Archive for February, 2011

They hate Our Freedoms

February 24, 2011

Bible Believers’ Newsletter 674

“We focus on the present Truth – what Jesus is doing now. . .”
ISSN 1442-8660

Christian greetings in the precious Name of our Lord Jesus Christ.
In this issue our main article concerns the program of revolutions in North Africa and the Middle East, planned and funded by the ‘City of London’ and managed by her UK and US colonies assisted by NATO in the end-game for global hegemony. We have linked several very important videos that will inform you in part the program announced by these elite thugs and reinforce precautions you should effect NOW because ‘the City’ is moving the world to the “hot stage” of World War III. As you are aware from prophecy, this will be accompanied by serious monetary and economic conditions worse than the Great Depression and precipitated by the sinking of Los Angeles, and the close of the Gentile dispensation.
It should be obvious that under these circumstances the situation for the elect can only be very short term.

This Newsletter serves those of like precious faith. Whoever will receive the truth is welcome to feed their soul from the waters of the River of Life. Everything here presented should be confirmed personally in your own Bible.

Your brother-in-Christ, Anthony Grigor-Scott

Christchurch Earthquake

NZ earthquake February 21, 2011

February 24, 2011 — Police say the official death toll from Tuesday’s 6.3-magnitude earthquake is now 98, but no-one has been rescued from the rubble since yesterday afternoon and 226 people are still missing. . . 16 to 22 bodies were believed to be trapped in the rubble of the city’s cathedral and there have been no reports of any successful rescues anywhere in the city since yesterday afternoon. . . 48 English language school students and staff, including at least 10 Japanese, were missing after the disaster in the CTV building collapse.
NZ earthquake February 21, 2011The 26-storey Grand Chancellor Hotel could collapse and eighty per cent of Christchurch is still without water until power can be connected to pumping stations, authorities may look at putting water tanks for people to use. Damage to powerlines, particularly underground is severe. Power companies are now working around the clock to fix them. Mayor Parker says authorities are focusing on reconnecting utilities as quickly as possible, with residents told it could take months for authorities to reconnect water to some parts of the community. . .
Full story:
Comment: The distortion of railway lines indicates nature’s potential in just seconds. Los Angeles and a 1,500 x 300-400 mile segment of earth will sink beneath the ocean almost as quickly; earth will move on its axis, the Pacific ring of fire will erupt and tidal waves will obliterate islands and devastate the East coasts of Australia and New Zealand.

Mega-earthquake 140 Years Overdue

Berlin, February 20, 2011 — Experts warn against a mega-quake in the USA: a recent study shows that earthquakes are 140 years overdue in California. Experts predict the strength of eight on the Richter scale, could be affected, especially the million-metropolis of Los Angeles.
California is divided in half by the Pacific and the North American plate. The hundred kilometers of the southern San Andreas Fault—the breaking point of both panels—was, according to the news magazine “Focus” the only piece of the formation that has not broken in centuries. Geologists now fear that this could erupt at any time . . . The study, published in the journal “Bulletin of the Seismological Society,” the experts suggest a possible link between the earthquake and California lakes. In recent years there had been seven lakes and seven earthquake. As soon as a sea change, the water accumulates or shrink, earthquakes are triggered. . .
John Christian, a member of the National Engineering Academy said, as early as last year: “The infrastructure is clearly a cause for concern. Engineers are concerned that many buildings will collapse, even without an earthquake.” For example, a weak earthquake revealed in 1994 in Los Angeles major defects in welds in the steel of many buildings. . .
Full story:

Why Monsanto always Wins

February 22, 2011 — The recent approval of Monsanto’s Roundup Ready alfalfa is one of most divisive controversies in American agriculture, but in 2003, it was simply the topic at hand in a string of emails between the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) and Monsanto. In the emails, federal regulators and Monsanto officials shared edits to a list of the USDA’s questions about Monsanto’s original petition to fully legalize the alfalfa. Later emails show a USDA regulator accepted Monsanto’s help with drafting the initial environmental assessment (EA) of the alfalfa and planned to “cut and paste” parts of Monsanto’s revised petition right into the government’s assessment.
It’s unclear if such internal cooperation continues under the current administration, but regulators still openly rely on data and research provided by the biotech industry when approving GE technology. . . Full story:; Monsanto’s Technology Stewardship Agreement contract transfers ALL liability to the farmer or grower.

Africa: Global NATO seeks to recruit 50 New Military Partners

February 21, 2011 — A recent article in Kenya’s Africa Review cited sources in the African Union (AU) disclosing that the 28-member North Atlantic Treaty Organization is preparing to sign a military partnership treaty with the 53-nation AU. . . although “the stated aim is to counter global security threats and specifically threats against Africa, some observers read the pact as aiming to counter Chinese expansion in Africa.”
“Experts say Africa is becoming a strategic battleground between world powers and in particular the US, the European Union, China and Russia,” with the first two—collectively subsumed under NATO and its Partnership for Peace program (except, for the time being, Cyprus)—working in unison and the second two expanding oil and natural gas investments on the continent. In addition, Russia and China are competitors of the US and its NATO allies in regards to arms sales to African nations. The piece added:
“According to knowledgeable sources, the new security arrangement could be a way to block the continent’s other main arms suppliers—China and Russia. . . a big blow for China and Russia. . .”
In addition to the Mediterranean Dialogue, NATO’s Istanbul Cooperation Initiative program is developing military cooperation with the Persian Gulf states of Bahrain, Kuwait, Qatar and the United Arab Emirates, with Oman and Saudi Arabia to be brought on board next.
NATO also has a partnership category called Contact Countries. Subject to expansion, the four such nations are all in the Asia-Pacific region: Australia, Japan, New Zealand and South Korea. The US-led military bloc also maintains the Afghanistan-Pakistan-International Security Assistance Force Tripartite Commission to coordinate war efforts on both sides of the Khyber Pass and has troops and other military personnel assigned to its command in Afghanistan from nations that are not currently among the 70 NATO member and official partnership states: Colombia, Malaysia, Mongolia, Singapore and Tonga.
The NATO-Russia Council was revived at the bloc’s Lisbon summit in November and NATO’s Kosovo Force (KFOR) is training and equipping the fledgling armed forces of Kosovo, the Kosovo Security Force. NATO, then, has no fewer than 75 members and partners with nations like previously neutral Cyprus slated to follow. . . the world’s only military bloc can further expand from one that grew from 16 to 28 members in a decade—1999-2009—into one that will become truly international in scope with nearly 100 military partners. Partners and members on every inhabited continent. Two-thirds of the nations in the world. Full story:
Comment: The “global security threats and specifically threats against Africa” emanate from the elite who control NATO. Those who aspire to undisputed world domination will provoke the greatest social cataclysm the world has ever known after World War Three is ended.

Rothschilds stage Revolutions in Tunisia and Egypt to kill Islamic Banks in emerging North African Markets

February 9, 2011 — Contrary to popular belief, the world’s finances are controlled by privately-owned ‘central banks’ masquerading as federal government banks in nearly every country in the world. . . Islamic banks have been eating into Rothschild profits in the Middle East because they don’t charge interest (Shariah Law), they are growing very rapidly among the world’s exploding Muslim populations, and (in these catastrophic economic times) they are more stable than western banks. . .
These Rothschild revolutions are done under the pretense of bringing democracy and deposing despots, but the real aim is to initially create chaos and a leadership vacuum, then quickly offer a solution: install a puppet that will do the economic bidding of the Rothschilds. The citizens gain freedom of speech and association, but become economic serfs.
These revolutions are most likely coordinated at the highest levels by the Rothschild’s International Crisis Group. Mohamed ElBaradei . . . is a trustee of the International Crisis Group. Another board member of this group is Zbigniew Brzezinski. George Soros sits on the executive committee. The later two are ubiquitous front men for the Rothschilds.
The revolutions are from the same playbook as the fairly nonviolent ‘color revolutions’. . . Liberal billionaire George Soros funded training of activists in North Africa. . . Activists from Otpor in Serbia have said that publications and training they received from the US based Albert Einstein Institution staff have been instrumental in the formation of their strategies. The Albert Einstein Institution is funded by the Soros Foundation and NED. . .
Otpor was started by Soros in Serbia and has trained activists in other colour revolutions. Several protest organizers on the streets in Egypt last week were wearing Otpor t-shirts. These t-shirts are given out by Otpor at training sessions. This is only to say that there may be a link here, between Soros and Tunisian protesters. . . Full story:
Comment: See Hegelian Dialectics and Conspiracy.

The Mediterranean Union and Democratization in the Arab World

February 14, 2011 — Mohammed Al-Baradei (El-Baradei/ElBaradei) is now being presented as an alternative to Mubarak. He is the former director-general of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and prior to that was a former Egyptian diplomat under Gamal Abdel Nasser and later the regime of Al-Sadat. The Mubarak regime is a continuation of the Sadat regime. Al-Baradei is no real alternative; he has a track-record of yielding to the interests of the US, the EU, and Israel. Nor does he oppose the neo-liberal policies that are crippling Egypt and the Arab World. Rather, Al-Baradei is intended to serve the interests of global capital and preserve both Egypt’s kleptocratic status quo and foreign policy direction. He has been groomed and kept in reserve as an “opposition” figure by the EU and America. Reports of him wanting the presidency started circulating at the start of 2010.
The US and the EU are not advocates of democracy and liberty. They support kleptocracy. The kleptocracy can take on different forms. It could be democratic or authoritarian in nature. Its main prerequisite is that it must serve the global capitalist class and not merely the local capitalist elites, as in Russia or Iran, where the national elites are challenging Western European and American capitalism. . .
Mainstream Arab societies must recognize this process of financial manipulation and cut the economic strings that shore up the Arab regimes. The US and EU imposed economic agreements, which amount to exploitation and theft, must be nullified. Political power should not be subordinated to economic power. In this context, institutional democracy should also be kept in mind. Otherwise, the same aftermath as 1848 will repeat itself as the aftermath of the 2011 Arab Spring.
The other “alternative” which might emerge as a result of the protest movement is that Arab governments will outwardly look like democracies. Instead, they will work to maintain the kleptocractic status quo for a social minority.
The status quo will prevail. Economic exploitation will continue under the guise of democracy and democratic governance instead of open dictatorship. Democracy is not a matter of holding elections, where voting at the ballot box becomes a ritual. Democracy must center on freedom of the mind and livelihood through economic democracy.
In order for this to emerge, people throughout the Arab World must address the impacts of global capitalism on the very structures of the domestic political system, namely how successive authoritarian regimes have served foreign interests. Full story:

CIA Operative in Lahore Shooting – an Interactive Guide

February 21, 2011 — The American who shot dead two men in Lahore, triggering a diplomatic crisis between Pakistan and the US, is a CIA agent who was on assignment. Full story:

They hate Our Freedoms

In an address to a Joint Session of Congress and the American people in the United States Capitol, Washington D.C., on September 20, 2001, President George II said, “Americans are asking, why do they hate us? They hate what we see right here in this Chamber—a democratically elected government. Their leaders are self-appointed. They hate our freedoms—our freedom of religion, our freedom of speech, our freedom to vote and assemble and disagree with each other.”

On cue, America’s unrepresentative Zionist running dogs applauded in Pavlovian unison to one more hypocrite in a long line of presidential Benedict Arnolds while outside the Chamber the great majority of Americans (British and Australians) hate their “freedom to vote and to assemble and disagreewith the invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan only to have their “free” voices trodden underfoot as in World Wars I and II, and in the case of Americans and Australians, the Vietnam War.
Vice President Dick Cheney had been plotting the conquest of Iraq since the late ’80s when he was Secretary of Defense in George I’s Administration—a plan then considered insane aggression. Britain and America persisted in bombing Iraq for over twelve years after Gulf War I ended, and throughout the Clinton presidency consideration was given as to how to depose Saddam Hussein. Moreover, on July 17, 2003, Judicial Watch announced that Cheney’s Energy Task Force had developed a map of Iraq dated, March 2001, as well as maps of the neighboring United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia, which show that Cheney knew precisely how much the conquest of Iraq would be worth.
But to ever more powerful and sinister entities than ‘useful idiots’ Cheney, Rumsfeld, Armitage and the host if Likudniks in George II’s Administration, Iraq was but the first of many dominos between the Judaeo-Roman Catholic church, the Black Nobility and the City of London, and Judaeo-Communism—specifically Russia—in the Great Game for global hegemony, each group vying to be Lucifer’s emissary.
As we have taught in the Sixth Vial, “Euphrates was the Eastern border and defense of the Roman empire and signifies the limit of Christian influence. Its source lay on the Northern boundary of Israel and flowed through Babylon into the Deep, which represents the abyss. Israel flowed with the river into Babylon and apostasy. Apostate Israel was the birthplace of Christian faith but the nominal church floated into Babylon and is now sinking into the abyss (Romans 11:32)”.

Map of Greater Middle EastPresident George II said, “I’m driven with a mission from God. God would tell me, George, go and fight those terrorists in Afghanistan. And I did, and then God would tell me, George, go and end the tyranny in Iraq. . . And I did. And now, again, I feel God’s words coming to me, go get the Palestinians their state and get the Israelis their security, and get peace in the Middle East. And by God I’m gonna do it.” From the account of this conversation it is certain it was not God who spoke lip to ear with the President, but g-d who spoke through various agencies that have planned this aggression for the Jew’s ‘City of London.’ The map at left illustrates objective of these people is to conquer the Greater Middle East, build “Greater Israel,” and negate the prophecy concerning an invasion by Russia, “the king of the North” (Daniel 11:40). If you doubt this you have failed to recognize ‘the City’ and the Vatican have been engineering their end-time geopolitical strategies to impersonate the prophecies of Scripture in a psyop whereby the nations of the world will grant global hegemony to the pope of the Judaeo-Roman Catholic church; and they will. But after three and a half years Rome will break her agreement with the so-called Jews, who will attack and destroy Vatican City State. Rome is relying on the sword to prevent this by bringing the Greater Middle East, North Africa and the bulk of nations under the power of NATO and the (once) Protestant US image to the Beast (Revelation 13:10).
Map of the Mongol EmpireAccording to Ezekiel 38 and 39 and Daniel 2 and 11, other ‘dominos’ in North Africa, the Middle East, and Central Asia must fall to align with or come under dominion to the ten toes of the image of Nebuchadnezzar’s dream “to prepare the highway of the [Mongol] kings of the East” through Kashmir near Islamabad, Pakistan, and perhaps Afghanistan, then to sweep across Iran, Iraq and Saudi Arabia to “make war with the Lamb, but the Lamb will conquer them, for He is Lord over all lords, and King of kings, and those with Him are called, chosen before the foundation of the world, and faithful” (Revelation 17:12-14). It is interesting to follow the physical trail of the Serpent and mark where he has sown his ‘wild oats,’ bearing in mind the curse of ‘multiculturalism’ Jesus foretold in Matthew 24:37 is actually miscegenation “as it was in the days of Noah,” a repetition of the original sin on a global scale (Genesis 6:1-4), and to observe immigration statistics in our once Christian nations. Observe also how the Superpower of Genghis Khan (Chingis Khan), like the UK, USSR and USA, was defeated in Afghanistan. Only the rational mind and military genius of Alexander the Great after three-years of costly and difficult guerilla war, was able to confront intractable tribalism with its all-embracing discipline, deception and stealth, implacable hatred for the Europeans and a passion whose depth was exceeded only by its patience and capacity for suffering. As he marched out, he simply massacred all opposition, never to return.
The vast majority of so-called “Jews,” far from being God’s chosen people, are genetically more closely related to the Hun tribes than to the seed of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Instead of being Israelites, Jews from Eastern Europe and Western Asia were descended from Mongolians and other Asiatic peoples who had adopted Judaism as their “religion.” But this invasion whereof we speak will not take place until after Rome breaks her covenant with the Edomite and Khazar self-styled Jews who will then display allegiance to their tribal kinsmen in Judaeo-Communist Russia which they conquered in 1917 after 1,000 years of warfare. From Russia they will blast all trace of Vatican City State and the United States of America from the face of the earth.
In 1933, the Lord showed Brother Branham seven major continuous visions which must come to pass before His second physical or ‘erchomai’ coming. Five of the seven have since been fulfilled. “In the sixth vision there arose up in America a most beautiful, but cruel woman. She held the people in her complete power. I believed that this was the rise of the Roman Catholic Church, though I knew it could possibly be a vision of some woman rising in great power in America due to a popular vote by women.”
nuclear blastRevelation 17:16; 18:8-10, 17-18, “The ten horns you saw on the beast [which represent the kingdoms into which Imperial Rome divided] all hate the whore and will attack and leave her desolate and naked, and devour her flesh and burn her up with [nuclear] fire. . . thus shall her plagues come in a single day, death, and mourning, and famine; and she will be utterly consumed with [atomic] fire: for mighty is the Lord God who judges her. And the kings of the earth, who committed fornication and were wanton with her, shall weep and lament over her, when they shall see the mushroom cloud of her conflagration, standing afar off for fear of radiation, saying, Alas, alas, that great city Babylon, that mighty city! for her judgment is come in a single hour. . . And all shipmasters, and all company in ships, and sailors, and as many as trade by sea, stood afar off [from MYSTERY BABYLON, not the city in Iraq, for fear of nuclear fallout], and cried out when they saw the mushroom cloud of her burning, What city was like this great city!”

As God raised up Nebuchadnezzar to raze His Temple, destroy Jerusalem and lead her apostate citizens to a lifetime of exile, He has raised up Judaeo-Communism to destroy the antichrist never-at-any-time-Christian Judaeo-Roman Catholic church. As Eve is the natural “mother of all living,” Rome claims she is the second Eve and spiritual mother of living: “Our Lord’s Mystical Body the Catholic Church, supernatural and supranational, which all states and nations are called upon to acknowledge, has been established by God as the one Way for the ordered return of human beings to Him . . . and is the true and sole teacher of virtue and guardian of morals” (Leo XIII Encyclical Letter, Immortale Dei, On the Christian Constitution of States).
Our second or Spiritual birth is by the Man, Christ Jesus the Word, not by the woman or church which is not a spoken Word of God like the first and the last Adam but a byproduct of the man, made so she can deceive and be deceived. Jesus was not lost and in need of redemption but the church was lost in sin and in need of deliverance. Thus, as Eve committed adultery before Adam had knowledge of her, the Judaeo-Roman Catholic church is “the GREAT whore who has corrupted the earth with her prostitution” against Jesus Christ her pretended Husband (Revelation 19:2).
Revelation 17:17-18, “God put it in the heart [of the ten kingdoms] to carry out His purpose in mutual agreement to give their authority to the beast, until the Words of God are fulfilled. And the woman you saw is that great city, which reigns over the kings of the earth.” This takes us to Revelation 16:13-16 where Jesus states emphatically that great city is Rome, the last of the four Gentile world powers that “gathers the kings of the whole world to Armageddon”.
Brother Branham continued, “The last and seventh vision was wherein I heard a most terrible explosion. As I turned to look I saw nothing but debris, craters, and smoke all over the land of America” (An Exposition of the Seven Church Ages, p. 322:2-3). After the nuclear annihilation of Vatican City State and the United States of America the hordes will march toward their fate but this invasion and Armageddon will occur well after our time in the second half of Daniel’s Seventieth Week and result in the consummation of life, “for the Lord will smite the nations with the sharp sword of His spoken Word, and tread the winepress of the fierceness of the wrath of Almighty God” (Revelation 19:11-21; Isaiah 34; 63).
The masters of the world, the ‘City of London’ and its Tavistock Institute which devised the mass civilian bombing raids carried out over Dresden by Roosevelt and Churchill as a clinical experiment in mass terror, under “controlled laboratory conditions” to break down the psychological strength of the individual and render him helpless to oppose the dictators of the World Order (Revelation 17:12), have deployed this technology worldwide to manipulate the potential energy of latent emotions to generate known reflex actions and direct that kinetic energy to produce the outcomes planned by the ‘hidden hand,’ as in the Soros (i.e. Rothschild/Vatican/MI6/CIA/City of London) colour revolutions which draw additional free kinetic powerfrom the instant sympathy generated for the protesters by our alien-controlled media. Rage is an important energy source; it has fueled the uprisings in Tunisia and Egypt, and is powering the ongoing protests in Libya, Yemen, and Bahrain. Next, Saudi Arabia and Iran, then UP goes the price of oil . . . as planned . . . according to Brother Lindsey Williams. He explains the US cannot produce its own oil because they are under a contract negotiated by the City’s Sir Henry Kissinger to purchase Saudi oil, and the Jewish Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is contracted to purchase US Treasury bills until the price of oil reaches US$200/barrel. This has enabled Rothschild’s Federal Reserve to monetize and export inflation with a lien over the wealth of individuals and the nation. A similar agreement was made with China which accepted US Treasury Bills in payment for her exports to the United States. This also benefited the large US corporations which shifted production to China and exported their product back to the US, creating unemployment and bankrupting corporations that continued to manufacture in the States.
‘The City’ plans to collapse the US$ by the end of 2012, double-crossing the Saudis by vaporizing the worth of US T-Bills held by OPEC countries. This will bankrupt the Arabs, Japanese and Chinese, because America’s T-Bills are funding trillions of dollars of worthless derivatives. The MoneyPower has privatized hard assets and profits, both public and private, or moved them offshore, then socialized the loss, as in the ongoing “quantitative easing” scam. Do you see why they have encouraged nations to run budget deficits, introduced privatization and public-private partnerships in essential utilities and hard assets—roads, sea and airports, minerals, timber, water, etc., in exchange for keystroke fiat money? Preplanned hyperinflation will destroy the value of the US dollar, raising the price of crude oil.
If you can see this you should understand that your elected representatives may be the best politicians money can buy, but they are not serving their nation or their electors. They are serving the elite of ‘the City,’ prosecuting its plans for the destruction of the middle class and its return to serfdom under global hegemony wherein YOU will do as you are told!
As I write the world no longer trusts US credit and the value of the dollar has plummeted. Over the last six months, China, Kuwait, Switzerland, Ecuador, Syria, Libya, South Korea, Argentina, Iran, Russia, Malaysia, Brazil, and some Balkan countries have ceased to hold dollars as their reserve currency ( Venezuela, Nigeria, Bolivia, and Russia—the world’s largest oil producer—who supply America with oil, will not accept payment in US dollars. Now OPEC has made the same decision, which means the US can no longer export her inflation, so living standards must fall, drastically.
Further, when the price of oil is manipulated to US$200/barrel by the falling value of the dollar, the banksters plan to replace the dollar with a single America-wide currency. Meanwhile, they will have foreclosed once profitable now bankrupt enterprises and real estate for cents in the dollar, and Americans will become serfs under Judaeo-Communist collectivism. At this point the elite will open the US oil fields, which hold many times the reserves of all other nations combined and redevelop United States industry. According to Lindsay Williams (2), America will sell her oil for US$50/barrel against which the impoverished Arabs will be unable to compete. The Chinese economy will enter a depression with the collapse of the US dollar, low US wages and perhaps import tariffs.

This is Cabala!
Could the alliance NATO is courting with the African Union and the nations of the Greater Middle East, and huge military bases in Iraq and Afghanistan be intended to restrain the wrath of these occupied peoples under one totalitarian world government? Meanwhile, China has contracted with Russia (and Iran) to supply all the oil and gas it requires. Do you see Scripture unfolding? Do you detect a natural motive for the destruction of the United States as portrayed in Brother Branham’s seventh major continuous vision?
It is all planned, but God has another plan—the Judaeo-Roman Catholic church will refinance the US dollar with gold backing. At the end of his long DVD Lindsay Williams explains how the children of Cain are religious and cover themselves by telling the truth, but in an ambiguous, Talmudic manner like the oracle of Delphi, because their morals are based upon works and the ‘magic’ of Cabala, not revelation which is faith or a clear understanding of the mind of God.
Brother Branham said: “Castro done the only smart thing he ever did do then, when he destroyed the bonds: paid them off and destroyed them. Notice, but we can’t do that. These guys won’t let us.”

“The rich merchants of the earth hold it, and then there’s only one thing to do: the Catholic church can pay it off. She’s the only one that’s got the money; she can do it, and she will do it.”
“And in doing this to get it, she’ll compromise with the Jews and make a covenant, and when she makes this covenant with the Jews. . . Now, remember, I’m taking this from the Scriptures. And now, when she does this and makes this covenant, we notice in Daniel 8:23 and 25 ‘he will cause craft to prosper in his hand,’ (and craft is manufacturing).”
“And he makes this covenant with the Jews, and in the midst of this three and a half years, he breaks his covenant as soon as he gets the thing wrapped up and gets the money of the Jews tied up. And when he does that, oh, my, oh, my, he’s called the antichrist until the end of the Church Age, for he and his children are against Christ and the Word. This man’s called the antichrist. Now, he’s going to hold the money. And that’s where I think he’ll come in. Just a minute, while I say this, then I want to go back to it in a minute.”
“He’s called the antichrist and will be called the antichrist in the sight of God until the end time. Now, but then he’ll be called something else. [The beast – Ed]” (The Revelation of the Seven Seals, p. 169:2-7).
“The love of money is the root of all evil. And I believe that right along in there will start the ball a-rolling. Now, the Catholic church back there from charging for mass and so forth, holds the wealth of the world. You remember, the Bible said she was rich, and how she was. And remember, not only just on one nation, she’s rich on every nation there is under heaven. She reaches out. She has the money [Revelation 18]. Now, what they don’t have, Wall Street has which is controlled by the Jews.”
“Now, and you remember he got the money. When Jacob returned, last night we find out, and become Israel, he really had the money, but his money wouldn’t buy him nothing (See?) to Esau. Esau had it too, see both anti . . . See, just as perfectly” (Ibid p. 505:2-4).
“So you see, my dear Conningsby, the world is governed by very different personages from what is imagined by those who are not behind the scenes” . . . “Governments do not govern, but merely control the machinery of government, being themselves controlled by the hidden hand” (Benjamin Disraeli).
This subversion of man is possible because the ‘hidden hand’ controls education and the media, treating the plebeians like mushrooms. As I write, Zbigniew Brzezinski’s “Clash of Civilizations” is being orchestrated from behind the scenes by the usurers of the City of London and its colonies, the Black Nobility and the Vatican, who have surreptitiously marshaled the potential energy of peoples oppressed by dictators and economic regimes imposed by ‘the City,’ transforming that latent resource into kinetic energy to oust the dictators, replacing them with Hegelian two-party sham democracies more easily managed from behind the scenes than a strong man who, like Stalin, Khrushchev, the Shah of Iran, JFK, and Saddam Hussein decides to run his own race. So the current uprisings are neither spontaneous, nor are they domestic ‘grass roots’ incentives. Planned years beforehand, they are funded offshore by the masters of existing dictators.
Egypt's April 6 Youth Movement sporting the omnipresent Optor fistSuspicious similarities could be seen between the Egyptian unrest and another, known US-backed uprising in Serbia. Serbia’s Otpor, or the “resistance,” was funded to the tune of millions by the US National Endowment for Democracy. Its signature clenched fist logo adorned flags, signboards, and t-shirts carried by the US State Department-laid Astro Turf until the ousting of Slobodan Milosevic in 2000. The exact same logo would turn up 11 years later across the Mediterranean Sea in the streets of Cairo, illustrating further the preposterous, foreign-backed nature of the Egyptian uprisings recycling revolutionary “props” from the CIA Coup-College.
The mainstream media news and commentary by our political leaders is disinformation. Aside from geopolitical strategies to monopolize natural resources or gain the high ground in public perception, or militarily, certain obstacles are common to globalists of all competing factions. Sharia law forbids usury, this makes religion and politics indivisible and Islamic nations unsubmissive to the non-Islamic global elite. The long-term plan of Judaeo-Catholicism is to ally or convert Islamists through fear of Judaeo-Communism and the fraud of our Lady of Fatemah, while ‘the City’ plans to neuter and as far as possible exterminate political Islam along with political Zionism in World War III. And whereas Judaeo-Communism is irreconcilable with either Judaeo-Roman Catholicism or Islam, and enmity with the Vatican, it is a creation of Rothschilds who bear the title, “Guardians of the Vatican Treasury”.
Rothschild’s usurers, the Vatican, MI6/CIA, Black Nobility, Judaeo-Masonry and the other players of the City of London and its colonies have been the agenteurs behind all revolutions since the French Revolutions. The present uprisings were all pre-planned and funded by their Tavistock Institute and its Rand Corporation which produced the political statement of intent for the US government, “Building Moderate Muslim Networks,” associated ‘thinktanks’ and tax-free foundations, US government agencies, NGOs and multinational corporations, Soros (Rothschild) and other organs of ‘the City.’ And in 2009 the Brookings Institute released its blueprint, “Which Path to Persia?” to George II’s Administration suggesting means for provoking Iran to war with a view to conquest and occupation.

Revelation 16:13-14, “. . . (your name as a Member of Christ’s end-time Bride) . . . saw three unclean spirits like frogs issue from the mouth of the dragon, and out of the mouth of the beast, and out of the mouth of the false prophet.” This is Satan (Revelation 12:3-4) insinuating himself as the antichrist spirit of Imperial Rome—“the Dragon stood before the woman who was ready to be delivered, to devour her Child as soon as He was born”—to the false prophet, or pope of Papal Rome (Revelation 13:1-4) and finally incarnating her last pope known as the beast when he is cast down to earth at the close of the Gentile dispensation (Revelation 12:9-10; 17:7-11) in the days of “the toes of the feet [of the image in Nebuchadnezzar’s dream], part of iron and part of clay” (Daniel 2:40-44; 7:20-25). “For they are demonic spirits, working miracles, [uniting Protestantism and all religions under Rome, ostensibly against Judaeo-Communism], who go abroad to the kings of the whole world, to gather them to the battle of that great day of God Almighty”.
In one of his last interviews before he was murdered in 1999, former Jesuit Malachi Martin, an advisor to three popes and also involved with Vatican intelligence, assessing things in Israel, told Uri Dowbenko, “I think that from the very start John Paul II for whatever reasons, has sought after one thing and one thing only. The formation of what now appears to be in his mind, a universal assemblage of Catholics at the core; grouped with them the Protestant denominations, sects and churches; grouped around them believing Jews, believing Muslims, believing Hindus, believing Buddhists. And that would be a universal religious assembly” (Uri Dowbenko, Bushwhacked: Inside Stories of True Conspiracy, p. 213). This “demonic miracle” will form an image unto the beast “to gather the whole world to the battle of that great day of God Almighty”!
This is today’s news, but Ezekiel 38 and 39 and Daniel’s Seventieth Week will precede Armageddon. However, these two verses trace the two churches and two spirits from Pentecost to their consummation.
Brother Branham said: “Now remember, it was Imperial Pagan Rome that fell by the sword. But she was healed of her death stroke when she joined to the nominal Christian church of Rome and incorporated paganism and Christianity, and thereby became the Holy Roman Empire which was to endure until Jesus came and destroyed her. But Rome is not going it alone. Her daughters are right with her and she will take over absolute authority by the World Council of Churches.”

“This may seem far fetched to some but actually it is very plain for all to see because right now the churches are controlling politics and at the opportune time will manifest exactly how great is that control. This ecumenical move will end up with Rome at the head even though the people did not envision it that way. This is so because in Revelation 17:3-6 it states that the whore, Mystery Babylon is seated on the beast. She is controlling the last, or fourth empire. This Roman Church is doing that. With the world church system under her Rome will be controlling, and this image (church system) will be obedient to Rome because Rome controls the gold of the world.”
“Thus all the people have to belong to the world church system or be at the mercy of the elements for they cannot buy or sell without the mark of the beast in the hand or head. This mark in the head means that they will have to take the doctrine of the world church system which is trinitarianism, etc., and the mark in the hand which means to do the will of the world church. With this great power the church systems will persecute the true Bride. This image will try to keep the Bride from preaching and teaching, etc. Her ministers will be forbidden to give comfort and truth to the people who need it. But before the antichrist (in person) takes over this complete world system of churches the true church will be taken away from this world to be with the Lord. God will catch away His Bride for the great Marriage Supper of the Lamb” (An Exposition of the Seven Church Ages, p.376).
Meanwhile, the United States government “hates the freedoms” of its own citizens and the citizens of all other nations:
“While Mrs. Clinton hypocritically praised the role of social networking sites in helping to bring down torture-friendly, corrupt regimes in Egypt and Tunisia (close US allies in the multibillion dollar kabuki dance known as the “War on Terror”), a grand jury was investigating whether there are grounds for filing criminal charges against WikiLeaks, its founder Julian Assange, and the heroic Bradley Manning, the incarcerated Army private suspected of leaking compromising files to the organization.
Outraged by revelations of American war crimes in Afghanistan and Iraq, the Apache helicopter gunship murder of a dozen people, including two Reuters journalists, as well as the release of thousands of diplomatic cables, the secret state is bringing the full weight of its formidable machinery down upon anyone, anywhere who have the temerity to challenge the lies of our militarist masters. . . forcing Twitter to turn over users’ data to the government would hand the state a veritable road map of people connected to WikiLeaks, including journalists who may have communicated with the group, and would seriously chill free speech. . .
“WikiLeaks says it suspects that other large sites like Google and Facebook have received similar requests and simply went along with the government”. . . while the US government affirms that the private communications of American citizens are fair game to be trolled by secret state snoops, fraud and serious crimes carried out under the dark banner of an endless “War on Terror” are treated, like evidence of torture and other crimes against humanity, as if they “never happened.”
As the result of software fraud, the United States was a hair’s breath from blasting commercial airliners from the skies and killing hundreds of innocent people, the CIA “never did an assessment to determine how a ruse had turned into a full-blown international incident, officials said, nor was anyone held accountable.” The fraud became a “state secret,” there was no charge, and no one was blamed—they “were promoted” (
Or how about the corrupt FBI and US ‘Justice’ Department trying to frame an innocent man for supplying the Soviet-era Granit naval cruise missile that struck the Pentagon to the 9/11 terrorists, whom they do not name. They can’t, because that would reveal to the world what really happened on September 11, 2001?
The hour is coming and now is when all God’s elect will possess the Truth revealed for this hour (II Peter 1:12; I John 1:7), which is the “shout” of the Message of the Prophet of Malachi 4:5-6 and Revelation 10:7 confirmed by the “voice” of the Archangel (I Thessalonians 4:14-16; Matthew 25:6; Revelation 18:4) which has placed is in the “rapture” waiting for Israel’s Seventh Trumpet, the resurrection of the sleeping saints, and the manifestation of the Sons of God to endue us with faith for translation grace (I Corinthians 15:46-57; Romans 8:19).
Jesus said, “You shall know the truth, and the truth will set you free from your enslavement to sin” (John 8:32-34). Sin is unbelief in the revealed Word of God. But Judaeo-Roman Catholics, so-called Protestants, Pharisees and Islamists will not loose themselves from Satan’s shackles, because they hate our freedoms in Christ. nl674.htm

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Brother Grigor-Scott is a
non-denominational minister who has ministered full-time since 1981, primarily
to other ministers and their congregations in other countries. He pastors
Bible Believers’ tiny congregation, and is available to teach in your church.

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The Mark of the Beast – Part VII

February 19, 2011

Bible Believers’ Newsletter 673

“We focus on the present Truth – what Jesus is doing now. . .”

ISSN 1442-8660

Christian greetings in the precious Name of our Lord Jesus Christ.

As you read this week’s news you will recognize the United States has morphed into the “image to the Roman beast” foretold 2,000 years ago by Jesus Christ and exposed as “the great Satan, the wounded snake, and enemy number one” thirty years ago by the Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, yet Christian ministers so-called cannot see it today. We are at the collapse of the world system.

I Peter 5:6-9 admonished, “Humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God, that He may exalt you in due time: cast all your care upon Him; for He cares for you. Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the Devil, as a roaring lion, walks about, seeking whom he may devour: resist him steadfast in the faith, knowing that the same afflictions are inflicted on other Christians around the world [including Iran]”.

Do not restrict yourself to just reading this weekly Church Newsletter but send copy to a friend, and make full use of the Christian Resources of the Church Website. This week’s main article, The Mark of the Beast – Part VII should complete our study on this subject for the present.

This Newsletter serves those of like precious faith. Whoever will receive the truth is welcome to feed their soul from the waters of the River of Life. Everything here presented should be confirmed personally in your own Bible.

Your brother-in-Christ, Anthony Grigor-Scott

Ultra-Orthodox defend Right to kill Gentiles

February 9, 2011 — In the past two weeks, two more Palestinians have been murdered by Ultra-Orthodox settlers. (See Haaretz articles: “Palestinians: Rock-throwing teen shot dead by West Bank settlers” and “Palestinian killed after settlers open fire in West Bank village”). Now “a senior figure in religious Zionism,” Rabbi Dov Lior, chief rabbi of Arba, is being sought by police for questioning. Dov Lior publicly agrees with the controversial book
The King’s Torah, that Jews have the right to kill Gentiles.

The rabbi refuses to report to police headquarters, saying he “will not take part in the dishonoring of the Torah.” Two thousand of his supporters gathered around his home Tuesday, barring police from serving the warrant. Haaretz reports that Knesset member Michael Ben-Ari also supports the rabbi and calls the warrant a travesty. “This is a regime of fear… The issuance of an arrest warrant against a great Torah figure of such magnitude, when all this is about is the backing he gave to a book, is a crossing of a red line, McCarthyism. . .” he said.

Actually, this is just mild unpleasantness between the Israeli government and Ultra-Orthodox Jews who interpret the Talmud and Zohar (Kabala) literally—as the Pharisees who wrote these books intended. The government also venerates the Talmud. But it must appear to protect the rights of Palestinians and Arabs in the Occupied Territories. That isn’t made easier by the facts that Israel’s chief rabbinate is now largely controlled by Ultra-Orthodox or that Orthodoxy is the official religion of Israel.

How intent is the government on prosecution of Lior? As could be expected, the case against Rabbi (and former MK) Yaakov Yosef, who coauthored The King’s Torah and was arrested in January 2010, was thrown out because of “incorrect procedures” by the police. Full story:

Comment: To Jewry “Torah” means its antithesis, the so-called ‘Oral’ Torah, or Talmud “that makes the Word of God of none effect” (Matthew 15:9). For information on this developing conflict, read: “The Complete Guide for Killing Gentiles.”

Dresden . . . a Real Holocaust

February 13, 2011 — There are thousands of movies, books and memorials dedicated to the victims of Nazi Germany, yet, the enormous amount of war crimes committed by the WWII victors upon innocent German people during and after WWII are unofficially made taboo subjects by the mainstream media. My little letter only scratches the surface of truth.

victims of dresdenDresden in 1945 was a beautiful city of 650,000 people. On February 13 of that year, the city was bulging with about 750,000 refugees camped in parks, and on the sidewalks and streets, having fled from the path of the invading Soviet Army. Everyone felt safe there, for Dresden was not a military target; it was a hospital city, boasting 25 major medical facilities. The city didn’t manufacture war material, and so was left undefended. . .

Figures range between 450,000 to 600,000 people killed in Dresden. It was man’s worst massacre. The ominous 13th of February should be designated as a day of mourning and remembrance. . . Full story:

Churchill, Roosevelt and Stalin, at the Yalta Three Jewish murderers, Churchill, Roosevelt and Stalin at the Yalta Conference. . . “This is not to say that the mountains of corpses left in Dresden were ignored by the Nuremberg Tribunal. In one final irony, the prosecution presented photographs of the Dresden dead as “evidence” of alleged National Socialist atrocities against Jewish concentration-camp inmates! Churchill, the monster who ordered the Dresden slaughter, was knighted, and the rest is history. The cold-blooded sadism of the massacre, however, is brushed aside by his biographers, who still cannot bring themselves to tell how the desire of one madman to “impress” another one led to the mass murder of up to a half million men, women and children.” Full story: The “terrible Swedish Jew,” Eisenhower, murdered millions of unarmed, capitulated Germans in real extermination camps after the war was over.

The Shame of being an American…

February 15, 2011 — The United States government has overestimated the amount of shame that it and American citizens can live down. On February 15 ‘the indispensable people’ had to suffer the hypocrisy of the US Secretary of State delivering a speech about America’s commitment to Internet freedom while the US Department of Justice (sic) brought unconstitutional action against Twitter to reveal any connection between WikiLeaks and Bradley Manning, the American hero who, in keeping with the US Military Code, exposed US government war crimes and who is being held in punishing conditions not permitted by the US Constitution. The corrupt US government is trying to create a ‘conspiracy’ case against Julian Assange in order to punish him for revealing US government documents that prove beyond every doubt the mendacity of the US government.

This is pretty bad, but it pales in comparison to the implications revealed on February 15 in the British newspaper, The Guardian. . .

“Curveball” represents a new level of immorality. Rafid al-Janabi shares responsibility for one million dead Iraqis, 4 million displaced Iraqis, a destroyed country, 4,754 dead American troops, 40,000 wounded and maimed American troops, $3 trillion of wasted US resources, every dollar of which is a debt burden to the American population and a threat to the dollar as reserve currency, ten years of propaganda and lies about terrorism and al Qaeda connections, an American “war on terror” that is destroying countless lives in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Yemen, Somalia, and which has targeted Iran, and which has destroyed the Bill of Rights, the US Constitution, and the civil liberties that they guarantee. And the piece of lying excrement, Rafid al-Janabi, is proud that he brought Saddam Hussein’s downfall at such enormous expense. . . a totally incompetent American government has bought enormous instability to its puppet states in the Middle East, because it desperately wanted to believe faulty ‘intelligence’ from Germany that an immoralist provided evidence that Saddam Hussein had Weapons of Mass Destruction.

And America is a superpower, an indispensable nation. . . What a total joke!
Full story: Paul Craig Roberts

Conspiracy Tactics from the Chamber

The three so-called monotheistic religions—Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, claim Abraham as their father, however their polytheistic convictions inculcated by a constant infusion of false history, theology and lying psychology from cradle to grave induce them to willfully or ignorantly worship the Babylonian trinity of gods, whereby they repudiate the faith of Abraham and Words of God’s vindicated prophets. Unknown to the average worshipper, the motivation of each of these religious systems is “the will to power,” and the object of their devotion is Satan, “the [false] god of fortresses,” typed by and worshipped as the rebel, Nimrod (Daniel 11:38; Alexander Hislop, The Two Babylons, p. 30-52). Thus Satan is worshipped by every nation, tribe and tongue as Ninus, Bacchus, Tammuz, Osiris, Iswara, Krishna, Deoius, Jupiter, Plutus, Hercules, the Anglo-Saxon Zer-Nebo-Gus or “seed of the prophet Cush,” Neptune, Kronos, Centaur, Sagittarius of the Zodiac, Khons, Consus, Apollo, Jesus Christ, etc., whereas Allah corresponds to the Babylonian god Baal of whom Arabs knew long before Mohammed worshipped him as the supreme God.

We must understand that God deals personally one on one with those He calls His Own. Although we identify with a group of genuine believers in the present Truth—what Jesus is doing now—God will only identify with individual members who are His elect. He deals with Israel as a nation, but only in the Land of their Covenant, and only with an election, so that when “all Israel is born-again in one day” it will number only 144,000 souls, because in God’s eyes the majority of the group is not Israel (Romans 9:6; 11:26; Isaiah 66:8; Revelation 7:4-8). There are any number of Jewish, even Mosaic denominations, thousands of so-called Christian denominations, and scores of Islamic denominations; not one of these is in the “common faith.” Faith is the mind of God in you—not in the group; it cannot change and will never fail. Anything else is the hiss of the Serpent and the mark of the beast.

Satan has a religion or form of worship for every one, no matter how he is deceived, and like these so-called monotheistic religions, each option bears the mark of the beast, which is the wisdom of human reasoning against the revealed Word of God. And “Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every Word that proceeds from the mouth of God,” so the kingdom of Satan is built by adding to or taking from His Word (Matthew 4:4; Revelation 22:17-19).

The crime of seeking a medium sealed the doom of king Saul (I Chronicles 10:13), and from this time to the days of Isaiah there is no mention of mediums in the history of Israel. Hezekiah ascended the throne of Judah in about 726BC, just five years before the Lord God sent Assyria to disperse the apostate northern kingdom of Israel for adopting the trinity. Before Hezekiah’s sons were born, Isaiah prophesied they would be taken captive to serve as eunuchs in the palace of the king of Babylon (II Kings 20:18). The name “Manasseh,” which means forgetting, was given to the heir to the throne as a pledge of amnesty of past discords between Israel and Judah, and a bond of union between Hezekiah’s crown and the northern kingdom. It embodied his cherished policy to take advantage of Shalmanasser’s overthrow of the rival northern kingdom and gather the remnant which was not transported and attach them to one divinely sanctioned worship at Jerusalem (II Chronicles 30:6, 18).

Hezekiah had allied himself with Babylon against Assyria but when he foolishly displayed his treasures to the Babylonian ambassadors, Isaiah foretold the Captivity (Isaiah 39). Manasseh inherited his father’s legacy of ambition and close union with Babylon which Isaiah had condemned, and the idolatry Hezekiah had checked, not stifled (Isaiah 65:3-4) rekindled so that the abominations of various lands, especially of Babylon, were brought together in Jerusalem. “He built altars for Baalim and made a grove [with phallic poles for his consort Ashtoreth, for which women dedicated to impurity wove hangings for the Temple] as had king Ahab of Israel . . . and built altars for the host of heaven in the two courts of the Lord’s house . . . He made his sons pass through the fire [to the Ammonite god Moloch (Leviticus 18:21; 20:2-5), and in imitation of the Babylonians he] observed times, used enchantments, witchcraft, and dealt with familiar spirits and wizards” (II Kings 21:2-6; II Chronicles 33). Manasseh build houses for Sodomites and their unspeakable practices adjacent to the Temple (II Kings 23:7), cast down the altar of sacrifice, displaced the ark of the Covenant, ignored the sabbath (II Chronicles 33:16; 35:3) and sawed Isaiah in half for his faithful protest (Hebrews 11:37; Isaiah 57:1-4; Josephus, Antiquities of the Jews, x, 3:1).

In consequence of these abominable practices the Lord God of Israel promised a judgment so terrible that the ears of him who heard it would tingle: He would level Jerusalem to the ground, even as He destroyed Samaria, and treat the holy city as one wipes a dish, wiping it, and turning it upside down lest a single drop of moisture should remain (II Kings 21:12-13).

Josiah succeeded Manasseh and despite his zeal, his reformation was transient. To the very last the infatuated nation shunned the Word of the Lord and followed false prophets and enchanters, so that His Temple and Jerusalem were razed and Judea’s citizens transported to Babylon for a lifetime (Jeremiah 27:9-10). Indeed Zechariah 13:2 prophesied that Israel would be a land of idolatry and false prophets until the 144,000 elect are born-again. “In that day, declares the Lord of hosts, I will cut off the names of the idols from the land, so that they shall be remembered no more: and I will cause the prophets and spirit of uncleanliness to pass out of the land.” This prophecy is affirmed by Jesus Christ, who prophesied that even after the midst of Daniel’s Seventieth Week, Israel will be known as spiritualist, apostate, and profane like “Sodom and Egypt, and as the place where the Lord of glory was crucified” (Revelation 11:8).

The testimony of the Bible against magical arts, false gods and witchcraft is consistent in both Testaments (Deuteronomy 18:12), and found in the catalog of those who will have their part in the lake of Fire and warned that they shall never walk the streets of the golden city (Revelation 21:8; 22:15).

Brother Branham said, “All the people have to belong to the world church system or be at the mercy of the elements for they cannot buy or sell without the mark of the beast in the hand or head. This mark in the head means that they will have to take the doctrine of the world church system which is trinitarianism, etc., and the mark in the hand which means to do the will of the world church. With this great power the church systems will persecute the true Bride. This image will try to keep the Bride from preaching and teaching, etc. Her ministers will be forbidden to give comfort and truth to the people who need it. But before the antichrist (in person) takes over this complete world system of churches, the true Church will be taken away from this world to be with the Lord. God will catch away His Bride for the great Marriage Supper of the Lamb.

The purpose of this detail is to provide citations in support of the fact that although most so-called and self-styled Jews, so-called Christians, and Moslems are in ignorance, they are in fact still pagans worshipping the Babylonian trinity of gods, for which apostasy God consigned Israel to exile from the land of the Covenant—the greatest reproach that can be brought upon an Israelite, and brought Judea under Gentile dominion unto the consummation of life (Daniel 2; Romans 11:25).
These people bear the mark of the beast NOW, and know it not.

Jewish scholars and those who wrote the Talmud and Cabala consciously teach and worship a trinity of gods. Their false religion is intellectual reasoning and not faith (Deuteronomy 18:15-22). In The Life and Times of Jesus the MessiahAlfred Edersheim lists 456 Old Testament passages Messianically applied in the most ancient rabbinic writings supported by more than 558 separate quotations from the Targumim the two Talmuds, and the most ancient Midrashim, and frequently from the well-known work Yalkut (APPENDIX IX to Vol. i. Book II. ch. v).

According to the Zohar itself, the “mysteries of Wisdom” were imparted by God to Adam whilst he was still in the garden of Eden and from Adam the Cabala was passed to Seth, thence to Enoch, Noah, Abraham, and Moses, one of its principal exponents. Other Jewish authorities declare that Moses received it for the first time on Mount Sinai and communicated it to the seventy elders, by whom it was handed down to David and Solomon, then to Ezra and Nehemish, and finally to the great Cabalists of history, including Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai and Rabbi Isaac Luria. Luria (1533-1572) allegedly received a new Cabala from the prophet Elijah and inaugurated the modern Cabalistic school in Florence. His doctrines were organized into a practical system by the Khazar Hasidim of Eastern Europe for the writing of amulets, the conjugation of demons, mystical juggling with numbers and letters, etc., (Jewish Encyclopaedia, “Cabala“). This is the mark of the beast: wisdom against the revealed Word of God.

Cabalistic Tree of lifeThe concept of a unity in a trinity or even more gods, has its roots within the ancient Jewish traditions of the Cabala. In this late Cabalistic tradition, originating in the 16th century in the city of Safed, an ancient town in the mountains of Northern Israel, an essential part of the representations of the Tree of Life or Etz Hayim is a set of three vertical lines of light, each line being headed by Sefirot (numbers or degrees of altruistic quality at the top). These three Sefirot form a spiritual or heavenly triangle, which rules the whole earthly part of the Tree of Life. It is obvious that Sefirot of Kether (or Crown), the uncreated First Splendour—pure and luminous light pulsating in boundless, undivided space; Chochmah (or Wisdom), the Second Splendor, whose division is the initial impulse to creative action, and the beginning of all things; and Binah (or Understanding), by which three-dimensional form limits force and embodies the dynamic qualities which by attraction and resistance, connect and challenge, move and transmit, harmonize and mobilize creative forces into being. This is one form of expressing the Cabalistic trinity.

first three Splendours of Cabalistic Tree of LifeThis image portrays the trinity in a Cabalistic definition from an illuminated manuscript in Seville Cathedral. The Sephiroth read PATER, FILIUS, SPIRITUS SANCTUS, DEUS: Father, Son, Holy Spirit, with God in the center. The Paths read NON EST and EST: “Is Not” and “Is.” This is identical to the Cabalistic definition of the trinity, an artistic variation on the full Tree of Life. Compare the position of the Sun in the center on the full Tree and the Christian Tree. This is identical to the diagram employed by the “Jesus Only,” or Pentecostal Oneness people, in which they portray a three-spoked wheel and hub which is God. The spokes, which run from the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit to the hub bear the word “is” as the illuminated manuscript says in French, “est,” while the rim between the three says “is not.” Both the Jesus Only reckoning and this variation on the Cabalistic Tree of Life contain a measure intellectual truth, but without revelation they are ultimately erroneous.

Those to whom Jesus Messiah, the mystery of God is revealed (Revelation 10:7) will recognize a marvelous truth in this “Tree of Life,” hidden from the Cabalist’s intellectual reasoning against Moses and the prophets, and it is certainly not a trinity but what we explained in our series, The Creation of God and His One Eternal Purpose.” The above diagrams and three related diagrams explain g-d and creation according to Cabalistic gematria, and seek to explain God’s purpose, but without faith (II Corinthians 3:18; Ephesians 1:9-23). However, they do imply that “If the rejection of Israel meant the reconciliation of the world, what must their acceptance be, but life from the dead” (Romans 11:15)?

It is said that Lurianic teachings and Hasidism (i.e. piety), a movement founded by Rabbi Israel ben Eliezer (1700-1760) also known as the Baal Shem Tov, were created by the Vatican to destroy and replace the true Torah with false teaching and confusing content, effectively penetrating the Jewish mind. Clearly this task was accomplished centuries before the birth of Jesus Messiah by the lewd teachings that became the false ‘Oral’ Torah or Palestinian and Babylonian Talmud.

Jewish Cabalism has been the secret haunt of the trinity doctrine since the days of the Captivity. Even prior to their eviction from the Holy Land, the Jews worshiped a trinity in the form of “Baal, Ashtoreth, and Tammuz.” In Egypt the Israelites served the Egyptian trinity, Isis, Osiris, and Horus (Joshua 24:14). And while Moses was in the mount Israelites changed the glory of their invisible God into the likeness of a calf the Egyptians had worshipped (Exodus 20:4-5; 32; Acts 7:40-41); Elijah confronted the trinitarians on Mount Carmel (I Kings 18:21), and each prophet in his generation excoriated this pagan concept and forbad its application to the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. This carnal explanation of godhead in the relationship of a God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Ghost entered Christendom at the First Nicaea Council in 325AD through the mysticism of Pharisaism, now called Judaism (Revelation 2:1-17).

Perhaps the most celebrated Jewish Gnostic of the Christian era was Philo Judaeaus (20BC-AD50),of Alexandria, who in AD40 undertook a mission to Caligula to protest against the emperor’s claim to divinity. In his writings he attempted to reconcile Judaism with Platonic and Stoic ideas. His daughter Bernice, was the wife of Herod Agrippa, who tried the apostle Paul. Philo is recognized as the first who “openly” applied Babylonian and Greek methods of mysticism in an allegorical re-interpretation of the Scriptures. He considered the Greek philosophers on a level with the Prophets and believed their logic, reasonings, and hypostasis were divine in origin. Later, so did the Judaeo-Roman and Judaeo-Greek Catholics. Many Jews, following Philo’s beliefs, Hellenized, and adopted the trinity concept of Plato and applied it to their God. This Gnosticism is known as Cabalism, and is the spiritual and metaphysical strength of the Babylonian and Jerusalem Talmuds. Few know that behind Jewish mysticism is the secret belief in a triad of gods in interlocking trinities. These powers or elohims are pictured in the ten emanations of the Sefiroth, or Tree of Life, in Cabalism. This mysticism invalidates the literal meaning and interpretation of the Scriptures.

By the time of Athanasius (293AD-373AD), Platonism had reached its intellectual peak in Egypt where Judaism had conformed to its philosophical reasoning of the trinitarian nature of godhead. Paul and the apostles being led of the Spirit were acquainted with Platonism, rejected its “philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ” (Colossians 2:8). Thus it took another 275 years before Satan and his dupes, led by Athanasius, were able to impose this heresy upon the nominal church, and a further 126 years before the Bible-denying so-called Nicene Creed was approved in 451 at Chalcedony by a council of men without revelation by the Spirit.

Athanasius was a Greek philosopher inside the pre-Nicaea church who learned this philosophy in university where he studied and applied it brilliantly to the Scriptures as none before him. Despite the absence of the word “trinity” in the Bible the genius and diplomatic power of this young deacon persuaded the unregenerate bishops, already imbued with Greek philosophy, to fall for his re-interpretation of monotheism contrary to the “foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ Himself, the chief corner stone” (Ephesians 2:20).

With church and state united and the Babylonian trinitarian religion officially joined to the Judaeo-Roman impersonation of Christianity, Satan now had access to the Name of Christ and as we have shown, he was enthroned as God in worship. With the help of federal aid the churches fell heir to beautiful buildings lined with white marble images of Roman idols that were renamed as departed saints. It was in this Age that the Imperial “beast” of Revelation 13:3 was wounded to death and restored to power as the “Holy Roman Empire.” As a material nation Rome had suffered much depletion and soon would suffer it completely; but it mattered not now, for her religious empire would keep her on top of the world governing from the inside where she would not appear to do so from the outside.

Once the Nicene Council had swung the power of political Rome to the church, it seemed that there were no limits to which this first organized church would go. The name, Christian, which originally brought persecution, now became the name of the persecutors. It was in this Age that Augustine of Hippo (354-430) set forth the precept that the church ought and MUST use force if necessary to bring her children back into the fold, and that it was in harmony with the Word of God to kill the heretics and apostates. In his controversy with the Dentists he wrote. . . “It is indeed better that men should be led to worship God by teaching than that they should be driven to it by fear of punishment or pain, but it does not follow that because the former course produces the better men, therefore those who do not yield to it should be neglected. For many have found advantage (as we have proved and are daily proving by actual experience) in being first compelled by fear or pain, so that they might afterwards be influenced by teaching, so that they might follow out in act what they have already learned in word. . . whilst those are better who are guided aright by love, those are certainly more numerous who are corrected by fear. For who can possibly love us more than Christ, Who laid down His life for the sheep?

Yet after calling Peter and the other apostles by His Words alone, when He came to summon Paul, He not only constrained him with His voice, but even dashed him to the earth with His power; and that He might forcibly bring one who is raging amidst the darkness of infidelity, to desire the Light of the heart, He first struck him with physical blindness of the eyes. Why therefore should not the Church use force in compelling her lost sons to return? The Lord Himself said, ‘Go out into the highways and hedges and compel them to come in.’ Wherefore if the power which the Church has received by divine appointment in it’s due season, through the religious character and faith of kings, be the instrument by which those who are found in the highways and hedges—that is in heresies and schisms—are compelled to come in, then let them not find fault with being compelled.”

The Judaeo-Roman Catholic false church ruled by “will to power,” like her Talmudic mother and Islamic offspring, denies God’s gift of free will to every man. From the time of Augustine of Hippo, and especially through the Dark Ages, the children of the flesh persecuted and destroyed the children of the Spirit, though both claim one Father even as Ishmael and Isaac. So the darkness of spiritual corruption deepened and the true Light of God faded until it glowed ever so faintly in ever so few. Yet the promise of God held true, “The light shines in darkness and the darkness can never extinguish it.” With the power of the state behind her the church was literally physically invincible. Religion and politics are coming together again. The tares are being bound. The wheat will soon be ready for the garner, then church and state will be united, and Satan incarnate in Rome’s pope will rule the world and force the mark of the beast as prophesied in Revelation 13:15-18 and 17:11-18.

However, “The Lord God will do nothing without first sending a vindicated prophet with warning and a way to escape impending judgment” (Amos 3:7-8), and these last days He has sent and vindicated William Branham, the prophet of Malachi 4:5-6, Matthew 17:11, Revelation 1:1, 3:14, and 10:7, whose ministry has restored the apostolic faith away from pagan trinitarianism and baptism in three Titles to the true Oneness of the godhead and Scriptural water baptism, and “finished the mystery of God” to call the wise and foolish virgin out from Rome and her (once) Protestant harlot daughters into the unity of the faith for the manifestation of the Sons of God and the translation (Matthew 25:6; I Thessalonians 4:16; Revelation 18:4; Ephesians 4:13; Romans 8:19; I Corinthians 15:46-57). Brother Branham was the third and last angel of Revelation 14:9-11, “Shouting, If anyone worships the beast and its image, and receives his mark on their forehead, or on his hand, he too will drink the wine of God’s wrath, poured undiluted into the cup of His anger, and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels and in the Presence of the Lamb. And [like Rome] the smoke of their torment ascends forever and ever, and they have not rest by day and by night, who worship the beast and its [once Protestant] image, and whoever receives the mark of its name.” God must also show a sign in the heavens (Genesis 1:14; Psalm 19), as He has in fulfillment of Revelation 1:7, 14, Daniel 7:9, Matthew 26:64, and Acts 1:9-11 displayed on our main page.

“The Lion [of the Tribe of Judah (Revelation 5:5)] has roared, who will not fear? The Lord God has spoken, who can but proclaim it (Revelation 10:8-11; 22:17-19)? We are at the end of the Gentile dispensation. The world is in a Sodom condition, and “as it was in the days of Lot” God’s prophet has discerned the thoughts and intents of people’s hearts, revealing “Jesus Christ, the same, yesterday, and today, and forever”—the last sign Jesus promised before the end of our dispensation (Hebrews 4:12; 13:8; Luke 17:28-30; Genesis 18). And as it was in the days of Noah, Adam’s apostate race is in miscegenation with the race of Cain, a global repetition of the original sin, which is genocide to Adam’s race as prophesied by Jesus Christ (Genesis 6:1-4; Matthew 24:37). ‘Multiculturalism’ is accursed of God who separated the different races by language, geography, and culture (Genesis 1:11). But our political, religious and ‘intellectual’ mis-leaders who bear the mark of the beast pit wisdom against God’s revealed Word (faith), inviting the enemy of God and man to divide and conquer civilization by introducing diverse races and religions such as the innocent Islamic people who are inassimilable because sharia does not distinguish religion from politics, church from state, and for personal advantage these politicians have sold the nation to demographic genocide. This brings us to the third so-called monotheistic religion.

Islam is also trinitarian, absolutely unrelated to Abraham by faith but built on the cult of Allah the pagan Moon god which Mohammed transformed into a monotheistic pagan religion. As the German scholar Johannes Hauri points out: “Mohammed’s monotheism was just as much a departure from true monotheism as the polytheistic ideas [of Judaism and Rome – Ed.] . . . Mohammed’s idea of God is out and out deistic” (quoted in Zwemer, Muslim Doctrines, p. 21).

“In recent years I have become increasingly convinced that for an adequate understanding of the career of Muhammad and the origins of Islam great importance must be attached to the existence in Mecca of belief in Allah as a “high god.” In a sense this is a form of paganism, but it is so different from paganism as commonly understood that it deserves separate treatment” (Dr. William Montgomery Watt, Muhammad’s Mecca, p. vii. See also his article, “Belief in a High God in Pre-Islamic Mecca,” Journal of Semitic Studies, vol. 16, 1971, p. 35-40).

“There is no reason, therefore, to accept the idea that Allah passed to the Muslims from the Christians and Jews” (Caesar Farah, Islam: Beliefs and Observations (New York: Barrons, 1987), p. 28). According to Middle East scholar E. M. Wherry, whose translation of the Quran is still used today, in pre-Islamic times Allah-worship, as well as the worship of Baal, were both astral religions in that they involved the worship of the Sun, the Moon, and the Stars (E. M. Wherry, A Comprehensive Commentary on the Quran (Osnabruck: Otto Zeller Verlag, 1973), p. 36). As the moon and the evening star are associated in the heavens, so too were Allat and al-‘Uzza (Venus) together in religious belief, and so too are the crescent and star conjoined on the flags of Arab countries today (Jack Finegan, The Archeology of World Religions, 1952, p. 482-485, 492). The Aus and Khazraj tribes of Medina were the most prominent worshipers of their sister, Manat.

In Arabia, the Sun god was viewed as a female goddess and the Moon as the male god. As has been pointed out by many scholars such as Alfred Guilluame, the Moon god was called by various names, one of which was Allah (Alfred Guillaume, Islam (London: Penguin Books, 1954), p. 6)! The name Allah was used as the personal name of the Moon god, in addition to other titles that could be given to him.

the three daughters of AllahSura 23:91 states, “Never did Allah take to Himself a son . . .” (10.68; 17.111; 18.4; 19:35; 25:2, etc.), however Allah, the Moon god, was married to the Sun goddess. Together they produced three goddesses who were called “the daughters of Allah.” These three goddesses were called Al-Lat, Al-Uzza, and Manat. The daughters of Allah, along with Allah and the Sun goddess, were viewed as “high” gods at the top of the pantheon of Arabian deities. And “Along with Allah, however, they worshipped a host of lesser gods and daughters of Allah” (Encyclopedia of World Mythology and Legend, I:61). Each daughter had a separate shrine near Mecca. In Sura 53:19-22, Mohammed commanded Muslims to pray to Allah’s three daughters as intercessors: “Near it is the Garden of Abode. Behold, the Lote-tree was shrouded (in mystery unspeakable!) (His) sight never swerved, nor did it go wrong! For truly did he see, of the Signs of his Lord, the Greatest! Have ye seen Lat, and ‘Uzza, And another, the third (goddess), Manat? These are the exalted cranes (intermediaries) Whose intercession is to be hoped for. What! for you the male sex, and for Him, the female? Behold, such would be indeed a division most unfair”! The text in italics is the “Satanic Verse” that was expurgated from the Koran. This was the refrain that the Quraysh tribe used to chant as they circumambulated the Ka’ba: “Al-Lat, and al-Uzza and Manat, the third, the other; indeed these are exalted (or lofty, ‘ula) gharaniq; let us hope for their intercession” (The Hajj, F. E. Peters, p 3-41, 1994). The ammendation is in opposition to Malachi 3:6, Galatians 1:8-9 and Hebrews 13:8.

worship of Moon god The symbol of the worship of the Moon god in Arabian culture and elsewhere throughout the Middle East was the crescent Moon. Archaeologists have dug up numerous statues and hieroglyphic inscriptions in which a crescent Moon was seated on top of the head of the deity to symbolize the worship of the Moon god. While the Moon was generally worshiped as a female deity in the ancient Near East, the Arabs viewed it as a male deity. The pope’s monstrance shows the Moon (Astarte) that will receive the eucharistic Son/Sun god, Baal. worship of Moon god

An Allah idol was set up at the Kabah along with all the other idols. The pagans prayed toward Mecca and the Kabah because that is where their gods were stationed. The worship of the Moon god extended far beyond the Allah-worship in Arabia, the entire Fertile Crescent was involved in the worship of the Moon. This, in part, explains the early success of Islam among Arab groups that traditionally had worshiped the Moon god. The use of the crescent Moon as the symbol for Islam placed on the flags of Islamic nations and on the top of mosques and minarets harkens back to the days when Allah was worshiped as the Moon god in Mecca. While this may come as a surprise to many Christians who have wrongly assumed that Allah was simply another name for the God of the Bible, educated Muslims generally understand this point.

The Quraysh tribe into which Muhammad was born was particularly devoted to Allah, the Moon god, and especially to Allah’s three daughters who were viewed as intercessors between the people and Allah. The worship of the three goddesses, Al-Lat, Al-Uzza, and Manat, played a significant role in the worship at the Kabah in Mecca. The first two daughters of Allah had names which were feminine forms of Allah. The literal Arabic name of Muhammad’s father was Abd-Allah. His uncle’s name was Obied-Allah. These names reveal the personal devotion that Muhammad’s pagan family had to the worship of Allah the Moon god, as confirmed in notes on the background of Islam.

“The name Allah, as the Quran itself is witness, was well known in pre-Islamic Arabia. Indeed, both it and its feminine form, Allat, are found not infrequently among the theophorous names in inscriptions from North Africa” (Arthur Jeffery, ed., Islam: Muhammad and His Religion (New York: The Liberal Arts Press, 1958) p. 85). The word comes from the compound Arabic word, ‘al-ilah’. ‘Al’ is the definite article “the” and ‘ilah’ is an Arabic word for “god.” It is not a foreign word. It is not even the Syriac word for God. It is pure Arabic. (For an interesting discussion of the origins of ‘Allah,’ see J. Blau, “Arabic Lexigraphical Miscellanies.” Journal of Semitic Studies, Vol XVII, No. 2, 1972, p. 173-190).

“Allah is a pre-Islamic name. . . corresponding to the Babylonian Bel” (Encyclopedia of Religion, eds. Paul Meagher, Thomas O’Brian, Consuela Aherne (Washington DC: Corpus Pub., 1979), I:117). “The origin of this goes back to pre-Muslim times. Allah is not a common name meaning “God” (or a “god”), and the Muslim must use another word or form if he wishes to indicate any other than his own peculiar deity. “Allah is a proper name, applicable only to their [Arabs’] peculiar God” (James Hastings, Encyclopedia of Religion and Ethics (Edinburgh: T&T Clark, 1908), I:326).

The three self-proclaimed monotheistic ‘Abrahamic’ religions are found to be polytheistic imposts devised and deployed by God’s enemy to exploit those who are content with a second-hand religion delivered by a possibly sincere, but sincerely wrong rabbi, priest, minister, or imam. But where will this leave mankind when grace ends and the Hebrew prophets of Zechariah 4 and Revelation 11 minister to an election of blood Israelites in Israel—among whom Gentile so-called Jews will be non persona grata? After seven years, “the [Devil-incarnate] beast will be taken, and with him the pope who wrought miracles in his presence, by which he deceived all who received the mark of the beast, and who served his image. These two will be cast alive into a lake of Fire burning with brimstone” (Revelation 19:20).

Judaism is not the faith of Abraham, the patriarchs, Moses and the prophets of Israel, but its pharisaic antithesis; almost all so-called Jews are diverse non-Semitic peoples who have been deceived by men with the “will to power” in pursuit of Lucifer’s totalitarian one world government proclaimed by the lewd Babylonian Talmud and spiritualist Cabala. Their claims on God rest upon mythology (Isaiah 8:9-22). Besides, the meaning of the modern word “Jew,” which first appeared in the Bible in the latter part of the eighteenth century, is contrary to the two words it has replaced.

Addressing Israel in about 780BC Hosea 6:1-2 prophesied, “Come, and let us return to the Lord: for He has torn, and He will heal us; He has smitten, and He will bind us up. After two days He will revive us, and on the third day He will raise us up and we may once more live before Him.” We are 2,790 years into the third day of one thousand years, and before the nation of Israel is “raised up” and “born in one day” in “the time of Jacob’s trouble,” then martyred (Isaiah 66:8; Jeremiah 30:7; Matthew 27:25; Revelation 6:11; 14:1-5; 12 – 15:4), grace will have ended for we Gentiles. So if you are a non-Semitic self-styled Jew in Adam’s race who hears the Voice of the Lord in this message, do not harden your heart, like the genuine blood Israelites “in the provocation in the wilderness,” but repent, and seek the Lord Jesus Christ, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, who manifest in virgin-born flesh to pay sin’s price as YOUR sinless kinsman Redeemer under God’s Law.

From the inauguration of Christ’s Church in Jerusalem on the day of Pentecost to the close of the seventh or Laodicean Church Age in March, 1963, when Revelation 4, 5 and 10:1-7 were fulfilled and the Seven Seals revealed, Christ was in the office Son of God and Mediator. Then the revelation of the unwritten Seventh Seal (Revelation 8:1) “finished the mystery of God,” unfolding the mysteries of the Seven Thunders which were “sealed up” during the delay of intercession for the ignorance of the Church Age who with only PART-Word could not otherwise have been born-again. However, while the Book was sealed the “synagogue of Satan” insinuated itself into the circle of believers and introduced polytheism, the Judaeo-Roman Catholic and Judaeo-Greek (Orthodox) trinities, Unitarianism (since adopted by Jehovah’s Witnesses), the Pentecostal Oneness (Jesus Only) doctrine, and countless denominations, each teaching error.

“While God winked at those times ignorance, [since the Seals are revealed] He now commands all men everywhere to repent: because He has fixed a day when He will judge the world in righteousness by Jesus Christ whom He has appointed, having furnished proof to all by raising Him from the dead” (Acts 17:30-31). Thus we see in Revelation 4 and 5:5 there is neither sacrifice nor blood on the altar; the Mercy Seat is now a Judgment Seat, and the Lamb has become the Lion. As such, Christ’s mediation has ended, saints have crowned Him King of kings (Revelation 5:8-13), and He is in the prophetic office of Son of Man He and Judge (John 5:27).

The Hebrew dispensation of Law ended two thousand years ago when they crucified Messiah, and although God leveled His Temple they have continued in apostasy to this day in which the world church system is apostate and knows it not but has rejected Christ’s second or ‘parousia’ Coming and is “crucifying to themselves the Son of God afresh” (Hebrews 6:6; Revelation 3:17-20). Like Israel, the churches are living on the glory of history, oblivious to the signs of the times and have rejected the prophet William Branham’s Message, the “shout” of I Thessalonians 4:14-16, which is the “midnight cry” of Matthew 25:6 confirmed by the heavenly Voice of Revelation 18:4 calling God’s people “Come out from the Judaeo-Roman whore and her once Protestant harlot daughter churches that you do not partake of her sins and receive not of her plagues”.

Judaism, its Roman Catholic bastard child and her harlot daughters bear the mark of the beast, and the Judaeo-Roman Catholic golem, Islam was born of it.

Like Isaiah 8:20, Malachi 4:5-6, Matthew 4:4, and Hebrews 13:8, the Koran claims that no one can change the Word of God (Sura 6:34; 10:34). Thus no prophet of God can contradict the words of a previously vindicated prophet, because God is unchangeable in both essence and behavior. He is infinite in His abilities so therefore He as God must be omniscient and is not now learning, nor is He taking counsel even with Himself, nor is He at any time adding to His knowledge. If He can add to His knowledge, then He is not omniscient. The best we could say is that sometime He will be. But that is not Scriptural. He IS omniscient. He has never had a new thought about anything because all His thoughts He has always had and always will have, and knows the end from the beginning because He is God. Thus the thoughts of God are already real and eternal, and part of God.

Mohammed recognizes Abraham, Moses, Jesus and other vindicated prophets, yet contradicts their Word, making them and himself for recognizing them, false prophets. Otherwise they are genuine and Mohammed was the false prophet. Sura 4:154-158 states, “That they said (in boast) “We killed Messiah Jesus the son of Mary the Apostle of Allah”; but they killed him not nor crucified him but so it was made to appear to them and those who differ therein are full of doubts with no (certain) knowledge but only conjecture to follow, for of a surety they killed him not.” If Mohammed is correct those who wrote Psalm 22, Isaiah 53, John 12:1, Romans 1:4, I Corinthians 15:4-7, and Galatians 3:13 are all false prophets.

The death and resurrection of Jesus Christ was prophesied from the garden of Eden. As redemption demands an identical substitute to the first Adam in order to make restitution, a sinless man created by God’s spoken Word without human intercourse must be born of a woman to be a “near kinsman” and voluntarily surrendered His life in satisfaction for the penalty of sin due every man since Adam (Leviticus 25; Ruth). Sura 39:7 denies the possibility of Christ’s vicarious sacrifice and atonement: “No soul shall bear another’s burden. To God you shall all return and He will declare to you what you have done” (Suras 6:164; 35:18; 53:41; 22:37). But Exodus 12:6 and Daniel 9:26 foretold the hour, day, month and year of the crucifixion, while Leviticus 23:9-14, Psalm 16:10, Matthew 16:21, and John 2:19 foretold His resurrection three days later. So if Moses, Daniel, David and Jesus are false prophets, what then is Mohammed?

Although Muslims attack the Bible on the ground that different versions sometimes have conflicting wording, Muslims use up to twenty known versions of the Koran (seven mentioned in the Hadiths) have many conflicting readings of the text. The charge that the Bible has been corrupted and falsified was initiated by Ibn-Khazem in 1064 who met contradictions between the Bible and the Koran. However, Suras 2:40-42,126,136,285; 3:3,71,93; 4:47,136; 5:47-51, 69,71-72; 6:91; 10:37,94; 21:7; 29:45,46; 35:31; 46:11 declare the Bible to be a true revelation of God and demand faith in the Bible. Judaeo-Roman Islam, like Judaeo-Roman Catholicism and Babylonian Judaism, is based on “the will to power” and denies freedom of thought and expression so that one who converts from Islam is liable to be killed. It is as if the most merciful were impotent, and incapable of wooing His people by love, needed the wicked hands of bloody-minded men to enforce worship against their free will. This is the mark of the beast.

In conclusion, the three self-proclaimed monotheistic ‘Abrahamic’ religions are clearly a Babel of confusion, and although Mohammed claims to by the last prophet, the prophets of God’s Holy Bible promised He would send the prophet William Branham (1906-1965) to we Gentiles in these last days, and that He will soon send two mighty Hebrew prophets to Israel “with power to shut heaven, that it rain not in the days of their prophecy: and power over waters to turn them to blood, and to smite the earth with all plagues, as often as they will” (Revelation 11:6).

My Muslim friend, hasten to the bosom of Jesus Messiah before “The great day of the Lord . . . makes you helpless as a blind man searching for a path, because you have sinned against the Lord! Your blood will be poured out as dust, and your flesh as dung. Your silver and gold will not ransom you in the day of the Lord’s wrath. [Jesus Messiah is your ransom, if you will receive Him TODAY], for the earth will be consumed by the fire of His jealousy: for He will make a speedy riddance of all the inhabitants of earth. . . Seek the Lord, you who are humble and seek to obey. Walk humbly, and work righteousness: perhaps you will be hid in the day of the Lord’s anger” (Zephaniah 1:17-17; 2:3). nl673.htm

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Brother Grigor-Scott is a
non-denominational minister who has ministered full-time since 1981, primarily
to other ministers and their congregations in other countries. He pastors
Bible Believers’ tiny congregation, and is available to teach in your church.

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The Mark of the Beast – Part VI

February 9, 2011

Bible Believers’ Newsletter 672

“We focus on the present Truth – what Jesus is doing now. . .”
ISSN 1442-8660

greetings in the precious Name of our Lord Jesus Christ. We are pleased you could join us in fellowship around God’s unchanging Word. And if you are a new subscriber we extend our hearty welcome and invite you to request our free PowerPoint presentation, The Second Coming of Christ“.
Reverend Ted Pike has the strong “Freedom Warrior Attitude” against the Global Power Elite espoused last week by Adrian Salbuchi, “NOT giving in to them; NOT giving them your Free Will and REFUSING TO SERVE THEM. By yielding your free will you take the mark of the beast. Brother Pike is Director of the National Prayer Network, a Christian/conservative watch dog organization. Always available for interview by talk show hosts, he preaches against the Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith who have saddled 45 states with “hate laws” capable of persecuting Christians with intent to steal free speech in the US as they have in Canada with “hate laws” that make criminals of Christians. His article was co-written by staff writer, Sister Harmony Daws. Their article, The Coming Jewish ‘Utopia’ ruled by Noahide Laws forms the basis of Part VI of our study, The Mark of the Beast”.
This Newsletter serves those of like precious faith. Whoever will receive the
truth is welcome to feed their soul from the waters of the River of Life.
Everything here presented should be confirmed personally in your own Bible.

Your brother-in-Christ, Anthony Grigor-Scott

CIA: Frank G. Wisner arrived in Cairo

February 2, 2011 — For the [US] National Security Council, it is not enough to simply safeguard the interests of the United States. It is absolutely indispensable to preserve the Egyptian-Israeli peace deal, which implies having to choose the next country leadership. Thus, the NSC called Frank G. Wisner, former Ambassador to Egypt (1986-91) . . . Mr. Wisner is the son of Frank G. Wisner Sr., co-founder of the CIA and Gladio. Together with Allen Dulles, Wisner Sr. was one of the architects of the US secret intervention doctrine: support those democracies which make a “good choice,” oppose those which make the wrong choice.
As for Frank G. Wisner Jr., he has always worked for the Agency and continues to do so, serving in particular as one of the Directors of Refugees International. . . a personal friend of President Hosni Mubarak . . . His arrival was discretely preceded by a telephone call from Mike Mullen, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, to his Egyptian counterpart General Sami Enan—the Egyptian army is trained and equipped by the Pentagon. Officially, Mullen commended him for his restraint, a message which was perfectly deciphered by Cairo which, a few minutes later, announced that the army regarded the protests as legitimate.
Frank G. Wisner Jr. is not known to the US public either as a diplomat or as a master spy, but as an unscrupulous financier. He was part of the Enron power elite involved in the fraudulent bankruptcy of the corporation that ruined countless small investors and, later, as Vice Chairman of American International Group whose share prices plummeted by 95% during the 2008 financial crisis, prior to its bailout with taxpayers’ money. . . He married Christine de Ganay (Pal Sarkozy’s second wife) and, in that capacity, reared Nicolas Sarkozy during his New York years. . . [and] recommended his friend Bernard Kouchner as French Foreign Minister with the mission to mobilize European states in favour of Kosovo’s independence. Full story:

Egypt’s Generals seek Ways to ease Mubarak out with His Dignity Intact

February 5, 2011 — Mubarak’s hours and days are numbered. Americans have made up their minds and are encouraging the army to form a national unity government. The likely outcome is that Vice-President Omar Suleiman becomes the new president with the top military brass retaining key positions. This will be seen as a major victory for the opposition and the Egyptian public. . .

The US is playing an essential role in getting the army to talk with the multiple constituencies of the opposition. The Egyptian army wants to assert its control, but also an orderly and peaceful transition. The generals are trying to send two powerful messages to the people: that it is the most respected national institution and that it is distancing itself from the Mubarak regime. It’s clear that the army will fill that vacuum and is trying to find a dignified exit for Mubarak. . .
Full story:
Comment: Two senior Israeli officers and three US generals have arrived in Cairo to take control of the military command in Egypt . . . in securing a coup d’etat if Mubarak refuses to go quickly. Both the US and Israel are seeking to turn Egypt into a state along the lines of how Pakistan or Turkey is run giving more power to the military who are very dependent on America’s annual billion and a half “aid.” This is not an exercise in democracy for the Egyptian people but an extension of totalitarian dictatorship for US and Israeli interests. Daniel 11:42 informs us that Egypt will not escape her Judaeo-Roman oppressors.
Mubarak’s government angered the Islamic world when it refused to open the Rafah border crossing for relief workers seeking to provide medical assistance to the Palestinians during Israel’s 22-day war on the Gaza Strip from December 2008 to January 2009 (
The fading power of Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak’s government leaves Israel in a state of strategic distress. Without Mubarak, Israel is left with almost no friends in the Middle East; last year, Israel saw its alliance with Turkey collapse ( From now on, it will be hard for Israel to trust an Egyptian government torn apart by internal strife. Israel’s increasing isolation in the region, coupled with a weakening United States, will force the government to court new potential allies.

Playing Games with People’s Hunger

February 9, 2011 — Not everyone gets billions of dollars in interest free money from the Fed. Most people work for the money they get. This creates a real problem for people whose wages have been stagnant (or declining) while the US government shovels trillions of dollars to banks to help them cover their gambling losses. What do banks like Goldman Sachs and JPMorgan do with the free money? They “play” . . . with wheat prices, with corn prices, with oil prices. There is no supply/demand reason for commodities to be as high as they are now. It’s all speculation based on free money given to bankers.
Note: The prices will come down eventually—precipitously—but in the meantime hundreds millions of people go hungry and have had their standard of living decimated. Full story:
Comment: Rothschilds—the catalyst igniting civil unrest in the Middle East to play out their endgame.

Big Win for Biotech: USDA Deregulates Monsanto Alfalfa

February 7, 2011 — After nearly five years of legal and regulatory battles, the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) has fully deregulated Monsanto’s Roundup Ready alfalfa that is genetically modified (GM) to be resistant to Roundup herbicide. . . Monsanto was one of the top contributors to [Chairman of the Agriculture Committee, Frank] Lucas’s campaign committee in 2010. A political action committee and individuals associated with Monsanto donated $11,000 to his campaign last year, and Lucas has received $1,247,844 from the agribusiness industry during his political career, according to watchdog site . .
In a letter to Vilsack, CFS science policy analyst Bill Freese outlined several instances in which APHIS based its EIS on outdated data and figures provided by “entities with financial ties to the biotechnology industry”. . .
Full story:

Bush’s Swiss Visit off after Complaints on Torture

February 7, 2011 — Former US President George W. Bush has canceled a visit to Switzerland, where he was to address a Jewish charity gala, due to the risk of legal action against him for alleged torture . . . groups including Human Rights Watch, Amnesty International and International Federation of Human Rights said the cancellation was linked to growing moves to hold Bush accountable for torture, including water-boarding. He has admitted in his memoirs to ordering use of the interrogation method that simulates drowning. . . Full story:

The Mark of the Beast – Part VI

The mark of the beast is wisdom—human reasoning against the revealed Word of God. It comes in as many forms as there is sand upon the sea shore, but because of collectivism, the public mind is persuaded by the philosophy of a select number of powerful interrelated Satanic groups which include the Judaeo-Roman Catholic church (and her harlot, once Protestant daughters), Judaeo-Roman Catholic Islam, the City of London, the Khazar Black Nobility, Judaeo-Communism, Judaeo-Freemasonry, and Judaism itself (which Satan employed to murder Israel’s Messiah). Each of these entities, and a plethora of lesser factions, employs its own peculiar mark of the beast to produce the unforgivable sin by means of which Satan is building his kingdom (Hebrews 6:4-8). The group commanding the largest percentage of world population in a time of global catastrophe is the vessel Satan will use to attain global hegemony, his open rule and personal worship.
At this time in human history the option of freely choosing to take one mark of the beast in preference to another or the Seal of God will not exist as the days of grace and free moral agency will have passed “and all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond will receive the mark of the beast in their right hand, or in their foreheads on pain of death. . . And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, whose names are not written in the Book of Life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world” (Revelation 13:8, 15-18). Those who drafted the US Declaration of Independence declared unambiguously that rights are granted by the Creator to individual human beings, not to the state: “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men [in Adam’s race] are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights. . .” principal among which is free will to determine one’s personal destiny. God’s love is such that He will never coerce or force anyone to serve Him against their own free will and desire, so clearly the Judaeo-Roman Catholic church, Judaeo-Roman Catholic Islam, Khazar Black Nobility, Judaeo-Communism, Judaeo-Freemasonry, the Jews’ City of London, and Judaism itself have one thing in common: severally and individually they are the antithesis of God.
“The kingdoms of this world and the glory of them” truly are under Satan’s dominion (Matthew 4:8-9). The enmity to God and Adam’s race shared among these groups is clearly expressed in references from the Talmud and Zohar quoted in Endnotes 1, as will be seen when you compare this main article with what has been revealed in the previous five parts of this series. You will not possibly fail recognize the domineering influence of the Babylonian Talmud over the Judaeo-Roman Catholic church and its abomination, the Judaeo-Roman Catholic religion of Islam. The Lubavitcher rabbi Schneerson, one of scores of false messiahs, who declared, “The religious tolerance of today, and the trend towards greater freedom, gives us the unique opportunity to enhance widespread observance of these [Noahide] laws.” His intolerant objective is to do God a service against His will by stealing the unalienable God-given Right of every man in Adam’s race to free will and expression and enforce Judaism’s totalitarian mark of the beast, the fraudulent Noahide laws, on pain of death.
Had this misguided ‘messiah’ of “the synagogue of Satan” read his Bible when he might have known the Lord, he would have learned that the coming global catastrophe will be the time of Jacob’s trouble,” whose unbeliefs stem from the mark of the beast imposed upon Israelites by non-Semitic, anti-Semitic self-styled Jews such as he.
Faith is a clear understanding of the revealed Word of God. It is the mind of God in you assuring you will be judged of no man, but will judge the world. The purpose of this series is to identify the mark of the beast and the most powerful groups that are uniting to crucify the Son of God afresh unto themselves and to force the mark of the beast that you may prove all things and make your calling and election sure.

The Coming Jewish ‘Utopia’ ruled by Noahide Laws
By Reverend Ted Pike and Sister Harmony Daws

Most of the world’s great religions teach that their own way will prevail in the end. Muslims believe the whole world will someday accept their one god, Allah, and Mohammed as his prophet. Most Christians believe that in a coming “millennium” Christ will firmly yet benevolently rule a restored and enlightened world. Religious Jews also await their future triumph, promised by the Talmud and keenly anticipate a messiah they believe will exalt the Jewish people and Judaic monotheism to dominate the nations.
The Encyclopedia Judaica says hope in the coming Jewish messiah is intense, especially among Orthodox Jews in Israel: “Orthodoxy retains unimpaired the traditional doctrine . . . Among Orthodox rabbis, there is no lack of speculation on the meaning of contemporary events in light of the messianic hope” (“Messiah,” p. 1416).
In this ideal Jewish world, what happens to the rest of us? What is the status of Gentiles, especially Christians? The Babylonian Talmud, the highest ethical and religious guide for observant Jews, says Gentiles can join Judaism as proselytes today or in the future messianic kingdom, as long as they sincerely follow seven commandments. These “Noahide laws,” says the Talmud, form the basic moral code God gave Adam; they prohibit idolatry, blasphemy, murder, theft, “illicit relations,” eating meat with blood, and “failing to establish courts of justice”.
Medieval Jewish authority Maimonides, whose work remains highly influential, wrote in his 12th century Mishneh Torah that Jews should compel Gentiles to practice Noahide law. In a recent article for The Jewish Press, America’s largest independent Jewish weekly, Rabbi Moshe Ben-Chaim says Gentiles can be improved just like Jews, but through conversion.
“The Noachide laws,” writes the rabbi, “are the bare essentials that entitle a human being to retain his right to life.” Remember he is speaking of Gentiles as well as Jews and, yes, he said right to life. Ben-Chaim cites Isaiah’s prophecy that someday Gentiles will flock to Jerusalem to “learn Torah.” Jews must encourage this mass conversion, he says, by refusing to voice acceptance for other religions. “No, that deludes gentiles into believing we view their religions on par with Torah,” the rabbi writes. “Judaism views all other religions as imposters, since no other religion was God-given . . . Again, God said, “One Torah . . . for yourselves, and the convert.” This means no other laws are acceptable, for any people.”
In this rabbi’s words we find contemporary mainstream affirmation, in one of American Jewry’s biggest publications, that deviance from Noahide law cannot be morally tolerated by observant Jews. Ultimately, if things were as they should be, Gentiles should be forced to comply.

International Code of Justice

With increase of the power and influence of Judaism including its ultra-Orthodox branches, it is not surprising that Judaism recommends the seven Noahide precepts as international law. In a discussion with other religious leaders and President George Bush Sr., Rabbi Yakov Cohen said the road map to world peace is found in the seven Noahide Laws.
Rebbe Menachem SchneersonWorldwide Noahide observance was promoted by prominent Hasidic Rabbi Menachem Schneerson. The late rabbi was the seventh leader of the widespread Lubavitcher movement. Viewed as clannish and eccentric in dress, the Lubavitchers are nevertheless very powerful and well-funded, with enormous influence on the burgeoning ultra-Orthodox movement in Israel. Before his death in 1994, he was the reigning “temporary Messiah,” or “Tzaddik,” to a large segment of Kabalist ultra-orthodox Jewry. He said global observance of Noahide law would bring world peace and messianic redemption. Schneerson and his movement are so powerful that they persuaded Bush Sr. to proclaim Education Day USA in which Schneerson is honored and Noahide law upheld as an exalted code of ethics to inspire and guide mankind. Schneerson trained thousands of rabbis to spread strict Jewish observance (centering on the “Zohar” or mystical/revolutionary Kabala) around the world.
“Influencing non-Jews to keep their mitzvos, the Seven Noahide Laws . . . will assist our task of making the world into a dwelling place for God, and help bring about the arrival of Messiah” Schneerson said in 1987. “Every Jew has the obligation to ensure that all the peoples of the world observe the Seven Noahide Laws . . . The religious tolerance of today, and the trend towards greater freedom, gives us the unique opportunity to enhance widespread observance of these laws.”
Michael Kress, in an article for the thinktank, approvingly describes a growing number of Noahide-observant ex-Christians who reject the gospels’ account of Jesus and center their lives around the Seven Laws. In 1991, Yeshiva University’s law school hosted a symposium of Noahide scholars. Their press release notes, “In previous generations, the precarious or outright hostile conditions in which world Jewry survived precluded any public discussion of the Code [presumably because host nations were not at all pleased to hear about Jewish plans for worldwide legal control].
“In our generation, however, discussion of the Code both in print and on the Internet has increased noticeably. The last two decades have witnessed a dramatic increase in the number of rabbinical and academic writings as well as the new phenomenon of books and web pages written for a lay or popular readership.” The press release says an unprecedented number of Gentiles want to live according to the Noahide laws and form an audience for scholarship about them.

Life in the Jewish Utopia

Would worldwide coerced observance of the Noahide laws create more religious freedom and tolerance? Not a chance. The first law is against idolatry, and what is idolatry? The Babylonian Talmud repeatedly says worship of the false prophet Jesus Christ is idolatry, a crime worthy of death. The Talmud also says Christ was a blasphemer, a violator of the second Noahide precept. This makes His worshippers, who claim He is God, blasphemers also. 1
In his article, Michael Kress confirms that many observant Jews believe Christianity (with its “polytheist” belief in the Trinity) violates Noahide law. If Noahide law were globally enforced, Christians and all other “idolaters” would face extermination under this “peace-creating” universal code!
A visionary book, published in 1932 by Jewish Talmudic scholar Dr. Michael Higger, describes the brave new Jewish world. 2 Higger says when a Jewish one-world ruler, messiah, comes, he will enforce Judaic monotheism. There will be no room for the “idolatrous”. . . Only those who are convinced of Israel’s divine purpose in the world will be welcome to join Israel in the upbuilding of an ideally spiritual life on earth. Israel, the ideal, righteous people, will thus become spiritually masters of the world. . .” (p. 41).
Before the messianic era begins, “in general, the peoples of the world will be divided into two main groups, the Israelitic and the non-Israelitic. The former will be righteous; they will live according to the wishes of one, universal God . . . All the other peoples, on the other hand, will be known for their detestable practices, idolatry, and similar acts of wickedness. They will be destroyed and will disappear from earth before the ushering in of the ideal era” (p. 37). “Consequently . . . idolatry and idol-worshippers, wicked people, unrighteous nations, will disappear from the earth” (p. 39). Goodbye, Christians.
The ravings of a fanatic? Solomon Schechter, founder of Conservative Judaism, along with the council or “Kallah” of Texas Rabbis, did not think so. They gave the book official endorsement.

The Nations must Suffer First

Higger provides extensive references from the Babylonian Talmud, describing enlightened monotheism under messiah. But the Talmud teaches such tranquility will be dearly bought; a time of Gentile anguish is necessary to displace Gentiles from their control of the nations and dominion of Jews. Such suffering will be so great, says the Talmud, that even “the Almighty Himself will bewail it” 3.

The Zohar, or Kabalah, rivals the authority of the Talmud for most deeply religious Jews. It teaches that, as the divine yet visible, practical manifestation of God’s will in this world, it is Israel’s job to “wage war” against Gentile control by any means possible. “Proper order” can only be restored by breaking down Gentile and Christian influence 4.
This explains how a devout Orthodox Jew and head of the Anti-Defamation League, Abe Foxman, can rationalize being a man of prayer and piety and yet energetically promote homosexuality and immorality among the “goyim.” According to the Zohar’s reasoning, causing “travail” among the Gentiles such as Communism, wars, financial panic, media corruption of society, breakup of families, abortion, pornography, and homosexuality is necessary to bring about a great good 5. The Talmud and Zohar teach that this period of “birth pangs” among the Gentiles will eventually recede as humanity is ushered into a new age of Judaic enlightenment . . . in which belief in one true God and observance of His laws will prevail over the “confusion” of Christian “polytheism”.

Judaizing Christianity

Even today, encouraged by Jewish leaders, Christianity is being heavily Judaized as Israel is slavishly venerated and Old Testament rituals and observances are increasingly practiced by [so-called] evangelicals. Talmud-quoting Messianic Jews and false prophets such as Dr. John Hagee set the standard for millions of evangelicals, inviting them to transition toward Talmudic Judaism [which is Pharisaism]. (See, To Pray or Not to Pray . . . in Jesus’ Name). This is part of Jewish activism’s strategy to take faith in Christ out of Christianity, ultimately replacing it with the seven Noahide laws.
Both Talmud and Zohar proclaim the Jewish people to be semi-divine and occupy a position even above angels. “He who smites an Israelite on the jaw is as though he had thus assaulted the Divine Presence, for it is written, One who smiteth man (i.e., an Israelite, Gentiles are not called Man) attacketh the Holy One” (Sanhedrin 58b). Already, through ADL hate laws in countries like Canada and Britain, Judaism and rabbinic literature cannot be verbally “assaulted” through criticism. Such “anti-Semitism” is punished severely as a hate crime. ADL’s US State Department “Office of Global Anti-Semitism” defines “anti-Semitism” as “strong criticism of Israel’s leaders.” Suggesting a Jewish conspiracy or even repeating the New Testament allegation that the Jews had Christ crucified are among 14 offenses considered anti-Semitic. (See, The Real Motive Behind the ‘Department of Global Anti-Semitism’).
These laws are precedents which can be joined with Noahide law and enforced from Jerusalem, to make it a capital offense in the new Jewish world order to “blaspheme” the “holy people” by criticism. Just this year, Knesset members tried to get Jewish Italian scholar Prof. Ariel Toaff indicted in Israel for his book that said there was truth to the 15th century “blood libel.” Israel already has authority from Knesset to demand extradition from any nation of persons who “insult the memory of the Jewish dead” by questioning the accuracy of the six-million figure of Holocaust victims.
Hate laws, emerging worldwide, have one real purpose—to criminalize that religion which perpetually reminds and accuses Jews that their forefathers were guilty of deicide and that they share that guilt as long as they venerate those who had Christ crucified, the Pharisees, authors of the Talmud and Zohar.

Mortal Combat

Devout Jews have real reason to seek to outlaw Christianity as a form of idol-worship. Why? Because Christianity does threaten Judaism. It is fundamentally subversive and threatening to Jewish power and religious authority. It undermines the whole concept of “chosenness” or salvation through belonging to a particular race. That’s part of why Christianity has been persecuted and resented by Jewish leaders since the beginning of the Church Ages. That’s what makes the unholy alliance between [so-called] evangelicals and Israel such a strange state of affairs.
The Book of Acts describes how different from Judaism was the early Christian church. It relates how the Holy Spirit’s first infilling caused a group of Christians who spoke in Galilean to be heard in the languages of their listeners—Africans, Arabs, Jews and Romans alike. In explanation, Peter quoted the prophet Joel: “In the last days, God says, I will pour out My Spirit on all people . . . And everyone who calls on the Name of the Lord will be saved”.
Peter then preached an eloquent overview of the life and crucifixion of Christ, Who was raised from the dead for the salvation of every person—Israelite and Gentile—who would repent and trustfully obey Christ for Life. When his listeners asked what they should do, Peter replied, “Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the Name of Jesus Christ for the remission of your sins. And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. The promise is for you and your children and for all who are far off [Gentiles]—for all whom the Lord our God will call(Acts 2).
Christ’s Message was of radical inclusion, open arms so broad they crossed all boundaries of race, gender, and religion. His once tiny church grew faster than a pro-athlete on steroids as missionaries traveled the early world, preaching the good news that salvation was now possible (for everyone!) through simple faith and forsaking of sin. Few things could have been more threatening to the racism of the Pharisees, which depended on firm physical barriers between Jew and Gentile. By the gift of His Spirit and union of all believers into one church, Christ ended the need for dramatic physical separation from “unclean” non-Jews. He also ended any need for the Pharisees as an institution of guidance for the Jewish people. Because Christ rejected and excoriated them, the Pharisees masterminded His crucifixion.
Every individual, Jewish or not, must face the sobering question, “What will you say of Jesus, who is called Christ?” Was He Israel’s true Messiah, whose living Spirit can redeem our souls? Or should we seek peace from more government and the solutions of Jewish rabbis administered from a global court in Jerusalem?
We know our answer. What’s yours?

1 The Talmud said Jesus was, along with Balaam and Titus, one of the three greatest enemies of Judaism (Gittin 56b-57a). The New Testament confirms that the Pharisees considered Christ demon-possessed (John 8:48), a charlatan empowered by the Devil (Matthew 12:24), a deceiver (Matthew 27:6), a blasphemer (John 10:36), and having an unclean spirit (Mark 3:30). The Talmud says He was a bastard, son of adulterous Mary (Sanhedrin 106b). He was hung on the eve of Passover because He was a sorcerer and apostate (Sanhedrin 43a). He was a fool who fell down and worshipped a brick (Sanhedrin 67a). He was executed by stoning, burning, decapitation, and strangling; Jews are encouraged to lecture against Christ (Sanhedrin 106b). Christ is in hell, wallowing in boiling hot excrement (Gittin 56b-57a).
The Talmud recommends persecution of Christians. Christians are heretics (Abodah Zarah 16b), apostates (Shabbethai 116). Christians may be legally thrown into a pit to die (Abodah Zarah 26b). Christians deserve death for observing the Sabbath (even though they observe the Noahide laws) (Sanhedrin 58b) and studying the Torah, by which they mean the so-called “
Oral Torah“, or Talmud (Sanhedrin 59a). Christianity is an unforgivable sin, seducing Jews to idolatry (Abodah Zarah 17a). The testimony of a Christian is unworthy to be admitted to a Jewish court (Shulshan Aruk, Hoshen Mishpat 34, 31). Jews are forbidden to return a lost article to a Christian (Hoshen Mishpat 266, 2). Matthew, Luke, Nicodemus, and Thaddeus were executed as heretics (Jewish Encyclopedia, “Jesus,” page 171). Jews should rejoice, dress in white, and eat, drink, and be merry at the death of a Christian. They should hate a Christian with utmost hatred and consider him an enemy (Semahot ch. 2, p. 35).
The Zohar sanctions killing of Gentiles, including Christians. “Take the life of the Kliphoth [Gentile and Christian] and kill them, and you will please God the same as one who offers incense to Him.” (Sephar or Israel 177b) “The people of the earth are idolaters, and it has been written of them, ‘Let them be wiped off the face of the earth.'” (Zohar I 25a, Pranaitis translation, “The Talmud Unmasked,” p. 80). “When these shall be exterminated, it will be as if God had made heaven and earth on that day” (Zohar I, Bereshith, 25b). “At the moment when the Holy One, blessed be he, will exterminate all the goyim of the world . . . the Lord alone will appear great on that day” (Zohar, Vayshlah 177b, de Pauly translation). “It is certain our captivity will last until the princes of the Gentiles who worship idols are destroyed” (Zohar I, 219, Pranaitis, p. 80). “In the palaces of the fourth heaven are those who lamented over Sion and Jerusalem, and all those who destroyed idolatrous nations, and those who killed off people who worship idols . . . ” (Zohah I, 38b, 39a).
The preface to the Soncino edition of the Zohar says: “The Zohar appeals to many Jews in a way that makes them regard it as the most sacred of sacred books! For it mirrors Judaism as an intensely vital religion of the spirit. More overpoweringly than any other book or code, or even than the Bible, does it give to the Jew a conviction of an inner, unseen spiritual universe—an eternal moral order” (p. 12).
2 The Jewish Utopia, Michael Higger, Ph.D., The Lord Baltimore Press, 1932, 160 pages. This book is available for $15 postpaid from Emissary Publications, PO Box 294, Colton, OR 97017 USA (503-824-2050).

3 Sanhedrin 98b. Hugger employs the words “Israelitic” and “non-Israelitic,” which, like the word “Israeli,” is legal sleight of hand that leads the uninitiated to read and understand he is speaking of Israelites and non-Israelites when in fact he is referring to non-Semitic self-styled Jews whose forebears have no history in Palestine, no part in God’s Covenant with Abraham and his seed, or in the Sinaitic Covenant, but are “Israelitish” imposters trying to steal back the birthright Esau sold to Jacob.
4 Zohar I, 160a. Here we see the common link between the Jew’s “Society of Jesus,” or Jesuits who also believe “the ends justify the means,” the MOSSAD, whose motto states “By Way of Deception Thou shalt do War,” and Islam.
5 Discussion and documentation of virtually all these topics can be found in articles archived at, in my book Israel: Out Duty, Our Dilemma, or in my four video documentaries airing at nl672.htm

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Brother Grigor-Scott is a
non-denominational minister who has ministered full-time since 1981, primarily
to other ministers and their congregations in other countries. He pastors
Bible Believers’ tiny congregation, and is available to teach in your church.

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The Mark of the Beast – Part V

February 4, 2011

Bible Believers’ Newsletter 671

“We focus on the present Truth – what Jesus is doing now. . .”
ISSN 1442-8660

greetings in the precious Name of our Lord Jesus Christ. We rejoice in your fellowship around God’s Word.
Please welcome back longtime guest contributor Henry Makow, whose most recent books include Illuminati, the Cult that Hijacked the World, in which he exposes the hidden History of Zionism and Anti-Semitism, and Cruel Hoax: Feminism and the New World Order which shows up Feminism as a plot of the MoneyPower against heterosexuality and human progress in pursuit of global serfdom. In this newsletter Henry tells us, Egypt is Another Soros ‘Color’ Revolution.

Our main Article is the fifth in our series, The Mark of the Beast, which illustrates how the Judaeo-Roman Catholic church, apostate Protestantism, Judaeo-Freemasonry, Judaeo-Communism, and Judaeo-Roman Catholic Islam have united against our Lord Jesus Christ and true evangelical Christianity that believes the present Truth—what Jesus is doing nowand has the Token on display. We emphasis the necessity of preserving our liberty in the sovereign gift of free will given every man to determine his own destiny, guided by the Absolute of God’s revealed Word for the present hour in order to refuse the mark of the beast, even unto death. As the “squeeze” comes closer each day we should remember the Words of our Lord and God, “If anyone wants to be a follower of Mine, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow Me. For whoever would save his life will lose it: and whoever looses his life for My sake will find it” (Matthew 16:24-25).
As you are well aware, certain of our brethren are imprisoned and threatened with death. One Space Cadet has written to remind us that if one member of the Body suffers, the whole Body mourns. Those who still have relative “freedom” should count their blessings and use it to the glory of God, praying always that the faith of our persecuted Brethren in other lands will remain strong and unmovable.
This Newsletter serves those of like precious faith. Whoever will receive the
truth is welcome to feed their soul from the waters of the River of Life.
Everything here presented should be confirmed personally in your own Bible.

Your brother-in-Christ, Anthony Grigor-Scott

National Level Exercise 2011

May 16-20, 2011 The purpose of National Level Exercise 2011 (NLE 2011) is to prepare and coordinate a multiple-jurisdictional integrated response to a national catastrophic event—specifically a major earthquake in the central United States region of the New Madrid Seismic Zone (NMSZ).
New Madrid FaultNLE 2011 will involve thousands of government officials at the federal, state, local and tribal levels, members of the private sector, and the general public. Participants will conduct simultaneous, related exercise activities at command posts, emergency operation centers and other locations in the Washington D.C. area and the eight affected central US states (Alabama, Arkansas, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Mississippi, Missouri, and Tennessee). The functional exercise will offer agencies and jurisdictions a way to validate their plans and skills in a real-time, realistic environment and to gain the in-depth knowledge that only experience can provide.
NLE 2011 is also an opportunity to continue to highlight to the public the need to be prepared for earthquakes, and specific steps they can take to be ready.
Full story:

Comment: Based on the prophecies of Brother Branham half a century ago we have been warning of the New Madrid Fault in this Newsletter since February 2002.

Giant Breach in Earth’s Magnetic Field Discovered

December 16, 2008 — NASA’s five THEMIS spacecraft have discovered a breach in Earth’s magnetic field ten times larger than anything previously thought to exist. Solar wind can flow in through the opening to “load up” the magnetosphere for powerful geomagnetic storms. But the breach itself is not the biggest surprise. Researchers are even more amazed at the strange and unexpected way it forms, overturning long-held ideas of space physics. . .
Full story:
Comment: What has experts on edge is the expected increase in the sunspot activity in 2012 at sunspot solar cycle 24. This could short-circuit satellites, pose a risk to aircraft, and play havoc with electrical equipment on the ground. It could expose the earth and its inhabitants to dangerous rays from the sun, and potentially take down power grids.
The Earth’s electromagnetic field has been in the news recently. Just this month runways had to be closed down at two Florida airports when the shift in magnetic north became to severe. “The poles are generated by movements within the Earth’s inner and outer cores. They’re also constantly in flux, moving a few degrees every year, but the changes are almost never of such a magnitude that runways require adjusting,” said Paul Takemoto, a spokesman for the FAA.

Oil Disaster In China

January 30. 2011 — This one did not make the news. Photographic story:

No Hiding Place: New US Army Rifles that use Radio-controlled Smart Bullets

XM25 rifle

November 30, 2010 — The US army is to begin using a futuristic rifle that fires radio-controlled ‘smart’ bullets in Afghanistan for the first time, it has emerged. The XM25 rifle uses bullets that are programmed to explode when they have traveled a set distance, allowing enemies to be targeted no matter where they hide. The rifle also has a range of 2,300 feet making it possible to hit targets which are well out of the reach of conventional rifles. The XM25 is being developed specially for the US army and will be deployed with troops from later this month, it was revealed.
The rifle’s gunsight uses a laser rangefinder to determine the exact distance to the obstruction, after which the soldier can add or subtract up to 3 metres from that distance to enable the bullets to clear the barrier and explode above or beside the target. Soldiers will be able to use them to target snipers hidden in trenches rather than calling in air strikes. The 25-millimetre round contains a chip that receives a radio signal from the gunsight as to the precise distance to the target.
Lt. Col. Christopher Lehner, project manager for the system, described the weapon as a ‘game-changer’ that other nations will try and copy. He expects the Army to buy 12,500 of the XM25 rifles this year, enough for every member of the infantry and special forces. Lehner told FoxNews: ‘With this weapon system, we take away cover from [enemy targets] forever. ‘Tactics are going to have to be rewritten. The only thing we can see [enemies] being able to do is run away’. . . Full story:

Egypt is Another Soros ‘Color’ Revolution
By Henry Makow PhD Copyright © 2011

Mohamed El Baradei with Colin Powell

The turmoil in Egypt is another contrived, Illuminati-backed “color” revolution designed to install puppets more subservient to their London-based masters. Over the last decade, we have seen such “revolutions” in Serbia, Georgia, Ukraine, Kyrgyzstan, Mongolia and recent failed attempts in Burma, Iran and Thailand.
“Human rights” and “democracy” is always the pretext for these Illuminati gambits, dating back to the French and Russian Revolutions. They take advantage of genuine grievances to hoodwink the public and gain power. This time there was no color scheme tip-off but the unanimous support by the Illuminati-controlled mass media was enough. You wouldn’t hear about it otherwise. (For example, did you know that real [Jewish] nationalists took over the government of Hungary)? The confirmation is the man the Illuminati is touting to replace Hosni Mubarak—globalist go’fer Mohammed El Baradei, “Im here to deliver Egypt to the NWO”.
Globalist widget, Mohammed El Baradei, is a trustee of the “International Crisis Group” an “independent” non-profit group run by bankers to incite revolutions and profit from them. His fellow trustee is none other than the ubiquitous Rothschild front man, George Soros.
El Baradei, who recently resigned as Director of the International Atomic Energy Agency, is being groomed by the Illuminati to replace Mubarak. (He and his agency won the 2005 Nobel Prize). In April, he gave a speech at Harvard saying he was “looking for a job” and wanted to be “an agent of change and advocate for democracy” in Egypt. This is code for local boss in the NWO banker tyranny. (Barack Obama has taught us about “change”).
In February, El Baradei was part of a new non-party political movement called the “National Association for Change” which included a leader of the banned Masonic Muslim Brotherhood. The Muslim Brotherhood is a proxy for Britain’s MI-6 masquerading as Muslim fundamentalists. In November they were roundly defeated in elections, so this “revolution” seems to be their answer. Mubarak wisely jailed their leaders.
On Thursday, El Baradei returned to Egypt to lead the demonstrations. Friday he and his supporters were subjected to water canons and batons. Today, he announced: “We are seeking a change of regime. President Mubarak should step down. We should head towards a democratic state through a new government and
free democratic elections. . . The whole world should realize that the
Egyptians are not going home until their demands are realized. . . We are
talking about taking down the Pharaonic dictatorship”.
Egypt has accused the US of helping to engineer this revolt by training “activists”.

Is it going too far to say that removing Mubarak would be a victory for Israel in its expansion from the Nile to the Euphrates? Their surrogates are already in Baghdad.
This article is not intended to garner sympathy for the Mubarak regime but merely to point out that this turmoil is about the Illuminati tightening their grip on Egypt. Imagine a Mafia gang that has been raking off a share of profits for decades. One day it decides to increase its take by eliminating the middle man. At the same time, it can create turmoil which always provides new opportunities.
One thing is for sure: Our “leaders” care little about human rights and democracy. The Illuminati agenda ultimately is to degrade, disinherit and enslave us mentally and spiritually, if not physically. The Egyptian turmoil is another step in this direction.

I am indebted to this article: Tunisia & Egypt: Manufactured Crisis?

Related – Illuminati West’s Support for Mubarak Wavering
Related – How Leftists and Progressives Carry Water for the Illuminati
Related – Webster Tarpley Video “Change in Egypt”
Hegelian Dialectic – Muslim Brotherhood is Leading the Opposition
Council on Foreign Relations Smiles on ElBaradei
Mubarak Chooses CIA Man to Succeed Him?
David Livingstone on the Muslim Brotherhood
Chossudovsky – Changing Puppets in Cairo
Protesters Tepid on ElBaradei

Was Mubarak Getting too Close to the Russians?

A reader, Dan, writes:
The egypt SummitThere is a Globalist summit coming up in about 3 weeks in Cairo. On the itinerary the last speech is called, “What will Egypt look like in 2020? A longer-term perspective from [Rothschild’s] The Economist Group”.
I had a hunch to research current Russian/Mubarak regime relations and indeed, I found they’ve been talking—Jan 7th. I think Hillary may be jealous.
Mubarak, Russian FM discuss regional cooperation
“Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak and Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov held “important talks” yesterday over common regional and international interests, according to Egyptian Minister of Foreign Affairs Ahmed Abul Gheit.
Among the most important issues discussed, Abul Gheit told reporters, was the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Mubarak and Lavrov stressed the importance of reconciliation between Palestinian factions and the urgent need to lift the Israeli siege on the Gaza Strip. Mubarak welcomed a proposal to hold a ministerial meeting in Moscow for parties involved in the peace process.”

The latest video of the Cairo mobs looks orchestrated, or choreographed as the BBC narrator says in the clip. That might explain a lot. Russia hasn’t been a player in Egypt since Nasser. There’s no way the State Dept will allow that. They’ll pull the plug on Mubarak first.
Comment: The City of London tricked her UK, US and Commonwealth colonies, occupied Germany and Japan—even the Medellín and Cali drug cartel into funding their geopolitical strategy of encouraging the spread of a virulently anti-western, nominally Islamic form of fundamentalism to fulfill the strategy of bringing political Islam and political Zionism together in the controlled conflict of World War III to deliver global hegemony. The City’s destabilization of Iran, Afghanistan, and the sub-Continent began with the overthrow of the Shah of Iran by British Intelligence asset the Ayatollah Khomeini in February 1979. The US-created, trained and funded Mujahideen is now an international terrorist force deployed across North Africa, the Arabian Peninsula, Russia, China, Kashmir, the Philippines and the US. Mohamed El Baradei is positioning Egypt to play her part with Libya, Ethiopia and Judaeo-Communist Russia, “the king of the North,” prophesied in Ezekiel 38 and 39, and Daniel 11:40-45. “But [the kingdom of a crucial American ally in the region, Jordan], Edom, Moab and most of Ammon will escape the overthrow”. Tremors from Egypt’s demonstrations have been felt in Yemen (Ezekiel 38:12).
“First, the Egyptian people cannot confront local despots and ‘regime change’ without addressing the patron of Mubarak’s regime—The United States. Second, because of the US’ influence and because Egypt is so strategically important to the US-Israel agenda for the Middle East, the US will attempt to control their investments and their interests by regaining control and maintaining patronage. In other words it will attempt (or may have already attempted) to co-opt the public uprising and manage it at some level and continue to do so. Last, in order to adequately address foreign meddlers within the context of the local region and its politics, one must also eventually address the role of Israel”. . . Scripture is being fulfilled. Under the Sixth Seal Ezekiel 37 will be fulfilled and the twelve Tribes of Israel will return to the Land of their Covenant in the first half of Daniel’s Seventieth Week for redemption in the second half (Revelation 7:1-4).

PM go and ‘let the Muslims take over’

January 20, 2011 — ISLAMIC preacher Ibrahim Siddiq-Conlon points heavenwards to emphasise his message for the governments of Australia—there is no God but Allah and only his laws should be obeyed.
“My attack is on the Prime Minister of Australia,” he said yesterday. “I hate the parliament in Canberra. I want to go straight for the jugular vein and advise the parliament that they have no right to legislate. They should immediately step down and let the Muslims take over.”
An Australian-born convert to Islam, Siddiq-Conlon is the self-anointed leader of a group called Sharia4Australia, which is pushing for the introduction of sharia courts as a first step towards achieving Islamic law. “One day Australia will live under sharia; it’s inevitable,” he said. “If they (Australians) don’t accept it, that’s not our problem. We hope, and our objective is to have a peaceful transition, but when you look at history that has never been the case. There’s always been a fight. It is inevitable that one day there will be a struggle for Islam in Australia.”
A masters graduate in architecture from the University of Technology Sydney, Siddiq-Conlon formed Sharia4Australia last year. He said he had three objectives. The first is to persuade Muslims they must hate “taghoot”, the worship of any God other than Allah, which includes democracy. “They must hate it, speak out against it. And, if that doesn’t work, take action against it.”
His other objectives are to advise elected governments they have no authority to rule, and to educate non-Muslims on the benefits of sharia, including punishments such as stoning adulterers and severing the hands of thieves. “If chopping off the hands is the punishment given by the sharia court then we say glad tidings, because chopping off the hands—when you understand what is sharia—is a mercy to that person.
“Why is it a mercy getting your hands chopped off? Because it can be expiation for your sins. It is better to get punished in this life than to go underground into the grave or into the hellfire for eternity.” Siddiq-Conlon will join a debate tonight at the Parramatta Town Hall in Sydney on the merits of sharia versus democracy. The event was organised by self-styled debate promoter Zaky Mallah, who was acquitted of terrorism charges in 2005 but pleaded guilty to threatening to kill a commonwealth officer after his passport was canceled. . .
Full story:

Comment: There is no love in any of these objectives. No mercy or compassion, no humility, no righteousness, no grace, a total absence of faith, no greatness, and no God but Allah.
Islam is not just a religion but a political system as well. The state is intended to be inseparable from religious rule. Islamic law, or Sharia, is complete and not designed to coexist with or be subordinate to other legal systems. Muslims are not meant to be ruled by non-Muslims. The Qur’an is very clear that they are to resist unbelievers by any means until Islam establishes political supremacy. This doesn’t mean that everyone must be forced to become Muslim, but rather that everyone must submit to Muslim rule.

The Mark of the Beast – Part V

Revelation 13:15, “The United States of America will be authorized by Rome to empower the (once) Protestant image of the Judaeo-Roman Catholic beast, so that whoever declines to serve its will (signified as a mark in their right hand), or receive its trinitarian doctrine (signified as a mark in their forehead) should be killed.” And we witness the US and other colonial troops of the ‘City of London’ systematically “blooded” and desensitized, to kill, maim and torture by unthinking reflexive obedience to amoral and unlawful commands. “For the mystery of lawlessness is already at work, only the Holy Spirit will restrain that man of sin until He departs in the translation of His end-time Bride” (II Thessalonians 2:7).
In his video, YOUR FREE WILL: The Global Power Elite’s Achilles Heel, Adrian Salbuchi stresses the importance of acquiring a strong “Freedom Warrior Attitude” against the Global Power Elite, by NOT giving in to them; NOT giving them your Free Will; REFUSING TO SERVE THEM!!! By yielding your free will you take the mark of the beast.
From the garden of Eden God placed man of the basis of free moral agency, with one proviso: “If you partake of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, [or receive reasoning against faith, which is the revealed Word of God], that day you most definitely will die.” Since God is omniscient He cannot change His mind on His Word and remain God (Malachi 3:6; Hebrews 13:8). Eve and Adam tasted the forbidden fruit of Satan’s perceived wisdom against God’s unchanging Word and died before the close of that first millennial day. Man is still on the basis of free moral agency; such is God’s love that He will never coerce or force anyone to serve Him against their own free will and desire.
Although the Lord is omnipotent, infinite and omniscient He does not compel service or even belief in His existence. He is not an arbitrary God who manipulates men like mind-controlled puppets as mutual love could not exist between reflexive automatons and the Great Creator. Our freedom of choice enables mutual love and Divine communion with the sure reward of eternal Life, or willful disobedience with the certainty of sin and death in the lake of Fire.
The word god means “object of worship,” and Paul said, “Although there are many so-called gods in heaven or on earth, as indeed there are many gods and many lords, for us there is one God, the Father, from whom all things come and for whom we exist, and one Lord Jesus Christ through whom all things exist and through whom we are” (I Corinthians 8:5-6). Yet the vast majority of humanity live their lives in illusory service, that is, worship, to astrological bodies, idols of wood and stone, and gods of desire—through the lust of the eye, the lust of the flesh and the pride of life—fame, pride, material wealth, self-worship or self-denial, vain imaginings, gluttony, narcissism, which they glorify and do homage.
The Bible is the story of the amazing love of one omnipotent, infinite, and omniscient God for frail mortals imprisoned in corruptible sin-born flesh—all potentially lost because Eve’s disobedience and Adam’s loving self-sacrifice sold creation under sin, decay, and death. Yet “God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him should not perish, but have eternal Life” (John 3:16). He created Himself a body in the womb of a virgin who received His spoken Word by faith, that He might pay the dreadful penalty of His unchanging Word and taste death for Adam’s children who freely surrender their senses of conscience, memory, imagination, reasoning and affection, sight, hearing, touch, taste and smell to His will, that His glorious Attributes may live through them to His glory (Luke 1:38; 22:42; Hebrews 2:9; 10:5; Matthew 16:24-25).
God has placed you on the same basis as Adam and Eve in the beginning, and “Jesus said to His disciples, If any man wants to be a follower of Mine, he must deny himself, take up his cross and follow Me; for whoever wants to save his life shall lose it, but whoever loses his life for My sake shall find it. For what will it profit a man, if he gains the whole world but forfeits his soul? or what will a man give in exchange for his soul” (Matthew 16:24-26)?
soulWhen God said, “Let us make man (Heb. ‘asah’ from existing material) in our image after our likeness” He wrote the Lamb’s Book of Life, an election in His thinking, which is the Logos (Revelation 13:8). Then “God created every man and woman in Adam’s race” (Heb. ‘bara’) out of nothing by foreknowledge of the Book of Life (Revelation 17:8), and on the seventh day “the Lord God formed man (Heb. ‘yatsar’ squeezed into shape) out of the dust” (Genesis 1:26-27; 2:7). Our souls do not pre-exist, however they are the likeness of God who is also a Spirit, with free will to choose or refuse, and placed in worldly bodies of dust empowered by a mortal spirit of this world to determine their destiny by the exercise of free will to bring the five senses of the spirit of our mind subject to God’s revealed Word and bring the five senses of our bodies under submission. Souls of faith manifest godship by the dominion we take over our small world of dust (Luke 16:10-11).
Jesus said, “If you adhere to My teaching, you will truly be My disciples; and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free [from sin, which is unbelief in the revealed Word, and from death]” (John 8:31-32; Ezekiel 18:4-9). The choice is yours. Romans 8:27: “He who searches the hearts knows what is the mind of the Spirit, because He makes intercession for the saints according to the will of God”.
God is love, and the Bible is the story of God unfolding Himself by changing His form from the eternal Spirit alone with His thoughts—what He is—to their manifestation in the flesh of His glorified Family—Jesus Christ and His elect Church. The Word and God is at one with His Church today since the fullness of the Word is in Christ’s end-time Bride, the Capstone of the pyramid and Headship of the Body that is redeemed to live the Message for the last day and be taken up from the dead in the resurrection for “the restitution of all things” in the splendour of Edenic perfection (Acts 3:21).
“Freely have you received [remission of sins, new birth and eternal Life], freely give [and live the days of your mortal life to glorify the most merciful God]” (Matthew 10:8).
The mark of the beast is not freedom by your choosing to align your will to the mind of God in mutual love, but enforced conformity under the will to power arbitrarily imposed upon you. This is not love, it is not mutual, and it is not God but Satan. the Spirit of God is meek and gentle and will not venture where the Word of God in unwelcome.
The relationship between God and His elect is likened to the marriage between a man and his wife. When a man chooses the right woman and proposes marriage, she is not coerced but free to accept or decline. Should she accept the decision is hers, their vow mutual, and thereafter she must obey her own husband in every thing in the Lord (Ephesians 5:21-33).
When God made a Covenant with Israel individual Israelites who wanted no part in it were not forced to accept His terms but free to depart and dwell with another people outside the Land of the Covenant with whom they could agree; many remained in Egypt. When John Hyrcanus defeated and forcibly assimilated the Edomites in 123BC “he compelled them to be circumcised, and to unite into one nation, and be subject to the same laws, they were called Jews. . . and were hereafter no other than Jews” (Josephus, Antiquities of the Jews, XIII, 9:1). Hyrcanus defeated his nation in victory, for the Edomites are Israel’s sworn enemy who swiftly perverted their religion, occupied the priestly offices and usurped the monarchy in Judah as they have in Britain, the United States and all Christendom, forcing their mark of the beast per medium of communications, lobbying, educational curricula, news and entertainment.
Thereafter the Pharisees forced their mark of the beast by Talmudic mind control, crucifying Israel’s Messiah and killing His followers. In AD325 they organized the Judaeo-Roman Catholic state church in conjunction with emperor Constantine and proceeded to force their mark of the beast throughout the Roman empire, killing scores of millions of Christians who refused to worship their Babylonian trinity of gods. The persecution was so severe it plunged Western Europe into almost a thousand years of Dark Ages. See Foxes Book of Martyrs, The Two Babylons, any history of the Christian Church such as Smucker’s Glorious Reformation, or an encyclopaedia.
Only faith, a clear revelation of the truth can set you free from mind control. As Benjamin Franklin observed, “Only lies need the protection of the State, the Truth can stand alone.” Belief mandated by legislation is brainwashing to impose falsehood. Infamous instances include the enforcement of Judaeo-Roman Catholic dogma on pain of death; the BIG LIE of Jewish Holocaust mythology, the lies that Martin Bryant participated in MOSSAD’s Port Arthur Massacre, that Judaeo-Communism is people-power, that Muslims effected 9/11, 7/7, and bombed Bali; that Jews are a Semitic people descended from Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, that Jesus was a “Jew,” Jewish “hate” legislation, their bankster’s HOAX that 0.038% CO2 in the atmosphere is anthropogenic, causing ‘climate change,’ the that the enforced Hadiths of the Talmudic Koran of the Judaeo-Roman religion of Islam are the will and unchanging Word of God.
One may follow the trail of the Serpent and his mark of the beast in any encyclopedia from Babylon to the present day, yet Satan, who hates Michael and Christianity, has placed the mindlock of “Jewish” hate legislation on truth making it politically incorrect to expose the Darkness of Judaism and Islam to the Light of Truth. If you read the Koran you will find that like Judaeo-Roman Catholicism, “the mother of harlots and abominations of the earth,” it is heavily influenced by the Babylonian Talmud. Political power and religious perversion of REVEALED Truth has overspread the earth from Babylon to Medo-Persia, to Greece and Rome, and from Babylon to Judah. “Judaism . . . Pharisaism became Talmudism, Talmudism became Medieval Rabbinism, and Medieval Rabbinism became Modern Rabbinism. But throughout these changes in name . . . the spirit of the ancient Pharisees survives, unaltered . . . From Palestine to Babylonia; from Babylonia to North Africa, Italy, Spain, France and Germany; from these to Poland, Russia, and eastern Europe generally, ancient Pharisaism has wandered . . . demonstrates the enduring importance which attaches to Pharisaism as a religious movement . . .” (Rabbi Louis Finkelstein, head of The Jewish Theological Seminary of America, The Pharisees, the Sociological Background of their Faith,” Foreword to First Edition, p. XXI).
The mark of the beast inculcated by rabbis states: “Christians are worshipers of Avodah Zarah [“idolatry”]” (Maimonides, Mishneh Torah, Ma’akhalot Assurot, 11:7).
“It is a mitzvah [religious duty], however, to eradicate Jewish traitors, minim [Christians], and apikorsim, [“heretics,” i.e., sincere Judaic converts to Christianity] and to cause them to descend to the pit of destruction, since they cause difficulty to the Jews and sway the people away from God, as did Jesus of Nazareth and his students, and Tzadok, Baithos, and their students. May the name of the wicked rot” (Maimonides, Mishneh Torah, Chapter 10).
Apostasy in Islam is almost identical to the Talmud and commonly defined as conversion from Islam: even speech against Islam is considered as treason and punishable by death for a male, and for a female apostate, death or imprisonment until repentance. In 1989 the Ayatollah Khomeini, then ruler of Iran, urged in a fatwa the killing of author Salman Rushdie for the blasphemy of writing The Satanic Verses, and Iranians who convert from Islam face the death penalty for apostasy.
“. . . a gentile who worships false gods is liable, [for the death penalty] provided he worships them in the accepted manner [in other words, insincere worship such as (1) faking worship to obtain business or social advantage, as the Marranos, Donmehs in the case of Muslims, or (2) denying Jesus’ divinity, does not earn the death penalty]. A gentile is executed for every type of foreign worship which a Jewish court would consider worthy of capital punishment”  (Maimonides, Hilchot Melachim XI, Mishneh Torah). The Jewish Encyclopedia (“Laws, Noachian“) affirms the punishment for Christian “idolatry” is decapitation. Here you will recognize the source of the Koran and its merciless Moon god.
The fraudulent and hypocritical ‘Noahide Laws’ are absurdly preferential to so-called ‘Jews,’ but prejudicial towards non-Jews: “A non-Jew is put to death on the basis of a decision given by one judge [no jury], and on the basis of testimony given by a single witness, and even if he was not given a proper warning prior to the commission of his offense. He is put to death on the basis of testimony and a decision given by a man but not on the basis of testimony and a decision given by a woman, and the man who testified or decided against him can even be a relative. “A Jew can only be put to death by a court of twenty-three judges, and on the basis of the testimony of two male witnesses who are not disqualified from testifying on account of kinship, and after being properly warned against committing the transgression. But none of these rules apply in the case of a non-Jew” (Babylonian Talmud, Sanhedrin 57b, Steinsaltz edition, Vol. 18, p. 110). This abominable abuse of process has been instituted in courts under Jewish “hate” legislation, and “truth is no defense”.
When Jews mention the word “Torah” Christians mistakenly imagine they are referring to the Pentateuch when they are deceitfully referring to “Torah SheBeal Peh” the so-called Oral “Torah” compiled into the Talmud and Kabbalistic books. Likewise, Christians imagine “Noah” of the “Noachide Law” is the biblical Noah, but the Noah of the Noachide Law is most unbiblical, mocked in rabbinical literature as an incompetent drunk incapable of fulfilling God’s commission, and who compounded the sin of Adam.
“Three had a passion of agriculture [an occupation despised by Jewry] and no good was found in them: Cain, Noah, and Uzziah” (Midrash Rabbah: Genesis I, translated by Rabbi Dr. H. Freedman (Soncino, 1983) Vol. 1, p. 289). “The rabbis teach that Noah ended as a castrate. One story has it that he was castrated by a lion while he was drunk and on his way to have intercourse and this ‘scattered his semen.’ Alternatively the Midrash says that it was actually Ham who castrated Noah, and that Noah told Ham, ‘You have prevented me from doing something in the dark, therefore your seed will be ugly and dark-skinned'” (Midrash Rabbah: Genesis I, translated by Rabbi Dr. H. Freedman (Soncino, 1983) Vol. 1, p. 283). Maimonides was Jewry’s greatest seer, a student of Islam, he read Arabic translations of the Greek philosophers, and like Mohammed he was prejudiced against coloured folk.
When Babylon fell to the Medes and Persians, her priest-king, Attalus fled to Pergamos where he set up his kingdom outside the reaches of the Roman empire, and thrived under the care of the Devil. Attalus III died without an heir, and willed his kingdom to Rome. Julius Caesar became Pontiff Maximus of the Babylonish religion and the title passed on to the following emperors until Gratian, who refused it. According to Stevens’ History the pope took the headship the emperor rejected and today there is still a pontiff in the world, and he is truly Pontiff Maximus. He wears a triple crown and resides in Rome. And in Revelation 17 God no longer refers to Pergamos as Satan’s seat nor does he say that is where Satan dwells. No, the throne room is no longer in Pergamos, but it is MYSTERY Babylon. It is not in Babylon but in MYSTERY Babylon. It is in a city on seven hills. Its head is antichrist for he has usurped the position of Christ who alone is mediator and who alone can forgive sins. Yes, Pontiff Maximus is with us today.
At the first Nicea Council in AD325 the synagogue of Satan spawned the anti-Christian Judaeo-Roman Universal church in impersonation of the Israelitish high priestly temple worship, overlaying the Babylonian religion of pagan Rome whose many gods were renamed: Venus (Isis, Diana, Nimrod’s wife Semiramis) became Mary, and Jupiter (Bel or Baal) the father of gods. This blasphemous one world religion acceptable to pagans, Jews and nominal Christians was enforced with state backing to obliterate Christianity, and in the near future “the children of Darkness” exercising Satan’s will to power will once again steal man’s God-given freedom of thought and expression (Revelation 13:15-18).
Political power and the religious perversion of REVEALED Truth overspread the earth from Babylon to Pergamos, thence to Rome where the papacy became more powerful that the Imperium and devised a means whereby “Mystery, Babylon the Great, the mother of harlots and abominations of the earth” might spawn yet another abomination that would expel the Israelites from Jerusalem and desolate “the holy place” where God’s temple had stood, so she could relocate from Vatican City to Jerusalem and impersonate Bible prophecy. This new tool would also be used to kill Christians. If you have viewed the 135-minute full-length video Total Onslaught and the 15-minute video linked to Newsletter #670 you will know that this tool created and controlled by the Judaeo-Roman Catholic church is Islam.
In “Mary and the Moslems” the late Bishop Fulton Sheen, Director of the Society for the Propagation of the Faith, explains how “Moslemism” will eventually be converted to Roman Catholicism “through a summoning of the Moslems to a veneration of the Mother of God.” The Koran was written by Waraquah, the Judaeo-Roman Catholic cousin of Mohammed’s Catholic first wife, Khadijah who was sent by Rome to woo and win Mohammed’s hand in marriage. Their daughter Fatima married Mohammed’s cousin Ali ibn Abi Talib, whom Shiites, Islam’s largest minority sect, regard as his rightful successor, and rejecting the legitimacy of the previous caliphs, call him the first Imam (leader). Shia Islam is dominant in the Caucasus, Syria, Iran and Iraq. Bishop Sheen’s article reveals how the Koran venerates the Virgin Mary and Khadijah’s daughter Fatima, while Rome has elevated Mary above Jesus Christ and associates Fatima with Mary who bares the title, “Our Lady of Fatima.” The long-term planning for world hegemony by Satan’s minions is evident in the unscriptural ‘visions’ near the town of Fatima, Portugal, in 1917, which also command the transfer of devotion from our Lord Jesus Christ, to Mary.
Pope Pius XII, in his Apostolic Letter of July 7, 1952, Sacro Vergente, consecrated Russia to the Blessed Virgin Mary, not to Jesus Christ: “Just as a few years ago We consecrated the entire human race to the Immaculate Heart of the Virgin Mary, Mother of God, [not to our Lord Jesus Christ who is the One Person of God], so today We consecrate and in a most special manner We entrust all the peoples of Russia to this Immaculate Heart”.
The non-Semitic, anti-Semitic self-styled Jews and their Judaeo-Roman Catholic church are at enmity with the people of the first Adam, and Jesus Messiah, the last Adam (Genesis 3:15). Islam is being employed to destroy evangelical (i.e. genuine Protestant) Christianity in the UK, Europe, US, Africa and other colonies of the City of London, and as a vehicle for miscegenation between the Sons of God and the daughters of men as Jesus prophesied in Matthew 24:37.
Rome’s encouragement of miscegenation, was evidenced in their push to ease Australia’s selective immigration for Jews in World War II. Jews led the effort to dismantle the nation’s selective immigration Act, which was the envy of many older nations. The Australian Jewish Democrat stated, “The strengthening of multi-cultural or diverse Australia is also our most effective insurance policy against anti-Semitism. The day Australia has a Chinese Australian Governor General I would feel more confident of my freedom to live as a Jewish Australian.” This Australian Jew was prepared to sacrifice the traditional culture, people, and identity of Australia to specifically Jewish interests (American Renaissance archives. Australia’s first Jewish Governor General Sir Isaac Isaacs was a fierce supporter of the White Australia Policy, and an equally fierce and outspoken opponent of “political Zionism” and British policy in Palestine). Jewish Prime Ministers Malcolm Fraser and Bob Hawke introduced Anti-Discrimination and Racial Vilification legislation crafted for the B’nai B’rith by San Francisco Jewish lawyer Josef Ribakoff, suspended for defrauding clients.
Nowadays Jewish “hate” legislation and treaties with their United Nations plus our alien-controlled media, communications, education and entertainments cause politicians to cringe at the thought of unequivocally truthful speech that might be deemed ‘politically incorrect,’ making the nation defenseless against the “Trojan horse” of Islam which does not distinguish between politics from religion. And politicians are afraid to stop even illegal immigration.
Make no mistake, all war is ultimately religious. World War III was planned to bring political Islam and political Zion into controlled conflict with the objective of establishing Lucifer’s Totalitarian one world government under the pope of Rome. After World War Three is ended, those who aspire to undisputed world domination will provoke the greatest social cataclysm the world has ever known. “We shall unleash the Nihilists and Atheists, and we shall provoke a formidable social cataclysm which in all its horror will show clearly to the nations the effect of absolute atheism, origin of savagery and of the most bloody turmoil. Then everywhere, the citizens, obliged to defend themselves against the world minority of revolutionaries, will exterminate those destroyers of civilization, and the multitude, disillusioned with Christianity, whose deistic spirits will be from that moment without compass (direction), anxious for an ideal, but with out knowing where to render its adoration, will receive the true light through the universal manifestation of the pure doctrine of Lucifer, brought finally out in the public view, a manifestation which will result from the general reactionary movement which will follow the destruction of Christianity and atheism, both conquered and exterminated at the same time” (William Guy Carr, Pawns in the Game, p. xv-xvi).
Satan’s legions are opposed to the evangelical or non-Judaeo-Catholic Church.
“Evangelical”: 1. Pertaining to or based on the Gospel and its teachings: evangelical preaching. 2. Connected with a school of thought in the Church of England which emphasizes the doctrine of the necessity of man’s redemption by faith, rather than the sacramental aspect of Christianity; belonging to what is also known as the Low Church party; distinctively Protestant in attitude, as contrasted with the High Church, or Anglican, Anglo-Catholic party (The Webster Universal Dictionary; The Shorter Oxford English Dictionary gives much the same definition).
Rome, her apostate (once) Protestant daughter churches, Judaism and Islam are allied against the evangelical movement: genuine Christianity that focuses upon the present Truth—what Jesus is doing now. “The Koran teaches its followers that those who believe should follow only Allah and his messenger” (Koran 4:59, 123; 28:17; 3:28, 5:49). However, they do not tolerate free will but insist upon thought control. Chapter 9, verse 29 states plainly: “Fight against such of the people who despite having been given Scriptures do not (really) believe in Allah and the Last Day, and who do not hold unlawful what Allah and His Messenger have declared to be unlawful, and to not subscribe to the true faith, until they pay the Jizyah (– the commutation tax), provided they can afford it, and they are content with their state of subjection (having become incorporated in the Islamic government)” [3].
Along with the Koran (or Qur’an) is the Hadith—according to the: “Hadith is integral to the Qur’an, since they are inseparably linked to each other. It is impossible to understand the Qur’an without reference to Hadith. The Qur’an is the message, and the Hadith is the explanation of the message by the Messenger himself. . . The Qur’an makes it abundantly clear that the function of the Messenger is not merely that of a deliveryman who simply delivers the revelation from Allah to us. Rather, he has been entrusted with the most important task of explaining and illustrating the same” [4].
From the Hadith we learn: (Muslim 19:4294) “When you meet your enemies who are polytheists [Christians], invite them to three courses of action. If they respond to any one of these, you also accept it and withhold yourself from doing them any harm. Invite them to (accept) Islam; if they respond to you, accept it from them and desist from fighting against them … If they refuse to accept Islam, demand from them the Jizya. If they agree to pay, accept it from them and hold off your hands. If they refuse to pay the tax, seek Allah’s help and fight them” (emphasis added).
The Hadith also teaches that there is no other authority over the land as all land belongs to Allah. In Bukhari 53:392 in speaking to the Jews: “If you embrace Islam, you will be safe. You should know that the earth belongs to Allah and His Apostle, and I want to expel you from this land. So, if anyone amongst you owns some property, he is permitted to sell it, otherwise you should know that the Earth belongs to Allah and His Apostle” [5].
Yet, in the end, affirms that: “Hadith at all times must be evaluated by the well-established rules of validation as established by the great scholars. Such firm criteria include the following: If a certain Hadith is contrary to the well-established principles of the Koran or sound reason it must be rejected, since obviously it cannot be authentic”  [6]. And here lays the problem—a large number of Muslims believe as the Hadith teaches which does not conform to the common moderate Muslim belief. When you have radical clerics teaching the hardline precepts of the Hadith, and with a population as large as the Muslim population, even a small percentage equates to very large numbers of followers.
As I have shown above the battle with the hardline Muslim teachings is not new and the hard line precepts of the Hadith have been used for centuries. Slavery, taxation of non-believers, or fighting the non-believers is a duty for many Muslims.
In response to the piracy taking place off the Barbary Coast; Thomas Jefferson and John Adams went and visited Tripoli’s envoy to London, Ambassador Sidi Haji Abdrahaman, to enquire as to what right they could take slaves and extort money from the people of Europe and America. Jefferson reported his reply to be: ‘that right was founded on the laws of the Prophet, that it was written in their Koran, that all nations who should not have answered their authority were sinners, that it was their right and duty to make war upon them wherever they could be found, and to make slaves of all they could take as prisoners and that every Mussulman (sic) who should be slain in battle was sure to go to paradise’.
Can you see the City’s Hegelian dialectic? Political Islam is to be brought into controlled conflict with the political Zionists, but Judaeo-Communist Russia will side with the Muslim countries, attack and invade Israel and earthquake-devastated USA. Rome will unite her federation of world religions, restore peace, and her then Devil-incarnate Pope will be acclaimed president of one world government. She will establish a seven-year agreement with the Jewish banksters, and in the midst of the week of years she will abrogate her agreement and force the mark of the beast. nl671.htm

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Brother Grigor-Scott is a
non-denominational minister who has ministered full-time since 1981, primarily
to other ministers and their congregations in other countries. He pastors
Bible Believers’ tiny congregation, and is available to teach in your church.

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