Archive for October, 2013

Gathering to Armageddon – Part II

October 17, 2013

Gathering to Armageddon – Part II

Bible Believers’ Newsletter 806

“We focus on the present Truth – what Jesus is doing now. . .”
ISSN 1442-8660

Christian greetings in the precious Name of our Lord Jesus Christ; we are pleased you could join us in fellowship around God’s unchanging Word.

It is great to see you again; you are here because the Lord Jesus has led you to this place where He can commune with you lip to ear on some of the deeper matters of the present Truth—what He is doing now. He is pleased because most who call themselves by His precious Name are lukewarm in relation to Him. Their ardor has cooled, supplemented by cares of this world and anxiety imposed by constant propaganda from the alien hidden hand dominating your government and mine from behind the scenes, driving us as a human resource to serfdom, thence to euthanasia as our productive capacity diminishes.

This is the uniting time. Satan is gathering his people to Armageddon, while Christ is gathering His end-time Bride for the Wedding Supper in the Air, dressed in His revealed Word for this hour making us one with our Husband for the translation and the Wedding supper of the Lamb in the Sky. Tonight we will study “Gathering to Armageddon – Part II.

This Newsletter serves those of like precious faith. Whoever will receive the truth is welcome to feed their soul from the waters of the River of Life. Everything here presented should be confirmed personally in your own Bible.

Your brother-in-Christ, Anthony Grigor-Scott

Worse than Great Depression, Gold/Silver to explode. Situation Unsustainable

October 10, 2013 — It will blow up at some point; Economist Dr. Paul Craig Roberts (former Assistant Secretary of the US Treasury and Associate Editor of the Wall Street Journal) predicts, “It will be worse than the Great Depression because in the Great Depression, prices fell along with employment. Now, prices will be rising and employment would be falling. . . . Gold and silver prices will explode in dollar terms.” Full story:

US Pivot to Asia: Australian Army integrated in US Military Doctrine

Israel-Australian Flag

October 11, 2013 — In November 2011, the former Labor Party Prime Minister Julia Gillard stood beside US President Barack Obama to align Australia with Washington’s military and diplomatic “pivot” to Asia. American and Australian strategic documents have been explicit about the purpose of this “pivot”—to position air and naval forces that will be used to wage war against China, and prevent the Asian power from attempting to supplant US imperialism in the Asia-Pacific region.

Behind the backs of the Australian population, the Australian military is being integrated into the US military’s AirSea Battle doctrine. Under this plan, US forces will launch attacks on the Chinese mainland, while Australian forces will cut off China’s maritime trade links with the Middle East and Africa, starving its economy of oil, gas and other essential resources. To this end, the former Rudd and Gillard governments committed to acquiring new warships and aircraft over the coming years. The newly formed Liberal-National government of Prime Minister Tony Abbott is seamlessly continuing these plans, pledging to significantly increase military spending to enable their realisation. . .
Full story:

Yasser Arafat was poisoned with Polonium, say Experts

October 14, 2013 — Swiss radiation experts have confirmed they found traces of polonium on clothing used by Yasser Arafat which “support the possibility” the veteran Palestinian leader was poisoned. In a report published by The Lancet at the weekend, the team provided scientific details to media statements made in 2012 that they had found polonium on Arafat’s belongings. . .

His remains were exhumed in November 2012 and samples taken, partly to investigate whether he had been poisoned . . . eight scientists working at the Institute of Radiation Physics and University Centre of Legal Medicine in Lausanne said they had carried out radiological tests on 75 samples.

Thirty-eight samples came from Arafat’s belongings, including underwear, a shapka hat, toothbrush, a hospital cap and sportswear, that were provided by the Palestinian leader’s widow Suha Arafat. These were checked against 37 “reference” samples of cotton clothing that had been kept in an attic for 10 years and protected from dust. “Several samples containing body fluid stains (blood and urine) contained higher unexplained polonium 210 activities than the reference samples,” says the case report. . . Full story:

Behind the Holocaust

Germany Must Perish

October 12, 2013 — What was Hitler’s Unforgivable Sin?

Hitler resisted Judaism. When you’re a little kid in school or at the movies, resisting Judaism can be made to seem a very wicked thing. As an adult, you can be made to think that to resist Judaism is the very worst, the most dangerous thing. When you see what has happened to people who have resisted Judaism, well—you certainly don’t want that to happen to you. . .

The six million Jews exterminated by the Nazis depended in large part (66%) on Auschwitz, where four million of them were infamously done to death. Thanks to Ernst Zundel and the International Red Cross, Mikhail Gorbachev in 1989 released to the Red Cross the captured death records from Auschwitz. The forty-six volumes cover the period of 1941 to ’43 and record about 69,000 deaths, mainly from disease or natural causes. The IRC had investigated all the German and Polish camps during and after the war and estimated about 200,000 deaths, some of them Jewish. When the US Army liberated Dachau, for example, of the 32,000 inmates, about 1,200 were Jews. Jewish representation was so tiny during WWII as to be insignificant, except in their minds. In their minds, the 60 million actual deaths of real people were insignificant, not worthy of consideration. Read: Long-Hidden Death Certificates Discredit Extermination Claims. . .

Adolf Hitler was, is and will always be the most dangerous character in history due to his resistance against Judaism, combined with his eloquence in explaining why Judaism must be resisted. . . Anyway, let us recognize the Holocaust for what it is, a device to make the idea of debt-free currency repellent to our minds, because anyone who would do it really just wants to gas the Jews.
Full story:

Comment: In his nauseating little book the Jew Theodore N. Kaufman suggested that every German male be castrated. A review in Time Magazine, March 24, 1941, called Kaufman’s plan a “sensational idea.” Click image to read the book.

Obama’s Double Discourse: talking Peace while making War

October 11, 2013 — Obama’s rhetorical exercise in ‘peace talk’ at the United Nations General Assembly impressed few delegations and even fewer Americans: far more eloquent are his five years of wars, military interventions, cyber-spying, drone murders, military coups and the merciless prosecution of patriotic truth tellers.

If his ‘peace message’ fell flat, the explicit affirmations of imperial prerogatives, threats of military interventions and over two dozen (25) references to Israel as a ‘strategic ally’, confirmed the suspicions and fears that Obama was preparing for even more deadly wars. . . The pro-peace Pope Francis from his pulpit in the Vatican cannot match the power of the Presidents of the 52 Major Jewish American Organizations whose militants can literally “storm Washington” and push the US into war!

Until the 99% of non-Zionist Americans (off all ethnicities and persuasions) organize as a coherent force to push back the tiny 1%—Israel’s Fifth Column—all the hopes for peace wakened by President Putin initiative on Syria and President Rohani’s diplomatic opening at the United Nation, will collapse. Worse, Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu will again lead an American President, Obama, by the nose, from sabotaged diplomacy into another costly Gulf War, one in which thousands of US soldiers (not a single Zionist among them) and tens (if not hundreds) of thousands of Iranians will perish!
Full story:        
Comment: Please read the full story.

How Monsanto kills the News

September 9, 2006 — When it comes to food, it would be in your best interest to realize that you are being lied to on a daily basis. If a big company grows it, processes it and sells it, then it’s probably garbage that you’d be better off not consuming. In some cases, this problem goes far beyond “garbage” into another realm entirely.

This video is a rare glimpse behind-the-scenes of how news is really “made” in America and why corporate and “public” broadcasting—like corporate food—is entirely unreliable. Full story:

Comment: Genetically modified foods and PR wars: fighting against biotech giants Supermarket Chickens test positive for Arsenic—the idea is that it makes them grow faster.

Gathering to Armageddon – Part II

Newsletter 805 explained how the revelation of God’s Bible is not apprehended when it is read from cover to cover like a newspaper; that is useful for familiarization with the characters, plot and content of the Book. But we are ministers “not of the letter, but of the Spirit: for the letter kills, but the Spirit gives eternal Life” (II Corinthians 3:6). We learned the narrative of the Book of Revelation is interspersed by whole chapters in parenthesis expounding what will take place under an event described in the previous verses, or what will transpire in a succeeding section. And it can only be understood by scriptural prophecies, shadows and types, history and the Message of the Prophet of Revelation 10:7.

Body of Christ before the Capstone was introduced in the SealsThe Book of Zechariah which we will look at today follows a similar pattern. Chapter 9 prophesies Jesus Messiah’s coming to Jerusalem one Sunday where the people hailed Him as their king then murdered Him six days later (John 1:10-13; Zechariah 9:9; Matthew 21:1-11). Chapter 10 traces the cause of Israel’s national distress in idolatry and foretells its deliverance by the hand of Jehovah through conflict under the Maccabees to relative autonomy for the advent of Messiah the “Head of the corner” or Capstone Israel rejected. The wide dispersion of Israelites just before Christ’s first Coming prepared the way for the apostles’ preaching in synagogues throughout the world; everywhere the Old Testament seed had been sown was ready to germinate when New Testament Light was shone upon it by Gospel preachers. Thus the way was opened for entrance among the Gentiles. And when faithful Hebrews seek the Lord in prayer they will naturally remember Zion when He “hisses,” and restores and establishes both Israel and Judah of the seed of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob from Muslim lands to the land of the Covenant in Daniel’s Seventieth Week (Zechariah 10:8).

In chapter 11 the prophet personates Jesus Messiah as Israel’s shepherd; the first six verses foretell the desolation of the whole land of Judah and Jerusalem because her religious and civil leaders have been wicked shepherds who have led the nation to Roman slaughter. Assuming the office of shepherd, Zechariah takes two crooks by which he seeks to lead them away from their false leaders and the threatened judgment to green pastures watered by the Spirit of Truth. He names one staff “beauty,” indicating God’s favour towards Israel above all other nations; the other “bands,” indicating the bond of brotherhood between Israel and Judah (Deuteronomy 4:7; Psalm 147:19-20; Zechariah 11:14).

Their Roman “possessors” did not hold themselves guilty as they were the instruments of Jehovah’s righteous vengeance (Jeremiah 50:7). By selfish rapacity, Judah’s “own shepherds” sold their country to Rome (Zechariah 11:5-7; John 11:47-50), the climax being the sale of Messiah. When He demanded of them His “price” for the pastoral care of Israel during the whole theocracy, and especially for His three and a half years of personal ministry, they gave the price of a slave that had been gored (through Judas’ betrayal – Exodus 21:32). Putting off the guise of a wise kindly shepherd Zechariah broke the staves, signifying the destruction of the temple and of the brotherhood between the people of the two nations, then in just one month he cut off the three last princes of the Asmonean line, Hyrcanus, Alexander and Antigonus. The last was conquered by Rome and Herod and slain by the executioner in 37BC transferring Judea under the yoke of Edom. Judea’s population was already largely Edomite as in the second century BC John Hyrcanus had forcibly assimilated Edom with Judah. Jesus, who was not a Jew, did not live in Judea “for fear of the Edomite Jews.” After Calvary the Israel nation was blinded to the revelation of God’s Word as prophesied in Isaiah 6:9-10, Jeremiah 5:21, and Matthew 24:39, so that God’s Covenant was of no effect to natural Israel as a nation but “the blessing of Abraham” would come to an election of private individuals from Adam’s race regardless of their nationality until the last elect Gentile is baptized into the Body of Christ. (This exposes the blind bigotry of Messianic Jews, Christian Israelites, British Israel, Christian Identity and all exclusivist groups that presume themselves racial Israelites and Christians (Micah 5:3; Zechariah 9:10; Malachi 1:11; Romans 11:25). Any one in Adam’s race not born of adultery or incest, regardless of his colour, tribe or tongue, may be born a second time by the Spirit of God (John 1:12-13; I Corinthians 12:13; Galatians 3:26-29).

Zechariah is now commanded to take up the instruments of a foolish or wicked shepherd, fitted to hurt rather than heal, signifying Imperial and subsequently Papal Rome which Israel received in lieu of her Messiah (John 5:43; Jeremiah 23:1-2; Daniel 9:27; 11:35 – 12:1; II Thessalonians 2:3-12; Revelation 13). But the sword shall smite the right arm or strength of the idol shepherd and blind the right eye of his vigilance and Rome shall be destroyed in retribution, but Judah and Israel will be spared, and Jerusalem shall be the instrument of God’s judgment on her foes “[after] He has poured on her the Spirit of grace and of supplications” (Zechariah 12:10). That is, in the second half of Daniel’s Seventieth Week.

Just as the consummation and Millennium prophesied in Malachi 4:1-3 will transpire after the two Elijahs and the threat of Malachi 4:5-6, the events foretold in Zechariah 12:1 – 13:9 will all come to pass after the earthquake of Zechariah 14:4-5 at the close of the Gentile dispensation. Once the Lord turns His hand upon Jerusalem and the Israelites, such an attack will initiate warfare against the Lord God and “Jerusalem will become a burdensome stone for all peoples, and though all nations of earth gather against it, all who lift it will rupture themselves.” As Brother Branham explains, Zechariah 12:9-14 is the revelation story of Israel’s glorious new birth through their recognition of Christ’s ‘parousia’ Coming to Israel after the tribulation of the first half of Daniel’s Seventieth Week, and following the martyrdom of their two prophets after the midst of the Week.

Revelation 1:7, “And they who pierced Him . . . shall wail because of Him.” The true fulfilment of this remorse began on the day of Pentecost when a multitude gathered at the temple were “pricked in their heart” after Peter quoted Psalms, Hosea, Joel and other scriptures, then declared “let all the house of Israel know assuredly, that God has made that same Jesus, whom you have crucified, both Lord and Christ”.

May I repeat, Israel’s new birth will be after the tribulation, after the Lord stands up to fight for His elected (Daniel 12:1), and after the martyrdom of the two Hebrew prophets (Revelation 11:7-13). I believe Zechariah’s description of the brave gallantry of the Israelites is a metaphor for the confidence of 144,000 in their newfound faith rather than valiant prowess in physical warfare, for the battle will be the Lord’s. He will smite the invading armies with selective blindness as he smote the forces of the Syrians when they sought to arrest Elisha (II Kings 6:18), and cause them to be mad.

One of the blessings for Israel’s obedience was their invincibility in battle, “The Lord will cause your enemies who rise up against you to be smitten before you: they shall come out against you one way, and flee before you seven ways”  (Deuteronomy 28:7).

Contrariwise, a curse upon Israel for disobedience was “The Lord will cause your defeat before your enemies: you shall go out one way against them, and flee seven ways before them: and shall be a horror to all the kingdoms of the earth. Your corpses shall become food for the birds of the air and the beasts of the earth, and there will be no one to frighten them away. . . The Lord will strike you with madness, and blindness, and confusion of mind” (Deuteronomy 28:25-26, 28).

In Zechariah 12 the Lord demonstrates His pleasure in the growing faith established by the ministry of the two prophets of Zechariah 4 by replacing the curse upon Israel with blessing, and turning the curse upon their enemies whose unbelief has caused them as His enemies to be smitten with madness, with blindness, and confusion of mind (Revelation 11:5-6, 18) while He “opens His eyes” in watchful care over Judah (Revelation 11:19).

Zechariah 13 tells us that after the earthquakes sink Los Angeles and cleave the Mount of Olives, the cleansing fountain of eternal Life of which the Israelites “judged themselves unworthy” by shutting their eyes to the Gospel (Acts 13:46), is now opened as the Lord opens the sight of an election to the Gospel. Unlike the laver of the Law that stood between the tabernacle and the altar and required constant replenishment, the fountain of living faith is ever flowing.

Judea’s two great sins were idolatry and false prophecy. “Covetousness, which is idolatry,” is a besetting sin of the Jews (Ephesians 5:5; Colossians 3:5), while the Talmud and related books of Judaism are false prophecy that “make God’s Word of no effect” (Matthew 15:9). The three unclean spirits of Fascism, Nazism/Zionism and Communism that come out of the mouth of the dragon and of the beast and of the false prophet to lead the whole world to Armageddon (Revelation 16:13-16) have their source in Jewry and oppose “the Spirit of holiness” (Romans 1:4) that discerns the “spirit of error”  (I John 4:6). As God did not spare His only Son but delivered Him up for all in Adam’s race, and Israelites once cleansed of the “unclean spirit” will not spare even their own children should they prophesy falsely (Zechariah 13:3). The impersonation of a prophet is blasphemy (Romans 8:32; Deuteronomy 18:20).

Israel and briefly even His disciples forsook “the Man that was their near kinsman.” Israel crucified Jehovah’s Shepherd and abrogated God’s Covenant, but when the Gentile dispensation is fulfilled He will “turn His hand upon the [144,000] little ones” after His time with us Gentiles (Zechariah 13:7; Matthew 26:31-32, 56). These elect to whom He will turn His hand (Isaiah 1:25) are “the poor of the flock” and like Himself, “despised and rejected by their fellows” (Zechariah 11:7, 11; Isaiah 53:3).

The Lord will only deal with these “little ones” in the land wherein Jesus Messiah has undertaken the office of shepherd (Zechariah 12:12; 13:8), for Israel’s salvation will be in Zion and in Jerusalem (Isaiah 4:2-4; 30:18-26; Joel 3:16-17; Revelation 14:1-5). Two parts shall be cut off and die, but the third part, a tithe of the whole (Isaiah 6:13; Ezekiel 5:1-12; Zechariah 13:8-9), shall be purged. Since the 144,000 are predestinated to receive the fullness of the Word they were fully redeemed in Christ on Calvary, yet chastisement is not withheld and these “little ones” will be refined by processes as severe as those to which precious metals are subjected (Malachi 3:2-6). I Peter 1:5-7, “That the trial of their faith, being much more precious than of gold that perishes, though it be tried with fire, might be found to [His] praise and honour and glory at the appearing [Gk. apokalupsis] of Christ”.

Joel 2:32, “And it shall come to pass, that whosoever shall call on the Name of the Lord shall be delivered: for in Mount Zion and in Jerusalem [and nowhere else] shall be deliverance, as the Lord has said, and in the remnant whom the Lord shall call” (Romans 11:26-27; Hosea 2:23).

Israel will be born-again as a nation in one day (Isaiah 9:14; 30:26; 66:8; Ezekiel 39:22-29; Zechariah 3:9-10; 12:11; 13:1; 14:9, etc), all 144,000 of them. There will be “deliverance” or new birth nowhere else because God only dealt with Israel under the blood of the Passover lamb, and Jerusalem and Mount Zion is the one place provided by God for Israel to sacrifice the Pascal lamb (Deuteronomy 16:1-6). The demolition of the Dome of the Rock by the hand of God will be His call to the faithful exiles of Israel and Judah to return to the Land. Every elect Israelite of the pure blood of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob will answer the Lord’s “call” to return to the Promised Land for their redemption (Isaiah 6:10-13; 11:11; 27:13; Jeremiah 3:12, 18; 16:15; 23:8; 31:8; Ezekiel 39:27; Micah 5:3; Zechariah 10:8, Matthew 24:31, etc). The “remnant” who receive “deliverance” will escape the judgment that falls upon the Gentile world by the ‘third pull’ of the two Hebrew prophets, and perhaps those who escape “by the valley of My mountains” as against the self-styled Jews and others who will seek escape to London, Moscow or New York.

Obadiah 17-18, “Upon Mount Zion shall be deliverance, and there will be holiness; and the house of Jacob shall possess their possessions. And the house of Jacob shall be a fire, and the house of Joseph a flame, and the house of Esau for stubble, and they shall kindle in them, and devour them; and there shall not be any remaining of the house of Esau; for the Lord has spoken it” (Malachi 4:2-4; Revelation 11:1-2).

Brother Branham said, “Many Jews in the United States (which they won’t escape from) have already received the Holy Ghost. But I’ve got all of the hundred and forty-four thousand standing there that’s going to receive the baptism of the Holy Ghost” (COD, p. 97:235). “Deliverance” or ‘escape’ depends not upon the worshippers of God alone, but upon the sovereign God Himself. Only those whom He chooses, and who choose to answer His call by faith shall escape.

As Zechariah 11:1 &#150 13:9 describe Israel’s conversion under the revelation of Christ’s parousia after the first half of Daniel’s Seventieth Week. Zechariah 14:1-9 describes His secret ‘parousia’ Coming to Israel in the three and a half years following the close of the Gentile dispensation, and verses 12-15 Armageddon thereafter. Zechariah 14 says nothing of sin and judgment, repentance and conversion on the part of the 144,000, for that has all been prophesied in the parenthesis of chapters 10-13. This chapter speaks only of Israel’s glorious deliverance according to Isaiah 65 and 66, Ezekiel 38-39, Daniel 12, and Revelation 11-19.

At the simultaneous manifestation of the Sixth Seal, the pouring out of the Seventh Vial and the sounding of the Seventh Trump, a massive earthquake will divide the great city of Jerusalem in three parts (Isaiah 29:6; Daniel 11:39; Joel 3:2; Zechariah 14:4; Revelation 16:18-19). The Presence of the Lord shall return to Jerusalem signified by the Shekinah on the same mount whence He departed at His ascension. This will not be the physical or ‘erchomai’ return of the glorified Man from Galilee but the sign of His ‘parousia’ Coming and the Mount Zion rapture—“and those who sleep in Jesus will God bring with Him” (I Thessalonians 4:14; Zechariah 14:5; Jude 14; Matthew 24:30; Acts 1:11; Revelation 1:7).

Zechariah 14:4-5, “And His feet shall stand in that day upon the Mount of Olives, which is before Jerusalem on the East. (This will be the rising of the S_O_N, having sunk Los Angeles beneath the Pacific, ascending upon Jerusalem from the east to anoint His two Hebrew witnesses whose ministry will seal the 144,000 (Malachi 4:2; Revelation 7:2-8). And the Mount of Olives shall cleave in the midst toward the East and toward the West, and there shall be a very great valley; and half of the mountain shall remove toward the North, and half of it toward the South.”

When Los Angeles sinks beneath the Ocean (Revelation 18:21-24) we will know that the Seventh Trumpet of the Lord has sounded the close of the Gentile dispensation, and that within three days the resurrection of the Church Age saints will commence the Mount Zion rapture. When the earthquake cleaves the Mount of Olives the spiritual significance of the Cloud of Zechariah 14:4 will not be understood by the Israelites for a further three and a half years as Christ’s ‘parousia’ will only be revealed through the ministry of their prophets and in God’s time as His ‘parousia’ to us was revealed through Brother Branham’s Message many years after his death. This revelation and the new birth of every one of the 144,000 will occur in one day after the martyrdom of their prophets.

“And you shall flee through the valley of My mountains; for the valley of the mountains shall reach unto Azal: yes, you shall flee, as you fled from before the earthquake in the days of Uzziah king of Judah: and the Lord My God shall come, and all the saints with Him”.

Corrupted by pride, Uzziah determined to make himself high priest like Egypt’s kings and so combine in himself all civil and religious power. Here Lucifer, incarnate in the pope, “will exalt his throne above the stars of God: he will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north: he will ascend above the heights of the clouds, and be like the most High. Yet he will be brought down to hell, to the sides of the pit” (Josephus, Antiquities of the Jews, IX, 10:4; Isaiah 14:12-25; II Thessalonians 2).

Zechariah 14:6-9, “And it shall come to pass in that day, that the Light shall not be clear, or dark: but it shall be one day which shall be known to the Lord, not day, nor night.” After the last saint predestinated to the Laodicean Church Age was baptized into the Body, Christ’s mediation was fulfilled: the fullness of the Word came through the revelation of the Seven Seals and PART-Word was done away (I Corinthians 13:10). When Christ took the Deed to all He has redeemed, the theophanies of His Bride crowned Him King of kings and Judge as we do now by our revelation (Revelation 5:13). Then He descended to reveal the mystery of the open Book through His Prophet to His end-time Bride in the flesh (Revelation 1:1; 6:1; 10:1-7). The revelation of the Seven Seals in March 1963 brought us “Light in the evening time.” Denominational ministers do not realize that Christ is no longer a mediator interceding for their ignorance of the fullness so that their Light mixed with Darkness is not sufficient to baptize anyone into Christ (Revelation 3:17-20).

Jesus is Alpha and Omega, the Word at the beginning and the Word at the end: He was not the PART-Word in between which is why He had to intercede for the ignorance of the saints from Pentecost to Laodicea when the Book was sealed. Now the same faith once delivered to the apostolic saints for the morning sacrifice of praise has been restored for the evening offering as prophesied in Malachi 4:5-6 and Matthew 17:11.

“And it shall be in that day [of Christ’s ‘parousia’ Coming to us Gentiles through the revelation of the Seven Seals (I Corinthians 13:10; Revelation 10:1-7), followed by His ‘parousia’ to Israel through the revelation of their Seven Trumpet mysteries (Matthew 24:31; Revelation 11:3)] that living waters will go out from Jerusalem; half of them toward the former or Dead sea [signifying Israel], and half of them toward the hinder or Mediterranean sea [signifying us Gentiles: a fountain of faith from the Spirit of Life (Zechariah 13:1) ever-flowing] in summer and in winter. [Consequently] the Lord shall be King over all the earth [when the 144,000 elect Israelites crown Him King by their revelation (Revelation 11:13; 14:1-5; 15:3-4; 19:1-2)]: in that day shall there be one Lord, and in His Name alone shall men worship” (Isaiah 54:5; Daniel 2:44).

Deuteronomy 6:4, “Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God is one Lord”.

Isaiah 44:6, 24, “Thus says the Lord the King of Israel, his Redeemer the Lord of hosts; I am the first, and I am the last; and beside Me there is no God. . . Thus saith the Lord, your Redeemer, and He who formed you from the womb, I am the Lord who makes all things; who stretches forth the heavens alone; who spread abroad the earth by Myself“.

Revelation 22:13; 1:8, “I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last . . . the Almighty”.

God is not a trinity. Jehovah, the existent One of the Old Testament is Jesus of the New. Acts 2:36, “Therefore let all the house of Israel know assuredly, that God has made that same Jesus, whom you have crucified, BOTH Lord and Christ.” The revelation of Christ’s ‘parousia’ is calling Christ’s end-time Bride, and will subsequently gather Israel’s elect into “the unity of the faith” (Ephesians 4:13) as Jesus prayed in John 17:20-26 (Galatians 3:26-29; Ephesians 2:14; 3:5).

As that puppet of the City of London George II and his accomplices have provoked Islam in general, and Iraq, Afghanistan, Serbia and Iran in particular, he is now provoking Russia to ignite the “hot” stage of World War III that will neuter political Zionism and political Islam whose recalcitrance is incompatible with one world government, and grab a monopoly of natural resources to assure mastery after the fall of fiat monetary systems. This war will lay the ground for Armageddon as it will be a war against God.

Zechariah 14:1-2, “Behold, the Day of the Lord comes, and Jerusalem’s spoil shall be divided in her midst. For I will gather all nations against Jerusalem to battle; and the city shall be taken, and the houses rifled, and the women raped; and half of the city shall go forth into captivity, and the rest of the people will not be cut off from the city”.

As Israel is a type of the USA, students of Brother Branham’s Message will see the parallel in these verses between Zechariah’s prophecy concerning the invasion of Jerusalem and Judea and his prophecy concerning the simultaneous Russian invasion of the United States that will follow shortly after the earthquake. And in both of these situations it is the civil and religious leaders who are to blame:

Brother Branham said, “What’s going to happen? There’s a sputnik up there. And what would happen? The nation would surrender, of course; that’s the only decent thing the government could do.

Then what happens? Wave after wave of ship loads of soldiers; wave after wave of airplanes would land in this nation. The women would be ravished in the streets. What would you do? It belongs to them. Kicked out of your home, they’ll take it over.

What’ll happen to you young girls, and you young men, and all of you at that time? Sin has to be paid for. No matter what nation it is, or who it is, it does it, individually, or a nation, it’s going to be paid for. And a bunch of brutal, ungodly, whisker-jawed, communistic soldiers would grab your wives and ravish them, your young girls. And you’d stand and like it; there’s nothing you can do about it.

What causes that? Because you have listened to such stuff as these television programs on rock-and-roll and sin, and some cold formal preacher not able to interpret the supernatural. The handwriting is on the wall. That’s right. And we are weighed in the balance and found wanting.

When could that take place? Before daylight in the morning. Who’s going to stop it? Try it. The Bible says it’ll happen. But let me tell you, that’ll never touch the Church of the living God, we’ll be gone by that time.

So, friend, listen. If that thing is so close, and we see the handwriting on the wall, there’s nothing can stop this thing from happening now. America has been preached to; the supernatural’s been done, and continually they wade right on over the top of it” (The Handwriting on the Wall, p. 11:84-91).

The Russian invaders cannot be held guilty as they are the instruments of God’s righteous vengeance. God has raised Communism to destroy the false church that will rule the United States and her once Protestant churches which are the image of Imperial and Papal Rome respectively. This invasion will be the catalyst that introduces one world government led by Uzziah’s antitype, the global priest-king Satan incarnate in the Pope of Rome, which will become a ‘front’ for the banksters of ‘the City.’ According to The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion, “The king of the Jews will be the real pope of the universe, the patriarch of the International Church . . . that king-despot of the blood of Zion, whom we are preparing for the world”.

Zechariah 14:1-2 is Isaiah 13:6-16, Daniel 11:39-45 and Revelation 16:19. Earthquakes at the opening of the Sixth Seal will sink Los Angeles and demolish the Dome of the Rock, precipitating the Arab invasion of Jerusalem and Russia’s subsequent invasion of mainland United States. The Muslim rape, pillage and “division of the spoil,” will provoke a mass exodus of self-styled Jews from Israel, and genuine Israelites becoming persona non gratia in the Muslim countries will end their 2,500 year exile and return to Israel for their redemption. The restoration of peace will see the pope president of one world government with its capital in Old Jerusalem. Rome “shall divide the land for [monetary] gain” and Old Jerusalem will become a corpus separatum as agreed in UN Resolution 181 and also the capital of a Palestinian State as per the plans for partition, however self-styled Jews and genuine Israelites will have unimpeded access to the city. Thus “the great city will be divided into three parts” (Revelation 11:8; 16:19) and the “Holy” places will be under Vatican authority as negotiated by Shimon Peres and reported in previous Newsletters.

Israel’s first Prime Minister, David ben Gurion, who knew the plans of the Illuminati said, “With the exception of the USSR as a federal Eurasian State all other continents will become united in a world alliance at whose disposal will be an international police force. All armies will be abolished and there will be no more wars. In Jerusalem, the United Nations (a truly United Nations) will build a shrine of the prophets to serve the federated union of all continents; this will be the seat of the supreme court of Mankind, to settle all controversies among the federated continents, as prophesied by Isaiah”  (Look Magazine, January 16, 1962). Usurping the dedication of this shrine by “causing the [animal] sacrifice and the oblation to cease” the pope will force the abomination of his trinitarian false religion “making it desolate until the consummation,”  (Isaiah 14:12-14; Daniel 9:27; 11:40-45; Matthew 23:38-39; Revelation 13:15-18).

As I write, the ‘hidden hand’ is unjustly ostracizing Russia from the so-called “world community” to employ her as a pawn in their Hegelian end-game and as “a city of refuge” when they choose to destroy their Roman Catholic church and so-called Christianity following World War III as set forth in their military blueprint. Satan’s plans are so close to those of Almighty God he would deceive the very elect if that were possible.

Obama puppetThe Protocols state, “When we have accomplished our coup d’état we shall say then to the various peoples: “Everything has gone terribly badly, all have been worn out with suffering. We are destroying the causes of your torment — nationalities, frontiers, differences of coinages. You are at liberty, of course, to pronounce sentence upon us, but can it possibly be a just one if it is confirmed by you before you make any trial of what we are offering you?” . . . then will the mob exalt us and bear us up in their hands in a unanimous triumph of hopes and expectations. . . (This propaganda will be familiar to all who read, watch or listen to our “wicked shepherds” in the daily news. World peace will be restored by an incarnate pope of Rome with support from a federation of world religions, the Money Power and their “great power of the Press.” Satan’s fiefdom! The peoples of the world will be unanimous in electing this pope inaugural president of the one world government Jesus refused – Matthew 4:8-9; I Thessalonians 5:1-3; Revelation 13:1-10 – Ed). . . Voting, which we have made the instrument which will set us on the throne of the world by teaching even the very smallest units of members of the human race to vote by means of meetings and agreements by groups, will then have served its purposes [of divide and conquer – Ed] and will play its part then for the last time by a unanimity of desire to make close acquaintance with us before condemning us”.

Do you now see the identity of the ‘hidden hand’ pulling the strings of the puppets preselected by the CFR and related bodies in Hegelian sham democracies of the USA, UK, Australia, Canada and other colonies of ‘the City of London’? Do you now see why the US and NATO are forcing ‘democracy’ out of the barrel of a gun as in Iraq, Libya and elsewhere?

Daniel 12:1 is Revelation 7:4-8 and 11:15, the sealing of the 144,000: “At that time Michael shall commence His reign, the great Prince who stands for the people of your nation. There will be such a time of trouble, as has never been since there was a nation till that time: yet the elect of your people recorded in the Lamb’s Book of Life will be delivered”.

In the second half of the Seventieth Week when Rome breaks her covenant with the Jews, causing the sacrifice they have restored to cease for the enforcement of Judaeo-Catholicism, the Black Nobility and so-called Jews will revert to Judaeo-Communism and “the decreed end will be poured out upon the Desolater” (Daniel 9:27; Revelation 16:17-21; 17:16-18; 18:8, 17-20). Russia will blast Vatican City State into nuclear oblivion along with the USA (Revelation 7:2-3), whose wicked shepherds, her civil and religious leaders, by selfish rapacity sold their country to Rome (Revelation 13:10-18).

Zechariah 14:12-15, Revelation 19:11-21 and 14:14-20 portray unspeakable terrors of germ warfare, nuclear radiation and man’s inhumanity to man in Armageddon and the spiritual consequences of serving Rome as forewarned by Brother Branham (Revelation 14:9-13). The battle will be instigated by Rome’s abrogation of her agreement with the International Banksters and her desertion by the Black Nobility (Daniel 9:27; Revelation 17:13-18). The martyrdom of the two Hebrew witnesses to Jesus Messiah, their public resurrection and ascension and the sealing of the 144,000 elect Israelites will follow thereafter.

In 1950, one-time Russian delegate to the UN Dimitri Manuilsky spoke of “launching the most spectacular peace movement on record.” The object of this was to “put the bourgeoisie to sleep,” so that the final take-over of the entire world by the Communists would succeed through the element of surprise—the unseen spirit of Laodicea has infiltrated and taken over the whole “lukewarm” world in a bloodless coup d’état (Revelation 16:13-16; 3:15-16).

This “peace offensive” was launched by Khrushchev in 1956—the jubilee of the Azusa Street Revival that inaugurated the Laodicean Church Age and was America’s last opportunity for national repentance. The vital importance of Khrushchev’s speech at the Twentieth Party Congress was that it inaugurated the strategy of “peaceful coexistence” as the means of achieving world-wide Communist dictatorship—an objective which clearly could not be gained by conventional military confrontation. Make no mistake; Judaeo-Communism and the Judaeo-Masonic-Communist United Nations Organization are the plague of the Sixth Vial (Revelation 13-21).

As subscriber Brother Mel. Fowler wrote to one of our Israeli subscribers, “We citizens of the United States are presently witnessing the consequences of our leaders (if you can call them that) having allowed Zionist lunatics, devotees of Leon Trotsky, to capture our government and our major institutions! The Czarist government of Russia made the terrible mistake of responding with liberal policies to the savage behavior of Jewish communists even though it had abundant evidence that those lunatics were dangerous! Both the Russian Czar and the US Government had completely forgotten their responsibility to protect their citizens from political predators!”

“We are now faced with the prospect of a global conflagration consciously pursued by—you guessed it! Jewish lunatics: Talmudic, Zionist, Trotskyite, Marxist, Communist, Masonic global gangsters! Jewish lunatics and their dupes! Jewish supremacists like the tidy little Jewish organizations in Russia that embrace the Shulcan Aruch. Lunatics! All Jewish lunatics! Are they dangerous? You know they are. Troops on the home front, waiting underground, as it were. Waiting to help and support any way they can, when the time comes, isn’t that right?”

“All organizations dedicated to Jewish supremacy bear the general form of a criminal syndicate, and should be outlawed. If we weren’t facing this terrible Jewish menace now engulfing the planet, we could perhaps dismiss them as harmless nuts.”

These Khazars migrated from Lower Mongolia, established their kingdom in the Ukraine and in Georgia and fought against Russia for a thousand years, gaining victory in 1917 after invading from the East side of New York. Known prophetically as Gog they have ruled Russia (Rosh, Meshech and Tubal, and Magog) ever since, and will invade and defeat the USA soon after the Seventh Trump.

Like a great many Roman Popes and US Presidents, most if not all of Russia’s premiers have been Jews, or were married to a Jewess like John Kennedy. For instance, Premiers Lenin (Ulyanov), Stalin (Djugashvili), Brezhnev; Andropov (Lieberman), Khrushchev (Perlmutter), Gromyko (Katz), Primakov (Finkelstein), Gorbachev (Kahn), Yeltsin (Elstein?), reportedly Putin (Radoshkovich or Shalomov?), and Medvedev.

Speaking to the Politburo in 1989 Gorbachev said, “In October 1917 we parted with the old world rejecting it once and for all. We are moving toward a new world, the world of communism. We shall never turn off that road. . . Gentlemen, comrades, do not be concerned about all you hear about glasnost and perestroika and democracy in the coming years. These are primarily for outward consumption. There will be no significant change within the Soviet Union, other than for cosmetic purposes. Our aim is to disarm the Americans and let them fall asleep.” And when the Berlin wall came down he proclaimed “I am a convinced Communist. For some this may be a fantasy but for me it is my main goal”.

The whole world has been conquered from behind the scenes by aliens whom God “set at enmity” with the children of the first and of the last Adam (Genesis 3:15). They have the mark of Cain, which is ruthless and amoral intellectual reasoning against the faith of Jesus Christ or whatever is not expedient; and because men would slay them if they were exposed (as God commanded Moses and the Israelites in Deuteronomy 7:1-3; 12:16-17), they always work under another name and in a different occupation (Genesis 4:14). So when Rome severs her agreement with the International Banksters in the time of “Jacob’s trouble,” the Black Nobility and Jewish oligarchs, having conquered the world through their “peace offensive” by the spirit of Communism (which is the spirit of Laodicea), will defect to Russia (Revelation 17:13-18), burning the Vatican (Revelation 16:18-20) and the United States from the face of the earth with atomic fire.

Cunningham Craig of the Canadian Geological Survey discovered the chemical and mineral wealth of the Dead Sea valued in excess of US$5trillion in the 1920’s, which is the real reason Rothschild (who obtained title) and his Zionist stooges wanted to make Palestine into a Jewish State (Curtis Dall, Israelis’ Five Trillion Dollar Secret, p. 9). Brother Branham said:

“Red [Dead] Sea and all these things they’re putting out the materials that’s there, the Jews real rich, then that same thing will pollute their camp again. Yeah. They’ll come right down, the cities of the world. Russia will come down, say, “We just got to have that stuff. That’s uranium and everything down there; we got to go get it.” And as they go down, then will be the battle of Armageddon. That’ll be when God will stand like He did in the valley for the children of Israel and fight again. But that’ll [not] take place until the Gentile dispensation will be finished. And when that time is finished, she’s cut off” (COD, p. 77:111; Isaiah 60:5; Ezekiel 38:11-13). Then Russia will invade Israel for her mineral resources. Do you recognize the true identity of “Gog, the chief prince of Meshech and Tubal” or alien “wicked shepherd” of the Russian Federation (Ezekiel 38:3; 39:1)?

God is never without a witness; once Israel’s prophets have ascended to heaven He will speak for Himself.

Having usurped spiritual, political and demonic power on earth, Satan is named Death and hell follows with him to perdition (Revelation 6:8; 19:20-21; 17:11; 20:10-15). At the close of the Fourth Seal of redemption that will end our dispensation Satan is cast out of heaven (Revelation 12:7-13). Meanwhile, he is riding his pale horse, which is to say he is controlling the power of Papal Rome, the fourth world empire that embodies the evil attributes of her predecessors (Daniel 7:19-20; Revelation 6:8; 13:1-2). The fourth world power is not named in Daniel 7:7, 23; and in Revelation 17:3-6 it is simply called “MYSTERY” because it is the incarnation of “Babylon the Great, the mother of harlots and abominations of the earth” and 4,000 years of adversarial wickedness against the Lord God, His plan and His people. When Satan incarnates the pope this wild, untamable composite beast power will rule one world government “with authority over worldly men, to kill with war, famine, spiritual death—a fourth part of the world’s population is Roman Catholic—and with brutal, bestial men” (Daniel 7:19-20; Revelation 6:8).

After the tribulation and the judgments of the Seals, Trumpets, Vials and Woes, Brother Branham saw, “nothing but debris, craters, and smoke all over the land” that was once Vatican City State and the United States of America (An Exposition of the Seven Church Ages, p. 41; 322:3). This judgment upon antichristinity in the hypocritical disguise of the Judaeo-Roman Catholic church and her harlot daughters and on the colonial troops of the City of London, which is the military might of the Zionist New World Order, exposes the falsity of her hierarchical and sectarian idolatry, and the true Church appears as the pure virgin Bride of the Logos of God. Until then, her simple, retired existence had been historically concealed by the gaudy and ostentatious form of the Great Harlot as Brother Branham described in his parable of Christ’s Bride, an orphan girl who was living with her denominational cousins on an Armour meat packing company ranch because her parents, creed and organization, were dead. Like the virgin Church, with no earthly means of defense, she stood opposed to the terrible power of antichristianity clad only in the armour of God (The Revelation of the Seven Seals, p. 401:3-405:5).

In Revelation 19:1-4, John, representing Christ’s Bride, hears the Hebrew saints, the twenty four elders and the four living creatures in heaven praising the Lord for executing retribution upon the Great Whore and avenging the blood of His servant nation, Israel (Revelation 6:10; 17:6; 18:24). “Alleluia” is a Hebrew word meaning “Praise ye JAH.” JAH is not a contraction of “JEHOVAH,” as it sometimes occurs jointly with the latter. It means “He who is”: whereas Jehovah is “He who will be, is, and was.” It implies God experienced as a present help. “Hallelujah” appears in Psalm 149:4-9, which is plainly parallel. Israel sings the Hallelujah in unison because “her warfare is accomplished, her iniquity is pardoned, she has received of the Lord’s hand double for all her sins” and her foe is about to be destroyed (Daniel 9:27; Isaiah 40:1-2; Revelation 18:6).

In response to a command from the angel Brother Branham (Revelation 19:5, 9-10, 17), we hear the true Church—as the voice of many waters” which was oppressed by the Whore (Revelation 17:1; 18:24; 20:5) responding in unison with the Israelites’ “Alleluia.” This is Israel’s revelation of her virgin Queen, the Wife of Christ. The marriage of the Lamb or conversion of the Bride has come to pass and His end-time Bride has dressed herself in THUS SAITH THE LORD of the angel’s Message; she is no longer His Bride but has been taken Home to her Husband’s House as His consummated Wife. By giving Himself for her He now “Presents her to Himself a glorious church, not having spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing; but holy and without blemish” (Ephesians 5:27).

Now the Dragon and the beast and the false prophet and their followers will meet Christ in the great battle of Armageddon. He is not “Coming to Jerusalem: just, and having salvation; lowly, and riding upon an ass, and upon a colt the foal of an ass,” but on the white war horse of THUS SAITH THE LORD with the saints riding on white horses of His vindicated Word. He has finally come to be called “The Word of God” by the 144,000 Israelites, a revelation that will forever be in their consciousness (John 1:1-5, 10-13; Revelation 22:3-4), and we as His Wife are the Word of God for we were ever in the Logos in the bosom of the Father.

In Revelation 19:11, the Bride sees a preview of Israel’s parousia, a vision of Christ as the Warrior General called “Faithful, and True.” Their King is on the offensive bearing the Sword of the Word in vengeance “to smite the nations and rule them with a rod of iron: and He will tread the winepress of the fierceness and wrath of Almighty God.” He was despised and rejected by the sceptics and unbelievers, but now it is His Name that is written on the crowns of the kingdoms He has conquered, and written on His robe in their blood (Isaiah 63:1-6). He is the administrator of righteousness in the judgments He has just executed, and in the war He is about to begin. He is vindicated by the world’s history and soon to be fully recognized as “The Word of God” by Israel and those He is about to slay with the sharp Sword of His mouth. nl806.htm

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Brother Grigor-Scott is a
non-denominational minister who has ministered full-time since 1981, primarily
to other ministers and their congregations overseas. He pastors Bible Believers’ tiny congregation, and is available to teach in your church.

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Gathering to Armageddon – Part I

October 11, 2013

Gathering to Armageddon – Part I

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Bible Believers’ Newsletter 805

“We focus on the present Truth – what Jesus is doing now. . .”
ISSN 1442-8660

Christian greetings in the precious Name of our Lord Jesus Christ; we are pleased you could join us in fellowship.

Jesus said, “A man went out to work, and another was employed an hour later, with additional laborers hired throughout the day. When day was done, the master paid the eleventh hour worker the same as each of the others. So the last shall be first, and the first last: many are called but few are chosen.” And God’s “chosen people” all receive equal eternal Life. As we review Church history we learn how the martyrs laboured and surrendered their lives for the faith, followed by the reformers who prayerfully laboured to understand the Scripture. The ministry of the seventh angel “restored the Word spoken by the mouth of all God’s holy prophets since the world began” and “finished the mystery of God.” We live in the days when Christ is calling His Bride out from the PART-Word revelations of these earlier workers into the unity of the faith (Matthew 25:6; Acts 3:19-21; I Corinthians 13:10; Revelation 18:4). This is the day of the restoration of “the exceeding greatness of His power” in the “third Pull” for the manifestation of the Sons of God and the translation (The Seal of God, p. 37:275). We do not “labour” to work-out the meaning of Scripture but rest in the THUS SAITH THE LORD of God’s Prophet in this holy convocation of the antitype of the fiftieth day of Israel’s Pentecostal feast.

Our main article examines how God is gathering His end-time Bride into the unity of the faith prior to the resurrection of the Church Age saints, while Satan is gathering the world to Armageddon. This is confirmed in a report from our correspondent Barry Chamish, and selected items of current news.

This Newsletter serves those of like precious faith. Whoever will receive the truth is welcome to feed their soul from the waters of the River of Life. Everything here presented should be confirmed personally in your own Bible.

Your brother-in-Christ, Anthony Grigor-Scott

US Globalized Torture Black Sites

Delta Force

October 9, 2013 — On October 5, US Delta Force commandos, CIA operatives, and FBI agents abducted Abu Anas al-Liby . . . one of many CIA-recruited Mujahideen fighters. They were used against Afghanistan’s Soviet occupiers. Pres. Ronald Reagan called them “the moral equivalent of our founding fathers.” He characterized Contra killers the same way.

two US flagsBin Laden, al-Liby, and many other al Qaeda fighters were used strategically as both allies and enemies. Most recently, al-Liby was an anti-Gaddafi “freedom fighter.” In 2000, he was indicted for his alleged role in bombing US Kenyan and Tanzanian embassies in 1998. He was one of the FBI’s most wanted. He had a $5 million bounty on his head. Washington abducted him lawlessly. It did so on Libyan territory. US policy is out-of-control. Obama authorizes whatever he wants anywhere worldwide. Rogue leaders operate that way . . . and confessions are extracted through torture.

America is by far the world’s leading human rights abuser. No nation in history matches its ruthlessness. It’s out-of-control. It’s unaccountable. It’s waging war on humanity. It’s doing it globally . . . America “may have used as many as 17 ships as floating prisons. About 26,000 people are being (lawlessly) held by the US in secret prisons—a figure that includes land-based detention centers. (I)nformation suggests up to 80,000 have been ‘through the system’ since 2001.” So have thousands more under Obama. Former Pentagon spokesman Navy Commander Jeffrey Gordon lied earlier, saying: “We do not operate detention facilities on board Navy ships.” They’re in “Iraq, Afghanistan and Guantanamo Bay.” They’re in at least 54 complicit countries. . .
Full story:

Martial Law & the Economy: DHS preparing for the next Wall $t. Collapse?


October 7, 2013 — Reports are that the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is engaged in a massive, covert military buildup. An article in the Associated Press in February confirmed an open purchase order by DHS for 1.6 billion rounds of ammunition. According to an op-ed in Forbes, that’s enough to sustain an Iraq-sized war for over twenty years. DHS has also acquired heavily armored tanks, which have been seen roaming the streets. Evidently somebody in government is expecting some serious civil unrest. The question is, why? . . .

When depositors cannot access their bank accounts to get money for food for the kids, they could well start breaking store windows and helping themselves. Worse, they might plot to overthrow the financier-controlled government. Witness Greece . . . Fear of that result could explain the massive, government-authorized spying on American citizens, the domestic use of drones, and the elimination of due process and of “posse comitatus” (the federal law prohibiting the military from enforcing “law and order” on non-federal property). Constitutional protections are being thrown out the window in favor of protecting the elite class in power . . .

Bail-ins and martial law can be seen as the last desperate thrashings of a dinosaur. The exploitative financial scheme responsible for turning millions out of their jobs and their homes has reached the end of the line. Crisis in the current scheme means opportunity for those more sustainable solutions waiting in the wings. . .
Preparations for martial law have been reported for decades, and it hasn’t happened yet. Hopefully, we can sidestep that danger by moving into a saner, more sustainable system that makes military action against American citizens unnecessary. Full story:

Comment: Preparations for martial law will reward the US after Los Angeles sinks and tidal waves sweep the world.

Saudi Arabia Group behind Chemical Weapons Provocation in Syria

October 05, 2013 — Russia has evidence proving it. . . Prince Bandar bin Sultan’s directly involved. He’s Washington’s point man against Syria. He’s advancing the kingdom’s top goal. It wants Assad, Iran’s government and Hezbollah toppled. Doing it involves arming and funding some of the most extremist elements. They’re cutthroat killers. They’re committing outrageous atrocities. . .

Russian diplomatic sources: “Having analyzed this information, which was received from a whole range of sources, we are getting a picture that confirms that the criminal provocation in Eastern Ghouta was committed by a specialized group that was sent by Saudi Arabia from the territory of Jordan and acted under the cover of the Liva al-Islam group”. . .
Full story:

US-Japan Talks escalate War Preparations against China

October 05, 2013 — The so-called “2 plus 2” meeting in Tokyo this week of US Secretary of State John Kerry and Defence Secretary Chuck Hagel with their Japanese counterparts marked a significant escalation of the US military build-up against China. The lengthy joint statement announced major deployments of hi-tech US weaponry to Japan and a green light for Japanese remilitarisation, within the framework of “a more robust alliance.”

Thursday’s talks took place in the wake of the Obama administration’s decision to postpone an imminent military attack on Syria last month in the face of mass popular opposition, both in the United States and around the world. The “2 plus 2” meetings make clear that despite the postponement of war with Syria, Washington’s plans for military escalation are proceeding apace. . . the US is proceeding with its military build-up in Asia that includes stationing 60 percent of American naval and air force assets in the region by 2020. The American deployments announced in the joint statement are all directed at strengthening US-Japanese military against China. . . While nominally directed against North Korea’s primitive nuclear capabilities, these weapons are part of the Pentagon’s preparations for nuclear war against China and Russia. . .
Full story:

Comment: Postpone war on Syria; provoke war upon China and Russia. Get it? Got it? Good!

US Cyber Command’s Plan X: Pentagon Launching Covert Cyber Attacks


October 3, 3013 — US and Israeli code warriors . . . unleashed a destructive digital worm, Stuxnet. In the largest and most sophisticated attack to date, more than 1,000 centrifuges were sent spinning out of control, “no more useful” to Iranian physicists “than hunks of metal and plastic” . . .

Today, that destructive capability exists under the umbrella of US Cyber Command (USCYBERCOM), one which has the potential of holding the world hostage . . . National Cyber Range (NCR), a top secret facility that designs and tests attack tools for the government . . . will potentially serve as a new and improved means to bring America’s rivals to their knees. Imagine the capacity for death and destruction implicit in a tool that can . . . cause an adversary’s chemical plant to suddenly release methyl isocynate (the Bhopal effect) on a sleeping city, or a nuclear power plant to go supercritical, releasing tens of billions of curies of radioactive death into the atmosphere?” . . .

It should be clear, given what we have learned from Edward Snowden and other sources, that the US government views the internet, indeed the entire planet, as a battlespace.

In congressional testimony earlier this year, General Alexander told the House Armed Services Committee that “Cyber offense requires a deep, persistent and pervasive presence on adversary networks in order to precisely deliver effects.
We maintain that access, gain deep understanding of the adversary, and develop offensive capabilities through the advanced skills and tradecraft of our analysts, operators and developers.” With US Cyber Command fully funded and mobilized, those “offensive capabilities” are only a mouse click away. Full story:

Comment: The image of the beast has gone viral, led by a “pale horse rider whose name is Death and Hell followed with him” (Revelation 6:8). Here is the trailer of a film documenting a 60s episode of the image of the beast when Rockefeller and the CIA slaughtered a million in Indonesia. And here is DARPA’s latest robot, the WildCat.

Halter Skalter

By Barry Chamish

Francis I

October 11, 2013 — A group of French imams attended a general audience with Pope Francis on Wednesday, saying they saw the Catholic leader as a figure of reconciliation. “We feel something strong with this pope. We the minorities need him,” Hassen Chalghoumi, a Tunisian imam in Drancy, a suburb of Paris, told AFP. “Moderates should be supported. We should not be grouped with extremists who burn churches,” he said.

The visit was organised by Marek Halter, a French writer of Polish Jewish origin, who briefly met with the pope during the audience in St. Peter’s Square. “We have a problem to resolve ourselves. Christians had this in the Middle Ages. Political Islam is winning the upper hand,” Ben Ammar said. Halter said that Francis “can do what Benedict XVI never managed to do: reconcile Christianity and Islam”.

In March 1994, the newspaper Chadashot revealed a most remarkable secret of the Middle East “peace” process. A friend of Shimon Peres, the French intellectual Marek Halter, claimed in an interview that in May 1993, he delivered a letter from Peres to the pope. Within, Peres promised to internationalize Jerusalem, granting the UN political control of the Old City of Jerusalem, and the Vatican hegemony of the holy sites within. The UN would give the PLO a capital within its new territory and East Jerusalem would become a kind of free trade zone of world diplomacy.

Halter’s claim was backed by the Italian newspaper La Stampa which added that Arafat was apprised of the agreement and it was included in the secret clauses of the Declaration of Principles signed in Washington in September 1993.

In March 1995, the Israeli radio station Arutz Sheva was leaked a cable from the Israeli Embassy in Rome to Peres’ Foreign Ministry in Jerusalem confirming the handover of Jerusalem to the Vatican. This cable was printed on the front page of the radical leftwing Israeli newspaper, Haaretz two days later. A scandal erupted and . . . Peres reacted by claiming that the cable was real but that someone had whited out the word, “not;” the cable really said that Israel would “not” hand Jerusalem over to the holy pontiff. . . Peres’ partner in crime, and the real founder of the Oslo Accord, Yossi Beilin, coordinated his PLO policy with the Vatican. Check the timing; at the same moment that he was finagling an accord with the PLO, he was negotiating an agreement for Vatican recognition of Israel.

This eventually led to the Covenant between the Pope and PLO Leader Yasser Arafat on 15th February, 2000 at the Vatican . . .

In September, 1993 at Kennebunkport, MA, outgoing American President George Bush, ordered incoming Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin to begin negotiations to bring the PLO to Israel in the name of “peace,” knowing it would instead usher in an era of terrorism. Rabin despised his Foreign Minister Shimon Peres, so assigned the “diplomatic” task to Deputy Foreign Minister Yossi Beilin behind Peres’ back. . . Knowing this Oslo peace was the only game in town, he sent Marek Halter to the pope with a letter offering Jerusalem as a prize for insinuating the Vatican in the “peace process.”

In November of ’93, the Oslo accord was signed, adjudicated by Beilin. Two weeks later, in December of ’93, the Vatican Accord recognizing Israel, adjudicated by Beilin, was signed. Oslo and Vatican were the one and the same “peace accords . . .” Peres has offered the Vatican hegemony over 41 sites in Israel, 23 of which are in Jerusalem. And after all these interminable years, Marek Halter is back plotting with the pope . . . because Peres asked him to.

Comment: Barry ignores the fact Jewry signed UN Resolution 181 on November 29, 1947 agreeing to Palestinian Statehood and international control of Jerusalem. And Judaism is Babylonian Pharisaism impersonating Yahwism; Babylonian Catholicism is temple worship impersonating Christianity, and from the Koran we see that Islam is Catholicized Talmudic Judaism, while all three worship the Babylonian trinity of gods and know it not.

Gathering to Armageddon – Part I

Gate of BabylonVatican Babylon

Babylon was the seat of the most ancient civilization on this side of the Flood, the mother of false religion and head of four heathen world empires—Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece, Imperial and Papal Rome—that encompass the times of Gentile dominion over Israel and the people of Christ, from Nebuchadnezzar’s victory over Judah to the consummation of life. The Old and New Testaments agree: modern day Israel is ruled by “aliens from the commonwealth of Israel who are strangers from the covenants of promise” (Ephesians 2:12; Daniel 9:27; Luke 21:24), whose Pharisee religion now called Judaism is grounded on the Babylonian Talmud which negates the Tanakh (Matthew 15:9). Hence “for fear of these [non-Semitic, anti-Semitic self-styled] Jews” genuine Israelites continue to live in the ancient lands of their exile. This Babylonian influence also holds dominion over Christendom (so-called), by means of commercial law otherwise known as the Universal Commercial Code (UCC), and the British Accreditation Registry (BAR) of Rothschild and the Vatican grounded on the ancient Babylonian slave-trading codes, so that what most call Christianity is inevitably the polytheistic trinitarian religion of ancient Babylon.

The evil and misery prophesied in Daniel’s dream and his visions of “the times of the Gentiles,” particularly the dreadful fate imposed on the four beast kingdoms and the prospect of extreme tribulation ahead for those following the narrow way and entering via the strait gate that leads to eternal Life and the glories of Israel’s restored kingdom, plunged him into severe depression (Daniel 7:13-16). Caught up in the Spirit and anxious to know the true interpretation Daniel asked one standing by the Lord to reveal THUS SAITH THE LORD. This one had to have been Brother Branham as he is the only man to whom the Lord revealed these mysteries which Daniel and John were commanded to “seal until the time of the end” (Daniel 12:4, 9; Revelation 1:1; 10:4, 7). Here is what he told Daniel:

Daniel 7:17-22, “These four great beasts are four kings, who shall arise out of the earth; but the saints of the most High shall receive and possess the Kingdom forever, even forever and ever.”

Ten nations into which Rome divided in AD476“Then Daniel asked about the fourth beast, which was so different from all the others—exceeding terrible, with its iron teeth and bronze claws; which devoured and broke in pieces, trampling what remained of a victim under its feet (Daniel 9:27; Luke 21:24), and concerning the ten horns that were in his head [the ten nations into which Imperial Rome divided—the Allemani (Germans), Franks (French), Saxons (English), Visigoths (Spanish), Lombards (Italians), Burgundians (Swiss), Suevi (Portuguese), and (three Germanic tribes, the Vandals, Ostrogoths and Heruli], and the other horn which came up that had eyes and a mouth speaking great things [Papal Rome] and which seemed stronger than his fellows before which three fell [the Arian Vandals, Ostrogoths and Heruli]. As I looked this horn made war with the saints, and prevailed against them (Revelation 11:7; 13:7), until the Ancient of Days came, and judgment was given to the vindicated saints of the Most High; and the time came that the saints possessed the kingdom.” Then the Sixth Seal will open and the Seventh Trump will sound marking the end of the Gentile dispensation with the outpouring of the latter rain for the Bride’s ‘third pull,’ and the Seventh Vial will be poured out:

Revelation 11:14-19, “The Second Woe is past; and the Third Woe is speedily approaching [in Armageddon]. The seventh angel sounded his trumpet, and there were great voices in heaven, saying, The kingdoms of this world have become the kingdoms of our Lord, and of his Christ; and He shall reign forever and ever. Then the twenty-four elders seated on their thrones before God, fell on their faces, and worshipped God, saying, We give You thanks, Lord God Almighty, who is and was, because You have assumed Your great power, and begun to reign” (Daniel 12:1). The blast of the Seventh Trumpet will break the “silence in heaven about the space of half an hour” (Revelation 8:1).

“The nations were angry at You but Your wrath has come and the time for judging the dead, to reward Your servants the prophets and saints, and those who fear Your Name, both small and great; and for the destruction of those who are destroying the earth. Then the temple of God in heaven was opened [signifying His renewed favour toward Israel], and the Ark of His Covenant [Jesus Christ] was seen in the Holy of Holies [for the curtain was done away at Calvary (Matthew 27:50-51)]: and there were flashes of lightning, voices, peals of thunder, and an earthquake, and a terrible hailstorm.”

Satan will be cast down to earth to incarnate Rome’s Pope (Revelation 12:7-10; 17:11) as earthquakes sink Los Angeles beneath the Pacific then split the Mount of Olives in twain (Revelation 18:21-24; Zechariah 14:4). This will be the cue for the invasion of Palestine and subsequently the United States. Thereafter Satan, incarnate in the Pope and supported by a federation of religions, will restore world peace and be acclaimed president of one totalitarian world government. “And the world will [vicariously] worship the Dragon [Satan] for giving his authority to the beast [of Papal Rome]: and will worship the beast, saying, Is there anyone as great as he? Who is able to war against him? . . . And all who dwell upon the earth whose names are not written in the Book of Life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world will pay him homage”  (Revelation 13:4, 8).

Brother Branham continues to expound Daniel’s vision (7:23-28): “The fourth beast shall be the fourth kingdom upon earth, which will be more brutal than any of its predecessors; and devour the whole earth, destroying everything before it, trampling it down, and breaking it in pieces. Bestowing great honour on those who submit to him, appointing them rulers over many, and dividing the land to them as reward” (Joel 3:2; Daniel 11:39; Zechariah 14:2; Revelation 16:18; UN Resolution 181). This has been the modus operandi of each of the four world empires and has been United Nations policy since World War II beginning in Eastern Europe (according to the Yalta negotiations), Palestine and the Middle East, India, China and Africa. NWO policy is also to divide up the nations as we see in Ezekiel 38-39 and Daniel 11:39-45, current and planned UN/NATO wars of conquest.

“The ten horns that will arise out of this empire are ten kingdoms, then another kingdom [trinitarian Papal Rome] will rise after them, more brutal than the former kings, and he shall put down three of them [the Arian Vandals, Ostrogoths, and Heruli]. He shall defy the Most High, and wear down the saints with persecution; he shall plan to change the sacred seasons and the Law, and the tribulation saints shall be given over to him for three and a half years (Revelation 12:14; 13:1-10). But the court shall sit in judgment, and his dominion will be taken away to be consumed and destroyed for all time (Revelation 18:7-20; 19:19-21). And the Kingdom and the dominion, and the greatness of all the kingdoms under the whole heaven, shall be given to the people of the saints of the Most High; their kingdom shall be an everlasting kingdom, and all dominions shall serve and obey the Lord.”

Having the last word, Daniel says, “This was the end of the dream and my visions. As for me, my thoughts alarmed me greatly, and my face was pale, but I kept the matter in my heart”.

The Euphrates river was Israel’s border in the North; it was also the boundary of the Roman empire and the demarcation between the civilized world and the barbarous, savage and godless world of the nations of the East beyond the Euphrates (Revelation 9:19; 16:12). The drying up of the Euphrates, signifies that the barrier between Christendom and the rudest and roughest life of heathendom is done away socially and spiritually, as well as in a terrestrial sense in consequence of the mental confusion and distraction caused by nominal Christianity spoiled by the false over-refinement of humanism and the foolish myth that “all men are created equal,” when most men are not written in the Book of Life since they are hybrids descended from Cain and not a part of God’s creation.

Demolition of the buffer state of Babylon is complete. Over the last century the City of London’s megalomaniac administrations in Britain and the US have prepared the way for the attack of the Eastern kingdoms against the rest of the world with whom God has set them at enmity, and the whole world is against God and His people: 144,000 elect Israelites who will be martyred in Israel, and the Gentile remnant who will be martyred worldwide.

Jesus prophesied that between the Sixth and Seventh Vials in the days of the fourth Gentile world empire, three unclean spirits like frogs would look backward as these unclean creatures do, to the ‘glorious’ past following the First Nicaea Council when church and state were united. For these “three unclean spirits [called Fascism, Nazism and Communism] that came out of the mouth of the Dragon, and out of the mouth of the beast, and out of the mouth of the false prophet are demonic spirits which have gone forth to the kingdoms of the earth and of the whole world working miracles to gather the world to Armageddon” (Revelation 16:13-16). Meanwhile “Christ the Word has come as a thief” through the revelation of the Seven Seals “to gather together all of the saints which are in heaven and which are on earth in Him” (Matthew 25:6; I Corinthians 13:10; Ephesians 1:10; I Thessalonians 4:16; Revelation 10:1-7).

One such “miracle” was the atomic bombing of Japan (Revelation 13:13; another will be uniting the Protestant churches into an image of the Roman beast though the World Council of Churches following the ‘hot stage’ of a brief World War III (Revelation 13:14), and a third will be forcing “the mark of the beast” which is trinitarianism upon men of all religions or none, so that “worldwide, all whose names were not written in the Lamb’s Book of Life from the foundation of the world will worship the Devil-incarnate Pope” (Revelation 13:8; 15-18).

Brother Branham said these three isms will be subsumed into Communism and execute God’s judgment upon Judaeo-Roman Catholicism and all who serve or take her mark (Revelation 13:15-18; 14:9-11; 18:1-4; 19:19-21). Jesus promised His second or ‘parousia’ Coming “as a thief” would take place towards the end of this period, when East and West—the natural seed of the Serpent with the natural seed of the first Adam—are trying to reach accommodation through the Council on Foreign Relations’ UN “as it was in the days of Noah” (Matthew 24:37; Genesis 6:1-13). Meanwhile, Rome and her (once) Protestant daughters are also seeking reconciliation—the spiritual seed of the Serpent with the non-elect seed of the last Adam (Daniel 2:40-45) as discussed above. Like the self-styled Khazar Jews, Rome’s purpose is not truly spiritual, it is political, so their alliance with “the seed of men” (Daniel 2:43; 9:27) for the second crucifixion of the Word is political as it was for the first crucifixion (Zechariah 11:3-17; Matthew 27:11-31; John 11:47-52). Brother Branham called this the sign of the uniting time wherein the antichrist church world is uniting with the so-called Jews against the Word.

The dominant instinct of Satan is his contempt of man (Job 2:4-5); the key characteristic of the Beast is the deification of man (Revelation 13:11-12); the dominant behaviour of the False Prophet, like the Illuminati’s Rhodes’ Scholars and Masonic organizations, is a compound of the preceding two elements: the bigoted manipulation of man for sinister purpose without his knowledge (II Thessalonians 2). By taking moral possession of those without the Seal of God, these demons set on foot the great revolt and alliances for that battle of the great day of God Almighty, who will triumph by the sword of the Spirit, which will be His ‘third pull’ (Revelation 19:15, 19).

As Christ’s ‘parousia’ came to us Gentiles it will go to Israel “as a thief in the night.” And although they have learned “what the tapes say,” many within the circle of this Message having abandoned themselves to spiritual carelessness know not what they mean, and will be found “wretched and miserable, poor, and blind, and naked” as one who sleeps undressed when he is cast out in the middle of the night. However “the Day of the Lord will not overtake Christ’s Bride as a thief” as it will overtake the Israelites.

II Peter 3:10-12, “The Day of the Lord will come unexpectedly as a thief in the night. With a terrible noise the heavens will pass away: the elements shall separate causing [the oceans to] explode with fervent heat, incinerating earth and all of man’s works. Since all these things are to be dissolved in this manner, what consecrated and godly lives we should be living, looking for and earnestly desiring the ‘parousia’ coming of the Day of God by reason of which the heavens will be kindled and dissolved, and the elements will melt with fervent heat”.

Brother Branham read God’s indictment of Rome, the world religious system and the world itself when he revealed the mystery of the voices of the Seven Thunders: “Jerusalem was ceasing. When? It was in effect until that hour; the blood of the lamb was all right until that day. But now, at the crucifixion it changes. The old system is done. There was a new one . . . the sacrificial Lamb, was on the grounds. They were condemning and doing the very thing there that they had to do. That’s right.”

“God be blessed for seeing this wonderful, heavenly Light in this last day, because the churches is doing the same thing today. Until the hour that organization religion is condemned and proved to be sacrificing Christ’s Word, from then on comes the Word and the Word only . . . The old paschal lamb passed away, and Christ became our Lamb at the day of the crucifixion. And the day that the denomination crucified the Word of God and accepted a creed in the stead of the Word, that’s the day the Word come into full effect. That’s just been recently . . .”

“And these people [ministers] keep the congregation away from God. And if there’s anything happens, and it’s spoke of in the congregation, they condemn it from the pulpit, and say, “Its fanaticism; stay away from it.” In doing so, they crucified Jesus Christ in 1963, and are just as guilty as those guys at that day [on Calvary]. That’s an awful statement, but it’s the truth (I Corinthians 13:10; Hebrews 6:4-8; The Indictment, p. 17:110-111, 118).

The revelation of the Seven Seals brought Christ back to earth in W_O_R_D form, so when the denominations rejected the revelation they “crucified the Son of God afresh to themselves and put Him to an open shame”  (Hebrews 6:6).

Revelation 17:1, 15, “Then [William Branham], one of the seven angels who had the Seven Vials came and talked with . . . (insert your name here because Christ revealed the mystery only to the angel to the Seventh Church Age and he has revealed it only for Christ’s end-time Bride) . . . saying, I will show you the judgment of the great whore who is enthroned over many waters . . . which are peoples, and multitudes, and nations, and tongues.” The last phase of the fourth pagan world empire will be Rome led by Satan incarnate in the pope ruling a totalitarian one world government.

Assisi meetingWhen the last saint predestinated to the Laodicean division of the Body was baptized into Christ, His office changed from Son of God and Mediator to Son of man and Judge and He revealed the mystery of the Seven Seals through Brother Branham (Revelation 10:7). His Message was the “midnight cry” of Matthew 25:6, which is the “shout” of I Thessalonians 4:16 confirmed by the *”Voice” of Revelation 18:4 calling the sleeping virgin out of Babylon and her denominational daughters, baptizing the “wise virgin” Christ’s end-time Bride into the Capstone of the Body and indicting the world church system. Concurrently the synagogue of Satan convened Vatican II (1962-1965) to gather his children for the second crucifixion of the Word, and Armageddon. At a series of notorious interfaith “ecumenical prayer gatherings”—the most well-known occurring at Assisi in 1986 and 2002—John Paul II invited religious leaders from the major false religions to pray, as Benedict XVI did in 2011.

Since Vatican II the Charismatic Movement has gathered sincerely misguided people from all denominations contrary to God’s unchanging Word which states emphatically: “Two cannot walk together unless they are agreed in the faith” (Amos 3:3). The Protestants, formerly referred to as “heretics,” are now called “separated brethren.” This devilish deception becomes apparent when it is realized that Vatican II did not repeal a single papal bull or anathema issued against Christians by past Popes or Vatican councils. Vatican II reaffirmed the canons and decrees of the Second Council of Nicaea (iconoclasm), and the Council of Trent which alone accounted for over 100 anathemas against Christian belief. Christians are still under countless curses of the Judaeo-Roman Catholic Church, and “The Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith,” or the “Holy Office,” formerly the “Supreme Sacred Congregation of the Roman and Universal Inquisition” that conducted the inquisitions is still in operation. Rome’s motto Semper Eadem means “always the same” and her dogma that there is no salvation outside the Roman Catholic Church stands unchanged.

“Here is some illumination. If Satan is behind the Jews who are hailing the Christians into court, then the Jews are not of God’s religion but the Devil’s. Their gathering is also of the synagogue of Satan. And if the Roman Catholic Church killed the multitudes of believers in the Dark Ages, yes and in all ages, then they are of the Devil and belong to Satan, also.”

“And if you think this shocking, just wait until the prophecy of Revelation 13 is fulfilled. It is strikingly true that the United States of America is in that chapter. The very number thirteen is a symbol of this nation. It started with thirteen colonies. Its flag has thirteen stars and thirteen stripes. And there is her destiny in the thirteenth chapter. In this image that is mentioned in this chapter will be found all the wickedness of the beast that was before it; as the beast rose at the Nicene Council, so the image will come out of the World Council of Churches with all ungodly and Satanic power to vent the anger of the Devil upon the true vine of God. It will be a repeat performance of all diabolical cunning and cruelty” (William Branham, An Exposition of the Seven Church Ages, 131:2-3).

God’s simple ways are perfect and they never change (Malachi 3:6; Hebrews 13:8). His way is to inspire and send one man with the revelation of His Word (Malachi 4:5-6; Matthew 17:11; Revelation 10:7). Amos 3:6-7, “Shall a trumpet be blown in the city, and the people not be afraid? Shall there be judgment for evil, and the Lord has not sent it? Surely the Lord God will do nothing without revealing His secret to His servants the prophets“.

“Perhaps the one individual most instrumental in softening the attitudes of many Catholic prelates towards Pentecostalism was the late David duPlessis, who was acquainted with many priests and prelates, since he served on a commission for dialogue between Catholics and Pentecostals; he was also a lay observer at the Second Vatican Council. He related that while he was present in St. Peter’s Basilica during a session of the Council, he was asked by a certain Cardinal how it felt to be in the presence of so many Bishops and Cardinals of the Church; Mr. duPlessis replied that he felt “like Ezekiel in the valley of dry bones.” It was in the wake of such a spirit of cooperation and openness facilitated by duPlessis and his like minded clerical admirers that the ‘official commencement’ of the ‘Catholic Charismatic Renewal’ took place [in 1967] during the now famous ‘Duquesne weekend’ among a group of students attached to Duqesne University” (Brian Hughes, History of the Charismatic movement).

Brother Branham said, “The Council of churches [Vatican II] . . . that’s meeting in Rome . . . David duPlessis, when I set there and cried to him about it in Fourteen Mile Creek not long ago, not realizing he swung the church right into Babylon. . . everybody saying, “Oh, all the churches are going to be one now” . . . don’t you realize that’s Satan uniting together? The Bible says that. And just after a bit, just a little while [three and a half years], as soon as they become one, then the interdenominational is finished. See? There’ll be your mark of the beast rise. See? . . . There’ll be a ministry that’ll show great wonders (Joel [2:30-32] said so), but there’ll be no time for redemption. It’s all over. The Lamb’s done took His Book, and redeemed is over. As Jesus first preached and was rejected and then went and haunted those that were in there, preached to them that were in prison and could not repent, no time for salvation, that same ministry will have to repeat again. What if that could be the Third Pull to the eternal lost” (Revelation 5:7-8; I Peter 3:17-20)?

“Brother duPlessis . . . set . . . in the Ecumenical Council [Vatican II] by the side of the Pope and said it was very spiritual. That’s discernment of spirit, isn’t it? “Oh, the Spirit of the Lord was there.” Very spiritual . . . Protestants by the millions fall for it. Why? That’s what they’re looking for. They’re blind” (Souls in Prison now, p. 32-35; Revelation 3:17-20). And:

“Looks to me like that Brother duPlessis . . . would know enough about the Scripture that when he sees the sleeping virgin trying to buy oil, the time is passed. See? Remember, when she came to buy oil, there was no oil left. That’s the Scripture. And she said, “Give us of your oil,” to the Church, but she did not receive it. She might jump up and down, speak in tongues, and whatevermore, but according to God’s own Word, she did not receive it. See? And she was out into outer darkness, and there was weeping, wailing, and gnashing of teeth, when the elected Bride had done gone in; the wise Virgins had oil in their lamp” (He that is in You, p. 2:8; Matthew 25:1-13, 30).

The Charismatic movement is an impersonation of the Laodicean Church Age, also called Pentecost; it was presumed to be the restoration of the faith promised by Malachi 4:5-6 and Matthew 17:11, but the restoration could not take place until Christ opened and revealed the Seven Seals through His Prophet. Besides, Laodicea was over when the Seals were opened, so the charismatic people are speaking with tongues and exercising gifts of the Spirit without the Spirit. The tares have their revival first; Vatican II is gathering the tares into the Charismatic movement (Matthew 13:30, 41). They are being bound ready for the burning in ecumenism and man-made unions like the Judaeo-Communist National Council of Churches which was born in 1908 as the Federal Council of Churches (FCC) out of the Marxist-controlled Methodist Federation for Social Service founded in 1907 by “the Reverend” Harry Ward, “the most ardent pro-Bolshevik cleric in this country” (Committee on Un-American Activities Investigation of Communist Activities in the New York City Area, part 7, p. 2170). In 1950 the FCC changed its name to the National Council of Churches (NCC) which in 1948 gave birth to the [Rockefellers’] illegitimate World Council of Churches (WCC) which will become the image to the Roman Beast, killing those who refuse to serve the Fourth Reich of the Holy Roman Empire (NWO) or receive her dogma (Revelation 13:11-15).

Brother Branham said, “Now . . . recall the vision of Daniel. The last part of the image, the last world power was in the feet. That was iron and clay. The iron is the Roman Empire. But now it is no longer solid iron. Clay is mixed in it. Yet it is there and running world affairs in both the democratic nations and the more despotic ones. The Romish church is in every nation. It is mixed up in it all.”

Khrushschev at UN“Let me give you a little something on the iron and clay. Remember when Khrushchev beat his shoe on the desk at the UN [October 13, 1960]? Well, there were five eastern nations there and five western. Khrushchev spoke for the East and President Eisenhower for the West. [Both of them Jews]. In Russian, Khrushchev is clay and Eisenhower means iron. The two main leaders of the world, the two big toes of the feet of iron and clay, were side by side. We are in the end of it all” (An Exposition of the Seven Church Ages, p. 237:1-2; Daniel 2:40-43). All of these events took place in our time-space after the pouring out of the Sixth Vial but before the pouring out of the Seventh Vial.

Revelation 16:16, “The demonic spirits like frogs gather the kingdoms of the earth and of the whole world together into a place called in the Hebrew tongue Armageddon” which means “cutting off” or “slaughter.” This consummate judgment will follow under the manifestation of the Sixth Seal after the sounding of the Seventh Trumpet and the pouring out of the Seventh Vial. The Seventh Trumpet will call the resurrection of the Church Age saints and the manifestation of the Sons of God in “we who are alive and remain” prior to our glorification and translation to the Wedding Supper of the Lamb in the Sky. It will be an alarm calling Israel to gather for the revelation of their Feast of Trumpets, the final battle of the Roman wars and their atonement (Daniel 9:26; Revelation 14:1-5; 15:2-4; Zechariah 12:1 – 14:8). The Seventh Vial is poured out upon nominal Christians to distinguish and separate the false church from the foolish virgin. Communist Russia will blast Vatican City State and her United States image from the face of the earth, the pope will be cast into the Lake of Fire, and the remnant slain by the Sword of God’s Word (Revelation 17:1 – 18:20; 19:20-21).

The God’s wrath is completed in the seven last plagues of the Vials in the ordeal of jealousy imposed upon the non-elect professed Christians from Pentecost to the consummation. And when the seventh angel pours out his Vial into the air; a great Voice from the throne in the Holy of Holies will say, “It is done (Revelation 15:1). [The Seventh Vial will consummate the wrath of My jealousy]. And there will be flashes of lightning, and voices, and peals of thunder; and a great earthquake of a magnitude unprecedented in human existence” (Revelation 16:17-18).

The Book of Revelation must not be read like a newspaper for it is not recorded in chronological order and the record in interspersed with parentheses that describe what takes place under of this cycle. A Seal opens a mystery and the Gospel Trumpet declares a spiritual war for the Church which becomes a Trumpet judgment of natural war upon willfully blind Israelites for rejecting the mystery, and the temporary judgment of a Vial that pours a plague upon non-elect professed Christians who have been unfaithful to their espoused husband, the Word for their day, or failed to fully become one with its Message. Succeeding generations denominate and die spiritually; then God sends another messenger revealing further Light and a new Church Age begins. This sequence has repeated throughout the Gentile dispensation or antitype of Israel’s Pentecostal Feast (Leviticus 23:15-21). All seven Church Ages are over: we live at the end of time in the holy convocation of the fiftieth day of the feast, the end of the cycle when the saints will be rewarded and sin recompensed.

We live under the Fourth and Seventh Seals while Israelites live under the Fifth Seal. The Fourth and Fifth Seals close and the Gentile dispensation ends as the Sixth Seal of Revelation 6:12-17 opens with “a massive earthquake” unprecedented in magnitude initiating “the great day of God’s wrath.” Revelation 7 is a parenthesis describing the Spiritual redemption or new birth of the 144,000 elect Israelites which will be accomplished under the tribulation of the Sixth Seal. This is followed by our realization of the unity of the Body in the first resurrection when Christ’s end-time Bride, signified by John, gathers with our Church Age brethren redeemed out of the tribulation of the past 2,000 years (1:9; Matthew 24:21-28) for the Marriage Supper of the Lamb in the sky (verses 9-17; 20:4; 21:1-4; I Thessalonians 4:17).

Under the Sixth Trumpet judgment upon Israel as it is placed in the Book (Revelation 9:12-21), we encounter a parenthesis from Revelation 10 – 11 describing Christ’s secret second or ‘parousia’ Coming to His end-time Bride after He pronounces judgment on Rome, the beast from the sea, and on the United States, the beast from the earth in Revelation 13. This terminal judgment which has been restrained from the Armistice of World War I (Revelation 7:1-3) is now being hastened the service of US Presidents George I, Clinton, George II, and Obama administrations to their alien masters of ‘the City of London’ but will be withheld until after the elect 144,000 Israelites are born-again. Thereafter Vatican City State and the United States of America will be blasted from the face of the Earth and Armageddon will set in (Revelation 18).

The parenthesis of Revelation 11:1-13 provides us with a preview of Christ’s ‘parousia’ Coming to Israel in the first half of Daniel’s Seventieth Week. Their prophets will unveil the mystery of the Seven Trumpet Judgments on Israel since Calvary, and as the antitype of the Old Testament feast of Trumpets (Leviticus 23:23-25), call 144,000 elect Israelites to their Day of true Atonement by revelation wherein they will be born-again as the nation in one day (Isaiah 66:8).

As Moses called plagues that smote all Egypt yet spared Goshen and Elijah shut the heavens for three years, their ‘third pull’ will produce the antitype of these wonders and slay any with malicious intent. When their ministry is fulfilled they will be martyred in Jerusalem “where their Lord also was slain.” Jesus said, All the righteous blood shed upon earth shall come upon the Edomite Jews and Jerusalem” (Matthew 23:35-38). For three and a half days their bodies shall lie unburied in the street where they were slain, derided by apostates in Jerusalem and around the world who rejoice and exchange gifts. After the three and a half days they shall “stand on their feet” and visibly ascend on a Cloud of the Shekinah in response to a Voice from heaven (Matthew 24:14). This is an allusion to Ezekiel 37:10 and Hosea 6:2 and the new birth of Israel: “At that very hour a great earthquake collapsed a tenth part of the city and killed seven thousand. The remnant was terrified and gave glory to the God of heaven” (Revelation 11:13; 12:15-17).

After this parenthesis of Revelation 11:1-13 the Seventh Trumpet (11:14-19) manifests coincidentally with the Sixth Seal (6:12-17), and a new parenthesis commences from Revelation 12:1 – 14:20, providing Christ’s end-time Bride an overview of God’s dealings with those who will be purged and martyred under the great tribulation under the Seventh Trumpet.

Revelation 15:1 announces the Judgments of the Seven Vials that have been poured out at the end of each Church Age to distinguish the false church from the foolish virgin and bring condemnation upon the false church. Verses 2-4 are in parenthesis and signify 144,000 elect Israelites who have overcome and been martyred in chapter 14 by their mortal enemy the self-styled Jews, and their Roman Catholic church (Genesis 27:39-41; Revelation 18:24). Between the Sixth and the Seventh Vials a further parenthesis reveals the Scriptural coordinates of the world at this very minute.

World Wars I, II and III were all planned in the nineteenth century as tools of the Judaeo-Roman church, the Black Nobility (or European Royalty and aristocracy with whom the Khazars intermarried centuries ago), and the International Banksters. These parties are noted in Revelation 16:14; 17:12-18 and 18:7-19 and although they work together for world hegemony, each aims for supremacy in its own behalf as do rival factions within each party. The purpose of these wars is to render impotent the bonds of racial, religious, political, material and cultural unity, thereby rendering humanity a disunited, divided mass without roots, resources, hopes or loyalties like the bastard Cain—a ‘human resource’ interbred with Cain that can be worked and culled as “human cattle” at the whim of their global masters.

These three wars have served to diminish humanity, destroy kingdoms, religions and borders, monopolize global resources and eliminate private ownership of land to return its inhabitants to serfdom under Edomite one world government whose centralized dominion will wield absolute authority over all people and their gods (Genesis 27:40). If we follow the trail of the Serpent from Cain to Naamah, to Canaan, Esau and his children, you will see who holds world dominion today. Imperial power began in Babylon whose legacy is seen in the universal worship of her trinity of gods and our subjection to her laws and legal system; our economies are governed by her system of accountancy, and our finances totter on Babylonian fiat money and fractional reserve usury.

Quotation by Rabbi S, WiseThroughout the twentieth century Judaeo-Communism has been an effective tool of the International Banksters to strip individuals and nations of their wealth and free-will as foretold by Jesus in the parenthesis between the Sixth and Seventh Vials (Revelation 16:13-16). Nowadays the spirit of Communism, which is the spirit of Laodicea, has world dominion. Through United Nations’ treaties and protocols the thoughts and actions of individuals and nations are kept within strict bounds and woe to he who expresses historic fact unhallowed by the Department of Truth’s current version of the past. Communism is the spirit “gathering the kingdoms of the earth and of the whole world to the battle of that great day of God Almighty.” Initially aligned with Rome against Communism (Revelation 17:2), when Rome breaks her agreement with the Jewish Banksters, “these earth-bound kingdoms” will “hate the whore,” revert to Judaeo-Communism, and “burn her with atomic fire” (Revelation 17:16-17).

Concurrent with the manifestation of the Sixth Seal and the blast of the Seventh Trumpet, Brother Branham metaphorically pours out the Seventh Vial of God’s wrath into the “air” or fourth dimension. I say this is figurative because the curse for disobedience was incorporated in and delivered with his Message (Malachi 4:6; Acts 3:23; Revelation 3:16-17; 4:8; 14:9-12; 22:11, 15, 18-19) and the tribulation is the time for its manifestation. The fourth dimension is the medium wherein we contact the spirit world in dreams, visions, inspiration and revelation. Satan rules the battleground of this dimension which is why Paul says, “We wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual wickedness in the heavenly places” (Ephesians 6:12). Paul says, “Christ made you alive [to His Word] when you were dead through trespasses and sins in which you once walked, following the course of this world, following the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that now works in the children of disobedience”.

But are you really alive to Christ the Word and dead to the world which has the nature of Satan?

diagram of human unit“Air” is the medium through which Satan contacts Adam’s children in the realm of their mortal spirit with its memory, imagination, conscience, reasoning and affection causing them to override soul and the Absolute and follow the desires of the mind to entice the passions of our flesh that by nature—his nature—we become children of wrath like the rest of humanity (Ephesians 2:1-3). The Church is the elect, called out and separated from the world to the Word by sanctifying their mind; they discriminate in the company they keep, what they see, what they say and in how they devote their time. Satan’s adversarial authority is reproduced in his children, and they control the medium of the “air” global media, television, radio, the internet and print; are franchisees of education with disinformation, mind-manipulating propaganda of false news, history, science and politics; entertainment, music and fashion, seeking to rule the soul through the mind. This is why Christians do not watch television, attend movies, fill their heads and yield their bodies to worldly music or accept as truth the nonsense presented as “news”. Consequently we must “receive the word with all readiness of mind, and search the Scriptures daily, whether those things were so . . . and try the spirits whether they are of God” (Acts 17:11; I John 4:1).

When Satan and his demons are cast down to earth as Jesus foresaw in Luke 10:18 and Revelation 12:7-9, uninhibited praise will resound from the twenty-four elders and Old Testament saints already in heaven. The eviction of the Accuser of their brethren (and ours) will be a second cleansing of the heavenly temple, an earnest of the ingathering of the 144,000 Israelites, the salvation of the faithful Hebrews martyrs under the Fifth Seal and “vengeance on them that know not God, and that obey not the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ” (II Thessalonians 1:8; Revelation 6:10-11). And while Satan falls to earth, the latter rain of the Holy Spirit will fall causing all flesh to manifest its true nature (Revelation 22:11). Christ’s end-time Bride will manifest by the ‘third pull’ that they are the Sons of God and be “caught up together with the Church Age saints in the Shekinah to meet the Lord in the air” (I Thessalonians 4:17; Hebrews 11:5).

Obedience to the Seventh Angel’s Message will restore God’s elect to the apostolic faith, finish the mystery of God with understanding and introduce the second or ‘parousia’ Coming of the Logos who is “the Truth and eternal Life.” The obedience of faith will unlock grave’s power over the Church Age saints and render Christ’s end-time Bride immune to death’s hand (Revelation 1:18; Ephesians 1:17-23). Non-elect professed Christians imprisoned in Laodicea through disobedience, imperfect faith or ignorance, including those within the circle of this Message, will drink the words of the curse of the Seventh Vial in the Trial of Jealousy and be purged during the tribulation.

Revelation 16:18, “And there were flashes of lightning, and voices, and peals of thunder; and there was a great earthquake of a magnitude unprecedented in human existence.” This will be the sinking of Los Angeles and Hollywood—the Babylon of non-Semitic, anti-Semitic self-styled Jewry that pollutes all nations with the filthy deceptions of its sorceries—the witchcraft and magic arts of the silver screen. Revelation 18:21-24 and 7:1-3 show us the history of Israel (Jeremiah 25) is repeating in its antitype the United States of America as Brother Branham taught, only in this day the king of the North is not Babylon, but Russia. George II and his successors are causing all nations to turn against the USA and destroy her according to the seventh of seven consecutive visions shown to the Prophet in 1933, and to John between 95 and 96.

The magnitude 9.2 earthquake that struck Alaska on Good Friday March 27, 1964, three days after Brother Branham had spoken it was the second-largest earthquake recorded in modern times, the largest in the written history of North America, and a token of the earthquake of Revelation 18 that will take place one Nisan 14 very soon.

Revelation 16:19-21, “And the great city was divided into three parts.” Jerusalem is “the great city” as described in the parenthesis under the Sixth Seal (Revelation 11:8; Zechariah 13:7c – 14:2; Malachi 3:2-7—as in Ezekiel 5).

“And the cities of the Gentiles fell: (doubtless with the crash of the US dollar and the institution of martial law in every nation following the sinking of Los Angeles) and great Babylon came in remembrance before God, to give unto her the cup of the wine of the fierceness of His wrath.” Vatican City State and the Roman Catholic church are indicted (Revelation 17:1 – 18:20; 14:8-11).

“And every island fled away, and the mountains were not found” (Isaiah 29:6; Ezekiel 38:19-29; Daniel 12:1; Zechariah 14:3-5; Revelation 6:14). “And great hailstones, heavy as a hundredweight fell upon men from heaven. And the people blasphemed God for the plague of the hail, because it was so fearful” (Exodus 9:18-25; Psalm 18:12-14; Isaiah 28:14-29; Ezekiel 38:22; Luke 21:25; Revelation 11:19).

“God’s Word is forever settled in heaven” (Psalm 119:89; Malachi 3:6; Hebrews 13:8). A woman who has committed fornication and presented herself as a virgin to her husband shall be stoned for playing the harlot (Deuteronomy 22:21; John 8:3-7; Revelation 16:21). The Judaeo-Roman Catholic church is such a woman, as are non-elect confessed Christians who claim to be virgins espoused to Christ the Word when they are in fact denominational harlots.

A type of Jesus Messiah, the Israelite high priest was to take a virgin of his own people to wife so Israel’s Messiah cannot marry the harlot church. In the Old Testament the daughter of a priest who played the whore was to be burned (Leviticus 21:9; Revelation 2:21-23; 14:11; 17:16; 18:8, 18; 19:20; 20:10). The Roman Catholic church is such a woman. The Trial of Jealousy will find Rome, her harlot daughters and all unbelieving ‘Christians’ guilty of adultery, and they will be stoned and burned. “Come out of Babylon and be filled with the Spirit that you do not partake of her sins and receive not of her plagues”. nl805.htm

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Brother Grigor-Scott is a
non-denominational minister who has ministered full-time since 1981, primarily
to other ministers and their congregations overseas. He pastors Bible Believers’ tiny congregation, and is available to teach in your church.

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Gold Nuggets

October 2, 2013

Gold Nuggets

Bible Believers’ Newsletter 804

“We focus on the present Truth – what Jesus is doing now. . .”
ISSN 1442-8660

Christian greetings in the precious Name of our Lord Jesus Christ; we are pleased you could join us in fellowship around God’s unchanging Word.

Please welcome Pastor Boyd Reneau, contributing author of this week’s main article “Gold Nuggets” which he has prepared for your edification. Commencing with a brief personal testimony of his coming to know the Lord as His God and also as his Brother, his main thrust concerns the present Truth of the world condition, what Jesus is doing now, and like our news items, “the image unto the beast”.

This Newsletter serves those of like precious faith. Whoever will receive the truth is welcome to feed their soul from the waters of the River of Life. Everything here presented should be confirmed personally in your own Bible.

Your brother-in-Christ, Anthony Grigor-Scott

Nairobi Mall Deceit abets Israeli-Western Pipeline Wars to oust Asian Rivals


October 1, 2013 — It took a televised massacre to overturn the East African public’s aversion to military cooperation with former colonial masters and the Israelis. . . What powerful elite group has the money to organize such an elaborate ruse to sway public opinion? Who can control a secret network inside the Kenyan military and mass media? What is their motive? How do they benefit? From the onset of the police-military siege of Westgate, Israeli intelligence agencies assumed a key advisory role to the Kenyan police and directed the public-information releases, according to news reporters on the scene. As in many sensitive police-intelligence operations, information releases to the media are “strategic,” a euphemism for psychological operations.

Psyops are aimed at controlling the options for the criminals and shaping public attitudes about the event’s causes and outcomes.

Israeli experts were pre-positioned inside the mall, being in charge of the private security company whose plainclothesmen posed for “action shots.” The perfectly lit photos were taken during a lengthy power blackout in the nearly windowless mall. The viewer is led to believe as in Hollywood movies that a handgun is a match against automatic rifles. A large force of Mossad agents was still stationed inside Nairobi since the investigation of a mystery fire that had destroyed the capital’s Jomo Kenyatta Airport on August 8.

Nairobi, due to its logistical position and concentration of Jewish business interests, is the Israeli regional intelligence center for East Africa. Despite the 2002 terrorist attacks on an Israel plane over Kenya and hotel in Mombasa, the primary interest is not solely terrorism.

The two priorities for Israeli operations in East Africa are:

    to open a second military front against Iranians, who allegedly channel aid, including weapons, to Hamas via Sudan;

    and in league with Western energy corporations to oust Asian oil companies from South Sudan by building an alternative pipeline to a proposed mega-port on Kenya’s Indian Ocean coast. . .

The Israeli-US alliance is so widely distrusted worldwide, based on a proven record of misdeeds and skullduggery, their agents have to operate under the cover of sock-puppet companies . . . The surest method of curtailing Asian industrial and military strength is through the “Asian premium,” an added fee for every barrel of oil that passes through the Strait of Malacca. The steady stream of tankers is watched over by the Israel-US agents posted in Singapore. An Israeli nuclear ally, Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has quietly pushed Toyota Tsusho, the giant carmaker’s holding company, to enter talks with South Sudan on the Juba-Lamu pipeline deal. (The term nuclear ally refers to the presence of Israeli technicians and security staff from Dimona at the Fukushima No.1 plant at the time of the March 2011 meltdowns.) The Zionist-neocolonialist stranglehold on Asia’s energy jugular must be broken, and place to do it is Kenya.

Beyond the twin objectives of countering Iran and controlling African petroleum output, Israeli policymakers harbor a third ambition of a visionary nature: to establish a Hamitic-controlled region stretching from the Horn at Somalia across Ethiopia and agriculture-rich Uganda and into the mineral resources of Central Africa.

No nation on Earth is today more race-conscious than Israel, which seeks to establish an alliance of so-called Lost Tribes and descendants of Ham, the country cousins of the Semitic people. . . [However few Israelis are Semitic – Ed] . . . Just months before the Kenyan mall attack, according to a Guardian report by Simon Tisdall, a hardline faction led by Ahmed Abdi Godane assassinated the founders of Al Shabaab known by the noms de guerre Al-Afghani and Burhan. By design and certainly not accident, all Israelis inside the Westgate Mall were allowed to leave unharmed—while even Kenyans of Muslim faith were butchered. In the Syrian conflict, too, the more brutal foreign fighters are closely cooperating with the Israeli Defense Force against moderate rivals . . .

Every detail from the siege demands forensic reexamination for slip-ups in fakery. Westgate was not West End. Nairobi was a bad show, poorly scripted, sloppily directed and clumsily acted. A much more convincing performance should be expected from the CIA and Mossad. It would be a slapstick comedy if not for the fact that so many innocent bit actors were murdered in cold blood by the intelligence services. . . Full story:

‘President’s Private Army’: NSA-CIA Spying Central to Carrying out Obama Administration’s Assassination Program without Oversight

September 29, 2013 — We’ve previously documented that the NSA isn’t just passively spying like a giant peeping tom, but is actively using that information in mischievous ways . . . such as assassinations.

A lot more information is about to come out on the topic. AP reports:

Two American journalists known for their investigations of the United States’ government said Saturday they’ve teamed up to report on the National Security Agency’s role in what one called a “US assassination” . . .

Joint Special Operations Command, or JSOC as well as the CIA, have been described as “the President’s private army,” which operate at the President’s beck-and-call with no real oversight.

But a fourth agency is also centrally involved in both intelligence-gathering and assassinations: the National Counterterrorism Center (NCTC). NCTC is responsible for generating the “disposition matrix” of who to murder using drones or other means . . .

But don’t worry, the government would never assassinate Americans living on US soil . . . would it?

And even if it would, it would only consider truly bad guys to be terrorists . . . wouldn’t it?
Full story:

Comment: If you live in America, criticize the Judaeo-Roman Catholic church, are a Christian or intending tourist, you should read the full story and all of the links on the image unto the beast.

Seven Israelis in Syria OPCW Chemical Weapons Team?

September 29, 2013 — Quoting sources close to the secretariat of the ‘Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons’ (OPCW), the report noted that 7 out of 9 “Israeli” experts the organization had contacted agreed to join the team and enter the Syrian territories. It further noted that the 7 experts hold ‘honorary’ nationalities among which are German, Russian, Ukrainian, French and Canadian. . . by virtue of the agreement signed between Russia and the United States, the organization can make use of “Israeli” experts despite the fact Tel Aviv is not a member in the organization. . . if these experts hold other nationalities that allow them entry into Syria’s territories. . . these were contacted upon direct request made by Head of the investigation committee in Ghouta, Scott Krenz, and the Director General of the organization, Ambassador Ahmet Üzümcü of [Donmeh-Jew ruled] Turkey. . . “5 of the “Israeli” experts who agreed to be part of the team are originally researchers in the “Israel” Institute for Biological Research (IIBR); a governmental, applied research institute specializing in the field of researching and developing chemical and biological weapons. As for the other two inspectors, they work in Europe and Canada.”

Expecting that scandals will unravel soon on the mission of the team designated to dismantle the chemical weapons arsenal in Syria, the source anticipated these scandals will be worse than the Iraqi case when “Israeli” and American experts entered Iraq to gather information for Tel Aviv and Washington. Not only that but also they had contaminated Iraqi arms with prohibited chemical material to accuse the Iraqi government back then of using chemical weapons. . . Full story:

Comment: I smell “sayanim.” UNSC Resolution 2118 on Syria in response to false flag chemical weapons attack. US-backed terrorists “get away with mass killing.” Obama is pushing for a pretext to invade Syria.

New Jersey-based Genie Energy, which was granted survey and drilling rights in the Golan last February from the Israeli government, is owned by rich Zionists like Howard Jonas, [Lord Jacob Rothschild] and media mogul Rupert Murdoch. Now Israel is preparing to steal oil from Syria as it stole oil from Egypt in the 70s. “Some commentators did raise the issue of the Golan Heights being occupied land, making any such activity as extracting oil a violation of international law. However, Genie’s Israeli manager, a former minister, is quoted as saying that he does not expect any international pressure on this matter, particularly from Syria, which is embroiled in an internal war (

Various authors are claiming that because the United States and Russia are coming to an agreement on the chemical weapons of Bashar Al Assad that this somehow represents progress. But this is a mere farce and at best unfounded optimism due to the current, media-staged US posturing. One slaughter/attack was temporarily eluded, and look at how it is done, through an international, disarmament-policing mechanism a smaller power is compelled to agree to give up their weapons to a more dominant body, which in turn dominates every one and the people doing it are largely guilty of war crimes. How does this represent progress?

The United States doesn’t need to use violence everywhere anymore. It has become so powerful that merely threatening to do so achieves the same results . . . the US uses cut-throat killer mercenaries in Syria who have murdered hundreds of thousands of innocent people. It isn’t even proven that Assad used weapons against his people and so the US and Russia now negotiate how Assad will disarm, yet the greatest purveyor of violence in the world–the United States government remains armed to the teeth after it obliterated 3 million people in Vietnam, millions in Iraq and burned to death 300,000 – 400,000 civilians in Hiroshima and Nagasaki and is now threatening Russia that it will back out of negotiations to include Syria within the Organization for the Prevention of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) if Russia doesn’t include Chapter 7 of the UN Charter into the US Russia accords, essentially allowing a NATO/US military attack against Syria if it is seen as “not complying,” according to the DC war criminals’ corrupt, hypocritical standards. . . the instigator of the secret rendition program that snatched and locked away detainees in the imperialist police state war on terror was George W. Bush, not Assad . . . (

Ghouta Chemical Attacks: US-Backed False Flag? Killing Syrian Children to Justify a ‘Humanitarian’ Military Intervention

September 25, 2013 — The chemical attacks which took place in East Ghouta on August 21, 2013 could be the most horrific false flag operation in history. To date, available evidence indicates that numerous children were killed by “opposition rebels,” their bodies manipulated and filmed with a view to blaming the Syrian government for the attacks, thus sparking outrage and galvanizing worldwide public opinion in favor of another bloody, imperial US-led war.

While confirming the use of chemical weapons against civilians, the UN report has failed to identify the authors of the attacks:

Instead of a non-politicized investigation and lab analysis, the UN investigation of alleged nerve-gas attacks inside Syria was led by Professor Ake Sellstrom, a man of mystery who keeps a veil of secrecy around his research and political-military relationships . . .

This cosmetic veneer of Swedish neutrality has been deftly exploited by Israel and NATO to perpetrate falsehoods throughout Sellstrom’s work for the UN, including denial of the chemical-and-biological causes for “Gulf War Syndrome” and the shipments of US chemical weapons to the Saddam Hussein regime . . .

The UN report of chemical weapons on Syria lacks basic credibility due to the duplicitous record of its chief inspector, Ake Sellstrom, who is politically and financially compromised at every level. (Yoichi Shimatsu, The Sellstrom Report: The United Nations’ Syria Inspector Shills for NATO and Israel) . . .

The Hans Blix-Ake Sellstrom inspection teams in Iraq did not investigate the special-weapons bunkers that were bombed by American warplanes in the US invasion.

Sellstrom also never made any attempt to probe the US-produced 20-foot-long canisters of VX nerve gas discovered at Balad Air Base by American National Guardsmen. His mission was not to prove Iraqi guilt but to get Washington off the hook for supplying tons of nerve gas to Baghdad. Saving US officials like Donald Rumsfeld from disgrace and treason charges is far more important to imperial power that disclosing any facts in a theater of war.

The salient critique of the UN inspections in Iraq was made by American inspector Scott Ritter who accused the team of spying for Washington and NATO. The same question hangs over Sellstrom’s report on Syria. Is Sellstrom acting on behalf of Washington and Tel Aviv? . . .

The geopolitical objective underlying the White House orchestrated histrionics over Syria is to strip Damascus of its limited deterrence capability against Israel’s nuclear forces. Nerve gas may not be much of a counter-strike response compared with atomic warheads, but it seems Israel’s goal is absolute strategic supremacy against the Arab states and Iran. With the new UN report on Syria, Tel Aviv is a giant step closer to the dream of rendering all its neighbors defenseless and divided. Full story:

Israel’s History of Chemical Weapons Use

September 29, 2013 — The UN chemical weapons inspectors, who went to Syria to investigate the use of chemical weapons, should have stopped on their way at Occupied Palestine (Israel), where the Israeli government has the largest stockpile of chemical and other WMD in the entire Middle East. They would have found a lot of evidence and witness accounts of Israeli use of chemical, as well as biological and nuclear, weapons against the Palestinians and their Arab neighbors. The attacks started in May 1948 and are still going on in one form or another.

The Zionist gangs under the directive and leadership of David Ben-Gurion, who became the first Israeli Prime Minister, had adopted a military policy of genocide, extermination and total destruction of the indigenous Palestinian inhabitants and their towns in order to evacuate the land for outsider Zionist Jewish occupiers. The first WMD they used was biological weapons as documented by the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC).

In May 1948 the Zionist gangs besieged the well-fortified Palestinian city of Acre, which could stand the siege for a long time. The city water supply came from a nearby village name Kabri through an aqueduct. To shorten the siege and to enter the city, the Zionist gangs injected typhoid in the aqueduct. Many Palestinians and some 55 British soldiers, who were in the city, got infected. This crime was called operation “Shlach Lachmecha” as described by the Israeli military historian Urin Milstein [Wendy Barnaby’s “The Plague Makers: The Secret World of Biological Warfare”, London, Vision Paperbacks, 1997, pp 114-116]

The ICRC delegate Mr. De Meuron, sent a series of reports under the reference of G59/1/GC, G3/82, from 6th to about 19th of May 1948 describing the conditions of the city population as struck by a sudden typhoid epidemic and requested efforts to combat it. The minutes of an emergency meeting between Mr. De Meuron and the British Medical Services officers stated that the infection was “water borne.” Burdened by the epidemic the city fell easy prey to the Zionist gangs, who went into a killing spree and a systematic looting campaign as reported by Lieutenant Petite, a French UN observer. He reported the cold-blooded murder of at least 100 Arab civilians, who refused to evacuate the city as ordered by the Zionists. Some of them were captured by the Zionist terrorists and were forced at gun point to drink cyanide; the case of Mohamed Fayez Soufi is one example as documented in “The Palestinian Catastrophe” by Michael Palumbo.

This crime of poisoning Acre’s water supply leading to the fall of the city, the forceful evacuation of its inhabitants, and the looting of its treasures, whetted the appetite of the Zionists to repeat the crime. They tried it again in Gaza against the Egyptian forces, but failed. The two Zionist infiltrators, who were sent on this mission, were captured by the Egyptians. . .

The Zionist crimes did not stop then, but targeted Egypt and Syria. . . spreading Cholera in Egypt and Syria in 1947/48. . .

With Syria giving up its chemical weapons, now is the perfect opportunity to enforce the chemical weapons convention on all the countries in the region, including Israel, to free it from this WMD. Contrary to what Obama said, the convention does not specifically refer to just the use of chemical weapons, but also to its production and storage.

Will Obama, the peace-prize winner, prove that “the United States has been the anchor of global security . . . for nearly seven decades” as he claimed in his speech and demonstrate that the Americans are really “exceptional” as he boasted, or will he turn a blind eye to the Israeli criminal chemical attacks and the largest stockpile of WMD, like his many predecessors???

Full story:

Comment: A plan to inspect and destroy Syria’s chemical weapons has focused new attention on Israel’s undeclared WMDs. Israel’s chemical arsenal is under new scrutiny

A ‘Nuclear-Free Zone’ in the Middle East? Why Israel will not Join the Non-Proliferation Treaty

Israel's nuclear arsenal

September 27, 2013 — The Obama administration is not seeking any negotiations with Iran unless they stop its nuclear program which will not happen. Iran will insist that they are signatories to the NPT and have an “inalienable right” to use nuclear technology for peaceful purposes. Israel will not be a signatory to the NPT because “This resolution is deeply flawed and hypocritical. It ignores the realities of the Middle East and the real threats facing the region and the entire world” according to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Another reason Israel will not sign the Non-Proliferation Treaty is because they are victims of the Holocaust® which is why they have violated hundreds of UN Security Council resolutions and used chemical weapons on the Palestinians. The talks between Iran and the US that will be held in Geneva will fail come October because the US wants to dominate Iran. Iran has its principles it will stand by, but so will the US on Israel’s behalf. The US and its staunch allies want Syria, Lebanon, the Gaza strip and the West Bank and every nation on earth under their rule. That is the plan. . . Full story:

Comment: See News item in 526.

US, Saudis, Qatar Attempt ‘Arab Spring’ Retread in Sudan

September 28, 2013 — The West has once again “coincidentally” arrayed its vast resources behind al-Mahdi’s “revolution,” which includes Al Qaeda-linked leaders like al-Turabi, once again illustrates that so-called “Islamic” extremism is a geopolitical tool both created and intentionally perpetuated by the West, both as a pretext for direct military invasion and occupation (Mali, Afghanistan) and as an inexhaustible proxy mercenary force for overthrowing targeted nations (Libya, Egypt, Syria). . .

Sudan shares borders with NATO-overthrown Libya, destabilized Egypt, and US military proxy Ethiopia. It is also across the Red Sea from Saudi Arabia itself. Both Libya and Egypt have sizable US-Saudi-Israeli-Qatari-backed terrorist organizations and their affiliated political arms—the Muslim Brotherhood being the most prominent. Sudan is a potential tinderbox made more volatile in recent years due to the Muslim Brotherhood’s US-Saudi-Qatari-Israeli enabled rise, along with the Western-backed terrorist organizations, including Al Qaeda, that form it’s armed factions.

The West’s interest in Sudan is not causal or spontaneous. It was listed as one of several nations the US had intended to violently overthrow and subjugate as a client regime since at least 2001, revealed in a speech given by US Army General Wesley Clark in 2007. Full story:

Cell Phones & Wi-Fi? Are Children, Fetuses and Fertility at Risk?

September 21, 2013 — “It may take some sort of catastrophe to get people’s attention,” said Frank Clegg, former president of Microsoft Canada and founder of Canadians 4 Safe Technology, referring to the increasing saturation of Wi-Fi technologies on the public at large, and especially, children.

Electromagnetic radiation from cell phones and other wireless technologies has indisputable biological, health and mental health effects . . . Radiation from cell phones and Wi-Fi . . . cause diminished reaction time, decreased brain motor function, social and emotional problems, and inability to focus on complex and long-term tasks in children.

Cell phone use linked to nine types of cancer and declines in sperm count and fertility. . . DNA mutations are irreversible . . . passed down to future generations . . . researchers from Yale University positioned a cell phone above a cage of pregnant mice. The phone was transmitting an uninterrupted active call for the entire 17 days of gestation. When the exposed offspring were later tested, they showed signs of ADHD, and reduced transmissions in the prefrontal cortex of the brain.

“It’s not talking on the phone that matters; it’s any time the phone is turned on. Every 900 milliseconds, whether you are using the phone or not, your cell phone has a spike in radiation because it is looking for a signal from the tower. . .”
Full story:

Is This Fukushima? Pacific Herring in Canada Bleeding Eyeballs, Fins, Tails. Government Ignoring Problem

Fukushima Radiation

August 19, 2013 — The Globe and Mail, August 13, 2013 (Emphasis Added): Independent fisheries scientist Alexandra Morton is raising concerns about a disease she says is spreading through Pacific herring causing fish to hemorrhage. [. . .] “Two days ago I did a beach seine on Malcolm Island [near Port McNeill on northern Vancouver Island] and I got approximately 100 of these little herring and they were not only bleeding from their fins, but their bellies, their chins, their eyeballs. [. . .] “It was 100 per cent . . . I couldn’t find any that weren’t bleeding to some degree. And they were schooling with young sockeye [salmon] . . .” Full story:

Gold Nuggets

By Boyd Reneau

There is no substitute for the Holy Ghost in your life. As a young man I had “accepted Christ” on two occasions if not more before coming to the Word; once in an Anglican Church and another time at a Pentecostal ‘revival’ meeting. But I later realized that I was still living the same old life with religious paraphernalia attached. My inner turmoil and confusion was troubling: believing the scriptures as I supposed but not experiencing the miraculous life-changing power I read about in the Bible. Something was dreadfully wrong. Would I have to accept Jesus again? And if so, in which Church? I decided I would simply lay aside that puzzling proposition; these things might just work themselves out.

As a boy I wanted to join the Scouts, go on expeditions, sit around a campfire and hear and tell stories, but that didn’t work out. As a teenager I wanted to go abroad to boarding school, to study the sciences and learn of Earth’s secrets. But neither did that work out. However, the most important things that happen to us are not those things we plan, but things God has planned for us from the foundation of the world.

A friend told me I should join one of the secret societies but reading up on it beforehand I found out their greatest secret was that Jesus is not their king and so I had no further interest in them. Nevertheless I wanted to belong to some kind of exclusive club with common goals and some higher purpose to which I could aspire. I decided to go to Church more and read the Bible in earnest. I read a scripture that said “Where two or three are gathered together in My Name, there am I in the midst of them.” Oh, that was precious, and I knew I was on to something. To think that the blessed Christ of glory would be present in one’s humble abode is a joy beyond compare. I intensified my reading of the scriptures. Though there was a joy in reading the Bible, the answers were not coming forth, I still had not found that peace like a river in my soul and my questions so bothered my study group that I was told I did not believe God and was asked not to return. This naturally left me torn within and even more confused.

I have never been in Africa’s Sahara but doubt it would have anything more dire than the desert experience in those religious circles. They have nothing in them to impart life or quench a thirsting soul. I knew Gods Word was true, Something witnessed that way back in childhood, but where was the boldness and great confidence one should have? Where was the power to live an overcoming life in Christ day by day?

Then one day I read in the Gospel “Neither do men put new wine into old bottles: else the bottles break and the wine runs out, and the bottles perish: but they put new wine into new bottles, and both are preserved” (Matthew 9:17). The awesome power of that Word struck me in such a profound way it stopped me right in my tracks. I would not partake and be filled with that new wine until the old bottle—the old man was made new.

In total desperation I cried out and said O God, I believe what I’ve read in the Bible but something stops me from going any further. Though I can’t bargain with You, I’d prefer to die at this early age and go to be with Jesus than to live out three score and ten and die in this state and go Christ-less to the grave. Teach me Your fear God, I pleaded, so I could get to know and really understand what it is to accept Jesus in my life and have my sins forgiven that should I die I’d go to be with You. Two nights later a strong spirit of conviction and confession came over me that felt like it was ripping my soul from my body. Every wrong that I had done in my life, every thought it seemed came crystal clear into my mind. I trembled and wept, repented and cried out for mercy. When that was over, clear and distinct as ever, I heard a voice say “Did you not ask Me to teach you My fear?” I wept again still shaking, but this time for joy. A few days later a brother gave me the book A Man Sent from God.” The days of drought and famine were over; my journey to the eternal land of the millennium had begun. Bless the Lord!

William Branham, A Man Sent fron God by Gordon LindsayI’ve never forgotten that experience and that parable of “new wine” that started God’s Word opening up to me personally. That always takes me straight over to St. John chapter two where a marriage was being celebrated but the wine had run out. The Master gave His command and water, ordinary water was changed into wine; can we say “in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye?” What transforming Presence moved over those molecules of water to change them into wine? A wine that was so good “the governor of the feast called the bridegroom, and said to him, every man at the beginning sets forth good wine; and when men have well drunk, then that which is worse: but You have kept the good wine until now. That wedding was on the third day in Cana.”

Christ and the saints of all Ages will shortly be gathered at the Marriage Supper of the Lamb, and according to one of his prophecies concerning Israel Hosea said “Come, and let us return unto the Lord: for He has torn, and He will heal us; He has smitten, and He will bind us up. After two days He will revive us: in the third day He will raise us up, and we shall live in His sight.” As that prophecy was given in 780BC we are now well into the third day. Hallelujah! For us the third day will begin the resurrection of the Church Age saints and the manifestation of the Sons of God.

Paul said he was made a minister according to the gift of the grace of God that he should preach among the Gentiles the unsearchable riches of Christ (Ephesians 3:7-8). Paul’s Word of testimony struck me when I compared his witness with the spiritual squalor and impoverished experience of men and women in religious circles today. One must be truly born again before the Word can become a living reality to one’s soul. Today I’d like you to consider some of the rich treasures we have in Gods revealed Word.

Earth’s midnight was approaching (Matthew 25:1-13); the world was reeling from the devastating effects of “the Second Woe” of Revelation 9:12 which saw Hiroshima and Nagasaki destroyed by atomic bombs in World War II; during this war over 60 million people or 2.5% of the world population were slaughtered. With all of his ingenuity, supposed culture and civilized outlook man is incapable of creating a better world, and although he will never acknowledge it, the greatest intellectual plans on the table for world peace and security are unbeknownst, the seemingly innocuous subtle plans of Satan striving for global dominion.

Cloud of Matthew 24:3The scientific world is anticipating another revolution in science and theoretical physics that will unify all of the laws of mathematics and physics to explain and link all known physical phenomena enabling it to predict the outcome of any experiment conducted according to their hypothesis. Perhaps that computer model would solve mankind’s problems. While in the ecclesiastical world of the 60s the heavenly Fire that lit the Azusa Street Revival initiating the Laodicean Church Age was for the most part a smoking ember replaced in many souls by a self-righteous spirit of complacency. Still, more spiritually-minded believers of that day, moved and burdened by the Holy Ghost, were praying in earnest not only for renewal and a spiritual breakthrough but like evangelist F. F. Bosworth, for God to send the “Son of Man Ministry” back to Earth as promised in Matthew 24:23 – 25:30, Luke 17:22 – 18:8, John 5:27 and elsewhere.

William BranhamThe answer would surely come but not as a further treatise on gravity and general relativity, or some encyclical from the Vatican in Rome. No, heaven had something far more profound and enduring, something far more stupendous. What happened would be a “quantum leap” beyond anything science or the “cloth” could dare imagine. The Lord Himself would descend from heaven with a Shout, and with His Holy Spirit anoint a humble man in the person of Brother William Marrion Branham, who like John the Baptist would introduce His Presence to the world. He would be inspired with heavenly wisdom to tie up all the loose ends of doctrine left unfinished by the Reformers and “finish the mystery of God” that had been sealed from the foundation of the world (I Thessalonians 4:16; Daniel 12:4, 9; I Corinthians 13:10; Revelation 10:4-7).

Head of Christ at 33 superimposed over Cloud of Matthew 24:3Nothing has been more profound in the two thousand year history of the New Testament Church through which the Holy Spirit had demonstrated signs and wonders and healings from the Day of Pentecost. Yet these gifts that were lost in the Dark Ages of Roman apostasy had already been restored in the Laodicean Church Age and now the Fullness of the Word would be revealed discerning the very thoughts of the heart (Luke 17:28-30; Hebrews 4:12; 13:8). This visitation was not like anything since the days of our Lord, nor was it as many ministers erroneously preach—something that was always in the Church. This was the Messianic sign of the appearing of the Son of Man that preceded and accompanied a strategic and epochal fulfillment of major prophecies. Redemption was over, the Blood had left; the Mercy Seat was now a Judgment Seat, the rapture and first resurrection were imminent, and Christ wigged as Judge of all the Earth descended with the unsealed Book of Redemption open in His hand to claim His purchased possession. He placed Judgment on Rome, the beast that rose up out of the sea, and on the beast with two horns like a lamb signifying the separation of church and state in the Protestant USA that came up out of the earth (Revelation 10:1-7; 13:11).

Do you will recall in Revelation 16:13-16? “Three unclean spirits like frogs came out of the mouth of the Dragon [Imperial Rome that “stood before the woman to devour her Child as soon as it was born” (Revelation 12:3-4)], and out of the mouth of the beast [of Papal Rome (Revelation 13:2)], and out of the mouth of the false prophet [or first pope (Revelation 13:2-11)]. They are the spirits of demons, working miracles, which go forth to the kings of the earth and of the whole world, to gather them to the battle of that great day of God Almighty. Behold, I come as a thief. Blessed is he who watches, and keeps his garments, lest he walk naked, and they see his shame. And they gathered them together into a place called in the Hebrew tongue [for this is the time of “Jacob’s trouble”] Armageddon” (Revelation 16:13-16).

Papal keysThis gathering is taking place now but the news media is controlled by the people of the king of these demons (Revelation 9:11) who, if they possessed this revelation would not allow the Sons of God to warn humanity. Now a frog always looks behind himself and these slimy unclean spirits look back to the First Nicaea Council of AD325 where Imperial Rome began to reorganize into a universal religious empire claiming power over heaven, earth and purgatory. Today the United States is speaking and acting like the Dragon of Imperial Rome, for she is the image of the beast. Soon the powers of church and state will unite as they did following the First Nicaea Council, and will once again force the mark of the beast (Revelation 13:3, 11-18).

But Gods visitation to His elect is in grace to reveal the mystery of the Kingdom and the mystery of Israel’s blindness during this age; the mystery of the translation of the living saints at the end of this age, the New Testament Church as One Body composed of both Israelites and Gentiles, the Church as the Bride of Christ; the mystery of the living Christ, the same yesterday, today and forever; the mystery of God, even Christ, as the incarnate fullness of the godhead embodied, in Whom all Divine wisdom and godliness is restored to man. (Glory!)

We saw that great Sign in the sky when He came down and we heard the Voice of the Judge as He spoke. And what was the greatest ruling, verdict and decree ever given the entire universe? This that we heard in the sermon, The Rapture:

“You forgive me? I never done it. What are you forgiving me about?” See? But if I’m guilty, then I can be forgiven, but I’m still not just, because I did it. But the word “justified” is “though you never done it at all”: justified. And then the Blood of Jesus Christ cleanses us so from sins, till it’s put in the book of God’s forgetfulness. He’s the only One can do it. We can’t. We can forgive, but not forget. I could forgive you, but I’ll always remember you done these evil things. Then you’re not just; you’re forgiven.”

“But in the sight of God the Bride is justified. She never done it in the first place. Amen.”

“Standing there married to the virtuous Son of God, never sinned in the first place. Why? She was foreordained; she was trapped into this. And now when she heard the Truth and come forth, the Blood cleansed her. And She stands there virtuous. See? She’s. . . No sin on Her at all(William Branham, The Rapture, p. 33:162-163).

What Christ accomplished at Calvary will come into full effect as the universal kingdom of Satan comes tumbling down (Daniel 2:44). The mystery of iniquity and MYSTERY BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH have been revealed to His end-time Bride, as well as the mystery of the Serpent’s seed (II Thessalonians 2:1-12; Revelation 17:1-6). The mystery of the baptism of the Holy Ghost without sensation (John 14:20; I Peter 3:1-17), the Pillar of Fire returning after 2,000 years and many others found in the prophet’s 1962 Sermon Is This the Sign of the End Sir?”

Believers’ expectations were met and far exceeded as the lightning Presence of Christ filled the Earth with glory (Zechariah 14:7; Matthew 24:27; Revelation 18:1). But because God operates in simplicity repentance of heart is required in order to see the beauty of the wisdom revealed.

In Ephesians chapter one Paul clearly showed the maturing of the individual saints and the Church they constituted. Their “predestination unto the adoption of children by Jesus Christ to Himself”—verse 5. Their “redemption through His blood and forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of His grace”—verse 7. God’s grand purpose “That in the dispensation of the fullness of times He might gather together in One all things in Christ, both which are in heaven, and which are on earth; even in Him”—verse 10. “In whom you also trusted, after that you heard the Word of truth, the gospel of your salvation: in whom also after that you believed, you were sealed with that Holy Spirit of promise”—verse 13. “Which is the earnest of our inheritance until the redemption of the purchased possession, unto the praise of His glory”—verse 14. And that’s when Christ came down to loose the Seals, open the Book and reveal its sacred, contents to His prophet. He stepped forth from glory to claim His redeemed possession. From then onwards, the normal sequence changed to an exponential growth in the Body of Christ. Paul’s prayer from verse 17, “That the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give unto you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of himself” was something never before witnessed in the New Testament Church.

In his sermon Who is this Melchisedec, Brother Branham said “The first place Lot was not a prophet, that’s right, or neither was he the messenger of the hour. So he didn’t have any revelation of Him. It’s exactly right. Lot could call them “lords,” a dozen of them, he could still said, “lords.”

“But no matter how many Abraham saw, it was still one Lord. There is God; this was the Melchisedec.”

“Notice, after the battle was over, Melchisedec served His victorious child Communion; think of that, part of Himself. Now, we want to see here, in type here is in view the Communion. After the battle He gave of Himself, because the Communion is part of Christ. And after the struggle is over, after you’ve done got yourself whipped out, then’s when you partake of Christ, become part of this Being. You get it?”

“Jacob wrestled all night and wouldn’t turn Him loose until He blessed him. That’s right, battled for Life. And after the battle is over, then God gives you of Himself. That is His true Communion” (p. 19:104-106). Glory to God!

This is not the baptism with the Holy Spirit we read of in verse 13. Brothers and sisters, this is a further far greater revelation and portion of God we receive face-to-face at the Wedding Supper of the Lamb. Like Paul, Brother Branham did not fail to declare unto us all the counsel of God. And the God that was revealed was God over all creation.

Scientists would learn without equivocation the true origins of the universe, and were taken behind the scene on the grand stage of creation to a far deeper level of reality to behold in majesty “Him who is before all things, and by whom all things consist.” Doctors of Medicine, the best in their field, when they had reached the extent of their knowledge and declared cases they could not handle ‘impossible to be healed’ saw God’s grace heal sicknesses, sarcomas and all manner of deadly disease proving He is our wondrous Healer, Jehovah Rapha. They would learn that diseases were actually demonic spirits and although medication can assist in healing, faith in the power of God’s Word casts out the root cause and sets men free.

The Deans of universities would discover that the way up is down, they may have disagreed with the Prophet’s teaching on the ‘original sin,’ but they could not disprove the fact that Eve’s PhD in education took she and her husband from incorruption to corruption and out of the Garden paradise with the loss of Adam’s ‘third pull.’ From the ‘gods’ that they were sharing dominion over creation, they became slaves to sin and death. The Devil-incarnate Serpent lied then just as he lies today. With an unending hatred for Adams race, He ever seeks to steal, kill and destroy. As I write US Secretary of State John Kerry is addressing the House to get the United States, the Image to the beast in the natural to go kill and slaughter in Syria, hastening the world to the hot phase of the ongoing World War III to advance Lucifer’s agenda and deliver world hegemony to his master. The end-time Message is CHRIST the mystery of God revealed, our one hope and door of escape from the insanity and coming holocaust.

Were education the panacea to the human predicament in our ‘civilized’ world, each nation would be a blissful utopia. But as Luke foretold “on the earth [there is] distress of nations, with perplexity” because they see no solution. Each country has more police officers than ever before, yet there is far more violent crime; more teachers are turning out greater numbers of graduates with qualification to provide a better living for themselves and their communities yet millions more are going into poverty each year. The fruit of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil bears more politicians and lawyers than ever before yet the multiplication of legislation reflects their failure and an increase of lawlessness.

In contrast, we who have graduated on our knees beneath the Tree of Life without a bachelors degree show ourselves approved of God, for men “see that we been with Jesus” by our letters ABC, meaning “Always Believe Christ,” and by the ‘Token’ of His Life on display. Although considered “ignorant and unlearned” our profession is “faith”; we are recipients of eternal Life and have each been inducted into Gods hall of fame. So the paradigm has shifted from works of learning under the anointing of the living creature with the face of a Man, to abundant grace poured out under the anointing of the living creature with the face of an Eagle rapturing us in the Spirit into the Lord’s Day to see “things that must be after the Church Ages” (Revelation 1:10; 4:1-2). By the revelation of “THAT WHICH IS PERFECT” we have entered the Capstone: “PART-word is done away” and Christ is no longer a Mediator who can wink at ignorance of the fullness of His Word but as the Angel of the Presence He has descended with the open Book in His hand to reveal and guide us into all truth, consequently ignorance is no longer be possible, only error.

The understanding of His elect can no longer be influenced by psychology or theological guesswork, the Absolute of THUS SAITH THE LORD now rules in our hearts. “The secret of the Lord is with them that fear Him; and He will show them His Covenant” (Psalm 25:14). What were once God’s secrets have been entrusted to the hearts of men who recognize they were foreknown of God in Christ before the world began and that they are the actual Attributes of His eternal thoughts awaiting His decreed season in which to manifest here on earth that they are the Sons of God.

Most who attended the tent meetings of Branham Campaigns rejoiced in the healings and miracles which eclipsed the sum of contemporary ministries, truly revealing “Jesus Christ the same, yesterday and today and forever” (Hebrews 13:8). But the Message of rapturing faith was reserved for Brother Branham’s “spring lambs” born-again in this holy convocation after the opening of the Seven Seals of the Book of Revelation. The focus of Christian Ministry then shifted from discernment of spirit and healing of body, which was the children’s bread, to “eating the little Book” and becoming One with our Head (Revelation 10:8-11). It is the revelation of the mysteries of the Seven Thunders hidden under the Seals that places each member of Christ’s end-time Bride in the rapture.

If you had a piece of coal and a diamond sitting side by side, the carbon atoms in the coal and the carbon atoms in the diamond would be exactly alike. But the arrangement and form of the atoms in the diamond is such that unlike the soft pliable nature of coal which burns, it has hardness and lustre, which with the skilful hand of a cutter blazes with the fiery spectrum of a rainbow, and its rarity makes it precious. Talk of “joy unspeakable and full of glory,” the hour of triumph and exuberance of Christ Bride had come. Rapturing faith revealed and imparted into the hearts of Gods elect will “materialize a new body” like Enoch’s, changing our atoms into glorified form.

The Prophet said, “I thought, “Oh my God, one day there’ll come a blast from heaven and the dead in Christ shall rise first. Them Old Testament saints back yonder who are waiting a blast forth and come out of there first and go into the resurrection; we’ll drop right in line and going to the skies, these old mortal bodies changed and made like unto His own glorious body. What a parade that’ll be when it starts heavenward some of these days in that rapturing time that lays ahead, oh, proudly displaying the Blood of Jesus Christ upon their chests, the Message of God in the hour that they lived in. That’s the hour that we’re looking forward to, brother” (The Rapture, p. 37:178).

human unitThere are so many other things the prophet revealed but you must be constantly in the Word to see them. In I Thessalonians 5:23 Paul said “And the very God of peace sanctify you wholly; and I pray God your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the Coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.” After the revelation of the Seven Seals Brother Branham reversed the order of these words to body, spirit and soul, teaching that the soul is the true you. This teaching alone separates saints in Christ’s end-time Bride from millions of professing denominational Christians.

Something so tremendous is what he said concerning “The New Testament”: “You are known when Jesus Christ lives in you by His Life and promised Word of this day reflects itself. See?”

“Now, the same Word that was reflected in Moses could not be reflected in Elijah, because that was another day. Same one that was reflected in Noah could not be in Moses, ’cause (See?) Noah built an ark. Moses led a people, just exactly what was promised. The same Light was reflected in one, wasn’t in the other, but one told of the other one.”

“And all the New Testament speaks of this hour. Jesus Christ speaks of this hour. Who is it then, some man? It’s Jesus Christ, the Son of God manifesting, reflecting the Light on the Word that He promised for this day.”

“When men see you living like Him, when he sees your character, your conduct with the Word just exactly like He was, the Word being manifested, then men will see Jesus Christ. They won’t have to look around anywhere else, say, “What does this creed teach, what does that creed teach?” They’ll know what God is when they see you” (Shalom, #22:1, p. 29:221-224). (Hallelujah!).

We read that correctly, “They’ll know what God is when they see you!” What a wonder. Saints, you realize this is not church as usual or business as usual; this is crossing the riven veil where the glory never fails; we are living in the Presence of the King. All the New Testament speaks of this hour, and only with that correct understanding and the revelation of the Holy Spirit in this hour can the life of the Word be imparted into your soul. Small wonder we have all had difficulties in denominational circles. Without fail they all have Christ and the New Testament firmly in the past as a two thousand year old history. I was not the least bit surprised to read the comments of the former Anglican archbishop of Cape Town, South Africa, Desmond Tutu who said “I would refuse to go to a homophobic heaven. No, I would say sorry, I mean I would much rather go to the other place. I would not worship a God who is homophobic and that is how deeply I feel about this.” Bishop Tutu displays the dark aspect of Luke 17:28; his understanding does not reflect the glorious rainbow of God’s Word. I did mention it was dire, a wilderness and wasteland alright. We are preaching to the totally lost.

Brother Branham said: “Now, we been speaking on Abraham, and I just kinda hitting the highlights, just what we would call the high points. And I just only wish that I had the opportunity and time now, that we could just take that Book of Genesis and break them down. We’re just touching the high spots of it. If we could go back and pull in those Scriptures. . . I stayed on the Book of Revelation one time in my church for three years straight. That’s constantly in services”  (Jehovah Jireh, #59-0417). He is saying that there is more study for us to engage and far more to learn and understand.

“The trouble with our churches we look back and say, “Well, let’s see what Mr. John Wesley said, what some of the others said.” That’s the reason science is so farther [advanced] in their field than religion is in its.”

“Here three hundred years ago, a French scientist proved that if you’d go the terrific speed of thirty-five miles an hour, gravitation would take you off the earth. You think science would refer back to that today? They’re going nineteen hundred miles an hour and still going on. They’re pressing forward, looking forward. But we want to look back and see what Moody said; Sankey said; Finney said; Knox, Calvin; some of those. What they said was all right. That was for their Age, but we’re going on.”

“My grandfather rode a ox cart. I’m driving a Ford V8. My son will fly a jet plane. That’s we’re moving on. That’s what religion ought to be. The coming of the Lord is at hand. The church ought to be moving on into the powers. Science can only climb so far and then it has to drop off, but we got untapped sources, that’s never been touched, of the power, unlimited, of God, that we ought to be moving into. We’re living a million miles under our privilege tonight, of privileges of Christians to be enjoying” (Believest Thou This, #60-0402).

Jesus said “It is given unto you to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven”; we need no longer live below our privilege as Sons and Daughters of God but as His redeemed so He could have the preeminence to express Himself through us. Anyone who has read the Message knows that Brother Branham was against television and told us what he thought of it: “We rent from a woman that has television in her house. I never intend to have one in my house. No, sir. I don’t want that thing in my house. I’d blow it out with my shotgun. I don’t want nothing to do with that evil thing. No, sir” (Gods Power to Transform, p. 23:169).

His critics tried ever so much to make fun of that statement but I discovered recently that “” reported that “Australian researchers have found that for every hour of television viewed by a person over the age of 25, their life expectancy is reduced by 22 minutes” so the laugh is on them. Please pass the message on, tell folks the Word is true.

There are so many other wonderful things we could focus on but I just pick one more gem before closing, and it deals with the tenth fruit of the Spirit found in Galatians 5:22-23

“By their fruit,” Jesus said, “you shall know them.” Man does not gather grapes off of a thistle even though the thistle be right in the grapevine. That could be possible, but the fruit will tell it.”

What is the fruit? The Word for the season; that’s what it is, their teaching. The teaching of what? The teaching of the season, what time it is. Man’s doctrine, denominational doctrine, or God’s Word for the season.”

“Now, the time gets away so quick, that, we could bear on that a long time, but I’m sure that you here present, and I’m sure you across the nation, can see what I’m trying to tell you, for we don’t have too much longer to stay on it.”

“But you might see that the anointing gets on the unjust, the false teachers, and causes them to do exactly what God told them not to do; but they’ll do it anyhow. Why? They cannot help it. How can a thistle be anything else but a thistle? No matter how much good rain’s sprinkled on it, it’s got to be a thistle” (Anointed Ones at the End Time, p. 13:59-60).

I have had experiences with brothers who, at times talk of dying, or not wanting to be here as they see the pressures mounting and fail to confess the teaching of the season as we find in I Corinthians 15:51-52 and many other such scriptures. “Behold, I show you a mystery; we shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed, in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed”.

All the Word is one glorious revelation of Jesus Christ and His mighty power working to gather glory unto Himself. May He grant you special favours, open new doors and pour you out a blessing you do not have room enough to receive as you explore more deeply in His holy Word. nl804.htm

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Brother Grigor-Scott is a
non-denominational minister who has ministered full-time since 1981, primarily
to other ministers and their congregations overseas. He pastors Bible Believers’ tiny congregation, and is available to teach in your church.

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Gold Nuggets

October 2, 2013

Gold Nuggets

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Bible Believers’ Newsletter 804

“We focus on the present Truth – what Jesus is doing now. . .”
ISSN 1442-8660

Christian greetings in the precious Name of our Lord Jesus Christ; we are pleased you could join us in fellowship around God’s unchanging Word.

Please welcome Pastor Boyd Reneau, contributing author of this week’s main article “Gold Nuggets” which he has prepared for your edification. Commencing with a brief personal testimony of his coming to know the Lord as His God and also as his Brother, his main thrust concerns the present Truth of the world condition, what Jesus is doing now, and like our news items, “the image unto the beast”.

This Newsletter serves those of like precious faith. Whoever will receive the truth is welcome to feed their soul from the waters of the River of Life. Everything here presented should be confirmed personally in your own Bible.

Your brother-in-Christ, Anthony Grigor-Scott

Nairobi Mall Deceit abets Israeli-Western Pipeline Wars to oust Asian Rivals


October 1, 2013 — It took a televised massacre to overturn the East African public’s aversion to military cooperation with former colonial masters and the Israelis. . . What powerful elite group has the money to organize such an elaborate ruse to sway public opinion? Who can control a secret network inside the Kenyan military and mass media? What is their motive? How do they benefit? From the onset of the police-military siege of Westgate, Israeli intelligence agencies assumed a key advisory role to the Kenyan police and directed the public-information releases, according to news reporters on the scene. As in many sensitive police-intelligence operations, information releases to the media are “strategic,” a euphemism for psychological operations.

Psyops are aimed at controlling the options for the criminals and shaping public attitudes about the event’s causes and outcomes.

Israeli experts were pre-positioned inside the mall, being in charge of the private security company whose plainclothesmen posed for “action shots.” The perfectly lit photos were taken during a lengthy power blackout in the nearly windowless mall. The viewer is led to believe as in Hollywood movies that a handgun is a match against automatic rifles. A large force of Mossad agents was still stationed inside Nairobi since the investigation of a mystery fire that had destroyed the capital’s Jomo Kenyatta Airport on August 8.

Nairobi, due to its logistical position and concentration of Jewish business interests, is the Israeli regional intelligence center for East Africa. Despite the 2002 terrorist attacks on an Israel plane over Kenya and hotel in Mombasa, the primary interest is not solely terrorism.

The two priorities for Israeli operations in East Africa are:

    to open a second military front against Iranians, who allegedly channel aid, including weapons, to Hamas via Sudan;

    and in league with Western energy corporations to oust Asian oil companies from South Sudan by building an alternative pipeline to a proposed mega-port on Kenya’s Indian Ocean coast. . .

The Israeli-US alliance is so widely distrusted worldwide, based on a proven record of misdeeds and skullduggery, their agents have to operate under the cover of sock-puppet companies . . . The surest method of curtailing Asian industrial and military strength is through the “Asian premium,” an added fee for every barrel of oil that passes through the Strait of Malacca. The steady stream of tankers is watched over by the Israel-US agents posted in Singapore. An Israeli nuclear ally, Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has quietly pushed Toyota Tsusho, the giant carmaker’s holding company, to enter talks with South Sudan on the Juba-Lamu pipeline deal. (The term nuclear ally refers to the presence of Israeli technicians and security staff from Dimona at the Fukushima No.1 plant at the time of the March 2011 meltdowns.) The Zionist-neocolonialist stranglehold on Asia’s energy jugular must be broken, and place to do it is Kenya.

Beyond the twin objectives of countering Iran and controlling African petroleum output, Israeli policymakers harbor a third ambition of a visionary nature: to establish a Hamitic-controlled region stretching from the Horn at Somalia across Ethiopia and agriculture-rich Uganda and into the mineral resources of Central Africa.

No nation on Earth is today more race-conscious than Israel, which seeks to establish an alliance of so-called Lost Tribes and descendants of Ham, the country cousins of the Semitic people. . . [However few Israelis are Semitic – Ed] . . . Just months before the Kenyan mall attack, according to a Guardian report by Simon Tisdall, a hardline faction led by Ahmed Abdi Godane assassinated the founders of Al Shabaab known by the noms de guerre Al-Afghani and Burhan. By design and certainly not accident, all Israelis inside the Westgate Mall were allowed to leave unharmed—while even Kenyans of Muslim faith were butchered. In the Syrian conflict, too, the more brutal foreign fighters are closely cooperating with the Israeli Defense Force against moderate rivals . . .

Every detail from the siege demands forensic reexamination for slip-ups in fakery. Westgate was not West End. Nairobi was a bad show, poorly scripted, sloppily directed and clumsily acted. A much more convincing performance should be expected from the CIA and Mossad. It would be a slapstick comedy if not for the fact that so many innocent bit actors were murdered in cold blood by the intelligence services. . . Full story:

‘President’s Private Army’: NSA-CIA Spying Central to Carrying out Obama Administration’s Assassination Program without Oversight

September 29, 2013 — We’ve previously documented that the NSA isn’t just passively spying like a giant peeping tom, but is actively using that information in mischievous ways . . . such as assassinations.

A lot more information is about to come out on the topic. AP reports:

Two American journalists known for their investigations of the United States’ government said Saturday they’ve teamed up to report on the National Security Agency’s role in what one called a “US assassination” . . .

Joint Special Operations Command, or JSOC as well as the CIA, have been described as “the President’s private army,” which operate at the President’s beck-and-call with no real oversight.

But a fourth agency is also centrally involved in both intelligence-gathering and assassinations: the National Counterterrorism Center (NCTC). NCTC is responsible for generating the “disposition matrix” of who to murder using drones or other means . . .

But don’t worry, the government would never assassinate Americans living on US soil . . . would it?

And even if it would, it would only consider truly bad guys to be terrorists . . . wouldn’t it?
Full story:

Comment: If you live in America, criticize the Judaeo-Roman Catholic church, are a Christian or intending tourist, you should read the full story and all of the links on the image unto the beast.

Seven Israelis in Syria OPCW Chemical Weapons Team?

September 29, 2013 — Quoting sources close to the secretariat of the ‘Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons’ (OPCW), the report noted that 7 out of 9 “Israeli” experts the organization had contacted agreed to join the team and enter the Syrian territories. It further noted that the 7 experts hold ‘honorary’ nationalities among which are German, Russian, Ukrainian, French and Canadian. . . by virtue of the agreement signed between Russia and the United States, the organization can make use of “Israeli” experts despite the fact Tel Aviv is not a member in the organization. . . if these experts hold other nationalities that allow them entry into Syria’s territories. . . these were contacted upon direct request made by Head of the investigation committee in Ghouta, Scott Krenz, and the Director General of the organization, Ambassador Ahmet Üzümcü of [Donmeh-Jew ruled] Turkey. . . “5 of the “Israeli” experts who agreed to be part of the team are originally researchers in the “Israel” Institute for Biological Research (IIBR); a governmental, applied research institute specializing in the field of researching and developing chemical and biological weapons. As for the other two inspectors, they work in Europe and Canada.”

Expecting that scandals will unravel soon on the mission of the team designated to dismantle the chemical weapons arsenal in Syria, the source anticipated these scandals will be worse than the Iraqi case when “Israeli” and American experts entered Iraq to gather information for Tel Aviv and Washington. Not only that but also they had contaminated Iraqi arms with prohibited chemical material to accuse the Iraqi government back then of using chemical weapons. . . Full story:

Comment: I smell “sayanim.” UNSC Resolution 2118 on Syria in response to false flag chemical weapons attack. US-backed terrorists “get away with mass killing.” Obama is pushing for a pretext to invade Syria.

New Jersey-based Genie Energy, which was granted survey and drilling rights in the Golan last February from the Israeli government, is owned by rich Zionists like Howard Jonas, [Lord Jacob Rothschild] and media mogul Rupert Murdoch. Now Israel is preparing to steal oil from Syria as it stole oil from Egypt in the 70s. “Some commentators did raise the issue of the Golan Heights being occupied land, making any such activity as extracting oil a violation of international law. However, Genie’s Israeli manager, a former minister, is quoted as saying that he does not expect any international pressure on this matter, particularly from Syria, which is embroiled in an internal war (

Various authors are claiming that because the United States and Russia are coming to an agreement on the chemical weapons of Bashar Al Assad that this somehow represents progress. But this is a mere farce and at best unfounded optimism due to the current, media-staged US posturing. One slaughter/attack was temporarily eluded, and look at how it is done, through an international, disarmament-policing mechanism a smaller power is compelled to agree to give up their weapons to a more dominant body, which in turn dominates every one and the people doing it are largely guilty of war crimes. How does this represent progress?

The United States doesn’t need to use violence everywhere anymore. It has become so powerful that merely threatening to do so achieves the same results . . . the US uses cut-throat killer mercenaries in Syria who have murdered hundreds of thousands of innocent people. It isn’t even proven that Assad used weapons against his people and so the US and Russia now negotiate how Assad will disarm, yet the greatest purveyor of violence in the world–the United States government remains armed to the teeth after it obliterated 3 million people in Vietnam, millions in Iraq and burned to death 300,000 – 400,000 civilians in Hiroshima and Nagasaki and is now threatening Russia that it will back out of negotiations to include Syria within the Organization for the Prevention of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) if Russia doesn’t include Chapter 7 of the UN Charter into the US Russia accords, essentially allowing a NATO/US military attack against Syria if it is seen as “not complying,” according to the DC war criminals’ corrupt, hypocritical standards. . . the instigator of the secret rendition program that snatched and locked away detainees in the imperialist police state war on terror was George W. Bush, not Assad . . . (

Ghouta Chemical Attacks: US-Backed False Flag? Killing Syrian Children to Justify a ‘Humanitarian’ Military Intervention

September 25, 2013 — The chemical attacks which took place in East Ghouta on August 21, 2013 could be the most horrific false flag operation in history. To date, available evidence indicates that numerous children were killed by “opposition rebels,” their bodies manipulated and filmed with a view to blaming the Syrian government for the attacks, thus sparking outrage and galvanizing worldwide public opinion in favor of another bloody, imperial US-led war.

While confirming the use of chemical weapons against civilians, the UN report has failed to identify the authors of the attacks:

Instead of a non-politicized investigation and lab analysis, the UN investigation of alleged nerve-gas attacks inside Syria was led by Professor Ake Sellstrom, a man of mystery who keeps a veil of secrecy around his research and political-military relationships . . .

This cosmetic veneer of Swedish neutrality has been deftly exploited by Israel and NATO to perpetrate falsehoods throughout Sellstrom’s work for the UN, including denial of the chemical-and-biological causes for “Gulf War Syndrome” and the shipments of US chemical weapons to the Saddam Hussein regime . . .

The UN report of chemical weapons on Syria lacks basic credibility due to the duplicitous record of its chief inspector, Ake Sellstrom, who is politically and financially compromised at every level. (Yoichi Shimatsu, The Sellstrom Report: The United Nations’ Syria Inspector Shills for NATO and Israel) . . .

The Hans Blix-Ake Sellstrom inspection teams in Iraq did not investigate the special-weapons bunkers that were bombed by American warplanes in the US invasion.

Sellstrom also never made any attempt to probe the US-produced 20-foot-long canisters of VX nerve gas discovered at Balad Air Base by American National Guardsmen. His mission was not to prove Iraqi guilt but to get Washington off the hook for supplying tons of nerve gas to Baghdad. Saving US officials like Donald Rumsfeld from disgrace and treason charges is far more important to imperial power that disclosing any facts in a theater of war.

The salient critique of the UN inspections in Iraq was made by American inspector Scott Ritter who accused the team of spying for Washington and NATO. The same question hangs over Sellstrom’s report on Syria. Is Sellstrom acting on behalf of Washington and Tel Aviv? . . .

The geopolitical objective underlying the White House orchestrated histrionics over Syria is to strip Damascus of its limited deterrence capability against Israel’s nuclear forces. Nerve gas may not be much of a counter-strike response compared with atomic warheads, but it seems Israel’s goal is absolute strategic supremacy against the Arab states and Iran. With the new UN report on Syria, Tel Aviv is a giant step closer to the dream of rendering all its neighbors defenseless and divided. Full story:

Israel’s History of Chemical Weapons Use

September 29, 2013 — The UN chemical weapons inspectors, who went to Syria to investigate the use of chemical weapons, should have stopped on their way at Occupied Palestine (Israel), where the Israeli government has the largest stockpile of chemical and other WMD in the entire Middle East. They would have found a lot of evidence and witness accounts of Israeli use of chemical, as well as biological and nuclear, weapons against the Palestinians and their Arab neighbors. The attacks started in May 1948 and are still going on in one form or another.

The Zionist gangs under the directive and leadership of David Ben-Gurion, who became the first Israeli Prime Minister, had adopted a military policy of genocide, extermination and total destruction of the indigenous Palestinian inhabitants and their towns in order to evacuate the land for outsider Zionist Jewish occupiers. The first WMD they used was biological weapons as documented by the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC).

In May 1948 the Zionist gangs besieged the well-fortified Palestinian city of Acre, which could stand the siege for a long time. The city water supply came from a nearby village name Kabri through an aqueduct. To shorten the siege and to enter the city, the Zionist gangs injected typhoid in the aqueduct. Many Palestinians and some 55 British soldiers, who were in the city, got infected. This crime was called operation “Shlach Lachmecha” as described by the Israeli military historian Urin Milstein [Wendy Barnaby’s “The Plague Makers: The Secret World of Biological Warfare”, London, Vision Paperbacks, 1997, pp 114-116]

The ICRC delegate Mr. De Meuron, sent a series of reports under the reference of G59/1/GC, G3/82, from 6th to about 19th of May 1948 describing the conditions of the city population as struck by a sudden typhoid epidemic and requested efforts to combat it. The minutes of an emergency meeting between Mr. De Meuron and the British Medical Services officers stated that the infection was “water borne.” Burdened by the epidemic the city fell easy prey to the Zionist gangs, who went into a killing spree and a systematic looting campaign as reported by Lieutenant Petite, a French UN observer. He reported the cold-blooded murder of at least 100 Arab civilians, who refused to evacuate the city as ordered by the Zionists. Some of them were captured by the Zionist terrorists and were forced at gun point to drink cyanide; the case of Mohamed Fayez Soufi is one example as documented in “The Palestinian Catastrophe” by Michael Palumbo.

This crime of poisoning Acre’s water supply leading to the fall of the city, the forceful evacuation of its inhabitants, and the looting of its treasures, whetted the appetite of the Zionists to repeat the crime. They tried it again in Gaza against the Egyptian forces, but failed. The two Zionist infiltrators, who were sent on this mission, were captured by the Egyptians. . .

The Zionist crimes did not stop then, but targeted Egypt and Syria. . . spreading Cholera in Egypt and Syria in 1947/48. . .

With Syria giving up its chemical weapons, now is the perfect opportunity to enforce the chemical weapons convention on all the countries in the region, including Israel, to free it from this WMD. Contrary to what Obama said, the convention does not specifically refer to just the use of chemical weapons, but also to its production and storage.

Will Obama, the peace-prize winner, prove that “the United States has been the anchor of global security . . . for nearly seven decades” as he claimed in his speech and demonstrate that the Americans are really “exceptional” as he boasted, or will he turn a blind eye to the Israeli criminal chemical attacks and the largest stockpile of WMD, like his many predecessors???

Full story:

Comment: A plan to inspect and destroy Syria’s chemical weapons has focused new attention on Israel’s undeclared WMDs. Israel’s chemical arsenal is under new scrutiny

A ‘Nuclear-Free Zone’ in the Middle East? Why Israel will not Join the Non-Proliferation Treaty

Israel's nuclear arsenal

September 27, 2013 — The Obama administration is not seeking any negotiations with Iran unless they stop its nuclear program which will not happen. Iran will insist that they are signatories to the NPT and have an “inalienable right” to use nuclear technology for peaceful purposes. Israel will not be a signatory to the NPT because “This resolution is deeply flawed and hypocritical. It ignores the realities of the Middle East and the real threats facing the region and the entire world” according to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Another reason Israel will not sign the Non-Proliferation Treaty is because they are victims of the Holocaust® which is why they have violated hundreds of UN Security Council resolutions and used chemical weapons on the Palestinians. The talks between Iran and the US that will be held in Geneva will fail come October because the US wants to dominate Iran. Iran has its principles it will stand by, but so will the US on Israel’s behalf. The US and its staunch allies want Syria, Lebanon, the Gaza strip and the West Bank and every nation on earth under their rule. That is the plan. . . Full story:

Comment: See News item in 526.

US, Saudis, Qatar Attempt ‘Arab Spring’ Retread in Sudan

September 28, 2013 — The West has once again “coincidentally” arrayed its vast resources behind al-Mahdi’s “revolution,” which includes Al Qaeda-linked leaders like al-Turabi, once again illustrates that so-called “Islamic” extremism is a geopolitical tool both created and intentionally perpetuated by the West, both as a pretext for direct military invasion and occupation (Mali, Afghanistan) and as an inexhaustible proxy mercenary force for overthrowing targeted nations (Libya, Egypt, Syria). . .

Sudan shares borders with NATO-overthrown Libya, destabilized Egypt, and US military proxy Ethiopia. It is also across the Red Sea from Saudi Arabia itself. Both Libya and Egypt have sizable US-Saudi-Israeli-Qatari-backed terrorist organizations and their affiliated political arms—the Muslim Brotherhood being the most prominent. Sudan is a potential tinderbox made more volatile in recent years due to the Muslim Brotherhood’s US-Saudi-Qatari-Israeli enabled rise, along with the Western-backed terrorist organizations, including Al Qaeda, that form it’s armed factions.

The West’s interest in Sudan is not causal or spontaneous. It was listed as one of several nations the US had intended to violently overthrow and subjugate as a client regime since at least 2001, revealed in a speech given by US Army General Wesley Clark in 2007. Full story:

Cell Phones & Wi-Fi? Are Children, Fetuses and Fertility at Risk?

September 21, 2013 — “It may take some sort of catastrophe to get people’s attention,” said Frank Clegg, former president of Microsoft Canada and founder of Canadians 4 Safe Technology, referring to the increasing saturation of Wi-Fi technologies on the public at large, and especially, children.

Electromagnetic radiation from cell phones and other wireless technologies has indisputable biological, health and mental health effects . . . Radiation from cell phones and Wi-Fi . . . cause diminished reaction time, decreased brain motor function, social and emotional problems, and inability to focus on complex and long-term tasks in children.

Cell phone use linked to nine types of cancer and declines in sperm count and fertility. . . DNA mutations are irreversible . . . passed down to future generations . . . researchers from Yale University positioned a cell phone above a cage of pregnant mice. The phone was transmitting an uninterrupted active call for the entire 17 days of gestation. When the exposed offspring were later tested, they showed signs of ADHD, and reduced transmissions in the prefrontal cortex of the brain.

“It’s not talking on the phone that matters; it’s any time the phone is turned on. Every 900 milliseconds, whether you are using the phone or not, your cell phone has a spike in radiation because it is looking for a signal from the tower. . .”
Full story:

Is This Fukushima? Pacific Herring in Canada Bleeding Eyeballs, Fins, Tails. Government Ignoring Problem

Fukushima Radiation

August 19, 2013 — The Globe and Mail, August 13, 2013 (Emphasis Added): Independent fisheries scientist Alexandra Morton is raising concerns about a disease she says is spreading through Pacific herring causing fish to hemorrhage. [. . .] “Two days ago I did a beach seine on Malcolm Island [near Port McNeill on northern Vancouver Island] and I got approximately 100 of these little herring and they were not only bleeding from their fins, but their bellies, their chins, their eyeballs. [. . .] “It was 100 per cent . . . I couldn’t find any that weren’t bleeding to some degree. And they were schooling with young sockeye [salmon] . . .” Full story:

Gold Nuggets

By Boyd Reneau

There is no substitute for the Holy Ghost in your life. As a young man I had “accepted Christ” on two occasions if not more before coming to the Word; once in an Anglican Church and another time at a Pentecostal ‘revival’ meeting. But I later realized that I was still living the same old life with religious paraphernalia attached. My inner turmoil and confusion was troubling: believing the scriptures as I supposed but not experiencing the miraculous life-changing power I read about in the Bible. Something was dreadfully wrong. Would I have to accept Jesus again? And if so, in which Church? I decided I would simply lay aside that puzzling proposition; these things might just work themselves out.

As a boy I wanted to join the Scouts, go on expeditions, sit around a campfire and hear and tell stories, but that didn’t work out. As a teenager I wanted to go abroad to boarding school, to study the sciences and learn of Earth’s secrets. But neither did that work out. However, the most important things that happen to us are not those things we plan, but things God has planned for us from the foundation of the world.

A friend told me I should join one of the secret societies but reading up on it beforehand I found out their greatest secret was that Jesus is not their king and so I had no further interest in them. Nevertheless I wanted to belong to some kind of exclusive club with common goals and some higher purpose to which I could aspire. I decided to go to Church more and read the Bible in earnest. I read a scripture that said “Where two or three are gathered together in My Name, there am I in the midst of them.” Oh, that was precious, and I knew I was on to something. To think that the blessed Christ of glory would be present in one’s humble abode is a joy beyond compare. I intensified my reading of the scriptures. Though there was a joy in reading the Bible, the answers were not coming forth, I still had not found that peace like a river in my soul and my questions so bothered my study group that I was told I did not believe God and was asked not to return. This naturally left me torn within and even more confused.

I have never been in Africa’s Sahara but doubt it would have anything more dire than the desert experience in those religious circles. They have nothing in them to impart life or quench a thirsting soul. I knew Gods Word was true, Something witnessed that way back in childhood, but where was the boldness and great confidence one should have? Where was the power to live an overcoming life in Christ day by day?

Then one day I read in the Gospel “Neither do men put new wine into old bottles: else the bottles break and the wine runs out, and the bottles perish: but they put new wine into new bottles, and both are preserved” (Matthew 9:17). The awesome power of that Word struck me in such a profound way it stopped me right in my tracks. I would not partake and be filled with that new wine until the old bottle—the old man was made new.

In total desperation I cried out and said O God, I believe what I’ve read in the Bible but something stops me from going any further. Though I can’t bargain with You, I’d prefer to die at this early age and go to be with Jesus than to live out three score and ten and die in this state and go Christ-less to the grave. Teach me Your fear God, I pleaded, so I could get to know and really understand what it is to accept Jesus in my life and have my sins forgiven that should I die I’d go to be with You. Two nights later a strong spirit of conviction and confession came over me that felt like it was ripping my soul from my body. Every wrong that I had done in my life, every thought it seemed came crystal clear into my mind. I trembled and wept, repented and cried out for mercy. When that was over, clear and distinct as ever, I heard a voice say “Did you not ask Me to teach you My fear?” I wept again still shaking, but this time for joy. A few days later a brother gave me the book A Man Sent from God.” The days of drought and famine were over; my journey to the eternal land of the millennium had begun. Bless the Lord!

William Branham, A Man Sent fron God by Gordon LindsayI’ve never forgotten that experience and that parable of “new wine” that started God’s Word opening up to me personally. That always takes me straight over to St. John chapter two where a marriage was being celebrated but the wine had run out. The Master gave His command and water, ordinary water was changed into wine; can we say “in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye?” What transforming Presence moved over those molecules of water to change them into wine? A wine that was so good “the governor of the feast called the bridegroom, and said to him, every man at the beginning sets forth good wine; and when men have well drunk, then that which is worse: but You have kept the good wine until now. That wedding was on the third day in Cana.”

Christ and the saints of all Ages will shortly be gathered at the Marriage Supper of the Lamb, and according to one of his prophecies concerning Israel Hosea said “Come, and let us return unto the Lord: for He has torn, and He will heal us; He has smitten, and He will bind us up. After two days He will revive us: in the third day He will raise us up, and we shall live in His sight.” As that prophecy was given in 780BC we are now well into the third day. Hallelujah! For us the third day will begin the resurrection of the Church Age saints and the manifestation of the Sons of God.

Paul said he was made a minister according to the gift of the grace of God that he should preach among the Gentiles the unsearchable riches of Christ (Ephesians 3:7-8). Paul’s Word of testimony struck me when I compared his witness with the spiritual squalor and impoverished experience of men and women in religious circles today. One must be truly born again before the Word can become a living reality to one’s soul. Today I’d like you to consider some of the rich treasures we have in Gods revealed Word.

Earth’s midnight was approaching (Matthew 25:1-13); the world was reeling from the devastating effects of “the Second Woe” of Revelation 9:12 which saw Hiroshima and Nagasaki destroyed by atomic bombs in World War II; during this war over 60 million people or 2.5% of the world population were slaughtered. With all of his ingenuity, supposed culture and civilized outlook man is incapable of creating a better world, and although he will never acknowledge it, the greatest intellectual plans on the table for world peace and security are unbeknownst, the seemingly innocuous subtle plans of Satan striving for global dominion.

Cloud of Matthew 24:3The scientific world is anticipating another revolution in science and theoretical physics that will unify all of the laws of mathematics and physics to explain and link all known physical phenomena enabling it to predict the outcome of any experiment conducted according to their hypothesis. Perhaps that computer model would solve mankind’s problems. While in the ecclesiastical world of the 60s the heavenly Fire that lit the Azusa Street Revival initiating the Laodicean Church Age was for the most part a smoking ember replaced in many souls by a self-righteous spirit of complacency. Still, more spiritually-minded believers of that day, moved and burdened by the Holy Ghost, were praying in earnest not only for renewal and a spiritual breakthrough but like evangelist F. F. Bosworth, for God to send the “Son of Man Ministry” back to Earth as promised in Matthew 24:23 – 25:30, Luke 17:22 – 18:8, John 5:27 and elsewhere.

William BranhamThe answer would surely come but not as a further treatise on gravity and general relativity, or some encyclical from the Vatican in Rome. No, heaven had something far more profound and enduring, something far more stupendous. What happened would be a “quantum leap” beyond anything science or the “cloth” could dare imagine. The Lord Himself would descend from heaven with a Shout, and with His Holy Spirit anoint a humble man in the person of Brother William Marrion Branham, who like John the Baptist would introduce His Presence to the world. He would be inspired with heavenly wisdom to tie up all the loose ends of doctrine left unfinished by the Reformers and “finish the mystery of God” that had been sealed from the foundation of the world (I Thessalonians 4:16; Daniel 12:4, 9; I Corinthians 13:10; Revelation 10:4-7).

Head of Christ at 33 superimposed over Cloud of Matthew 24:3Nothing has been more profound in the two thousand year history of the New Testament Church through which the Holy Spirit had demonstrated signs and wonders and healings from the Day of Pentecost. Yet these gifts that were lost in the Dark Ages of Roman apostasy had already been restored in the Laodicean Church Age and now the Fullness of the Word would be revealed discerning the very thoughts of the heart (Luke 17:28-30; Hebrews 4:12; 13:8). This visitation was not like anything since the days of our Lord, nor was it as many ministers erroneously preach—something that was always in the Church. This was the Messianic sign of the appearing of the Son of Man that preceded and accompanied a strategic and epochal fulfillment of major prophecies. Redemption was over, the Blood had left; the Mercy Seat was now a Judgment Seat, the rapture and first resurrection were imminent, and Christ wigged as Judge of all the Earth descended with the unsealed Book of Redemption open in His hand to claim His purchased possession. He placed Judgment on Rome, the beast that rose up out of the sea, and on the beast with two horns like a lamb signifying the separation of church and state in the Protestant USA that came up out of the earth (Revelation 10:1-7; 13:11).

Do you will recall in Revelation 16:13-16? “Three unclean spirits like frogs came out of the mouth of the Dragon [Imperial Rome that “stood before the woman to devour her Child as soon as it was born” (Revelation 12:3-4)], and out of the mouth of the beast [of Papal Rome (Revelation 13:2)], and out of the mouth of the false prophet [or first pope (Revelation 13:2-11)]. They are the spirits of demons, working miracles, which go forth to the kings of the earth and of the whole world, to gather them to the battle of that great day of God Almighty. Behold, I come as a thief. Blessed is he who watches, and keeps his garments, lest he walk naked, and they see his shame. And they gathered them together into a place called in the Hebrew tongue [for this is the time of “Jacob’s trouble”] Armageddon” (Revelation 16:13-16).

Papal keysThis gathering is taking place now but the news media is controlled by the people of the king of these demons (Revelation 9:11) who, if they possessed this revelation would not allow the Sons of God to warn humanity. Now a frog always looks behind himself and these slimy unclean spirits look back to the First Nicaea Council of AD325 where Imperial Rome began to reorganize into a universal religious empire claiming power over heaven, earth and purgatory. Today the United States is speaking and acting like the Dragon of Imperial Rome, for she is the image of the beast. Soon the powers of church and state will unite as they did following the First Nicaea Council, and will once again force the mark of the beast (Revelation 13:3, 11-18).

But Gods visitation to His elect is in grace to reveal the mystery of the Kingdom and the mystery of Israel’s blindness during this age; the mystery of the translation of the living saints at the end of this age, the New Testament Church as One Body composed of both Israelites and Gentiles, the Church as the Bride of Christ; the mystery of the living Christ, the same yesterday, today and forever; the mystery of God, even Christ, as the incarnate fullness of the godhead embodied, in Whom all Divine wisdom and godliness is restored to man. (Glory!)

We saw that great Sign in the sky when He came down and we heard the Voice of the Judge as He spoke. And what was the greatest ruling, verdict and decree ever given the entire universe? This that we heard in the sermon, The Rapture:

“You forgive me? I never done it. What are you forgiving me about?” See? But if I’m guilty, then I can be forgiven, but I’m still not just, because I did it. But the word “justified” is “though you never done it at all”: justified. And then the Blood of Jesus Christ cleanses us so from sins, till it’s put in the book of God’s forgetfulness. He’s the only One can do it. We can’t. We can forgive, but not forget. I could forgive you, but I’ll always remember you done these evil things. Then you’re not just; you’re forgiven.”

“But in the sight of God the Bride is justified. She never done it in the first place. Amen.”

“Standing there married to the virtuous Son of God, never sinned in the first place. Why? She was foreordained; she was trapped into this. And now when she heard the Truth and come forth, the Blood cleansed her. And She stands there virtuous. See? She’s. . . No sin on Her at all(William Branham, The Rapture, p. 33:162-163).

What Christ accomplished at Calvary will come into full effect as the universal kingdom of Satan comes tumbling down (Daniel 2:44). The mystery of iniquity and MYSTERY BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH have been revealed to His end-time Bride, as well as the mystery of the Serpent’s seed (II Thessalonians 2:1-12; Revelation 17:1-6). The mystery of the baptism of the Holy Ghost without sensation (John 14:20; I Peter 3:1-17), the Pillar of Fire returning after 2,000 years and many others found in the prophet’s 1962 Sermon Is This the Sign of the End Sir?”

Believers’ expectations were met and far exceeded as the lightning Presence of Christ filled the Earth with glory (Zechariah 14:7; Matthew 24:27; Revelation 18:1). But because God operates in simplicity repentance of heart is required in order to see the beauty of the wisdom revealed.

In Ephesians chapter one Paul clearly showed the maturing of the individual saints and the Church they constituted. Their “predestination unto the adoption of children by Jesus Christ to Himself”—verse 5. Their “redemption through His blood and forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of His grace”—verse 7. God’s grand purpose “That in the dispensation of the fullness of times He might gather together in One all things in Christ, both which are in heaven, and which are on earth; even in Him”—verse 10. “In whom you also trusted, after that you heard the Word of truth, the gospel of your salvation: in whom also after that you believed, you were sealed with that Holy Spirit of promise”—verse 13. “Which is the earnest of our inheritance until the redemption of the purchased possession, unto the praise of His glory”—verse 14. And that’s when Christ came down to loose the Seals, open the Book and reveal its sacred, contents to His prophet. He stepped forth from glory to claim His redeemed possession. From then onwards, the normal sequence changed to an exponential growth in the Body of Christ. Paul’s prayer from verse 17, “That the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give unto you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of himself” was something never before witnessed in the New Testament Church.

In his sermon Who is this Melchisedec, Brother Branham said “The first place Lot was not a prophet, that’s right, or neither was he the messenger of the hour. So he didn’t have any revelation of Him. It’s exactly right. Lot could call them “lords,” a dozen of them, he could still said, “lords.”

“But no matter how many Abraham saw, it was still one Lord. There is God; this was the Melchisedec.”

“Notice, after the battle was over, Melchisedec served His victorious child Communion; think of that, part of Himself. Now, we want to see here, in type here is in view the Communion. After the battle He gave of Himself, because the Communion is part of Christ. And after the struggle is over, after you’ve done got yourself whipped out, then’s when you partake of Christ, become part of this Being. You get it?”

“Jacob wrestled all night and wouldn’t turn Him loose until He blessed him. That’s right, battled for Life. And after the battle is over, then God gives you of Himself. That is His true Communion” (p. 19:104-106). Glory to God!

This is not the baptism with the Holy Spirit we read of in verse 13. Brothers and sisters, this is a further far greater revelation and portion of God we receive face-to-face at the Wedding Supper of the Lamb. Like Paul, Brother Branham did not fail to declare unto us all the counsel of God. And the God that was revealed was God over all creation.

Scientists would learn without equivocation the true origins of the universe, and were taken behind the scene on the grand stage of creation to a far deeper level of reality to behold in majesty “Him who is before all things, and by whom all things consist.” Doctors of Medicine, the best in their field, when they had reached the extent of their knowledge and declared cases they could not handle ‘impossible to be healed’ saw God’s grace heal sicknesses, sarcomas and all manner of deadly disease proving He is our wondrous Healer, Jehovah Rapha. They would learn that diseases were actually demonic spirits and although medication can assist in healing, faith in the power of God’s Word casts out the root cause and sets men free.

The Deans of universities would discover that the way up is down, they may have disagreed with the Prophet’s teaching on the ‘original sin,’ but they could not disprove the fact that Eve’s PhD in education took she and her husband from incorruption to corruption and out of the Garden paradise with the loss of Adam’s ‘third pull.’ From the ‘gods’ that they were sharing dominion over creation, they became slaves to sin and death. The Devil-incarnate Serpent lied then just as he lies today. With an unending hatred for Adams race, He ever seeks to steal, kill and destroy. As I write US Secretary of State John Kerry is addressing the House to get the United States, the Image to the beast in the natural to go kill and slaughter in Syria, hastening the world to the hot phase of the ongoing World War III to advance Lucifer’s agenda and deliver world hegemony to his master. The end-time Message is CHRIST the mystery of God revealed, our one hope and door of escape from the insanity and coming holocaust.

Were education the panacea to the human predicament in our ‘civilized’ world, each nation would be a blissful utopia. But as Luke foretold “on the earth [there is] distress of nations, with perplexity” because they see no solution. Each country has more police officers than ever before, yet there is far more violent crime; more teachers are turning out greater numbers of graduates with qualification to provide a better living for themselves and their communities yet millions more are going into poverty each year. The fruit of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil bears more politicians and lawyers than ever before yet the multiplication of legislation reflects their failure and an increase of lawlessness.

In contrast, we who have graduated on our knees beneath the Tree of Life without a bachelors degree show ourselves approved of God, for men “see that we been with Jesus” by our letters ABC, meaning “Always Believe Christ,” and by the ‘Token’ of His Life on display. Although considered “ignorant and unlearned” our profession is “faith”; we are recipients of eternal Life and have each been inducted into Gods hall of fame. So the paradigm has shifted from works of learning under the anointing of the living creature with the face of a Man, to abundant grace poured out under the anointing of the living creature with the face of an Eagle rapturing us in the Spirit into the Lord’s Day to see “things that must be after the Church Ages” (Revelation 1:10; 4:1-2). By the revelation of “THAT WHICH IS PERFECT” we have entered the Capstone: “PART-word is done away” and Christ is no longer a Mediator who can wink at ignorance of the fullness of His Word but as the Angel of the Presence He has descended with the open Book in His hand to reveal and guide us into all truth, consequently ignorance is no longer be possible, only error.

The understanding of His elect can no longer be influenced by psychology or theological guesswork, the Absolute of THUS SAITH THE LORD now rules in our hearts. “The secret of the Lord is with them that fear Him; and He will show them His Covenant” (Psalm 25:14). What were once God’s secrets have been entrusted to the hearts of men who recognize they were foreknown of God in Christ before the world began and that they are the actual Attributes of His eternal thoughts awaiting His decreed season in which to manifest here on earth that they are the Sons of God.

Most who attended the tent meetings of Branham Campaigns rejoiced in the healings and miracles which eclipsed the sum of contemporary ministries, truly revealing “Jesus Christ the same, yesterday and today and forever” (Hebrews 13:8). But the Message of rapturing faith was reserved for Brother Branham’s “spring lambs” born-again in this holy convocation after the opening of the Seven Seals of the Book of Revelation. The focus of Christian Ministry then shifted from discernment of spirit and healing of body, which was the children’s bread, to “eating the little Book” and becoming One with our Head (Revelation 10:8-11). It is the revelation of the mysteries of the Seven Thunders hidden under the Seals that places each member of Christ’s end-time Bride in the rapture.

If you had a piece of coal and a diamond sitting side by side, the carbon atoms in the coal and the carbon atoms in the diamond would be exactly alike. But the arrangement and form of the atoms in the diamond is such that unlike the soft pliable nature of coal which burns, it has hardness and lustre, which with the skilful hand of a cutter blazes with the fiery spectrum of a rainbow, and its rarity makes it precious. Talk of “joy unspeakable and full of glory,” the hour of triumph and exuberance of Christ Bride had come. Rapturing faith revealed and imparted into the hearts of Gods elect will “materialize a new body” like Enoch’s, changing our atoms into glorified form.

The Prophet said, “I thought, “Oh my God, one day there’ll come a blast from heaven and the dead in Christ shall rise first. Them Old Testament saints back yonder who are waiting a blast forth and come out of there first and go into the resurrection; we’ll drop right in line and going to the skies, these old mortal bodies changed and made like unto His own glorious body. What a parade that’ll be when it starts heavenward some of these days in that rapturing time that lays ahead, oh, proudly displaying the Blood of Jesus Christ upon their chests, the Message of God in the hour that they lived in. That’s the hour that we’re looking forward to, brother” (The Rapture, p. 37:178).

human unitThere are so many other things the prophet revealed but you must be constantly in the Word to see them. In I Thessalonians 5:23 Paul said “And the very God of peace sanctify you wholly; and I pray God your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the Coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.” After the revelation of the Seven Seals Brother Branham reversed the order of these words to body, spirit and soul, teaching that the soul is the true you. This teaching alone separates saints in Christ’s end-time Bride from millions of professing denominational Christians.

Something so tremendous is what he said concerning “The New Testament”: “You are known when Jesus Christ lives in you by His Life and promised Word of this day reflects itself. See?”

“Now, the same Word that was reflected in Moses could not be reflected in Elijah, because that was another day. Same one that was reflected in Noah could not be in Moses, ’cause (See?) Noah built an ark. Moses led a people, just exactly what was promised. The same Light was reflected in one, wasn’t in the other, but one told of the other one.”

“And all the New Testament speaks of this hour. Jesus Christ speaks of this hour. Who is it then, some man? It’s Jesus Christ, the Son of God manifesting, reflecting the Light on the Word that He promised for this day.”

“When men see you living like Him, when he sees your character, your conduct with the Word just exactly like He was, the Word being manifested, then men will see Jesus Christ. They won’t have to look around anywhere else, say, “What does this creed teach, what does that creed teach?” They’ll know what God is when they see you” (Shalom, #22:1, p. 29:221-224). (Hallelujah!).

We read that correctly, “They’ll know what God is when they see you!” What a wonder. Saints, you realize this is not church as usual or business as usual; this is crossing the riven veil where the glory never fails; we are living in the Presence of the King. All the New Testament speaks of this hour, and only with that correct understanding and the revelation of the Holy Spirit in this hour can the life of the Word be imparted into your soul. Small wonder we have all had difficulties in denominational circles. Without fail they all have Christ and the New Testament firmly in the past as a two thousand year old history. I was not the least bit surprised to read the comments of the former Anglican archbishop of Cape Town, South Africa, Desmond Tutu who said “I would refuse to go to a homophobic heaven. No, I would say sorry, I mean I would much rather go to the other place. I would not worship a God who is homophobic and that is how deeply I feel about this.” Bishop Tutu displays the dark aspect of Luke 17:28; his understanding does not reflect the glorious rainbow of God’s Word. I did mention it was dire, a wilderness and wasteland alright. We are preaching to the totally lost.

Brother Branham said: “Now, we been speaking on Abraham, and I just kinda hitting the highlights, just what we would call the high points. And I just only wish that I had the opportunity and time now, that we could just take that Book of Genesis and break them down. We’re just touching the high spots of it. If we could go back and pull in those Scriptures. . . I stayed on the Book of Revelation one time in my church for three years straight. That’s constantly in services”  (Jehovah Jireh, #59-0417). He is saying that there is more study for us to engage and far more to learn and understand.

“The trouble with our churches we look back and say, “Well, let’s see what Mr. John Wesley said, what some of the others said.” That’s the reason science is so farther [advanced] in their field than religion is in its.”

“Here three hundred years ago, a French scientist proved that if you’d go the terrific speed of thirty-five miles an hour, gravitation would take you off the earth. You think science would refer back to that today? They’re going nineteen hundred miles an hour and still going on. They’re pressing forward, looking forward. But we want to look back and see what Moody said; Sankey said; Finney said; Knox, Calvin; some of those. What they said was all right. That was for their Age, but we’re going on.”

“My grandfather rode a ox cart. I’m driving a Ford V8. My son will fly a jet plane. That’s we’re moving on. That’s what religion ought to be. The coming of the Lord is at hand. The church ought to be moving on into the powers. Science can only climb so far and then it has to drop off, but we got untapped sources, that’s never been touched, of the power, unlimited, of God, that we ought to be moving into. We’re living a million miles under our privilege tonight, of privileges of Christians to be enjoying” (Believest Thou This, #60-0402).

Jesus said “It is given unto you to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven”; we need no longer live below our privilege as Sons and Daughters of God but as His redeemed so He could have the preeminence to express Himself through us. Anyone who has read the Message knows that Brother Branham was against television and told us what he thought of it: “We rent from a woman that has television in her house. I never intend to have one in my house. No, sir. I don’t want that thing in my house. I’d blow it out with my shotgun. I don’t want nothing to do with that evil thing. No, sir” (Gods Power to Transform, p. 23:169).

His critics tried ever so much to make fun of that statement but I discovered recently that “” reported that “Australian researchers have found that for every hour of television viewed by a person over the age of 25, their life expectancy is reduced by 22 minutes” so the laugh is on them. Please pass the message on, tell folks the Word is true.

There are so many other wonderful things we could focus on but I just pick one more gem before closing, and it deals with the tenth fruit of the Spirit found in Galatians 5:22-23

“By their fruit,” Jesus said, “you shall know them.” Man does not gather grapes off of a thistle even though the thistle be right in the grapevine. That could be possible, but the fruit will tell it.”

What is the fruit? The Word for the season; that’s what it is, their teaching. The teaching of what? The teaching of the season, what time it is. Man’s doctrine, denominational doctrine, or God’s Word for the season.”

“Now, the time gets away so quick, that, we could bear on that a long time, but I’m sure that you here present, and I’m sure you across the nation, can see what I’m trying to tell you, for we don’t have too much longer to stay on it.”

“But you might see that the anointing gets on the unjust, the false teachers, and causes them to do exactly what God told them not to do; but they’ll do it anyhow. Why? They cannot help it. How can a thistle be anything else but a thistle? No matter how much good rain’s sprinkled on it, it’s got to be a thistle” (Anointed Ones at the End Time, p. 13:59-60).

I have had experiences with brothers who, at times talk of dying, or not wanting to be here as they see the pressures mounting and fail to confess the teaching of the season as we find in I Corinthians 15:51-52 and many other such scriptures. “Behold, I show you a mystery; we shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed, in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed”.

All the Word is one glorious revelation of Jesus Christ and His mighty power working to gather glory unto Himself. May He grant you special favours, open new doors and pour you out a blessing you do not have room enough to receive as you explore more deeply in His holy Word. nl804.htm

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Brother Grigor-Scott is a
non-denominational minister who has ministered full-time since 1981, primarily
to other ministers and their congregations overseas. He pastors Bible Believers’ tiny congregation, and is available to teach in your church.

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