and from Hamath, and from the islands and coastlands of the Mediterranean”.

The deliverance from Egypt was not of a remnant but of the whole nation and out from one country only. And the deliverance from Babylon—one country only—recovered only two of the tribes plus the odd member of the other ten tribes who had been carried away with the Judeans from one country. So the first deliverance was neither from Egypt nor from Babylon.

This second deliverance will be in the latter days of this Messianic Age of redemption following the conversion of the Gentiles and the close of the Gentile dispensation (Romans 11:21-32).

Whence will they be gathered? From Assyria (Iraq), from Lower Egypt, Pathros (Upper Egypt), Ethiopia, Persia (Iran), Babylonia, Hamath (Upper Syria), and from countries and islands bordering the Mediterranean. To this day Israel’s ten tribes live in the Muslim lands of the ancient Babylonian and Assyrian Empires of North Africa and the Middle East. Isaiah does not mention the Japhetic nations of Poland, Russia, Germany, UK, France and the USA; or the huge influx of self-styled Jews from Eastern Europe to Palestine: these non-Semitic Khazars or Ashkenazim are a different racial group altogether.

“And the Lord will lift up an ensign as a signal or rallying point for the nations, and assemble the outcasts of Israel, and gather together the dispersed of Judah scattered to the four corners of the earth”.

Describing an article in Look Magazine, Brother Branham said, “And I seen them bringing those Jews Israelites in . . . coming down from Egypt, coming down from all over the world . . . Iran, Iraq. “There’s twelve thousand of the tribes of Gad, twelve thousand of the tribes of Asher, twelve thousand of the tribes of Reuben . . .” And where were they all standing? On Mount Sinai. Jews Israelites—back in the homeland. There they were. They were the ones that wasn’t this Wall Street crooked bunch. No, sir! It was the real Jews Israelites” (61-0806, The Seventieth Week of Daniel, par. 149).

Isaiah 11:15-16: “And the Lord shall utterly destroy the tongue of the Egyptian sea, the eastern tongue or Gulf of Aqaba, where Moses crossed to the land of Midian (now Saudi Arabia), and with His mighty wind He shall shake His hand over the river [Euphrates], and shall smite it into seven streams that can easily be forded. And there shall be a highway for the remnant of His people which shall be left, from Assyria; like it was when Israel came up out of the land of Egypt”.

Isaiah mentions Egypt and Assyria particularly because they were then two flourishing kingdoms which bordered upon Judea, and were by turns the great oppressors of God’s people. And the ten tribes having been carried captive to Assyria, their case especially seemed desperate. But these two kingdoms stand for adverse empires in general, especially those of idolatry and superstition, which shall be either destroyed or reduced to such a state of weakness as not to be able to hinder the progress of the conversion of the children of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob to Christ their King.

This redemption is likened to the exodus where God made a highway through the Sea. Now He will remove all obstacles that might prevent the remnant children of Jacob from returning to the Land of the Covenant for their redemption by “smiting” the barrier in Israel’s northern border as once He parted the Red Sea; the Euphrates symbolizes a border and defence which could not be crossed, but whose waters were diverted.

Dome of the RockThe beast will defeat and occupy Egypt and her Muslim allies Libya and Ethiopia when they invade Israel in concert with Russia after es-Sakhra, the Dome of the Rock, and al Aqsa, the Mosque of Omar on the Temple Mount are demolished by the earthquake of Daniel 11:40-43 and Zechariah 14. This will trigger the mass exodus of non-Semitic, anti-Semitic self-styled Israeli Jews, allowing the children of Jacob to repatriate the Holy Land. MYSTERY BABYLON secures Israel by defeating the king of the South and his Muslim followers. Peace will be restored by enforcing UN Resolution 181. Jerusalem—a place holy to Jews, Christians and Muslims alike—will become a ‘corpus separatum’ administered by Rome. The kings of the East, that is east from Jerusalem and Israel over the Euphrates which runs across the north-east section of Lebanon, Syria, through Iraq, and into the Persian Gulf. “But tidings out of the east and out of the north will trouble the beast . . .” (Daniel 11:44).

In Bible times, the king of the North was Syria but in Daniel 11 it will be Russia. Old Babylon was captured by Medes from the north and Persians from the east. Eventually the king of the North will destroy Vatican City State and the USA. To Israel’s east today lay Iraq, Iran and Pakistan who as Muslims account Rome and Christianity as infidels and encourage their destruction.

The purpose of our exercise this-evening was to demonstrate the fulfilled prophecies of natural Israel, Egypt, Syria, Babylon, Medo-Persia and Rome prove that God alone can declare the end before the beginning. These prophecies are now historical fact and their accuracy cannot be denied. But they are set forth as types of future events which will be declared spiritually. With the fulfilled shadow as our guide we can have an indication of the outcome of future unfulfilled Scripture. We have discovered the significance of the Old Testament symbol of Euphrates in the New. And we have identified who will play the part of the kings of the East, North and South.

But why should we choose to understand such matters? In order that we might experience that rest which passes all understanding. It is the ‘unknown’ that causes uncertainty and plants fear in man’s heart. If we know who holds the future, and are advised on ‘things to come,’ and live above the reproach of the Word, we display the evidence of the Holy Spirit. This blessed assurance is consolation greater than the assurance of any man. nl1108.htm

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Brother Grigor-Scott is a non-denominational minister who has ministered full-time since 1981, primarily to other ministers and their congregations overseas. He pastors Bible Believers’ tiny congregation, and is available to teach in your church.

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May 10, 2020


Bible Believers’ Newsletter 1107

“We focus on the present Truth – what Jesus is doing now. . .”
ISSN 1442-8660

Christian greetings in the precious Name of our Lord Jesus Christ; thank you for being here, we appreciate your company and are pleased you could join us in fellowship around God’s unchanging Word.

Android PhoneThe subject of our main article is “Leadership.” The Lord is leading us to maturity in the unity of the faith for the manifestation of the Sons of God and the translation before He casts Satan down to earth to incarnate “that man of sin, the son of perdition” ruling the world government Jesus Messiah declined. This world is insane: our main article and our news items explain Satan’s attempted coup concealed behind the coronavirus HOAX. National leaders past and present under the Jews’ City of London appear complicit, having brought their nations and the world to economic ruin with depression, famine and death certain: be prepared.

Satan is riding his pale horse to perdition is leading all whose names are not written in the Book of [eternal] Life of the Lamb from the foundation of the world (Revelation 13:8). Jesus will “keep us from the hour of temptation”; at that time only 144,000 unglorified names will be written in this Book.

This Newsletter serves those of like precious faith. Whoever will receive the truth is welcome to feed their soul from the waters of the River of Life. Everything here presented should be confirmed personally in your own Bible.

Your brother-in-Christ
Anthony Grigor-Scott

Global Virus Lockdown was ‘Madness’

May 4, 2020 — Stefan Homburg, professor of public finance at Leibniz University . . . was simple and based on a now-famous graphic produced by the Robert Koch Institut . . . the equivalent of the US Centers for Disease Control (CDC).

The principal line graph . . . represents the “reproduction number” . . . of an infectious disease . . . the number of cases, on average, an infected person will cause during their infectious period. RKI’s graph shows that by March 23 when the government ordered its harshest set of lockdown measures, the reproduction figure was already below 1, meaning that the number of new infections was on the decline . . . in the following weeks it stayed below zero . . . as the lockdown continued, it accomplished no additional reduction in new cases . . . Prof. Homburg called the lockdown “totally superfluous” and “incredibly harmful,” not only to the economy, but also to the psychological and physical well-being of uncountable individuals who were prevented from having lifesaving operations or contemplating suicide.

Homburg further pointed out that the RKI released to the public irresponsibly high numbers of potential deaths from Covid-19—”300,000 to 1.5 million.” At the time of the lockdown decision, it must have known, or should have known, that the figures were vastly exaggerated . . . The latest Ro number published by the RKI on April 30 was 0.75, meaning the number of new infections over any given reference period (four days) goes down by 25% . . . Full story:

Comment: We are not witnessing a viral epidemic but an epidemic of fear induced by self-seeking politicians working toward the realization of the one world government Jesus Christ refused (Matthew 4:8-9). According to Italy’s National Institute of Health, 96.3% did not die of coronavirus, but of other pathologies stated Sgarbi—which means that only 925 have died from the virus and 24,075 have died of other things claimed Sgarbi, “. . . the virus was little more than an influenza. Don’t lie! Tell the truth!”

Do not lie. Tell the truth. The data is fake: 96.3 % died as a result of other diseases. Hypocrisy and Falsification: 25,000 people died of the coronavirus, that is not true, that is a lie. It is a way to terrorize Italians and impose a dictatorship, a dictatorship of consensus. It’s ridiculous. Italy is not the only country where figures on mortality have been manipulated (

The Farce and Diabolical Agenda of a ‘Universal Lockdown’

April 27, 2020 — First comes the farce, an almost universal government lie around the globe about a deadly virus, WHO named COVID-19. The decision for a global lockdown—literally for the collapse of the world economy—was already taken at the WEF conference in Davos, 21 – 24 January 2020. On January 30, WHO declared COVID-19 a Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC). At that time, there were only 150 known COVID-19 cases outside of China. No reason whatsoever to declare a pandemic. On March 11, Dr. Tedros, DG of WHO converted the PHEIC into a pandemic; this gave a green light for the start if implementing “The Plan”.

The pandemic was needed as a pretext to halt and collapse the world economy and the underlying social fabric.

Eugenicist Bill Gates will not vaccinate his own childrenThere is no coincidence. There were a number of preparatory events, all pointing into the direction of a worldwide monumental historic disaster. It started at least 10 years ago—probably considerably earlier—with the infamous 2010 Rockefeller Report, which painted the first phase of a monstrous Plan, called the “Lock Step” scenario. Among the last preparatory moves for the “pandemic” was Event 201, held in NYC on 18 October 2019 . . . sponsored by the Johns Hopkins Center for Public Health, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF) and the World Economic Forum (WEF), the club of the rich and powerful that meets every January in Davos Switzerland. Participating were a number of pharmaceuticals (vaccine interest groups), as well as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)’s of the US and—of China.

One of the objectives of Event 201 was a computer simulation of a corona virus pandemic. The simulated virus was called SARS-2-nCoV, or later 2019-nCoV. The simulation results were disastrous, killing 65 million people in 18 months and plunging the stock market by more than 30%—causing untold unemployment and bankruptcies. Precisely the scenario the beginning of which we are now living. The Lock Step scenario foresees a number of ghastly and disturbing events or components of The Plan to be implemented by the so called Agenda ID2020, a Bill Gates creation, fully integrated into the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDG)—target date for completion—2030 (also called Agenda 2030, the hidden agenda unknown to most of the UN members), the same target date for completion of the Agenda ID2020.

Here, just the key elements as a precursor to what the world is living now, and what is to come . . .

  • . . . Bill Gates’ dream and brainchild is vaccinating 7 billion people.
  • Massive population reduction, a eugenics plan—in part through vaccination and other means . . .
  • An electronic ID for every person on the planet
  • Digitized money, no more cash.
  • Universal rolling out of 5G, later to be followed by 6G.

This is leading to a total control of every individual on the planet. It is sold to the public as The Internet of Things (TIT), meaning self-driving cars, robotized kitchen equipment, artificial intelligence (AI) for the production and delivery of everything. What the sales pitch doesn’t say, is how humans would be marginalized and enslaved. To carry this masterplan forward, high frequency electromagnet waves are needed. Therefore, rolling out of 5G is a must, no matter what the health impact on humans, fauna and flora may be—and no matter how it may influence viral infections, like possibly the current COVID19 . . . suffice to say that unlike other UN agencies, WHO was created in 1948 by the Rockefeller Foundation—see The Lancet. It might be also noteworthy that about half of WHOs budget comes from private interest sources, mostly the pharma industry, but also others, like telecom giants. This is a precursor for understanding how things are being planned. It may help connecting the dots for what is coming. It may also help us understand what is happening right now, in the first phase of the Lock Step scenario. It portrays in vivid colours the criminal nature of the Dark Deep State . . . Full story:

Comment: “Right now Medicare is determining that if you have a COVID-19 admission to the hospital you get $13,000. If that COVID-19 patient goes on a ventilator you get $39,000, three times as much. Nobody can tell me after 35 years in the world of medicine that sometimes those kinds of things impact on what we do” . . . US Hospitals getting paid more to label cause of death as ‘coronavirus’. “Around 70% are in Ventilators . . . a very, very high percentage in general, when one thinks of a medical disease” ().

“They’re writing COVID on all the death certificates”: NYC Funeral Directors doubt legitimacy of deaths attributed to pandemic. “The CDC counts both true COVID-19 cases and speculative guesses of COVID-19 the same; they call it death by COVID-19. They automatically overestimate the real death numbers by their own admission . . .”

A Wuhan lab studied SARS-related viruses. But there’s no evidence it discovered or was working on the new virus. Coronavirus is in every animal, so if you have ever had a ‘flu vaccine, you were injected with coronaviruses.

The Global Political Project imposed [under Cover] of Covid-19

May 5, 2020 — Regardless of whether the Covid-19 epidemic is natural or has been provoked, it offers an opportunity for a transnational group to suddenly impose its political project without discussion or even exposure. Within a few weeks we have seen so-called democratic states suspend fundamental freedoms: prohibiting people from leaving their homes, participating in meetings and demonstrations, under threat of fines or imprisonment. Compulsory schooling for under-16s has been provisionally abolished. Millions of workers have been deprived of employment and automatically placed out of work. Hundreds of thousands of businesses have been forced to close down and will no longer be able to reopen.

Without preparation, governments encouraged companies to telework. All communications via the Internet were immediately recorded by the Echelon system. This means that the “Five Eyes” (Australia/Canada/New Zealand/United Kingdom/USA) have in their archives the means to unlock the secrets of almost all European manufacturers. For that, it is already too late.

None of the societal transformations have a medical justification. No epidemiology book in the world has discussed, let alone advocated, “mandatory generalized containment” to fight an epidemic.

The political leaders of the European Union Member States have been stunned by delirious mathematical projections of a mass murder in their own countries. They were then comforted by the ready-made solutions of a powerful pressure group whose members they had met at the Davos Economic Forum and the Munich Security Conferences.

“Compulsory generalized containment” had been conceived fifteen years earlier, within the Bush administration, not as a public health tool, but to militarize US society in the event of a bioterrorist attack. And it is indeed this project that is applied today in Europe.

The initial plan, conceived more than 20 years ago around the head of the pharmaceutical laboratory Gilead Science, Donald Rumsfeld, planned to adapt the United States to the global financialization of the economy. It was a question of reorganizing the planet by dividing the tasks of each person geographically. Areas not yet integrated into the global economy would be deprived of a state and become mere reservoirs of raw materials; developed areas (including the European Union, Russia and China) would be responsible for production; and the United States alone would provide the world’s arms and police industry.

To do this, a group was created within a think-tank, the American Enterprise Institute, the “Project for a New American Century.” The latter announced a rather crude part of its programme, but only part of it; that intended to convince major donors to support George W. Bush’s election campaign. On September 11 at 10 a.m., when two airliners crashed into the World Trade Center in New York, the “Continuity of Government” (CoG) programme was declared, although the situation was not at all as foreseen in the texts. President Bush was taken to a military base. Members of Congress and their teams were taken to a huge bunker 40 kilometers from Washington. And the top-secret Continuity Government, of which Rumsfeld was a member, assumed power until the end of the day.

Taking advantage of the emotional shock of that day, this group passed a voluminous anti-terrorism code drafted long in advance, the USA Patriot Act; created a vast domestic surveillance system, the Homeland Security Department; reoriented the mission of the armed forces according to the global division of labor (Cebrowski Doctrine); and began the “Endless War. It is in the world they shaped that we have been living in a nightmare for the past two decades.

If we are not careful, the current group, of which Dr. Richard Hatchett is the visible element, will take this agenda from the United States to the European Union. It will impose over time a mobile phone tracking application to monitor our contacts; it will ruin certain economies in order to transfer their production power to the arms industry; and finally it will convince us that China is responsible for the epidemic and must be contained (Containment). [These elements have already been rolled out in the UK, Australia, New Zealand and in Singapore – Ed].

If we are not careful, the NATO we thought was brain dead will reorganize. It will expand into the Pacific with Australia joining as a trading partner . . . public schooling will be replaced by home schooling. Our children will become uncritical parrots, knowing everything but understanding nothing [like today’s university students – Ed]. In the new world being prepared for EU Europeans, the big media will no longer be financed by the oil industry, but by Big Pharma. They will convince us that all the measures taken have been the right ones. Search engines will rate the credibility of the non-compliant media on the headlines of the signatories of their articles, not on the quality of their reasoning . . . Full story:

Comment: COVID-19—The Fight for a Cure: One Gigantic Western Pharma Rip-Off, Virus Mania: How the Medical Industry Continually Invents Epidemics, Making Billion Dollar Profits at Our Expense, 12 Experts Questioning the Coronavirus Panic, Will COVID-19 be Known as ‘the Chinese Virus’ or ‘the Trump Virus’?, The Fear Virus Pandemic. ‘Fake News’? ‘Look at the Numbers. It’s not a Pandemic’

If We want to return to Normal, We have to fix the Policy

May 4, 2020 — Saving lives should not be our top priority, preserving our American way of life, our culture, our traditions our personal freedom, and, yes, our economy—which sustains us all, provides us with meaningful work, puts food on the table and a roof over our heads—these should be our top priority . . . the ultimate goal of our policy should be to get back to normal, to restore the life we had before the masks, the gloves, the daily briefings, the self isolation, the social distancing, the daily death toll, the shutting down of the economy, the deluge of unemployment claims, the destruction of small and mid-sized businesses, the trillions of dollars of additional red ink, and the abrupt termination of all normal interaction with our friends, our neighbors and our families. That’s what the aim of our policy should be, to get back to normal . . .
Full story:

Comment: Our nations have signed onto UN International Laws which obligate our treacherous self-seeking political leaders to sacrifice humanity to build Satan’s Eden.

Why US outsourced Bat Virus Research to Wuhan

April 22, 2020 — A CDC internal report described how scientists failed to follow proper procedures to ensure samples were inactivated before they left the lab, and also found “multiple other problems” with operating procedures in the anthrax lab. As such in October 2014, because of public health concerns, the US government banned all federal funding on efforts to weaponize three viruses—influenza, Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS) and severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS).

In the face of a moratorium in the US, Dr Anthony Fauci—the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) and currently the leading doctor in the US Coronavirus Task Force—outsourced in 2015 the GOF research to China’s Wuhan lab and licensed the lab to continue receiving US government funding. The Wuhan lab is now at the center of scrutiny for possibly releasing the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus and causing the global Covid-19 pandemic.

It is understandable that the Chinese lab likely struggled with safety issues given the fact US labs share similar problems, and indeed in January 2018 the US Embassy in Beijing sent cables warning about the safety of the Wuhan lab and asked for help. Additionally, the embassy warned that researchers “showed that various SARS-like coronaviruses can interact with ACE2, the human receptor identified for SARS-coronavirus,” meaning bat coronaviruses can be transmitted to humans to cause SARS-like diseases. Full story:

Our Glorious, Orwellian Reopening

Bill Clinton

May 2, 2020 — Rumblings from inside the establishment indicate we may be ready for a gradual reopening of the economy, and our society. This reopening, from what we already have learned, promises to be every bit as tyrannical and unnecessary as the shutdown was. Kansas City is the first, but certainly not the last, city to mandate that businesses will be compelled to refuse entry to customers who don’t have their “contact information.” This is no mere “show me your papers” kind of tyranny. It is a brand new concept, with Deep State Hall of Famer Bill Clinton as its spokesperson. Clinton and other odious swamp creatures want to establish a “contact tracer” corps, to track and isolate those who have tested positive for this dubious virus strain, as well as those who’ve come in contact with them. One company is even devising a wristband that will turn a different color when you come close to someone who has allegedly tested positive for the alleged virus. Now that seems compatible with a free society, doesn’t it? Even Orwell’s imagination had its limits.

Several states have already come up with a predictably authoritarian (and unconstitutional) series of checklists and protocols for businesses to meet, before they can be reopened. As always, our illustrious leaders will trumpet their concern for our “safety” as the rationale behind the draconian rules. As Dr. Anthony Fauci, the primary mad scientist in this Pavlovian laboratory has stated—we may never be able to go back to shaking hands. It’s just too risky. And will undoubtedly impact people of color disproportionately. Don’t you care about the children?

We have overwhelming evidence now that this entire thing is a plandemic, the greatest psyop of all time. On top of the World Health Organization, the Centers for Disease Control, and Dr. Birx of the White House, all freely acknowledging they are padding the numbers to get them as high as possible, we have a group of Pennsylvania coroners taking 200 deaths off of the COVID total, because the victims died from other causes.

We also know that hospitals are being paid $13,000 for every new COVID patient. And $39,000 if they put them on a ventilator. This seems like an even more irrational allocation of taxpayer funds than usual. But then, our farmers are also throwing away food and slaughtering animals, supposedly because of all the closed restaurants. And yet grocery stores still have shortages of these same foods. It doesn’t seem like it would take a team of rocket scientists to figure out a way to get all that food to those who need it.

Throwing away food while people starve is nothing new for our government. In a 1935 speech for his “Share our Wealth” movement, the great Huey Long declared, “Hogs and cattle were burned by the millions. The same was done to wheat and corn, and farmers were paid starvation money not to raise and not to plant . . . God forgive those rulers who burned hogs, threw milk in the river, and plowed under cotton while little children cried for meat and milk and something to put on their naked backs!” Nothing has changed, now that we’re in Great Depression 2.0.

There have been inferences that once America finally reopens, everyone will be required to wear a mask. Keep in mind, none of the absurd rules we’re all following can be legally enforced. They aren’t laws. No legislative body proposed them, or passed them. And yet, police are arresting a mother in Utah who was caught in a public park, allowing her children to play there. A father was arrested for throwing a ball with his daughter in another park.

“Social distancing” is a concept, dreamed up by the same devious minds that created political correctness, another concept that directly violates the Bill of Rights. And yet our out of control police forces, whom some optimistic souls theorized would be on “our” side in the event of a crisis like this, have demonstrated they will not stop the thuggery and harassment for one second. They are the enforcers of this tyranny, and they seem just as gleeful giving tickets to those attending church services in their automobiles, as they have been for years, terrorizing baffled motorists.

Let us examine a few excerpts from our brilliant Declaration of Independence, which has been a subversive document to the elite for a very long time. “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.—That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed.—That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government . . . ”

Now, unfortunately, Abraham Lincoln and the then already too powerful federal government destroyed the concept of the consent of the governed forever in this country, during the War Between the States. This was one of the guiding principles of our Revolution. And our own government shattered it in 1865. The southern states were indeed trying to “institute new government” of their own. But Lincoln and his Radical Republican cohorts wouldn’t allow it . . . Full story:

Comment: The world is being “squeezed” into collectivism by the faceless men who control presidents, prime ministers and VIP’s in Satan’s service. This is the third “ism” Brother Branham prophesied in accordance with the “three woes” of Revelation 16:12-16, namely Communism. World War II made the world a safe place for International Communism to be built up until it equaled the strength of united Christendom, then contained and kept in check until required for the final social cataclysm.

The Impact of COVID-19 on Africa: the Case of Somalia

May 4, 2020 — “We now live in a nation where doctors destroy health, lawyers destroy justice, universities destroy knowledge, governments destroy freedom, the press destroys information, religion destroys morals, and our banks destroy the economy . . . Chris Hedges

The Coronavirus (Covid-19) epidemic has hit really hard to African continent and Somalia in particularly. In this article I will discuss and reflect on the capabilities of different countries to respond to the crisis and contemplating the necessary actions in order to safeguard the public both health wise and economically . . . Full story:

Comment: Bill Gates allegedly offered Nigeria’s House of Representatives $10 million for speedy passage of Compulsory Vaccine Bill: CUPP Opposition Party. If adopted, compulsory vaccination in Africa’s most populated country (206 million) would set the stage for a vaccination program for the entire continent.

Tanzania’s President Magufuli carried out an investigation after realizing that every sample sent to National Referral Laboratory came out positive for COVID-19. This unfolded at a time the number of cases in the East African nation was skyrocketing. About three days earlier, Tanzania had recorded 196 new cases pushing the national tally to 480. The new cases were identified by medics between Thursday, April 24, and Tuesday, April 28.

In a viral video seen by on Sunday, May 3, the head of state said he, together with his officials, took samples of a pawpaw, oil, a goat, sheep, among others to the laboratory to test for COVID-19. He also labeled the samples and after testing, the car oil came out negative, but the pawpaw and the goat tested positive (

2009 H1N1 Vaccine caused Brain Damage in Children. Dr. Anthony Fauci on ‘Vaccine Safety’ Issues

May 3, 2020In 2009, NIAID Director Anthony Fauci was firmly in support of a multibillion dollar H1N1 vaccine project. Today he is an avid supporter of a COVID-19 vaccine. What he fails to acknowledge is that the 2009 H1N1 Vaccine caused brain damage in children.

It was developed by Glaxo Smith Kline which today is at the forefront of the COVID-19 vaccine initiative. Dr. Fauci addresses the H1N1 Vaccine Safety Issue in this video (starting at 6′ 50″). Scroll down for the reports on H1N1 vaccine scam. NIAID Director Fauci supported the H1N1 2009 vaccine which turned out to be a multibillion dollar scam . . . Full story:

Israel: A Lab for ‘the New Vaccine Order’? Towards a Second Lockdown?

May 8. 2020 — In the fight against corona virus, when trying to discern in what direction the Western world is going, it is almost always useful to watch the steps taken by Israel, the Zionist State.

Israel is not only a threat to the people of Iraq, Lebanon, Syria and Egypt, it is also quite possibly a lab of sorts for human experimentation. In recent years, it has focused its experiments on the people of Gaza, testing weapons on the Gazan civilian population subject to siege who dared to rebel and subsequently selling those weapons to the world. But now, Israel may be turning its gaze to its own population, the citizens of Israel itself.

As coronavirus broke out, Israel became the first Western country to close itself off to all flights. It then proceeded to enact a total lockdown, preventing its citizens from going beyond 100 meters from their homes . . . The coronavirus lockdown was a turning point in Israeli history . . . Now the Israeli citizens themselves were subject to curfew. They could not leave their homes.

Why did the regime enact such an extreme total lockdown that was later followed by the rest of the world? One possible cause may be the three corruption charges placed against the Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu. The lockdown resulted in the closure of the Israeli Parliament. When the speaker of the house was ordered by the Supreme Court to open up the parliament, he simply resigned. In this way, Netanyahu avoided being voted against in the parliament.

. . . using medicine to subjugate humanity has long been the norm . . . the state uses biological arguments to reduce our existence to bare life . . . while relying on fear and on creating a state of exception that does not end . . . Netanyahu said that for the sake of safety, chips may be placed . . . Does he want to see if the people are willing to accept freedom of movement in return for vaccination and a chip?

For now the lockdown has been gradually relaxed. Netanyahu is expected to stand trial on May 24. But the Health Ministry experts are already warning that a second wave may ensue, resulting in a new lockdown. If this is the case, will we see the same trend occurring around the world, with a second lockdown, more stringent than before, unfolding, and not to be released until citizens are vaccinated or given a chip?

On February 6, 2020, Haaretz reported that most members of the high commission responsible for approving and supervising human experimentation were expected to resign. This was done due to the decision of Israel’s Health Ministry CEO, Moshe Bar Siman Tov, to promote a policy that would benefit pharmaceutical companies at the expense of the public interest, Haaretz reported. The Chairman, Professor Alice Shalvi, already resigned . . . With the committee cleared of conscientious people, will the Zionist regime move on to vaccinate Israeli children next week?

Israel was the first western country to ban all flights and enact an extreme lockdown. It was the first western country where the sitting leader recommended chipping children. It is worth paying attention to what may be the lab for the rest of the world. Full story:

Comment: In the fight against corona virus, when trying to discern in what direction the Western world is going, it is almost always useful to watch the steps taken by Israel, the [non-Semitic, anti-Semitic Zionist State.

Palestine President Abbas threatens to tear-up Agreements with Israel, US if West Bank is annexed


May 6, 2020 — During a meeting in Ramallah with the Fatah Central Committee, Mahmoud Abbas on Tuesday evening said . . . “If the Israeli government begins annexation, whether in the Ibrahimi Mosque, in the settlements or in the Jordan Valley, we consider ourselves absolved of all the agreements we signed with them and with the American administration because it is the one who brought the Deal of the Century. They are the ones who motivated the Israelis to carry on the annexation, and they are the ones who pushed them into this matter. They cannot tell us that they have nothing to do with it and that it is an Israel decision.”

The so-called Deal of the Century was rolled out by [Jewish] US President Donald Trump in 2019, broke international protocol and heavily weighted in favour of Israel. Trump’s overt favouritism towards Israel has been criticized across the world, which has seen Washington going against the foundations of the two-state-solution—an internationally endorsed deal to the Palestine-Israel conflict . . .

Soon after Abbas’ comments, US Ambassador David Friedman to Israel said Tel Aviv will start to annex Palestinian land in weeks. He added that the US would be “ready to recognize” the annexation of the Palestinian lands once Israel had “declared sovereignty” over them.

After unilaterally recognizing Jerusalem as Israel’s capital in December 2017 and its annexation of the Golan from Syria in March 2019, Trump in late January 2020 unveiled a peace plan for the Middle East that included many concessions to Israel . . . Full story:

Get Ready for the Next Game-Changer: the Digital Yuan

May 5, 2020 — Well connected banking sources in Hong Kong have told me Beijing is not interested for the Yuan to replace the US dollar . . . especially now that the petrodollar is in a coma . . . a digital, sovereign Yuan may be backed by gold . . . once Beijing announces a digital currency backed by gold, it will be like the US dollar being struck by lightning.—Under this new framework, nations won’t need to export more to China than they import so they have enough Yuan to trade. And Beijing won’t have to keep printing Yuan electronically—and artificially, as in the case of the US dollar—to meet trade demands. The digital Yuan will be effectively backed up by the massive amount of Made in China goods and services—and not by a transoceanic Empire of 800 Bases. And the value of the digital Yuan will be decided by the market—as it happens with Bitcoin.

The digital Yuan, using blockchain technology, will automatically float—thus bypassing the US—controlled global financialized casino. The amount of sovereign digital currency is fixed. That in itself eliminates a plague: quantitative easing (QE), as in helicopter money. And that leaves the sovereign digital currency as the preferred medium for trade, with currency transfers unimpeded by geography and, the icing on the cake, without banks charging outrageous fees as intermediaries . . . Full story:

Six Easy Steps to Sprout Heaven

sprout pourer

Find out how to sprout. All you need is an old jam-jar and some seeds (like lentil, pea or chickpea) that you can buy from any market. It’s super easy. Sprouts grow well all year round—and are the perfect thing for the northern midwinter when few other things can be sown. Sprouts can be grown at any time of year in even the smallest home, and on the smallest budget. They’re packed with vitamins and nutrients, good for your health and fighting off colds. A huge variety of seeds can easily be grown to eat as sprouts including radish, pea, chick pea, mung beans, alfalfa, fenugreek, sunflower, lentil, and broccoli. Each has its own unique flavour. Add them to sandwiches, salads, soups and stir fries or eat them on their own. It’s fun to experiment.

mixed sproutsA mix of rose radish, chickpea, pea, mung bean and lentil sprouts. Many dried pulses like mung beans, lentils or chick peas from the market will sprout perfectly. A jam-jar sprouter is easy to use. Find a decent sized glass jar, preferably with a lid. Drill small holes in the lid, punch them with hammer and nail, dispense with the lid altogether and simply drain the water off through your fingers. Put some seeds in the bottom of the jar and cover with water to soak for twelve hours. This helps speed germination. The seeds will swell to double their size, too. You can add just one type of seed or a mix of varieties, it’s fun to experiment. The seeds will expand a lot as they grow. Half to one inch (1cm – 2cm) of dried seeds will usually fill a jar. It varies between seeds—radish expands more than sunflowers, for example—you’ll quickly learn.

after three days, nearly ready to eatAfter twelve hours rinse the seeds in water. Ideally the water should be at room temperature—not too cold and not too hot. Then drain the water out of the holes in the lid, leaving the seeds damp but not swimming in water. Repeat the rinsing process at least once every 12 hours until the sprouts are ready—usually about 2 to 4 days. After three days, these sprouts are nearly ready to eat. As you can see they’re already trying to escape from the jar—so I probably put a few too many seeds in this jar in the first place.

Eat the sprouts straight away, or transfer them to a plastic bag in the fridge where they keep well for several days (my family has happily eaten them at least a week later). If you enjoy sprouting try growing peashoots and other microgreens, they are easy to grow, delicious and nutritious. Sprouts provide enzymes, chlorophyll, nutrients, and freshness. Here’s how to grow peashoots.

In the main, sprouts are a super healthy food, and make an excellent addition to most balanced diets. However, please be aware that, like some other foods (oysters, eggs for example), sprouts can occasionally carry Ecoli and Salmonella food poisoning (inside the seeds). The chances of buying contaminated seed is very low. However small, you should be aware there is a risk, particularly if you are in poor health. Full story:

Also see Growing Bean Sprouts. Never go hungry or tire of the same meal with sprouting instructions for 126 different seeds.


All in favour

The coronavirus HOAX is a massive psychological warfare fraud to mandate vaccinations, enforce quarantines, relocations, incarcerations, medical procedures, depopulation and deindustrialization, restrict travel, cause famine, end all of your rights and return you to serfdom as state property (see World Depopulation and Slavery“).

“Let me issue and control a nation’s money and I care not who writes the laws”—Mayer Amschel Rothschild (1744-1812), founder of the House of Rothschild.

“I fear foreign bankers with their craftiness and tortuous tricks will entirely control the exuberant riches of America and use it systematically to corrupt modern civilization. They will not hesitate to plunge the whole of Christendom into wars and chaos in order that [the earth] should become their inheritance”—Otto von Bismarck (1815-1898), Chancellor of Germany.

“If we get caught they will just replace us with persons of the same cloth. So it doesn’t matter what you do, America is a Golden Calf and we will suck it dry, chop it up, and sell it off piece by piece until there is nothing left but the World’s biggest welfare state that we will create and control. Why? Because it’s g_d’s will and America is big enough to take the hit so we can do it again, again and again. This is what we do to countries that we hate. We destroy them very slowly and make them suffer for refusing to be our slaves”—KGB spy, Israeli P.M. Benjamin Netanyahu (1990), at Finks Bar in Jerusalem.

“Governor Bush,” said Texe Marrs in his Newsletter “flew to Jerusalem and met privately with (City of London Asset) Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu. He also had a confidential interview with Edgar Bronfman, head of the World Jewish Congress and Abe Foxman, head of the Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith. The promise to all was to NOT promote any Christian agenda. Bush told Foxman he would never again publicly state that Jesus Christ is the only way to salvation, as he did in 1992. In return for Bush dropping Jesus Christ, Bronfman recruited many wealthy Jews to contribute to Bush’s campaign. Local coverage points out that Bush raised some $6 million for his Presidential campaign in a single month.”

A pioneer in the field of public relations and propaganda, Edward Bernays, once said, “Propaganda is the executive arm of the invisible government.” Bernays was right, as in the modern world both democratic and authoritative regimes need propagandists not only to divert the attention of the masses toward non-issues [like coronavirus or Y2K] but also to keep them hostage to the designated paradigm of what they should eat, what they should wear, and whom they should vote for (see Brainwash).

Denominations are man-made, Christianity is heaven-sent. Jesus said, “In vain do you worship Me, teaching for doctrine the commandments of men” (Matthew 15:9). Sincere, honest worship of God in the integrity of one’s heart can be in vain as it was for Cain whose sincere worship without revelation was rejected (Genesis 4:3-16; Hebrews 11:4-6) like the Jews’ worship (Deuteronomy 29:4; Jeremiah 5:21; Matthew 13:13; 23:33-39), the worship of Judaeo-Catholicism, their apostate (once) Protestant daughters (Romans 3:9; 11:28-32; Galatians 3:22) and Branhamites (so-called) who fail to recognize the logos of the Message for their day (II Peter 1:12; I John 1:7). Like Judas Iscariot (Psalm 65:25; 109:8; Acts 1:16-18) one might be baptized with the Holy Ghost every hour of the day and exercise the gifts of the Spirit, yet lost and destined to the Lake of Fire unless they receive the Leadership of the Holy Ghost and follow the vindicated Word of the hour.

Without the Leadership of the One Person of God you will be trapped, unable to escape the insanity of this world. Brother Branham said the world is going insane, “people are losing their mind. We look at man trying to act like beasts and look like beasts; and the women trying to look like animals, with the paints on their face. Knowing that these things are predicted to happen . . . they’ll go so insane till locusts will rise up with hair like women to haunt the women; and teeth like lions . . . the mental condition of the people will be completely gone. We see it in the making right now, Lord. Help us! Restore us to the sane mind of Christ Jesus our Lord” (65-1207, Leadership, par. 330; Revelation 9:8).

“How we thank Thee, that in this great hour, that when all hopes of mortal life has finished . . . Atomic bombs are laying in hangars, hydrogen bombs, sickness and diseases, germ warfare . . . O God, and everything the way it is, knowing that the Bible said that man would actually rot in their flesh . . . But that Angel was given commission, “Don’t you touch any of those! Don’t you come near those who have the wine and the oil. Don’t touch those who has the Seal of God upon their forehead” (60-0709, God’s Provided Way of Approach to Fellowship, par, E-101; Zechariah 14:12).

Will Message people notice the slide into authoritarianism before it is too late? Do they realize that we are in the “squeeze” even now? That the “rapture” is not the first resurrection and translation but the revelation of Christ’s second or (Gk.) parousia Coming and Presence with us these past fifty-seven years (Matthew 25:6; I Thessalonians 4:16a)? How many of us perceive that national leaders are working in unison, speaking the same words from the same script concerning the UN’s false flag black flag Agenda 2020 psyop, and that regulations to protect citizens from COVID-19 are contrary to sound medical practice and advice?

The coronavirus HOAX scripted and conducted by faceless men seeking global hegemony through characterless minions—presidents, premiers, governors and prime ministers—to reset international currencies, accomplish one world government, one world taxation, and one world currency. COVID-19 is cover for the destruction of national economies, the world economy, individual bankruptcy and disempowerment. But Rome holds the trump card of Daniel 9:27 and Jewry will fall at her steps when she refinances the US dollar with Gold backing.

What was ‘normal’ became past history in just six weeks with the realization of the Bush II administration’s “Compulsory generalized containment” and police state “freedoms.” Unlike the “three demonic spirits like frogs” of Revelation 16:12-16 that look back over the trail of the Serpent from the Garden of Eden to Imperial Rome, to Papal Rome and to Armageddon, we forget those things that are past and with a clear head and singularity of purpose seek the mind of the Lord to overcome and take mastery over this prophetic present that has been thrust upon us, “knowing that all things work together for good to those that love God, to them who are the called according to His purpose” (Romans 8:28).

Illuminus traitor, President F.D. Roosevelt allegedly said, “If anything happens in politics, you can bet it was planned that way.” The prescient US Congress introduced H.R. 748, The Cares Act “on January 24, 2019, one year BEFORE Wuhan and public knowledge of any coronavirus plandemic and potential $6.2 trillion [corporate bailout. Dividing the initial $2.2 trillion by the US population of 330,500,000 could have given each person $6,000. Instead each adult under a certain income will receive $1,200 while the remaining 96% will go to boondoggles and mates—Ed.]. The coronavirus outbreak was declared a Public Emergency of International Concern on January 30, 2020. Called “The Coronavirus Aid, Security and Economic Relief Act” on March 20, 2020. This Bill was introduced and signed into law one year and two months BEFORE coronavirus and COVID-19 were mentioned.

According to President Trump, the US House of Representatives and the Senate, coronavirus was in the United States before the problems in Wuhan. Coronavirus is fatal mainly to aged persons with terminal legacy ailments; the young will more likely die by suicide. Yet all nations suddenly generated unemployment, closing public and private enterprise on a massive scale. Such a coordinated response on auto cue betrays a conspiracy and brands national leaders “the best money could buy or mortal threat persuade” as the IMF’s John Perkins reveals in Confessions of an Economic Hit Man“.

Quantitative Easing stimulus packages have nothing to do with coronavirus, assisting the unemployed or ‘saving’ dormant enterprise and everything to do with transferring wealth off-shore, subsidizing too big to fail usurers and bankrupting all nations with debt in order to build one new world order from the chaos. Government statistics are unreliable and tests are fudged to exaggerate the dangers of the virus whose death rate at 0.1% is less than annual ‘flu and not a pandemic. The fraudulent hidden purpose in destroying the economies of developed nations and squandering national treasure is to force us all into the one world government Jesus Christ refused (Matthew 4:8-9).

Parents, tell your children “Normal is no more.” Alice in Wonderland declared, “Truth is whatever you want it to be.” But truth is what God’s Word says it is, and truth is Absolute, and us Space Cadets are journeying to a specific destination that is “the same, yesterday, today and forever”.

Brethren, we live in this world but we are not of this world: we are Space Cadets with reservations enabling us to pass from the physical limitations and hindrances of our three dimensions to the sixth dimension “in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last Trump.” Although you will be earthbound for a further two years “the Lord will keep you from the hour of temptation which will come upon the entire world to try them that inhabit the earth” because Satan will not be cast down to earth until after your translation (Revelation 3:10; 12:7-13).

In I Corinthians 13:12-13 Paul prophesied, “Now [throughout the Church Ages of PART-Word when the Bible was sealed Christ interceded for the saints’ ignorance of the fullness of the Word so that they could be born-again] for they understood the Word as an obscure reflection in a polished brass mirror, who’s imperfect inscription read as a riddle rather than a full intelligible view; but [after that which is perfect, the fullness of the Word, came with Christ’s (Gk.) parousia, the mystery of God was finished, and we see the logos as it were face to face: and know Christ the fullness of the Word even as also I am known by Christ” (Revelation 10:1-7).

“Prophecies, tongues and knowledge shall cease”: the fullness will absorb that which was in part. Partial knowledge was our mode of apprehension when the Book was sealed—here a little understanding, and there a little. That was “done away” when the mystery of God was finished because “by God’s help, we now have the perfect interpretation of the Word with Divine vindication” (64-0823E, An Exposition of the Seven Church Ages, par. 56-57). So the gifts passed away when the fullness succeeded PART-Word, but the graces of “faith, hope and love” will remain throughout eternity, exalted and purified.

“And now faith, hope and charity abide, these three; but the greatest of these is charity” . . . Brotherly love.

In the present distress we must face the facts, “Marvel not, my Brethren, if the world hate you” (I John 3:13). Christians are a “little flock” despised and rejected by the world, restrained from public worship, forcibly unemployed, under house arrest and restricted in travel. The UN’s objective is to reduce world population to between 500,000 and 1,500,000 serfs to dress Satan’s Roundup Ready Eden and serve his minions, but Armageddon and the consummation will bind Lucifer and destroy his plans. We are not without leadership: we have the five-fold ministry and pragmatic men and women with diverse gifts and abilities to whom authority may be delegated.

Pastors in particular, familiar with the abilities and limitations of their flock can distinguish wants from needs, establish priorities and divide the labour under elders or brethren with ability to accomplish specific tasks. The general principle of alleviating need by facilitating self-sufficiency has a long history; the most meritorious of all, is to anticipate charity by preventing poverty, namely, to assist reduced Brothers and Sisters either by a considerable gift or loan of money, by teaching them a trade, or putting them in the way of business so that they may earn an honest independent livelihood and not be forced to the dreadful alternative of holding up their hand for charity.

If you give a man a fish, he will be hungry again tomorrow. But if you teach him how to catch fish, you will feed him for a lifetime: a permanent solution. We each need to live disciplined lives, personally productive busily accomplishing predetermined objectives. Physically we are creatures of time, so we must make definite plans in advance in order to accomplish those objectives.

India-wide political power has now become concentrated with the Ministry of Home Affairs and the ever present Prime Minister’s Office, while more than half of all African countries have now imposed lockdown measures more stringent than those in many developed nations. These measures are having a negative economic impact, particularly on urban populations. In both countries, people operating in the informal economy, who make a living based on daily transactions, are the hardest hit. And Africa, unlike many developed countries, is largely urbanizing without commensurate industrialization. Formal job growth lags far behind and the urban informal economy accounts for almost 72% of non-agricultural employment across the continent. To avoid a hunger crisis, governments must think of sustainable solutions to keep food supply chains working as the COVID-19 crisis may last for many more months.

In the prospect of hard times ahead we should bypass the fragility of long distance supply lines by supporting local community, state and national enterprise as the means whereby we can transform frozen economies into something that works for local people. The cruel social experiment presently imposed upon all nations under cover of the false necessity of the coronavirus will enable the hidden hand to assess measures they might best apply to dominate different racial, religious and socio-economic groups.

Solutions must be local in order to develop self-sufficiency with permanence, even on a subsistence level. There can be no long-term dependence upon support from overseas for those overseas are enduring the same straits, only at far greater cost.

School closures have denied more than 1.6 billion children in 199 countries access to traditional education; 370 million no longer receive school meals that they counted on. Someone surviving on $3 or less per day with no savings or social safety net—a description that applies to about a quarter of the world’s population, or 2 billion people—faces radically different priorities and trade-offs than their American, European or Australian counterparts; 74% of the Australian workforce is now unemployed.

Staying at home is a luxury that most of the developing world cannot afford: without work, some people would be unable to buy food the very next day, throwing themselves and their households into immediate jeopardy. (Consider the refugees, migrants and homeless people who have no stable place to shelter). While intelligently targeted social distancing is forced everywhere, stricter measures such as broad shutdowns carry a much higher human price in the developing world. All nations face hard choices, but rational policies can ease the trade-offs.

The most basic need is food, but one should prepare ahead of time and the able-bodied in congregations must be regimented lest irresponsibility imposes burdens on the prudent. With a little land and water one may keep chickens for eggs, a goat for milk, cultivate fruit trees and plant vegetables. I am neither a gardener nor a cook but I can recommend a nutritious food easily cultivated continuously indoors, trading surplus with neighbours, selling to restaurants or the market. It offers an infinite variety, is both inexpensive and easy to manage.

Looking through the eyes of Melchisedec we see Jesus’ prophecy is correct: political leadership is not of the Lord’s side. “The kings of the earth, and the great men, and the rich men, and the chief captains, and the mighty men, and the merchants, and every bondman, and every free man” are working to establish Lucifer’s new world order. The inescapable outcome of the pandemic will be an increase in national debt and with that increasing profit and power for those who control money, Rome and her banksters. “And all who dwell upon the earth will worship the Devil-incarnate beast, whose names are not written in the Book of Life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world. If anyone has an ear, let him hear. He who leads into captivity shall go into captivity: he who kills with the sword must be killed with the sword. Here is the patience and the faith of the saints” (Revelation 13:8-18).

There is coming a global DEPRESSION and global FAMINE. “You watch for a depression, brother. You think you’ve seen something; you just wait after awhile. You haven’t seen nothing. You think you’re dying for a good spiritual revival; you wait till after a bit. You just wait, long and cry to hear the Word of God. The Bible said so. “There’ll be a famine in the last days,” said the prophet, “and not for bread and water alone, but for hearing the true Word of God” (William Branham, Jezebel Religion, p. 22:100; The Revelation of the Seven Seals, p. 167:2-169:7; Amos 8:11). You will have to prepare and learn to help yourselves . . . NOW.

History is planned. Coronavirus is NOT a pandemic it is a HOAX producing democide. “You yourselves perfectly well know that . . . it is indispensable to trouble in all countries the people’s relations with their governments so as to utterly exhaust humanity with dissension, hatred, struggle, envy and even by the use of torture, by starvation, by the inoculation of diseases, by want, so that the “Goyim” see no other issue than to take refuge in our complete sovereignty in money and in all else” (Protocol 10:19).

Provided that developing nations are assured of debt relief (however it be agreed upon) and the world’s leading agricultural exporters can ensure the continuance of their operations (preferably subsidized by the state as emergency aid to the Global South), then it’s possible that this looming catastrophe can be averted. If that doesn’t happen for some reason, then not only could countless people perish, but the geopolitical stability of this broad swath of the planet could be shattered if domestic and/or international unrest follows as a result.

The developing countries of Africa, Asia, India and Latin America, collectively known as the Global South, are at risk of mass starvation caused by COVID-19 unless the world acts as soon as possible to prevent this looming catastrophe. Reuters recently reported about this worst-case scenario in three articles over several weeks titled India’s coronavirus relief plan could leave millions without food aid,” and “How Africa risks reeling from a health crisis to a food crisis” and Latin America to see sharp increase in hunger, poverty: FAO“.

The global food supply chain has been disrupted as a result of the world’s COVID-19 containment measures. Although food is still being produced in these countries, it is not reaching consumers because some truck drivers concerned for their safety do not pick it up. Many of these nations are also reliant on food imports, but their partners abroad have restricted exports in order to have sufficient for their own people. As such, domestic crops are rotting and the price of imported food has risen. The UK, Canada and the USA are experiencing the same logistical problems while in Australia visa restrictions prevent farmers from harvesting fruit and vegetables.

Logistical problems apparent in some churches must be addressed before “the squeeze” tightens making certain no-elect persons a noose around the necks of a congregation. Too many in the pews cannot see the true oneness of the godhead, scriptural water baptism and the revelation of original sin; some see Church as a friendly no-cost social occasion: others are attracted by raucous Rock ‘n Roll that excites the spirit, sways the hips and taps the toes. Never heard in Branham Tabernacle or denominational services prior to the 1960s, it is an affront to God and absent “stimulation of revelation.” Contrast this against the inspired “How Great Thou Art,” and “Down from His Glory” sung by Brother Morris Ungren when he announced “The Revelation of the Seven Seals.” Christian hymns draw the heart to worship in reverent holiness and mutual communion with Christ.

Unlike certain denominations we are not a charity providing food and clothing to strangers but a separated people preparing God’s elect for self-discipline, prudence and self-sufficiency to ensure they can provide for their own home in the time of lawlessness, famine and depression from which no nation will be exempt. God will not see His children begging for bread but He expects us to meet our own responsibilities.

When Brother Branham preached “The Rapture” he saw a preview of Christ’s Bride. “I stood there and seen a beautiful little lady, just correctly dressed, and things, marching this way. There was Somebody standing by me, in the vision. And they said, “The preview of the Bride.” I seen Her go by. They come on this side, and went around.”

“I heard it coming up, the churches coming up from this other side. There come the Asian church. Oh, you talk about filth! Here come the European church. Oh, my! And then I heard a Rock-and-Roll coming, and it was Miss America, the church, and she didn’t even have on any clothes. She had papers, like newspapers, gray, hold in front her, dancing by Rock-and-Roll; Miss America, the church.”

These were the Rock ‘n Roll (American Negro slang for fornication) Pentecostals, Independents and Branhamites (so-called).

“I stood there in His Presence. I thought, “O God, as a minister, if that’s the best we could do? Oh! Oh!” You know how you feels. Then I thought, “God, hide me. If I could just get away from here. If all that we’ve done, and that’s what we have to produce, if that’s what?”

“And then when them women passed by, all doing all kinds of rocks and things, and short hair, and painted faces. And as they passed by like that, supposed to be virgins to Christ. And when she passed by like that, I turned my head, you know, with this holding in front of me. It was disgraceful, the back of them. And there they was, going like that. And I turned my head, to weeping, like that. “And then when them women passed by, all doing all kinds of rocks and things, and short hair, and painted faces. And as they passed by like that, supposed to be virgins to Christ. And when she passed by like that, I turned my head, you know, with this holding in front of me. It was disgraceful, the back of them. And there they was, going like that. And I turned my head, to weeping, like that.”

“I said, “I couldn’t stand it in there. Him standing there, and me know that me, a minister of the Church, and that’s what I had produced for Him.” I said, “O God, I can’t look at it. Let me die. Let fade away,” and like that.”

“And as soon as it went out, every time one of them would come, they’d go out to a certain place, then drop off. I’d just hear the sound of it as it went away.”

“Then I heard something like “Onward Christian Soldiers.” I looked, and here come that sainted bunch of little girls just exactly the way they was, all correctly dressed, their hair hanging way down on their back. Smooth, clean, marching like this, to the step of the Gospel. [Not Rock ‘n Roll]. She was the Word. They looked like one out of every nation. I was looking at it as they passed by, and seen them pass by. Instead of going down, they started going up.”

“I noticed one of them trying, two or three of them trying, getting out of line. I screamed. “Stay in line.” And the vision left me. And I was standing in the room, screaming, “Stay in line.” Like, That”.

Ministers and Brethren, we must maintain strict conduct, order and doctrine, and ensure the saints “stay in line” with “the present Truth” Jesus revealed through Brother Branham. We are that W_O_R_D, rainbow trout separated from old boots and bottles, frogs, turtles and catfish, floating down life’s stream. May our Lord Jesus Christ bless you with His Presence. nl1107.htm

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Brother Grigor-Scott is a non-denominational minister who has ministered full-time since 1981, primarily to other ministers and their congregations overseas. He pastors Bible Believers’ tiny congregation, and is available to teach in your church.

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Christianity versus Idolatry

April 30, 2020

Bible Believers’ Newsletter 1106

“We focus on the present Truth – what Jesus is doing now. . .”
ISSN 1442-8660

We are pleased to see you once again for fellowship around God’s unchanging Word and greet you in the precious Name of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Android PhoneThe title of our main article is “Christianity versus Idolatry;” this is so simple and straightforward that no school student should err. Unfortunately, from our youth we have learned false understandings of the Bible from sincere misled family, friends and ministers who have presumed what they were taught by their well-meaning instructors is truth without examining those teachings against the Light of two or three witnesses of Scripture as our Bible instructs. Regrettably history has been written by the victors of the four Gentile world empires, and is biased, as are science and technology. There is no straight talk from officials representing medicine or government; CDC, WHO and the UN are corrupt. No qualified voice of authority dares disclose the truth of the global false flag black op called COVID-19 foreign military occupation. 228,270 deaths have been attributed to coronavirus: the primary cause of perhaps 50% or more was not COVID-19.

Governments’ economic stimulus ‘cure’ is more deadly than their plandemic. Coronavirus has been with us and in us for generations as the common cold. In its US laboratory hybrid form it can be deadly especially for those over 40 with legacy ailments. Less than 1% perishes yet for propaganda purposes ‘corona virus’ appears on Death Certificates to cover the activity of Lucifer and his duped minions advancing global hegemony. Of course you realize “the kingdoms of this world and the glory of them” are the kingdoms of our 21st century world (Daniel 2:40-45; Matthew 4:8-9). So the ‘cure’ is more deadly than the virus, destroying every nation economically without firing a shot. The COVID-19 plandemic is an agenda for impoverishment, rapid depopulation with mandatory vaccination, contact tracing, social credit scoring and total AI control run by “the City” through the UN whose International Law binds all member nations and obligates their self-seeking politicians to enforce Jewry’s authoritarian UN law.

Please read this Newsletter carefully and “prove all things,” then read it again. As you watch the youtube videos please follow the transcripts. As you might have guessed, this week’s news items focus upon the coronavirus scam. May our Lord bless you.

This Newsletter serves those of like precious faith. We encourage you to share our Newsletter with friends, family and colleagues, and look forward to any comments or questions you may have. Whoever will receive the truth is welcome to feed their soul from the waters of the River of Life. Everything here presented should be confirmed personally in your own Bible.

Your brother-in-Christ
Anthony Grigor-Scott

Covid-19 and the Red Dawn Emails

George II

April 28, 2020 — The Covid-19 outbreak has so far killed more than 228,376 people and frightened billions more into panic; a panic that deprives most of them of any critical sense and pushes them to make or approve stupid political decisions. A group of personalities, Red Dawn, whose correspondence was revealed by Kaiser Health News and the New York Times website, managed to impose an apocalyptic ideology: China would have declared war on us and we could only protect ourselves by confining all civilians . . . I spent weeks and weeks looking at epidemiological literature, but nowhere did I find any evidence of such a measure. Never in history has an epidemic been fought in this way. Then, a corner of the veil was indirectly lifted by correspondence revealed by Kaiser Health News: this measure had been planned by the Bush administration in 2005-07 . . . The rest is well known. Panic has gripped public opinion. Political leaders fearing that they will be accused of doing nothing are mimicking those who act. The US military rule adopted by France has spread like the virus it is supposed to fight until the world economy is interrupted. Food problems are arising everywhere and, if nothing is done, famines will appear, including in certain sectors of rich countries. Full story:

Comment: World government under Rome is coming as prophesied by Daniel and Jesus Christ.

The New Meaning of Genocide

April 26, 2020 — The Corona virus put-on job has now been exposed for the brazen social engineering scheme, potential vaccination rip-off (and here), and ideologically mass population reduction project that it had always been, from the start.

We now have all the basic facts we require to deconstruct the mendacious, hysteria inducing narrative that was concocted to bludgeon the imprisoned world into submissive acquiescence to its self-destruction.

The key fact that the Covid-19 virus is a laboratory product and therefore man-made was authoritatively established by French Professor Luc Montagnier who recently disclosed the results of his laboratory analysis of the virus genome. He found it to be laced with spliced-in HIV sequences, which effectively excludes the possibility of its being the product of a natural process. (Prof. Montaigner put it extremely delicately: “in fact, part of the virus, not the whole, has been manipulated“.) Was it manipulated by bats in some Chinese caves? Prof. Montaigner, incidentally, is eminently qualified to speak on the subject as he was in 2008 a recipient of the Nobel Prize in medicine for identifying the HIV virus. The fact that as soon as he let the cat out of the bag he became subjected to harsh denunciation (here here) by all the right circles lends powerful support to the credibility of his findings.

Essentially the same conclusions were reached even earlier, in February, by a group of Indian scientists and published in a paper entitled “Uncanny similarity of unique inserts in the 2019-nCoV spike protein to HIV-1 gp120 and Gag.” Reassuringly, under ferocious pressure and ridicule by fake news commissars here), the scientists were compelled to withdraw their bold paper, because it appeared to have crossed the line of permissible Corona virus discourse even before Prof. Montaigner came out with his assertions—all the more reason to pay serious attention to the glaringly obvious and undeniably significant implications of these fully congruent findings.

Underlining the fact that we have been plunged, without consent and mostly without awareness, into a post-truth world, facts have largely been supplanted by narratives. And narratives are essentially politically convenient fairy tales that nobody sincerely believes but practically everyone must publicly adhere to in order to hold on to what little reputation and dwindling benefits they’ve got left. Team player adherence to public lies (sorry, fairy tales) is a test of good global citizenship. It is a test that to their moral credit the French professor and the Indian researchers have obviously and perhaps to their lasting professional detriment—failed.

Fortunately, the ranks of non-team players in the Corona virus controversy, with all the lurking personal perils that poses, have actually been growing, rather than shrinking.

We are indebted to Dr. Shiva Ayadurai, a brave Indian-American scientist, for making us aware that immunological deficiency is the principal condition propitiating the spread of the Corona virus and that mass lockdowns, causing sun and vitamin deprivation, as well as depression and other debilitating psychological conditions, has the effect of increasing instead of reducing the immunological vulnerability of the human organism.

Another scientist with impeccable credentials, Dr Rashid Buttar has argued compellingly that the prevalent Corona virus narrative does not add up. Predictably, this non-team player has also been subjected to brutal media assaults and his public statements have provoked the fury of the political correctness commissariat. In Dr Buttar’s view, anyone who is supporting the use of vaccination to combat COVID-19 is either ignorant or has some hidden agenda or is financially motivated. The basic fundamentals of how the human body works are, he argues, ignored and in the process, and while ostensibly treating patients infected by the virus, basic neurological, physical, virological and medical principles are being violated or simply put aside. Not without reason, Dr Buttar points out that people with expert knowledge are silent either because of social pressures or fear of losing their license.

The concerted effort to blot out every opinion, no matter how qualified, which does not conform to the narrative, on the specious pretext that it “violates YouTube’s terms of service” or the mysteriously undefined “community guidelines,” is undoubtedly the most persuasive indication of the narrative’s extreme fragility. While some competent critiques still manage to squeak through the “bodyguard of lies” (here, here, and here), all the algorithms have been activated to keep non-conforming, question and doubt-provoking opinions off the table and out of the purview of the immature and irresponsible masses.

So what is going on? What is the meta-script (as Israel Shamir has coyly put it) behind this impressive global production? The dark intimations that in “elite” circles there may be an intense interest in reducing the excessive number of useless eaters to a smaller and more docile cohort of helot-like servants are not without empirical basis. Why the fanatical insistence on mass vaccination on a global scale, for our own good of course, although the concept would not even pass the scrutiny of an alert high school biology student, who is well aware that does not work for prospective or mutated new viruses? Or are we all expected now to fall prey precisely to Covid-19 and be vaccinated willy-nilly against its ravages? On whose authority are wealthy private individuals with no medical training but close financial ties to the pharmacological industry announcing public health policy measures and determining the particulars and duration of their application? What arcane foreknowledge enabled them to presciently predict the current pandemic several years ago and then suspiciously again, last year several months in advance of its appearance? May the health and welfare of billions of human beings be safely entrusted to self-proclaimed “philanthropists” whose actions are driven entirely by the profit motive, in its various financial, ideological, and perhaps even occult forms? Will billions of people succumb to a corporate media induced mass hysteria and allow profit-making unknown substances to be injected into their bodies, in complete disregard of the fact that on previous occasions similar forms of “relief” had wrought devastation and havoc throughout Asia and Africa, and wherever else they had been administered?

Humanity has good reason to fear and tremble, not so much at the dreaded disease as at its potentially terrifying cure, which we are told is in the making (perhaps in the same laboratories where the disease was concocted) and undoubtedly will soon be unveiled.
Full story:

The Latest Plague so far is a Brilliant Success

March 22, 2020 — The wicked social control experiment using virus as the pretext for further enslavement is performing magnificently by implanting a sense of helplessness, dependence, and blind conformism. It should be noted that the favourable atmosphere enabling them (whoever they are) to accomplish just what was contrived by the controlled and unscrupulous media in under a month of intense, coordinated, global brainwashing. Praise is in order, not for the obviously immoral master plan but for the technical excellence of its execution. In the subservient Balkans, local quislings have expectedly introduced a practically region-wide state of emergency, giving that ignoble set of local petty tyrants broad powers to impose controls and reorder the pattern of everyday life. Hardly noticed by anyone, the operation has closely followed the choreography set by Germany’s infamous Ermächtigungsgesetz of 1933, the immediate pretext being the only major substantive difference between them. Similar restrictions and intrusions have been enjoined in all the leading “western democracies” as well.

The background of the induced panic has been dealt with cogently and extensively by Prof. Igor Panarin (here and here). An indirect corroboration for Prof. Panarin’s “hypotheses” (as he modestly likes to call them) is the official redesignation of the heretofore bland sounding “COVID-19” as the “Chinese virus,” personalizing at last the malignant invisible enemy. German physician Dr. Wolfgang Wodarghas argued that corona has been known for decades to be an integral part of the viral structures attacking our bodies on an annual basis, to which the human immune system has by and large successfully adapted. It seems that the enemy’s sudden onslaught was anything but unanticipated, however. Curiously, evidence has just emerged that a few months before the viral outbreak that is shaking the world, on October 18, 2019; a gathering was hosted in New York City by Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security, Bloomberg School of Public Health, World Economic Forum, and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. It was organized under the code-like name of “Event 201.” The gathering received scant media attention and the remarkable prescience of its participants was left completely and unjustly unremarked. To add another curious detail to these proceedings, one of the key players, Bill Gates, turns out to be a known champion of (a) radical population control (and here, and (b) mass vaccination. Without casting any aspersions, it just so happens that in practical terms the two issues are closely entwined. Mass vaccinations, preferably starting with the forced vaccination of very young children with substances of unknown but suspicious provenance and composition, may be but a step in the population control program, whether by directly injecting debilitating conditions and diseases or provoking sterility, which ultimately comes down to the same thing.

Indeed, the biggest “known unknown” (as once someone famously put it) of the coronavirus affair may be precisely the nature of the vaccine which will probably be generated by the same pharmaceutical establishments which so presciently foretold the onset of the current crisis. Since the crisis was elevated to a global level, it is not beyond belief that the remedy will also be imposed globally. The reputedly high infectiousness of this sinister “Chinese virus” may be a perfect excuse for doing away with inconveniences like choice, and suchlike niceties, once it is decreed that everyone is required to submit meekly to the injection of the opaque substance billed as just-in-the-nick-of-time solution for the distressed world.

Which brings us to another curiosity striking the alert observer whose television set, of course, is permanently turned off or, if it is switched on, it is for nothing more prosaic than to watch cooking shows. Forget high government officials who have dropped dead in the sanctioned and embargoed Middle Eastern country which bears the brunt of the public animosity of the Western world. They deserve it, naturally, because they hate our freedoms. But one is hard put to explain, never mind justify, the virus’ apparent easy access to many high-profile Western figures, many of them conspicuous in public life or the world of entertainment. Their susceptibility guarantees the wide dissemination of the message that Covid-19 is no respecter of persons and that if it happened to them, you may be next. To mention just a few of these luminaries, testing positive so far have been the Game of Thrones actor Kristofer Hivju, Hollywood star Idris Elba, and the rightfully famous Tom Hanks and his wife Rita Wilson, not to mention sports figures such as Kevin Durant or even former NATO Secretary General Javier Solana, whose misfortune is unlikely to encounter any sympathy in Serbia. Why are these high-profile infections curious? Because these are people who do not walk the crowded streets or use public transport; typically they glide around in their limousines. How did they get infected? Or were they, perhaps, exemplarily and discreetly infected precisely in order to maintain the believers in official facts in a hysteric state and to drive home the point that the day of reckoning is indeed nigh.

We still can only speculate about much to do with this vicious plague. But all is not darkness, as we learn from this sermon by a wonderful American Orthodox priest, Father Josiah Trenham, “Virus chaos and Christian fearlessness.” It could not have been said better. Full story:

Comment: April 29, 2020, COVID-19: Is this a smoke screen for a foreign military communist New World Order take over by bankrupting the whole world to bring it to its knees in order that the banksters of the City of London may buy it back for nothing (

Predictions: What will happen next in the Corona Crisis?

April 25, 2020 — Sometimes it isn’t all that hard to predict the future. All you have to do is listen to what the social engineers are telling you they’re going to do. For example, when the neocons tell you that we need a “new Pearl Harbor” to justify a transformation of America’s military, you can bet a new Pearl Harbor is going to arrive as soon as they get into office.

And now, after years of Bill Gates warning us that a pandemic was going to strike and utterly transform the world as we know it. He even went so far as to “simulate” the exact scenario we’re living through just before we started living through it.

So, you see my point. Sometimes seeing what’s coming next is just a question of listening to what the planners are telling us. Keeping that in mind, let’s look at four predictions for how the coronavirus crisis is likely to proceed from here.

There is a second wave of Covid-19 coming in the next few months. We don’t have to speculate about this. Not only have we heard this from all manner of politicians and health “authorities” over the past few months, but it was an integral part of MIT Technology Review’s now-infamous “We’re not going back to normal” article, which revealed how the waves of lockdown and release were going to restructure our lives and condition us into the Corona World Order. And, lest there be any doubt that this is an important part of the plandemic narrative, Bill Gates just reaffirmed it in his latest “GatesNotes” on “The first modern pandemic.”

In fact, the pandemic planners have warned the public of a second (and third and fourth and fifth . . .) wave of this crisis so many times now that we can virtually guarantee that such a “second wave” will occur. Now, such a second wave of sickness could actually occur, if only because—as Dr. Dan Erickson notes in his recent Covid-19 briefing—people emerging from their lockdown isolation will have lowered immune systems and thus be more susceptible to pathogens of all kinds. But this dreaded “second wave” doesn’t even have to take place in reality; the statistical chicanery of the fraudsters can always be relied on to conjure up the impression of a fresh round of infections in the minds of the public. Heck, if the Japanese government can magically conjure a “surge” of SARS-CoV-2 infections into existence the very same day they announced the postponement of the 2020 Olympics (precisely as I predicted), you better believe governments around the world can deliver on the “second wave” narrative regardless of how many people may or may not be ill . . .

The real bioweapons are waiting in the wings . . . let us not rule out the possibility that we are dealing with a bioweapon of some sort. In fact, there are compelling reasons to believe that, and the knee-jerk dismissal of the idea from the usual crowd is easily debunkable as unscientific claptrap.

Yet another interesting clue along that particular cookie-crumb trail is emerging in the work of Li Lanjuan at Zhejiang University, who is now reporting the discovery of 30 separate strains of the SARS-CoV-2 virus. Some of these strains, including the one prevalent in parts of Europe and in New York City, are capable of producing 270 times the viral load of the weaker strains. The research also uncovered an unusual development in one of the patients studied:

The researchers also found three consecutive changes—known as tri-nucleotide mutations—in a 60-year-old patient, which was a rare event. Usually the genes mutated at one site at a time. This patient spent more than 50 days in hospital, much longer than other Covid-19 patients, and even his faeces were infectious with living viral strains . . .

Whatever the case, we know that every major military power has spent vast amounts of money developing biological weapons of various sorts. Officially, these biological weapons programs are always done under the pretense that they are for “defensive” purposes. After all, if we don’t develop these weapons then how will we ever be able to defend ourselves against them . . . The truth is that biological warfare programs are pursued for offensive purposes, too. The fact that the anthrax that terrorized America in the fall of 2001 came from Fort Detrick is just one indication that these programs exist. Heck, the Project for a New American Century even put race-specific bioweapons” on their wish list in the “Rebuilding America’s Defenses document (see page 60).

The sad truth is that the possibility of a bioweapon being released—and, inevitably, used in a bioterror false flag event to blame on an enemy—has always been there. But now that we are transitioning from the “age of terror” into the “age of bioterror,” that possibility has become orders of magnitude more likely.

So, on that note, I leave you with this bone-chilling observation: Remember that latest “GatesNotes” that I mentioned, “The first modern pandemic“? Well, here’s how Bill “Pandemic Planner” Gates talks about this current crisis in his conclusion:

Melinda and I grew up learning that World War II was the defining moment of our parents’ generation. In a similar way, the COVID-19 pandemic—the first modern pandemic—will define this era. No one who lives through Pandemic I will ever forget it. And it is impossible to overstate the pain that people are feeling now and will continue to feel for years to come.

Yes, not only does he liken this “fight” against the “invisible enemy” to World War II—as every politician and pundit seems to be doing these days—but he even goes so far as to call this Pandemic I. Yes, “Pandemic I.” As in part one. The obvious implication here is that, just like World War I was followed by World War II, so, too, will Pandemic I be followed by Pandemic II. (Please play all of this youtube following the transcript).

Kind of makes you wonder what else he has up his sleeve, doesn’t it? Full story: corbettreport

Comment: Try realization of UN policy: global depopulation by compulsory vaccination.

All Directions to Governments around the World on how to act on the PLAN-demic are emanating from the US. But who is really in charge?

Blooded occult Zionist flag

April 16, 2020 — All directions to governments around the world on how to act on the PLAN-demic are emanating from the US. But who is really in charge? “The Israelis control the policy in the Congress and the Senate”

“I am aware how almost impossible it is in this country to carry out a foreign policy [in the Middle East] not approved by the Jews . . . terrific control the Jews have over the news media and the barrage the Jews have built up on congressmen . . . I am very much concerned over the fact that the Jewish influence here is completely dominating the scene and making it almost impossible to get congress to do anything they don’t approve of. The Israeli embassy is practically dictating to the Congress through influential Jewish people in the country.” (Senator Fullbright, Chair of Senate Foreign Relations Committee: 10/07/1973 on CBS’ “Face the Nation”).

More so today: “You know very well, and the stupid Americans know equally well, that we control their government, irrespective of who sits in the White House. You see, I know it and you know it that no American president can be in a position to challenge us even if we do the unthinkable. What can they (Americans) do to us? We control Congress, we control the media, we control show biz, and we control everything in America. In America you can criticize God, but you can’t criticize Israel” (Israeli spokeswoman, Tzipora Menache – 2009).

The Chinese have been living with bats for thousands of years. How come they have suddenly lost immunity to any virus a bat may carry? It does not make sense. The US has been constantly looking for ways to destabilize China ever since Chairman Mao left the scene.

Facing Food Shortages

No buyers

April 21, 2020 — Beware ominous rumblings of an increasing number of nations making preparations for possible loss of food imports. Protectionist measures by national governments during the coronavirus crisis could provoke food shortages around the world, the UN’s food body warned. Harvests have been good and the outlook for staple crops is promising, but a shortage of field workers by the virus crisis and a move towards protectionism—tariffs and export bans—mean problems could quickly appear in coming weeks . . . UN Food and Agriculture Organisation . . . As the coronavirus continues to infect more . . . food supply chains have started to become more strained . . . In normal times, 35 per cent of the food we eat—around 70 million meals every day—is prepared outside our homes, by restaurants and caterers, in cafes and school canteens . . . billions of pounds of produce . . . millions of gallons of milk down the drain because it no longer has a buyer . . . Full story:

Comment: China may have beaten the coronavirus, now it could be facing a food crisis . . . the three-month-long coronavirus lockdown saw China’s economy grind to a halt, and has had a huge impact on the country’s food production capabilities. “China’s agricultural industry has collapsed.” [In America] quarantines have forced Americans out of restaurants and into supermarkets . . . forced many farmers to reduce the acreage of planted vegetables and trim their flock of chickens this month as gluts continue to materialize . . .

Who will bail out the Fed?

In 1998, Wall Street came together to bail out a hedge fund. In 2008, the Federal Reserve stepped forward to bail out Wall Street. Each crisis was worse than the one before. Now the worst economic crisis in US history is here and the Fed itself is in need of a bailout.

This is the law that provided US$349 billion in small business loans, which are forgivable if the employer does not lay off its employees. That fund has dried up already with most businesses getting either no money or not enough to survive more than a few weeks.

Also buried in that law was a US$425 billion bailout fund for the US Treasury to recapitalize the Fed. Since the Fed operates like a bank, they will leverage that US$425 billion of new capital into US$4.25 trillion of new money printing to buy corporate debt, municipal bonds, mortgages, and other assets in order to keep liquidity in the [fractional reserve banking] system.

I had always suggested that the IMF has the only clean balance sheet and would be the only source of liquidity in the world once the Fed was tapped out. The world is turning to the IMF for help. And that means printing the world money called special drawing rights (SDRs) to bail out the global financial system in the current economic and financial crisis.

A normal SDR printing exercise requires that the total SDRs be issued to all IMF members in proportion to their voting rights in the IMF. This means that US adversaries such as Iran and China would get part of the bailout money along with more needy countries in Africa and Latin America. The US is now holding up the new issuance of new SDRs for exactly this reason. We’ll see how this impasse gets resolved. As the depression lingers and the Fed’s impotence is exposed, the issue of printing a trillion SDRs will be back on the table.

China may have its own conditions such as a diminution in the role of the US dollar as a global reserve currency. The US may be more desperate when the time comes. Either way, this issue will not go away. SDRs were originally intended as a kind of ‘paper gold’. Once the IMF starts the printing presses, investors will probably favour real gold as the proper antidote. Full story:

Comment: This is where the Roman Catholic church will come in.

Christianity versus Idolatry

Revelation 2:17 says, “He that has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches; to him that overcomes I will give to eat of the hidden manna, and will give him a white stone, and in the stone a New name written, which no man knows save he that receives it” (because it is a revelation).

Ephesians 3:14-15, “I bow my knees unto the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, of whom the whole Family in heaven and earth is named“.

Revelation 3:12, “Him that overcomes I will make a pillar in the temple of My God, and he shall no more go out: and I will write upon him the Name of My God, and the Name of the City of My God, which is New Jerusalem, which comes down out of heaven from My God: and I will write upon him My new Name“.

It is all the same Name. Christ’s Bride, the Church, is New Jerusalem. Revelation 21:1-2, “And I saw a renewed heavens and a renewed earth: for the first heaven and first earth was changed; and there was no more sea. And I John . . . . [insert your name because throughout the Book of Revelation John represents Christ’s end-time Bride] I. . . . [insert your name] saw the holy city, the new Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven, prepared as a Bride adorned for her Husband”.

Christ’s Bride is a Gentile and she has His Name. He took a people out of the Gentiles for His Name. Acts 15:14, “And after that they had held their peace, James answered, saying, Men and brethren, hearken to me: Simeon has declared how God at the first did visit the Gentiles, to take out of them a people for His Name(The Philadelphian Church Age, par. 276-284).

History is the outworking of events God has purposed from the foundation of the earth and His foreknowledge of the long term plans of His Adversary, who is the sum of wisdom and beauty whereby he attempts to divert mankind to fulfill His perverse long term objectives. “But we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to His purpose” (Romans 8:28).

We know that for fifty-seven years we have been living in “the time of the end” which commenced when Christ opened and revealed the Seven Seals in March, 1963 (John 16:13; Daniel 12:4, 9; Revelation 10:1-6), and that “God will finish the work, and cut it short in righteousness: because a short work will the Lord make upon the earth” (Romans 9:28). “And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved [for the rapture]: but for the elect’s sake those days shall be shortened” (Matthew 24:22). They are being shortened as Christ draws His end-time Bride to maturity “in the unity of the faith” in preparation for “the manifestation of the Sons of God” and the translation (Ephesians 4:13; Romans 8:19). The rapture is a clear revelation of “the present Truth” . . . what Jesus is doing NOW.

As it was in the days of Noah and in the days of our Lord, the world is again falling apart because the Absolute of God’s unchanging Word by which all things are sustained or joined together (Ephesians 4:16; Colossians 1:17) is refused and rejected by the spirit of Laodicea which means ‘rights of the people,’ egalitarianism or communism so that even church people that claim to be married to the Word are in spiritual adultery with manmade dogma, creeds and traditions that make the Word of God of no effect to them (Matthew 15:1-9). Reason has fled precipitously; national leaders have gone quite insane, planetary panic is destroying 2,000 years of nominally Christian civilization.

Christians are reckoned potential ‘collateral damage’ in the COVID-19 start to what Brother Branham called “the squeeze;” aside from the translation or martyrdom there can be no escape. Global depopulation is UN policy. The depression prophesied by Amos and Brother Branham will render the common man without “the faith of Jesus Christ” a helpless pawn in Lucifer’s game.

The Book is open: ignorance is no excuse, warnings have been shouted from the rooftops but they are muffled by “a love for the world and the things of the world.” Compulsory vaccination for a lifeless virus or parasitic impurity coated in fat is a racket fulfilling Protocol 10. “But you yourselves perfectly well know that TO PRODUCE THE POSSIBILITY OF THE EXPRESSION OF SUCH WISHES BY ALL THE NATIONS IT IS INDISPENSABLE TO TROUBLE IN ALL COUNTRIES THE PEOPLE’S RELATIONS WITH THEIR GOVERNMENTS SO AS TO UTTERLY EXHAUST HUMANITY WITH DISSENSION, HATRED, STRUGGLE, ENVY AND EVEN BY THE USE OF TORTURE, BY STARVATION, BY THE INOCULATION OF DISEASES, BY WANT, SO THAT THE “GOYIM” SEE NO OTHER ISSUE THAN TO TAKE REFUGE IN OUR COMPLETE SOVEREIGNTY IN MONEY AND IN ALL ELSE.”

BaphometIs vaccination able to cover and ease the symptoms? It cannot ‘kill’ a virus since it is a lifeless parasite. Testing for coronavirus seems to be another red herring; there are so many strains of the virus some of which have been created as bio weapons: any positive tests will be blamed on COVID-19 (until it is replaced by a more virulent strain). Another objective is a cashless society with digital currency; if this is patterned after the perverse China’s Social Credit system, you will “Obey”.

The trick of creating chaos and then seizing power under pretense of putting things back in order is a tried and true method of deception and manipulation. It’s the meaning behind the Latin motto: ORDO AB CHAO meaning ORDER OUT OF CHAOS.

It’s also referred to as the Hegelian Dialect after the philosopher Georg Hegel who wrote about its effectiveness. He described it as: THESIS—ANTI-THESIS—SYN-THESIS.

Others have described it as: PROBLEM—REACTION—SOLUTION in that firstly you create the problem; then secondly you fan the flames to get a reaction; then thirdly (like Johnny-on-the-spot) you provide a solution. The solution is what you wanted to achieve in the first place, but wouldn’t have been able to achieve under normal circumstances.

The World Wars are proven examples, as are the many Jewish holocausts over the centuries, the Vietnam War, our controlled two party sham democratic systems, 9/11, fiat currencies and the Babylonian fractional reserve banking system, Polio vaccination, SARS, COVID-19, other corona viruses, the global lockdown, squandering of national treasure, etc., The Babylonian trinity of gods worshipped by Rome, Islam Judaism and, I believe, probably all religions.

The Jew Eric Blair known as George Orwell described the Hegelian dialectic as REALITY CONTROL. In “1984” he said, “The rocket bombs which fell daily on London were probably fired by the Government of Oceania itself, ‘just to keep people frightened’.”

There are literally HUNDREDS of examples of this method being used effectively throughout the course of history. A well-known example is the bombing of Pearl Harbor which resulted in the United States entering the Second World War. Chaos was required and so chaos was created. That’s how it works.

A hunan UnitChristians live in two worlds; we contact the physical world by the ten senses of our mortal body and spirit. Each of us is placed on earth with free moral agency, to choose to serve God’s will, or to make friends with the world. We contact the unseen world of spirit—God and Satan—by our soul, which has one sense, faith, or unbelief. Hereby the decisions we make will determine our eternal destiny.

As God concluded the Israelites in unbelief, He is now waiting for the last Bride Age saint to recognize her day and its Message so that He may conclude the Gentiles in unbelief that He might turn back to an election of Israelites “that He might have mercy upon all” (Romans 11:32).

This world cannot become a “better place” until the consummation and its renewal by Supernatural and natural Fire. Every time someone dies whose name was never on, or whose name has been blotted from the Book of Life, there is one more demon on earth, and spirits will not die until they are cast into the Lake of Fire (Revelation 20:13-15).

Build your hopes on things eternal, they will never fade away. Our leaders and great men have sold you and your nation in order to establish the world Government Jesus refused to receive in Matthew 4:8-9. The nations are rotten; the churches have all been apostate since Christ opened the seven-sealed book. We will now read from another important book and compare it with God’s Holy Bible; please open your own Bible and prove all things as we read, “brethren, be all the more diligent to make certain of His calling and your election: for if you practice these things, you shall never stumble” based on the inspired writing of pope Peter I (II Peter 1:10).

“Saint Paul said long ago that Christians should be prepared to give a reason for the Faith that is in them [I believe our learned friend meant I Peter 1:15]. Catholics of today believe that there never was a time in the history of the Church of Christ when there was greater need for giving reasons—with explanation attached—for the Faith in which we believe and which we practice.” [I believe it would be more appropriate to lead enquirers to the Absolute of God’s Holy Bible].

“Ours is a duty to practice what we believe. There must be just as many answers to enquiries concerning the doctrines of the Church as here are consistent, practical Church members. We meet so many non-Catholics, sincere and well-disposed, that we must be ready to answer their enquiries with facts and information drawn from authentic and easily accessible sources.” [Why not God’s unchanging Word, the Holy Bible]? (Facts of Our Faith, P. 3, Preface, Compiled by The Reverend C.F. Donovan, Managing Editor, The New World Official Catholic Newspaper of the Archdiocese of Chicago Foreword by The Right Reverend F.C. Kelley, D.D., Proto-notary Apostolic, President of the Catholic Church Extension Society of America. Imprimatur, George W. Mundelein, D.D., Archbishop of Chicago, September 1, 1922).

We draw your attention to six simple eternal Life-saving Scriptural comments:

1.   Brother Branham said to the priest: “According to the teaching of the Catholic church, Jesus Christ established the Catholic church, and the apostles were His first priests, and Peter was the first pope . . . that this Bible was written of the early Catholic church, well, and then the Catholic church has power to change anything they wish to, because they are the church.”

“And I said, “Since the early days you all have changed it. You have substituted sprinkling or pouring for immersing [in opposition to pope Peter (Acts 2:38-39; Matthew 28:18-19; Luke 24:47; Ephesians 4:5]. You substituted [first] holy communion instead of the Holy Ghost.” And I said, “I’m just one of the old fashion Catholic that stay with the original belief, that stand . . . The strange thing is, that Peter, being the first pope, said, ‘There is no other mediator between God and men, but that Man Jesus Christ’ [I Timothy 2:5]. And today you all have Mary, and Saint Cecilia, and hundreds of women that’s died, and so forth, to be intercessors. There’s something happened between the first pope and this pope (See?), if it doesn’t change or alter.”

I said, “Then again, what do you do with Saint Paul, which was the great saint of the early Catholic church, that said, ‘If an Angel from heaven preaches any other Gospel than this has already been preached, let him be accursed’ [Galatians 1:8-9]? I said, “What about Jesus Christ Who established the catholic Church, said, ‘If any man shall take any Word out of this Bible, or add anything to It, the same will be taken out, of his part, of the Book of Life’ [Revelation 22:18-19]?

“Therefore, all things that we do, to my opinion, as a Bible believer, must be based upon the Scriptures. All revelations, all visions, everything, must be solemnly based upon the Scripture, for That’s the foundation that we rest on as THUS SAITH THE LORD.”

“In the Scriptures we do not find where they ever sprinkled, or poured, or consecrated little children in that manner. But in the Scripture we find that they brought infants unto Jesus, that He might bless them. And He took them up in His arms and said, “Suffer little children to come unto Me and forbid them not, for such is the Kingdom of heaven. And He blessed the little children.” And that’s all the Scripture that’s written concerning it” (Matthew 19:13-15; 59-0329M Water Baptism, par. 1-5).

2.   “Now, as we said this morning, some said that the revelation, of Saint Matthew 17, was “Peter.” The Catholic church said, “He built His Church upon Peter; he was the first pope.” How could he have been a pope and been married? See? And said, “Peter went to Rome, was buried over there.” Then tell me one place, history or anywhere that Peter ever went to Rome. See? Paul did, but not Peter. All right” (60-1204E The Patmos Vision, par.100).

“They had their church called Christianity; they had it united with the nation, the whole empire of Rome, all of it. The big bishop up there over all of it . . . After while they called him pope, but he was a bishop then. And Boniface III was the one who become the first pope.”

“Then we find out that here he set up there as really a pope . . . A god they had, in human form. They had a great altar. They had fine riches. They had great, powerful, marble-laid altars, and decked with gems, and so forth, all over it. And they had big churches. They controlled the state. And you know what? The word went out that that was the Millennium, that all the promises to them poor Jews, that, God had forsaken them (which He said He could never do it), and tried to bring in the Millennium before the coming of the Lord Jesus. When Jesus comes is when the Millennium sets in.”

“That’s the birthplace of post-millennium. And that’s the reason the Catholic doesn’t teach the coming of Jesus, to this day. “It’s all in the church. This is the Millennium. The church owns everything. This is it.” See, post-millennium (Oh, my!) without the return of Jesus Christ. . . . Then Boniface III was made the universal bishop or pope over the whole universal church” (60-1207 The Pergamean Church Age, par. 280-282; malachy). “When the Christians (mainly Jews by birth) were scattered abroad from Jerusalem they went everywhere preaching the Gospel, particularly in the synagogues. Thus within three years, or about in AD36 the Gospel had been taken to Rome by Junius and Andronicus, who according to Romans 16:7 were apostles. The work flourished there for several years until the constant altercations of the Jews amongst themselves caused Emperor Claudius to expel them from Rome. With the Jews banished from that city the backbone of that little church was practically broken. Perhaps even the elders had been Jewish and so would be gone. The flock would be unattended and since the Word had not been written as a guide it would be very easy for this little flock to drift or be inundated by the philosophers and pagans of that day. With grievous wolves on the prowl, and the spirit of antichrist released, we find from history that this little church in Rome became hopelessly backslidden, and began to introduce pagan ceremonies under Christian titles.”

“As the period of banishment lasted for 13 years, the founders, Junius and Andronicus, did not come back until AD54. Imagine their horror to find a church with a Christian title that was woefully pagan. There were altars in the church upon which they placed incense and celebrated pagan rites. The established leaders of that church could not be approached [Revelation 2:6], so with the few who had tried to remain faithful they started a new church, or the Second Church of Rome. God graciously worked amongst them by signs and wonders so that a third church was started. And though the First Church was reproached for being pagan and NOT Christian in its worship it would not give up its title but remained and STILL REMAINS the First Church of Rome—The Roman Catholic Church.”

“Now the majority of us have the mistaken idea that any and all who call themselves Christians would be the target of the devil and consequently the brunt of governmental tyranny. But not so, this first church had begun to thrive and multiply so in numbers that the emperors and various officials of the government actually favoured that church for political reasons.”

“Thus when the leaders of the First Church in Rome found themselves in favour, they took the opportunity to turn the government against the true believers and demand their persecution unless they came into their fold. One such bishop of the First Church of Rome was Anicetus who lived in the second century and was contemporary with Polycarp. When the venerable Polycarp heard that the First Christian Church of Rome was involved in pagan ceremonies and had corrupted the truth of the Gospel, he went there to implore them to change. He saw them prostrate themselves before images named after apostles and saints. He saw them light candles and burn incense on the altar. He saw them celebrate the Passover under the name Easter, where they elevated the disc shaped bread that honored the sun god, and then they poured the wine out as a libation to the gods. But this aged saint who had traveled 1,500 miles could not arrest their downward plunge. God spoke through him just as he was leaving, “Ephraim is married to his idols, let him alone,” Hosea 4:15. Polycarp never more returned.”

“Following Anicetus was the wicked bishop of Rome called Victor. He introduced even more pagan festivals and ceremonies into the First Church, and also went about trying his utmost to persuade the true Christian churches to incorporate the same ideas. They would not do as he requested so he prevailed upon government officials to persecute the believers, hailing them into court, casting them into prison and even meting out death to many. Such an example of his vile deeds is found in history where Emperor Septimus Severus was prevailed upon by Callistus (the friend of Victor) to kill 7,000 at Thessalonica because these true believers celebrated the Passover according to the Lord Jesus and not according to the worship of Astarte.”

“Already the false vine was turning loose its anger against the living God by killing the elect, even as did its forebear, Cain, kill Abel. The true church kept trying to get the First Church to repent. It would not do so. It increased in size and influence. It embarked upon a constant campaign to discredit the true seed. They claimed that they and they alone were the true representatives of the Lord Jesus Christ, and vaunted the fact that they were the original church in Rome, and they alone were the First Church. Indeed they were the first church and INDEED THEY ARE” (An Exposition of the Seven Church Ages, p. 189:3 – 191:2).

3.   “As Luther crystallized the doctrine of justification by faith Rome held to works, penance, prayers and other unscriptural means. And as the freed Christians glorified the Son, the Roman Catholics increased their deification of Mary until the twentieth century saw (in opposition to most high ranking Roman theologians) Pope Pius literally exalt Mary to glorification in a resurrected body (on November 1, 1950). That doctrine is absolutely the Babylonish one of the son carrying the mother bodily into heaven.”

[Cush introduced a three god worship of father, son and spirit. Three gods who were all equal. But he knew about the Seed of the woman coming, so there would have to be a woman and her seed come into the picture. This was brought to pass when Nimrod died. His wife, Semiramis deified him, and thus made herself the mother of the son and also the mother of the gods. (Just exactly as the Roman church has deified Mary; they claim she was without sin and was the Mother of God.) She (Semiramis) called Nimrod “Zeroashta” which means, “the woman’s promised seed”.

“But it wasn’t too long until the woman began to attract more attention than the son, and soon she was the one who was depicted as trampling underfoot the serpent. They called her “the queen of the heaven” and made her divine. How like today wherein Mary, the mother of Jesus, had been elevated to immortality and right now as of September 1964 the Vatican council is attempting to give a quality to Mary she does not possess, for they would like to call her, “Mary the Mediatrix,” “Mary the Mother of All Believers,” or “Mother of the Church.” If there was ever Babylonish ancestor worship in a religion, it is the religion of the Church of Rome (ibid. p. 187:3 – 188:1)].

“No wonder this fifth age goes right along with the other ages and will do so until it ends in the lake of fire where the whore and her children are killed in the second death [Revelation 19:20; 20:10, 15]. There it is, Maryolatry the worship of Cybele. By the way, did you know that Cybele was the Astarte that Jezebel was priestess to and caused Israel to stumble by the licentious rites that she conducted? Yes, that is who she was in the Bible” (ibid, p. 244:11 – 245:1).

4.   The Immaculate Conception is a dogma of the Roman Catholic Church which states that the Virgin Mary was free of original sin from the moment of her conception. [Mary was a sinner saved by grace; she had to assemble ten days in the upper room with the elect hundred and twenty and be born-again by the W_O_R_D of the hour “when the Day of Pentecost was full come” (Acts 2:1-4; II Peter 1:12; I John 1:7). Eventually the hierarchy realized that as Mary was a sinner like everyone else, were she the mother of Jesus, He too would be “born in sin” like you and me. The Judaeo-Roman church has God fertilizing Mary’s ovum. In truth Mary was no more Jesus’ mother than Joseph was His father; she was a borrowed womb. As a believer Mary received the W_O_R_D of God from the Angel Gabriel, and “the W_O_R_D or Logos, NOT her ovum, was made flesh and dwelt among us” (John 1:14). The unregenerate hierarchy sought to cover their folly by declaring Mary was herself virgin-born on the basis of papal infallibility, itself promulgated as dogma in 1870]. It proved highly controversial in the Middle Ages, but revived in the 19th century and was adopted as church dogma when pope Pius IX promulgated Ineffabilis Deus on 8 December, 1854. The move had the overwhelming support of the church’s hierarchy, although a few, including the Archbishop of Paris, warned that it is not stated in the New Testament and could not be deduced from it. Protestants overwhelmingly rejected Ineffabilis Deus as an exercise in papal power and the doctrine itself as without foundation in Scripture, Orthodox Christianity, although it reveres Mary in its liturgy, called on the Roman church to return to the faith of the early centuries. The iconography of the Virgin of the Immaculate Conception shows her standing, with arms outspread or hands clasped in prayer, and her feast day is 8 December. [Scripture instructs us that Jesus was born with the other lambs in spring in the month of Nisan—our March or April]. The Immaculate Conception of Mary in the womb of her mother is not to be confused with her purity in the virgin birth of Jesus. The Immaculate Conception of Mary is one of the four Marian dogmas of the Catholic Church, meaning that it is held to be a truth divinely revealed, the denial of which is heresy. Defined by pope Pius IX in 1854, it states that Mary, through God’s grace, was conceived free from the stain of original sin in view of the merits of Jesus Christ:

“We declare, pronounce, and define that the doctrine which holds that the most Blessed Virgin Mary, in the first instance of her conception, by a singular grace and privilege granted by Almighty God, in view of the merits of Jesus Christ, the Saviour of the human race, was preserved free from all stain of original sin, is a doctrine revealed by God and therefore to be believed firmly and constantly by all the faithful”.

While the doctrine asserts only Mary’s freedom from original sin, the Council of Trent, held between 1545 and 1563, affirmed in addition her freedom from personal sin ( ).

5.   Roman Catholics believe that Peter established the Roman church. I want the Scripture. I want the place that you can say that Peter was ever in Rome under any conditions as the Roman church said, “He was there from 41 to 46.”

“And, at that very same time, Claudius was emperor in Rome, [from AD41 to 54] which made all the Jews leave. Read Acts the 18th chapter and you’ll find out that Paul, when he went up into Ephesus, he found Aquila and Priscilla, which was actually Jews Israelites, and had been taken out during the time of the persecution. And they were here in Palestine again because Claudius had commanded all Jews to leave, both Christian and orthodox. Aquila and Priscilla . . . had to leave because of the rising of Claudius, had taken all of the church—or the Christians and all the Jews out of Rome.”

“In his letter to the Romans (1:21-25) that Paul wrote, “When they knew God, they glorified Him not as God, until they became vain in their imaginations, and through darkness of heart accepted a corrupted religion to the extent that they worshipped creatures and not the Creator.” The first church of Rome had become pagan shortly after AD39 when Claudius banished the Jews. Descendants of the apostates were among the founders of the Roman Catholic false church which was established by Constantine in AD325. The doctrine of the Roman Catholic church was never Christian.”

“Remember, Satan was a creature of God (Son of the Morning). It is Satan who is vicariously worshipped. And during the tribulation, “ALL that dwell upon the earth whose names are not written in the Lamb’s Book of Life shall worship Satan” incarnate in the Pope of Rome as once he incarnate the beast in Eden, and Judas Iscariot in Gethsemane (Revelation 13:8).”

“Thus where once Truth was disseminated amongst men, and all held to that one Truth, there later came a day when a vast group turned from God and spread a diabolical form of worship around the world. History bears out that those of the tribe of Shem that stood with the unchanging Truth were in solid opposition to those of Ham who turned away from Truth to the Devil’s lie. You see there were two religions and two only, and the evil one became worldwide.”

“The polytheistic religion of the enemy began with the Trinitarian doctrine. It was way back there in antiquity that the “one God in three persons” idea came into existence. How strange those modern theologians have not spotted this; but evidently just as duped by Satan as their forebears, they still believe in three persons in the Godhead. Let us be shown just one place in Scripture where there is any authority for that doctrine.”

“Now, Peter being the bishop of the church . . . And I can show you Scripture, plumb on down to at least nearly seventy years, that Peter never was out of Palestine. Right in the Scripture. And you say that Peter was murdered in Rome, and Paul had his head cut off in Rome. That’s dogma. I’ve read all of the martyrologies I can find, and there’s not one of them that states anything about Peter or Paul, either one being killed in Rome. Of the earliest authentic martyrologies that we can read, there’s none of them that says anything about it. He wasn’t. It’s a dogma.”

“I’m here to expose paganism, so we’re—we’re going to do that by the help of the Lord and His Word (See?) just show you how the church is. You’re hollering about Catholic, but just wait a few minutes.”

“Now, now, we find out that after Aquila and Priscilla, according to Scripture, was taken out of Rome, the little church was left as an orphan. All was in there were converted pagans that came over into the Roman Christian church, the early church that Aquila and Priscilla and another couple that had established this church and had nourished it.”

Then we find out, as soon as they left, that they made their own bishops, and took their own doctrine. And then they adopted . . . To find favor with the emperor Constantine and those who later came, to find favour, because they had to get members in there to stand in the political hold up of the nation. They brought in members of the church. And taking them in on perfect, just confession, knowing no more about God than some of these people we got in America today does; just as a profession, which was a great big mouthful for them to profess Christ, another God besides their own god. And in there they adopted into their constitution of the church, pagan ceremonies.”

“Now, the Roman priest . . . Then they adopted this by taking and making the communion . . . The first thing come up was making the communion. Instead of a broken parcel like the body of Christ, they would make it round like the sun or like the moon. And to this day, it’s still round. Sure. It’s still a round wafer and not a broken piece of His body. It’s round and smooth. Roman priests today lay this round wafer on the altar and call it the literal body of Christ.”

“Now, there’s a great stand-back between some of these high Episcopalians and so forth and the Catholic church, is upon that subject, whether it is the literal Body or it represents the body. The Roman Catholic says it is the literal body, because that was the literal body of Baal the sun god that reflected hisself on that piece of brass and made it round. No Christian table has round bread on it.”

“Then they wanted to face the east, and so forth, like they did in the pagan worship, and bring women in, and so forth, just like they’ve always did—like the pagans to the goddess, and so forth. Now, they just taken down Astarte and put up Mary; made her the queen of heaven. They taken down Jupiter and put up Peter. And they had to get a dogma. In order to do that, they had . . .”

“When Aquila and Priscilla returned back after thirteen years of the reign of Claudius; then when they returned back, they found their church completely given to idolatry, but had growed to a mammoth, big thing” (61-1217 Christianity versus Idolatry, par. 106-115).

6.   The word ‘Trinity’ is not found in any Bible, it describes the Roman pagan religion inherited from Babylon; it was introduced into christian circles with the organization of the Judaeo-Roman Universal church at the Hegelian dialectic of the First Nicaea Council in AD325, almost three hundred years after the death of the first apostles and the Bible-denying Nicaean or Apostle’s Creed (so-called) was not accepted in its present form until the Council of Chalcedon in 451.

It may also surprise you that the word ‘Jew’ was not found in the Old or New Testament of any Bible in any language until the latter years of the eighteenth century, please see History of God’s Holy Bible and the so–called Jews, and Facts are Facts. nl1106.htm

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Brother Grigor-Scott is a non-denominational minister who has ministered full-time since 1981, primarily to other ministers and their congregations overseas. He pastors Bible Believers’ tiny congregation, and is available to teach in your church.

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The Hour of Temptation

April 25, 2020

Bible Believers’ Newsletter 1105

“We focus on the present Truth – what Jesus is doing now. . .”
ISSN 1442-8660

Christian greetings in the precious Name of our Lord Jesus Christ; we are very pleased to have your company in Christian fellowship in this era of forced ‘social distancing’ in which Church gatherings are verboten: we appreciate your letters of encouragement.

Android PhoneToday we will be teaching on “The Hour of Temptation” that will come upon all the world when the church system of the Universal Judaeo-Roman church and her apostate (once) Protestant daughter churches will face the Third Woe as Satan is cast down to earth after the Home going of Christ’s Wife. Together they will control the wealth of the world and force the whole earth into their religious trap, or kill them (Revelation 13:15-18). Because Australia’s PM attends a rock ‘n roll Pentecostal church he does not know that Pentecostals are impersonating the Laodicean Church Age that “crucified afresh to themselves the Son of God Christ, and put Him to an open shame” when they rejected His second or (Gk.) ‘parousia’ Coming in 1963 and ended in apostasy (Revelation 3:17-20).

Without the Spirit neither politicians nor anyone else can discern and withstand the Jewish criminal organization of the United Nations’ world government to which most nations are bound by agreements, treaties and resolutions signed by corrupt and inept predecessors. Thus Australia like most nations has transformed media hype, statistically unsound and unscientific COVID-19 propaganda into legislation that will decimate national economies (without firing a shot) as outlined in our six-part 1999 teaching World Depopulation and Slavery.” In one month 200 years’ civilization and national development in our sunburned country has been senselessly mortgaged to the international banksters with no hope of restoration.

Life will not ‘return to normal:’ the ‘hidden hand’ has eliminated ‘normal.’ Social distancing, forced unemployment and the expenditure of superannuation which was a crooked bankster Ponzi scheme from the get-go to financialize the stock market far beyond its capital net worth, enrich the 1% and see millions bereft in the coming global depression. When the “lockdown” is eased, we might expect a fresh outbreak of COVID-19, -20, -20.2; if needs be in a town just like yours. Moses taught us to expect as much from the children of Cain and spiritual reprobates whom God set at enmity with the children of the first and of the last Adam (Genesis 3:15; II Timothy 3:8). Practice thrift, do not trust the banksters, many, including the Fed and other Central and commercial banks will fail with their corporate and personal clients. The planners have divided our nation by religion, race, culture, moral and spiritual values, and made a laughing stock of the ‘robust’ Hegelian sham democracies (so-called) they instituted, fund and control.

They desire lawlessness from idle hands and empty minds with obligations to family, empty bellies to fill and endless time to waste, but without initiative, confidence or compass. Government then can order police—for decades dressed in military fatigues, armed and wearing Kevlar bullet proof vests—to teach their lesser compatriots ‘respect for UN law’ signed behind their backs and unknown to them. The ‘hidden hand’ having divided, will stop at nothing to conquer the tired, poor as yet unhuddled masses yearning to breathe free, the wretched refuse of our teeming shore whose forefathers sang “Waltzing Matilda” and breathed their last bloody breath in the trenches, in the jungles, deserts and the oceans—“Lest we forget, lest we forget.” Military and other authorities, local and alien, will enforce obedience. Fearful kinfolk capitulating to despair, hollow of faith and with no hope, whose apostate churches are strangers to the Supernatural prayer answering God: like their witless government officials who seek gratification for gifting national treasure to unknown causes and foreign nations that will prove to be communist when the money stops, the churches gift charity provided by others. Knowing not the One to whom they pray, their priests, bishops and pastors are shipwrecked like their churches their people and the nation!

Brothers and Sisters we live in the “good times.” Circumstances will be considerably straitened so discipline yourself to become as self-sufficient as you possibly can and plan for one year. You cannot rely upon support from overseas, you must localize, remembering you are in training for the manifestation of the Sons of God and the translation. You are an advertisement for Christ. Sanctify and seek the mind of the Lord in every situation so that when you need to exercise the ‘third pull’ it will manifest. Keep the Token of His Life on display. Use your time purposely and productively to accomplish specific goals. If you have a little land, plant food crops, and defend them against animals and strangers, perhaps keep fowls, a goat, or a pig. Purchase a stock of imperishable food as grocery supply lines may be disrupted. Many farmers are neither planting nor harvesting.

Inform yourself! Please read each and every News item as if your life were dependent upon that information: it may be. Study our main article carefully, proving all things in your own Bible. Build a personal relationship with Jesus Christ so that you know Him as Jehovah Jireh, the self-existent One, your Provider (Genesis 22:13-19; Matthew 14:15-21); and Jehovah Rapha, the self-existent One who is your Healer (Exodus 15:26; Matthew 4:23).

This Newsletter serves those of like precious faith. Whoever will receive the truth is welcome to feed their soul from the waters of the River of Life. Everything here presented should be confirmed personally in your own Bible.

Your brother-in-Christ
Anthony Grigor-Scott

Towards a New World Order? Global Debt Crisis & Privatization of the State

animated globe

April 17, 2020 — The unspoken truth is that the coronavirus provides a pretext to powerful financial interests and corrupt politicians to precipitate the entire World into a spiral of mass unemployment, bankruptcy and extreme poverty. This is the true picture of what is happening. Poverty is worldwide. While famines are erupting in Third World countries, closer to home, in the richest country on earth, “millions of desperate Americans wait in long crowded lines for handouts. Miles-long lines formed at food banks and unemployment offices across the US over the past week”.

In India “food is disappearing . . . in shanty towns, too scared to go out, walking home or trapped in the street crackdowns . . . there have been 106 coronavirus deaths as of today, to put things in perspective 3,000 Indian children starve to death each day. From Mumbai to New York City it’s the “Globalization of Poverty.” Production is at a standstill, starvation in Asia and Africa, famine in the US. All countries are now Third World countries with “Thirdworldisation” of the so-called high income “developed countries.” In Italy people are running out of food. Reports confirm that the Mafia rather than the government “is gaining local support by distributing free food to poor families in quarantine who have run out of cash” (The Guardian).

This crisis combines fear and panic concerning the COVID-19 together with a sophisticated process of economic manipulation . . . Powerful financial institutions and lobby groups including Wall Street, Big Pharma, the World Economic Forum (WEF) and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation were involved in shaping the actions of the WHO pertaining to the COVID-19 pandemic . . . Western governments as well as political parties are increasingly under the control of the creditors, who ultimately call the shots . . . All levels of governments have been precipitated into a debt stranglehold. The debt cannot be repaid . . . This crisis will eventually precipitate the privatization of the state . . . Is the city of Vancouver up for privatization? “the mayor of Vancouver has already indicated that he feared the bankruptcy of his city.” (Le Devoir, April 15, 2020) . . . America’s billionaires will be enticed to buy up an entire city . . . Global capitalism has consolidated its clutch. Fear and panic prevail. The State is being privatized. The tendency is towards authoritarian forms of government. Full story:

Comment: “Planet Lockdown” is an encroachment on civil liberties and the “Right to Life” . . . In some countries martial law has been declared. Small and medium sized capital is slated to be eliminated. Big capital prevails. A massive concentration of corporate wealth is ongoing. It’s a diabolical “New World Order” in the making, the most serious global crisis in modern history (

The Massive Covid-19 Hoax

April 20, 2020 — By all accounts and from the very beginning it was clear that Coronavirus Disease 2019 (Covid-19) was at the very most a bad cold—little more dangerous than the annual flu—but being deliberately hyped to stampede the public into a tangled web of bad policies.

As early as last month cooler-headed experts warned that hyped death rates spread by politicians, the Western corporate media, other various panic-mongers, and even World Health Organization (WHO) officials would give way to much, much lower death rates as more people were tested, found to have had the virus, and showed little to no symptoms. The numbers of infections versus deaths in Iceland where testing has been the most widespread shows a death rate of about 0.5%, though only 5% of the population has been tested. 50% of those tested showed no symptoms at all meaning that many, many more Icelanders likely had the virus, overcame it with ease, and never visited a doctor or hospital to avail themselves for testing or to make into national Covid-19 statistics . . . Full story:

Comment: The Meow Apocalypse. In 2010 when The House Cat Flu episode was broadcast on TV, the World was recovering from the 2009 H1N1 swine flu pandemic which turned out to be “fake” . . . The WHO was and remains controlled by Big Pharma. In 2009, WHO Director General Margaret Chan ordered 4.9 billion doses of an H1N1 vaccine from the pharmaceutical industry. It was a multibillion dollar scam (The Simpsons).

Facts about Covid-19

April 16, 2020 — Fully referenced facts about Covid-19 in twenty one languages, provided by experts in the field, to help our readers make a realistic risk assessment. (Regular updates below). “The only means to fight the plague is honesty.” Albert Camus, The Plague (1947) . . .

This statistically accurate, easily read and understood study exposes the exaggerated claims of the media, false or no diagnosis, falsification of death certificates, ineffectiveness of such far-reaching measures as lockdowns, danger of ventilation, and contrary to WHO there is no evidence of aerosol dispersal of the virus. Numerous internationally renowned experts from the fields of virology, immunology and epidemiology consider the measures taken to be counterproductive and recommend a rapid natural immunization of the general population. Several experts believe that the measures may claim more lives than the virus itself. Leading British virologist Professor John Oxford spoke of a “media epidemic”. Full story:

Explained and confirmed by Dr. Dan Erickson of Accelerated Health in his care talks about the impact of the coronavirus on Kern County. He and his colleague reveal true numbers and real science behind this virus from actual data not modeling and

Comment: Rockefeller Foundation is playing mind games to program the gullible by make-believe and propaganda on the CO2 climate change/fossil fuel hoax, promoting GMO, Veganism, top-down control, obedience, pandemics and food scarcity in a father knows best tax-free self-serving philanthropy so-called in Scenarios for the Future of Technology and International Development—a primer for the politicians who parrot its catch-words.

LOCK STEP – A world of tighter top-down government control and more authoritarian leadership, with limited innovation and growing citizen pushback.
CLEVER TOGETHER – A world in which highly coordinated and successful strategies emerge for addressing both urgent and entrenched worldwide issues.
HACK ATTACK – An economically unstable and shock-prone world in which governments weaken, criminals thrive, and dangerous innovations emerge.
SMART SCRAMBLE – An economically depressed world in which individuals and communities develop localized, makeshift solutions to a growing set of problems.
WITHOUT JESUS CHRIST – your future has been meticulously planned as above by your non-Semitic, anti-Semitic Big Brother, Esau/Edom.

Dr. Francis Boyle, creator of Bio Weapons Anti-Terrorism Act of 1989

Dr. Francis Boyle joined the Alex Jones Show on February 19, 2020 to expose the smoking gun linking the Wuhan bio-weapon to the US government bio-weapons laboratories in 2015. The COVID-19 has an HIV base and was approved, developed, funded and created by and in the United States as a bio-weapon then sold to the Chinese government whose laboratory in Wuhan married it to the SARS bio-weapon. All of this is documented by US, Chinese and other government agencies. This is the hard copy ‘smoking gun’ ( as reported in Bible Believer’s FREE Weekly Church Newsletter 1098).

That Academic and Government laboratories worldwide are making already lethal viruses, including coronaviruses, more deadly in a process called gain of function (GOF) indicates that this is an offensive biological warfare agent. This research is considered so dangerous by scientists and US officials that in 2014 the US paused GOF research. Regardless of the origin of COVID-19, GOF research is a threat to everyone’s safety. These laboratories leak deadly bio-weapons and must be closed down.

In December of 2017 National Institutes of Health (NIH) lifted the ban on GOF research. Laboratory creation of highly transmissible, novel strains of dangerous viruses, especially but not limited to influenza, pose substantially increased risks. An accidental infection in such a setting could trigger outbreaks that would be difficult or impossible to control. Historically, new strains of influenza, once they establish transmission in the human population, have infected a quarter or more of the world’s population within two years.

The Wuhan BSL-4 lab is also a specially designated World Health Organization (WHO) research lab. Boyle thinks the WHO knows COVID-19 is a bio-weapon. Boyle says this corona virus is basically SARS. SARS is already a weaponized version of a corona virus that has leaked out of that laboratory at least twice before. Then it was given Gain-Of-Function properties which basically means it can travel by air for at least six feet and is more transmittable and lethal.

The final article Professor Boyle cites is Archives of Virology 2010, volume 155. This is research done with an institute in Australia working with Wuhan scientists to DNA genetically engineer SARS and HIV to make a weapon. The Australian institute was awarded a grant from China to do this work with their scientists. Here again, Boyle asserts, they bought the technology, they didn’t steal it (

Comment: Australia’s kneejerk reaction is supported by hot air of the kosher worldwide media monopoly not science or honest statistics. Politicians have overreacted and are destroying the lives of their citizens and the economic life of their nations . . . to glorify themselves at the expense of future generations (if there were to be such). Based on fear of the unknown . . . psychology. Big Pharma. Autosuggestion is destroying the biology and the economy.

Documents below will show that research to create COVID 19 began in the United States in 2006 and culminated in a successful bio-weapon in 2015, with work done at the University of North Carolina and at Harvard and at the Food and Drug Administration’s lab in Arkansas. Their work was titled: A SARS-like cluster of circulating bat coronaviruses shows potential for human emergence. Key Laboratory of Special Pathogens and Biosafety, Wuhan Institute of Virology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Wuhan, China supplied the Wuhan Bat Virus which was used in the American study. Their name was included for that reason only.

COVID 19 was a US Army bio-weapons project to manufacture a pneumonia-causing disease that would be nearly impossible to vaccinate for in patients over 40 years old. The proof is here, simply scroll down. The study was run by the University of North Carolina and funded by USAID/CIA. It chose a Chinese bat virus and chose to include a medical facility in Wuhan as well.

Now we know why, a smokescreen of the blame for a program China had little or nothing to do with, something satanically evil and purely American. In November 2015, a study was published outlining the capability of producing the virus we are dealing with now. Among the many involved was a lab in Wuhan, China. It was listed from the beginning as one of the dozens, mostly American, working on this project. However, one key participant was left out, USAID. It is suspected, deeply so, that USAID is a front for American bio-warfare research such as that done in Tbilisi, Georgia and elsewhere, much documented. This is the citation that adds USAID to the research funding group . . . Full story:

Bill Gates’ 1997 COVID-19 Forecast

April 17, 2020 — John Kennedy Jr. published his interview with Bill Gates in the February of 1997 issue of George magazine. The prescient eugenicist stated that in 2020 the worst case scenario is an over-populated planet choked to extinction by a lung attacking virus. Syrian Girl posted the video summing up what we know about the history of the coronavirus. Full story:; Bill Gates’ Vaccine Crime Record

Comment: Do you recall the satanic opening ceremony of the 2012 UK Olympic Games? Look again; this prescient Illuminati pantomime foretold the democidal COVID-19 PLAN-demic. Death by government is the murder of any person or people by a government, including genocide, politicide, and mass murder. As Illuminus traitor President FD Roosevelt infamously remarked, “If something [such as Pearl Harbour, Australia’s Port Arthur massacre, 9/11, 7/7, or the COVID-19 epidemic so-called] happens in politics, you can bet it was PLANNED that way.” Or as Moses warned Israel’s twenty-first century imposters, “Be sure your chutzpah will find you out” (Numbers 32:23).

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. responds to Bill Gates’ Statements on a Mandatory Coronavirus Vaccine

April 9, 2020 — Vaccines, for [eugenicist] Bill Gates, are a strategic philanthropy that feed his many vaccine-related businesses (including Microsoft’s ambition to control a global vac ID enterprise) and give him dictatorial control over global health policy—the spear tip of corporate neo-imperialism. Gates’ obsession with vaccines seems fueled by a messianic conviction that he is ordained to save the world with technology and a god-like willingness to experiment with the lives of lesser humans.

Promising to eradicate Polio with $1.2 billion, Gates took control of India’s National Advisory Board (NAB) and mandated 50 polio vaccines (up from 5) to every child before age 5. Indian doctors blame the Gates campaign for a devastating vaccine-strain polio epidemic that paralyzed 496,000 children between 2000 and 2017. In 2017, the Indian Government dialed back Gates’ vaccine regimen and evicted Gates and his cronies from the NAB. Polio paralysis rates dropped precipitously.

In 2017, the World Health Organization reluctantly admitted that the global polio explosion is predominantly vaccine strain, meaning it is coming from Gates’ Vaccine Program. The most frightening epidemics in Congo, the Philippines, and Afghanistan are all linked to Gates’ vaccines. By 2018, ¾ of global polio cases were from Gates’ vaccines. In 2014, the Gates Foundation funded tests of experimental HPV vaccines, developed by GSK and Merck, on 23,000 young girls in remote Indian provinces. Approximately 1,200 suffered severe side effects, including autoimmune and fertility disorders. Seven died. Indian government investigations charged that Gates funded researchers committed pervasive ethical violations: pressuring vulnerable village girls into the trial, bullying parents, forging consent forms, and refusing medical care to the injured girls. The case is now in the country’s Supreme Court. Vaccines, for Bill Gates, are a strategic philanthropy that feed his many vaccine-related businesses (including Microsoft’s ambition to control a global vac ID enterprise) and give him dictatorial control over global health policy—the spear tip of corporate neo-imperialism.

In 2010, the Gates Foundation funded a trial of a GSK’s experimental malaria vaccine, killing 151 African infants and causing serious adverse effects including paralysis, seizure, and febrile convulsions to 1,048 of the 5,049 children.
Full story:,

Time to WAKE UP!

April 13, 2020 — “In a stunning turn of events, Surgeon General Jerome Adams explained in an interview on live XM radio, that the Coronavirus Task Force has, effectively, dumped the Bill Gates/CDC/WHO predictive contagion model, and is now working with the real data. He explained to the Sirius XM’s Breitbart News Daily host Alex Marlow that given the new data, businesses will begin to re-open as early as May, others in June.

This runs contrary to the out-and-out fear-mongering of Dr. Fauci and Bill Gates who have made a media tour, threatening the public that businesses may not re-open for six months to a year, or until and unless governments purchase their conveniently patented, big-pharma vaccination.

According to Dr. Adams: “What the American people need to know now is we actually have data, and so we’re tracking that data,”

Before this about-face, which appears to have come as an order from the Trump administration in consultation with the findings of Dr. Adams, the task force was working with ‘predictive models,’ which had been created by the Bill Gates dominated WHO and CDC. Dr. Fausti’s control over the CDC has been criticized in the past for its for-profit motive in handling a range of illnesses from HIV to H1N1.

In those inflated, ‘fear-based’ models, the deaths of millions worldwide, and hundreds of thousands in America, were touted. These were used as the basis for what many experts have termed a ‘grossly disproportionate response’.

Previously, the task force was working with predictive models, frequently criticized because of their tendency to exaggerate the possible effect of the virus on the United States. Models predicting the deaths of millions and hundreds of thousands in America appear to be overblown, as the real-time data is showing the death count much lower.

And that is assuming the numbers being reported are actually accurate. And even if they are accurate, they still are below that of the average flu season and still lower than this year’s flu season. It’s important to remember that with the false positives, change in criteria to attribute death to COVID-19 despite other significant co-morbidity, and media deception depicting the massive amount of loss of life despite an overwhelming amount of evidence that what the media is reporting is not accurate, the actual numbers of COVID-19 deaths is far less than what is being reported.

The question is, Why is mainstream media NOT talking about what the Surgeon General stated? Instead of reporting on businesses returning to normal by May 2020 as the Surgeon General explained in his XM interview, MSM has relentlessly increased its fear-mongering and deception. In this video, Part 1 and 4, Dr. Buttar asks this question and begins to look at the possible answers. Full story:, compulsory vaccination at birth ID2020 + Central Banking Digital Currency=NWO by Nicholson 1968, How did Fauci know? How did he know there was going to be a “surprise pandemic” as far back as 2017? Did Fauci threaten the whistleblower, Dr. Judy Mikovits, who worked at the NIH for 22 years? Dr. Buttar goes into detail on this topic, and then discusses the lack of support for the “stay at home” and “social distancing” that’s become the new status quo. Sweden and demonstrations are also discussed. Ask Dr. Buttar livestream

Expulsion of Africans from their homes in S. China causing Diplomatic Storm

April 16, 2020 — Over the past week, hundreds of African migrant workers, traders, and students in the southern city of Guangzhou, home to Asia’s largest African diaspora, were tossed out onto the street—some by their landlords, some by hotel managers, and some by local officials. Those evicted, mostly Igbo Nigerians, insisted that they had paid their rent, had valid visas and the right paperwork, and had no contact with anybody infected with COVID-19. Meanwhile, many others were forced into a 14-day quarantine and random testing without getting their test results. Tony Mathias, a Ugandan exchange student, told Agence France-Presse: “I’ve been sleeping under the bridge for four days with no food to eat . . . I cannot buy food anywhere. No shops or restaurants will serve me.”

Over the past two decades, China and Africa have become inextricably entwined. China has built roads and railways across Africa and is the biggest trading partner for the entire continent. Eighty percent of Nigeria’s bilateral debt is owed to China. About 60 percent of foreign direct investments to Ethiopia came from China in 2019. China has repeatedly stressed the importance of China-Africa alliances based on “mutual prosperity.” Yet these partnerships face irrevocable disruption if the Chinese government continues to downplay deeply rooted racial prejudices and dismisses the international outrage concerning the treatment of African migrant workers and students in China . . . Full story:

Comment: True or false, this is Council of Foreign Relations’ (i.e. Jewish) propaganda. The CFR is the visible face of the City of London’s “Deep State” that rules the United States, a State in the World Government of the United Nations whose capital is New York City. One must first cause division before he can conquer; the US, NATO and Rome are making themselves the adversary of Iran, Iraq, China and Russia as prophesied in Ezekiel 38 and 39.

Steepest Downturn since the Great Depression Expected

April 15, 2020 — The global economy is expected to shrink by 3% during 2020 in a stunning coronavirus-driven collapse that will mark the steepest downturn since the Great Depression of the 1930s, according to the International Monetary Fund. Australia’s economy is expected to shrink by 6.7%, making it one of the worst-hit economies in the Asian region.

In its 2020 World Economic Outlook, the IMF predicted a partial rebound in 2021, with the world economy growing at 5.8%, but said its forecasts were marked by “extreme uncertainty” and that outcomes could be far worse, depending on the course of the pandemic. “This recovery in 2021 is only partial as the level of economic activity is projected to remain below the level we had projected for 2021, before the virus hit,” Gita Gopinath, the IMF’s chief economist, said in a statement. Under the Fund’s best-case scenario, the world is likely to lose a cumulative $US9 trillion in output over two years —greater than the combined gross domestic product of Germany and Japan. Full story:

Snowden: Governments using Pandemic to build ‘Architecture of Oppression’ Surveillance

April 11, 2020 — Snowden fears that world leaders will hold onto new emergency powers well after the pandemic ends. “Do you truly believe that when the first wave, this second wave, the sixteenth wave of the coronavirus is a long-forgotten memory, that these capabilities will not be kept? That these datasets will not be kept? No matter how it is being used, what is being built is the architecture of oppression,” Snowden said.

Snowden recognized that the virus was a serious threat and said that the intelligence community was well aware that it was only a matter of time before a massive pandemic crippled the country, even back when he was working in the NSA. “There is nothing more foreseeable as a public health crisis in a world where we are just living on top of each other in crowded and polluted cities, than a pandemic. And every academic, every researcher who’s looked at this knew this was coming. And in fact even intelligence agencies, I can tell you firsthand because they used to read the reports, had been planning for pandemics,” he said . . . Apple and Google . . . teaming up . . . to develop compatible contact tracing apps . . . according to Bloomberg, the companies are planning to eventually build the contact tracing into the device’s updates. Full story:

Total System Failure will give rise to New Economy

April 9, 2020 — In industrialized economies, where roughly 70% of the workforce is in services; countless businesses in myriad industries will fail in a rolling financial collapse that will eclipse the Great Depression.

That spans the whole spectrum of possibly 47 million US workers soon to be laid off—with the unemployment rate skyrocketing to 32%—all the way to Oxfam’s warning that by the time the pandemic is over half of the world’s population of 7.8 billion people could be living in poverty . . . The Fed has lost control of the money supply in the US. Banks can now create unlimited credit from their base and that sets up the US for potential hyperinflation if the money supply grows non-stop and production collapses, as it is collapsing right now because the economy is in shutdown mode.

If derivatives start to implode, the only solution for all major banks in the world will be immediate nationalization . . . if the US does not immediately go back to work, and if these possibly quadrillions of dollars of derivatives start to rapidly implode, the economic crises that will unfold will create a collapse of the magnitude of which has not been witnessed in history, with incalculable consequences. Full story:

Why do US & Allies hide these Facts from the Public?


March 7, 2020 — “Bonanza Leaks” on 24 February 2020 shows photos of the official transcriptions of the witnesses’ testimony to the official Joint Investigative Team (JIT) which the US-allied Dutch Government operates in order to convict Russia for the shoot-down of the MH17 Malaysian airliner on 17 July 2014 above the civil-war zone in Ukraine. It includes an accompanying video presentation of these documents, from a day earlier, on February 23rd, titled “Bonanza Media Leaks Talk.” That video includes this: “Australian police confirm that these are authentic documents” (in response to Bonanza Media having supplied Australian police with photos), and “these are original documents,” which their video shows. Then, they showed their documents to the JIT’s own office in Netherlands, which refused to comment. One document, from the Director of the Military Intelligence and Security Service of the Netherlands, to the public prosecutor of the National Prosecutor’s Office on Counter Terrorism, P.O. Box 395, 3000 AJ Rotterdam, dated 21 September 2016, opens (being the official Dutch translation, but the original Dutch being also shown), “Herewith, I am informing, pursuant to Section 38 of the Intelligence and Security Services Act 2002, of data that is possibly of importance for the criminal investigation into the crashing of flight MH17.” After stating the evidence they had accumulated from witnesses and from allied-Government intelligence agencies, this document closes: “On this basis MIVD [Dutch military intelligence agency] draws the conclusion that from these two Russian ground based air systems near Rostov-on-Don [the only two Russian bases that possibly would have been associated with the shoot-down of the MH17] no missile launch took place on 17 July 2014.” More information about the Bonanza Leaks disclosures can be found from the investigative journalist John Helmer in Moscow, headlining on February 25th, NATO Military Intelligence Agencies repeatedly reported in secret there was no evidence of a Russian Buk missile in Eastern Ukraine or firing on MH17“. Full story:

The Hour of Temptation

Revelation 3:10, “Because you have held fast to the Logos of My steadfast endurance, [although you have little (Gk.) ‘dunamis’ inherent strength], I also will keep you from the hour of temptation, which shall come upon the whole world, to try them that dwell upon the earth.”

Let us each “put on the whole armour of God that we may be able to withstand in the evil day, for we wrestle not against flesh and blood . . . but against spiritual wickedness in heavenly places.” As “the hour of temptation” approaches we must prepare for those trials that the god of this evil age will impose at the hands of family, familiar friends, government authorities and the world church system. For these who are now ruling the world in a measure have been forming a World Council of Churches that will become a Protestant image to the Roman beast whereby he will rule the world. In recent weeks the “squeeze” Brother Branham prophesied leaped suddenly into the open, peaceably bringing the whole world under blind submission to an unnamed central authority Bible believers recognize as that rogue United States of America (Revelation 13:11-18).

The government in Washington is not a National Government. Under the New World Order, founded in San Francisco on October 24, 1945, whose capital and the capital of the World is in New York City (20 CFR chapter 111, subpart 422.103 (b) (2) (2).) which, as defined in the Federal Regulations, is the United Nations. Thus Washington D.C. is only the Government of a State in the World Government of the United Nations.

William BranhamThe United Nations Charter is a Constitution for World Government. It is true that America’s agreement to it and participation in it was effected in the manner of a treaty, as prescribed by the Constitution of the United States, by being signed by President Harry S. Truman with the advice and consent of the United States Senate. Article VI of the United States Constitution provides that the Constitution and the laws of the United States which shall be made in pursuance thereof and all treaties made or which shall be made under the authority of the United States, shall be the supreme law of the land and that the judges in every State shall be bound thereby, anything in the Constitution and laws of any State to the contrary notwithstanding. In effecting the United Nations Charter as a treaty it was given a prima facie status of being the supreme law of the land.

CFR crestoCity of London creatmRevolution, as the average American understands the term, is a violent overthrow of existing government. The International Banksters of the Council on Foreign Relations could not hope to accomplish their purpose by such tactics, nor are they the type to openly engage in such perilous activity on home soil. The new revolution had to be fought with money. They would provide the money for revolution, for wars, for the wholesale bribery of the whole populace in the forms of welfare, subsidies, wage and price guarantees, social security and a host of other benefits all charged to the [Jewish] beneficiaries in the public debt. This debt is owed largely to these International Banksters of the Council on Foreign Relations. The CFR is the visible face of the City of London’s “Deep State” that rules the United States.

In order to sustain the profound and peaceful operation of the new government, the visible form of that government must be maintained. The People will go along producing at peak capacity to support the schemes of what they believe to be their government, hence, the President, the Congress and the Supreme Court remain in Washington and go through the motions of that government. The revolutionary government works through the United Nations, where the laws are actually made and handed down to the straw-bosses of the Member State, the President, Congress and Supreme Court, for implementation. All are charged with the binding obligation of putting these laws into effect within their borders. This they do, and they are continuing to do, wittingly or unwittingly (members of Congress appear to do their part unwittingly) since we were taken into the United Nations.

So Jewish President Trump is 75 years too late, and he isn’t trying to conquer the “Deep State” anymore than Jewish President Eisenhower who opposed the Bricker Amendment that should have put a stop to U.N. laws being the supreme law of the land as it declared no treaty could be made that conflicted with the Constitution and limited the president’s power to enter into executive agreements with foreign powers. In his final speech from the White House he warned of the “Deep State’s” alliance with “the immense military establishment” joined with the “large arms industry” . . . under his administration

On December 17, 1963, within a month after he became Chief Executive, Jewish President Lyndon Johnson appeared before the General Assembly of the United Nations and stated: “When I entered the Congress of the United States twenty-seven years ago, it was my first great privilege to work closely with [Jewish] President [and traitor] Franklin Delano Roosevelt. As a member of Congress I worked with him to bring about a profound but peaceful revolution. ” . . . That revolution brought hope and help to one-third of our nation. . . Now, on the world scale the time has come, as it came to America thirty years ago for new era of hope for that one third of mankind still beset by hunger, poverty and disease. . . . It will not be, achieved through some hopeful resolution, but through a peaceful revolution in the world.”

The President of the United States has made the unequivocal statement that the United States had a revolution under the New Deal and that it was time now for a world revolution. He said the New Deal revolution had been profound but peaceful. That is why the people did not know about it and because the people did not know about it, an immediate change in the form of government was not expedient. The Constitutional form would remain: a President, Congress and Supreme Court would continue to represent a visible government, while the new revolutionary government was established at a higher, invisible level.

Today this world revolution is being insinuated in every nation behind the guise of COVID-19 because the people do not know about it, and in order to continue the deception it is expedient that there no immediate change in the form of government.

Twelve years of ensuing depression brought Americans to their knees in 1933. They had been conditioned for the coming revolution: they had been starved into it, seven millions starved to death. They were ready for a revolution and although they did not understand it they co-operated with it as they sought to gain the high prosperity of the post-war era Profound Revolution. After seventy-seven years and conditioned for it by the welfare state, WTC I and WTC II, most Americans and the world still don’t understand it, but the revolution is repeating under COVID-19 and like Pavlov’s dogs they are co-operating with it.

To conclude this general view of this part of the method, the confusion itself, which all Jewish influences converge to produce, it is expected to produce another more deeply helpless state. And that state is Exhaustion. It needs no imagination to see what this means. Exhaustion is today one of the conditions that menace the people. The war and its strain began the exhaustion; the “peace” and its confusions have about completed it. The people believe in little and expect less. Confidence is gone. Initiative is nearly gone. The failure of movements falsely heralded as “people’s movements” has gone far to make the people think that no people’s movement is possible. So say the Protocols:

“To wear everyone out by dissensions, animosities, feuds, famine, inoculation of diseases, want, until the Gentiles see no other way of escape except by an appeal to our money power” — Protocol 10.

“We will so wear out and exhaust the Gentiles by all this that they will be compelled to offer us an international authority, (the U.N.) which by its position will enable us to absorb without disturbance all the governmental forces of the world and thus form a super-government. We must so direct the education of the Gentile Society that its hands will drop in the weakness of discouragement in the face of any undertaking where initiative is needed” — Protocol 5.

The Jews have never been worn out or exhausted. They have never been nonplussed. This is the true psychic characteristic of those who have a clue to the maze. It is the unknown (the lack of faith or understanding) that exhausts the mind, the constant wandering around among tendencies and influences whose source is not known and whose purpose is not understood. Walking in the dark is wearing work. The Gentiles have been doing it for centuries. The others, having a pretty accurate idea what it was all about, have not succumbed. Even persecution is endurable if it is understandable, and the Jews of the world have always known just where it fitted in the scheme of things. Gentiles have suffered more from Jewish persecutions than have the Jews for after the persecutions were over, the Gentile was as much in the dark as ever; whereas Judaism simply took up again its century-long march toward a goal in which it implicitly believes, and which, some say who have a deep knowledge of Jewish roots in the world and who, too, may be touched with exhaustion, they will achieve. However this may be the revolution which would be necessary to unfasten the International Jewish system from its grip on the world, would probably have to be just as radical as any attempts the Jews have made to attain that grip. There are those who express serious doubts that the Gentiles are competent to do it at all. Maybe not, let them at least know who their conquerors are (Splitting Society by ‘Ideas’).

The plans for the new World Empire, which would expand enormously following World War II, required that the people be occupied with serious problems such as would accrue from a world war. Also the people had to be conditioned to accept the new Constitution (U.N. Charter) without question. By this time they would be so war weary they would accept anything sold to them in the name of PEACE. However incredible it may seem, the facts are that the United Nations Organization is a world government, that its Charter is the Constitution creating it, that the United States has been a member of this world government since its creation in 1945 and that our joinder therein was actually a bloodless revolution which caused the loss of sovereignty and illegally changed our form of government, in violation and abandonment of the United States Constitution, the Constitutions of the respective States and the inalienable rights of the people.

You might ask, “What proof is there that the provisions of the United Nations Charter established a world government? We must first suggest that you read the U.N. Charter and judge for yourself. You will find that it assumes territorial sovereignty over the entire universe. It has established a capital in New York City. It has established a World Court and judicial system, a world legislative body and a world executive department. Through regional agencies, regional agreements, covenants, resolutions, executive agreements and conventions, it has assumed control over every field of life of which the mind can conceive and last, but certainly not least, in the so-called interest of peace and security, it has provided for its own absolute military control of the entire universe. As an example of the exercise of this power in our current history, it has involved the United States in a war with Viet Nam, without the necessity of a declaration of war by the United States Congress. This should be enough to satisfy any reasonable mind that we are not operating under the Constitution of the United States.

The horrors of war, however, were soon forgotten in the unprecedented prosperity of the post-war period. For the first time, individual Americans began to borrow money to pay for unearned luxuries, to gamble in over-priced stocks, mortgaging their future to pay for the pleasures of the present. Down payment, the mortgage on future earnings, was the trade-mark of the New Order. New devices entered the public communications field and put to work to sell new ideas and attitudes on the debt economy. Propaganda poured upon the populace day and night and soon all trace, all memory of the Old Order had disappeared. The Credit economy had been replaced by the Debt economy. Propaganda sustained the New Order. People accepted the theory that we do not need to worry about public debt because we owe it to ourselves. Now we owe it to foreigners: Shylock will demand “his pound of flesh” (profound revolution).

In the twenty-first century people are “rich and increased with goods on Visa or mastercard; they have no material need; and know not that spiritually they are wretched, and miserable, bankrupt of faith, blind to their moral state, and naked of the Blood of Christ” precisely as foretold in Revelation 3:17. The natural types the spiritual for the world church system is apostate and knows it not (Luke 18:8; Romans 11:32).

In the Sixth Vial under which we live we see a trinity of frogs (Revelation 16:12-16). “A frog is an animal that always looks backward. He never looks where he is going; he looks back to where he has come from. Three unclean spirits, individual demonic spirits,” look back and point the world to the First Nicaea Council where the trinity doctrine was born, not to God’s Bible where there is no trinity. They came out of Babylon, an old trinity, to give birth to a new trinity by their mother “mystery Babylon,” the Roman Catholic church. A trinity, “the dragon, the beast, and the false prophet.” Note, they were there all the time, but it wasn’t manifested until [Laodicea] between the Sixth and Seventh Vial, just before the Seals opened to reveal it. For “in the Message of the seventh angel, the mysteries of God would be known,” all these trinitarian things, and false baptisms, and everything was to be made manifest. God help us to see what’s Truth! And not think it’s somebody trying to say something to . . . I feel that spirit resenting That, you see. I’m not speaking of myself, brother. I’m speaking of the Angel of the Lord that’s in the camp. That’s exactly right.”

The first demonic spirit was “the dragon,” how many knows what the dragon was? It was [Satan veiled behind Imperial] Rome. “And the dragon stood before the woman to devour her child as soon as it was born” (Jeremiah 31:15; Matthew 2:16). That right? Three unclean spirits came out of the mouth of the “great red dragon,” Imperial Rome. Their Talmudic tales seduced Israelites whose names were struck from the Book of Life (Matthew 15:9), and their nation blinded to God’s Word until the times of the Gentiles are fulfilled (Psalm 69:18-28; Matthew 23:33-36; Luke 21:21-24; John 11:47-52; Romans 11:25; Revelation 12:3-4). They speak from Satan’s throne which moved from Babylon to Pergamum, to Rome (Revelation 2:13).

The second demonic spirit came out of the mouth of the beast which is Satan veiled behind Papal Rome, organized and empowered at the First Nicaea Council (Revelation 13:1-2, 4). What does “beast” mean in the Bible? “Power.” It came from Babylon and it is going back to “mystery, Babylon the Great, the mother of harlots and abominations of the earth” via the Ecumenical Council. Do you see that? They’re all brothers anyhow; same trinitarian spirits, same thing. And watch. So deceiving, performing miracles! These are devils that go forth to all the gods of the earth, working miracles, to deceive them in the last day, and will succeed in doing it.

The third demonic spirit came out of the mouth of the false prophet, the first pope, Boniface III (60-1207, The Pergamean Church Age, par 280). The last pope will be Satan incarnate in the ‘black pope’ veiled behind the ‘white pope.’ All right. “False prophet, a false prophet,” a false anointed one (Matthew 24:24). This is “false prophet” singular. “False prophet,” the first pope; and from there came “the whore, the mother of harlots” (65-0725M, The Anointed Ones at the End Time, par. 244). Boniface III is said to be the first pope because he obtained a decree from Emperor Phocas that restated the “Donation of Constantine, a forged decree whereby Emperor Constantine the Great supposedly transferred authority over Rome and the western part of the Roman Empire to “the See of Blessed Peter the Apostle as the head of all the Churches.” This ensured that the title “Universal Bishop” belonged exclusively to the bishop of Rome and excluded the Patriarch of the Eastern Church in Constantinople”.

What did God say about that evil spirit? Said, “I’ll go down and get in the mouth of those prophets and cause them to prophesy a lie, to cause Ahab to come out there to be destroyed.”

God said, “Go. You will succeed. You will get them to believe it. They’re not on that Word, to begin with.” See? “Go, for you will persuade him. You’ll be the one will do it, when you get in them false prophets, ’cause he’s relying right on them. And he don’t know nothing about the Word, neither will he try to learn about It. He can’t do it, because he’s a thistle, to begin with.” See? See? “You’ll succeed.”

Do you see that II Chronicles 18:18-27 in Ahab’s day was the type, and that Revelation 16:14 is the antitype today. As Ahab married Jezebel during the time of the great Dark Age of Israel and brought idolatry into Israel, the Holy Ghost church married into isms, and brought idolatry back today; it’s a form of Christianity, ecumenism (65-0725M, The Anointed Ones at the End Time, par. 236-248; see Zechariah 13:2; II Timothy 3:5).

Brother Branham said, “Out of the mouth of the false prophet” which was popery” (61-0808, Thy House). Every pope is a false prophet.

The three frogs like their false prophet are gathering the world back to Nicaea. “Now as Jannes and Jambres withstood Moses, so do these also resist the truth: men of corrupt minds, reprobate concerning the faith” Not a faith, the Faith! (II Timothy 3:8).

As “God sent a strong delusion upon Eve that she should believe the lie that He loves us so dearly, those who believe not the Truth but have pleasure in unrighteousness will not “surely” die. Yet all whose names are not written in the Book of Life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world shall worship Satan and will surely die” (II Thessalonians 2:3-8; Revelation 13:8; 17:11; 19:20; 20:10). When Satan is cast down following the close of the Gentile dispensation he will incarnate the pope who will then be called “the beast” and “the son of perdition.” He will rally the religions of the world and by the bogeyman of Communism deter men from considering a Russian as world president. The pope will refinance the US dollar with gold backing, be acclaimed World President in New York City and dispatch Russia’s victorious troops from American soil.

Satan’s trinity! Assisi interreligious meeting“A false trinity was rising . . . but its deception would not be exposed in the early days because the Judaeo-Roman church ruled with an iron fist, killing sixty-eight million genuine Christians who refused “the mark of the beast” which is her trinity of gods; for almost a thousand years the faith buried with these martyrs was lost to the world. However when Christ opened the Seven Seals and revealed the mysteries of the seven unknown thunders “those three unclean spirits like frogs came out” in spiritual war—Vatican II’s interfaith outreach, her Charismatic movement, and subsequent Assisi interreligious meetings promoting ecumenism which is the principle of promoting unity among the world’s Christian churches. This is unity by human organization not unity in the faith but a trinity doctrine embracing even openly pagan religions against the Truth, “and they gathered them [all] together into a place called in the Hebrew tongue Armageddon” (Revelation 16:16). Organized religion is not of God.

Their religio-political messages are delivered under the Sixth Vial to the Laodicean and Bride Age saints of the last Seal of Redemption to mislead and gather men to Armageddon “in the hour of temptation, which shall come upon the whole world” after Christ’s glorified Bride of all Ages is assumed to the Wedding Supper of the Lamb. Quoting Brother Branham, “the three unclean spirits that come out of the mouth of the false prophet and the dragon and so forth is three isms. Let me type it for you now and you’ll see where it started, where it began. See?”

In the Laodicean Church Age “there was Communism, Fascism, Nazism. They were spirits. Communism is a spirit. It gets on you. See? It’s a spirit . . . It’s in Catholicism. You see? But it is three spirits . . . I believe it’s a spirit, the sleeping virgin, confederation of church, Judaism on the rejecting of Christ, the Jews that rejected it, and Catholicism. Because you see . . . it come out of the false prophet . . . which was popery, from out of the beast . . . And that’s the three unclean spirits that sets the whole world to Armageddon. See? And that’s them three unclean spirits. Then you get that right in with the three woes [of earth’s birth pains for renewal under the first, second and third world wars, each pain becomes more intense from cannons to aerial bombardment, to nuclear arms]” (61-0808, Thy House; Revelation 16:16). This is expanded below.

THE FOURTH SEAL March 21, 1963. The Living Creature with the face of an EAGLE has defended the way to Truth and Eternal Life throughout Laodicea by restoring the revelation that “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.” Meanwhile Satan has ridden his sickly Pale Green Horse as the ultimate beast, a hybridized monster of his previous three steeds, a synthesis of all the evil attributes of the four Gentile empires and denominational “names of blasphemy” (Revelation 13:2-11; 17:3). In Laodicea the demonic spirits from the White Horse ride of the Dragon (Revelation 12:3), Satan Himself, wielded SPIRITUAL POWER to persuade “the world’s leaders and the whole world” to unite for or against Fascism, and earth suffered her first birth pain in World War I. Between 1922 and 1975, twenty-one nations were fascist and ten other nations including the USA, UK, Canada and Australia had significant fascist movements. Then wielding POLITICAL POWER the Roman beast had acquired under Satan’s Red Horse ride (Revelation 13:1), the Adversary persuaded the world to unite with or against National Socialism, and earth suffered her second birth pain in World War II. Now DEMON POWER inculcated by intellectual education and carnal reasoning against the faith on Satan’s Black Horse ride, combined with his SPIRITUAL and POLITICAL POWER has produced the spirit of Laodicea which means “Rights of the People” to thus divide the secular world under Judaeo-Communism from religious elements under totalitarian Romanism, restore peace and inaugurate one world government under Satan incarnate in her pope following the brief ‘hot stage’ of the now ongoing World War III.

In his vision Isaiah “saw the Lord sitting upon a throne, high and lifted up, and His train filled the temple. Above it stood the seraphim [typing the seven angels to the Church. Like the Cherubim they each had six wings]: with two they covered their face in reverence; with two they covered their feet in humility, and with two they entered service. “And they rest not day and night, saying, Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty, which was, and is, and is to come.” God was showing how His prepared servants must be reverent, humble, and active in allegiance to their heavenly King. “Then [because he was under the blood of bulls and goats] he said, Woe is me! For I am undone; because I am a man of unclean lips, and I dwell in the midst of a people of unclean lips: for my eyes have seen the King, the Lord of hosts”.

Unlike Isaiah in his day, Christ’s Bride is under the Blood of the Lamb and without condemnation in the Presence or (Gk.) ‘parousia’ of the Son of man, who is King of kings since He claimed the Book and loosed its Seals (Romans 8:1). Free from condemnation, we rejoice as daily we see the visions of Isaiah, Jesus Christ, Paul, John and William Branham manifest before our very eyes in real time witnessed by media barons and those who record, publish, broadcast and teach such history without understanding.

Throughout the Book of Revelation John represented Christ’s end-time Bride—we know this is so because Christ did not open and reveal its Seven Seals until after March 8, 1963 when the Laodicean Church Age ended. So Revelation 8:13 (Matthew 24:14) was revealed for YOU, “And. . . . insert your name. . . . saw and heard an Angel Eagle flying in mid-heaven—before the Woe Trumpets of the fifth, Sixth and Seventh Trumpet angels—proclaiming with a loud voice Woe, Woe, Woe—without exception heavy calamities are coming upon all who dwell upon earth by reason of the remaining voices of the Trumpets of the three angels, which are yet to sound”!

Brother Branham explained: “Now in Revelation 14:9, it’s the third angel’s Message . . . to the world. And you know . . . it’s going forth now in this day. This is the flying of the third Angel’s Message [of Revelation 8:13], if you’re a Bible reader. There was three woes [of earth’s birth pains for renewal that] followed his Message. The First Woe happened in World War One [Matthew 24:14; Revelation 14:9-10 under Israel’s Fifth Trumpet (Revelation 9:13-21)]. The Second Woe happened in World War Two [under Israel’s Sixth Trumpet (Revelation 9:1-12; Revelation 11:14]. You see what we’re going in now. All right. We’re at the end of the road” (54-0513, The Mark of the Beast, par. 25, 30-31).

Three angels are mentioned in Revelation 14. Verses 6-7 spoke of Martin Luther who had “the everlasting gospel to be ministered to every kindred and tongue and people, saying that they should worship the creator God and glorify Him, for the hour of His judgment is come.” In verse 8, “there followed another, a second angel, proclaiming, Babylon is fallen, is fallen (through the preaching of the everlasting Gospel), that great city, because she made all nations drink of the wine of the wrath of her fornication [or idolatry of the Judaeo-Roman church whereby the whore has seduced all nations].” This second angel was John Wesley who preached against Rome’s profanity and demanded that without scriptural holiness, no man will see God. Verses 9-11 refer to the third angel, the Eagle prophet of Laodicea. A prophet is a sign of impending judgment (Amos 3:7); he is typed as an eagle which flies in the zenith higher than other birds so that from afar it sees things that are to be, is visible to the very horizon and can be seen and heard by all to whom his Message pertains and is swift and unerring in swooping upon its prey.

Revelation 14:9-12, “And the third angel, William Branham, followed them, saying with a loud voice, If any man worships the beast and his image, and receives his mark in his forehead, or upon his hand, he also shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out in full strength into the cup of His anger; and he will be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels, and in the Presence of the Lamb: and the smoke of their torment goes up forever and ever: and they have no rest day and night, who worship the beast and his image, and whoever receives the mark of his name. Here is the steadfastness of the saints: here are they that keep the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus”.

Earth’s Third Woe or birth pain will manifest when Satan is cast out from heaven down to earth after the sounding of Israel’s Seventh Trumpet and the resurrection and translation of Christ’s Bride of all Ages, then he will incarnate “that man of sin, the son of perdition” (Revelation 11:14-15; 12:9, 12). Within seven years this will lead to Armageddon, and the consummation of life. “The beast will be taken, and with him the false prophet that wrought miracles before him, with which he deceived them that had received the mark of the beast, and them that worshipped his image. These both were cast alive into a lake of fire burning with brimstone. And the remnant Judaeo-Roman Catholics and their apostate (once) Protestant daughters will be slain with the Sword of Him that sat upon the horse, which sword proceeded out of His mouth: and all the fowls will be filled with their flesh . . . and the Dragon, that old Serpent, which is the Devil and Satan, will be bound a thousand years”.

These three Woe Trumpets explain how through the Laodicean Church Age (1906 – 1963) the Lord concluded the world church system in apostasy whilst laying the ground for Israel’s redemption in the Land of the Covenant to which they will repatriate in Daniel’s Seventieth Week. And also how He has woken the sleeping virgin from whom He is drawing and grooming His end-time Bride to maturity in the unity of the faith for the manifestation of the Sons of God and the translation. She will reign with Him as Israel’s Queen when the Kingdom is restored to Israel for one thousand years of peace.

Guiseppe Mazzini cigar labelAlbert Pike designed a plan for world conquest and wrote of it in a letter to Mazzini dated August 15, 1871. He said three future world wars would prepare the world for the New World Order.

Albert Pike’s plan for the Illuminati was as simple as it has proved effective. He required that Communism, Nazism, Political Zionism, and other International movements be organized and used to foment the three global wars and three major revolutions. The First World War was to be fought so as to enable the Illuminati to overthrow the powers of the Tsars in Russia and turn that country into the stronghold of atheistic-Communism. The differences stirred up by agentur of the Illuminati between the British and German Empires were to be used to foment this war. After the war ended, Communism was to be built up and used to destroy other governments and weaken religions.

World War Two was to be fomented by using the differences between Fascists and Political Zionists. This war was to be fought so that Nazism would be destroyed and the power of Political Zionism increased so that the sovereign state of Israel could be established in Palestine. During World War Two International Communism was to be built up until it equaled in strength that of united Christendom. At this point it was to be contained and kept in check until required for the final social cataclysm. Can any informed person deny Roosevelt and Churchill did put this policy into effect?

World War Three is to be fomented by using the differences the agentur of the Illuminati stir up between Political Zionists and the leaders of the Moslem world. The war is to be directed in such a manner that Islam (the Arab World including Mohammedanism) and Political Zionism (including the State of Israel) will destroy themselves while at the same time the remaining nations, once more divided against each other on this issue, will be forced to fight themselves into a state of complete exhaustion physically, mentally, spiritually and economically. Can any unbiased and reasoning person deny that the intrigue now going on in the Near, Middle, and Far East is designed to accomplish this devilish purpose?

After World War Three is ended, those who aspire to undisputed world domination will provoke the greatest social cataclysm the world has ever known. We quote his own written words taken from the letter catalogued in the British Museum Library, London, England.

“We shall unleash the Nihilists and Atheists, and we shall provoke a formidable social cataclysm which in all its horror will show clearly to the nations the effect of absolute atheism, origin of savagery and of the most bloody turmoil. Then everywhere, the citizens, obliged to defend themselves against the world minority of revolutionaries, will exterminate those destroyers of civilization, and the multitude, disillusioned with Christianity, whose deistic spirits will be from that moment without compass (direction), anxious for an ideal, but without knowing where to render its adoration, will receive the true light through the universal manifestation of the pure doctrine of Lucifer, brought finally out in the public view, a manifestation which will result from the general reactionary movement which will follow the destruction of Christianity and atheism, both conquered and exterminated at the same time” (William Guy Carr, Pawns in the Game, p. xv-xvi). This strategy is corroborated by Dr. Dennis L. Cuddy PhD. in The Power Elite’s use of Wars and Crises which shows how prophecy has been fulfilled as history in our lifetime and spells out how it is coming to pass in this very day.

In 539BC Babylon fell to Cyrus the Great without a fight. The Persians were generally tolerant toward the nations they defeated, allowing them to retain their culture and religion. Cyrus issued a proclamation returning the Judean captives to Jerusalem with instructions to rebuild the temple destroyed by Nebuchadnezzar. Eventually the political power of the Babylonian priesthood (Chaldean magi) became a problem; the priests frustrated the Persians’ tolerance when, in an attempt to retain their behind-the-scenes political power they installed their own Babylonian ruler. In 487BC King Xerxes destroyed Babylon, demolished the temples and removed the statue of Marduk. Around 480BC the Chaldeans fled to Asia Minor and fixed their central college at Pergamos. The teaching of the Babylonian religious practices continued in the city of Pergamum for centuries. The Chaldeans did not cease from wielding politico-religious influence, injecting their presence into Rome, the next world empire (

Pontiff Maximus Francis IThe Chaldean priest-king Attalus I reigned from 241–197BC; Attalus II built the Great Altar of Pergamon; a reconstruction is on display in the Pergamon Museum on Berlin’s Museum Island. Attalus III died without heir in 133BC and willed his kingdom to Rome. Julius Caesar took the kingdom physical and spiritual in 63BC when he became Pontiff Maximus of the Babylonish religion and therefore priest-king. This title passed on to the following emperors until Gratian (359-383), a Christian, refused it. According to Stevens’ History it was then that the pope took the headship the emperor rejected and today there is still a pontiff in the world, and he is truly Pontiff Maximus. He wears a triple crown and resides in Rome.

Going to Sunday school one morning, [Brother Branham] was caught away in a vision. Under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, I said, “Now, there’s going to be three great isms. Which is now in existence. One of them is in Rome, which is Fascism, and one of them is in Germany which is Nazism. And the other one is in Russia, which is communism.” I said, “Those three great isms is the unclean spirits that went out of the mouth of the false prophet, and the dragons, and so forth that will unite themselves together (Revelation 16:12-16), speaking things that they should not, and they’ll all beat at one another, until they’ll finally wind up in one ism. And I predict that will be Communism. And Communism will burn Vatican city (Revelation 18:1-20, 24).”

And I said, “Just before the end time comes . . .” Now remember, I still say this . . .” Wrote twenty-three years ago. “Before the end time comes, there’ll be a woman, that’ll be a great ruler in this nation. She will either be president or something on that order, some great woman . . .” [The Judaeo-Roman Catholic church (55-0501E, The Faith that was Once Delivered to the Saints, E-17).

The United States is the image of Imperial Rome as the apostate (once) Protestant churches are the image of Papal Rome. God raised up Communism to get revenge on the nations for shedding the blood of His saints as He once raised Nebuchadnezzar to destroy unfaithful Israel. “With one mind they will soon give their power and strength to the Beast, and make war with the Lamb. Then they will hate the whore, ally re-communized Russia, and make her desolate and naked, eat her flesh and burn her with nuclear fire,” and the Roman hierarchy will be no more. “And in her was found the blood of prophets, and of saints, and of all that were slain upon the earth” (Leviticus 21:9; Revelation 17:11 – 18:20, 24). It won’t be long before we will have to close the doors, or either take a denominational mark, which is “the mark of the beast”.

Don’t you fear communism, fear Judaeo-Catholicism. Daniel and Jesus said “it would come in peaecably, and obtain the kingdom with flatteries . . . like a lamb” (Daniel 11:21; Revelation 13:11). Taxpayers are funding the teaching of Judaeo-Catholicism in schools. The spirit of antichrist upon the Whore and her daughters is bringing them both to the slaughter, and they are loosing the ecclesiastical spirit upon the Bride, not the denominations. The hour of temptation did not come in the days of Wesley or Laodicea; God is now gathering His little remnant through the “open Door . . . into the unity of the faith for the manifestation of the Sons of God and the translation.” Soon He will take the remnant Home before “the hour of temptation” and Rome will try the whole world, forcing “the mark of the beast” on pain of death from the midst of Daniel’s Seventieth Week into the Great Tribulation.

Idolatry in St. Peter's“And now you know what withholds [that man of sin: indubitably Claudius’ expulsion of Jewry—the anti-Christian adversary in Paul’s day—from Rome (Acts 11:28; 18:2; Christianity Versus Idolatry, par. 106-107)] so that he may be revealed in his proper time [after the Gentile dispensation ends in apostasy]. For the mystery of iniquity is already at work: however the Holy Spirit will restrain until He departs earth in the resurrection and translation of Christ’s Bride of all Ages. [This earth is God’s Judgment Seat, yet His judgment is restrained by the presence of His Bride, for “the life is in the blood” and we are the Blood of Jesus Christ by the baptism with the Holy Ghost thereby transforming the Judgment Seat to a Mercy Seat]. Then will the lawless one be revealed, no longer a mystery but [cast down to earth showing himself veiled behind “that man of sin, the son of perdition, who exalts himself and opposes every so-called god or object of worship; so that he as God sits in the church of God presenting himself as God.” Judas Iscariot’s apostolic successor as “the son of perdition” is the pope of Rome, whose blasphemous claims are listed in Newsletter 024]: whom the Lord Jesus will consume with the breath of His mouth”.

Satan’s consumption—“tormented day and night forever and ever in the lake of Fire” (Revelation 20:10, 14-15) is lingering and gradual as in the waste of time, the dissipation of an estate or the slow death of being eaten up of worms (Isaiah 14:11)—gradually destroyed by the breath of Christ’s mouth. Hereby the preaching of true doctrine and its efficacy in destroying that man of sin is predicted. Accordingly, the preaching of the gospel is termed a sharp sword proceeding out of the mouth of Christ (Revelation 19:15); and in Hosea 6:5 God says, “I have hewed them by the prophets, I have slain them by the Word of My mouth.” Also Isaiah 11:4.

Daniel 7:26-27 prophesies, “The judgment shall sit, and the saints shall take away the Beast’s dominion, to consume it [gradually] and to destroy it [suddenly] unto the end. And the kingdom and dominion, and the greatness of the kingdom under the whole heaven, shall be given to the people of the saints of the most High, whose kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, and all dominions shall serve and obey Him.” Antichrist’s manifestation and destruction are declared in the same breath; at his greatest height he is nearest his fall, like Herod his type (Isaiah 1:24-29; Daniel 11:45; Acts 12:20-23). Our Lord Jesus will “consume” him by His mere breath (Isaiah 11:4; 30:33): the sentence of judgment being the sharp sword that goes forth from His mouth (Revelation 19:15, 21). So the world kingdoms and that kingdom of the beast give place to that of the Son of man and His saints.

“And then will that lawless one be revealed, whom the Lord Jesus shall consume [bring to nothing or abolish] with the breath of His mouth, and shall destroy with the (Gk.) epiphaneia of His parousia or the appearing of His unseen (Gk.) ‘parousia’ Coming: even that lawless one, whose (Gk.) ‘parousia’ coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders, and with all the deception of unrighteousness in those who perish; because they did not receive the love of the Truth, that they might be saved. [“Christ is the Way, the Truth, and the Life”: they loved the historical Man from Galilee, but He did not love them (John 15:16)]. And for this reason God will send them strong delusion, that [like Eve], they should believe the lie: that they all might be damned who did not believe the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness” (II Thessalonians, 2:4, 6-12).

“This will be a very inviting proposition held up in direct opposition to God’s commanded Word, and yet from the standpoint of human reasoning it will be so very right, so enlightening and life-giving as to fool the world. The temptation will come as follows. The ecumenical move that has started on what seems such a beautiful and blessed principle (fulfilling Christ’s prayer “that we all might be one”) becomes so strong politically that she bears pressure upon the government to cause all to join with her either directly or through adherence to principles enacted into law so that no people will be recognized as actual churches unless under direct or indirect domination of this council. Little groups will lose charters, privileges, etc., until they lose all property and spiritual rights with the people”.

[When I was living in the States I would visit one of the top security prisons each month. But as I was not a denominational minister, I and others like me had to enter on the coat tails of the Gideons].

“For example, right now unless the local ministerial association approves in many, if not most cities, one cannot rent a building for religious services. To become chaplains in the armed services, hospitals, etc., it is now almost mandatory to be recognized as acceptable to the trinitarian ecumenical groups. As this pressure increases, and it will, it will be harder to resist, for to resist is to lose privilege. And so many will be tempted to go along, for they will feel it is better to serve God publicly in the framework of this organization than not to serve God at all publicly. But they err. To believe the devil’s lie is to serve Satan, even though you may want to call him Jehovah. But the elect will not be deceived.”

“Furthermore, the elect will not only be” kept,” but as this move becomes the “IMAGE ERECTED TO THE BEAST,” the saints will be gone in the translation. And this little delightful, winsome movement that started out in fellowship at Ephesus will become the monster of Satan that defiles and deceives the whole world. The church system of the Roman Catholic and the Protestants in coming together will control the whole wealth of the world system and force the whole earth into its religious trap, or will kill them, by refusing them the privilege of buying and selling whereby they would make a living (Revelation 13:15-18). This will be accomplished simply, for the harlot’s daughters are all but gone back to her. In the meantime, Rome has acquired nearly all the supplies of gold. The Jews have the bonds and all the paper. At the right time, the harlot will destroy the present day money system by calling in all the paper and demanding gold. With no gold, the system falls. The Jews will be trapped and come into the alliance (Daniel 9:27), and the harlot church will take over the whole world (An Exposition of the Seven Church Ages, p. 413:2 – 414:1; Daniel 7:15-27; Revelation 13:1-8).

There is every reason to recognize COVID-19 is a giant stride toward global hegemony and cover for a reset of international currencies. However a return to the gold standard will not take place until after the sinking of Los Angeles, the Home going of Christ’s Bride, the invasion of mainland USA, and confirmation of the covenant of between Vatican City State and the International banksters (Daniel 9:27).

In Revelation 3:8 Jesus informed John Wesley, the angel to the Philadelphian Church Age, “I know your works: behold, I have set before you an open door, and no man can shut it: for although you have little (Gk.) ‘dunamis‘ inherent strength, you have kept My logos, and have not denied My Name.” It was after Martin Luther restored the foundation and first step of a Christian’s walk—“justification by grace through faith”—that the Philadelphian Church Age recognized the Name, Lord Jesus Christ!

“Open door” is a metaphor for Jesus Christ and signifies a missionary move. Christ set an open door for those who would come into Him. Revelation 22:16-19, “I Jesus have sent My angel [William Branham (Revelation 1:1; 3:14; 22:6-16)] to testify these things to you for the churches. I am the root and the offspring of David, and the bright and morning star. And the Spirit and the Bride say, Come. And let him that hears say, Come. And let he who is athirst come. And whosoever will, let him take the water of Life freely. For I testify to everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this Book, if anyone adds to them, God shall add unto him the plagues which are written in this Book: and if anyone takes away from the words of the Book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the Book of Life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this Book”.

Between the Methodist and Pentecostal dispensations Jesus said, “I have set an open door before you . . . but I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life. No man comes to the Father except through Me.” What is that open door but the restoration of the apostolic faith and the revelation of the mystery of the unwritten Seventh Seal (Malachi 4:5, 6b; Jude 3; Revelation 10:7).

Throughout the Church Ages people lost their way in the Word, passing into a Judaeo-Catholic denomination, escaping into a Lutheran denomination, entering into a Wesleyan denomination, and then organizing into Pentecostal denominations. And just before “the time of the end” when Christ opened and revealed the Seven Seals, the elect Seed was almost all planted, watered and harvested while the seed of the Serpent was multiplying faster and faster, ready to be destroyed in this atomic age. But marginally before that time, God sent a way of escape for His elect remnant —an open door. “Enter in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leads to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat: Strait is this gate, and narrow is the way, which leads to eternal Life, and few there be that find it” (Matthew 7:13-14). Just before this great Light was supposed to spring forth (Ezekiel 43:2; Zechariah 14:7; Matthew 24:27; I Thessalonians 4:14; Revelation 10:1; 18:1).

Between the Philadelphian and Laodicean Church Ages Christ’s Name was restored and He revealed Himself as the “open Door.” While Laodicea ended in Revelation 3:32, Revelation 4:1 shows us the “Door” remains open, grace was still available, only now it is in heaven because the Church Ages and “PART Word are done away” since Christ’s mediation for ignorance of the fullness of the Word are accomplished and His end-time Bride was fully redeemed in Him on Calvary. We will be born-again by “that which is perfect” or complete so we do not require mediation as the apostolic faith is restored, “the mystery of God is finished,” and Redemption is over.

“Christ’s Bride will be made pillars in the temple of God. But what is the temple of God? Jesus spoke of His body as being the temple. It was. It was the temple of God. But now that we are His body, the true Church is the temple of God by the indwelling Holy Ghost (I Corinthians 3:16-17). Now He is going to make the overcomer a pillar in that temple. But what is a pillar? A pillar is actually a part of the foundation for it holds up the superstructure. Praise God, that puts the overcomer right in with the apostles and prophets [with (Gk.) ‘dunamis‘] for Ephesians 2:19-22 states; “Now therefore you are no more strangers and foreigners, but fellow citizens with the saints, and of the household of God; and are built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ Himself being the chief corner stone; in Whom all the building fitly framed together grows into a holy temple in the Lord: in Whom you also are being built together into a dwelling of God in the Spirit”.

“Yes, verse 22 says that we are built together with them. Everything that went through Jesus the DOOR is a part of that body or temple. Now when God puts a man in the temple as a pillar and makes him a part of that foundation group what is He doing? He is giving him the revelation of the Word and of Himself, because that is exactly what the apostles and prophets had (Matthew 16:17). There he is in that Word. There he stands. No one can get him out” (An Exposition of the Seven Church Ages, p. 315:4–316).

The “time of the end” was when Christ claimed the Book, loosed its Seven Seals and revealed their mystery to His angel, William Branham (1909-1965). This is supported by Daniel 12:4, 9; Revelation 4, 5, 6:1-8; 10:1-7).

Revelation 1:10, 12-13, “I . . . . [insert your name) . . . . was in the Spirit in the Lord’s Day [but in man’s day he was on Patmos Island in flesh like you and me, in India, Nigeria, or Belize] and heard behind me a great Voice, with the certain sound of a trumpet . . . . And I turned to see the Voice that spoke with me. And being turned, I saw seven golden lampstands; and in the midst of the seven lampstands One like the Son of man, clothed with a garment down to the foot, and girt about the paps with a golden girdle”.

This was the same Voice John heard in Revelation 4:1-2 and Revelation 1:10-13, it was behind him in man’s day which has passed. Christ’s intercessory work is finished and John represents us who are raptured in the spirit to the Day of the Lord. The Voice is the Gospel Trumpet sounding the revelation of the Seven Seals to make us aware of and prepared for what is coming upon earth. Christ is no longer in the midst of the lampstands on earth, He is the “One” seated on the Throne recognized by us who know God is one (1) Spirit (John 4:24). Calling to His Wife “Come up here” we gather with the New Testament saints in theophany and witness an elder advertise for a Kinsman Redeemer. Jesus advanced as the Lion of the Tribe of Judah, claimed the Book and loosed its Seals. God who once revealed seven letters to the Church Age messengers is now speaking from heaven (Revelation Chapter 4, Part I, p. 569:109, 114; Revelation 5:1-12).

Throughout the Church Ages Christ spoke from the midst of the Golden Lampstands as Son of God. When the Laodicean Church Age ended the Mercy Seat became the Judgment Seat with Christ seated in the prophetic office, Son of Man, calling to His end-time Bride, “Come up here and I will keep you from the hour of temptation, which shall come upon all the world”. nl1105.htm

Pass it on . . . please send this article to someone you know
Brother Grigor-Scott is a non-denominational minister who has ministered full-time since 1981, primarily to other ministers and their congregations overseas. He pastors Bible Believers’ tiny congregation, and is available to teach in your church.

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Comments regarding the Passover Observance

April 10, 2020

Bible Believers’ Newsletter 1104

“We focus on the present Truth – what Jesus is doing now. . .”
ISSN 1442-8660

Christian greetings in the precious Name of our Lord Jesus Christ; we are pleased you could join us in fellowship around God’s unchanging Word.

Android PhonePlease welcome fellow subscriber J. Richard Niemela who contributes some valid “Comments regarding the Passover Observance” in Christ’s Church. Jesus demanded of the scribes and Pharisees, “Why do you transgress the commandment of God by your tradition”  (Matthew 15:3)? Organized religion is not of God: it is not of faith but bound by manmade traditions that lack two or three Scriptural witnesses to establish standing before the Throne.

The members of Christ’s Church were nearly all Jewish converts until the Thyatira Church Age of AD606. The Outer Court was Luther’s age as we start in the Body of the Gentile Church. There is something else you ought to know: the seven Churches addressed by John are in Asia Minor and were all Gentile Churches. He does not speak to the Church at Jerusalem which was mostly Jewish with perhaps a few Gentiles. The reason being that God had turned from Israel to us Gentiles: thus the whole of the Church Ages is God dealing with the Gentiles, and calling out a Gentile Bride to Himself. That makes the Church Ages and “The Fullness of the Gentiles” one and the same thing (Acts 13:44-48; Romans 11:1-8; Romans 11:25-29).

Ephesians 2:20, “And we are built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets” who never celebrated Israel’s feast of Passover after Calvary, because it was fulfilled! “For even Christ our passover is sacrificed for us” (I Corinthians 5:7).

Our Church has never celebrated the pagan Roman Catholic festival of Easter which is not Scriptural. Paul called these Jewish feasts and holy days “the weak and beggarly elements whereunto you desire again to be in bondage.” He typed such churches with Hagar and present-day Jerusalem in contrast to Christ’s Church—“Jerusalem that is above, which is free” (Galatians 4:1-31). Having brought us into the unity of the faith for the manifestation of the Sons of God and the translation, the S_O_N-Light should have loosed us from Roman traditions and ripened all the greenness from Christ’s end-time Bride. You might say, “Branham Tabernacle celebrated Easter.” Yes, it was a Pentecostal Church; Christ was still interceding for ignorance of the fullness of the Word and Brother Branham was a Pentecostal saint, however his ministry has restored us to the faith once delivered unto the apostolic saints who did not observe Jewish traditions (Malachi 4:6b; Jude 3).

Brother Branham said, “Every day in the year ought to be an Easter. Every day should be a thrill day of the resurrection. But you know what, they have mixed up the message of Easter . . . therefore the Easter is just propaganda. But to the believer that knows day by day they live in an Easter, because He has risen from the dead and He is alive forevermore in the hearts, making Himself known to His Church day by day. “These signs shall follow them that believe(61-0424, The Greatest News Flash in History).

The Roman Catholic church is an impersonation of the Jew’s temple worship. It was organized by “the blasphemy of those who say they are Jews, and are not and do lie, but are the synagogue of Satan” (Revelation 2:9; 3:9). Their objective to this day is, to destroy the faith. Rome’s worship is a hybrid of pagan Babylonian religion and Jewish ordinances like the Passover which was reintroduced under the name Easter or “Ishtar” which is Astarte, the Queen of Heaven (Jeremiah 7:18; 44:17-25). She is the deified wife and also the mother of Nimrod or Tammuz (Ezekiel 8:14). While I am aware that most churches in the circle of the Message celebrate Israel’s Passover, it was fulfilled almost two thousand years ago.

The one thing every man fears is the unknown . . . at this very moment across every nation unbelieving men are relinquishing individual rights for the guarantee of well-being granted by Lucifer’s Judaeo-Roman one world government. But “the mystery of God is finished” (Revelation 10:7): “Good Friday” is come, and the United States is behind Australia, India, Africa and Europe on the International Date Line.

Readers and subscribers to our FREE weekly Church Newsletter have been advised on several occasions to have three month’s nonperishable food in store. National leaders are all seeking to solve debt by creating more debt which can only result in making a bad situation worse: this is the goal of Rome and her usurious partners in the crime of global hegemony (Daniel 9:27). Please read your Newsletters prayerfully, and carefully.
,br> We also ask that you greet longtime contributing author John Kaminski whose self-explanatory title is “The Bill Gates Death Tattoo.” As for current news, our focus is upon Rome, the City of London, and the ‘red herring’ COVID-19.

This Newsletter serves those of like precious faith. Whoever will receive the truth is welcome to feed their soul from the waters of the River of Life. Everything here presented should be confirmed personally in your own Bible.

Your brother-in-Christ
Anthony Grigor-Scott

Why one cannot ‘catch’ a Coronavirus

April 1, 2020 — Download this video before YouTube takes this copy down. Tom Barnett’s video received 200,000views in 48 hours. That’s why it was removed! Here is Tom’s channel:; If you can’t download from YouTube, click here to download a copy from my file share. If you have problems, email me at and I’ll email you a different link. Also available here on my Bitchute channel Full story:

Comments: Who is “winning” and who is “losing.” The “transnational corona crisis” is fabricated on a bedrock of unreliable evidence.

US Doctor: How can one make a vaccine for something never proven to exist? The lockdown was required by statistical epidemiologists not by infectious diseases doctors youtube.

Witness the FRAUD: US COVID-19 hospitals and quarantine stations are deserted. Full story:

Michel Chossudovsky explained what’s vital for everyone to know:

“The unspoken truth is that the novel (COVID-19) coronavirus provides a pretext to powerful financial interests and corrupt politicians to trigger the entire World into a spiral of mass unemployment, bankruptcy, extreme poverty and despair.”

“This is the true picture of what is happening. ‘Planet Lockdown’ is an encroachment on civil liberties. Entire national economies are in jeopardy. In some countries martial law has been declared.”

“This crisis is unprecedented in World history. It is destabilizing and destroying people’s lives Worldwide. It’s a ‘War against Humanity.'”

“While it is presented to World public opinion as a WHO global health emergency, what is really at stake are the mechanisms of ‘economic warfare’ sustained by fear and intimidation, with devastating consequences.”

Waiting for the earthquake.

Corona Pandemic: The Perfect Scapegoat for the Financial & ‘Everything Bubble’ Market Crash (The Great Depression 2.0)

April 1, 2020 — “The economic and social impacts far exceed those attributed to the coronavirus.”

The financial collapse is inevitable as the Federal Reserve can’t keep printing money and create more bubbles that at some point definitely will pop, the Covid-19 pandemic provides the global elites with the perfect scapegoat where it will be blamed (and it is already) for all the economic and financial crisis, for the massive layoffs, and the economic depression. The timing could not be more perfect—the ‘Black Swan’ event needed to cover up all the fraudulent schemes in how our world operates. In the meantime it also provides the distraction needed to blind the masses so they can’t realize and understand what is going on and what has been done to them all this time, of the fraud and plundering done by the banks, corporations and our global elites as the people are busy handling the pandemic and are afraid for their lives.

Corona virus pandemic will also be used to further the global elites’ agenda while plundering the middle and poor class and more massive transfer of wealth that is ongoing, because for the global elites it is “Never let a good crisis go to waste”.

Not only that the virus pandemic provides the right excuse, scapegoat and cover up for the economic and financial crash which is going to be worse than the 2008 “Great Recession,” it also severely attacked China and Iran, two countries USA perceives as enemies. It also caused huge numbers of deaths in Italy, the first and only EU country to sign China’s Belt and Road Initiative. With the mysterious origin of the corona virus the Covid-19 pandemic is “Killing Several Birds with One Stone” strategy?

It seems the Cold War is not yet over. From the no winner of the US-China Trade War, it seems to step up to a Biological War if the corona virus is deliberately unleashed to attack a country or certain countries. But like any other bio warfare, it can spread and result in collateral damage as the virus spread almost all over the world and more than half the world population is now under confinement.

While most of the world is fighting the virus pandemic, the battle for world hegemony continues as the global superpower will do everything it can to stay at the top and attack any country it considers a threat or enemy. At the core it is about United States maintaining its hegemony as the world top power and maintaining its currency as the world reserve currency . . . Full story:

Putting the Puzzle Together

April 1, 2020 — One of the most important interviews on the Internet just got even more important, because of the pandemic, now the jigsaw of the plan for the future is almost complete, and the head architects are surely the Rockefeller Family.

First here’s a brief version of the post summed up quickly:

Decades ago a highly credible investigator, Norman Dodd, discovered that the tax-exempt foundations e.g. Rockefeller Foundation etc, wanted to make changes to society, and their tool of choice (at that time) was war. The tax-exempt foundations said they would continue to use war until they had other effective methods for making major societal changes.

Ten years ago, a high-level Rockefeller document described details of other methods for influencing how the world evolves, one such scenario which was suggested in the document was a pandemic.

What societal changes do the Rockefellers desire? A former Rockefeller family friend blew the whistle on the plans the Rockefellers had for the future. He was told they want everyone chipped for tracking and to buy/sell. If they don’t like you they will turn off your chip to make it incredibly difficult for you to function in society.

Conclusion: The Rockefellers no longer rely on war to make changes in the world; they now have other tools at their disposal, such as pandemics. Their goal is take away our freedoms; if we want them back we’ll be forced to receive vaccines to gain a digital certificate of movement which allows us to be tracked on 5G control grids. Over time it will be placed onto a chip, which will be hard to avoid. By then society will be cashless, making life without a chip a struggle, almost impossible.

Chief suspects for causing this pandemic, the Rockefeller family and their many proxies.

Longer version with more detail:

This interview with the late Norman Dodd was already viewed as one of the most important on the Internet. If you haven’t seen it before, you really must add it to your list. Dodd was the chief investigator of the Reece Committee, his job was to look into the tax-exempt foundations e.g. Rockefeller Foundation, and to find out what they were actually up to. In the interview he explains that the foundations are really there to make changes in the world, and that the only way they know how to make changes is through war, so their job is really to start wars. Since war was the only effective method they knew for making major changes, they would continue to use it until they had other equivalently effective methods.

10 years ago the Rockefeller Foundation released a scenario document, Page 18, where they looked into different scenarios which could influence the way in which our world evolves, one of the scenarios analyzed was a pandemic. So what we’re seeing here is that over the decades the Rockefeller Foundation has moved on, they no longer rely on war as a tool to make changes, now they have new tools at their disposal, like pandemics, making them the chief suspects as to who has placed the world into the current pandemic scenario.

Now, you may be wondering what kinds of changes the Rockefellers want to make to society, well one of their former friends blew the whistle in a video of similar importance to the Norman Dodd interview. Aaron Russo was a filmmaker and a close friend with one of the Rockefellers. Aaron was told their secret plans for the world, which included everyone being micro-chipped in a cashless society, where one requires an implanted micro-chip for buying and selling. If TPTB didn’t like what you were doing they could switch off your chip, making it almost impossible for you to function in society.

So, as Bill Gates (who is allied with the Rockefellers) recently admitted on Reddit the plan is for people to have digital certificates of movement, Germany is calling them antibody certificates. It’s very easy to see how these digital certificates of movement, initially on your smart phone, will eventually be installed on implanted micro-chips, in case you lose your phone and for your convenience, they will say. You won’t be allowed in society without one, as they will claim you may spread a virus, for you to be allowed out in public they will force you to have this, which also means receiving the vaccines and whatever ingredients eugenics enthusiasts Gates and the Rockefellers decide to put in them.

Last but not least, the 5G control grid which is being rapidly rolled out is there to track your movement by connecting with the digital certificate/chip; this is why 5G is being prioritized despite there being so much public resistance and unknown health risks. While 4G was similar, it is nowhere near as fast and cannot make as many connections; with 5G they can track us in real time. Full story:

Comment: The Report from Iron Mountain. Search Norman Dodd and “Report from Iron Mountain” which we have covered extensively over the years on Church Website.

Fifty Christians Hacked to Death by Fulani Jihadists in March & Ten in first Two Days of April

April 4, 2020 — In January and February 2020, no fewer than 350 Christians were hacked to death in the country, out of which, the Jihadist Fulani militants accounted for not less than 250 deaths. In all, not less than 410 Christian lives have been lost in Nigeria to Jihadist Fulani terrorists in the past 93 days . . . Full story:

Comment: Bishop Matthew Hassan Kukah of Sokoto, expressed his disgust with the government: The Nigerian government is “using the levers of power to secure the supremacy of Islam, which then gives more weight to the idea that it can be achieved by violence.” Yet these are just a few of many Christian killings that hardly even make it to social media.

UK, NZ Banks forced to Scrap Dividends. Could Australia be Next?

April 3, 2020 — Shares in UK banks have fallen sharply after regulators forced them to cancel dividends for 2019 and 2020 in response to the coronavirus crisis.

The Prudential Regulation Authority (PRA), an arm of the Bank of England which oversees UK banks and building societies, wrote to seven “systemically important UK deposit-takers” asking them to suspend dividends payments and share buybacks until the end of 2020, and cancel the payment of any outstanding 2019 dividends . . .

New Zealand’s central bank has also directed its banks to cease paying dividends or redeeming capital notes. The RBNZ also announced Australia’s big four banks won’t be able to receive dividends from their Kiwi subsidiaries during the coronavirus pandemic. The restrictions take effect immediately and remain in place until further notice . . . Full story:

The Bill Gates Death Tattoo

By John Kaminski© 2017 all rights reserved

It’s not a double play, not a triple play, but a quadruple play.

One, the government created the disease in a lab, which it later had to close because slipshod practices created leaks of lethal substances. Two, they then sent it to China during war games they were playing. Three, they created the pandemic through media hysteria though the death rate was no greater than a “typical” flu. And four, the coup de grace, they created the mega death toll by administering poison vaccines, without which people would not be prevented from accessing their own money.

A quadruple play for the total control of everyone’s mind and the permanent end of individuality—the highest aspiration of the human species: soon to be known as the Bill Gates Death Tattoo. All the while installing 5G in all the schools in America: guaranteeing an astronomical toll of disease and death as well as the desired population reduction numbers sought by the filthy rich against the unwashed masses. If you think this is crazy, I suggest you check out what is happening right now at your local high school, as the cops prevent you from asking about all those white trucks tinkering with the antennas adjacent to the school.

It’s just the flu, stupid. And the flu is not contagious. So why are we cowering in our homes when the death rate is so low, less than for “ordinary” flu.

Society has been ruined by the population’s refusal to confront media lies. Cowardice, a preternatural desire to “fit in” and failure to think critically has brought world society crumbling down like the house of cards it was. The fake money system had to crash one day because it is fake and today is that day.

Ultimately, this is all a variation of George Bush’s “you have to keep repeating the propaganda until it sinks in.” The population believes the Twin Towers fell because of guys in caves in Afghanistan. And now the public, unable to think for itself, is sucking in to the false advice that social distancing makes sense, when in fact it prevents coming to the conclusion that we are being swindled out of our freedom.

Night after night the fake media has preempted the evening news with its demonic vaudeville act of so called experts.

In fact social distancing is the way to cultural suicide, soon to be followed by species suicide.

It isn’t the Coronavirus that is going to kill us. It is the government’s Pavlovian response to the Coronavirus that is going to kill us. That is already killing is.

But is it really a death toll? Or is it a fake news death toll? The formidable amount of footage of placid hospital emergency rooms belies the hysterical accounts of Covid-19 deaths. Candid comments of nurses reveal that the epidemic is not really happening as they say it is, while those simpering wimp reporters on TV constantly remind us to stay in our homes and keep washing our hands while the whole world goes to hell.

Report of deaths from all causes being categorized as pandemic deaths are growing every day.

Microsoft founder Bill Gates announced on March 18, 2020 during a “Reddit ‘Ask Me Anything’ session” that he is working on a new, invisible “quantum dot tattoo” implant that will track who has been tested for COVID-19 and who has been vaccinated against it, reported Jim Fetzer on a Saved Magazine article that was sourced from BioHackInfo.Com.

According to the last source, “The quantum-dot tattoos involve applying dissolvable sugar-based microneedles that contain a vaccine and fluorescent copper-based ‘quantum dots’ embedded inside biocompatible, micron-scale capsules. After the microneedles dissolve under the skin, they leave the encapsulated quantum dots whose patterns can be read to identify the vaccine that was administered.”

Gates was responding to a question on how businesses will be able to operate while maintaining social distancing, and said that, “Eventually we will have some digital certificates to show who has recovered or been tested recently or when we have a vaccine who has received it.

The ‘digital certificates’ Gates was referring to are human-implantable ‘QUANTUM-DOT TATTOOS’ that researchers at MIT and Rice University are working on as a way to hold vaccination records. The quantum-dot tattoos will likely be supplemented with Bill Gates’ other undertaking called ID2020, which is an ambitious project by Microsoft to solve the problem of over 1 billion people who live without an officially recognized identity.

As for ID2020, to see it through, Microsoft has formed an alliance with four other companies, namely; Accenture, IDEO, Gavi, and the Rockefeller Foundation. The project is supported by the United Nations and has been incorporated into the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals initiative.

Many Christians and Muslims are opposed to the idea of micro-chipping and any form of body-invasive identification technology.

The so-called Coronavirus Epidemic is Gates’ perfect opportunity to microchip the world as the public becomes more indoctrinated to the elite’s plan to contain the epidemic.

Religious people of many creeds fear microchips too closely resemble the Mark of the Beast references in their religious books.

In the Book of Revelation 13:15-18 in the Bible, anyone who does not have this “mark” is not allowed to buy or sell anything.

Last year in November, a Denmark-based tech company which had contracts to produce microchip implants for the Danish Government and the US Navy, had to cancel the launch of its supposedly “revolutionary” Internet-of-Things powered microchip implant after Christian activists attacked its offices in Copenhagen.

The Covid-19 vaccine is already under research and development and experts say it will likely be available in about 18 months. Will this mean forced vaccinations or perpetually “sheltering in place” for those who refuse the coronavirus vaccine?

In a more recent development, Gates has called for a worldwide shutdown of society. This seems to be already happening.

Any resemblance to the mark of the beast in all this is not coincidental. [It is ignorance: the mark in the forehead signifies acceptance of Rome’s dogma, while the mark in the hand indicates serving or obeying Rome’s will; for almost a thousand years after the false church was organized at the First Nicaea Council in AD325 the same mark that was forced upon genuine Christians],

This is as good as micro-chipping in vaccines, even better. People will lose their access to money if they don’t have it.

It all comes back to the concrete manufacture of alienation mentioned by Guy Debord in 1968, which is the result of the destruction of religion and the elimination of the family structure.

The most important thing humans have to protect is the relationship of a mother to her child. That has been largely destroyed by a combination of luring women into preferring careers instead of raising families and convincing men that a permanent state of tumescence, or sexual rapture, is the preferred condition of their existence. This combination of mind control is the one thing most responsible for the death of the family and the imposition of Communism around the world.

Like freedom of the individual, once the family is disparaged and eliminated it can never be recovered. And with each passing day of social distancing it disappears a little bit further into the troubled memory of humankind.


Comments regarding the Passover Observance

By J. Richard Niemela

The issue of the Passover observance was a ritual demanded of ancient Israelites, as a reminder of by Whom and How they were saved out of the Egyptian slavery—and Why! It clearly appears as an order within the several texts of the Old Testament, particularly in Exodus 12:14 and 17. The words therein, calling it a “. . . feast by ordinance, forever.” Yet this Old Testament demand for its observance must be understood also as coming from the Masoretic Texts, which are seldom noted by our Shepherds as the basis of our Old Testament—that Talmudic Jews re-wrote the Hebrew language Bible that was then translated into other languages as if it was the original Hebrew language Bible!

Since we know that the Ordinances, the ritual of worship and ceremonies and feasts were removed by Jesus’ sacrifice, we should understand that the demand word, “forever” in two verses of Exodus 12 were edited by the Masoretes by adding the word “forever” in lieu of until “the end of the age,” or the old Covenant.

But, my point here is to advise that some of the specific wording of the Old Testament texts were purposely corrupted by the Masorete translators, and some of those words which refer to the Passover experienced such accommodation. So, to assume that such instructions are absolutely mandatory, as Law today, is to step across the aisle into a legalism no longer necessary.

But, that is not to say that celebrating such an historic and significant event is not acceptable, or justified: it just does not improve one’s soul or advance one into the Gospel of the Kingdom, or Salvation. In the Septuagint, the earliest of Old Testament texts, it implies that this observance by the Israelites would be kept, “unto the age.” Dr. Gordon Ginn, a Greek scholar, noted:

“This is a literal translation from the Greek Old Testament. If we accepted the translations of the Hebrew Masoretic Text, it would read, ‘forever.’ It was intended to be a long time but was to be discontinued when Christ came and ratified the New Covenant” (The Final Apostasy, by Gordon Ginn, p. 18).

Recall that the Masoretic texts of our Old Testament were not put into “modern” Hebrew (a ‘new’ Hebrew at that) until the Jewish scholars began their work on the Old Testament around AD400: a work in progress until the Old Testament was first published by the Catholic Church in AD916. During that long period of time, the Masoretes (Talmudic Jews) had sufficient time to modify and adjust the many words of the Old Testament. Which they certainly did! Omitting almost one third of the Septuagint, modifying verses and omitting others—consider what Dr. Ginn notes here: “While it is historically a fact that those men reworked the Old Testament, it will come as a shock to many Christians just how clever they were in their attempt to obscure prophetic foreknowledge about Jesus Christ.”

The facts of the Masoretic wordsmithing and deviations are disguised and cloaked by pressure from today’s Talmudists, but accommodated as well, by the Catholic Church because they too, were, and still are, equally guilty of many changes induced by their own Translators . . . for their own purpose . . . primarily to instill a “fear” into their parishioners to induce them to rely on the Church and the Priests for salvation . . . Not!!

Also, you must understand that the source or basis for the work of these Masoretes, came primarily from the Greek language Bible, the Septuagint or LXX (72 contributors), but as few of the original Old Hebrew texts and scrolls that were used to create the Greek Septuagint in 285B were no longer then available . . . (Many of the original Hebrew texts/scrolls having been lost when Jerusalem was destroyed by the Romans in AD70).

Having to resort to the Greek Septuagint did not sit well with these Jews, as its texts were not favorable to Jewish interests and they lost many arguments with the new and growing Christians because of the words contained therein . . . As a consequence, the Jews sought a Hebrew Bible (Hebrew had become a dead language by then) for use by Jews, who by that time, were really following the Talmud and its Judaism, as ancient Hebrewism was abandoned during their 70 year captivity in Babylon. Their Talmud took precedence over the Torah—and still does! (This was confirmed by Steven S. Wise, chief Rabbi of the United States, “the return from Babylon, and the adoption of the Babylonian Talmud, marks the end of Hebrewism, and the beginning of Judaism”).

The Jews, returning from Babylon, created a new nation but were destined to be the Prophet Daniel’s “Chartered 70 week Jewish nation” and were ordained to last that period of time (490 years) and were to supply the background and surroundings for the coming of Messiah (Daniel 9:24-27).

It is interesting to note that 490 years to the day, the Romans destroyed Jerusalem. The legitimate mission of this chartered Jewish nation thus ended. Jesus confirmed this fact, stating: “The Kingdom of God shall be taken from you . . . (Matthew 21:43) I digressed a bit there, but, that is another topic, for another time.

[These are in fact 490 weeks of 360-day years, 69 weeks were fulfilled when the Israelites murdered their Messiah, and the Lord turned from dealing with Israel as a nation to whomsoever of Adam’s race would receive Him in the Gentile dispensation; this will terminate shortly and the Lord will turn back to the Israel nation in the Land of the Covenant by the ministry of the two Hebrew prophets of Zechariah 4:17, Matthew 24:31, and Revelation 11:3-12.

Christians for the most part are oblivious to the correspondence between covenantal relationship with the Eternal and custodianship of the canon of Scripture. The Old Covenant was a covenant of marriage, made between the Eternal and the nation Israel. Non-Israelites had no part in the covenant.

The two parties entered into covenant at Mount Sinai, following the redemption of Israel from the bondage of Egypt. The relationship continued despite the subsequent division of the nation into two kingdoms. We learn from the writings of the prophets that, following the division, the Eternal viewed Israel as a pair of sisters, simultaneously taken in marriage under identical covenantal relationships.

Under the covenant, custodianship of the canon of Scripture resided with the Levitical priesthood, Deuteronomy 17:18; 31:9-11. The Levites were given no inheritance in the land, rather they were scattered as ministers throughout the tribes of Israel. Inasmuch as the canon of Old Covenant Scripture consists of the marriage contract between the Eternal and Israel, together with a chronicle of the relationship, it is unthinkable that custodianship of the canon should ever pass outside of Israel.

The covenantal relationship between the Eternal and the Northern Kingdom (which bore the name Israel) came to an end circa 721BC. The relationship was terminated by divorce, Jeremiah 3:8, “And I saw that for all the adulteries of faithless Israel, I had put her away and given her a writ of divorce; yet her treacherous sister Judah feared not, but went and played the harlot also.” The reason for divorce was idolatry, which, in the relationship between the Eternal and Israel, is tantamount to adultery. When the Eternal divorced the Northern Kingdom, the Levites residing in the Southern Kingdom (known as Judah) were left as the only legitimate custodians of the canon of Scripture, Romans 3:1-2.

Although some Christians are aware that the Northern Kingdom lost covenantal relationship with the Eternal, very few are aware that the covenantal relationship enjoyed by the Southern Kingdom also eventually came to an end. This is because few Christians understand that it is Christ Jesus; rather than God the Father, who is the God and husband of Israel. The covenantal relationship of marriage is dissolved by the death of either party to the covenant, Romans 7:2. With the death by crucifixion of Christ Jesus, Judah was left a widow. She lost not only her covenantal relationship with the Eternal, but also custodianship of the canon of Scripture.

The writer of the epistle to the Hebrews notes that the prophecy of the New Covenant, Jeremiah 31:31-34, was also a notice of impending dissolution of the Old Covenant. “For this is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days, saith the Lord; I will put My laws into their mind, and write them in their hearts: and I will be to them a God, and they shall be to Me a people: and they shall not teach every man his neighbour, and every man his brother, saying, Know the Lord: for all shall know Me, from the least to the greatest. For I will be merciful to their unrighteousness, and their sins and their iniquities will I remember no more. In that He said, A new covenant, He has made the first old. Now that which decays and waxes old is ready to vanish away” (Hebrews 8:10-13).

Many contemporary readers, teachers, and commentators consider the statement, “Now that which decays and waxes old is ready to vanish away,” to be prophetic of a still-future event. Quite to the contrary, the writer of Hebrews is pointing out the fact that it was on the very day in which Jeremiah uttered the prophecy that the Old Covenant decayed, waxed old, and was ready to vanish away. That is, when the Eternal announced through Jeremiah the coming New Covenant, he thereby made the Old Covenant obsolescent. The New Covenant was instituted by the death Christ Jesus, who was the covenant sacrifice (Hebrews 9:15-17). The moment Jesus died, the New Covenant came into effect, and the Old Covenant vanished away.

With the resurrection of Christ Jesus, there was a change of priesthood. The Levitical priesthood came to an end upon dissolution of the Old Covenant. In its place, a new priesthood was instituted—a priesthood after the order of Melchizedek, (Hebrews 7:11-12; 13:10). The Melchizedek priesthood is composed of those of Adam’s race who have entered a new covenantal relationship with the Eternal, under the terms of which they all are made priests (I Peter 2:5; 9-10, Revelation 1:6, Revelation 5:10).

It is the Melchizedek priesthood which received custodianship of the canon of Scripture. Moreover, the Melchizedek priesthood became custodian of the entire canon of Scripture, both Old Covenant and New.

In Romans 3:1-2, the apostle Paul is simply recognizing the fact that, upon divorce of the Northern Kingdom, the Southern Kingdom (Judah) became sole custodian of the canon of Old Covenant Scripture. The passage in no way implies that custodianship of the canon remained with Judah following the death of Christ Jesus, neither that unregenerate Jews were at any time custodians of the canon (The Faith Once Delivered, by Russell L. Harris, Vol. 2, 6)]

The facts about the Greek language Septuagint must be told, as they do impact the ongoing arguments even today, between Christians and Jews. The Septuagint or LXX was compiled almost 300 years before the time of Christ, as Greek was the language of the day in the known world, and Hebrew was practically extinct. As a consequence, when Jesus came, it was the Bible that He quoted from and was used by His disciples as well: So, this point, in the minds of all, certainly should qualify the Septuagint as having been “authenticated”!

I have no quarrel with the reference made to Exodus 12:42, as it is correct as written, however, the citing of Exodus 12:48-49 carry an editorial conclusion that is not valid. In parentheses you noted (not just Jews), the implication being that everyone was welcome to participate in the original Passover observance . . .

Lets look at that text: “And when a stranger shall sojourn with thee, and will keep the Passover to the Lord, let all his males be circumcised, and then let him come near and keep it; and he shall be as one that is born in the land: for no uncircumcised person shall eat thereof” (verse 48).

There are two references that deny that point of yours, (not just Jews). The First, being the “Type” of stranger that is referenced, for it alludes here, only to a Kinsman Stranger, a Gehr, (#1616 in Strongs Concordance) and not any of the other, 4+ different types or categories of strangers that the Hebrew language depicts . . . some of whom are absolutely forbidden association, particularly at the feasts and ceremonies, but especially, marriage or being put in charge, “thou shalt not put one over thee, who is not thy brother.” The second reference is to the uncircumcised, and that point should not need much exposition, as the text is clear and refutes your comment.

You are correct in defining the Feasts of Yahweh as not being “Jewish” feasts, although they do claim them as Jewish in origin, as they also falsely call Abraham a Jew. The name Jew did not appear in the Bible until the latter part of the 18th centurythousands of years after Abraham’s time, and then it was a Masoretic extrapolation from Judean or Judahite . . . But, by making the association between Jew and the ancient Israelites as synonymous, they also made it appear as if Israel, Judah and the Jew were and still are, represented by today’s Jews . . . A massive hoax of monstrous proportions.

Now, I would imagine that some will make reference to Jesus observing Passover, but the time of the changeover had not yet come . . . That being the New Covenant when He became our Passover for us, being slain even at the proper time for its celebration. I would point you to your own chapter in Exodus, 12:5-6, “Your lamb shall be without blemish, a male of the first year: you shall take it out from the sheep, or from the goats: and you shall keep it until the fourteenth day of the same month: and the whole assembly of the Congregation of Israel shall kill it in the evening.”

Did not that happen? Then, consider I Corinthians 5:7-8, “Purge out therefore the old leaven, that you may be a new lump, as you are unleavened. For even Christ our Passover is sacrificed for us; therefore let us keep the feast, not with old leaven, neither with the leaven of malice and wickedness; but with the unleavened bread of sincerity and truth”.

In that earlier reference to the whole assembly of the congregation of Israel, note what is written in Acts 2:22-24, It tells us Who that sacrifice was and who it was that, “. . . by the determinate counsel and foreknowledge of God has taken, and by wicked hands has crucified and slain.”

Now having said that, we should consider this point as well. Does holding to the ancient observance remove as well, the significance of His sacrifice, that of His Blood, and make the old event an equivalent? Not likely. Rather, as something that must be considered as not necessary, the old ceremony and its rituals should not become a legal approach to our faith and salvation . . . We have another, far more appropriate avenue that leads to acceptance into the Kingdom.

“He is our Passover for us.” nl1104.htm

Pass it on . . . please send this article to someone you know
Brother Grigor-Scott is a non-denominational minister who has ministered full-time since 1981, primarily to other ministers and their congregations overseas. He pastors Bible Believers’ tiny congregation, and is available to teach in your church.

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Souls that are in Prison Now

April 6, 2020

Bible Believers’ Newsletter 1103

“We focus on the present Truth – what Jesus is doing now. . .”
ISSN 1442-8660

Christian greetings in the precious Name of our Lord Jesus Christ; we are pleased you could join us in fellowship around God’s unchanging Word.

Android PhoneOur teaching, “Souls that are in Prison Now” depicts Christendom and many in the circle of this Message. Spiritually Adam’s race has surrendered its free moral agency and eternal destiny to some kind old priest or pastor to do their religion for them, however second-hand feel-good religion is void of overcoming faith. My dear Brother and Sister, man’s day is almost over and the Day of the Lord will manifest those who are the Sons and Daughters of God.

For those seriously longing to clearly understand the insanity taking place at the present time, the unusually large number of news items will provide the understanding you yearn if you prayerfully follow the links and the full story. We encourage you to share this Newsletter with your friends, family and colleagues and look forward to receiving your questions or suggestions.

This week finds all the world involuntarily regimented indoors at home labouring over the Internet because they have not brought the best politicians money can buy to personal account for their actions and decisions. Thoughtless and beguiled by the spell of an easy life of unearned pleasure funded by international usurers to whom we have mortgaged the national wealth, we have permitted them do our thinking for us.

Glued to television, frivolous amusements, sports and pursuits of no consequence, lasting national or personal benefit we elect self-seeking strangers overruled by an alien bankster-controlled two party Hegelian sham democracy to public office, while they commit nations and people to collectivism under UN agreements such as Agenda30 here, here, and here. In three weeks the nations have submitted themselves like Pavlov’s dogs to obedience training in conformity with what is unnatural and abhorrent.

This Newsletter serves those of like precious faith. Whoever will receive the truth is welcome to feed their soul from the waters of the River of Life. Everything here presented should be confirmed personally in your own Bible.

Your brother-in-Christ
Anthony Grigor-Scott

Recent Earthquakes in the United States

April 6, 2020 — There have been 124 earthquakes in the past 24 hours
794 earthquakes in the past 7 days
2,843 earthquakes in the past 30 days
38,129 earthquakes in the past 365 days Full story:,


Depression WORSE than the Great Depression

William Branham baptizing in Ohio River, 1933

“When God sends forth a Message and tells the people, and they don’t receive it, then He withdraws His servant and sends His plagues: famine, death, spiritually speaking, physically also.”

[When Brother Branham was baptizing the seventeenth person in the Ohio River following a tent revival on Sunday, June 11, 1933, the Pillar of Fire manifest above him in the form of a star, for he was the seventh star of Revelation 1:16, 20 and 3:14. An audible Voice declared “As John the Baptist foreran My first Coming, your Message will forerun My second Coming.” This was a (Gk.) parousia Coming. He has been present with us for fifty-seven years as written in the Great Step on the fiftieth level of masonry leading into the King’s Chamber in the Great Pyramid, known as the Bible in stone. God has withdrawn His servant; we live under the plague of the Sixth Vial, the Seventh Vial will bring “famine, death, spiritually speaking, physically also.” The churches have rejected His Message and His Coming (Romans 11:32)].

“You watch for a depression, brother. You think you’ve seen something; you just wait after while. You haven’t seen nothing. You think you’re dying for a good spiritual revival; you wait till after a bit. You just wait, long and cry to hear the Word of God. The Bible said so. “There’ll be a famine in the last days,” said the prophet, “and not for bread and water alone, but for hearing the true Word of God” (Amos 8:11). But that voice will be quiet in the wilderness somewhere, hid away.”

[Writing under the fulfillment of what Brother Branham prophesied as “the squeeze” most churches worldwide are closed or restricted to two persons under what Big Brother calls “social distancing”].

“He ordained the ravens, His servants. Bless them birds, His servants that kept the voice of Elijah alive during the time of his isolation from the church [since December 1965]. The ravens brought him flesh and bread at morning, and flesh and bread in the evening, and he drank from the little fountain while the rest of them down there were doing without any spiritual food and water” (William Branham, 61-0319, Jezebel Religion, par. 100-101).

In the twentieth and twenty-first centuries God ordained twelve inch phonograph records, wire and reel to real tape recordings, cassette tapes, video tapes, CDs and DVD’s to keep the Voice of our Elijah alive during the time of his isolation from the Church (Malachi 4:5, 6b; Matthew 17:11).

March 27, 2020 — [Speaking of economic depression] Microsoft’s [eugenicist] Bill Gates, co-founder of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation said, the number of US COVID-19 cases has not yet peaked and the country won’t likely be able to return to normal life by April. Full story:

April 1, 2020, — US 3 mth TreasuriesUS three month treasury bills are returning next to nothing (CNBC). Marvellous how a collapsing market can make you re-evaluate your priorities. Now it’s all about return OF capital (safety) and not return ON capital (interest rate). (Vern Gowdie, The Rum Rebellion Club).

April 2, 2020, — Popular thinking has it that ALL this stimulus will be inflationary. Trillions here, 16% of GDP there. But what’s been lost is this detail. The ‘newly minted’ dollars will not be enough to replace the lost earnings AND borrowing power of those previously employed. And (another big AND), if people—in sufficient numbers—somewhat rebuff the whole ‘debt-financed live beyond my means’ economic model, then global GDP numbers will shrink. Yes, there’s more money being created than ever before. However, there’s a whole lot more being destroyed.

Central banks are always going to be behind the curve. They won’t know the extent of the damage until AFTER the (lagging) data is released. Then they’ll go (even more) ballistic . . . (Vern Gowdie, The Rum Rebellion Club).

April 2, 2020, — Tug of WarA rather horrifying chart. It completely blows apart the myth that ‘stimulus’ will somehow save us. As you read this, the US Federal Reserve balance sheet is going VERTICIAL (Bloomberg).

What are corporate earnings doing?

They’re plunging at the exact same rate in the opposite direction . . . Central bank money printing—including here in Australia—is keeping the lights on in the financial system. But not much else . . . There is spending. There is printing. But, there is no “stimulus.” You need to be prepared—NOW—for the aftermath of what’s unfolding. Because it could go down in history as a ‘big one’ that could surpass even the last impact of the Great Depression (James Woodburn, Port Phillip Publishing).

IMF Chief: We have entered Global Recession

March 28, 2020 — The coronavirus pandemic has driven the global economy into a downturn that will require massive funding to help developing nations, IMF chief Kristalina Georgieva said Friday. It . . . will be worse than in 2009 following the global financial crisis; she said . . . “for the overall financial needs of emerging markets is $2.5 trillion . . . “on the lower end.” Full story:

Comment: 10 Signs the US heading for a Depression

A Portrait of Disaster

April 2, 2020 — This morning, the Department of Labor (DOL) released data on initial unemployment insurance (UI) claims, showing that UI claims jumped from 211,000 in the week ending March 7th to 6.6 million in the week ending March 28th. This is more than a 3,000% increase in three weeks. This kind of upending of the labor market in such a short time is unheard of . . . this labor market crisis didn’t have to happen.
Full story:

Jewish Finance Firm just took over US Treasury & Fed

March 31, 2020 — In less than a week the Federal Reserve has been merged with the US Treasury (implying it wasn’t always that way) and BlackRock, the worlds largest and most powerful financial services institution, has been put in charge of executing future acquisitions and trades. (

The IMF, Treasury and Federal Reserve are now one unit with the Jewish firm BlackRock (

The IMF was set up in 1945 at the same time as the UN (Jewish criminal organization).

1. The IRS is not a US Government Agency. It is an Agency of the IMF (Diversified Metal Products v. IRS et al. CV-93-405E-EJE U.S.D.C.D.I., Public Law 94-564, Senate Report 94-1148 pg. 5967, Reorganization Plan No.26, Public Law 102-391.

2. The IMF is an Agency of the UN (Black’s Law Dictionary 6th Ed. p. 816).

3. The US has not had a Treasury since 1921. (41 Stat. Ch. 214 p. 654).

4. The US Treasury is now the IMF (Presidential Documents Volume 29-No. 4 p.113, 22 U.S.C. 285-288).

5. The United States does not have any employees because there is no longer a United States. No more reorganizations. After over 200 years of operating under bankruptcy it’s finally over (Executive Order 12803). Do not personate one of the creditors or share holders or you will go to Prison (18 U.S.C. 914).

6. The FCC, CIA, FBI, NASA and all of the other alphabet gangs were never part of the United States government. Even though the “US Government” held shares of stock in the various Agencies (US v. Strang, 254 US 491, Lewis v. US, 680 F.2d, 1239).

7. Social Security Numbers are issued by the UN through the IMF. The Application for a Social Security Number is the SS5 form. The Department of the Treasury (IMF) issues the SS5 not the Social Security Administration. The new SS5 forms do not state who or what publishes them, the earlier SS5 forms state that they are Department of the Treasury forms. You can get a copy of the SS5 you filled out by sending form SSA-L996 to the SS Administration. (20 CFR chapter 111, subpart.

422.103 (b) (2) (2) Read the cites above).

8. There are no Judicial courts in America and there has not been since 1789. Judges do not enforce Statutes and Codes. Executive Administrators enforce Statutes and Codes (FRC v. GE 281 US 464, Keller v. PE 261 US 428,1 Stat. 138-178).

9. There have not been any Judges in America since 1789. There have just been Administrators. (FRC v. GE 281 US 464, Keller v. PE 261 US 428 1Stat.138-178).

10. According to the GATT you must have a Social Security number. House Report (103-826).

11. We have One World Government, One World Law and a One World Monetary System. *.

12. The UN is a One World Super Government.

13. No one on this planet has ever been free. This planet is a Slave Colony. There has always been a One World Government. It is just that now it is much better organized and has changed its name as of 1945 to the United Nations..

14. New York City is defined in the Federal Regulations as the United Nations. Rudolph Gulliani stated on C-Span that “New York City was the capital of the World” and he was correct (20 CFR chapter 111, subpart 422.103 (b) (2) (2).

15. Social Security is not insurance or a contract, nor is there a Trust Fund (Helvering v. Davis 301 US 619, Steward Co. v. Davis 301 US 548)

16. Your Social Security check comes directly from the IMF which is an Agency of the UN. (Look at it if you receive one. It should have written on the top left United States Treasury).

17. You own no property, slaves can’t own property. Read the Deed to the property that you think is yours. You are listed as a Tenant (Senate Document 43, 73rd Congress 1st Session).

18. The most powerful court in America is not the United States Supreme Court but, the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania (42 Pa.C.S.A. 502). >

All the real action going on in the world operates through the financial markets. It’s difficult to understand because that’s the way the powers-that-be want it, and keep it that way through their owned news media and politicians. While the news media is blitzing and gaslighting everyone now, NWO plans are moving foreward (wallstreetonparade). So much of this can be understood by reading The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion. In the mid 1800’s the US was effectively taken over from within, by the Banksters. Well explained in this book The Great Red Dragon, or The London Money Power, by Woolfolk. Free online.

Coronavirus Panic: US Government must be Stopped Now

March 26, 2020 — Any country that seeks to control others is a country that seeks aggression. Any country that seeks aggression is a country that seeks war. Any country that seeks war is a country that seeks domination. Therefore, any country that seeks control, aggression, war, and domination is a country that must enslave its people in order to advance this agenda of imperialism. This is a description of the United States of America today. It has become a nation based on control, aggression, war, and domination, and only a totalitarian regime can achieve and hold empire . . . more tyranny at the hands of government is on the horizon . . . the authoritarian measures now in place will remain . . . renewed surveillance, forced quarantine, mandated isolation, high unemployment, forced business closure, medical martial law, economic destruction, ludicrous monetary policy, forced vaccinations to come, travel bans, and highly increased poverty, all due to measures instituted so far . . . this assault on Americans will not end, and in fact will worsen in the future. Full story:

Senate’s Coronavirus Relief Package Must Be Stopped!

March 27, 2020 — The Senate’s $2 Trillion Coronavirus Relief Package is not fiscal stimulus and it’s not a lifeline for the tens of millions of working people who have suddenly lost their jobs. It’s a fundamental restructuring of the US economy designed to strengthen the grip of the corrupt corporate-banking oligarchy while creating a permanent underclass that will be forced to work for slave wages. This isn’t stimulus . . . this bill is being rushed through congress?

It has a lot to do with the falling stock market but more precisely with the hundreds of corporations that have been hawking bonds to gullible investors who thought they were buying the debt of responsible, well-managed companies . . . the real motive for giving working people the $1,200 checks was simply to divert attention from the massive trillion dollar bailout to teetering corporations . . . It’s another giant welfare check for the plutocrats.

The centerpiece of the new legislation is a provision for $425 billion giveaway to big business . . . It means that Mnuchin is transforming the US Treasury into a hedge fund . . . Mnuchin’s personal bio is worth reviewing . . . Full story:

US tells Saudi Crown Prince to end Oil Price War

March 26, 2020 — US Secretary of State . . . told Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman to . . . “reassure global energy and financial markets when the world faces serious economic uncertainty” . . . Oil in recent days has hovered between US$21 and $25 per barrel, effectively pushing US shale producers out of business at a time when the American economy faces a Covid-19 pandemic-sparked recession . . . Full story:

Why Global Oil Prices will Fall Below $10

March 31, 2020 — Covid-19 pandemic and Saudi-Russian supply war have decimated oil prices 65% this year with little hope of a near-term revival . . . the forward price of oil futures contracts is lower than the prevailing market price . . . The downward drivers for oil prices are excess production, demand destruction and a corresponding buildup of inventory levels . . . Consultancy Rystad Energy said . . . “We see in this coming month of April what could be a 20 million bpd decline in oil demand . . . . six times larger than the biggest downturn during the [2008-9] financial crisis period,” he added.

As global oil storage capacity fills up, including on emergency floating facilities, the lack of storage will backfire on the Saudis and Russians, as both opportunistically seek to lock in and steal market share from one another by cranking up their oil production spigots . . .

The resurgence of US oil production over the past decade . . . allowed the US to grab market share from entrenched global oil as well as gas producers. However, America’s brief two-year reign at the top of the global oil production hierarchy could soon end . . . [meaning] a loss of the recently recouped geo-political power the US has enjoyed from ramped up oil production. Full story:

Comment: A perfect fit to Bible prophecy.

China rolls out the Health Silk Road

April 3, 2020 — In a graphic demonstration of soft power, so far China has offered Covid-19-related equipment and medical help to no fewer than 89 nations—Africa (especially South Africa, Namibia and Kenya, with Alibaba in fact announcing it will send help to all African nations); Latin America (Brazil, Argentina, Venezuela, Peru); the arc from East Asia to Southwest Asia; and Europe. Key recipients in Europe include Italy, France, Spain, Belgium, the Netherlands, Serbia and Poland. But Italy, most of all . . . Italy became the first G-7 nation to sign a memorandum of understanding formally joining Belt and Road . . . for the Brussels bureaucracy, the Health Silk Road is . . . about ‘destabilizing’ the EU and improving Xi Jinping’s domestic image . . . the exact same narrative of the Trump administration, US corporate media and US intelligence. Full story:

Coronavirus – No Vaccine needed to Cure It

April 1, 2020 — Virus COVID-19 has so far caused far less infections and death than the common flu in past years. WHO reports on 30 March worldwide 750,000 infections with a death toll of 36,000. In the US about 161,000 cases and 3,000 deaths. Yet, alarmist Fauci claims that there may be millions of US coronavirus cases and 100,000–200,000 deaths. And, coincidentally, so does Bill Gates, using pretty much the same figures.

All with the idea of pushing a vaccine down the throat of the public . . . Few doctors are aware of these practical, simple and inexpensive remedies. The media, under pressure from the pharma giants and the compliant government agencies, have been requested to censor such valuable information . . .

The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, will drive the mass vaccination effort which is scheduled to be launched in the period after the lockdown. The vaccination association includes, the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI), a semi-NGO, to which NIH/NIAID outsourced oversight of the vaccination program—supported by Bill Gates; GAVI, the Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization—also a Bill Gates creation, supported by WHO, also amply funded by the Gates Foundation; the World Bank and UNICEF; plus a myriad of pharmaceutical partners.

Bill Gates also strongly suggests that travelers must have in their passport a vaccination certificate before embarking on a plane, or entering a country. The program implementation, including a related global electronic identity-program, possibly administered with nano-chips that could be embedded in the vaccine itself, would be overseen by the little-know agency Agenda ID2020 which is also a Bill and Melinda Gates foundation initiative.

Bill Gates is also known as a strong proponent of drastic and selective population reduction. Knowing what we know, who would trust any vaccine that carries Bill Gate’s signature . . . Full story:

COVID-19 Hygiene

The following is from Irene Ken, physician, whose daughter is an Asst. Prof. in infectious diseases at Johns Hopkins University, quite informative.

* The virus is not a living organism, but a protein molecule (DNA) covered by a protective layer of lipid (fat), which, when absorbed by the cells of the ocular, nasal or buccal mucosa, changes their genetic code (mutation) and converts them into aggressor and multiplier cells.

* Since the virus is not a living organism but a protein molecule, it is not killed, but decays on its own. The disintegration time depends on the temperature, humidity and type of material where it lies.

* The virus is very fragile; the only thing that protects it is a thin outer layer of fat. That is why any soap or detergent is the best remedy, because the foam CUTS the FAT (that is why you have to rub so much: for 20 seconds or more, to make a lot of foam).

By dissolving the fat layer, the protein molecule disperses and breaks down on its own.

* HEAT melts fat; this is why it is so good to use water above 77 degrees Fahrenheit for washing hands, clothes and everything. In addition, hot water makes more foam and that makes it even more useful.

* Alcohol or any mixture with alcohol over 65% DISSOLVES ANY FAT, especially the external lipid layer of the virus.

* Any mix with 1 part bleach and 5 parts water directly dissolves the protein, breaks it down from the inside.

* Oxygenated water helps long after soap, alcohol and chlorine, because peroxide dissolves the virus protein, but you have to use it pure and it hurts your skin.

* NO BACTERICIDE OR ANTIBIOTIC SERVES. The virus is not a living organism like bacteria; antibodies cannot kill what is not alive.

* NEVER shake used or unused clothing, sheets or cloth. While glued to a porous surface the virus is inert and disintegrates only
– between 3 hours (fabric and porous),
– 4 hours (copper and wood)
– 24 hours (cardboard),
– 42 hours (metal) and
– 72 hours (plastic).

But if you shake it or use a feather duster, the virus molecules float in the air for up to 3 hours, and can lodge in your nose.

* The virus molecules remain very stable in external cold, or artificial as air conditioners in houses and cars. They also need moisture to stay stable, and especially darkness. Therefore, dehumidified, dry, warm and bright environments will degrade it faster.

* UV LIGHT on any object that may contain it breaks down the virus protein. For example, to disinfect and reuse a mask. Be careful, it also breaks down collagen (which is protein) in the skin.

* The virus CANNOT go through healthy skin.

* Vinegar is NOT useful because it does not break down the protective layer of fat.

* NO SPIRITS, NOR VODKA, serve. The strongest vodka is 40% alcohol, and you need 65%.

* LISTERINE IF IT SERVES! It is 65% alcohol.

* The more confined the space, the more concentration of the virus there can be. The more open or naturally ventilated, the less.

* You have to wash your hands before and after touching mucosa, food, locks, knobs, switches, remote control, cell phone, watches, computers, desks, TV, etc. And when using the bathroom.

* You have to moisturize dry hands from so much washing them, because the molecules can hide in the micro cracks. The thicker the moisturizer, the better.

* Also keep your NAILS SHORT so that the virus does not hide there.


UN: Covid-19 Crisis could Trigger Global Food Shortage

March 29, 2020 — If the Covid-19 infection does not get you thanks to government prevention measures, the downside is that these steps may deprive you of fresh food, including fruit and vegetables . . . “The worst that can happen is that governments restrict the flow of food,” Maximo Torero, chief economist of the UN Food and Agriculture Organization . . . Russia halted exports of buckwheat and other grains for 10 days starting from March 20. Neighboring Kazakhstan followed suit and introduced restrictions on shipments of wheat flour, buckwheat, sugar, several types of vegetables, and sunflower oil.

The UN official warns that protectionist measures and trade barriers only make the situation worse, creating “extreme volatility.”

Another problem is that some countries now lack the workforce to harvest the crops due in part to border closures and domestic lockdowns. “Coronavirus is affecting the labour force and the logistical problems are becoming very important,” Torero said as cited by the Guardian Full story:

Pentagon sends Teams into Mountain Bunkers

March 28, 2020 — The US Northern Command has sent teams of essential staff deep underground to wait out the Covid-19 pandemic . . . Though the US military is forbidden from carrying out law enforcement duties on American soil, President Trump signed an executive order on Friday authorizing the call-up of up to a million reserve and retired Army, Navy, Air Force and Coast Guard personnel. Full story:

University Study: Fire did not cause WTC 7 Collapse on 9/11

March 25, 2020 — The destruction of the 47-story World Trade Center Building 7 in New York City late in the afternoon of September 11, 2001, was not a result of fires, according to the much-anticipated final report issued today by researchers at the University of Alaska Fairbanks . . .
Full story:,


Souls that are in Prison Now

We are at the end of the Gentile dispensation: the world church system organized under a hierarchy of clerics cannot, does not follow the leading of the Spirit: this is “nicolaitanism which thing Jesus hates” (Revelation 2:6, 15).

Sincere young men who feel called to serve God qualify for the ministry not upon the “rock of revelation from their Father in heaven” from “flesh and blood” in Bible college “teaching for doctrines the commandments of men” inculcating apologetics which is the discipline of defending and imparting religious traditions through repetitive argument. More promotional than scriptural, this served to fill the pews through the Church Ages but did not lead men into “the present Truth”—what Jesus is doing now and make them “written epistles read and known of all men”.

Jesus said, “You have not chosen Me, but I have chosen you, and ordained you, that you should go and bring forth fruit, and that your fruit should remain: that whatever you ask of the Father in My Name, He may give it you” (John 15:16). Learned disputation may persuade men but no matter how factually correct, it cannot imbue faith. On the other hand we find ignorant and unlearned men who are “His elect hear, understand and receive His Word which is His voice by grace through faith” (John 10:26-28).

Our Lord Jesus has revealed Himself to many ministers but few choose to surrender the material security of corporate Christianity and walk alone with Christ the Word, yet each member of Christ’s “little Flock” must walk alone with Jesus. This can be a lonely walk, just you and Christ the Word whom you see by revelation others cannot understand.

Last month I spoke with a minister who asked me whether I believe the Gospels, a peculiar question to pose a servant of the Lord. I responded, “Yes of course I believe the Gospels, they describe what Jesus said and did under the Old Testament for the New Testament did not commence until the Day of Pentecost fifty days after Jesus’ was crucified” (Hebrews 9:16-17). He was unprepared for this response so I quoted Acts 1:1, “The former treatise (Luke 1 – 3) have I made, O Theophilus of all that Jesus began both to do and to teach”.

Our subject is “Souls that are in Prison Now”—absent faith. This good man did not believe the Old Testament saints resurrected and seemed not to have read Saint Paul’s epistles. Like Caiaphas and Annas, Talmudic Jews to this very day, denominational ministers and professors, this man is a soul that is imprisoned now! I tried to assist him with scriptures on past resurrections but he would not hear me, however he promised that if I wrote them down he would contact me. Of course I have not heard from him.

Let us rehearse these scriptures because Christ’s mediation for ignorance of the fullness of the Word is over. Since all seven Church Ages of PART Word are fulfilled (Gk.) ‘chronos’ “time is no longer” for the Church Age saints have all been born again and the Laodicean remnant must die. The revelation of the Seven Seals in 1963 brought Christ back to earth in W_O_R_D form and “today by God’s help we have the perfect interpretation of the Word with Divine vindication” (64-0823E, COD, par. 57). “The mystery of God is finished” (I Corinthians 13:10; Revelation 10:1-7) thus Christ’s end-time Bride has no need of mediation for ignorance of the Word as we were fully redeemed in Jesus on Calvary and redemption is over.

The hour is desperately late yet many in the circle of this Message seem unable to recognize that veiled behind media psychology inciting hyped-up fear of the COVID-19 PLAN-demic (which does not meet the original definition), the enemy of God and man has beguiled the nations into Lucifer’s one world government. We live under the plague of the Sixth Vial: the plague is not COVID-19; it is propaganda (II Timothy 3:1 – 4:4).

Psalm 2:1-3, “Why do the heathen rage and the people imagine a vain thing? The kings of the earth set themselves against the Lord and against His anointed, and the rulers take counsel together, saying, Let us break His chains, and free ourselves from all this slavery to God.” The world is insane, and as the Prophet foretold, psychology has persuaded those without the Token on display to voluntarily yield body, soul and spirit to Satan.

Isaiah 61:2b foretold that Brother Branham would “proclaim the day of vengeance of our God” (Malachi 4:5; Matthew 17:11) with warning and a way to escape judgment by “restoring the hearts of God’s elect to the faith of their apostolic fathers” (Malachi 4:6b; Matthew 17:11; 25:6; I Corinthians 13:10; Jude 3; Revelation 10:7; 18:1-4) and “bring them to maturity in the unity of the faith for the manifestation of the Sons of God . . . and the translation” (Ephesians 4:13; Romans 8:19; I Corinthians 15:49-56).

We must place the Sixth Vial with its plague upon the false churches and nominal Christians in the context of time as we live under this Vial that must be fulfilled before the Seventh Vial is poured upon the false churches and their non-elect followers. How late is the hour? The Sixth Seal, Seventh Vial and Seventh Trumpet will manifest simultaneously with the sinking of Los Angeles at the end of our dispensation. If you can understand this you will see that the Sixth Vial is manifesting now and recognize the lateness of the hour.

Revelation 16:12-16 “And the sixth angel poured out his Vial upon the great river Euphrates; and the water thereof was dried up, that the way of the kings of the east might be prepared”.

Euphrates was the eastern border and defence of the Roman Empire and the limit of Christian influence. Its source lay on Israel’s northern boundary and Israel flowed into Babylon and apostasy. Over ninety percent of Jewry is non-Semitic anti-Semitic Khazars converted to Talmudic Judaism by rabbis from Babylon in AD740. Naturally this boundary was destroyed by presidents Bush I and II, Clinton, Obama and Trump. Spiritually the drying up of the Euphrates signifies the departure of the Holy Spirit from Rome’s apostate (once) Protestant daughter churches.

“And I saw three unclean spirits like frogs come out of the mouth of the dragon, and out of the mouth of the beast, and out of the mouth of the false prophet.”

Rome is the “mother of harlots and abominations of the earth” and these demons are identified with Rome and her image (Revelation 18:5). Like frogs they look back to the three stages of Satan’s incarnation: the Dragon of Imperial Rome, the beast or incarnate Pope, and the false prophet or first Pope. Spirits follow words, and Rome’s doctrine is deceit and anathema.

“For they are the spirits of demons, working miracles, which go forth unto the kings of the earth and of the whole world, to gather them to the battle of that great day of God Almighty.”

The kings of the East were the traditional enemies of Israel and of Imperial Rome, which became Papal Rome and divided the world between East and West. Shortly after the Gentile dispensation Russia will invade mainland USA: this is imminent. Jewry’s criminal UN organization could not bring harmony between the five eastern and five western toes of Nebuchadnezzar’s dream (Daniel 2:40-45; Revelation 13; 16:13-14, 17). Rome will head a coalition of world religions and restore peace under a then devil-incarnate pope, refinancing the US dollar with gold backing, and as inaugural president of one world government still divided between east and west, reset world currencies and revive the global economy.

Right now Revelation 16:12-16 is the uniting time under the Sixth Vial in the struggle of man against man against God for the great eschatological battle of Revelation 19:11 – 20:10 under the Seventh Vial, Seventh Trumpet and Sixth Seal. This union of churches and institutions and nations built upon the shifting sands of nineteenth century rationalization against the faith incarnate twentieth and twenty-first century atheism, Fascism, Nazism, Communism, Zionism, Humanism, Feminism, Unionism, Capitalism, multiculturalism and a host of other “isms” born of the same spirit. But for those who have eyes to see and ears to hear God sent and vindicated His prophet William Branham who said, “Watch Russia, king of the North”? How many has heard me just say this, wave that over, over? The old-timers (You see?), back in the early part of the church. Just stand there and wave it over and over, “Watch Russia, the king of the North. See, what he would do, for all those [Jewish] isms will heap up into Russia” (Laodicean Church Age, p. 501:44; Genesis 3:15). That is, Judaeo-Communism.

“Behold, I come as a thief. Blessed is he that continually watches [sanctified], and keeps his garments, lest he walks naked, and they see his shame. And these three unclean spirits gather the world together into a place called in the Hebrew tongue Armageddon”.

International banksters are forcing nations under authoritarian one world government by manmade droughts, fires, floods, cyclones, propaganda, the climate change hoax and COVID-19 are additional tools driving individuals from scattered country towns into central incarceration cities planned by Jewry’s criminal UN Agenda 21. The global psychology of fear under the expedient of COVID-19: fear of losing pensions, national health care, or failure to remain isolated lest they be fined for travelling far from home. This simple explanation for Australians applies to every nation. Understanding Sustainable Development Agenda 21 is explained by Dr. Stanley Monteith on youtube. Obey! Brother Branham called this “the squeeze” and it is tightening as I speak. We have Church on Thursday: not tonight, it is unlawful to convene a congregation exceeding two persons. Visit these links and you will understand the motive and objective of the present global insanity in the plague now being poured out under the Sixth Vial upon the un-believers, make-believers, apostate and false churches.

Last month the IMF declared the world economy is in recession. Global depression is certain even without the earthquake sinking Los Angeles. Brethren who have been slothful or dilatory in sanctification and “making their calling and election sure” may not have occasion to rise to the mark of the High Calling of God in Christ Jesus. And once the earthquake strikes California Christ’s end-time Bride will be complete and the prospect for foolish virgin will be the great tribulation and martyrdom.

Pope FrancisIt is transparently clear from the signatories on UN Agendas 15, 20 and 30, that national leaders are all working toward one world government with hopes of high posting—this is confirmed by the destruction of national economies as the coronavirus PLAN-demic unfolds. On September 24, 2015 Pope Francis addressed a joint session of the US Congress. On September 25 Francis delivered the opening address that launched the 2030 Agenda for the adoption of the Post-2015 UN Development Agenda and one totalitarian world government that will be ruled by Rome as Daniel and Jesus Messiah prophesied. September 26 was the Festival of Families and Papal Mass in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and there was a lunar eclipse on September 28 which was the first day of the Feast of Tabernacles. So we see the Jews’ City of London, the Judaeo-Roman Church and Judaeo-Communism are working together while each is competing to rule Lucifer’s global government. Politicians and those who pull their strings from the Big End of town are seeking high office in the NWO, but history assures us they will suffer the fate of Stalin’s bureaucracy, and Adolf Hitler’s senior administrators who were shot or hanged for their knowledge of Allied atrocities in World War II.

The Prophet called FD Roosevelt’s United Nations “Satan’s big machine” (64-0126, What shall we do with this Jesus called Christ, par. 72; Daniel 7:7).

Prophesying in 1962 he said: “The UN . . . is trying to unite them under a union police force, another manmade system. It never will work . . . every nation today is dominated by the Devil” (58-0128, The Oneness of Unity, p. 4:3-34).

“We have a UN there and what did they do? God’s Name’s never called. They’re afraid to call it. It was once asked by some clergy group, why didn’t they have prayer? They said it might offend somebody else, one of the others who didn’t believe in God” (56-1125E, A Blushing Prophet, p. 5:33).

“They’re coming to the battle of Armageddon; exactly what they will do. See? And they’re uniting for that right now. That’s why we got the UN and everything we have. The Western World’s uniting against the Eastern World, Communism and so forth; it’s all uniting together. The churches are uniting together. Everything seems to be uniting” (63-0818, The Uniting Time and Sign, p. 20:89; Revelation 16:13-16).

Body of the Lord Jesus Christ“I believe, one of these glorious days, when this united confederation of church goes together, and the new Pope [Francis I] is brought out of the United States and put over there [Jerusalem] according to prophecy, then they’ll form an image like unto the beast. And I tell you the true Church of God will be drove together. The real true believers out of Methodist, Baptist, Presbyterian, Pentecostal, Nazarene, Pilgrim Holiness, whatever they’ll be, will go together and cemented by the love of God, that’ll make the Body of the Lord Jesus Christ, all the believers. [This is the threefold process of the rapture explained by Saint Paul in I Thessalonians 4:16 and by Jesus Christ and John (Matthew 25:6; Revelation 18:1-4). It has been in fulfillment since 1963 when Christ opened and revealed the Seven Seals]. And agnostics and shallow-minded will be cast to one side; they’ll go right on into the confederation of churches” (54-1219E, Acts of the Holy Spirit, p. 12:87; Daniel 7:25; 8:24; 11:39-45; 12:7; Newsletter 891).

Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI continues to wear his papal ring which explains the contemporaneous popes prophesied in Revelation 19:20 and 20:10. The “new” Pope Francis I once incarnate will be proclaimed inaugural president of Lucifer’s one world government by the UN in New York City which is defined in the Federal Regulations as the United Nations. He will rule from Jerusalem, a corpus separatum under UN Resolution 181, November 29, 1947.

Concerning resurrections Jesus said, “when He ascended on high, He led captivity captive (Isaiah 61:1c–2a; Colossians 2:14-15), and He gave gifts unto men” (Psalm 68:18; Ephesians 4:11-12). [This expression, “He ascended,” means that He had first descended into the lower parts of the earth]. “He that descended is Himself Who ascended up far above all the heavens that He might fill all things” (Ephesians 4:8-10).

When He was crucified Jesus’ body was interred but His soul entered His theophany and visited the departed souls “in the lower parts of the earth,” the majority of whom were in the place of torment separated from the Old Testament saints in paradise by an impassable chasm. These people could see and communicate with one another but they could not cross the chasm. The impenitent thief who had been crucified on Jesus’ left (Luke 23:33) and “the rich man” (Luke 16:19-31) were in the place of torment whereas the penitent malefactor and Lazarus were in paradise (Luke 23:43; 16:23).

Ephesians 4:9-10 is confirmed by II Peter 3:18-22, “For Christ also died for sins once for all, the just for the unjust, that He might bring us to God, having been put to death in the flesh, but quickened by the Spirit: by which also He descended and preached to the souls in prison; who once were disobedient, when the longsuffering of God waited in the days of Noah, while the ark was a preparing, wherein few, that is, eight persons were saved by water. Corresponding to that, baptism now saves you—not the washing of filth from the flesh, but the answer of a good conscience toward God, by the resurrection of Jesus Christ: Who is at the right hand of God, having ascended into heaven; angels and authorities and powers being made subject unto Him” (I Corinthians 15:28; Ephesians 1:20-23; Hebrews 4:14; 7:26; 9:24).

In paradise He vindicated Adam, Enoch, Noah, Abraham, Moses, and every Old Testament saint, bringing condemnation upon sinners across the chasm. He then ascended, re-entered and glorified His body now translated into the Sixth Dimension which is faster than the three dimensions in which we live so that He passed through the linen bandages without disturbing them, folded the napkin that had covered His face and laid it in a place by itself.

Leaving the tomb He encountered Mary Magdalene; “she supposing Him to be the gardener, said Sir, if you have borne Him hence, tell me where you have laid Him, and I will take Him away. Jesus said to her, Mary. Turning, she recognized Him and said, Master. He replied, Touch me not; for I am not yet ascended to My Father: but go to My brethren, and say, I ascend to My Father, and your Father; and to My God, and your God” (John 20:15-17).

The blood of bulls and goats over the door of an Israelite home was a token that the life of an innocent substitute representing Messiah, their coming near kinsman Redeemer, had been shed as a temporary covering of sins. But animals are not kin to man and have no soul that can return; not even the blood of a lamb without spot or blemish can remit sin. Under the Law when the nation or an individual sinned, the trespass must be confessed before the priest over an innocent animal, transferring guilt to the victim. Next the priest entered the Sanctuary with the evidence of its shed blood and offered prayer at the golden altar, transferring sin to the Sanctuary. Sins accumulated until the Day of Atonement on the tenth of Tishri when the High Priest cleansed the Sanctuary passing sins to the heavenly Sanctuary pending the sacrifice and atonement of Israel’s true Kinsman Redeemer.

Following His encounter with Mary the resurrected Jesus ascended to heaven and cleansed the heavenly sanctuary of the sins of four thousand years with the evidence of His shed Blood, remitting the transgressions of the Old Testament saints. Then He descended to the place of the departed and led the saints who had been captive of death captive of eternal Life and glorified: they appeared to many in Jerusalem and entered in with His resurrection.

Addressing us New Testament saints Jude 3-7 states, “Beloved, while I was making haste to write you about the common salvation, I felt the necessity to write and entreat that you should contend earnestly for the faith which was once delivered to the [apostolic] saints. For certain persons—[make-believers like the Branhamites]—have crept in unnoticed [“secretly introducing damnable heresies” as foretold in II Peter 2:1, I Timothy 4:1, and II Timothy 3:1]—men foreordained to the wrath that shall come upon the ungodly: ungodly men, turning the grace of our God into lasciviousness, and denying the only Lord God, and our Lord Jesus Christ. I will therefore remind you of the things you already know, how that the Lord, after saving the people out of the land of Egypt, afterward destroyed them that believed not. And the angels or sons of God (Genesis 6:2; II Peter 2:4) who kept not their first estate [in the Book of Life] but caused their names to be removed, He has kept in everlasting chains of unbelief for the Judgment of the great day following the general resurrection (Hebrews 6:4-8; II Peter 2:9-10, 17). Even as Sodom and Gomorrah, and the cities about them [Admah, Zeboim and Zoar, the fifth city in the plain that was spared at Lot’s request, for a place of refuge to him and his family] (Genesis 14:2; Deuteronomy 29:23; Hosea 11:8). These are set forth for an example of those who suffer the vengeance of eternal fire” (Luke 17:28-30; Romans 1:27; II Peter 2:6). The condemnation of any sinner or class of sinners always furnishes such a warning to other presumptuous sinners.

So we see that there are souls that are imprisoned now, many of whom are physically alive but spiritually dead, having blasphemed the Holy Spirit and had their names removed from the Book of Life. We cited above how after Calvary, Jesus preached to souls who were imprisoned since “the longsuffering of God waited in the days of Noah, while the ark was a preparing, wherein few, that is, eight souls were saved by water” (I Peter 3:20). And Jesus said, “As it was in the days of Noah, so shall the (Gk.) ‘parousia’ Coming of the Son of man be” (Matthew 24:37-51). The Son of man has been present with us for close to 57.7 years, and apostate Christendom is not even looking for the fulfillment of this antitype. All this time Christ’s end-time Bride has been preaching to the flesh and blood of “souls that are in prison now” (Revelation 3:15-20).

Consider Matthew 23:27-34, “Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you are like whited sepulchres [dead people], which indeed appear beautiful outward, but are within full of dead men’s bones and of all uncleanness. [Hypocrisy, envy and strife within but without, “I’m Doctor So-and-so”]. Even so you outwardly appear righteous unto men, [look at the Ecumenical Council and the Pentecostals sitting there], but within you’re full of hypocrisy and iniquity. [Iniquity is something you actually know is right and you won’t do it]. Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! Because you build the tombs of the prophets, and garnish the sepulchres of the righteous. And say, “If we had been in the days of our fathers, we would not have been partakers with them in the blood of the prophets. [We would have believed the Word of the Lord if we’d have lived back there]. Wherefore you be witness unto yourselves, that you are the children of them which killed the prophets. Fill up the measure of the guilt of your fathers.” This is taking place today in the apostate world church system. Now watch what He says here: “You serpents, you offspring of vipers, how can you escape the damnation of hell?”

Jesus was talking to ministers, holy men. How can you stand and know the Bible predicts and tells them people not to do that, and you stand and compromise for a few lousy, stinking dollars, for some popularity, and somebody to pat you on the back and call you a “Doctor”? How can you say you love those people?

I’m preaching on tapes, too. See?

How can you say you love those people, and let a thing like that take place? See? You Pharisees, you blind, you serpents, you generation of vipers, how are you going to escape the damnation of hell? How can a man today, that knows that these things are wrong, stand there to hold his congregation, to make his denomination grow, and fail to tell women and men? How you going to escape the wrath of hell, when it was made for you? How you going to do it? See?

Listen, listen here. What is it going to be? “Therefore, behold, I will send unto you prophets . . . “I will,” in the future [as in “the days of the Voice of the seventh angel” Malachi 4:5, 6b; Matthew 17:11; Revelation 10:7]. There is your Pharisees coming back again. See? . . . “wise men . . . scribes: and some of them you shall kill and crucify; and some of them shall you scourge in your synagogues, and persecute them from city to city”.

He predicted He would send them prophets, with the Word of the Lord. And what would they do? The same thing their fathers did, ’cause that’s what you are. See, spirits don’t die. Men that’s possessed of them dies, but spirits don’t die. He said, “You are the children. You’re the one.” And just notice how these things are (63-110M, Souls that are in Prison Now, par. 244-254).

In John 6:49 Jesus preached to the faithless Pharisees, reminding them that their “forefathers who ate manna in the wilderness, are dead,” having been smitten from the Book of Life for disbelieving the promise of the Holy Spirit (Psalm 95:10-11; Hebrews 3:5 – 4:9; 6:4-8; Jude 5). Jesus was preaching to a living generation that like their forefathers their souls were already smitten from the Book of Life and imprisoned for rejecting the Holy Spirit in “the present Truth,” the Word for their day (II Peter 1:12; I John 1:7).

Let us speak on what Brother Branham called “the squeeze”.

On January 26, 1963, before the Full Gospel Business Men’s Fellowship International Convention in Phoenix the Lord spoke through His Prophet expressing His complete displeasure with them and their system, “like so many others they were now just another organization”  (Revelation 3:17-20). After stating the Lord’s anger, he was whirled around by the Holy Spirit in two circles, and as he left the platform he cried with a loud voice, “Come out of her My people”!

Pillar of Cloud, Life MagazineWithin moments the international directors were summoned to a hastily arranged executive session. There nineteen men passed a motion stating that “No longer would William Branham be invited as a speaker to FGBMFI functions.” The motion passed seventeen to two. Following the passing of the motion, Carl Williams and Clay Sonmore (both executive vice-presidents of the FGBMFI) tendered their resignations if this motion was left to stand and remain on record. In deference to them as persons whose resignations might make waves, the motion was rescinded and removed from the record. Although most of these men re-voted to remove the motion from the record, they remained convinced that the ministry of this Prophet should be curtailed and effectively side-lined. From that day they despised the Word of the Lord; like Israel they murmured against the Prophet God had sent to the churches of Laodicea: souls that are in prison now. On February 28 the Lord Jesus Christ appeared in the heavens wigged as a judge looking down upon Phoenix, and the Pentecostal church and Laodicea ended on March 8. Like Micaiah in the days of Jezebel’s 400 prophets, William Branham was vindicated (I Kings 22; Investments, 63-0126). Christ’s formal eviction commenced “the squeeze” (Revelation 3:20).

Brother Branham said, “From now on persons like ourselves, we’re going to be cut out of all that altogether. That’s exactly, because they won’t be able to do it. It’s tightening; and then when that time comes, and the press comes to a place to where you’re pressed out, then watch . . . the third pull then. It’ll be absolutely to the total lost, but it will be for the Bride and the Church” (63-1229E, Look away to Jesus, par. 48-49).

“Let it shake you, let it shake you good. No matter what nation you’re in, wherever you’re at, whoever you are, let it wake you up. The hours come and go. The first thing you know, you’ll be saying, “Well, I thought there was supposed to be this happen before the rapture.”

There might be a Voice come back like it did one time, “It’s already happened and you didn’t know it.” You’ll be all anchored off in a church somewhere, saying, “I’m just as secure as I can be,” and the first thing you know, the rapture will be gone. It’s going to be a secret, sudden going, nobody know nothing about it [because it’s a revelation – Ed]. The world will keep right on going.

Like Noah went into the ark. You remember, after Noah went into the ark, he set there seven days after God closed the door. God closed the door, and Noah set in the ark for seven days before anything happened [preaching to souls that were in prison and knew it not. And nothing happened through seven Church Ages as the PART Word saints were being sealed, but when the last Laodicean saint was baptized into Christ there was a “shout . . . and the Lord Himself descended from heaven with those which slept in Christ Jesus” – Ed] (Matthew 25:6; I Thessalonians 4:14-16; Revelation 10:1-4).

And the door of mercy will be closed in your face, and might already be. And just think of it, the people will go ahead preaching, people think they’re getting saved, putting their names on books, joining church, shouting, jumping up-and-down” (William Branham. 64-0315, Influence, par. 155-160).

Brother Branham said, “Notice, here in Leviticus 23:26 how in order is the Scripture! After the long [2,000 year] period of Pentecost, which Israel did reject back there; and He called the Gentile Church out, through this Pentecostal feast. How many understand what the Pentecostal feast is? It’s . . . firstfruit of the harvest, the firstfruit of the resurrection, the Pentecostal feast.

Don’t miss this, people! And, you on tape listen close! This has been the time of Pentecostal feast. The Jews has laid silent; they rejected it. Now they’ve got to be called back to the Atonement. We know Who the Atonement was; they didn’t. And the Trumpet sound, after the Pentecostal jubilee, calls the Jews Israelites together. Can’t you see how that Trumpet, of persecution under Hitler and them, blasted? And the Jews was forced to come together, to fulfill the Scriptures . . .

Notice here in Leviticus, 26 now, the order of the Scriptures. After the long period of Pentecost, which ends in the calling out of the Bride, the Bride is called out by a servant. The Rejected, next to be known to Israel [aty] the feast of the Atonement. Notice, here is the same as in Leviticus chapter 16, now, when He ordered the feast of Atonement, but in this place they are called . . . Oh, how perfect! Get it, preachers. See? Don’t miss it, ministers (64-0719M, The Feast of the Trumpets, par 247 – 251).

“And the shuck now is pulling away, no cooperation, nobody wants you. Why is it? It has to be that.” [Within the circle of this Message, non-elect: make-believers—Branhamites—have squeezed out the true believers – Ed] (64-1221, Why it had to be Shepherds, par. 267).

“And after the sign went forth, and the Voice following, and the churches begin to turn me down and close their doors, upon Doctrine, that any of them is daresn’t to stand before me to say It’s right or wrong. I challenge any of them. Uh-huh. Not to be smart, but I know where I’m at. That’s right. What did they do? What did they do? They shut every door. “Now, what are you going to do?” (65-0120, Lean not unto Thy Own Understanding, par. 191; Revelation 3:20).

Jesus and Moses said, “In the mouth of two or three witnesses every word may be established” (Matthew 18:16). There were three resurrections and translations in the Old Testament, Enoch (Genesis 5:24; Hebrews 11:5), Elijah (II Kings 2:11), and Lazarus (John 11:11-44). There will be three resurrections and translations in the New Testament: Jesus and the Old Testament saints (Matthew 27:45-53), the New Testament saints (I Thessalonians 4:12-18), and Israel’s two witnesses (Revelation 11:11-12).

Ministers in the circle of this Message are preaching to souls that are imprisoned now and individual brethren are testifying or displaying the Token of the Life of Christ that people might “take acknowledge that they had been with Jesus” (Acts 4:13). nl1103.htm

Pass it on . . . please send this article to someone you know
Brother Grigor-Scott is a non-denominational minister who has ministered full-time since 1981, primarily to other ministers and their congregations overseas. He pastors Bible Believers’ tiny congregation, and is available to teach in your church.

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One Year

March 26, 2020

Bible Believers’ Newsletter 1102

“We focus on the present Truth – what Jesus is doing now. . .”
ISSN 1442-8660

Christian greetings in the precious Name of our Lord Jesus Christ; we are pleased you could join us in fellowship around God’s unchanging Word. It is always encouraging to know, although unseen, you are praying and feeding your soul in the same Spirit with us.

Android PhonePlease carefully read our important news items and follow the links so that you can clearly see scripture unfolding in real time and understand what must happen next. Our main article “One Year” was first ministered in 2018 and published in 2019. We are living in that “One Year” and I believe that those who are God’s elect will not see out the calendar year.

Nations are breaking, Israel is awakening,
The signs that the prophets foretold;
Gentile days numbered, with horrors encumbered;
Return, O dispersed, to your own.
The Day of redemption is near,
Men’s hearts are failing for fear;
Be filled with the Spirit, your lamps trimmed and clear,
Look up, your redemption is near.
False prophets are lying; God’s Truth they’re denying,
That Jesus the Christ is our God. (Amen!)
Though this generation spurns God’s revelation,
We’ll walk where the apostles have trod.
The Day of redemption is near,
Men’s hearts are failing for fear, (atomics and everything else);
But be filled with the Spirit, your lamps trimmed and clear,
Look up, your redemption is near. (Amen!)

“Jesus did NOT say no man could know the year, month or week in which His coming was to be completed(William Branham, An Exposition of the Seven Church Ages, p. 322:4). The pastor of one of our sister Churches declared “I have understood this since learning the Los Angeles earthquake will mark the close of the Gentile dispensation and herald the resurrection from the third day. Elijah and even Elisha knew the day of Elijah’s translation. Jesus knew that after four days in the tomb, Lazarus would rise at His command (John 11:1-44). Jesus knew that three days after His crucifixion the Old Testament saints would enter into His resurrection. He showed Peter, James and John a preview of the rebirth of 144,000 elect Israelites through the ministry of the ‘Moses’ and ‘Elijah’ and their resurrection after man had laboured against sin over six days of one thousand years (Matthew 16:28 – 17:9; Mark 9:1). Surely Christ’s end-time Bride will “know the year, month or week in which His coming will be completed” as we approach that time! Brother Branham said it will be revealed to us and it has been revealed”.

According to Matthew 27:50-53 the resurrection of the New Testament saints will commence three days after the close of the Gentile dispensation followed by the glorification and translation of “we who are alive and remain” (I Thessalonians 4:17; I Corinthians 15:34-54).

Have faith in God.

This Newsletter serves those of like precious faith. Whoever will receive the truth is welcome to feed their soul from the waters of the River of Life. Everything here presented should be confirmed personally in your own Bible.

Your brother-in-Christ
Anthony Grigor-Scott

OBEY! This is ‘the Squeeze’

We are approaching “the day and hour” when the earthquake marking the close of the Gentile dispensation will sink a 1,500 x 300-400 mile segment of earth’s crust taking Los Angeles and much of California beneath the ocean; it will ignite the Pacific Ring of Fire and generate tidal waves that denude islands, sink ships and devastate Australia’s east coast (Daniel 12:1; Joel 2:10; Amos 8:8; Ezekiel 32:7; Zechariah 14:4; Matthew 24:21; Luke 21:25; Revelation 6:12; 8:5; 11:19; 16:18; 18:21-24).

“NATO ‘Defender 2020’ exercises are a demonstration of power against Russia; the fact that the coronavirus PLAN-demic will not cancel the military drills is also indicating NATO’s power against Russia at a time when the world is going into lockdown . . . that they can organize such a demonstration of aggression even in times of uncertainty and crisis” (

The United States is a rogue state, “the image unto the beast [of Imperial Rome]” (Revelation 13:11-18). “Its teeth of iron, and its nails of brass, which devoured, broke in pieces and stamped the remnant with its feet” (Daniel 7:19). Surrounded by US missiles and provoked, when earthquakes devastate the US and also Israel, Russia will invade mainland USA and the faux Israel state, confiscating her nuclear arms in the interest of humanity.

Alexandr SolzhenyitsinRemember the persecution of Jewry against the primitive Church before almost a thousand years of Judaeo-Roman Catholicism bore the Dark Ages. “From Augustine of Hippo until 1586 on the Roman martyrology, the Roman Catholic church put 68 million Protestants to death.” Then came the bloody history of Judaeo-Roman Islam and the crusades; the bloody Judaeo-Communist takeover of Russia with purges, torture and forced labour under Lenin and Stalin? Also remember the bloody Judaeo-Communist takeover of China? Mao Zedong qualifies as the greatest mass murderer in world history; in just four years he murdered 45 million of his countrymen.

The sinking of Los Angeles will collapse the US dollar and global economy; COVID-19 was perfectly timed. After the invasion of the United States, Rome will confront Russia as head of a federation of world religions in rapport since Vatican II. Satan then incarnate will call upon Rome’s covenant with Jewry, refinancing the US dollar with gold backing thus preserving their paper wealth and Babylonian fractional reserve usury (Daniel 9:27). Russia will withdraw her military and the United Nations in New York City will proclaim the Pope inaugural president of one world government. An international currency reset will see Rome and the gold-backed US dollar mortgagor of all nations, restoring the world economy. After the midst of Daniel’s Seventieth Week Rome will breach her covenant with the usurers and force her Mark of the Beast as she had from Nicaea (Revelation 13:1-18, 15-18). Europe’s Black Nobility will forsake Rome, ally with re-communized Russia and annihilate Vatican City State and the United States from the face of the earth (Daniel 7:21-27; Revelation 17:11 – 18:20, 24).

The “squeeze” is tightening as I speak for we are in “obedience school” thanks to COVID-19. When last we flew overseas immigration officials treated passengers as naughty children, inspecting our person and luggage and confiscating sewing needles, nail scissors, shaving cream, etc., before we could board the aircraft. Everyone must “obey.” The “climate change” hoax tasks nations to reduce the essential nutritious plant food of atmospheric CO2 from 0.004% to 0.002%, as if it could influence climate. Poisoning pure, clean drinking water with fluoride, growing food on nitrogenous fertilizer, geneticially modifying livestock and seed grain, poisoning soil with chemicals such as glyphosate, filling our minds with Hollywood filth to desensitize and pervert our sense of right and wrong, exciting mind and body with constant high frequency radio waves are further examples of mind manipulation conditioning us to “obey” Big Brother without understanding or thought.

Compulsory vaccination of children at birth and before enrolment in school is likely to be forced upon adults once a coronavirus vaccination is developed, and once digital currency is replaced by notes and coinage. They want total control of your money and complete knowledge of every penny you spend or receive as with China’s fraudulent Social Credit scheme. “Obey” or perish bereft (Revelation 13:15-18).

Worldwide schools are closed, millions laid off work, shops, offices and non-essential enterprise closed; theatres, sporting venues and entertainments shut down. Overseas and interstate travel is forbidden, borders are closed. Make no mistake, my Brother and Sister, this is “the squeeze” prophesied by Brother Branham. The Illusion of Freedom is No Longer Profitable. If you are not secure in Christ now, redeem the time.

With so many people now at home and such a call on emergency services a rationing of the internet is possible; don’t be surprised if it is shut down very soon along with civilian communication . . . say for ten days from April 4! Never underestimate Satan.

99% Italians who died of Coronavirus had other Illnesses

March 19, 2020 — Bloomberg reported that a study by Italy’s national health authority examined medical records of about 18% of the country’s coronavirus fatalities, and found that all but three victims, or 0.8% of the total, had preexisting illnesses. More than 75% had high blood pressure, about 35% had diabetes and a third suffered from heart disease. The average age of the people who died from the virus in Italy is 79.5 years old. Jon Rappoport stated that the study neglected to include information about treatment with toxic drugs for the prior illnesses. After being diagnosed with coronavirus, chances are they were put on highly toxic antiviral drugs, making the conditions even worse. Full story:

Comment: Did you know about the 100,000 Wuhan workers in Northern Italy? “Made in Italy” no longer means what it used to, thanks to an increasing number of Chinese-run clothing factories opening in a Tuscan town. Watch this propaganda video from the Chinese Communist Party and ask why Italy is so infected (

A Bridge Loan too far blows up World Bond Markets

March 18, 2020 — Investors had no place to hide as stock and bond markets tanked simultaneously for the first time since the 1980s, when markets offered no hedges against collapsing values . . . The difference is that total US public debt outstanding has risen from about $9 trillion at the beginning of 2008 to $23.5 trillion today . . . President Donald Trump’s proposed trillion-dollar stimulus program announced yesterday afternoon did not impress markets.

Yesterday European central banks spent $130 billion in money borrowed from the US Federal Reserve to replenish liquidity in European banks. As I reported last week, European and Japanese banks were unable to renew credit lines from their US counterparts, which in turn are facing a run on credit lines from their American customers. That forced foreign banks and institutional investors to sell safe dollar assets, including government-guaranteed mortgage backed securities. But credit markets continue to freeze up . . . For the first time since the US Civil War, the credit of the United States is in play. Full story:

Comment: [Inflating the economy] is not an isolated phenomenon. It is only one piece in the total framework of politico-economic and socio-philosophical ideas of our time. Just as the sound money policy of gold standard advocates went hand in hand with liberalism [monetary and fiscal conservatism] free trade, capitalism, and peace, so is inflationism part and parcel of imperialism, militarism, protectionism and socialism (Ludwig von Mises).

Do you see where the world is being led? Central banks are approaching the situation wherein they will be unable to restore liquidity to the system which is as dry as a bone (Revelation 3:17). Increased debt is not the cure; hyperinflation anyone?

The End of Civilization?

March 21, 2020 — Two hundred years ago, Adam Smith pointed out that the developing division of labour is a key to the advance of any economy above the most primitive level. A necessary condition for any sort of developed economy, the division of labour is also requisite to the development of any sort of civilized society. The philosopher, the scientist, the builder, the merchant—none could develop these skills or functions if he had had no scope for specialization. Furthermore, no individual who does not live in a society enjoying a wide range of division of labour can possibly employ his powers to the fullest. He cannot concentrate his powers in a field or discipline and advance that discipline and his own mental faculties. Without the opportunity to specialize in whatever he can do best, no person can develop his powers to the full; no man, then, could be fully human.

“Experience teaches man that cooperative action is more efficient and productive than isolated action of self-sufficient individuals. The natural conditions determining man’s life and effort are such that the division of labour increases output per unit of labour expended.” The division of labour . . . is the key to the development of civilization. “We conceive what incentive induced people not to consider themselves simply as rivals in a struggle for the appropriation of the limited supply of means of subsistence made available by nature. We realize what has impelled them and permanently impels them to consort with one another for the sake of cooperation. Every step forward on the way to a more developed mode of the division of labour serves the interests of all participants.”

Now, governments all over the world want us to give this up. Abandoning the international division of labour will hit Africa, dependent on trade for bare survival, especially hard. To what end is the world’s carefully wrought economic system being dismantled? Does the spread of COVID-19 require us to destroy the world’s economy? . . . Dr. Anthony Fauci did his best to further damage an already tanking economy by stating, ‘Right now, personally, myself, I wouldn’t go to a restaurant.’ He has pushed for closing the entire country down for 14 days.

Over what? A virus that has thus far killed just over 5,000 worldwide and less than 100 in the United States? By contrast, tuberculosis, an old disease not much discussed these days, killed nearly 1.6 million people in 2017. Where’s the panic over this? Full story:

It shall be Light in the Evening Time

21 March 2020 — This Walmart checkout line illustrates the nearness of the end of the Christian dispensation. “Give glory to the Lord your God, before He cause darkness, and before your feet stumble upon the dark mountains, and, while you look for light, he turn it into the shadow of death, and make it gross darkness” (Jeremiah 13:16). Full story:

5G, This could be what’s Really Going On

February 24, 2020 — 5G is really being ‘puffed’ by the Jew’s worldwide media monopoly . . . depopulation by death without hand, the antithesis of new birth and eternal Life in Christ without hand. Full story:

Comment: The best way to understand why the coronavirus pandemic exploded worldwide in the very same year that the military deployment of 5G was greatly advanced in China, Italy, South Korea, United States and other IT-savvy nations is to view them both as a binary weapon system, which is then co-ordinated with vaccine programs and chemtrail operations to function as a quaternary weapon system. Only when viewed through the “quaternary weapon system” lens can the apocalyptic events of 2020 be properly comprehended and successfully responded to . . . Full story:

Lock Step . . . History is Planned

March 21, 2020 — Planned out in pandemic response plans, including this particular document by the CDC, a series of scenarios that were laid out between 2007 and 2010 by The Rockefeller Foundation in conjunction with Global Business Network (a member of the ‘Monitor’ Group). A world of tighter top-down government control and more authoritarian leadership, with limited innovation and growing citizen pushback. In 2013 the German government was already writing scenarios mandating vaccination, restricting basic rights such as freedom of assembly and the right of inviolability of the home . . . whereby the right to physical integrity can be restricted.

Event 201 “gave out stuffed souvenir coronavirus toys” to “commemorate” the Novel coronavirus outbreak (stated on January 27, 2020 in a post on Facebook). The psychological fear of terrorism has been replaced by the paradigm biowarfare of the COVID-19 ‘PLAN-demic’ bringing our globalized world into ‘lock step.’ Watch, martial law is replacing civil law under national emergency. “According to S. D. Goitein, there is no single law giving the federal government authority to lock down the country—but there are secret documents that have never been publicly released giving the president emergency powers.” More than 3,330 US national guardsmen have been mobilized in 28 states . . . and “You don’t have the right to assemble against the backdrop of known public health risk” . . .

“The US government is in active talks with [Jewish controlled] Google, Facebook and a wide array of tech companies and health experts about how they can use location data gleaned from Americans’ phones to combat the coronavirus, including whether people are keeping one another at safe distances to stem the outbreak.” And this is martial law—self-censorship or self-isolation—type of response is being readied in countries around the world. Medical martial law will have popular support. The Jew Edward Bernays, father of propaganda, err public relations, would be proud. This is the perfectly logical end result of decades of carefully laid infrastructure for the implementation of a medical martial law situation, and powers are now being accrued by authoritarians that will never be relinquished. Full story:

Comment: Here is an interesting article that casts doubts on the severity of this COVID-19, supposed pandemic. And Here is a list of twelve medical experts whose opinions on the novel Coronavirus outbreak contradict the official narratives of the MSM, and the memes so prevalent on social media. “[Government’s anti-COVID19 measures] are grotesque, absurd and very dangerous . . . The life expectancy of millions is being shortened. The horrifying impact on the world economy threatens the existence of countless people. The consequences on medical care are profound. Already services to patients in need are reduced, operations cancelled, practices empty, hospital personnel dwindling. All this will impact profoundly on our whole society.

All these measures are leading to self-destruction and collective suicide based on nothing but a spook”.

We know the rea$on$ why.


One Year

Joel 2:16, 23, “Gather the people, sanctify the congregation, assemble the elders, gather the children, and nursing infants: let the Bridegroom go forth of His chamber, and the Bride out of her closet . . . Rejoice, you children of Zion, rejoice in the Lord your God [for all things will be restored for your sakes (Acts 3:13-26)]: for He has given you the former [(Heb.) ‘Moreh’ or teaching] rain unto righteousness [which Israel rejected two thousand years ago]: He will cause to come down for you the rain, the former [teaching] rain [for Christ’s end-time Bride], and the latter [(Heb.) ‘yowreh,’ sprinkling or harvest] rain in the first month” [Nisan as typed by Matthew 27:50-53)]. There is a teaching rain and a harvest rain. Our teaching rain has restored the apostolic faith by revealing the mystery of the Seven Thunders of Revelation 10 which are the revelations contained in the unwritten Seventh Seal (Joel 2:23; Malachi 4:5, 6b; Matthew 17:11; Revelation 8:1; 10:1-11). Our harvest rain will endue the saints to manifest the Sons of God and change in the atoms, then anoint Israel’s two Prophets as a former or teaching rain, “bring the Law to remembrance,” expound the mysteries of their Seven Trumpets and Seven Vials, and introduce 144,000 elect Israelites to the second or (Gk.) ‘parousia’ Coming of the Son of man (Malachi 4:4; Zechariah 4; Daniel 9:24; Revelation 11:3-13).

“The Spoken Word is the original seed” (Luke 8:11). The ground has been sown and watered by Brother Branham’s Message which is why one seldom finds ground that has not been sown. Remember, my Brothers and Sisters, God is only fishing for the rainbow trout; all other fish are thrown back into the stream. Brother Branham’s Message is the “former” or teaching rain of the Spirit that quickened the seed planted in the hearts of Christ’s end-time Bride. Just before our ripening a fresh outpouring called the “latter” or harvest rain will anoint the multiplied seed with the mighty power God wrought in Jesus Christ so we can manifest that we are the Sons of God (Ephesians 1:3-23).

In 1965 Brother Branham said, “We’re hoping soon as possible to make a way where we can bring all of us together, maybe under a big tent, where I’m feeling real definitely led to preach on the seven last Vials in the Bible” (The Anointed Ones at the End Time, p. 2:7-15). We will not be brought together under canvas but under cover of His Word “in one mind in the unity of the faith” as on the Day of Pentecost (Acts 2:1; Ephesians 1:10-23; 4:13-16).

The Prophet was expecting to declare, “It is done!” (Revelation 16:17) and “proclaim the Day of vengeance of our God” (Isaiah 61:2b; Malachi 4:5; Revelation 15:1; 16:17; 11:19), because after each dispensation a Vial poured a plague upon the non-elect church as a “temporary” or “investigation Judgment” to distinguish the “foolish virgins” from the false church. And all seven plagues must be fulfilled before the resurrection can take place.

In Newsletter 1101 he explained how Christ’s end-time Bride would ripen to maturity under the S_O_N-Light of the Message over one year prior to the end of the dispensation. “As soon as He gets His Church in speaking conditions, gets His Church to a place that He can flow Himself through, and love, and persuade, and fellowship, [for the ‘third pull’ in the manifestation of the Sons of God] then there’ll come a Eden. He’ll take His Church back to where it left Him at back to an Eden again (What was the Holy Ghost Given For? p. 42:30-32).

When God has stretched His tent over the last member of Christ’s end-time Bride, the Sixth Seal will manifest, the Seventh Trumpet will sound, he will pour his Seventh Vial on the false church his Message has indicted. The first resurrection, manifestation of the Sons of God and the translation will take place; then the mystery of the Seven Trumpets and Seven Vials will be preached for elect Israelites by two prophets to show that Jesus is no respecter of persons and “has concluded the Gentiles in unbelief as He had shut up the Israelites in unbelief, that He might show mercy to all” (Romans 11:32; Galatians 3:22).

Speaking in Charlotte, North Carolina in 1956, he said “Coming back we want to make arrangement if the Lord willing, about one year ahead of time, and get everything in order for a good four to six weeks’ revival [for forty days from the end of the Christian dispensation to our ascension] under a big tent, if the Lord willing” (#56-0428, God’s Covenant with Abraham; Acts 13:3; I Thessalonians 4:16c-18). Think about that!

“The heavenly Father . . . by a vision He told me about a tent that Brother Moore and them is going to California now to see to set in order the first time. They will put a little place there where we can pray for the people, and I can get away from the people just a minute so that I won’t feel that pull when I’m praying. That’s what makes me weak” (#56-0801, The Arrow of God’s Deliverance shot from a Bow).

“I have promised to me, to start a nice big, new tent, trucks, trailers, and everything all paid for . . . Then I aim to do what I’ve always promised: set the tent in a community where there’s no revivals, and everybody cooperating, and have a morning meeting just for minister brethren, talk to them, an afternoon meeting for instruction for the healing of the sick, and then the night service, an evangelistic service. And then let off every Sunday afternoon, and so forth, where the other churches are having meetings. We won’t interrupt with the regular meeting of the community. And we always wanted to do that. And then stay for a while . . . The people don’t get the idea how to be healed. They don’t understand it, and just the first time in. And then if we teach it, and go into it in studies and so forth, I’m sure it would help us all . . .” (#62-0728, God has a Provided Way).

While the Brethren were confusing the natural for the Supernatural, the vision spoke of God’s people gathering under the covering, tent or habitation of His revealed Word one year before the end of the Christian dispensation, to ripen in preparation for the ‘third pull’ during the manifestation of the Sons of God and “healing” by bodily renewal in glorified flesh “as calves from the stall” (Isaiah 30:26; Jeremiah 33:8; Malachi 4:1-3). In Genesis 18:9-14 God told Abraham to inform Sarah your bodies will be renewed, and “in one year from now she’ll embrace a son” (Desperation p. 24:105; Respects p. 22:142). And within one year our bodies will be renewed and we’ll embrace our Promised Son.

“You remember the vision that come the morning we laid the cornerstone there, when He said, This is not your tabernacle.” But He set me under the skies, and told me different things that would take place . . . I saw a large tent [the worldwide Church of the end-time]. Oh, it was a mammoth, big affair. And I’d just been speaking, and many souls were at the altar, and were just kindly weeping with their hands up, quietly, and softly. A nice gentle-spoken man came out to the platform and said, “Now, they will form the prayer line, while Brother Branham’s making ready.” And I was standing that way . . . Of course the prayer line would been to my left. And I noticed a crowd of people, that seemed to cover a city block or more, that was standing in line.

There was a little building, wooden building, [the Ark of the Covenant that held the tables of Law—a type of Jesus Christ; it represents the heart of man where Christ the revealed Word abides]. Ezekiel 36:26-27, “A new heart also will I give you, and a new Spirit will I put within you: and I will take away the stony heart out of your flesh, and I will give you a heart of flesh. And I will put My Spirit within you, and cause you to walk in My statutes, and you shall keep My judgments, and do them.” We are inside this tent, our hearts filled with revelation of the “third pull,” the fullness of the revealed Word, the one Place God will meet a man (Deuteronomy 16:5-6; Isaiah 66:3; Revelation 4:1; 11:19; 15:5]. And there was a woman, standing there or man one, taking names. And people were going in on crutches, and stretchers, and coming out the other side, walking. Well, I wondered what all had taken place in there. And then that Angel of the Lord, Whose picture you see here, It went from me, and went right over that little building, and stood there, and then went down. And a voice spoke and said, “I’ll meet you in that place” (#58-1001, Lifting Him out of History).

“This One that was standing by me, behind me, the same voice, the Angel’s voice, (Revelation 1:10; 12; 4:1), He said, “I’ll meet you in there, and this is the ‘third pull,’ but nobody will know nothing about it.” [Because it’s a revelation].

And I said, “Well, I don’t understand why in there. Why there?”

He said, “It will not be a public show this time.”

And I said, “I don’t understand going into that closet, like that.”

And He said, “Is not it written by our Lord, “when thou prayest, be not like the hypocrites who like to be heard before men, but enter into the secret closet and pray to the Father Who seeth in secret, and He Who seeth in secret shall reward thee openly?” It’s perfectly to the Scripture; every time it is.

And I said, “I understand.” [It’s a revelation].

Then He took me to this place and set me down in this room where I was at, and then He told me what to do for the third time” (What is a Vision, p. 18:133-137).

Customarily there was one year of preparation for women entering a harem, one year of betrothal before marriage, and one year’s exemption from military service for a newly married man (Esther 2:12; Deuteronomy 20:7; 24:5). This explains the one year betrothal of the ragged girl, Christ’s end-time Bride, whose heart Jesus won despite advances from her denominational cousins. Please read the annotated transcript of Brother Branham’s parable in I got Five More Minutes“.

Under the Law “a man living in a walled city had one year in which to redeem his non-Levitical dwelling house, after which it shall be established forever to him that bought it throughout his generations; it shall not go out in the jubilee” (Leviticus 25:23-30). Walled cities type denominations; those who ignore the “midnight cry” of Matthew 25:6 which was the “shout” of Brother Branham’s Message (I Thessalonians 4:16) waking the sleeping virgins and introducing Christ’s second or (Gk.) ‘parousia’ Coming will never hear the revelation again. Their ear has been “pierced through with an awl” (Exodus 21:6; Deuteronomy 15:17; Titus 3:10-11). His Message was echoed by the heavenly Voice of Revelation 18:4 calling them OUT from Rome and her apostate (once) Protestant daughter churches “into the unity of the faith for the manifestation of the Sons of God and the translation” (Ephesians 4:13; Romans 8:19; I Corinthians 15:50-58).

I have testified to many who have “heard the Word and immediately received it with joy,” but neglecting to submit to that revelation what faith they had is taken from them and they will never receive the revelation again (Matthew 13:20; Luke 19:26; Hebrews 3:15).

On a personal note, before I became a Christian I used to attend a charismatic prayer meeting on the first Saturday of the month. One morning a certain Brother spoke in unknown tongues and his wife gave the interpretation with words to the effect, “I will not come this way again. I am making a quick work and a short work. Come out from your walled cities. Come out! Come out! Do not delay, I will not come this way again”!

I had long been seeking what we now recognize as “the present Truth.” I understood the instruction that was translated and knew the churches must end in apostasy, and that God had promised to send a prophet so I made my decision to obey not knowing what I should do. However, shortly after this experience I was introduced to the Message of God’s vindicated Prophet.

Brother Branham explained, “We cannot receive the promised Son that’s promised us today in these bodies that we live in; these bodies are sin.

This first conscience controls this body with see, taste, feel, smell, and hear, and it’s just got us all scrupled up; we reason and everything else. But that new body that comes from this borned again (not this first conscience, [or mortal spirit], it’ll pass away). . . It’s that inside something that lives. Everybody understand it say, “Amen.”

It’s not this outside see, taste, feel, smell, and hear. It isn’t. It’s subject to death and will die, but the inside part of you [your soul], down in here, inside, that is the person that cannot die. See? And that’s the person that the new life starts from, from this new birth; and it builds another person in the image of this person you are, around that life. You get it?

So potentially it’s in here, and what is it? The Word promised before the foundation of the world. And around there, this only reflects the negative; that will reflect the positive, the Word. See? And the translation of the Bride will be the same thing. The Word that’s in you, the body will materialize around that Word, and the same thing did by Sarah.

When that old body that she had, that first body, it had to be changed in order to produce a son. You get it? That body could not do it. This body cannot do it, so it’ll have to be changed the same way to receive the Son” (COD, p. 1114:246-250).

“Notice the harmony of the Father and the Son. Jesus never did anything until it was first showed Him by the Father (John 5:19). This harmony is now to exist between the Groom and His Bride. He shows her His Word of Life. She receives it. She never doubts it. Therefore, nothing can harm her, not even death. For if the seed be planted, the water will raise it up again. Here is the secret of this. The Word is in the Bride (as it was in Mary). The Bride has the mind of Christ for she knows what He wants done with the Word. She performs the command of the Word in His Name for she has “thus saith the Lord.” Then the Word is quickened by the Spirit and it comes to pass. Like a seed that is planted and watered, it comes to full harvest, serving its purpose.”

“Those in the Bride do only His will. No one can make them do otherwise. They have “thus saith the Lord” or they keep still. They know that it has to be God in them doing the works, fulfilling His own Word. He did not complete all His work while in His earthly ministry so now He works in and through the Bride” (Colossians 1:24).

“She knows that, for it was not yet time for Him to do certain things that He must now do. But He will now fulfil through the Bride that work which He left for this specific time” (An Exposition of the Seven Church Ages, p. 172:3-5).

Speaking of the ‘third pull’ in the Bride, Brother Branham said, “Now, that great gift. . . Others I tried to explain and say how it was done. This can’t be explained. Just wait. It will not be in operation so perfectly now. Wait till that Council of Churches brings on that persecution; that’s when it’ll happen. That’s the reason I come back among you to pray for the sick. I have never had but one thing that He ever told me in my life that I know that hasn’t happened yet, that some sort of a building or a tent where there’d be a little building setting, and I’d have to go into that and pray for the sick (Malachi 4:1-2; Revelation 22:2). That hasn’t happened yet as far as I know. That’s the only thing that I know” (His Unfailing Words of Promise, p 17:138). The natural is still being conflated with the Spiritual.

“Oh, brother, give me a Church full of the Holy Ghost. God will do in one year what all theology’s failed to do in two thousand years. You wait till the anointing of the Church really strikes home to that faithful the little remnant. After the doors of the Gentiles is closed, oh, God will anoint a Church then. “He who’s filthy, let him be filthy still. He who’s righteous let him be righteous still, and he who’s holy let him be holy still.” And God will anoint the church with the power of God, and things will be taken place. Not only that then, but He’s doing it now” (COD, p. 145:203).

Brother Branham said, “The Third Pull, has now been vindicated, and I’m sure you all know what it is . . . there’ll never be an impersonation of that, ’cause it can’t be. See, it cannot be. Now it’s in existent . . . it will not be used in a great way until this Council begins to tighten up . . . The Pentecostals and so forth can almost impersonate anything can be done. But when that time comes, when the squeeze comes down, then you’ll see, what you’ve seen temporarily, be manifested in the fullness of its power” (63-1229E, Look Away to Jesus, par. 38-39).

I understand we are living in that one year, one notable year, not a period of twelve months. Soon an earthquake of unprecedented magnitude will terminate the Gentile dispensation and the harvest rain will endue Christ’s end-time Bride to manifest that we are the Sons of God to raise faith in us to receive translation grace. The Council of Churches will not exert their power until after Russia has invaded and garrisoned mainland USA, which will be shortly after the Church goes Home. nl1102.htm

Pass it on . . . please send this article to someone you know
Brother Grigor-Scott is a non-denominational minister who has ministered full-time since 1981, primarily to other ministers and their congregations overseas. He pastors Bible Believers’ tiny congregation, and is available to teach in your church.

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March 19, 2020

Bible Believers’ Newsletter 1101

“We focus on the present Truth – what Jesus is doing now. . .”
ISSN 1442-8660

Christian greetings in the precious Name of our Lord Jesus Christ, please read our main article FIRST, then read and re-read it.

Android PhoneWise and foolish virgins will be aware that ‘Good Friday’ is just 19 days away thus we are republishing “Rest” ministered in 2018 and published in Newsletter 1053. Studiously review and diligently prove this teaching against God’s three Bibles, the Prophet’s Message and history to make your calling and election sure. Although the ‘rapture’ has been in process for 57 years precious few in the circle of this Message seem to have roused from their slumber. I believe the teaching is sound and ministered the same to many Churches in 2019 however I made the mistake of adding the proviso that if Joe Brandt’s 1937 spiritual dreams wherein he saw the sinking of Los Angeles were of the Lord we may see another year, but God does not change His mind on His Word and if Joe Brandt’s dreams were of the Lord they will agree with the prophecies written in His Bible and revealed to Brother Branham.

Joe Brandt stated, “I saw a newspaper on the corner with a picture of the President. It surely wasn’t Mr. Roosevelt. He was bigger, heavier, big ears. If it wasn’t 1937, I wondered what year it was.” Since the earthquake is imminent I thought perhaps it won’t transpire until April 2, 2021, and that either Mr. Trump did not win a second term, was assassinated, or replaced by a Caretaker Administration.

Hidden handNow we see God is fulfilling prophecy at breakneck speed since the Learned Elders of Zion and faceless gnomes introduced the planned COVID-19 false flag black flag op upon us Goyim whose lives are “not worth a Jew’s fingernail,” just collateral damage: “the ends justify the means.” Lucifer’s one world order is being hastened under cover of COVID-19 lest financial and monetary systems collapse outside their control. Former US military psychological warfare officer Scott Bennett said “this is a fabricated psychological operation that has been coordinated with an actual physical sickness to spread fear, panic and intimidation in the Chinese economic markets with the purpose of isolating China and disrupting the Chinese-Russian-Iranian economic, military alliance that we’ve seen in their patrols in the Persian Gulf, and their solidarity in the defense of Syria from the . . . regimes of Recep Erdogan and Turkey, Mohammed bin Salman of Saudi Arabia, and Benjamin Netanyahu and the Israeli Zionist state, and the purpose was to create a disruption that would fracture this alliance for Western exploitation.”

History is not happenstance, history is pre-planned and episodal. Disciplined to obedience under 70 years of Judaeo-Communist state control China was the obvious first target. COVID-19 is cover for social engineering, bringing us human cattle to obedience prior to culling (Revelation 16:12-16). Remember, the United States is “the image unto the beast of Imperial Rome . . . exceedingly dreadful, with teeth of iron and claws of bronze, and which devoured, broke in pieces, and stamped the remainder with his feet . . . The fourth beast will be the fourth kingdom upon earth, which [as a church kingdom] will be diverse from all kingdoms, and shall devour the whole earth, and tread it down, and break it in pieces . . . enforcing the world under servitude to the universal religion on pain of death” (Daniel 7:19, 23; Revelation 13:8, 11-18).

[Last week we miscoded the above link which is essential understanding, yet not one person informed us. There is no point in researching and writing the Newsletter if our readers and subscribers are sleeping virgins. Brother Branham taught us that the lamps of the foolish virgins “are gone out” because they are dilatory or slothful in “proving all things then holding fast that which is good.” Are our Church Website, Newsletters and overseas travel a waste of time and money? Are thousands of Message believers to whom we minister still sleeping in the pews 57 years after the Prophet’s midnight cry “Behold the Bridegroom, come out to meet Him?” Pastors should study and prove the teachings, divide them into digestible portions and feed the congregation in their own words].

Benn Steil and Benjamin Della Rocca of the Council on Foreign Relations said a meltdown is rapidly approaching, saying: ‘Given our evidence that China is shoveling new loans to companies with the least ability to pay them back, we think China is heading towards a debt crisis.’ The US, UK, Australia and other nations having the best politicians money can buy have each pinned the tail on the donkey, increasing indebtedness in service to the ‘hidden hand’ leading their blind constituents motherless broke into the “sloth of despond” and servitude under one world government and one world religion.

Much more pain is ahead before recovery and a return to growth occurs—what’s happening in China is already spreading worldwide. China is critical to the global economy. And, steadily, it is shutting down in stages. China has become a crucial source of longer-term borrowing for developing countries and if its lending conditions tighten with the slowdown, those with the strongest financial links to China might be amongst the slowest to recover from the economic impact of the COVID-19 crisis.

We are rapidly entering the global depression Brother Branham said we must taste during “the manifestation of the Sons of God” (Romans 8:19) after the soon close of the Christian dispensation but before our translation. He said “the Coming of the Lord will be a sudden, secret going away” (#63-0901E Desperations, par. 55) . . . nobody know nothing about it. The world will keep right on going” (#64-0315 Influence, par. 158).

This Newsletter serves those of like precious faith. Whoever will receive the truth is welcome to feed their soul from the waters of the River of Life. Everything here presented should be confirmed personally in your own Bible.

Your brother-in-Christ
Anthony Grigor-Scott

Pandemic precipitating prophesied Global Depression

Genesis 3:15, “God said I will put enmity between the Serpent and the woman, and between your seed and her seed; It shall bruise your head, and you shall bruise His heel”.

Talmud, Pesachim 113b, Last Will of Canaan—“Five things did Canaan charge his sons: love one another, love robbery, love lewdness, hate your masters, and do not speak the truth.”

Protocol 10:19: “But you yourselves perfectly well know that to produce the possibility of the expression of such wishes by all the nations it is indispensable to trouble in all countries the people’s relations with their governments so as to utterly exhaust humanity with dissension, hatred, struggle, envy and even by the use of torture, by starvation, by the inoculation of diseases, by want, so that the “Goyim” see no other issue than to take refuge in our complete sovereignty in money and in all else”.

Zhao Lijian, a spokesman for the Chinese Foreign Ministry concluded that COVID-19 was already in effect in the US before being identified in Wuhan—due to the by now fully documented inability of the US to test and verify differences compared with the flu. Adding all that to the fact that coronavirus genome variations in Iran and Italy were sequenced and it was revealed they do not belong to the variety that infected Wuhan, Chinese media are now openly asking questions and drawing a connection with the shutting down in August last year of the “unsafe” military bioweapon lab at Fort Detrick, the Military Games, and the Wuhan epidemic. Some of these questions had been asked—with no response—inside the US itself.

The Gulf War Syndrome, AIDS, MERS, SARS, Avian Flu and Ebola are six of many earlier examples of man-made biological weapons of disease and death. The 1918 Spanish Influenza had the characteristics of the black death added to typhoid, diphtheria, pneumonia, smallpox, paralysis and all the diseases the people had been vaccinated with immediately following World War I. Practically the entire population had been injected “seeded” with a dozen or more diseases—or toxic serums. And all those doctor-made diseases began breaking out at once. This produced the plague of the Fifth Seal. “And the fifth angel poured out his vial upon the seat of the beast; and his kingdom was full of darkness; and they gnawed their tongues for pain, and blasphemed the God of heaven because of their pains and their sores, and repented not of their deeds” (Revelation 16:10-11).

Since the outbreak in China last December, COVID-19 has infected more than 219,338 people globally and killed more than 8,969, mostly in mainland China. The death toll from the coronavirus in Italy is 2,978 while in Iran 1,135 have died. The United Nations has warned that the global economy faces “a trillion hit” in a “doomsday scenario” after the World Health Organization declared a worldwide pandemic

This hybrid warfare is a City of London attack on China and Iran, for social control of the industrialized nations in preparation for one world government and more wars against “the last man standing.” In the short run it has also been a money racket for “insiders” to short sell and multiply on derivatives for certain industries like Big Pharma and Military equipment manufacturers. Also in the short term it is hastening the prophesied global depression that will be far, far WORSE than the Great Depression (Amos 8:11).

Economic and financial disruptions are in their early stages, much more to come. The latest data from China’s economy telegraph what is ahead for other nations. China’s year-to-date retail sales crashed an unprecedented 20.5%, far exceeding a projected 4% drop. Industrial production collapsed 13.5%, its first reported decline. Fixed asset investment plunged nearly 25%. Property investment is down over 16% year-to-date, unemployment at a reported 6.2%, a record high in modern-day China.

This disruption will encompass multiple asset classes on a global scale. It will unleash inflation not seen since the 1970s, insolvency not seen since the 1930s, and exchange shutdowns not seen since 1914. Vastly more personal wealth will be destroyed than in 2008, 2000 and 1987, in Australia power has already been legislated to contain panic. The Australian dollar has already sunk to US$0.56. With all the new money introduced by the Fed over the past few years, the market dynamics of supply and demand dictate that high inflation or even hyperinflation is on the horizon for the US dollar. Under normal circumstances this would probably cause redenomination—changing the face value of US banknotes in circulation. However we know that Rome will refinance the US dollar with gold backing (Daniel 9:27). And be prepared for an extended international ‘bank holiday’ without prior warning during which you will have no access to cash. Those who read our FREE Weekly Church Newsletter will have set aside sufficient imperishable foodstuff for, say three months.

Having destroyed consumer and investor confidence throughout global economies, confidence in fiat money and the bankrupt central and commercial banks, COVID-19 is the catalyst likely to introduce the next currency reset in the imminent future . . . perhaps hosted by President Donald Trump at his Palm Beach resort in the United States? It is unlikely COVID-19 will be permitted to subside until after the reset.

The former Soviet head of state Mikhail Gorbachev recently described the current political situation as extremely worrying. According to “Sputnik News” on 12 March, 2020 he wrote: “War is in the air.” President Putin made a similar observation.

Rebellion in Washington DC from both Parties has been rumoured with false flags that will be put down by the military and simultaneous operations overseas . . . on Good Friday this year! So perhaps Joe Brandt’s dreams will be fulfilled this Good Friday, which means Los Angeles will sink this Good Friday, President Trump is rumoured to be out of the country on Air Force One.

Veterans Today is calling for the removal of President Trump and Vice President Pence and for a bi-partisan committee of Congress to take over as a caretaker government until a new election can be held. It seems unlikely this could come to pass before Good Friday.

Coronavirus COVID-19: ‘Made in China’ or ‘Made in America’?

March 11, 2020 — It is “Damage Made in America.” Late February: Financial manipulation characterized stock market transactions Worldwide. The stock value of airlines companies collapsed overnight. Those who had “foreknowledge” of Trump’s March 11 decision to ban transatlantic flights from EU countries made a bundle of money . . . a massive transfer of money wealth has occurred, among the largest in World history, leading to countless bankruptcies, not to mention the loss of lifelong savings engineered through the collapse of financial markets. This process is ongoing. It would be naive to believe that these occurrences are spontaneous, based on market forces. They are deliberate. They are part of a carefully designed plan involving powerful financial interests . . . Full story:

Coronavirus Scaremongering, US-China Economic Rivalry. Geopolitics of an Unfolding Global Crisis

March 13, 2020 — An underlying theme behind the Western political and media focus on the coronavirus, is to damage and undermine China’s international standing . . . Throughout this century, China has represented the main threat to American global hegemony, and this threat to US power has gradually been growing as elites in the West are only too aware. The coronavirus, whose spectre is being exaggerated by the establishment, provides an excuse to tighten the choke-hold on China . . .

The WHO, who have a history of unnecessarily overestimating threats of infectious diseases under suspect circumstances, have done little to dampen the hysteria regarding the coronavirus . . . The business of big pharma is accumulation of wealth for their elite base, and not in serving the public interest . . . China is the only nation that can even attempt to challenge American dominance in the global arena . . . A top US official under president Barack Obama lamented that, “We are wary about a trend toward constant accommodation of China, which is not the best way to engage a rising power” . . . the best way . . . . is to surround it with military forces on an enormous scale . . . what the Obama administration had accomplished by late 2016 . . .
Full story:

More than Just a Virus

March 16, 2020 — An out-of-control pandemic encourages the public to rely on the CDC or WHO as definitive ‘medical experts’ on public health concerns. While both are thoroughly unscrupulous in their compromises to Big Pharma’s dominance, the CDC has no reliable test kits for coronavirus and is conducting no tests to determine the source of the virus. True medical agencies would be encouraging the public to strengthen their immune system and natural antibodies with doses of Vitamin C to ward off a head cold or respiratory infection.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. in a recent video revealed massive corruption at the CDC and WHO with both in the vaccine business rather than as regulatory agencies conducting oversight on Big Pharma and protecting the public health. Kennedy reported that with an $11 billion annual budget and a revolving door with industry, the CDC owns its own vaccine patents and collects millions in profits each year. Identifying the WHO as a ‘sock puppet’ for Big Pharma and Big Money, Kennedy said the WHO is controlled top to bottom by the pharmaceutical industry which provides half of the WHO’s budget.

Dr. Judy Mikovits, PhD, molecular biologist and former researcher with the National Cancer Institute, blew the whistle on contaminated virus being used in human vaccines. When she refused to renounce her study, she was fired and arrested in 2011. Here are her comments on the efficacy of the coronavirus as “part of the plague of corruption”.

Regarded as the UN’s public health leader, the WHO director general Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, said, “We have made the assessment that COVID19 can be characterized as a pandemic” without providing convincing infection or death rate statistics, More recently, Ghebreyesus refused to consider when the virus might peak with “this outbreak could still go in any direction”—whatever that means.

. . . the published a paper with the findings that the coronavirus was engineered with ‘key structural proteins’ identifying “four inserts of amino acid sequences homologous to amino acid sequences in HIV 1.” This paper was also withdrawn with the publisher warning that its conclusions should not be regarded as ‘conclusive.’

The Gates Foundation, the WHO and the European Commission are benefactors of the Pirbright Institute [which is controlled by the City of London] which owns the bio-safety lab-level 4 lab (BSL-4) in China which owns the coronavirus patent. The US patent application was filed in 2015 and granted in 2018. It is worth noting that the Fort Detrick bio weapons lab in Maryland with a history of violations was shut down in August, 2019 due to ‘safety concerns‘ related to a “loss of pathogens.”

The BSL Lab standard is of the highest bio-hazard level and is qualified to handle the ‘world’s most dangerous pathogens.’ It is the first of its kind in China and is located twenty miles from where the coronavirus is said to have originated. However, it has also been determined that the US is the only country known to have all five strains of coronavirus from which all others are descended thereby suggesting more of a US role in the pandemic . . . Full story:

Comment: “As an MIT PhD in Biological Engineering who studies and does research nearly every day on the Immune System, the coronavirus fear mongering by the Deep State will go down in history as one of the biggest frauds to manipulate economies, suppress dissent, and push MANDATED Medicine!.”

Some in the government are using the pandemic to frighten people into obedience. Think . . . what has transpired in less than a week’s time. We have handed control of nearly everything in our lives to the government. In many places, they are telling us when we can leave our homes and when we must return to them. They have decided what events or religious services we can attend, how many people are allowed to be there and which businesses are allowed to stay open. In the process, the global economy has crashed with the assistance of the media stirring everyone into a mass panic . . . (

Prof. Jihad Bishara, the director of the Infectious Disease Unit at Petah Tikva’s Beilinson Hospital, said that some of the steps being taken in Israel and abroad were very important, but the virus is not airborne, most people who are infected will recover without even knowing they were sick, the at-risk groups are now known, and the global panic is unnecessary and exaggerated.

“I’ve been in this business for 30 years,” Bishara said in a Channel 12 interview. “I’ve been through MERS, SARS, Ebola, the first Gulf war and the second, and I don’t recall anything like this. There’s unnecessary, exaggerated panic. We have to calm people down. (

COVID-19 Pandemic: Real Danger is ‘Agenda ID2020’

March 12, 2020 — The infamous ID2020 is an alliance of public-private partners, including UN agencies and civil society, an electronic ID program that uses generalized vaccination as a platform for digital identity. Today WHO declared the coronavirus COVID-19 a ‘pandemic’—when there is not the slightest trace of a pandemic. A pandemic might be the condition, when the death to infection rate reaches more than 12%. In Europe, the death rate is about 0.4%, or less. Except for Italy which is a special case, where the peak of the death rate was 6% . . .

WHO has most likely received orders from ‘above’, from those people who also manage Trump and the ‘leaders’ (sic) of the European Union and her member countries, those who aim to control the world with force—the One World Order . . . The final decision to go ahead NOW, was taken in January 2020 at the World Economic Forum (WEF) in Davos—behind very much closed doors, of course. The Gates, GAVI (an association of vaccination-promoting pharmaceuticals), Rockefellers, Rothschilds et al, they are all behind this decision—the implementation of Agenda ID2020 . . . the next step may be—also at the recommendation either by WHO, or individual countries, force vaccination—always with the aim of full population control and population reduction . . . especially in Africa . . . a nano-chip may be injected, unknown—remotely charged with all your personal data, including bank accounts—digital money . . . Dr. Tedros, Director General of WHO, said . . . we must move towards digital money, because physical paper and coin money can spread diseases, especially endemic diseases, like the coronavirus . . . and these steps to be implemented now—prepared since long, including by the coronavirus computer simulation at Johns Hopkins in Baltimore on 18 October 2019, sponsored by the WEF and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation . . . Is it just a coincidence that ID2020 is being rolled out at the onset of what WHO calls a Pandemic? . . .
Full story:

Jack Ma donates 500,000 Coronavirus Test Kits and 1 Million Masks to the US

March 17, 2020 — Chinese billionaire Jack Ma has donated 500,000 coronavirus test kits and 1 million face masks to the United States as the pandemic first detected in central China starts sweeping across Europe and North America. Alibaba owns the South China Morning Post. Full story:

Comment: Asymmetrical warfare: “Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you” (Matthew 5:44). In contrast the Trump administration offered $1 billion to poach German scientists working at biotech firm Curevac based in Thuringia, on an experimental vaccine against COVID-19, to have it “only for the United States.” China also sent a hefty humanitarian package to Iran, significantly aboard eight flights from Mahan Air—an airline under illegal, unilateral Trump administration sanctions.

44 – Vaccines – Viruses + 5G

March 14, 2020 — In an article sent to me re-1918 Flu, it claims—back then, scientists didn’t know viruses caused disease, and we didn’t yet have a vaccine or antivirals to help prevent or treat influenza, nor did we have antibiotics to treat secondary bacterial infections. The facts are—disease causes the body to react and clean out the poisons and toxins—this reaction is called a virus. How can that be contagious? Then others claim that nobody owns the patent(s). How can someone patent a bodily function??

So—now you know. he hoax of a “contagious virus” revealed—China, the creator of the pandemic [but not the virus – Ed], has miraculously “recovered,” has almost no more cases of coronavirus . . . The world is now beginning to feel the effects and panic about the disease. Who recovered first?? China itself! Could it be a move by the Chinese government in response to the loss of the trade war with the United States? The goal: to throw the world into recession!!!

They are already growing! China bought almost everything it devalued on the stock exchanges around the world . . . with that the Chinese became owners of the global companies that are in China and without the money leaving China. Full story:

Comment: Sun Tzu anyone?


Paul wrote to the Hebrews (3:12-19), “Take heed, brethren [in view of the conduct of rebellious Jews and of their fearful doom], lest at any time there be in anyone of you [as in your ancestors before you] an evil unbelieving heart [that will engender apostasy through a want of confidence], falling away from the living God. So encourage one another daily, as long as it is still called Today; lest any of you be hardened through the deceitfulness of sin.”

We must discern between sure faith and persuasive psychology. Men pleasers often feel it is of little consequence whether they have faith or not, provided their outward conduct is right; hence they do not acknowledge the propriety of what Scripture says about the consequences of unbelief. But what do they say about a want of confidence between a husband and wife? Are there no evils in that? What husband can sleep with quietness if he has no confidence in the virtue of his wife? What child can have peace who has no confidence in a parent? How can there be prosperity in a community where there is no confidence in a bank, or where one merchant has no confidence in another; where a neighbour has no confidence in his neighbour; where the sick have no confidence in a physician, and where in general all confidence is broken up between man and man?

Always working under another name and in a different occupation the “enmity” God set between the seed of the Serpent and the seed of the first and the last Adam is producing the same want of confidence between man and man which is now between man and his Maker (Genesis 3:15).

“For we have become partakers [in Spiritual union] with Christ if we hold fast the beginning of our confidence firm until the end; while it is said, Today if you hear His Voice, do not harden your hearts as when they provoked Me. For who provoked Him when they had heard? Was it not all who came out of Egypt led by Moses? And with whom was He embittered forty years? Was it not with those who disbelieved, whose carcases fell in the wilderness? And to whom did God swear that they should not enter into His rest, but to those who were disobedient? So Israel did not enter the Pentecostal rest in 1405BC because they were rooted in unbelief”?

Shekinah, Revelation 10:1When will we learn to be obedient, prove all things [by the Absolute of God’s unchanging Word, and] hold fast that which is good?” For perhaps three thousand years Bible maps depicting the journeys of the children of Israel from Egypt to Canaan have been false as to the route of the Exodus and the true location of Mount Sinai (Exodus 2:15-3:1, 12; 4:19; Galatians 4:25). All seven Church Ages of PART-Word are fulfilled and Christ is no longer a Mediator interceding for ignorance because today by God’s help we have the perfect interpretation of the Word with Divine vindication. The Bible is unsealed and “the mystery of God is finished” (I Corinthians 13:10; Revelation 10:7). God twice displayed this promised heavenly Sign (Psalm 19:1-5; Daniel 7:9; Revelation 1:14; 10:1-4) yet non-elect pastors and brethren neglecting to study this phenomenon have rejected the Prophet and his Message which is Christ Himself.

1. God entered His rest on the seventh day. His is an eternal rest but His Word had not yet manifest the things He had made (Genesis 2:1-7). “Let me ask you, are the thoughts of God eternal? God is infinite in His abilities so therefore He as God must be omniscient. If He is omniscient, then He is not now learning, nor is He taking counsel even with Himself, nor is He at any time adding to His knowledge. If He can add to His knowledge, He is not omniscient . . . He IS omniscient. He has never had a new thought about anything because all His thoughts He has always had and always will have; He knows the end from the beginning because He is God. THUS THE THOUGHTS OF GOD ARE ETERNAL. THEY ARE REAL. They are not simply like a man with a blueprint he has drawn up and which one day will be translated into substance and form, they are already real and eternal, and part of God” (An Exposition of the Seven Church Ages, p. 149:2-3; Romans 8:28-39).

2. Israel was given rest on the Day of Pentecost under the Law en-route to Canaan (Exodus 19). Israel should have journeyed to the border of the Promised Land from Mount Sinai in 11 days (Deuteronomy 1:2), a precise number; they failed because of unbelief. They left Sinai on the twentieth day of the second month and God intended them to arrive at the border on the first day of the third month, Sivan, which was the anniversary of their arrival at Sinai exactly one year earlier (Numbers 10:11). This leads us to speculate that after three days of sanctification, as they cleansed themselves at Sinai (Exodus 19:14-16; 24:4, and ultimately Joshua 3:1-5; 4:19), they would then have crossed the Jordan to Jericho and the feast of Pentecost, typing the three Church Ages of the Reformation before the Seventh Seal introduced Christ, and we crossed over our Jordan into the fullness of the Word and our Holy Convocation (The Restoration of the Bride Tree, p. 75:6 – 76:2). Pentecost is the sixty-fifth day of the year, the fifth day of the third month. Seven-weeks will be counted from Nisan 16 to the holy convocation of the fiftieth day and the antitypical resurrection.

3. The Church entered rest at her inauguration on the Day Pentecost (Acts 2:1).

4. Brother Branham restored “the faith once delivered to the apostolic saints” and introduced the second or (Gk.) ‘parousia’ Coming of our Lord Jesus Christ in W_O_R_D form in the revelation of the Seven Seals for the antitype of the rest or holy convocation of the fiftieth day of Israel’s Pentecostal feast (Leviticus 23:15-21; Malachi 4:4, 6b; Matthew 17:11; 25:6; I Thessalonians 4:16; Revelation 10:7).

5. Christ’s end-time Bride is anticipating a millennium of rest in the near future (Isaiah 24:22; II Peter 2:4; Revelation 20:1-8).

Brother Branham said, “Based on these seven visions, along with the rapid changes which have swept the world in the last fifty years, I PREDICT (I do not prophesy) that these visions will have all come to pass by 1977. And though many may feel that this is an irresponsible statement in view of the fact that Jesus said that “no man knoweth the day nor the hour.” I still maintain this prediction after thirty years because, Jesus did NOT say no man could know the year, month or week in which His coming was to be completed. [This threefold PROCESS described by Paul in I Thessalonians 4:13-18 will be completed for Christ’s end-time Bride under the Seventh Trump following the type in Matthew 27:50-53]. So I repeat, I sincerely believe and maintain as a private student of the Word, along with Divine inspiration that [the jubilee of] 1977 ought to terminate the world systems and usher in the millennium.” [1977 + 49 = 2026 which would make 2026 to 2027 Israel’s Jubilee year Brother Branham twice stating that “1977 will be the seventieth Jubilee” (The Seventieth Week of Daniel, p. 115:195-197, 212-213; Matthew 18:22 or seventy jubilees, 3,430 years).

Because God is the Word He is infinite: His Word cannot fail and He can never change His ways. Deuteronomy 29:29: “The secret things belong to the Lord our God: but those things which are revealed belong to us and to our children forever, that we may do all the Words of this Law.” Since 606BC the Israelites had been apprised of the hour, day, week, month, year and place of Messiah’s crucifixion without Jerusalem on the evening of Nisan 14, AD30 (Exodus 12; Deuteronomy 16:5-6; 29:29; Daniel 9:1-2, 24-26). As “the mystery of God is finished” should not Spiritual Israel, Christ’s end-time Bride, know the year, month and week of the second crucifion and the sinking of Los Angeles? Christ’s end-time Bride, typed by John the Divine—knows that we all entered the ‘rapture’ and were caught up in the Spirit in the Lord’s Day between about nine and ten on the morning of March 8, 1963 when the constellation of Angels appeared over Mount Sunset, forty miles north-east of Tucson Arizona and Brother Branham was caught up into “the great cloud of witnesses . . . to the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem, and to an innumerable company of angels, to the general assembly and Church of the firstborn, which are written in heaven, and to God the Judge of all, and to the spirits of just men made perfect” (Hebrews 12:1, 22-23; Revelation 1:10; 3:22-4:2).

This was prophesied in the vision of December 22, 1962 and recounted on December 30 in the sermon, Is This the Sign of the End, Sir?” You were in that theophany, as you were present in theophany when, as the Lion of the Tribe of Judah, Jesus Messiah claimed the Book of Redemption and loosed its Seven Seals (Revelation 5:4-14). “Now faith is the title-deed of things hoped for, the evidence of unseen reality,” and we have been apprised of the day, week, month, year of the first resurrection of Christ’s Bride although “that day and hour” may be uncertain owing to calendar differences and weather.

three ruling City StatesThe world monetary system set up at Bretton Woods, New Hampshire in 1944, established a system of rules, institutions and procedures; these accords established the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD), now part of the World Bank (WB). The United States, which controlled two thirds of the world’s gold, insisted the Bretton Woods system rest on both gold and the US dollar. Soviet delegates attending the conference later declined to ratify the final agreements, charging that the institutions created were “branches of Wall Street.” These organizations became operational in 1945 after a sufficient number of nations ratified the agreement. On August 15, 1971, the United States unilaterally terminated convertibility of the US dollar to gold, rendering the Bretton Woods system inoperable, so that by 1973 it was replaced by a de facto regime of floating fiat currencies that remains in place to the present day (Newsletter 926). The Money Power is the sole world system that overrules globally. However the world church system of Judaeo-Roman Catholicism and Protestantism will control the whole wealth of the world system and force the whole earth into its religious trap, or will kill them, by refusing the privilege of buying and selling whereby they would make a living [Daniel 7:19-26; 9:27; Revelation 13:15-18].

[The UNITED STATES is not a country, it is a federal corporation as stated under US code 3002 section 15 part a, and a continuation of the Virginia Company. Washington DC was created in 1871 based on debts owed to foreign entities such as the royal chartered Hudson Bay Company and the royal-owned Belgian government as stated in the 1871 District of Columbia Organic Act. Do you see what the Vatican and the banksters of the City of London have in store for all nations except perhaps Russia and China, for the nations are all corporations registered with the United States Securities Exchange Commission. Also in 1871, Albert Pike completed his military blueprint whereby Lucifer’s one world government will be established following three World Wars. World Wars I and II are history; I expect the ‘hot stage’ of World War III will ignite after the sinking of Los Angeles and the cleaving of the Mount of Olives].

1977 terminated the world church system when Christ’s end-time Bride reached the age of accountability and began to receive the revelation of the end-time Message, Brother Branham’s “third pull.” We now know the year, month and week in which His Coming will be completed and anticipate the resurrection of the New Testament saints to commence three days after Nisan 14 which in 2020 will be April 8.

The Great Pyramid is God’s second Bible. God inspired its design to His prophet Enoch who was translated sixty-nine years before Noah was born. In “The Antiquities of the Jews” Josephus said: “[Seth’s posterity] were the inventors of that peculiar sort of wisdom which is concerned with the heavenly bodies, and their order [God’s first Bible, the Witness of the Stars]. And that their inventions might not be lost before they were sufficiently known, upon Adam’s prediction that the world was to be destroyed at one time by the force of fire, and at another time by the violence and quantity of water, they made two pillars, the one of brick, the other of stone: they inscribed their discoveries on them both, that in case the pillar of brick should be destroyed by the Flood, the pillar of stone might remain, and exhibit those discoveries to mankind; and also inform them that there was another pillar of brick erected by them. Now this remains in the land of Siriad [Egypt] to this day.”

Like our Bible in paper and ink, the Bible in Stone foretells the story of God changing His form or unfolding Himself from the eternal Spirit alone with His thoughts to the stature of the Perfect Man (Ephesians 1, 2 and 4; I Peter 2:1-8; Revelation 3:14), the flesh of His glorified family, the many-membered Body of Christ wherein God will be worshipped throughout eternity by those who are the “saved.”

Great PyramidMeasurements of the Great Pyramid prophesy Biblical chronology that astronomers can confirm by “The Witness of the Stars” which is forever “settled in heaven” (Psalm 119:89; Malachi 3:6; Hebrews 13:8). Its passages and geometry identify the ministries of Abraham, Enoch, Noah, Moses and the Old Testament prophets plus the Church Age Messengers, most notably Brother Branham who introduced Christ’s second or (Gk.) ‘parousia’ Coming in the seventh step at the fiftieth level of masonry, which is our jubilee and the King’s Chamber. On the right hand side of this diagram you will find the date of the Deluge that marked the end of “the first tragic era” prophesied by Adam, Enoch and Noah. The entrance to the descending passage pointed to the Polar star, Draconis when it crossed the meridian below the North Pole in 2170BC. Draco or Draconis represents “the Dragon, that old Serpent, called the Devil and Satan, which deceives the whole world” (Revelation 12:9). The descending passage leads to the pit and destruction.

The call of Abram began the Patriarchal Age (Genesis 3:1-4; Galatians 3:8) and the Exodus made Israel a nation. The low ascending passage in which one must stoop signified the works of the Law. As indicated, Israel was first soiled by idolatry, the breach of God’s Covenant, and again when it blasphemed at Kadesh-Barnea causing the adults to be blotted from the Book of Life. Three bands through which each Israelite must pass in order to progress up the ascending passage represent justification, sanctification and the baptism of the Holy Spirit under the Old Testament (I Peter 1:11). Christ’s Crucifixion fulfilled the Law at the level of the Queen’s Chamber; Israel’s high priest and many true Israelites were blotted from the Book of Life, condemned to the pit with the Edomite self-styled Jews and bound for the Lake of Fire (Psalm 69:28; Matthew 27:25).

The Great Pyramid’s chronological representation depends upon the angle of the passages. The “Christ angle” is that at which the Queen’s Chamber floor intersects the Ascending Passage. This is 26 degrees, 18 minutes, 9 seconds and as it opens to the Grand Gallery it creates a triangle depicting the life of Christ in terms of pyramid inches. If projected north of east from the site of the Great Pyramid it points to where Israel crossed the Red Sea. It will bisect Bethlehem where Christ was born, and if extended, point to the Jordan River where Israel followed the Ark into the Promised Land and where Jesus was baptized by John. The Queen’s Chamber may represent Israel whose destiny is portrayed on a lower level than the King’s Chamber which represents Christ’s Bride.

corbelled grand gallery of Great PyramidThe remainder of the ascending passage represents the Christian dispensation where men stand tall under grace, overshadowed by the corbelled walls, seven overlapping stone steps representing seven Church Ages. It takes us to the plane of the second advent or (Gk.) ‘parousia’ Coming of our Lord in W_O_R_D form through the lips of the seventh angel William Branham at the fiftieth course of masonry that represents the jubilee which everyone in Christ’s end-time Bride entered in 1977. All seven Church Ages, Christ’s mediation and redemption ended on March 8, 1963. For us, (Gk.) ‘chronos’ “time is no longer” for we were fully redeemed in Christ on Calvary.

Under the Law all debts had to be settled and forfeited property restored to the owner in the fiftieth or jubilee year. So “when the fiftieth day of Pentecost had full come” God sent the Holy Spirit with the eternal Life of the risen Jesus Christ “Which is the earnest of our inheritance until the redemption of the purchased possession, unto the praise of His glory.” If we add 49 years to the jubilee year 1977 we have 2026 + 1 = 2027, Israel’s jubilee. 2027 – 7 brings us to our Pentecostal Jubilee and homegoing.

Prophet's Chamber of Great PyramidBrother Branham said, “Go into the prophet’s chamber and watch them seven steps. Where did the guard [William Branham] meet the challenge to bring the comer into the Presence of the King? Was at the top of the steps, in the seventh step. There shows that we’ve got to come again with that same Spirit that was on John; he introduced the Messiah. He was greater than all the prophets; he introduced It. And we’ve got to come to a place, again, to something that’s going to introduce the Messiah. And how will the people that’s believing Him know it unless they’re constantly in the Word to know what He is! Daniel said, “The wise shall know; but the foolish, the unwise, wouldn’t know. They shall know their God.” Now, now, how He shall appear in the last days, is to bring the people back to the Word, so that the Bride will know Her Husband, know Her Mate, the revealed Word” (Malachi 4:5, 6b; Revelation 10:7; The Feast of the Trumpets, p. 15:112-113). We are not to look for the Man (Matthew 24:23-27). Notice, 1909 + 68 = 1977 + 43 (50 – 7) = 2020, the jubilee and our “going up” (Revelation 4:1-2).

The Prophet entered the Prophet’s Chamber in 1909 and years later the Lord reveals to him His Message. The Great Step is the “little introduction plank” Brother Branham mentions (God’s only Provided Place of Worship, p. 33:217). The Great Step starts at 1909 at point ‘A’; rises to 1946 at point ‘B.’ [Remember the ‘Jewish’ people was declared a nation [at Lake Success by the UNSCOP Committee on May 6, 1946 (UN docs. A/C.I/P.V.46-57 (May 6-13)], and the Angel of the Lord appeared to me on May 7, 1946 at Green’s Mill, Indiana . . . come into the room where I was at, a Man walking. He didn’t have wings; He was just a big man, had a white garment down to His feet. And He said that I was born to pray for sick people. And I told Him I was uneducated, illiterate, and I wasn’t able to go. He said I’d be praying for kings and monarchs, and Message around the world, a Message that would bring the second Coming of Christ was near . . . THUS SAITH THE LORD, I said, America made her final decision in 1946. Watch, since then. She’s gone, and there’s nothing left but judgment and chaos (The Handwriting on the Wall, #58-0309)]. The oncomer of the Church Ages is led by the prophet into the Prophet’s Chamber at point ‘C,’ around 1977 (1909 +68). The distance of 68 inches under the Great Step is also included in the 1881 inches of the total length of the Grand Gallery.

Body of ChristThe Prophet said, “From the first jubilee [calculated from Israel’s crossing the Jordan into the Promised Land (Leviticus 25:2)], Leviticus 25:8 in 1977 will be the seventieth jubilee, making exactly three thousand four hundred and thirty years. [Working back 3,430 – AD1977 = 1453BC – 1 no year 0 = 1452BC approximately Ussher’s 1451BC]. Jubilee means “The going up! The release!” (The Seventieth Week of Daniel, p. 115:197). Jesus explained this in Matthew 18:21-35 when Peter asked, “Lord, how often shall my brother sin against me and I forgive him? Up to seven times? Jesus said to him, I do not say to you, Up to seven times, but up to seventy-times seven.” Or seventy jubilees: 70 x 49 = 3,430 years after which Israel’s Seventh Trump will signal the end of the Christian dispensation and men will “find no place of repentance” (Daniel 12:10; Hebrews 12:17; Revelation 22:10-11). This and the previous diagram show there is but one way across the breach caused by Laodicea’s apostasy. The Prophet helped us up the Great Step to the fiftieth course of masonry signifying the jubilee by the revelation of the Seven Seals. We are in the seventieth Pentecostal jubilee, in the Capstone or King’s Chamber (The Future Home of the Heavenly Bridegroom and the Earthly Bride, p. 45:373) anticipating the eternal land of the millennium and immortality:

Leviticus 25:8-13, “You shall count off seven Sabbaths of years, seven times seven years; even forty-nine years . . . You shall consecrate the fiftieth year, and proclaim a release throughout the land to all its inhabitants (Matthew 25:6; I Thessalonians 4:16; Revelation 18:4). It shall be a jubilee to you; and each of you shall return to his own property, and each of you shall return to his [Spiritual] kinfolk, [his first estate in the Word as Brother Branham sang, “Return O dispersed to your own” (Malachi 4:5, 6b; Matthew 17:11)] . . . you shall not sow, neither reap that which grows of itself, nor gather [for sale] from the undressed vines. For it is a jubilee; it shall be holy to you. You shall eat of its increase out of the field. In this Year of Jubilee each of you shall return to his property” [or right redeemed and restored by our Kinsman Redeemer when He claimed the Book, loosed its Seven Seals and revealed their secrets through His Prophet William Branham that we might enter this holy convocation. The work is done, “the mystery of God is finished”—feed your soul and rest in the evening S_O_N-Light of the revelation (Zechariah 14:7; Matthew 24:27-28; Revelation 5:8-14; 10:7-11)]!”

By 1977 Divine inspiration had begun to release the revelations of Brother Branham’s Message. “Now this messenger of Malachi 4 and Revelation 10:7 is going to do two things. One: According to Malachi 4 he will turn the hearts of the children to the fathers. Two: He will reveal the mysteries of the Seven Thunders in Revelation 10 which are the revelations contained in the Seven Seals. It will be these Divinely revealed ‘mystery-truths’ that literally turn the hearts of the children to the Pentecostal fathers” (An Exposition of the Seven Church Ages, p. 327:1). God in simplicity has hidden the revelation of our Pentecostal jubilee in plain sight.

Prophet's Chamber of Great PyramidOne must stoop down to enter the Prophet’s Chamber. Inside is an amber-coloured granite leaf that represents the Pillar of Fire. A figure called “THE BOSS” projects one pyramid inch from its face and is offset from the center by one inch to show there is an imperfection because the Cross would never have been had Satan not rebelled bringing the fall of himself and mankind (Pastor Morris R. Ungren, The Mount of God, The Story of the Great Pyramid, p. 12-15). One pyramid inch equals one year. This is the key to understanding the lineal measurements of the galleries and mysteries of the Great Pyramid or Bible in Stone as the unwritten Seventh Seal is the Key to understanding our printed Bible. Both attest “Christ is the mystery of God revealed” (John 1:1, 14; Revelation 10:7). Like “the Stone cut out of the mountain without hands,” at the Seventh Trump the granite leaf will fall upon five western toes of Judaeo-Roman iron and five eastern toes of Judaeo-Communist clay (Daniel 2:31-45).

Drawing of Showing the Alpha and Omega in The BossFrom Egyptian hieroglyphics in “The Book of the Dead” our late Brother Ungren learned that the BOSS represents Christ’s Bride as a full loaf of wheat bread “baked with leaven as firstfruits to the Lord” (Leviticus 23:17) to be waved before Him as a consecration of the whole harvest in the manifestation of the Sons of God “when the Day of Pentecost has full come [again].” Then “we who are alive and remain” will be glorified, and rid the leaven of this sinful flesh, caught up to meet the Lord in the air. The New Testament is written in Greek: the letters Alpha and Omega that form the BOSS on the granite leaf in the Prophet’s Chamber guarding the way to the King’s Chamber signify “Jesus Christ the same yesterday and today and forever” (Malachi 3:6; Hebrews 13:8). The BOSS is crowned by a nimbus or halo signifying the hill of sunrise—a new day had dawned, and the rainbow signifies the second or (Gk.) ‘parousia’ Coming of the Son of man—the glory of God (Matthew 24:37; Revelation 10:1) who is the Alpha and Omega. Our English word pyramid is from the Greek ‘pyramis’ (pl. pyramides), a wheaten cake. It is said that this word ‘pyramis’ was used to describe these ancient Egyptian structures because they reminded the Greeks of pointy-topped wheaten cakes. The Egyptians had a conical bread loaf called ‘ben-ben,’ which was also the word for the capstone of a pyramid or the tip of an obelisk—’ben-benet,’ named after the ‘benben’ stone, the sacred icon in the temple of Heliopolis, the oldest centre of the sun cult.

In “The Seventieth Week of Daniel” (p. 116:200-212) the Prophet mentions a second “great tragedy” or “tragic era,” the destruction by fire prophesied by Adam and recorded by Josephus, stating “this great consummation or great thing would take place here in the United States, some great horrible thing . . .” (Malachi 4:1; Matthew 11:12; II Peter 3:7-11; Revelation 16:16).

“Now, then after that [union of church and state in the US under Judaeo-Roman Church dominance] I turned and looked, and I saw this United States burning like a smoulder; rocks had been blowed up. And it was burning like a heap of fire in logs or something that just set it afire; and looked as far as I could see and she’d been blown up. And then the vision left me. Five out of the seven has happened”.

Teaching “The Seventieth Week of Daniel” in 1960 the Prophet said, “Now, counting the time, we find that we have exactly (Listen.) seventeen years left, [the number of Spiritual perfection] and we will have the same span of time given to us as God dealing with us in the power of the Holy Spirit since AD33 until 1977, the same span of time of 1954 years [Genesis 12:1-4, 1921BC + 33AD = 1954 years]. God deals with us the same as He did with the Jews. See? How about that” (p. 115:195-201)? 1960 + 17 = 1977 and Israel’s seventieth jubilee; 40 jubilees x 49 = 1960 + 17 = 1977. Thus 1977 + 49 = 2026 + 1 = 2027 and Israel’s seventy-first jubilee, therefore the Church must go Home in 2020]. “Oh, brother, give me a church full of the Holy Ghost. God will do in one year [Nisan 14, 2019 to Nisan 14, 2020] what all theology’s failed to do in two thousand years. You wait till the anointing of the church really strikes home to that faithful the little remnant. After the doors of the Gentiles is closed, oh, God will anoint a church then. “He who’s filthy, let him be filthy still. He who’s righteous let him be righteous still, and he who’s holy let him be holy still.” And God will anoint the church with the power of God, and things will be taken place. Not only that then, but He’s doing it now” (COD, p. 145:203).

“Now, mark down in your book a little Scripture here I want to give you. Leviticus 25, begin with the 8th verse. God calls a jubilee every forty-ninth year; the fiftieth year was the jubilee. We know that. We understand that. From the first jubilee of Leviticus 25:8, in 1977 will be the seventieth jubilee, making exactly 3,430 years. Jubilee means the going up, the release“.

“And here comes around and shows, and then I predicted . . . I never said the Lord told me that, but standing that morning in the church, I said, “The way progress . . .” I got back to one end of the wall and run to the other end of the wall, and I said, “The way progress is going on, I’ll predict that the time (I don’t know why I’m saying it.)—but I predict that that’ll all happen between right now, 1933, and 1977. And not knowing it, God knows my heart, I never knowed it until yesterday, that 1977 is the jubilee, and exactly the same amount of time run out that He give with Israel and everything at the end. So we’re at . . . And here we are at the end of the age, at the coming in of the seventieth week. We don’t know what time that the church will be gone. Oh, my. What can we do, friends? Where are we at?” (The Seventieth Week of Daniel, p. 115:196-202, 212-213).

Galatians 3:16-18, “Now to Abraham and his seed were the promises made (Luke 1:55; Romans 4:13, 16; 9:4-5). God did not say, And to seeds, as of many [as if there was one seed before the Law, another under the Law]; but as of one, and to your Seed, which is Christ. What I am saying is that the Law, which was four hundred and thirty years after the promise, cannot invalidate the Covenant previously ratified by God so as to disannul and make the promise of none effect. For if the inheritance is based on law, it is no longer based upon promise: but God granted it to Abraham by means of a promise” (Genesis 12:1-4, 21:5).

Brother Branham said, “From the time God made the promise to Abraham. (Don’t miss this). [In other words, don’t settle for the “letter” of a second-hand religion, “for the letter kills, but the Spirit gives Life . . . Prove all things . . . and make your calling and election sure”]. From the time God made the promise to Abraham, Genesis 12:3, to the time of Christ being rejected in AD33 by the Jews according to Galatians 3:16 and 17, and according to Ussher’s chronology of the Hebrews, the power of God was with the Jews exactly 1954 years. God dealt with the Jews 1954 years according to the chronology of the Jews and according to Galatians 3:16 and 17. I got many more Scriptures . . .” (The Seventieth Week of Daniel, p. 115:195).

Abraham was a Hebrew and the great grandfather of Jacob whose name was changed to Israel. And he was the great, great grandfather of Jacob’s son Judah, progenitor of the Tribe of Judah and the Judahites commonly called “Jews.”

The common misunderstanding of Biblical chronology that the children of Israel were slaves in Egypt for 400 years is based upon Genesis 15:13: “And God told Abram, Know of a surety that your seed shall be a stranger in a land that is not theirs, and shall serve them; and they shall afflict them four hundred years.” And Acts 7:6, “But God spoke to this effect, that his offspring would sojourn in a foreign land; and that they should enslave, and evil entreat them four hundred years”.

Then Exodus 12:40-41 prophesies, “Now the sojourning of the children of Israel, who dwelt in Egypt, was four hundred and thirty years. And it came to pass at the end of the four hundred and thirty years, even the selfsame day it came to pass, that all the hosts of the Lord went out from the land of Egypt.” This does not imply that the children of Israel dwelt in Egypt 430 years for as Paul explains, this period extends from the date of God’s Covenant with Abraham until the exodus. “What I am saying is that the Law which was four hundred and thirty years after the promise, cannot invalidate the Covenant previously ratified by God so as to disannul and make the promise of none effect” (Galatians 3:17).

We know that Jacob and his family entered Egypt 215 years after God’s promise to Abram in Genesis 12:1-7, half way through the 430 years. Moreover we know that Joseph was 39 at that time and lived another 71 years to the age of 110. From Exodus 1:6-8 we learn that Israel was not enslaved until after Joseph died. “And Joseph died, and all his brethren, and all that generation. And the children of Israel were fruitful, and increased abundantly, and multiplied, and waxed exceeding mighty; and the land was filled with them. Now there arose up a new king over Egypt, which knew not Joseph.” Subtracting 71 from 215 leaves 144 years, the maximum time Israel could have been enslaved by Egypt. (For a more fulsome excursus see Israel, God’s Timepiece).

The fact that the children of Israel were only in Egypt for 215 years is also consistent with the genealogy of Moses. Born 80 years before the exodus from Egypt, Moses was the son of Amram, the son of Kohath, the son of Levi (I Chronicles 6:1-3). Levi was one of Jacob’s 12 sons and the grandfather of Moses, who was already born when Jacob and his family entered Egypt (Genesis 46:8-11). Kohath lived to 133 years and his son Amram lived to 137 (Exodus 6:18-20). Even if Kohath was only one year old when they entered Egypt, and Amram and Moses were each born in the last year of their father’s lives, then the maximum time Israel could have been in Egypt would have been 133 + 137 + 80 = 350 years, still well short of the traditional 400 years.

According to Exodus 12:40, “the sojourning of the children of Israel who dwelt in Egypt, was four hundred and thirty years,” so the prophecy of Genesis 15:13 commenced with the call and Covenant in Genesis 12:1-4 when Abram entered Canaan at the age of seventy-five, four hundred and thirty years before the Law was delivered at Mount Sinai (on the Day of Pentecost) fifty days after the Exodus. Paul explains this in Galatians 3:17, “The Law that came four hundred and thirty years after the giving of the promise cannot invalidate a Covenant that has been previously ratified by God, so as to annul the promise.” Thus the prophecy commenced thirty years before the “affliction” of Abraham’s seed “in a strange land”.

I believe God allowed Brother Branham to speak in the vernacular in order to protect his life. As he said himself: “I trust that God will reveal this. And each time, if you who take the tapes and listen, and I hope and trust that you have had a spiritual understanding of what that God has been trying to get over to the Church without saying it right out. See? It’s a thing, sometime, we have to say things in such a way that it might thin down, it might bring some to go out, some to leave, and some to ponder over. But that’s done purposely. It must be done that way.”

“Then it might be that some would say, “You mean God would purposely do a thing like that?” He certainly did. He does yet. He said one day, when He had thousands around Him, He said, “Except you eat of the Flesh of the Son of God, or Son of man, and drink His Blood, you have no Life in you” (The Unveiling of God, p. 5:22-24).

Brother Branham was the greatest prophet since Enoch who warned of the Flood. Brother Branham “proclaimed the day of vengeance of our God” warning us to escape the “tragic era” of consummation by nuclear fire prophesied by Adam (Isaiah 61:2b; Malachi 4:1; 3:2-3; Isaiah 9;18-19; II Peter 3:10; Matthew 24:22; Revelation 10:8-11). He “finished the mystery of God” and introduced Christ’s second or (Gk.) ‘parousia’ Coming. If we are Christ’s end-time Bride our Church and person will match His Prophet’s instructions in Conduct Order and Doctrine in the Church which are THUS SAITH THE LORD in black and white.

Clearly some Churches have far too large a congregation, few of whom harbour hope or interest in election but enjoy our non-threatening ambience as a social occasion, free entertainment or self-worship. Paul told the Athenians, “I perceive that in all things you are extremely reverential, greatly addicted to the worship of invisible powers” (Acts 17:22). The Prophet warned us that the coming economic collapse will be WORSE than the Great Depression (Jezebel Religion, p. 22:100). God’s Church is the Body of Christ not a charity or religion. The fivefold ministry is for “the perfecting of those who are saints and to strengthen those who are in the Body of Christ” (Ephesians 4:11-24). Should ministers submit to and insist each congregant “Stay in line” with Paul’s Conduct Order and Doctrine in the Church as the Prophet of Malachi 4 screamed before the vision of the Omega Bride passed (The Rapture, p. 40:198-203)? This “might thin down, might bring some to go out, some to leave, and some to ponder over. But that’s done purposely. It must be done that way.” Start obeying this instruction today, otherwise our churches will become charities for a mixed multitude of religious “whomsoever wills” like the apostate world church system, and unable to attend to those who are saints.

In summary: Historically and chronologically God’s three Bibles are in agreement. 1960 + 17 = 1977, the Seventieth Jubilee; 1977 was 3,430 years from Leviticus 25:8 (numerology; Matthew 18:21-35; Galatians 3:16-17; Hebrews 12:17). Our Pentecostal Jubilee should be 2020 typed by Matthew 27:50-53, seven years before Israel’s rebirth and the consummation (Daniel 9:24-27). Nisan 14, 2020 – 1 = Nisan 14, 2019—”God will do in ONE YEAR what all theology’s failed to do in two thousand years.” Rest . . .

Azusa Street Revival 1906 + 120 = 2026 + 1 = 2027 (Genesis 6:3; Matthew 24:37). 1977 + 49 = 2026 + 1 = 2027 Israel’s—seventy-first Jubilee Year of mourning when 144,000 elect Israelites will “anoint the most holy”—King Jesus Christ and His Queen. nl1101.htm

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Brother Grigor-Scott is a non-denominational minister who has ministered full-time since 1981, primarily to other ministers and their congregations overseas. He pastors Bible Believers’ tiny congregation, and is available to teach in your church.


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