Archive for December, 2013

Come, let Us return to the Lord

December 31, 2013

Come, let Us return to the Lord

Bible Believers’ Newsletter 816

“We focus on the present Truth – what Jesus is doing now. . .”
ISSN 1442-8660

Christian greetings in the precious Name of our Lord Jesus Christ; we are pleased you could join us in fellowship around God’s unchanging Word.

William BranhamOn the eve of 2014 we wish to express our appreciation and sincere thanks to our researchers, contributing authors, WebMistress, our Brother who built this Website and is creating another project for the children of God, and YOU dear reader and subscriber. Your questions, suggestions and corrections have been helpful and edifying to our brethren who feed their souls from the revelations in these pages and from the Christian resources on our Church Website.

I believe 2014 will mark the eighteenth birthday of Bible Believers’ free weekly Church Newsletter and our twenty-second year in cyberspace that began with Bible Believers’ BBS gated to the Internet. It has taken longer than anticipated but it seems Bible Believers’ Church Website has introduced Christ’s second or ‘parousia’ Coming to President Putin’s Cabinet in the Kremlin. So “Keep your eyes on Russia. You remember that? “Keep your eyes on Russia. She’ll all wind up in Communism . . . it’ll all wind up in Catholicism in the end time. That’s at the battle of Armageddon, right over in (Revelation 19:11-21) . . . when Christ comes Himself” (William Branham, The Seventy Weeks of Daniel, p. 137:220).

The next US presidential election is scheduled for November 8, 2016, and if the Gentile dispensation endures Obama will be a ‘lame duck’ in twelve months unable to keep up with the flock with diminished political power and a target for predators. He will be more dangerous than he is, not having to face the consequences of his actions in any subsequent election, giving him greater freedom to issue unpopular decisions or appointments.

Whatever our immediate prospects the keywords for Believers are separation from worldly activities and worldly people and dedication to oneness with Christ in “the unity of the faith” displaying the Token of His Life in you. Remember now, there is no economic recovery underway in any nation; on the contrary, economic collapse is the global program. When people are without homes, without food and without employment they become dependent and easily controlled. Since World War II the welfare state has trained populations in the developed world as foreign aid has trained people in the developing world to become dependent upon Big Brother. This was not altruism but programming as Pavlov groomed his dogs with the objective of destroying initiative and independence in the developed world and turning the developing world to Communism. Brother Branham said, “We had a great nation; but she is now rottening and crumbling and shaking and giving away, and trying to tax people to get money to send over yonder to buy friendship with our enemies. They’re throwing it back in our face. One world war, two world wars, and still moving on to a third one” (This Day this Scripture is Fulfilled, p. 16:132). He warned, “You watch for a depression, brother. You think you’ve seen something; you just wait after while. You haven’t seen nothing” (Jezebel Religion, p. 22:100). The sinking of Los Angeles and much of the West coast will come on top of that, followed by the well-deserved defeat, invasion and temporary occupation of the US by Russia. And the horrible solution will be totalitarian one world government under the Judaeo-Roman church in league with Jewish banksters of the City of London who now rule the Communist and Capitalist nations, using the blooded US military as their bag man.

Redeem the time while the S_O_N-Light is still shining because once Los Angeles sinks the Gentile dispensation will be over. Brother Branham said, “Just a little while and we’ll be summoned; then the rapture will come. Just a little bitty group like Enoch will be taken up. Then the remnant of the woman’s seed that keep the Commandments of God (Jews), have the testimony of Jesus Christ (Gentiles), will be hunted down like dogs and shall give their life for their testimony” (The Future Home of the Earthly Bride and the Heavenly Bridegroom, p. 62:510-511). Like the fanatics trained by Saudi Arabia’s Jewish ruler’s Wahhabi Islam, the denominations in alliance with the then Devil-incarnate Pope will kill dissenters, thinking they are doing God a service as Talmudic Jews and Roman Catholics have done for centuries (Revelation 13:15-18).

We wish you a Spirit-led, healthy, happy and prosperous New Year with the Token of the Life of Christ on display in “just a closer walk with Thee”.

This Newsletter serves those of like precious faith. Whoever will receive the truth is welcome to feed their soul from the waters of the River of Life. Everything here presented should be confirmed personally in your own Bible.

Your brother-in-Christ,
Anthony Grigor-Scott

Fukushima out of Control 2011-2014

Fukushima Radiation projection

December 31, 2013 — The Fukushima disaster in Japan has brought to the forefront the dangers of worldwide nuclear radiation. . . The dumping of highly radioactive water into the Pacific constitutes a potential trigger to a process of global radioactive contamination. Radioactive elements have not only been detected in the food chain in Japan, radioactive rain water has been recorded in California. . .
“While Chernobyl was an enormous unprecedented disaster, it only occurred at one reactor and rapidly melted down. Once cooled, it was able to be covered with a concrete sarcophagus that was constructed with 100,000 workers. There are a staggering 4,400 tons of nuclear fuel rods at Fukushima, which greatly dwarfs the total size of radiation sources at Chernobyl” . . . Full story:

This shocking video was taken December 23, 2013 with a quality Geiger Counter at Pacifica State Beach (Surfers Beach), San Francisco California. Background radiation is 30CPM. Near the ocean it’s 150CPM. The fine mist coming from the ocean waves seems to be what makes the Geiger counter jump. More thorough readings need to be done! Where is the useless government/media?

We all must come to the realization that swimming in the Pacific Ocean (let alone eating anything out of it) is a thing in the past. And it’s only going to get worse, as it’s unstoppable. This is by far the worst man-made disaster in human history . . . Full story:

A Conspiracy so Vast

December 12, 2013 — Edward Snowden, a former employee of an NSA vendor, risked his life and liberty to inform us of a governmental conspiracy to violate our right to privacy, a right guaranteed by the Fourth Amendment.

The conspiracy he revealed is vast. It involves former President George W. Bush, President Obama and their aides, a dozen or so members of Congress, federal judges, executives and technicians at American computer servers and telecoms, and the thousands of NSA employees and vendors who have manipulated their fellow conspirators. The conspirators all agreed that it would be a crime for any of them to reveal the conspiracy. Snowden violated that agreement in order to uphold his higher oath to defend the Constitution.

As a result of these revelations, no one has been fired, except Snowden, and the conspiracy has grown. Earlier this week, The Washington Post reported that the Federal Bureau of Investigation is now spying on us. . . The Washington Post also reported this week that local cops, too, are jealous of the NSA and its ability to break the law with impunity. . . They’ve purchased a $400,000 device that mimics cellphone towers, drawing cellphone signals to it and enabling the cops to capture telephone calls without the cooperation of telecoms or permission from federal judges. That’s called hacking; it is a federal crime and in most areas a state crime, as well. . . Full story:

NSA’s Goal is elimination of Individual Privacy Worldwide – Greenwald to EU

December 18, 2013 — The NSA’s ultimate goal is to destroy individual privacy worldwide, working with its UK sidekick GCHQ, journalist Glenn Greenwald warned an EU inquiry, adding that they were far ahead of their rivals in their ability to destroy privacy.

Greenwald, the former Guardian journalist renowned for publishing Edward Snowden’s leaks, criticized EU governments’ muted response to the revelations about NSA’s mass espionage. Most governments reacted with apathy and indifference to reports that ordinary citizens were being spied upon, Greenwald said, pointing out that EU politicians only took action when they discovered that they themselves were being targeted . . .

The collection of metadata is one of the supreme priorities for the NSA, said Greenwald, adding that the practice was more invasive than snooping on the content of electronic communications. Metadata refers to the time, date, duration and location of calls, allowing the NSA to effectively follow targets.

To demonstrate the fact that metadata is far more useful to security agencies than content, Greenwald gave the example of a woman deciding to have an abortion. If you listen in on the woman’s call you will get a very constricting interpretation of events, said Greenwald, a generic-sounding clinic name and an appointment time. With metadata, however, agencies can construct a much more detailed picture because it gives them access to phone numbers that in turn could be used to identify the clinic.

If you’re someone who values privacy, it would almost be preferable at this point to have the NSA listening in on your phone calls and reading your emails than it is to have them collect all of your metadata over the course of many years and then analyze it in secret with virtually no restraint . . .

Greenwald rejected accusations from the American government that Snowden and his associates have put the fight against terrorism in jeopardy by releasing classified data. He said that the only thing that has been harmed is the perception of honesty and credibility of the governments engaged in spying. . . Snowden is also expected to testify before the Civil Liberties Committee in January as part of the inquiry. Full story:

Comment: A series of investigations into the NSA have been unable to evidence any real US control over that agency at all. There is, in fact, no evidence of regular distribution of NSA “work product” to other US intelligence agencies. Nobody knows whom the NSA do it for or why. There is no mandate that allows funding for masses of collected data or any evidence of any threat justifying that every word spoken on this planet is subjected to interpretive software algorithms that we now know have never existed.

The NSA is a total scam, their intercepts have never accounted to more than low-level “chickenfeed” and, more seriously, have [not] been used to justify or rationalize anything. The NSA exists only to disseminate disinformation to US agencies so enamored with the horrific costs and supposed draconian capabilities, so as not to understand that the NSA is “smoke and mirrors” . . .

Every NSA intercept from Iraq and Afghanistan at key points in military operations there have now been proven to have been falsified or purposefully misinterpreted. Masses of NSA intercepts outlining a network of underground bases in Afghanistan and weapons production facilities across Iraq were fabricated at the request of Bush political operatives, some from the [Jewish] Project for a New American Century, AIPAC and its offshoots, the Heritage Foundation and Rand Corporation. Thousands of NSA intercepts from Iraq were proven to have been fabrications.

Most recently, when Israel was found to have planted transmitter/repeater units in Syria to generate false radio traffic taking credit for chemical weapons attacks, not only did the NSA fail to receive the traffic themselves, but later claimed ignorance of the whole affair, particularly when it came crashing down around Secretary of State Kerry when the deception operation was exposed as a false flag intended to bring about war between the US and Russia. . . (

CFR Historian Carroll Quigley – Tragedy and Hope

CFR logo

December 29, 2013 — Quigley was President Bill Clinton’s Georgetown University professor. Georgetown is a Jesuit University in Washington DC. The current president is CFR member Dr. John J. DeGioia. DeGioia was one of US Vice President Biden’s three man delegation to the new Pope’s inauguration. Many CFR members teach or speak at Georgetown University. Quigley’s two best known works are Tragedy and Hope and the Anglo American Establishment which is about Cecil Rhodes Roundtable Group. [Please read thoroughly].

In the Anglo-American Establishment I learned about the ‘Inquiry’ which was the first US intelligence organization and was run by Col. Edward Mandel House. It was responsible for writing Wilson’s 14 points which it tried to trade off for the establishment of the League of Nations and a Jewish State of Israel. [Please watch all five video episodes]. It is missing from all US history books. I wrote an article about it and published it on the Roundtable Website. A year or so later CFR member Peter Grose published a book all about it called Continuing the Inquiry.” Eighteen National Security Advisors, Eighteen National Security Agency directors, and Eighteen Central Intelligence Agency directors are CFR members. In his letter to Brazil, Whistleblower Edward Snowden [please read] said the NSA programs were never about terrorism they’re about economic spying. “Snowden worked for the CFR-run Carlyle Group. The Carlyle Group has cornered the United States Military Industrial Complex and profits from CFR-created endless war. The Council on Foreign Relations are the spies, and a Grand Jury investigation of the CFR-NSA connection is needed to determine if they are using the US spy apparatus for industrial espionage to benefit CFR member corporations and the Carlyle Group.

Tragedy and Hope is about the Council on Foreign Relations. The Council didn’t like the book and publisher McMillan withdrew it and destroyed the plates. You can get a FREE full copy by clicking here or here.

World Bank Whistleblower Karen Hudes spills More!

November 30, 2013 — Karen Hudes is a graduate of Yale Law School and she worked in the legal department of the World Bank for more than 20 years. In fact, when she was fired for blowing the whistle on corruption inside the World Bank, she held the position of Senior Counsel. She was in a unique position to see exactly how the global elite rule the world, and the information that she is now revealing to the public is absolutely stunning. According to Hudes, the elite use a very tight core of financial institutions and mega-corporations to dominate the planet. The goal is control. They want all of us enslaved to debt, they want all of our governments enslaved to debt, and they want all of our politicians addicted to the huge financial contributions that they funnel into their campaigns. Since the elite also own all of the big media companies, the mainstream media never lets us in on the secret that there is something fundamentally wrong with the way that our system works.

Remember, this is not some “conspiracy theorist” that is saying these things. This is a Yale-educated attorney that worked inside the World Bank for more than two decades. The following summary of her credentials comes directly from her website . . . Karen Hudes studied law at Yale Law School and economics at the University of Amsterdam. She worked in the US Export Import Bank of the US from 1980-1985 and in the Legal Department of the World Bank from 1986-2007. She established the Non Governmental Organization Committee of the International Law Section of the American Bar Association and the Committee on Multilateralism and the Accountability of International Organizations of the American Branch of the International Law Association.

Today, Hudes is trying very hard to expose the corrupt financial system that the global elite are using to control the wealth of the world. During an interview with the New American, she discussed how we are willingly allowing this group of elitists to totally dominate the resources of the planet. . . Full story:

Comment: It seems most US presidents since George Washington have been related by royal bloodlines and that all belong to the Catholic Order of the Knights of Malta, the Order of the Garter and have been made Knights of the Grand Cross of the Order of the Bath, included are Ronald Reagan and George Bush, after leaving Presidential Office. The Crown of England no longer belongs to England but under tribute from the Vatican. This followed the Compromise of Avranches in 1172 signed which marked the reconciliation of King Henry II with the Catholic Church which publicly absolved him from complicity in the murder of Archbishop Thomas Becket on condition that he provide 200 knights to serve in the Holy Land for one year, take the cross himself and fight either in the Holy Land or against the Moors in Spain, restore all properties seized from the church of Canterbury, and allow appeals from the English church to Rome.

In 1213 King John I conceded the the throne, the whole of England and Ireland to the Pope to lift the ex-communication of England. The nation and all assets have since been property in perpetuity of the Roman Church as well as perpetual obligations.

Crest of City of LondonWe are not the free and sovereign nations our controlled party political Hegelian sham democracies lead us to believe. We are ruled by the Vatican and the banksters and attorneys (Knights Templars) of the Crown of the City of London with its inverted cross (left) like that employed by John Paul II. Globally, all the legalistic scams promoted by the exclusive monopoly of the Temple and their British Accreditation Registry (BAR) franchises come from four Inns or Temples of Court: Queen Elizabeth II is a member of both Inner and Middle Temples. The Inner Temple holds the legal system franchise over Great Britain, Australia, Canada, New Zealand, etc. Middle Temple holds the legal franchise over America. As Middle Templars, five signatories to the US Declaration of Independence were under solemn oath to the Crown, including Jewish traitor and Rothschild agent Alexander Hamilton who was behind the establishment of the First Bank of the United States—Rothschild’s first central bank in America. He was shot in a duel with Vice President Aaron Burr and killed. Lincoln’s Inn consists of those members elected to high judicial office, those who have sat as Queen’s Counsel for six or seven years in England and Wales and some of the more distinguished “junior” barristers. Gray’s Inn specializes in Taxation legalities by Rule and Code for the Crown.

1776 is the year that the Crown Colonies of America became legal Crown States. The Declaration of Independence was a legal, not lawful, document signed on both sides by representatives of the Crown. Legally, it established the status quo of the Crown Colonies under their new legal entity as “States” or estates belonging to the Crown of the City of London.

Countries have been overridden by corporations. These company filings with the US Securities and Exchange Commission pertain to Australia, Canada, and New Zealand. In the same manner as legal corporate fictions have been superimposed over physical countries if your birth was registered your government created a corporate you, a straw man. As a living human being and common state citizen, you John Doe cannot be recognized in a State Court because you don’t legally exist in Crown Chancery Courts. So in order to be recognized in their State Courts the common man must be converted to that of a corporate or legal entity, JOHN DOE in upper case.

According to Karen Hudes US Taxpayer receipts go from the privately-owned Puerto Rico-registered IRS corporation to the IMF of the Banksters of the City of London who keep 40% in reparations for the War of Independence, Civil and other wars, and remit 50% to the Judaeo-Jesuits of the Judaeo-Roman church while the US government is funded largely by the sale of narcotics.

Karen Hudes also alleges Michelle Obama has been caught in a honey trap at a hotel with two-way mirrors. So it appears the ‘First Lady’ is a tramp like Obama’s mother, Stanley Ann Dunham, whose job with the CIA was to entice men into honey traps in hotels with two-way mirrors. No wonder Barry Soetoro or whoever he is had no girlfriends and became a homosexual. Talk about a wicked and adulterous generation. Hudes also stated that Pope Benedict XVI was removed from the Papacy because of child trafficking and financial crimes. And that on October 8, 2013 a nuclear bomb was supposed to be detonated in South Carolina, however two Army Generals ensured it was detonated under the ocean about 600 offshore. Those officers are among 200 Generals and higher level men Obama has relieved of duty. Reminds me of what we reported in Newsletter 439 in Connecting the Dots and the late Dr. Peter Beter’s article, The Bolshevik-Zionist Axis; please read these articles. Here was a previous instance in which senior US Generals were relieved of office because their loyalty conflicted with the strategems of the one world government elite. Generals Paton and Macarthur earlier suffered the same fate for the same reasons, and so did Senator Joseph McCarthy and Secretary of Defence James V. Forrestal who was assassinated.

Common Core, Agenda 21, and Global Governance

This lecture and power point explains how Common Core is pure Agenda 21 and a gateway for privatization of the entire school system. It shows a shocking in your face conspiracy by the 50 State governors (National Governor’s Association) and CCSSO to create, copyright, and then sell by legal vote and enforcement Common Core State Standards to each State. Most important, it shows how this Common Core scheme cannot be done federally (per the constitution) and therefore must be created by agreement/treaty at the sustainable (agenda 21) state and local level. Finally, it shows the for-profit side where taxpayers will be funding computers and other Education products and services for every student in America—this is the public private partnership model (PPP). All this is happening through non-governmental organizations (NGO) while each local and State government simply rubber stamps. In the end, I have unraveled the conspiracy of a lifetime! Full story:

Comment: Worldwide the US government controls most major corporations such as Microsoft, General Electrics, Monsanto, BigPharma, Banks, etc.,

Arab League calls for Israeli Crimes to be Documented

December 24, 2013 — The General Secretariat of the League of Arab States has called for the war crimes and crimes against humanity committed by the Israeli occupation forces against the Palestinians to be documented. The issues should be brought to the attention of the global media and international legal authorities . . . Full story:

Black Panthers condemn Obama

June 15, 2013 — This video is an astounding presentation by a Black Panther who is very intelligent and his comments about globalism and its “spear-point” for eventual world dominion, Obama, appropriate and also amazing . . . It is 40 minutes long, but do watch at least the first 15 minutes . . . I believe that you will agree with his views on what has been going on in this country and globally. . . Full story:

California floats on Ocean?

According to an article entitled “California Floats on Ocean?” in the Fall 1985 edition of Search magazine, a high-ranking but unnamed Naval officer told of the discovery of a huge network of tunnels under portions of the west coast of the US. He said that US nuclear submarines had explored some of these tunnels, which are accessible just off the continental shelf, and had followed them inland for several hundred miles. Here are highlights of this incredible claim:

1. The passageways are labyrinthine with widths from a few to thousands of feet (caverns), averaging roughly about a 100 feet.

2. Much like dry caverns do, heights and depths vary a great deal and in some cases, two or more caverns or passageways pass over or under each other at different depths.

3. Most of the entrances lie just off the Continental Shelf.

4. Most of the entrances are too small for submarine investigation; and many that are large enough lie in waters that are too deep.

5. Some of the caverns (in Southern California) are topped with oil while some others are filled with gases believed to approximate our atmosphere (in very ancient times).

6. The San Joaquin Valley is essentially a portion of the original cavernous area that collapsed eons ago due to its sheer weight.

7. What is being passed off as the ‘San Andreas Fault’ are large, unsupported chambers that are in the process of collapsing. When the BIG ONE finally hits, many scientists in the know believe that most of California will break off like a cold Hershey bar and slide into the ocean! Full story:,,

Comment: Brother Branham spoke of this “hollow place” beneath California (Trying to do God a Service Without being the Will of God, p. 6:22-23; Anointed Ones at the End Time, p. 4:18).

Come, let Us return to the Lord

Hosea 6:1-3, “Come, let us return to the Lord: for He has torn us, and He will heal us; He has smitten, and He will bind us up. After two days He will revive us: in the third day He will raise us up that we may once more live before Him. Let us know, let us press on to know the Lord: He will respond to us as surely as the morning sunrise; and He will come to us as the rain, as the latter and former rain that water the earth”.

Hosea wrote this prophecy around 780BC when Israel and Judah were steeped in idolatry: Jehovah had become unknown, a strange God to the idolatrous people. And Judah would be blinded to the Good News of Messiah by rabbinical hubris based on the Talmud contrary to the Law and the prophets. God would tear both kingdoms apart so that we Gentiles might receive the blessing of Abraham’s grace covenant they had refused.

The aim and consequence of the divine judgment was to cause the people to seek the Lord in hopes of a restoration to His favor, but their sin was as deep-seated and enduring as when Moses first prophesied this judgment and healing of God:

Deuteronomy 32:17-21, 39, “They sacrificed to demons which were no gods; to gods they knew not, newcomers lately arrived were they, before whom your fathers had never stood in awe. You were unmindful of the Rock that begot you, and you forgot the God who gave you being. When the Lord saw it, He detested them, because of the provocation of his sons and daughters. And He said, I will hide My face from them, and see what their end will be, for they are a perverse class of men, children in whom is no faithfulness. They have moved me to jealousy with what is no god; they have provoked me to anger with their idols: and I will stir them to jealousy with those who are no people (us Gentiles); I will provoke them to anger with a foolish nation. . . See now that I, even I, am He, and there is no God beside Me: I kill, and I make alive; I wound, and I heal: neither is there any that can deliver out of My hand”.

Quoting Moses, David and Isaiah in Romans 10:18-21, Paul asked, “Has Israel not heard God’s Word? Indeed they have, for David prophesied, “Their voice has gone out to all the earth, and their words to the ends of the world” (Psalm 19:4). Again I ask did not Israel understand? First Moses said, “I will provoke you to jealousy by those who are not a nation, and with a foolish nation I will anger you.” Then Isaiah spoke more boldly, prophesying, “I have been found by those who did not seek Me; I have shown Myself to those who did not ask for Me.” But of Israel he said, “All day long I have held out My hands to a disobedient and rebellious people” (Isaiah 65:1-2).

On the surface the definite limits “two days” and “in the third day” hold out the prospect of the speedy and sure revival of Israel. But their sin is as deep-seated and enduring today as it was when Moses first prophesied this divine judgment and healing of God. So “the third day” would not be a Monday or a Tuesday, anymore than “the Lord’s Day” is a Saturday or a Sunday, but sometime in the third millennium AD, for a day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years is as a day. We are well into the third day since Hosea wrote, and as Newsletter 411 expounded, the nation state of Israel has been restored in unbelief and Jerusalem recaptured. God is waiting on you and me to have the Token on display, and for the last member of His end-time Bride to recognize her part and position in the Body. Then He will return to Israel and Israel to Him.

Hosea 4:6, “Israel is destroyed for lack of the knowledge of God: because you have despised knowing Me, I will also despise and reject the nation from being a kingdom of priests to Me. Since you have forgotten the Law of your God whereby you could have gained knowledge of Me, I will also forget your children”.

Brother Branham cautioned, “No true believer is any stronger and spiritually healthy and alive than his knowledge of and adherence to the pure Word of God, as seen by multitudes of examples in the Old Testament” (An Exposition of the Seven Church Ages, p. 113:1).

Hosea’s prophecy of revival and a transparently sinless national life before God had in view more than the recovery of Israel from their future exile, or Judah from her forthcoming captivity. As disclosed by the vision of Ezekiel 37:1-14, Israel will be spiritually awakened by her experiential knowledge of Messiah, God’s ideal Israel (Isaiah 49:3), and regenerated to eternal Life in the third day. For the natural types the spiritual (Matthew 2:15; Hosea 11:1; I Corinthians 15:4). Isaiah 53:10, “Israel shall see His seed, He shall prolong His days, and the pleasure of the Lord shall prosper in His hand”.
Body of Christ
Our former or teaching rain is Brother Branham’s Message that restores the children of God to the faith once delivered to our apostolic fathers, finishes the mystery of God, and brings us to maturity “in the unity of the faith” as the Capstone of the pyramid of the stature of the perfect Man, for the manifestation of the Sons of God and the translation (Malachi 4:5-6; Revelation 10:7; Ephesians 4:13-16; Romans 8:19; I Corinthians 15:49-54).

Our latter or harvest rain will fall at the Seventh Trump after the end of the Gentile dispensation. This will herald a time of global natural catastrophes unprecedented since the Flood, and a brief period of public repudiation and persecution of Christ’s Bride. Its purpose is to invest the sleeping saints with faith to change in the atoms by placing us who are alive and remain in a situation of intense desperation but with the assurance God will provide our necessities during “the squeeze” by the “third pull,” elevating our faith to attain translation grace (Romans 8:19).

Body of ChristOur latter rain will forerun Israel’s former rain that will anoint their two prophets. God will restore Israel under the Sixth Seal through justification, sanctification, the baptism with the Holy Ghost, and perfection after they die to man-made religion as He restored Christ’s end-time Bride to the fullness of the Word under the Fourth and Seventh Seals (I Corinthians 13:10). Joel 2:23-27 agrees indicating that their former rain will reconfirm the Message of John the Baptist and Jesus or “seal up the vision and prophecy” as foretold in Daniel 9:24. Their latter rain will fall at the public ascension of the two Hebrew prophets, regenerating their souls—“the most holy place” where Christ and His Bride will be anointed with the joy of the Lord; regenerated with boldness to speak “the truth in love” they will “love not their lives unto the death” (Matthew 27:25; Revelation 6:11; 11:7-13; 12:11).

Mount TransfigurationIn Matthew 17 Jesus climbed Mount Transfiguration accompanied by three disciples as earthly witnesses. Peter represented faith, James hope, and John charity, the three greatest gifts (I Corinthians 13:13). In a vision they saw Jesus Messiah transfigured into His glorified form, and with Him two other heavenly witnesses, Moses and Elijah, signifying that through His atonement heaven and earth will embrace one another in agreement as taught in I John 5:1-15.

Moses represented the resurrected saints and Elijah represents we who will be changed in the atoms, while Peter, James, and John represented the 144,000 elect remnant of Israel receiving their revelation of Christ’s ‘parousia’ Coming, saying within their heart, “Blessed is He who comes in the Name of the Lord . . . singing the song of Moses the servant of God, and the song of the Lamb, saying, Great and marvelous are Your works, Lord God Almighty; just and true are Your ways, You King of saints. Who shall not fear You, O Lord, and glorify Your Name? For only You are holy: for all nations shall come and worship before You; for Your judgments are made manifest” (Matthew 23:39; Revelation 15:4-5).

In other words: “Your judgments upon Israel for refusing to receive Messiah’s atonement and new birth have been made manifest under the Seven Trumpet judgments expounded by the ministry of the two witnesses of Zechariah 4, Matthew 24:31 and Revelation 11, the antitype of the Feast of Trumpets by which You have gathered the remnant of Israel a second time. Here after the midst of Daniel’s Seventieth Week we stand on the sea of glass washed in the blood of the Lamb honouring and glorifying You in the reflection of the truth of Your holy Word, having believed in You and surrendered our lives in martyrdom by Rome and renegade Jews” (Revelation 14:1-5, 12 – 15:4; Isaiah 11:11). The regeneration of the 144,000 will be the birth of the nation in one day (Isaiah 10:17; 30:26; 66:8; Zechariah 3:9-10).

Isaiah 49:1-23 shows Zion forsaken by God her Husband from the time of the Desolations which began with the destruction of the Temple in 589BC to the consummation. That is, throughout “the times of the Gentiles” (as confirmed by Ezekiel 10:18; 43:2, and Revelation 7:2). When Zion sees Christ’s glorified Gentile Bride in Isaiah 49:21-23, she ponders in her heart, “Who has born me these? I was bereaved and barren, exiled and put away; who has raised these grown-up children for me? Behold, I was left alone by my Husband; whence have these come?”

“Thus saith the Lord: Behold, I will beckon to the Gentiles, and raise My standard to the peoples: and they shall bring your Gentile sons in their arms, and your Gentile daughters shall be carried upon their shoulders. And kings shall be your foster fathers, and their queens your nursing mothers: they shall bow down to you with their face toward the earth, and lick up the dust of your feet; and you shall know that I am the Lord: for they shall not be ashamed who wait for Me”.

Church Ages and MessengersZion’s sons and daughters are predominately not descendants of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, and most definitely not non-Semitic, anti-Semitic self-styled Jews who are Satan’s dupes, but Spiritual Israel—ten thousand times ten thousand and thousand thousands of Gentile converts to her rejected Messiah born for her by Jerusalem that is Above, begotten and raised by the spoken Word of God (Genesis 9:27; Isaiah 53:10; 54:1; 60:3).

Throughout the Book of Revelation John represents Christ’s end-time Bride for the Bible was sealed until the last of the PART-Word or Church Age saints was born-again (Daniel 12:4, 9; Revelation 10:4). So the angel who guides John through the visions can only be William Branham (1909-1965) the seventh angel; the one man to whom Jesus revealed the Seven Seals. In chapter 7 which is in parenthesis, John (as an Israelite himself) recognizes Israel’s elect remnant gathered back to the Land of the Covenant under the Sixth Seal of the Great Tribulation (Revelation 6:12-17) and sealed by the revelation of their Seven Trumpet mysteries which reveal their King, Jesus and His Gentile Queen. Like their non-elect fellow servants martyred under the Fifth Seal (Revelation 6:11) the 144,000 will martyred under the Sixth Seal before the four winds of war and strife bring Armageddon and the consummation of life.

In Revelation 7:9-17 John was nonplused when he saw Christ’s glorified Bride of all Ages as a countless multitude drawn out of all nations clothed in white and praising the Lamb for their salvation. Like forsaken Zion when she saw the vision eight hundred beforehand, he could not recognize these saints and enquires of one of the twenty-four elders who explains, “These are they who have come out of the great tribulation, and have washed their robes, and made them white in the blood of the Lamb, which is why they are here before the throne of God, and serve Him day and night in His temple: and He who sits on the throne shall spread His tent over them (Genesis 9:27). They will nevermore hunger neither thirst, nor will the sun or any scorching heat fall upon them. For the Lamb who is in the center of the throne shall feed them, and will be their shepherd and He will lead them to springs of living Water: and God will wipe away all tears from their eyes”.

The Bride of Christ serves and follows her Husband wherever He goes. The great tribulation through which we have lived commenced when Titus besieged and destroyed Jerusalem in AD70 and continued through the Gentile dispensation as Imperial Rome became Papal Rome. After the resurrection and translation of Messiah’s Bride it will become “Jacob’s trouble” when Israel’s elect will be separated from Esau’s self-styled Jews by the revelation of the Seven Trumpets, and the foolish virgin distinguished from the false church by the revelation of the Seven Vials and the various classes of the “saved” purged and martyred (Matthew 5:12; 24:21-31; John 15:18-26; Acts 5:40-42; Revelation 1:9).

From Genesis to Revelation the saints of God have experienced tribulation and suffered persecution—chiefly at the hands of the Judaeo-Roman church and those who call themselves “Jews” today (Genesis 3:15; Matthew 23:33-36; Revelation 2:9; 3:9). Of whom Jesus said, “I know you are Abraham’s seed [but you are not the seed of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob]; and seek to kill Me because My Word has no place in you . . .” (John 8:37-44).

Revelation 1:10, “I (insert your name little Bride as John represents YOU) was in the Spirit on the Lord’s Day, and heard behind me a great Voice like a Trumpet.” The Bible was sealed to the time of the end and revealed to Christ’s end-time Bride by the ministry of William Branham, the angel to the Laodicean Church Age (Revelation 1:1; 3:14; 10:4, 7; Daniel 12:4, 9). Hereby we know that all seven Church Ages ended along with Christ’s Office as Mediator, and that “the time of the end” began in March, 1963 when Christ fulfilled Revelation 4, 5, and 10:1-7.

In the flesh John was in man’s day imprisoned on Patmos Island where he would find solitude conducive to receiving and collating the Word of God and the testimony of Jesus Christ into the Book we call The Revelation of Jesus Christ. However his soul was caught up in the Spirit of revelation into the yet future Day of the Lord, which will be signaled by the Seventh Trump of Isaiah 27:13, I Thessalonians 4:16, I Corinthians 15:52, Revelation 11:15, marked by earthquakes that will sink Los Angeles and split the Mount of Olives (Revelation 6:12; 11:19; 16; 19; Isaiah 29:6; Zechariah 14:4).

John heard the Great Trumpet blast behind him, signifying that in the vision dimension it had sounded in the past; it was Israel’s Seventh Trumpet signaling the close of man’s day, the commencement of the Day of the Lord with the first resurrection, manifestation of the Sons of God and translation preceding Daniel’s Seventieth Week. John was caught up into a series of visions over a two year period from AD95-96. In the flesh he was on the Isle of Patmos, but in the Spirit he was caught up into the Day of the Lord which is yet future. The Day of the Lord is not Saturday, Sunday or any other day of the week but a future dispensation commencing with the end of the Gentile dispensation (Isaiah 13:6-18; Jeremiah 46:10; Joel 2; Acts 2:20; I Thessalonians 5:2). As God’s hand was upon Daniel and Ezekiel, it was upon John—YOU and ME, secure in the hands of the Lord seeing the same vision as John who represented us because we are at one with the Message seven stars in His right hand (Revelation 1:17, 20; Ezekiel 37:1; Daniel 10:10).

We are inviolate, predestinated never to see death in the flesh but to change in the atoms. In the coming persecution Satan and his children will be unable to harm one hair of our head. John, our representative throughout the Book of Revelation and the sole member of the early apostles who died a natural death, is our example. Like multitudes of others, John suffered imprisonment for the Word of God and the testimony of Jesus Christ. When he was arrested, they tried in vain to kill him by boiling him in oil for twenty-four hours. When this caused him no harm the enraged but powerless officials sentenced him to Patmos as a witch. But God was with him, and he was spared to leave the island and return to Ephesus and pastor his Church until the time of his death.

Brother Branham said, “The third pull . . . will not be used in a great way, until this Council begins to tighten up. And . . . when the squeeze comes down, then you’ll see what you have seen temporarily, be manifested in the fullness of its power . . . this will be the thing that will start the rapturing faith for the going away.”

“There’s coming a time in this nation, to where this nation is going to exercise all the power that the beast had before (which was pagan Rome, when it become papal Rome. See?) that this nation will do that. Revelations 13 plainly explains it. . . Roman denomination, a marked Protestant denomination, an image to the beast, making a power that’ll force all Protestants like a union. You’ll have to be into this Council of Churches, or you won’t be able to have fellowship . . . Well, it’s practically that way now. You can’t go to a church and preach, ‘less you have a fellowship card or some identification.”

“It’s tightening; and then when that time comes, and the press comes to a place to where you’re pressed out, then watch . . . watch the third pull then. It’ll be absolutely to the total lost, but it will be for the Bride and the Church. . . I do believe that we are so close, that I would never die with old age. Yet at fifty-four years old, I’d never die with old age until He’s here. See? Unless I am shot, killed, or something, or other, some way killed; just old age wouldn’t kill me, until He’s come” (Look Away to Jesus, p. 5:39-51).

Ezekiel was caught up in the same Spirit into a vision in the day of the Lord to see how God would awaken and redeem natural Israel, slain by Satan and spiritually dead but unburied for over 2,520 years and symbolized by an open valley full of very dry bones. Ezekiel 37:11, “Son of man, these bones are the whole house of Israel: behold, they say, our bones are dried, and our hope is lost: we are cut off for our parts”.

God speaks by His prophet (typing Israel’s two witnesses) to quicken Israel’s bones from death in sin and trespasses; and commands the spiritually dead to hear, lift their eyes to the Cross for illumination, repent, sanctify, and seek newness of Life (Romans 4:17; Ephesians 2:1; 5:14).

One of the most important revelations is contained in I John 1:7 which I shall paraphrase, “Unless our lives are manifesting the present Truth—what Jesus is fulfilling now, we are not and cannot come under the Blood [which is to be born-again], or even fellowship in the Spirit with those who are Christians.” The saints predestinated to each of the nine dispensations within the Gentile dispensation were born-again by becoming written epistles of the revealed Word spoken by the “angel” to their Age. Revelation 2 – 3, “He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to bless the elect Church and rebuke the carnal Churches”.

Ezekiel knew “faith comes by hearing and understanding the revealed Word of God” (Romans 10:17). When God asked him, “Prophet, can these bones live”? Ezekiel did not speculate but inquired after THUS SAITH THE LORD. We found the same Spirit in John (Revelation 7:14). When Ezekiel prophesied according to the Words of the Lord there was a rattling noise as the bones came together, not from the Captivity and Desolations, and not the mainly non-Semitic impostors that have stolen and occupied Palestine from 1948 to the present day, for Ezekiel is prophesying of the seed of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob who will not return to the Land of the Covenant until the first half of Daniel’s Seventieth Week (Psalm 17:7; Isaiah 6:10-13; 11:11-16; 13:14; 27:12-13; 49:17; 65:9-10; Jeremiah 3:12, 18; 16:15; 23:3, 8; 31:8; Ezekiel 28:24-31; 36:24; 37:14-22; 39:27-28; Hosea 6:1-3; Micah 5:3; Zechariah 10:9-12; Matthew 24:29-31, etc).

When the sinews, flesh and skin, devoured by Satan typed by the palmerworm, locust, cankerworm and caterpillar of four Gentile world Empires is restored to Israel after the end of the Gentile dispensation, justified and sanctified, she will remain unconverted and dead before God until she receives the breath of Life by the Spirit of the Lord after the midst of Daniel’s Seventieth Week (Matthew 24:31; Revelation 7:1-8; Ezekiel 37:1-14; Daniel 9:27).

The captivity and separation of Israel from her land, announced as the last, most severe punishment (Ezekiel 6), is, according to the Law to be conceived as the death of the nation, for the nation is related to its land as the individual soul is to its body. The exiles considered themselves dead men because so long as they are outside the Land they are unable to assemble in Jerusalem for the three compulsory annual feasts, and without atonement for sins; so the faithful regarded the lands of their captivity and dispersion as “graves.” Thus the restoration of Israel to favor with God at the close of our dispensation, and the regeneration of the 144,000 will be as “life from the dead” (Romans 11:15). Sadly, most of the captives paid only lip service to the Covenant and did not return from Babylon. But the Old Covenant is without effect outside the Land. Today most Israelites of the twelve tribes remain in the Muslim lands of exile while so-called Jews who pay lip service to the Law, remain in Europe and the USA, from which neither they nor any Israelite will escape. I surmise that as wicked Haman was hanged on the gallows he had prepared for Mordecai they will be incarcerated in FEMA camps they have prepared for Christians.

In the vision of Ezekiel 37:15-18, the prophet was told to act a pantomime before the people demonstrating how Israel will again become one nation. He was to take two staffs and write on one, “For Judah, and for the children of Israel his companions” (that is, those of the ten tribes who followed the fortunes of Judah). And “for Joseph, the stick of Ephraim, and for all the house of Israel his companions.” He was then to join them as one staff, which implies that the bulk of the ten tribes did not return at the restoration from Babylon, but remain distinct from Judah until their coming reunion after the Seventh Trump”.

Israel’s nationality in Canaan and the unity of the nation is conceived and bound up under the dominion of “David, My Servant”—King Messiah in the millennium where they will live in tribal order purified from idolatry as described in Ezekiel 48. And when the Son of David is King over a restored and redeemed Israel His Gentile Bride will be her Queen (John 10:16).

Ezekiel 37:25-26, “They shall dwell in the land that I have given to Jacob My servant, wherein your fathers have dwelt [that eliminates the non-Semitic Jews; those that are in Adam’s race had better run to the Lord Jesus before the Gentile dispensation expires]. They and their children after them shall dwell there: and My Servant David, their Messiah, shall be their Prince forever. I will make a covenant of peace with them; it shall be an everlasting covenant: and I will place and multiply them, and set My sanctuary in the midst of them for evermore” (Ezekiel 34:25; Isaiah 55:3; Jeremiah 32:40).

Ezekiel 36:21-29 speaks of the regeneration of the 144,000 under God’s Covenant made in His own blood and given purely by grace through faith for His Name’s sake, which Israel have profaned among the heathen wherever they have been to the present day. This prophecy will be gloriously fulfilled in the elect sons of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob as it is in the elect Church. John 1:14, “The Word was made flesh, and dwelt or tabernacled among us . . . I will be with you, even in you, to the end of the world”.

Revelation 21:3, “I heard a great Voice from the throne saying, Behold, the dwelling place [tabernacle or temple] of God is with men. He will dwell with them, and they shall be His people, and God Himself will be with them”.

Ezekiel 37:27-28, “My [tabernacle, temple, or] dwelling place shall be over them: and I will be their God, and they shall be My people. Then the nations shall know that I the Lord sanctify Israel, when My sanctuary is in the midst of them for evermore.” God’s dwelling place is in the heart of all born-again followers of Jesus Messiah (I Corinthians 6:16). nl816.htm

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Brother Grigor-Scott is a
non-denominational minister who has ministered full-time since 1981, primarily
to other ministers and their congregations overseas. He pastors Bible Believers’ tiny congregation, and is available to teach in your church.

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The ‘God Spot’

December 19, 2013

The ‘God Spot’


Bible Believers’ Newsletter 815

“We focus on the present Truth – what Jesus is doing now. . .”
ISSN 1442-8660

Christian greetings in the precious Name of our Lord Jesus Christ; we are so happy to see you.

Today our main Article is The God Spot, which covers a broad array of subjects; however its main thrust is to demonstrate that before the foundation of the world the purpose of God was to share His eternal Life with man. The news articles provide an in-depth understanding to some of the ongoing strategies in the current war between political Islam and political Zionism and the division of forces for the following war between Communism and Capitalism which will become Armageddon. Arrangements in hand for this final conflict provide us with a further clue as to why Israel will be utterly defeated and mainland United States both invaded and briefly occupied in the ‘hot stage’ of the present World War III.

This Newsletter serves those of like precious faith. Whoever will receive the truth is welcome to feed their soul from the waters of the River of Life. Everything here presented should be confirmed personally in your own Bible.

Your brother-in-Christ,
Anthony Grigor-Scott

Expanded US Support to AL QAEDA in Syria


December 15, 2013 — From the outset, the Western military alliance has (covertly) supported the terrorists with a view to destabilizing Syria as a nation state.

Lest we forget, Al Qaeda is a creation of the CIA. The US, NATO, Israel, Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Qatar have channeled most of their support to the Al Qaeda brigades, which are also integrated by Western Special Forces. British and French Special Forces have been actively training opposition rebels from a base in Turkey. Israel has provided a safe haven to Al Qaeda affiliated rebels in the occupied Golan Heights. Western Special Forces have been training the rebels in the use of chemical weapons in Jordan.

NATO and the Turkish High command have been involved in the development of a jihad involving the recruitment of thousands of “freedom fighters,” reminiscent of the enlistment of the Mujahideen to wage the CIA’s jihad (holy war) in the heyday of the Soviet-Afghan war:

Also discussed in Brussels and Ankara, our sources report, is a campaign to enlist thousands of Muslim volunteers in Middle East countries and the Muslim world to fight alongside the Syrian rebels. The Turkish army would house these volunteers, train them and secure their passage into Syria. (Debkafile, August 31, 2011). Debka, August 2011 emphasis added). This is a war of aggression. It is not a civil war. . . Full story:

Comment: According to the 1871 blueprint this war is to be directed in such a manner that Islam (the Arab World including Mohammedanism) and Political Zionism (including the State of Israel) will destroy themselves while at the same time the remaining nations, once more divided against each other on this issue, will be forced to fight themselves into a state of complete exhaustion physically, mentally, spiritually and economically. However, the planners made no allowance for the earthquakes that will sink Los Angeles and split the Mount of Olives, so we anticipate a turn of events and the utter defeat of Israel as foretold by Zechariah 14 and Revelation 16:19.

UN’s Syria ‘Aid’ Appeal is Bid to Relieve Trapped TERRORISTS

December 17, 2013 — The Syrian government has decisively turned the tide against waves of NATO-backed foreign terrorists and their extremist collaborators within the country, having restored order in many parts of the country and having surrounded the terrorist proxies in a dwindling number of districts across the Syria.

[As the UN prepares to flood the Syrian conflict with another 6.5 billion dollars, tales of how “aid money” is ending up facilitating the activities of terrorists inside and along Syria’s borders suggest the UN is not trying to provide mercy for the Syrian people, but perpetuate the tragedy further still. Were it truly interested in relieving Syrians, it would expose the true genesis of the conflict to the world and hold those responsible accountable.

  • Muslim Brotherhood is funded by & serves as the primary instrument of US, Israel, & Saudi Arabia.
  • Lebanon was designated as staging ground to destabilize Syria with sectarian extremists.
  • Saudi and Muslim Brotherhood anti-Israeli and American sentiments are feigned.
  • US intelligence knew in advance unleashing sectarian extremists would result in genocide.
  • Saudis & Americans admit sectarian extremists—the foundation of Al Qaeda—are under their control].

Reuters [i.e. Rothschild] attempts to frame the Syrian government as obstructing aid and intentionally leaving women and children to starve and freeze to death. . . [without qualifying any of its claims] . . .

The gambit is two-fold. First, to portray the Syrian government as guilty of yet more “crimes against humanity,” which then justifies the second—passing a binding UN Security Council resolution that would give the West direct access to their terrorist proxies inside of Syria under the guise of providing “humanitarian aid” . . . One can only imagine what [arms and ammunition] will be bought and done with the $6.5 billion the UN has called for to assist those in terrorist-held territory. It will most likely be fed directly into the terror networks the NATO and its regional allies have been preparing to expand.
Full story:

Comment: Please read all of the links remembering the UN is a Jewish criminal organization created by the City of London to establish global hegemony which entails, among other things, the destruction of Islam and political Zionism.

The Mandela Cover-up Unravels


December 10, 2013 — It appears that AIM and blogger Trevor Loudon are among the few sources highlighting the official statement of the South African Communist Party (SACP) about Nelson Mandela having been a high-ranking member. SACP deputy general secretary Solly Mapailais quoted by a South African magazine as saying it was denied at the time for “political reasons.”

The communist Workers World Party, which supports North Korea, has also reprinted the official SACP statement about Mandela. The communists are proud of Mandela and what he accomplished. His false claims of being a non-communist fooled South Africa and the world (except for his domestic and international comrades who were in on the secret). The official SACP statement includes these words: “At his arrest in August 1962, Nelson Mandela was not only a member of the then underground South African Communist Party, but was also a member of our Party’s Central Committee” . . .

Many in the media are calling Mandela a “political prisoner” when he served prison time. But on the Fox News “Special Report” show on December 5, Jesse Jackson admitted Mandela told him that he was planning bombings of hospitals and schools in South Africa when he got caught. That is why Mandela went to prison. He ran UmkhontoweSizwe, the terrorist wing of the African National Congress (ANC) and South African Communist Party. The white minority made a deal to release him because they feared for their lives against a Soviet-sponsored terrorist onslaught that was documented in 1982 Senate hearings entitled “The Role of the Soviet Union, Cuba, and East Germany in Fomenting Terrorism in Southern Africa.”

One of the witnesses before those hearings was Bartholomew Hlapane, a member of the African National Congress’s national executive committee and the South African Communist Party’s central committee. Bartholemew, who described SACP domination of the ANC, was assassinated in his home in South Africa on December 16, 1982, by an Umkhonto we Sizweassassination squad. The ANC later admitted to the crime. . . Full story: Backlash to Pro-Mandela Coverage, The Media Myth and Global Cult of Nelson Mandela, Jews and Communism in South Africa.

Comment: “South Africa is the largest source of gold for the Free World and the source of many major minerals. If the government there can be destroyed and if some sort of Marxist black government is installed by the Western powers or the Soviets, you can bet that mismanagerment or policy will virtually cut off production of gold, leaving the USSA as the chief world supplier” Gary Webb, The Review of the NEWS, February 1980).

China Moon Mission: replacing the American Dream with the China Dream?

December 16, 2013 — China is now the third nation to successfully complete a Lunar rover mission after the United States and the then-Soviet Union. China plans to establish a permanent space station by 2020 and then send a man to the Moon. China’s moon mission is viewed as a symbol of the nation’s rise as a global economic and military superpower, and while China reaches for the stars and Moon, it continues to grow its economy. Conversely, America is being systematically degraded from within by very powerful forces. The NASA space program has been crippled by budget cuts; our economy is intentionally being destroyed; and our military is being weakened. In addition, the American people and specifically the middle class, who built this nation, are being subjected to a psy ops program which seems intent on destroying America’s “can do” attitude, free enterprise, marriage, family and Judeo-Christian values. . .

CommunistChina did not become an economic and military super power by accident. After the Communist Revolution in China, led by Chairman Mao, Rockefeller, Kissinger, Nixon and other member of America’s ruling elite made plans to transform China into the most powerful nation on Earth . . . Full story:

Comment: Daniel 12:4, “Many shall run to and fro and knowledge shall be increased.” Understatement? Thirty years ago Chinese were pulling rickshaws and sailing junks, this week they landed on the Moon!

CIA Faker Edward Snowden targets Brazil!


December 17, 2013 — It is an odd coincidence that the nations to which Snowden first “escaped to” (China), and the nation in which he is now “hiding in” (Russia), and the nation to which he now wishes to move to (Brazil), all “just happen to be” the three main giants of the hated BRICS economic alliance.

With Brazil’s 2014 Football (Soccer) World Cup approaching, expect the Globalists to turn up the “spontaneous” Color Revolution heat on Brazil . . .
Full story:

And what a coincidence! All of the governments targeted by City of London, CIA, Mossad agent Julian Assange and WikiLeaks become victims of their “Arab Spring” black op . . . Full story:

Comment: However in Newsletter 813 we were reminded by our Brother that “there is no such thing as a coincidence”.

Sun’s Magnetic Field to Reverse in the Next Three to Four Months

August 7, 2013 — The sun’s magnetic field, which spans the solar system, is just months away from flipping, observatory measurements show. . . The sun’s magnetic field changes polarity approximately every 11 years during the peak of each solar cycle as the sun’s inner dynamo reorganizes itself. . . Scientists are already seeing signs of the reversal happening, and this time there’s a twist: Data from Wilcox show that the sun’s two hemispheres are oddly out of sync, with the North Pole already beginning to change and the South Pole racing to catch up. That means that for now, at least, the sun effectively has two South Poles.

Soon both poles should be completely reversed. “It looks like we’re no more than three to four months away from a complete field reversal,” Hoeksema said.

The Wilcox Solar Observatory has been observing the sun’s magnetic field since 1975, and its scientists have been converting those numerical measurements into a map that can now be viewed online.

“What we’re really happy about is we’ve never changed or upgraded [the observatory],” Scherrer said in an interview Wednesday. “It’s the only instrument in the world where you can look back over 40 years and know you’re measuring the same thing. That allows us to compare fields from one cycle to the next.” Full story:

Comment: The [earth’s] inner core was rotating between 2 and 3 degrees longitude per year faster than the solid mantle and surface. The Geodynamo by Gary A Glatzmaier – Professor of Earth and Planetary Sciences, University of California, Santa Cruz. Earth’s Inconstant Magnetic Field

Sun headed into Hibernation, Sunspots may disappear in next Cycle

June 14, 2011 — Enjoy our stormy sun while it lasts. When our star drops out of its latest sunspot activity cycle, the sun is most likely going into hibernation, scientists announced today.

Three independent studies of the sun’s insides, surface, and upper atmosphere all predict that the next solar cycle will be significantly delayed—if it happens at all. Normally, the next cycle would be expected to start roughly around 2020. The combined data indicate that we may soon be headed into what’s known as a grand minimum, a period of unusually low solar activity.

The predicted solar “sleep” is being compared to the last grand minimum on record, which occurred between 1645 and 1715. Known as the Maunder Minimum, the roughly 70-year period coincided with the coldest spell of the Little Ice Age, when European canals regularly froze solid and Alpine glaciers encroached on mountain villages . . .
Full story:

Comment: Japanese physicist Dr. Kei Mori exposed plant life to two of the conditions of the original world ecology—before it was changed by that cosmic catastrophe known as the Great Flood. He grew tomato plants under a plastic dome which filtered the ultraviolet rays; and he increased the carbon-dioxide. After two years, a cherry tomato plant was 16ft tall, with 903 tomatoes on it. After 6 years, the same tomato plant was over 30ft tall and had produced over 5,000 tomatoes.

That tomato plant just didn’t want to die. Ask yourself now, how long do tomato plants usually live? Perhaps five or six months, then die of old age, destroyed by ultra-violet radiation. Could this have some bearing on how long people would
have lived under the same environment? . . . (Jonathan Gray).

ADL Rewrites New Testament

Christ crucified

June 3, 2010 — Every ten years since 1635, the small alpine town of Oberammergau, Germany has produced a six-hour Passion Play memorializing the final hours of Jesus Christ. About half the town’s citizens help produce the play. Amateur actors fill the stage. The citizens are fulfilling their ancestors’ 375-year-old vow to God to produce the play every decade since He delivered them from the bubonic plague.

Over the past two decades, the town has been the stage for a different kind of passion play. Few places in the world more perfectly present the drama of Jewish power and aggressive intent to deny public expressions of Christianity.

For the past two decades, the Jewish Anti-Defamation League—ever-ready to stifle any virile expression of Christianity—has taken its editing scissors to the play’s script. Jewish crimes have been expunged. Today, the Jews play a bleached and sanitized role in the death of Christ . . . Romans now stand guard outside Jesus’ first entrance to Jerusalem, making it clear who is really in control. The Jewish high priests debate theology, many siding for Jesus.

The infamous blood oath—“His blood be upon us and our children”—has been axed from the script. Even Judas, incredibly, is pure at heart. He wants “to facilitate dialogue with the priesthood and is duped into betraying Jesus. It is one of the best roles in the play. When Judas understands that he has been manipulated, he storms the Temple, demanding Jesus’ release.” ADL even wrote in a new scene in which Jesus stands outside the Temple, holds up a Torah scroll and leads His followers in reciting in Hebrew—the major Jewish prayer known as “Sh’ma Yisroel”—“Hear O Israel, the Lord is God the Lord is One.”

A.J. Goldman in Forward says the play has become a lovely and moving piece of art, now “. . . less about Jesus and more a rare chance to experience a legendary tradition.” He protests that it is no longer anti-Semitic. Full story:

The ‘God Spot’

Ecclesiastes 1:8-11, “All things are unspeakably wearisome. No matter how much we see, we are never satisfied; no matter how much we hear we are not content. History merely repeats itself. Nothing is truly new; it has all been done or said before. What can you point to that is new? How do you know it did not exist long ages ago? We don’t remember what happened in those former times, and in future generations no one will remember what we have done back here”.

Solomon observed that spirits don’t die so despite man’s labour and learning there is no natural way to escape this cycle of sin, failure, sickness, corruption, heartbreak and death because God is unchanging, and His law of reproduction requires that every seed bring forth after its kind. And with the exception of Jesus Messiah everyone born of woman is a product of corruptible flesh and mortal spirit—animal passion—so the nature of this evil age under Satan’s dominion is transmitted from the parents to their children (Genesis 1:11). Israel’s history amply demonstrates that there is no escape, and no pleasing of God through works of the Law for “There is none righteous, no, not one” (Romans 3:10).

David observed the Lord God is looking beyond the outward animal part of man’s body and mortal spirit which are earthy, bear the image of the earth and cannot inherit the Kingdom of God; He is prospecting for the Gold of faithfulness in the hidden man of the soul He has created in His image and after His likeness to “bear the image of the heavenly.” And “forgetting those things which are behind He reaches forth to those things which are before, and presses toward the mark for the prize of His high calling in Christ Jesus” (I Corinthians 15:49-50; Philippians 3:13-14; Psalm 51:5-13).

The ‘original sin’ and the fall of man cannot be undone and there can be no reconciliation of our corruptible bodies but He remits the past unbelief of our soul and adding Word upon Word He speaks a new creation of soul, theophany and glorified body of His own making predestinated by grace through faith from the foundation of the world. Hence “Those He foreknew, he also predestinated to become conformed to the image of His Son, that He might be the firstborn among many brethren; and whom He predestinated, these He also called: and whom He called He also justified; and whom He justified, these He also glorified” (Romans 8:29-30). So “you are not your own; for you are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are His” (I Corinthians 6:19-20).

David declared God sets aside our dusty bodies which are “cursed with the ground” and require continual cleansing within and without; and our mortal spirit which was given by God but is not of God. “Surely what pleases You is the integrity of faithfulness in the hidden, invisible self of the soul; therefore instruct me to understand wisdom by Your mind in me”.

soul in prisonWe spend much time and energy grooming this rotting carcass that clothes our inner man and contacts this world when our best and brightest will one day discard that old suit; even the bodies of Christ’s end-time Bride who will not see death must “change.” We judge the outward man or woman with our ten worldly senses, failing to recognize and confront the inner self of their soul, a creation of God imprisoned in that tattered man-made garment of death in consequence of the ‘original sin.’ Yet the “God spot” lives not in three dimensions like our body and spirit but in the fourth dimension, for heaven is its throne and that hundred pounds of clay its footstool we “must bring into subjection” exercising dominion over the ten senses (I Corinthians 9:27). The only escape to our eternal Destiny is through the application of faith by free will and new birth.

Our first birth placed us in this sin-born prison house of corruption. We have to get out of here, but the prophets of both Testaments learned that all of the good works to which we should aspire will not release us from the dominion of the god of this evil age. A millennium before the birth of his greater Son, King David understood by the blood of the first Pascal lamb painted on the door posts with hyssop, a common weed, that the “God spot” or inner man of the soul must be purged and quickened to eternal Life by the Holy Spirit of the last Pascal Lamb. New birth and eternal Life come from theophany; glorified bodies have no blood and are one with their angel or theophany, that part of His elect God has seen and known from the foundation of the world as His child and fellow spirit made in His image and after His likeness (Genesis 1:26-27).

dirty handsCriticizing “the Pharisees and all the Jews, Jesus said except they wash their hands often, eat not, holding the tradition of the elders . . . laying aside the commandment of God they hold the tradition of men, like the washing of pots and cups” (Mark 7:3-9). They put on an outward show of religion caring for the cleanliness of the man in three dimensions while polluting the inner self of the “God spot” or soul in the fourth dimension by “worshipping God in vain and teaching for doctrines the commandments of men”.

Your second birth is creating a new man from the old soul dead in sin and trespasses because your first birth which gave mortal life to your body could not quicken your soul to eternal Life. Man is working from the outside in, but his abstinence, self-sacrifice, discipline and good works cannot redeem his soul from the cage in which it is imprisoned. God is working from the invisible inside out, creating a new man from the spoken Word of the hour by taking dominion over his plot of earth by the application of faith in His revealed Word. No human hand, sex, speaking with other tongues or sensation is involved in a genuine new birth, simply a clear revelation of the present Truth—what Jesus is doing now(II Peter 1:12; I John 1:7). How is faith applied?—by the simplicity of trust in a clear understanding of the Word for your day as the Israelites applied the blood of the lamb to their door posts with hyssop, a common weed like the faith with which you flick a switch to turn on the light or open the tap for a glass of water. God in simplicity “will deliver you from the body of this death . . . to one that resembles His glorious body by the power that enables Him to subject all things to Himself”  (Romans 7:24; Philippians 3:21).

We will soon be going home. Meanwhile we should remain separated from the world, especially over the Christmas and New Year holidays which rightly deserve to be called “the silly season.” God’s people are separated unto Him, and as Israel was instructed to remain separated from the nations, Christians are commanded to remain separated from the denomi-nations. Virtually all religions over the past 5,000 years have been allegories based on earlier forms of pagan sun worship. A classic example is the pagan festival Christmas that has no place in the doctrine of the apostles and prophets upon which Christ is building His Church (Ephesians 2:20). Before taking any decision always ask yourself, would the Holy Spirit in Jesus do this? And if you believe the Spirit would not do such and such in the Body of Jesus Christ you may be sure that the name of the spirit that would act in that way in you is not Jesus Christ. Maintain your consecration to God and His Word.

Jesus said, “You have not chosen Me but I have chosen you, and ordained you, that you should go and bring forth fruit, and that your fruit should remain: that whatsoever you shall ask of the Father in My Name, He may give it you. . . If you were of the world, the world would love his own: but because you are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hates you” (John 15:16, 19).

ShekinahBefore He created the Sun, Moon and stars, God chose and predestinated you as elect by His foreknowledge of the decisions you would make when confronted with the Word for your day, and placed your name in the Lamb’s Book of Life as a Seed of Christ’s vicarious death and resurrection (Isaiah 53:10; I Peter 1:2; Revelation 13:8). The elect have been with the Lord through eternity, we don’t remember it but we are Attributes of the Logos which is His eternal thoughts expressed. Ezekiel saw the Shekinah of God’s Presence as “the appearance of the likeness of the glory of the Lord” (Ezekiel 1:26-28). It appeared to Israel’s High Priest between the cherubim above the Mercy Seat in the Holy of Holies on the Day of Atonement. Here it envelops Brother Branham in ministry. Jesus is the only Man who could recall where He was before the foundation of the world and say, “Father, glorify Me together with Yourself with the glory I ever had with You before the world was” (John 17:5, 22-24). He is the incarnate God, the Logos made flesh, and although we don’t remember it in God’s foreknowledge we were in Him then.

Genesis 1:27 instructs us that in His great thinking “God created man—all of Adam’s race, both male and female—in His own image.” This is your angel or theophany (Matthew 18:10) and it was in His Presence before He formed Adam from the dust of the earth (Genesis 2:5-7); it is the body the Church Age saints enter when this life is over. God was writing the Book of Life or genealogy of the first Adam’s seed without regard to election and predestination. The names of unrepentant sinners will be removed from this Book.

In a theophany God fellowshipped with Adam and Eve in the cool of the evening before sin separated them from His Presence. In this form He appeared to Abram as Melchisedec after the battle of the Kings; He served him communion and Abram paid Him tithes (Genesis 14; Hebrews 7). Then veiled behind the flesh of a created Man in Genesis 18 Melchisedec discerned the thoughts and intents of Sarah’s heart just before the destruction of Sodom and the renewal of Abraham and Sarah’s bodies to enable them to conceive their promised son Isaac, proving He was the Word (Hebrews 4:12). God later veiled Himself behind the virgin-born flesh of Jesus Messiah and was vindicated by the same sign (Hebrews 4:12; Matthew 12:25; John 1:42; 4:16-29). And “as it was in the days of Lot” He has veiled Himself behind the flesh of William Branham, a sinner-saved-by-grace, and revealed Jesus Christ “the same yesterday, and today, and forever,” discerning the thoughts and intents of the heart around and around the world. This was the last sign promised to us Gentiles before the end of our dispensation; before fire destroys our wicked and adulterous generation (Genesis 18; Luke 17:28-30; Hebrews 4:12; 13:8).

Like Adam we bypassed our theophany and came from the Attribute to flesh to be tempted and overcome sin by the Word of God and prayer to prove we are His Attribute. II Corinthians 5:1 assures us that “if our earthly house of this tabernacle is dissolved, we have a building of God, a house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens.” We have not yet entered our Word-form or theophany body which has the appearance of our glorified form in the prime of life and are awaiting our change. At the first resurrection the theophanies of the Church Age saints will return and put on glorified flesh and at the conclusion of the manifestation of the Sons of God one of them will appear to us to supercharge our faith to change in the atoms to glorification with the eternal life of our theophany in place of blood and our mortal spirit.

Anything that is eternal is “without beginning of days or end of Life” (Hebrews 7:3) so those like Cain and his hybrid race are not Attributes of God’s eternal thoughts and have no part in eternal Life. “God’s purpose as Father, supreme, was to share His Eternal Life with man and be one with His earthly family, Adam and Eve. And the only way that they could be one with God, was because God’s nature was in them. . . Isn’t that a beautiful picture, God in His family, Father over all, supreme, no death, no sorrow, no heartaches . . . just joy unspeakable . . . just one with God. What a picture. Because the very nature of God was in these people, therefore what they did, they followed just in line with God, and God with them made them one” (William Branham, Oneness, p. 4:16). But when Eve sinned and Adam took her to himself he forfeited his dominion over earth, making Satan the god of this world, and by forsaking the preeminence of God’s Word they received the nature of the world in place of the nature of God and oneness with Him.

human unitAnyone believing the Jew’s doctrine of Two Souls (Judaism, Newsletter 120, and 438) note that neither Adam nor his wife Eve received a different soul following the Fall, but a nature other than that of their Creator took mastery over their soul, and over the soul of everyone “born of woman” except Jesus of Nazareth who was virgin-born by faith in the spoken Word. So when Jesus said “Heaven and earth shall pass awayand John, representing Christ’s end-time Bride said, “I saw a new heaven and earth: for the first heaven and earth had passed awaythey changed from one condition to another (Gk. ‘parerchomi’; Matthew 24:35; Revelation 21:1). The new heaven and new earth will be the old heaven and earth renewed by the same process as your soul was renewed. As David taught, You were “born in sin, conceived in iniquity, and came into the world speaking lies” (Psalm 52:5-6) because you were born by Satan’s wisdom against faith like Cain and Abel. Therefore you, your soul was born dead in sin and trespasses, ruled by the desires of your flesh and mortal spirit and subject to the lust of the eye, the lust of the flesh and the pride of life as indicated on the diagram.

The husband or master of your soul was the nature of Satan, the god of this world. One day you hear a different Voice; it is the Saviour calling your name from the Lamb’s Book of Life. Not Phillip or Jana but the Word for your day revealing your position in the Body. It sounds real but it is contrary to anything you have ever heard or read. God is one Person, not two or three? It must be a cult, but upon following the admonition of those noble Bereans it is absolutely Bible. Recognizing the true Oneness of the godhead (not the false Pentecostal idea which makes Jesus His own Father), you accept the proposal of marriage and take His Name LORD JESUS CHRIST in Scriptural water baptism for the remission of your past sins. They are not forgiven but remitted and you are just. God’s RAM, ROM and even His hidden memory is erased and you are justified by grace through faith as though you never did those things. But the nature of that old husband is still present, trying to influence you to satisfy the desires of the five senses of your body: see, feel, hear, smell and taste, and the five senses of your mortal spirit: reasoning, memory, imagination, conscience and affection.

Now that you are betrothed you must learn the likes and dislikes of your espoused Husband, the Word. Your second step in grace is the sanctification of your mind for right thinking so you can bring your body subject to His Word. David prayed, “You have hidden your face from my sins and blotted out all of my iniquities (Acts 2:38-39) [and I am justified; now] create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me” (Psalm 51:9-10). Sanctification is a lifelong process of discipline by the awareness of faith to maturity all-pleasing to your Betrothed.

However that old lover is still flirting to woo you from the Word; so before you can seal the invisible union between God’s Word and your soul that worldly nature must be dead. The soul is the feminine of God the Word, and a woman with two living husbands is an adulteress (Romans 7). You cannot just put that old nature away or divorce him; he must be dead to you otherwise you are in adultery which is idolatry. Spiritually speaking you are the equivalent of a denominational harlot who claims she is the wife of Christ while in a spiritually intimate relationship with a creed and the Word of a bygone day (Revelation 22:14-19; 18:4; Matthew 12:33; II Corinthians 6:15). When your soul is born-again that old worldly nature of Satan is dead to you, and you, your soul is “sanctified and cleansed with the washing of water by revelation of the Word for your day”: this is “the baptism with the Holy Ghost and Fire” (Ephesians 5:26; Matthew 3:12), and you receive a new nature of love, joy, peace, righteousness, goodness, meekness—that of your new Lord, Jesus Christ, ruling over your old soul. You, your soul, is irreplaceable and Jesus is a Redeemer, so you are neither annihilated nor replaced, you are the same old soul redeemed and regenerated with eternal Life growing to maturity in the nature of Christ which is the Token on display.

As God is perfect He never changes His ways and He is redeeming heaven and earth by the same process by which He has redeemed you. They were justified and baptized with water in the days of Noah and all of the past sin was washed away. But baptism did not destroy the old nature and sin repopulated the earth because Ham, his unbelieving wife and Naamah were in the ark (I Peter 3:21). Next it was sanctified by the Blood of Christ, and blood is the only natural cleansing, healing stream in you. When Jesus fell asleep the Holy Spirit of eternal Life was released to sanctify, heal and regenerate His Wife by faith. “When the soldiers came to Jesus, and saw that He was dead already, they did not break his legs: but one of them pierced His side with a spear, and blood and water came out” (John 19:33-34). Brother Branham said, “He raised up His flesh, but He gave His Blood. The chemicals dried up a long time ago down there at Calvary. But the Token that was in the chemicals, the Holy Spirit that was in that chemical is just as fresh and real tonight as it was the day that the cells were broken in His body. That is the Token. That’s the Token, the everlasting Token” (The Token, p. 29:211).

The Token of the Life of Christ is the SOLE evidence or ‘relic’ God left us. It cannot be impersonated like the nineteen genuine three nails from the Cross possessed by the Judaeo-Catholic church, splinters of wood from the genuine cross, blood and tears oozing from idols and consecrated ‘hosts.’ This is satanic and round wafers are pagan. Brother Paul warned “as Jannes and Jambres withstood Moses, so do these also resist the Truth: men of corrupt minds, reprobate concerning the faith” (II Timothy 3:8). Can anyone be more reprobate than a Catholic? The great Martin Luther threw “le bon dieu” to the ground and like Jesus and Paul fifteen hundred years before him said, “It’s only bread”! Roman Catholicism was and is pagan and accursed of God. I have their “The Facts of our Faith,” something Rome has never possessed; I have “The Ante Nicene Fathers,” “The Nicene Fathers,” and “The Post Nicene Fathers,” most of whom brought Christendom into adultery by organizing the Judaeo-Roman Universal church. The few saints that traveled to Nicaea did so with the express purpose of persuading the followers of the heretics Arius and Athanasius to repent and return to the Word; they departed before the Council convened because God is sovereign and known by faith, not defined by human hands! I also possess numerous volumes published by the Judaeo-Roman church on another Jewish organization, the Jesuits who stem from the Alumbrados pre-Weishaupt Illuminati, and what they believe and teach is FALSE.

Brother Branham called Catholicism “The highest form of spiritualism that I know of” (Go Awake Jesus, par. 159).

The other week an unclean book of spiritual poison called “Reason to Believe”—written by sinners, about sinners, and for sinners—was left on my table. Truly Jesus said, “If the blind lead the blind, both shall fall into the ditch” (Matthew 15:14). Solomon said, “A whore is a deep ditch; and a strange woman is a narrow pit” (Proverbs 23:27). While the seventh angel showed Christ’s end-time Bride “the judgment of the GREAT WHORE—MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF (the once Protestant) HARLOTS AND ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH—that sits on or rules the peoples of this world . . . and in her was found the blood of prophets, and of saints, and of ALL that were slain upon the earth” (Revelation 17:1; 18:24).

What is the point of a vindicated Prophet in our lifetime when believers stain their minds and soil their hands with such filth? And to what purpose is a dedicated called and anointed five-fold ministry if so-called saints do not prove then honor, and submit to the ministry (Psalm 105:15; I Timothy 5:17-20).

Father McKenzie, writing the words
Of a sermon that no one will hear
No one comes near
Look at him working, darning his socks
In the night when there’s nobody there
Nobody cares.

So earth was sanctified by the Blood of Christ that dried up 2,000 years ago and is NOT available for analysis today. But if it were, what use could the stuff serve? Jesus Christ said, “Unless a man is born-again he will never understand the Bible! The Kingdom of God is the Word of the hour within you”—new birth by faith—“Christ in you, the hope of glory” (John 3:3; Luke 17:21; Colossians 1:27). Christians have no need of shrouds, the head of John the Baptist or one of Peter’s fingers. God sent Titus to raze His Temple and took the lives of John the Baptist and William Branham to end to this nonsense and cause people to follow the Message of the hour rather than impersonate the traditions of men and follow dead messengers. The only evidence or ‘relic’ Christians recognize is the Holy Spirit in a new birth.

Peter the apostle to the Israelites pastored a Church in Jerusalem. It is said he was the first pope yet he was never in Rome and died almost three centuries before the Judaeo-Roman church organized on the stump of the apostatized First Church of Rome established circa AD36 by Junius and Andronicus (Romans 16:7). According to the Catholic Encyclopaedia (Vol. IV, p. 614) Damasus (366-384AD) was the first to call himself pope, while Jewish pope Gregory I the Great (590-604AD) rejected outright the title of “pope,” but his successor, Boniface III (607), cherished it (Catholic Encyclopaedia, Vol. II, p. 660). Until the Thyatira Church Age (606-1520) the Church was composed of mostly Jewish (Israelite) converts. The same encyclopaedia makes the non-biblical claim that the pope is “lord of heaven, earth and hell” (Vol. VI, p. 48). This is not Christianity but religion and anti-Christ.

Peter did not believe in a trinity of gods or practice Rome’s unscriptural baptism in three Titles, but commanded “as many as the Lord our God shall ever call, to repent and be baptized in the Name [singular] of the LORD JESUS CHRIST for the remission of sins” (Acts 2:38-39). The New Catholic Encyclopaedia states on page 59 that until the 11th Century, baptism throughout Christendom was by immersion according to Acts 2:38 and elsewhere in the Bible, and that it was not until after AD325 that sprinkling in three Titles was practiced.

“The true doctrine of the sacrament of baptism is not taught by the Roman Church. Baptism given by heretics in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost with the intention of performing what the Church performs, is not true baptism” (Catholic Encyclopedia, Vol. 2, p. 259). “Catholics acknowledged that Baptism was changed by the Catholic Church” (Catholic Encyclopedia, Vol. 2, p. 263). More comprehensive documentation of the godhead and Scriptural water baptism may be studied in Newsletter 282.

Peter was a prophet and he describes how God will renew heaven and earth. In II Peter 3 he explains it will be a baptism of fire that sends flames thousands of miles into space as Earth is thrown from its axis toward the Sun. Its crust will fracture, causing fresh lava to overspread the planet and destroy all trace of its past, while the fire of the Holy Spirit will cleanse creation of Satan and the lost souls that haveen removed from or were never on the Book of Life.

Ephesians 1:4-11, “According as He has chosen us in Him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before Him in love: having predestinated us unto the adoption of children by Jesus Christ to Himself, according to the good pleasure of His will, to the praise of the glory of His grace, wherein He has made us accepted in the beloved. In Whom we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of His grace; wherein He has abounded toward us in all wisdom and prudence; having made known to us the mystery of His will, according to His good pleasure which He has purposed in Himself: that in the dispensation of the fullness of times He might gather together in one all things in Christ, both which are in heaven, and which are on earth; even in Him: in Whom also we have obtained an inheritance, being predestinated according to the purpose of Him Who works all things after the counsel of His own will.”

Revelation 13:8, “And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him [Satan] whose names are not written in the Book of Life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world”.

But that Life could not, and would not, be shared in any other way than through the way of “God manifest in the flesh.” This was a part of His eternal and predestinated purpose. This plan was to be to the praise of the glory of His grace. It was the plan of Redemption. It was the plan of Salvation. Now listen closely. “God being a Saviour, it was necessary that He predestinate a man who would require salvation in order to give Himself reason and purpose of being.” That is one hundred percent correct and multitudes of Scriptures bear it out as does the very pointed verse of Romans 11:36, “For of Him, and through Him, and to Him, are ALL THINGS: to Whom be GLORY forever. Amen” (An Exposition of the Seven Church Ages, p. 103).

Following the Fall God could not share his Life with His family because unbelief had sown discord and introduced Death where once Life reigned. The remedy was an acceptable KINSMAN Redeemer who could lay down His life a ransom for the guilty and take it back again in victory over death thereby redeeming those who believe in Him.

So before He voluntarily surrendered His own Life Jesus prayed in the presence of His disciples. John 17:6-26: “Father, I have manifested Your Name [Jesus Christ—Jehovah-Savior—the self-existent One called Emmanuel – John 5:43] to the men whom You gave Me out of the world: they were Yours, and You gave them Me; and they have kept Your Word. Now they have realized that all You have given Me is from You; for I have given them the Words which You gave Me; and they have received them and understood that I came out from You, and believed that You sent Me.”

“I pray for them: I do NOT pray for the world, but for those whom You have given Me; for they are Yours. All who are Mine are Yours, and Yours are Mine; and in them I am glorified. And now I am no more in the world, but they are in the world, and I come to You. Holy Father, keep them in Your Name those whom You have given Me, that they may be one, as We are. While I was with them, I kept them in Your Name those whom You gave me; I have guarded them, and none of them is lost but the son of perdition; that the Scripture might be fulfilled. But now I and coming to You; and I say these things while I am in the world so that they might be filled with My joy.”

“I have given them Your Word and the world has hated them because they are not of the world, even as I am not of the world. I do not pray that You should take them out of the world, but that You should keep them from the evil one. They are not of the world, even as I am not of the world. Sanctify them by the truth: Your Word is truth.”

“As You have sent Me into the world, so have I also sent them into the world. And for their sakes I sanctify Myself, that they also may be sanctified by truth.”
I do not pray for these alone, but for those who believe in me through their Message; that they all may be one; as You, Father, are in Me, and I in You, that they also may be one in us: that the world may believe that You have sent Me. And I have given them the glory which You gave Me; that they may be one, even as we are one: I in them, and You in me, that they may become perfectly one; and that the world may know that You have sent Me, and have loved them as You have loved Me.”

“Father, I would have those whom you have given Me, to be with me where I am, so they may see My glory which You have given Me: for You loved Me before the foundation of the world. O righteous Father, the world has not known You: but I have known You, and these know that You have sent Me. I have made known and will make known to them Your Name: that Your love for Me as well as I Myself may be in them”.

In 1961 the Holy Spirit spoke to Brother Branham through Danny Henry in French, a language neither of them understood: “Because thou hast chosen the narrow path, the harder way, thou hast walked in your own choosing. Thou hast picked the correct and precise decision and it is My way. Because of this momentous decision, a huge portion of heaven will await thee. What a glorious decision thou has made. This in itself is that which will give and make come to pass the tremendous victory in the love Divine.”
Completed Body of Christ
The tremendous victory in God’s Love is being accomplished by the “vast quantity of incense added [by the Prophet’s ministry] to the prayers of all saints on the golden altar that was before the throne.” This “restored the apostolic faith . . . finished the mystery of God” and is gathering together Christ’s end-time Bride into oneness “in the unity of the faith” like the Church on the Day of Pentecost (Acts 2:1) to form the Capstone that completes the pyramid of the Body of Christ so that “we who are alive and remain may be caught up together in clouds of Shekinah glory with those who slept and meet the Lord in the air” (Malachi 4:5-6; Matthew 17:11; Ephesians 1:10; I Thessalonians 4:17; Revelation 8:3; 10:7).

“The tremendous victory in the love Divine” will be the reunion in glory of God’s Family, Jesus Christ and the New Testament saints at one with one another and filled with the joy of our Elder Brother, Christ the Word. We have not been together in glory since eternity, yet we are still there; we understand Revelation 5:11, but again the vail of flesh impedes our memory.

This is confirmed by God’s inquest in Job 38:4-7, “Where were you when I laid the foundations of the earth? Tell me if you are so smart. Who determined its dimensions? Surely you know. Or who was the surveyor? On what were its foundations sunk, or who laid its capstone when the morning stars sang together, and all the sons of God shouted for joy?”

I was there; Job and the friends of the Bridegroom were all present. How about you, Brother Seed, and Sister Seed? We’re not creatures of time. We’re creatures of eternity with predestinated God spots full of oil and wine! nl815.htm

it on
. . . please send this article to someone you know

Brother Grigor-Scott is a
non-denominational minister who has ministered full-time since 1981, primarily
to other ministers and their congregations overseas. He pastors Bible Believers’ tiny congregation, and is available to teach in your church.

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Currabubula NSW
Australia 2342
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Questions from a Brother

December 12, 2013

Questions from a Brother

Bible Believers’ Newsletter 814

“We focus on the present Truth – what Jesus is doing now. . .”
ISSN 1442-8660

Christian greetings in the precious Name of our Lord Jesus Christ; we are pleased you could join us in fellowship around God’s unchanging Word.

Our main Article in this issue is a further elaboration of some excellent questions posed last week by one of the Brethren. In this teaching we rehearse some points of true history as distinct for the lying propaganda we have been taught to believe as truth. We will be quoting from Brother Branham’s teachings, particularly The Feast of the Trumpets so if you do not have the transcript you may download it from this hyperlink. In this teaching we align Sixth Vial that has been poured out upon non-elect churchgoers since the Armistice with the Sixth Trumpet which has wrought chastisement upon Israelites and their impersonators. We will also be quoting from The Anointed Ones at the End Time and placing these plagues in the context or historical truths.

This Newsletter serves those of like precious faith. Whoever will receive the truth is welcome to feed their soul from the waters of the River of Life. Everything here presented should be confirmed personally in your own Bible.

Your brother-in-Christ,
Anthony Grigor-Scott

Will Digital Currency replace the US Dollar? Wall Street Strategy to make Bitcoin the Global Currency?

December 10, 2013 — So Petro-Dollar is replaced by Bitcoin!

Guess who are also very eager about Bitcoin?

To name a few—Warren Buffet (the insiders’ insider), Bill Gates (‘It’s a techno tour de force.’) and Eric Schmidt, Chairman of Google (‘It’s changing society’). These three and the other members of the 0.01 per cent have already cornered the Bitcoin Ponzi scheme. If you are one of the late-comers, you are one of hundreds of thousands being led to the slaughter house.

Do you for a moment think that these guys would change the FED for a computer if they are not in control?

Given the above scenario, it is my belief that the next global war would be fought in Cyberspace—a cyber war that would destroy economies by paralysing the financial system, specifically the payment system.

However, I am placing my bets on a Gold-Backed Monetary System for when the Bitcoin Ponzi scheme is exposed people will scramble for gold and gold-backed currencies.

Just imagine watching your computer digits VAPORISED BEFORE YOUR EYES and there is nothing you can do about it.

All your transactions are anonymous. The only evidence that you have Bitcoins is in your ‘Bitcoin computer ledger’ or your ‘Bitcoin wallet’. It is not in a vault. The money trail is wiped out. Who do you complain to since the reason you went into Bitcoin is to maintain your anonymity, your privacy and as the promoters of Bitcoin keep touting—to escape from the taxman?

Come back to reality! Don’t believe the hype from Mainstream media . . .
Full story:

‘Saint’ Mandela? Not So Fast!

Nelson Mandela & Joe Slomo, Communists

July 3, 2013 — If Mandela was not only a Communist Party member, but also a top South African Communist Party (SACP) leader ‘which the evidence irresistibly shows he was’ then he is not only a colossal and persistent liar, but he is all the more culpable in the innumerable acts of terror, torture, and murder committed by ANC mobs and MK cadres over the past several decades.

Mandela has bequeathed South Africa a one-party state ruled by the increasingly tyrannical and kleptocratic ANC/SACP, which is leading the country down the path toward economic destruction, record-level violent crime, chaos, and genocide.

The last point mentioned above is especially relevant, since the ostensible purpose of the ANC/SACP revolution was to ameliorate the plight of the disadvantaged black population. Instead, they are transforming what was by far the most prosperous state in Africa (and the one to which black Africans were fleeing to escape Red/black oppression, despite South Africa’s apartheid system then in place) into a corrupt despotism with: squashing of dissent; looting of the treasury by top government officials; sky-high unemployment; increasing poverty and homelessness; some of the world’s highest rates of murder, rape, robbery, kidnapping, car-jacking; and the world’s highest HIV/AIDS infection rates.

Resolving the issue of Mandela’s role in the SACP is all the more important when viewed in its proper historical context, which is in the context of the Cold War and the Soviet’s aggressive campaigns in the Third World through ‘wars of national liberation.’ During that period the Communists were killing tens of millions of their own subjects in what Professor R. J. Rummel calls ‘democide,’ or mass murder by government. . . In fact, as we have reported, the stark ominous signs, as cited by genocide experts, are that the ANC is preparing to unleash a Communist-style genocide campaign in the ‘Rainbow Nation’ against the remaining white population (South Africa facing White Genocide – Total Communist Takeover and Genocide Communism threaten South Africa) that will surely also be directed against Indians, Chinese, and millions of blacks. . . that time may be coming soon, and if it does, Nelson Mandela will have helped to launch it. Chilling video footage of Mandela singing an ANC/MK genocide song about killing whites belies the sainted image. . .

The evidence that Nelson Mandela was a member of the South African Communist Party is so enormous that we will be able to detail only a tiny fraction of it. Dr. Henry R. Pike solidly established the record on this matter in 1985 with his 600-page monumental work, A History of Communism in South Africa, which is massively documented with many photographs and reproductions of official court records and SACP, ANC, and MK documents. . . Full story:

Comment: Marxism-Leninism was used in the USSR as a tool of deception; in reality, the Judaeo-Communist regime was gangster-state with all of the unmistakable features of organized criminal activity. As Lenin said, “Communism is nothing more than the scientific management of human affairs.” Of all sciences, strategy involves the mass manipulation and management of people. And Communism is a “strategy” of the banksters of the City of London and “the kings of the earth and the great men of the earth” (Revelation 18) to establish Lucifer’s totalitarian one world government upon the perverse interpretation of Isaiah 66 in the Babylonian Talmud and Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion. For a criminal, this manipulation signifies mass murder and mass robbery. Mandela was a Communist, a mass murderer, and a thief.

Genuinely faithful communists were filtered out of the administration as serious matters cannot be entrusted to delusional people. Nelson Mandela’s stature was a media illusion to distract delusional people to laud this terrorist—a traitor to his own people who destroyed his nation—while they broke its self-sufficient independence. On his global tour he received the “key to city” in cities around the world, creating a myth around one of their own—an absolute scoundrel—revealing the true allegiance of the best selected representatives money can buy. Birds of a feather, Obama, Clinton, Bush, Carter, Blair, Cameron, Fraser, Howard and other agents of the City of London together with Death are riding the pale horse to perdition (Revelation 6:8).

Cameron Secret Nuke Deal behind Mandela’s Back

December 7, 2013 — Did David Cameron make a secret deal with the South African Government in 1989 to dispose of their nuclear weapons [developed with Israel] before Black majority rule? One bomb was exploded at Prince Edward Island, leaving nine: six were sold to the US and dismantled; three were sold through a private contractor to Britain for £50 million with a commission of £17.8 million apparently going to the British Conservative Party coffers.

The weapons were placed into insecure private storage in Oman and left for Dr. David Kelly to carry out an inspection in order to accept the consignment prior to final payment. Dr. David Kelly was the only person in mainstream UK MOD tasked with being in the loop for that covert offshore procurement of battlefield nukes from Apartheid South Africa. Sometime after Dr. Kelly had inspected the three weapons they apparently went missing. It became apparent that when these weapons were no longer required they continued on their journey to Chicago and when the containers were offloaded and checked, they was found to contain only concrete and not bombs! [You will recall Dr. Kelly was murdered . . . he obviously knew too much].

The warheads themselves then went missing. . . It became apparent that these weapons did in actual fact end up in Iraq and it was believed that this formed part of the final intelligence brief leading up to the war. . . Full story:

Comment: Mandela was a figurehead, created by ‘the City’ to distract the people from the real game. The dismantling of South Africa’s nuclear arsenal brought the nation squarely under control of the ‘City of London,’ and like Iraq and Libya without hope of independence.

Meet CO-TRAVELER: The NSA’s Cell Phone Location Tracking Program

December 5, 2013 — CO-TRAVELER is designed to track who meets with whom and covers everyone who carries a cell phone, all around the world. With neither public debate nor court authorization, CO-TRAVELER collects billions of records daily of cell phone user location information. It maps the relationships of cell phone users across global mobile network cables, gathering data about who you are physically with and how often your movements intersect with other cell phone users. The program even tracks when your phone is turned on or off.

The trillions of collected records, which add up to twice the amount of data in the Library of Congress’ print collection, are saved and stored in the NSA’s mammoth database called FASCIA. While allegedly aimed at foreigners and mobile phones overseas, the NSA admits that it has “incidentally” collected location information on US persons.

CO-TRAVELER ignores fundamental values in the Constitution the NSA has sworn to uphold, including the right against unreasonable search and seizure as well as freedom of association. Thinking globally, the program disregards international human rights law, which is currently in the process of being reaffirmed in a draft resolution by the UN General Assembly. . . Full story:

DHS Whistleblower Censored from 60 Minutes

May 2, 2013 — What does it say about a government that persecutes those that tell the truth? We hear so much today about “anti-government,” as if that is a bad thing. I think many of us hear the phrase “anti-government” and we envision some fringe element of society lurking in the shadows.

But is “anti-government” really a proper description if those against whom it is used are only striving for legitimate, lawful, government? When a government acts beyond the bounds of its legal charter it ceases to be legitimate. When it acts outside the law, as we have seen recently in Fast and Furious, it is no different to any other criminal organization with one powerful exception—it maintains the color or illusion of legitimacy. When governments allow unlawful conduct and use the power and control of government to cover-up these unlawful acts—is exposing that corruption anti-government? . . .
Full story:

Comment: Helicopter surveillance and wire tapping . . . even assassination by the US government.

The Egyptian Plantation

One of the main reasons that the military might have dismissed President Morsi is his advocacy of 9/11 Truth theories. Writing in The Washington Post by Robert Satloff and Eric Trager, had this to say “Getting Egypt’s Morsi to give up his 9/11 ‘truther’ talk”

Washington is worried that if enough of the American Public wakes up to 9/11 Truth then their little charade of myths and lies about 9/11 will unravel their control and domineering mechanism of ‘The War on Terrorism.’ In other words the American public is being used by the myth of 9/11 being an attack from foreign terrorists which is manifesting in a martial law and National Security lock down of America resulting in our liberties and freedoms being destroyed. . .
Full story:

Questions from a Brother


Australia’s national media is a taxpayer-funded mind-conditioning organ of the City of London employed to brainwash Her Majesty’s Pavlovian poodles with constant propaganda to prepare us for the next planned emergency or war to advance one world government or to reinforce old lies and HOAX psyops like the third holocaust of six million self-styled Jews last century. Their Ministry of Truth wrote the first two out of history so you won’t remember claims that Germany gassed six million Jews in World War I or that Jew-ruled USSR exterminated six million Jews between the wars. And you never saw the Jews’ homeland of Khazaria in a school atlas because it was air brushed out of history by their Ministry of Truth, nor are you aware of their homeland Birobidjan. Psyops and HOAXES presently being reinforced include 9/11, the CIA’s al Qaeda and long dead Osama Bin Laden (Tim Osman), shopping mall and school massacres, JFK assassination, GMO, vaccination, fluoridation, borrowing instead of creating debt free money to fund public works, public-private transfer of public utilities and services, ‘free’ trade or servitude to unelected alien corporations, wage and tax slavery, and ‘multicultural’ genocide imposed by the best politicians the IMF can buy.

On the lighter side, the best scientists the ‘City of London’ could buy all agree that after thousands of years 0.037% CO2 in the atmosphere will miraculously raise temperatures worldwide 4oC by 2050 unless we pay tax on the air we breathe to racketeers from the “too big to fall banks.” Whatever the outcome, there will be no argument in 2050 as dead men tell no tales and the banksters will have spent the hooch and levied several “bail-ins” on us plebs.

Taking these matters to account I was not surprised when a Brother subscriber wrote: “I am very confused”.

I replied, “The Lord chose to use Brother Branham with his at times almost impossible to understand delivery speaking in a Kentucky cipher only the Holy Spirit can decode so that quoting the Prophet without reference to the Bible and historical facts will not reveal the mystery of what the Lord meant, only the words His Prophet spoke.

Brother: I watched that video The Greatest Story NEVER Told,’ the one about Hitler. The video makes Hitler look like Kaddafi (Libya’s leader), a nice guy. And the funny part is I believe it.

GaddafiAdolf Hitler and Colonel Gaddifi bypassed the ogre of Rothschild’s Babylonian central banking system to the intent of raising their people and nations up from the grip of wretched poverty, unemployment and most dire circumstances to prosperity and pride in national accomplishment. Hitler raised Germany from the economic and moral cesspit of Jewry’s Weimar Republic to the highest standard of living in the world as simultaneously seven million Americans starved to death in the Federal Reserve’s Great Depression; Gaddafi elevated Libya from a sand pit to the most prosperous nation in North Africa enjoying the highest living standard. [Here he is flanked by the three trusted traitors who sold out Libya to NATO and Qatar]. The barbarians bombed both Germany and Libya back into the Stone Age.

I believe JFK was correct when he stated: “After visiting these two places (Berchtesgaden and the Eagle’s lair on Obersalzberg), you can easily understand how that within a few years Hitler will emerge from the hatred that surrounds him now as one of the most significant figures who ever lived. He had boundless ambitions for his country which rendered him a menace to the peace of the world [under Rothschild international debt enslavement] but he had a mystery about him in the way that he lived and in the manner of his death that will live and grow after him. He had in him the stuff of which legends are made” (‘Prelude To Leadership – The European Diary of John F. Kennedy – Summer, 1945. Regnery Publishing, Inc. Washingon, DC. p. 74).

Neturei KartaTo the Torah True Jews Adolf Hitler was an envoy of God, sent to punish the Jews for their sins: “It is common knowledge that all the sages and saints in Europe at the time of Hitler’s rise declared that he was a messenger of divine wrath, sent to chasten the Jews because of the bitter apostasy of Zionism against the belief in the eventual Messianic redemption” ( Neturei Karta was opposed to the establishment of and retains all opposition to the existence of the so-called “State of Israel” and state “we are forbidden to rebel against the nations and that we should remain loyal citizens and we shall not attempt to leave the exile which G-d sent us into, ahead of time.” Jews are NOT Israelites and according to Psalm 17:7; Isaiah 6:10-13; 11:11-16; 13:14; 27:12-13; 49:17; 65:9-10; Jeremiah 3:12, 18; 16:15; 23:3, 8; 31:8; Ezekiel 28:24-31; 36:24; 37:14, 21-22; 39:27-28; Hosea 6:1-3; Micah 5:3; Zechariah 10:9-12; Matthew 24:29-31, etc, the twelve Tribes of Israel will remain in the lands of their exile until after the end of the Gentile dispensation.

No one person in the 20th century has had such a profound effect as “the German Führer.” He raised a robbed, starving, broken, and defeated people [by Jewry] into a well fed, motivated, happy, prosperous, industriously advanced and highly successful nation. This was all achieved in peace-time in an unbelievable six years. “There can be no doubt: National Socialism was part of a modernisation process in German society. It expedited the social changes in Germany. It transferred more to the underprivileged segments of society and brought equality and emancipation to women” (Heinz Hoehne, Give me Four Years, Ullstein Publishing House, Berlin-Frankfurt 1996, p. 10).

“It is not the Germany of the first decade that followed the war—broken, dejected and bowed down with a sense of apprehension and impotence. It is now full of hope and confidence, and of a renewed sense of determination to lead its own life without interference from any influence outside its own frontiers. One man has accomplished this miracle. He is a born leader of men. A magnetic and dynamic personality with a single-minded purpose, a resolute will and a dauntless heart” (David Lloyd George, British Prime Minister, The Daily Express, September 17, 1936).

He created a Germany that influenced people from far beyond its borders. During the Second World War, a million foreigners joined the German Armed Forces (Waffen SS) simply because they believed in what he was trying to achieve, and willingly sacrificed themselves, for no reward except a profound belief in what they were fighting for. . . Under Hitler these selfless men of honour saved the once Christian world from premature enslavement to godless Judaeo-Communism, allowing time for the Lord to send three prophets. One to us Gentiles to restore the apostolic faith, finish the mystery of God, and call the wise and foolish virgin OUT from the Great Judaeo-Roman Whore and her (once) Protestant daughter churches into the unity of the faith for the manifestation of the Sons of God and the translation (Malachi 4:5-6; Ephesians 4:13; Romans 8:19; I Corinthians 15:52). And two who will soon call 144,000 elect Israelites of the pure blood of Abraham, Isaac and Israel out of exile and back to the Land of the Covenant where they will reveal the mystery of their Feast of Trumpets and introduce their Messiah, Jesus Christ (Zechariah 4; Revelation 11:1-13).

German military, drawn from the people, now motivated by this powerful new philosophy—outnumbered and outgunned—became an almost invincible force that took the entire world to defeat. Its destruction, brought about by the international money power, (the enemies of the German and all opposition systems), destroying it totally in a well-prepared plan of campaign of destruction.

They used their vast money power to buy and control politicians and aristocrats around the world, and then used the military might of as many countries as possible to attack the Third Reich. “The real reason for America to go to war against Germany was Hitler’s disruption of a working world economy [Rothschilds]” (Hitler’s Table Talks, Ullstein Publishers, Frankfurt 1989, p. 21).

Hitler amazed the world in everything he accomplished. To the great majority of the German people he was a redeemer. He gave them real leadership and motivated them to the greatest heights of achievement in every field of endeavour. Germany was a pulsating hive of industry. Every section of the country responded to his ideas and encouragement. He gave the German people joy of being alive and a pride in simply being a German, instead of the humiliated broken people he had inherited). There was an infectious feeling of excitement and expectancy in the land, as day by day and week by week, Hitler raised his people from the gutter and freed Germans from humiliation in other lands.

For Hitler, “National Socialism was natural socialism.” He equated God with “the dominion of natural laws throughout the entire universe.” This idea was attractive and easily grasped by the German nation. Today it is a very modern philosophy. The only difference is that few understand that the so-called madman created it.

To his admirers, he was a real patriot and a war hero, having suffered in the horrors of the trenches during the First World War. The people sensed that at last they had found standing before them a man, in whom they could trust and who believed in himself and in the talents and abilities of his own people.

It is not surprising then that intellectuals (such as the Jewess, Gertrude Stein) and politicians around the world, including the Jewish Prime Minister of Britain, Winston Churchill, who praised him highly when he wrote:

“I have always said that if Great Britain were defeated in war I hoped we should find a Hitler to lead us back to our rightful position among the nations” (Winston Churchill in The London Times, November 7, 1938).

Hitler was clearly one of the greatest men of the twentieth century. I believe he was a decent and honourable man, a man of peace and high principle who sacrificed his own nation for the rest of Europe and the Christian world which was and is ruled by non-Semitic anti-Semitic self-styled Jews intent on global hegemony and who did their utmost to destroy Hitler, Germany and Christendom in order to advance Judaeo-Communism and the global hegemony promised in the Babylonian Talmud and set forth in The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion.

Churchill, Roosevelt & Stalin at YaltaJewish traitors to their respective host nations Churchill, Stalin, Roosevelt and Eisenhower were the warmongers and rogues prosecuting World War II that was planned in 1871 as George I, II, Clinton, Obama, Howard, Rudd, Gillard, Blair and so many more contemporary and present leaders are today pushing for the ‘hot stage’ of World War III planned along with World Wars I and II. For ambience play with English sub-titles, but read the full text of Hitler’s Declaration of War on the United States of America; learn historical TRUTH and you will discover how evil the Jewish traitor and Communist FDR was in contrast with honest, straight-forward and clean-living Hitler.

Brother: I understand the holocaust never happened.

Of course not; Jewish statistics, the International Red Cross, German Records released by Mr. Gorbachev, British and American military doctors who attended the camps at wars’ end, wartime aerial photography, British records of German communications, etc., prove there was no holocaust. It could not happen today. The technology does not exist. Over the centuries Jews have claimed many false “holocausts”—EVERY ONE a BIG LIE. Since the 19th century they have yearned for a holocaust of six million Jews, and claimed three in just the twentieth century.

Yes, Brother Branham often spoke with outraged emotion from 1961 when he taught the Daniel series to 1964 when he taught the Feast of the Trumpets claiming, “when they burned them, they crucified them; they put bubbles in their veins; they killed them till they had no more gas to kill them with; and they shot them till they had no more bullets to shoot with; and they—and they done everything they could do. They cremated their bodies and everything, and hung them on fences, children and all, innocent people. Because they were Jews, they were done that way. But God said He give each one of them a robe, undeserving as they was, but His grace to blind them so that we could see. . .” (p. 23:175).

With apologies to disobedient followers of the “letter” of the Message who neglect to “prove all things” and receive the Logos, this wicked fiction was projected from insanely sick minds into minds of trusting Christian innocence that cannot conceive the evil of those who devise such BIG LIES. God’s Word is Spirit in a form we can receive by faith. Words project spirits as explained in Revelation 9:17-19. And Brother Branham believed the lying propaganda projected as truth in Jewish news reports of that time. Adolf Eichmann (not his Jewish name), was abducted from Argentina by Israeli agents in 1960, sentenced to death in 1961 and hanged in 1962. The matter was sensationalized in our Jew-controlled mass media as Brother Branham mentions in the Sixth Seal. Jewish propagandists were addressing school assemblies to embed holocaust mythology in young minds and project guilt on an innocent party as today they distribute “holocaust education kits” to deceived teachers, and fly unregenerate Judaeo-Christians to Israel for mind manipulation.

Because of such mind manipulation Brother Branham told us we should not have a television in the home.

Like you and your church, Brother Branham naturally believed the press stories and was passionately incensed. God knew from the foundation of the world this was a hoax; perhaps He allowed the Prophet to believe this in order to preserve his life and allow the Message to spread throughout the world without violence from those he set at “enmity” with the first and last Adam (Genesis 3:15). He said to God, “I want to . . . get rid of all these here leaches and things a hanging on, so I can get to the people and tell them what’s the truth.” And that’s right. I said, “I’m tired of this and the man-made stuff anyhow” (Early Spiritual Experiences, #52-0713A).

In order “to get rid of the leeches” and cause His elect to follow the Message and not the Messenger, the Lord allowed John the Baptist and William Branham to be slain and caused Titus to raise Israel’s defunct Temple.

On a previous occasion the eyes of the disciples were holden so they should not recognize that their Companion on the Emmaus Road was Jesus Himself (Luke 24:16), God maintained Brother Branham’s silence so the Snow White Dove could lead the eagle until the Message was complete. This is no excuse for your ignorance of the BIG LIE. As you read over ten thousand Palestinians, hundreds of them small children, are incarcerated and being tortured in Israeli prisons. Infants and pregnant women are deliberately shot. Such evil never took place in Auschwitz by German hands, but at the hands of Jewish karpos. German soldiers did not enter the compounds except in the Jewish television series, Hogan’s Heroes. Any soldier found mishandling a prisoner was court martialled and could be shot. For further information see Newsletter 361.

Despite the scientific advances in seventy years since the War, no nation possesses technology capable of producing the BIG LIE of the holocaust. “God set a mark upon Cain, lest any finding him should kill him” (Genesis 4:15), and in 1998 the Holocaust Museum in Washington DC admitted the 6 million figure was a lie. Cowards in God’s service will not find a place, so keep on the firing line. God knows precisely what He is doing. He knows why Brother Branham spoke as he did about the holocaust. God has to “weed down His crowd” (Unveiling of God, p. 6:31; John 6:28-71).

Brother: I swore I heard Brother Branham on a tape say 200,000 demons fell on Germany during World War II.

That would be in his Message, The Feast of the Trumpets, page 21:159-183 in the transcript.

Brother Branham spoke of “the persecution of the Jews.” He spoke in colloquial language, and once again we must “prove all things” so that we have a correct understanding of words, history, and what he meant. Almost to a man Jews are non-Semitic peoples, NOT Israelites. As we have shown from Scripture the twelve tribes will remain in the lands of their exile until Daniel’s Seventieth Week. After 1,000 years of war from Khazaria they conquered Russia from the East Side of New York City. In World War I they betrayed Germany where they had equal rights and a high standard of living. They invaded Germany from the East following the Armistice and set up the Weimar Republic, turning the nation into a brothel. When Hitler was democratically elected World Jewry declared war on Germany. Swiftly Hitler restored the nation to moral decency, full employment and the highest living standard in the world while the USA sunk in the Jewish Federal Reserve-organized Great Depression in which seven million starved to death. Again Jewry betrayed and destroyed Germany in World War II because geographically it obstructed “the Kings from the East” from their Judaeo-Communist takeover of Europe. Germany was not persecuting Jewry; Jewish ingrates were persecuting benevolent Germany in pursuit of the Talmudic promise of one world government.

Brother: Did I not hear that right?

Yes you did, but what you heard with your ears was the “letter” of what the Prophet said and not the Logos of what the he and the Holy Spirit meant according to Biblical prophecy. This took place under the Sixth Trumpet of Revelation 9:13-21, which is manifesting now. Please study the Sixth Trumpet in these three Newsletters 729, 730, and 731.

The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob loves Israel but He hates the self-styled non-Semitic Edomite and Khazar Jews who impersonate Jacob/Israel in their endeavour to steal the birthright Esau sold (Malachi 1:1-4; Romans 9:13). These are either Serpent’s seed related to Esau who married Hittite and Canaanite women, or deceived Gentiles of Adam’s race. Jews impersonate Israelites, however as I have demonstrated from Scripture ALL twelve Tribes of Israel will remain in the lands of their exile and will not return to the Land of the Covenant until Daniel’s Seventieth Week. Israel has never lived in Europe, England, or the United States where millions of Jews reside: and because they IMPERSONATE themselves as Israel and claim to serve God under the Law of Moses (though they follow its antithesis, the Babylonian Talmud), God holds them accountable under the Law and having declared war on Germany many of them were incarcerated along with criminals, prostitutes and sexual deviants. Honourable Jews lived and worked in Germany as per normal throughout the war or fought for the Fatherland.

Extent or Roman EmpireThis map shows the Euphrates as the eastern border of the Roman Empire. Speaking of the two hundred billion demons of Revelation 9:16-17 in The Feast of the Trumpets Brother Branham explains: “They wasn’t natural horses. They breathed fire, and had breastplates of jasper, and they had tails, and the end of the tail looked like a serpent, a snake’s head on the end of it, stinging. See? It was spiritual horses, spiritual devils, chargers, that had been bound in Euphrates all these years, supernatural devils. What was it? The old Roman Empire being revived, the persecution of the Jews [in this instance he means genuine Israelites bound at the River Euphrates which was the Eastern extent of the Roman Empire under which we live today. This places the Israelites in Northern Syria, Armenia, Iraq and Iran, the very nations against which Turkish Donmeh Jews (self-styled Jews pretending to be Muslims as Marrano and Converso self-styled Jews pretend to be Roman Catholics) have conducted the Armenian and Assyrian Genocides. (The Bureaucracy of the Ottoman Empire was Jewish, and like Saudi Arabia, modern Turkey is ruled by Jews). These are also the countries in which Israeli self-styled Jews are conducting genocides as I write, using their colonial US, British, Australian, etc., troops to kill Jacob (Genesis 27:39-41) as they employed the US to help them defeat the Tsar, nationalist China and Japan, and conquer Russia, Ukraine, Germany, Poland, Hungary and the rest of the Communist Bloc. So you see our once Christian nations are as blind today as Israel was for at least a century and a half before the birth of Christ when they assimilated the more numerous Edomites]. And they’d been bound for nearly two thousand years at the river Euphrates, can’t cross to the promise, a religious sect [Israelites] that was trying to get to the other side. Euphrates, you know, come through Eden. But they were bound there, two hundred thousand devils of persecution” (p. 21:160-162).

“. . . bound there by (what?) the ecclesiastical powers. Which Rome, pagan Rome become papal Rome, and was bound there in its traditions of Christian . . . and superstitions . . .” (Paragraph 163).

Prophecy is coming to pass daily in the news, and because the churches are apostate and know it not they cannot recognize these things and have no consciousness of time.

Matthew 24:37-51: “As it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be in the Coming of the Son of man. For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage [as if there is no tomorrow, no consciousness of time], until the day that Noah entered into the ark, and knew not until the flood came, and took them all away; so shall also the Coming of the Son of man be . . . Blessed is a faithful and wise servant, whom his lord has made ruler over his household, to give them Spiritual food in due season . . . but the evil servant shall say in his heart, My lord delays His coming . . .”

II Peter 3:3-4: “There shall come in the last days scoffers, walking after their own lusts, and saying, Where is the promise of His Coming? For since the fathers fell asleep, all things continue as they were from the beginning of the creation”.

“And notice what happens under that Sixth Trumpet. They were turned loose on the Jews [in Europe, NOT upon Israelites “bound at the Euphrates”], the persecution of the Jews. Supernatural devils, nearly two thousand years, then loosed by Stalin, Hitler, upon the Jews” (ibid p. 21:162). Demons from all four Gentile world empires were loosed upon Jewry in the natural realm in the revival of the Holy (sic) Roman Empire (Revelation 13:1-2), but when Los Angeles sinks the (once) Protestant Churches will federate with Rome in the ecclesiastical realm and loose them upon Christ’s end-time Bride. The Prophet distinguishes natural Israel from Spiritual Israel and Israelites from self-styled Jews, and shows that among the so-called Jews are sincere martyrs of Adam’s race who will be granted into eternal Life at the White Throne Judgment (ibid p. 21:162; Revelation 6:9-11). This understanding, lost to the Church until the revelation of the Seals, explains how Israel is to be ruled by non-Semitic Gentiles from Nebuchadnezzar to the consummation (Daniel 9:27).

Rome’s superstitions restrained the demons of Imperial Rome and its predecessors until they were loosed by creeping apostasy in Laodicea under the Sixth Trumpet. Who suffered in World War II as 66 million mainly nominal Christians killed one another to make the world a safe place for Hitler’s enemy Judaeo-Communism? It was not Jews, their population increased in the War years. Although we were taught that we have been fighting Hitler’s enemy since World War II, the Judaeo-Communist USSR was funded by British and US taxpayers, and “under DIRECTIVES ISSUED BY THE WHITE HOUSE . . . life in the United States is [being so altered] that we can be comfortably merged with the Soviet Union.” The very best politicians money can buy have sold the whole world to Lucifer’s totalitarian one world government.

The Sixth Trumpet was directed against Israelites but since they do not live in Europe their Jewish impersonators took the punch [thrown by Zionists]. After the War they stole the Land of Israel’s Covenant from its Semitic Arab and Israelite owners, and as the Canaanites, Jebusites and Hittites unwittingly prepared the infrastructure for Joshua and the Israelites to occupy, their descendants have developed the modern Israel State for Israelites to occupy after an exodus of Israeli Jews following the defeat prophesied in Zechariah 14:1-2 again demonstrating “God loves Israel, and He hates Esau”.

Rome and Edom have always been the enemy of natural blood Israelites and Spiritual Israelites, the true Church (Genesis 27:39-41; Daniel 2:40-45; 9:26-27; Revelation 12). The enemy is WITHIN the camp; a century before Christ John Hyrcanus assimilated Edom, which entered Christendom at the First Nicaea Council. Soon the Judaeo-Roman church will return to global dominion which is why Christ is calling the wise and foolish virgins to come to Him WITHOUT the camp (Matthew 25:6; I Thessalonians 1:16; Revelation 2:9; 3:9; 18:1-4).

Brother Branham explains that on March 8, 1963 “The Gentile, when them Seals was opened, is sealed away. Time has ended; the Church is called” (ibid 22:164). “And Christ swore by the living God who created heaven, and the things that therein are, and the earth, and the things that therein are, and the sea, and the things which are therein, that there should be time no longer” (Revelation 10:6).

Two Greek words carelessly translated “time” in our English Bibles are chronos which refers to “time as succession, with no moral impact as to the opportunity and accomplishments in that time” (Lexical Aids to the New Testament by Spiros Zodhiates); lineal time of seconds, minutes, hours, years, and centuries, and kairos. Kairos time is a time of opportunities and accomplishments and not just the succession of moments. Chronos time has no challenge or accomplishment at all. Kairos time implies that which time gives an opportunity to do. It can be better understood as “opportune time”; the necessity of accomplishing the task at hand, whether it is convenient or not, must be grabbed hold of and understood in order for us to fulfill kairos time. Kairos time is that once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, that second or minute, hour or year, when a golden opportunity is sovereignly given us by the Almighty. What we do with it can change our lives, the lives of others, a nation, and even the world. It might even save a generation of people from destruction.

Kairos time is often related to “crisis time.” It is important in these last days that we understand God’s timetable and are prepared to play our role in God’s plan for our destiny. Sin blinds us and makes us insensitive to kairos time. That which could be a kairos time in our lives becomes just a chronos time, a time of passing moments until life is over, and it’s time to die. The Holy Spirit is calling the Bride of Christ, the church of the Living God, to wake up and discern the times. He is anxious for us to understand that this is kairos time. This is crisis time. He is urging us to buy up every opportunity that God gives us in these passing moments” (Gwen Shaw, Kairos Time, End-Time Maidens Magazine, April, 1999).

Now when Christ opened the Seven Seals on March 8, the PART-Word Body of Church Age saints was made up; Christ’s mediation for ignorance of the fullness of the Word was finished and ALL Churches were apostate and knew it not. Their chronos time was over and their kairos time exhausted UNLESS they could receive the Message of the angel of Revelation 10:7 by faith and not just the “letter” which millions believe with all of their heart WITHOUT the Spirit.

How much chronos time remains to the end of the Gentile dispensation? Jesus Christ said that as from March 8, 1963 we have “about the space of half an hour” before the Seventh Trumpet sounds and the earth sun and moon go into convulsions (Isaiah 34:4; Luke 21:25-26; Revelation 6:12-17). Fifty years of this short space of time will expire in 2014. Death is beginning to strike, we are living in “crisis time”; our kairos time has just about expired. Good intentions are no substitute for obedience to the call. The Prophet said we must be in “desperations!” We have been working all year on a project for Christ’s Bride, and I am informed by the saint to whom the Lord Jesus gave this inspiration in 2011, “God is in no hurry.” After three years of chronos and kairos have passed this same Jesus (and brethren around the world) must wait on the pleasure of our Brother.

Paul, who wrote the New Testament, and whose ministry set the pattern for all ministers wrote these words concerning Israel which ended in apostasy and is the type for the Church. “Today, after so long a time if you will hear HIS Voice, harden not your hearts, as in the provocation. . . but exhort one another, while it is called “Today”: lest any of you be hardened through the deceitfulness of sin.”

I stand condemned as “Sister Martha” in Luke 10:38-41, having neglected “the one thing needful” and as a “narcissistic control freak.” So much for I Timothy 5:17-21. Brethren, please lift up this situation before the Lord, and the matter of corrupt ministers whom I put before the Lord this past year; it seems hardened hearts are insensitive to His still small voice. One day men will weep bitterly in “desperations”; regret will not recover opportunity passed. Already it is later than you think or dare imagine.

Brother Branham said these 200 billion demons were loosed through the dictators of the world and in paragraph the Prophet is refers to Communist Jewish President F.D. Roosevelt as one of dictators (ibid. 22:170-190; The Invasion of the United States, p. 25:203; Look Away to Jesus p. 6:45-49; Revelation 13:11) as the United States morphs into the image of the beast. Since World War II the spirit of antichrist and those demons have come against genuine Israelites in the natural realm by the dictators of the world, Blair, Howard, Bush I and II, Clinton, Obama, etc, Communism, and Israelis from Ben Gurion to Netanyahu. And not upon Israelis but upon genuine blood Israelites in Palestine and other Muslim lands of the Middle East and North Africa, and in the “ecclesiastical church spirit. Not upon the denominations, upon the Bride.”

eclipse December 30, 1963“Look at the Moon darkening out. What under? See it drawn out, the Son of Man being drove from the Church.” [Brother Branham is referring to this total eclipse of the Moon on December 30, 1963 that preceded Pope Paul VI’s visit to the Holy Land from January 4 – 6, 1964 to meet Ecumenical Patriarch Athenagorus in Jerusalem.

“What is it? Joining in with the ecclesiastical bunch. The ecumenical move, and with the World Council of Churches . . . What does that thing stand for? Why, you have to surrender all your evangelical teachings and things. How can two walk together less they be agreed [Amos 3:3]? They can’t. Jesus said they can’t. And how can a church of Methodists and Baptists walk together? How can the Church of Christ walk with the Presbyterians? How can the Catholic walk with the Protestants? How can Protestant walk with Protestant? But the Bride can walk with the Word, which is Christ; it must be in agreement, not the ecclesiastical system, but the Word. You have to agree with the Word to walk with the Word. Jesus said so; that makes it right”.

“Notice, there she is. Now, she’s loosed to call all these little loose ends. “Oh, well, it don’t make any difference anyhow.” That’s what Satan said to Eve, “Don’t make any difference. It’s all right. Surely, God’s a good God; He loves us all.” He doesn’t. You hear so much about being a good God. He is a good God, but being good, He has to be just. There is no goodness without justice; there is no justice without no law, without punishment, penalty. So we’re in that hour, that we’re living.”

Khrushchev at UNNotice, quickly now, these supernatural demons. Then under the auspices of a United Nations, united groups together, eastern and western. . . Just like the right and left foot of the image that Daniel saw, how they wouldn’t agree and mix with one another; and the word “Eisenhower,” during that time, “Eisenhower” means “iron”; “Khrushchev” means “clay.” And he pulled off his shoe and beat it on the desk at the UN—Khrushchev did. Dusting off the. . . (ibid 24:190-197; Psalm 19; Daniel 2:40-43; Church Ages p. 357:1; Recognizing Your Day and its Message, p. 6:26-28; Scriptural Sign of the Time, p. 3:20, 22).

This episode took place in 1960 in the 902 Plenary Session of the United Nations General Assembly. Mr. Khrushchev said, “We will bury you . . . We do not have to invade the United States, we will destroy you from within.” And they have. This brings us to Revelation 16:13-16.

Papal tiaraRiding his white horse under the First Seal Satan gained spiritual power throughout the Empire and transformed Imperial Rome into Papal Rome. With a bow but no arrows signifying “the deeds of the nicolaitanes which Jesus hates,” he brought the laity under submission to a clerical hierarchy that “blasphemously say they are Jews with preeminence and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.” Then at the First Nicaea Council in AD325 he organized the Judaeo-Roman Catholic church under the Pergamean Church Age and his propaganda became “the doctrine of the nicolaitanes” and renamed Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, the pagan Babylonian trinity was introduced into Christendom. Later, “a [triple] crown was given to him” and he was made Pope (Revelation 2:6, 9, 13, 15; 6:2).

The Sixth Vial (Revelation 16:12-16) manifests under the Sixth Trumpet (Revelation 9:19) but its three separate spirits arose in the days of Satan’s white horse ride. Revelation 16:12-16, “And the sixth angel poured out his Vial upon the great River Euphrates; and the water thereof was dried up, that the way of the kings of the East might be prepared.”

The angel to the Sixth or Philadelphian Church Age (1750-1906) was John Wesley (1703-1791) who’s Message added sanctification to Martin Luther’s Message of Justification to build a further part of the Body in the Reformation of the Roman Catholic system of false worship, for without holiness no man shall see God. The Seven Vials are the antitype of the Old Testament Ordeal of Jealousy wherein a man who suspected his wife of unfaithfulness would bring her before the priest. If she admits uncleanliness, she is put away. If she declares she is clean, she is taken to the eastern gate where the priest lays hold on her garments and loosens her hair prior to shaving, for any to behold she is shamed. (In I Corinthians 11:14 Paul explains the reason why Christian women never cut their hair. A woman who cuts her hair signifies she has rejected the authority of God and man; this is a sign that she is an adulteress or a prostitute).

In each Age the Lord tries those who are not born-again yet claim to be the wife of Jesus Christ against the Message of the angel to the Age to distinguish the foolish virgin who are justified and sanctified from the unfaithful and “He drops a plague upon them who rejected it: a temporary judgment.” Brother Branham called this “an investigation judgment”.

Euphrates was the border between the nominally Christian West and the heathen east. As the fear of Rome’s priesthood, her superstitions and what little Holy Spirit “dried up,” this buffer between East and West dissolved, and “prepared the way of the kings of the East. And I . . . [insert your name here because throughout the Book of Revelation John represents Christ’s end-time Bride] . . . saw three unclean spirits like frogs come out of the mouth of the dragon [Imperial Rome that “stood before the woman to devour her Child as soon as He was born” (Revelation 12:3-4) and became Papal Rome (Revelation 13:1)], and out of the mouth of the beast [born at the First Nicaea Council (Revelation 2:15; 13:2)], and out of the mouth of the false prophet [singular, the first pope (Revelation 13:2-11)]. They are the spirits of demons, working miracles, which go forth to the kings of the earth and of the whole world, to gather them to the battle of that great day of God Almighty. Behold, I come as a thief. Blessed is he who stays awake and keeps his garments, lest he walks naked, and they see his shame. And these three unclean spirits gathered them together into a place called in the Hebrew tongue [for this is the time of “Jacob’s trouble”] Armageddon”.

The East is a land of spiritual Darkness beyond the Euphrates where Cain settled when he went out from the Presence of the Lord and away from the S_U_N light that travels ever westward like the S_O_N Light. Frogs are animals that always look back whence they came, and this trinity of unclean spirits look back to the First Nicaea Council where Babylon’s old trinity, the basis of Pharisaism we know as Judaism entered Christendom when pagan Emperor Constantine and the self-styled Jews organized the Judaeo-Roman Catholic church (Revelation 2:6, 9, 13, 15, 22-24; 3:9). These three unclean spirits have been in the denominational system all the time but this knowledge was not made manifest to us until the Message of William Branham, the ‘Elijah’ of Malachi 4:5-6 and Matthew 17:11 restored the apostolic faith.

Words carry spirits that can deceive men who neglect to “Prove all things” as under the Sixth Vial we learn three unclean spirits like frogs come out of the mouth of the Dragon (Revelation 13:1) as Imperial Rome, and out of the mouth of the beast as Papal Rome (Nicaea), and out of the mouth of the false prophet (singular) the first Pope. Brother Branham confirms this by taking us back to the Old Testament type in II Chronicles 18:19-22 and forward to Paul’s New Testament prophecy for today (II Thessalonians 2:11; The Anointed Ones at the End Time, p. 52:245-246). Under the Sixth Trumpet which has been manifesting since Armistice Day we find that the authority of the 200 billion supernatural horses is in their mouths and in their tails—lying t_a_l_e_s: propaganda and BIG LIES of false prophets like those of Rome’s Edomite King Herod the Great of Judah and of the Babylonian traditions of the Pharisees “that make the commandments of God of none effect” (Matthew 15:6; Revelation 12:4); of three twentieth century holocausts totaling eighteen million Jews, and vastly larger claims in earlier times; 9/11, the war on terror, war on drugs, Sandy Hook, Lusitania, Gulf of Tonkin, US Liberty, the list is endless. When it comes to the BIG LIE our ‘great men’ so-called are the nonpareil of liars; BIG lies against Hitler, Hess, Saddam Hussein, Colonel Gaddafi, Bashar Al-Assad and Iran. Lies of bigpharma, GMO food, banksters, so-called ‘Free Trade’ and our alien-controlled Hegelian sham democracies, historical, religious and other lies devised and propagated by the alien-controlled organs of media, education, communications and entertainment.

Isaiah 9:15, “The head is the spiritual elder and honourable man, and the prophet who teaches lies is the tail.” These 200 billion demons under the Sixth Trumpet are liars whose chutzpah is directed toward killing “the third part of men”—genuine blood Israelites for “their tails are like serpents and have heads, and with them they sin”.

The instruments of Satan’s assault are the weapons of propaganda: press, radio,
cinema, stage and education. The chief fount of propaganda is TV and cinema, and from his capital of Hollywood spews out an endless series of perverted films to debase and degenerate the world. Concomitantly he and his children inspire a vicious literature of journalism, novels and dramas which preach the same message of destruction of healthy individual instincts, of normal familial and sexual life, of disintegration of the social organism into a heap of wandering, colliding grains of human sand. The message of Hollywood is the total significance of the isolated individual, stateless and rootless, outside society and family, whose life is simply the pursuit of money and erotic pleasure. It is not the normal and healthy love of man and wife bound together by many children that Hollywood preaches, but a diseased erotic-for-its-own-sake sexual love of two grains of human sand, superficial and impermanent.

The Bible is the story of the incarnation of God and Satan. God’s threefold purpose was firstly to identify Himself with Adam’s race by revealing “the fullness of the godhead bodily” in virgin-born flesh as his KINSMAN Redeemer, Jesus Messiah. Secondly, to bring that “fullness of the godhead” into His Body of believers, that He might have preeminence to live and express Himself in His people, His Bride, the true Church. And thirdly, to restore the Kingdom to its foreordained position from which it fell under the dominion of the first Adam, back to personal fellowship as when He walked and talked with them in the Garden of Eden.

As a creature and not the Creator, Satan is incarnating himself by authority of the BIG LIE, what the Talmud calls “subterfuge.” He could not speak himself a body as God spoke the first Adam and the last Adam, and Satan himself; he could only pervert God’s creation to his purpose as he caused miscegenation between the Serpent and Eve. Neither their son Cain nor his descendents are in Adam’s race and as Jesus Messiah is not their kinsman He cannot redeem them. Never mind, they insist that “without metaphor” they are their own messiah, and today Satan and his vicarious offspring have imposed miscegenation upon the entire world “as it was in the days of Noah” under the euphemism ‘multiculturalism’ which is accursed of the God of Abraham, Isaac and Israel (Genesis 6:1-4; Matthew 24:37).

horses of the apocalypseA lie is the truth perverted and Satan incarnates himself in four stages as the rider of the four horses of the apocalypse. Under the First Seal he took spiritual power over the Roman world empire by impersonation. Under the Second Seal “he took peace from the earth and evangelized his trinity by the sword”; faith expired with the martyrs in almost a thousand years of Dark Ages as he usurped political power. In the Protestant Reformation of the Judaeo-Roman system of false worship he garnered demon power under the Third Seal, withstanding the Word of God as it revived. Under the Fourth Seal the Pentecostal Church Age apostatized, the Church Ages ended and God anointed the ‘Elijah’ of Malachi 4:5-6 whose Message restored the apostolic faith, finished the mystery of God, introduced the Bridegroom and is calling virgins OUT from Rome and her once Protestant daughters before Israel’s Seventh Trumpet sounds and Satan is cast down to earth to incarnate Rome’s Pope, “that man of sin, the son of perdition”.

Brother: Was Hitler a good guy?

He must have been otherwise he would not be so hated by such evil men (John 15:18; I John 3:13).

Brother: Also, Why did Japan attack the US? Is there a web link I can look at?

Because the monster F.D. Roosevelt expressly stated his twin war aims as the destruction of the German State, and the British Empire, the two halves of the body of Europe so he forced Japan into attacking the US by denying them oil and other essential commodities they needed to survive. The Islands of Japan have NO natural resources. They can barely feed themselves and must manufacture and export in order to survive. The attack on Pearl harbour was engineered by Roosevelt as an excuse to get the US (legally) into World War II (which they had been fighting clandestinely and illegally for years) in order to defeat Germany and enable the Communist takeover of the world. Roosevelt was a Jew and a communist. (See Newsletter752).

It would have been impossible to harness the free energy of millions in two World Wars, or inflict a tsunami on Japan had they announced their objective was to diminish export rivalry, regress toward Lucifer’s one world government and make the world a safe place for Communism. America’s alien rulers have shown no compunction in flying a false flag to deceive citizens into laying down their lives for the cause of global hegemony. We cite the sabotage of the USS Maine, the non-sinking of the SS Sussex used by Woodrow Wilson to declare war on Germany, the SS Lusitania, Roosevelt’s sacrifice of 2,000 American lives in the “surprise” attack on Pearl Harbour on a date Soviet spy Richard Sorge advised the Kremlin 60 days beforehand. (See Newsletter 736).

Roosevelt was ‘obviously determined’ to come into the war, Churchill said. “If he were to put the issue of peace or war to Congress, they would debate it for three months. The President had said that he would wage war but not declare it, and that he would become more and more provocative. If the Germans did not like it they could attack the American forces.”

Under new arrangements the Americans were to convoy supplies for Britain as far as Iceland, thus releasing 52 British warships for other duties. The American escorts were ordered to be aggressive and to range up to 300 miles from the convoys in search of German submarines.

‘Everything was to be done to ‘force’ an incident to ‘justify hostilities,’ the papers said.

A week later Lord Halifax, British Ambassador to Washington, was reinforcing this with a report to the British Cabinet that virtually the whole Roosevelt administration was anxious to come into the war ‘and would be relieved if some incident, such as the torpedoing of an American ship, precipitated this event.’

In the following months such incidents did occur. German submarines were depth charged by American ships and an American destroyer engaged in this act was torpedoed and sunk. But the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbour, December 7, 1941 removed any need to convince American public opinion.

According to the records the British cabinet discussed in advance what its attitude would be if Germany attacked Russia, and decided that Germany should be represented as an insatiable tyrant that had attacked Russia in order to obtain material for carrying on the war.

Churchill, preoccupied as he was with war and diplomacy, also kept a close eye on civilian morale. The document contains a story of him asking to see the meat ration and thinking it was for a single meal, commenting that it was not too bad: “He was shocked to realize that it was a week’s ration” (Colin Cross, London Observer).

“Regretfully, President Roosevelt found it necessary to get the country into World War Two to save his social policies” (Dr. Milton Eisenhower, President, John Hopkins University and brother of President Eisenhower (Michael Walsh, Witness to History).

HMAS Sydney was First, Pearl Harbor came Second

Not surprisingly and largely due to the Government’s reluctance to release pertinent documents, (Churchill wartime correspondence file PREM 3 252/5 and PREM 3 252/6B are closed ‘in the national interest’ and may be released in 2011), the sinking of the Australian battle cruiser HMAS Sydney with the loss of 645 crew on November 19, 1941 was credited to the German raider Kormoran. This would have made her the only warship to succumb to a raider in the whole course of the war.

The evidence however points to her being sunk by a Japanese submarine in an action for which the Kormoran’s commander was eternally grateful. Five days later the Australian Navy was still denying all knowledge of the Sydney’s fate whilst the Admiral Commanding was recording in his diary the Naval Board’s findings that she had in fact been sunk by a submarine.

The question being asked is, was the sinking of HMAS Sydney deliberately set up to convince Roosevelt that Japan, goaded beyond endurance by an oil blockade, was intent on fighting a defensive war? Such was Churchill’s desperation to bring America into the war that the sacrifice of 645 crewmen would have been a small price to pay. He (and Roosevelt) got their wish when a fortnight later Pearl Harbor was attacked. (See Michael Walsh, Round One to the Barbarians and KEEP READING THIS FILE for the information you seek on Japan. Also read

Brother: I am getting so mad at all the lies that the enemy tells, playing man against man.

Yes, and Satan has a strong hold within the circle of this Message. I become terribly upset at the determined ignorance of people. nl814.htm

it on
. . . please send this article to someone you know

Brother Grigor-Scott is a
non-denominational minister who has ministered full-time since 1981, primarily
to other ministers and their congregations overseas. He pastors Bible Believers’ tiny congregation, and is available to teach in your church.

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Israel types the Church

December 5, 2013

Bible Believers’ Newsletter 813

“We focus on the present Truth – what Jesus is doing now. . .”
ISSN 1442-8660

Christian greetings in the precious Name of our Lord Jesus Christ; we are pleased YOU have joined us in fellowship around God’s unchanging Word.

Please take your time to read the “Full story” behind the news and visit the links. Our main article today is really very quite straight forward and although it covers a large measure of doctrine with which you will already be acquainted, take your time and study it prayerfully as you are certain to encounter points that will expand and strengthen your understanding.

This Newsletter serves those of like precious faith. Whoever will receive the truth is welcome to feed their soul from the waters of the River of Life. Everything here presented should be confirmed personally in your own Bible.

Your brother-in-Christ,
Anthony Grigor-Scott

Jewish Activists want to pray on Jerusalem’s Temple Mount, raising Alarm

Es Sakhra

December 4, 2013 — A small but growing movement by Jewish activists demanding the right to pray at the site of their destroyed temple, in the heart of this disputed capital’s Old City, is creating a potentially explosive clash with the Muslim world, which considers the spot holy and bans Jews from public worship there . . . Their proposals, long dismissed as extremist, are now being debated in the Israeli parliament and embraced by an expansionist wing in the ruling coalition government of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. These political leaders, many in Netanyahu’s party, want Israel to assert more, not less, control over the West Bank, East Jerusalem and the Old City, including the place known to Jews as the Temple Mount and to Muslims as Haram al-Sharif, or the Noble Sanctuary.

“We’re looking for it to be divided between Jews and Muslims,” said Aviad Visoli, chairman of the Temple Mount Organizations, which claims 27 groups under its umbrella. “Today, Jews realize the Western Wall is not enough. They want to go to the real thing” . . . For Palestinians and much of the Muslim world, any mention of changing the status quo at the site, the third-holiest in Islam, is incendiary . . . Uri Ariel, Israel’s minister of construction and housing, told reporters after a recent visit: “The Temple Mount is ours, and it cannot be argued about or negotiated. .?.?. It must be open for prayer at every hour, to every Jew”. . . Full story:

Comment: Do you see Zechariah 14:1-2 and Revelation 16:19 on the near horizon?

Tribunal Issues Landmark Verdict against Israel for Genocide

December 1, 2013 — “The Tribunal is satisfied, beyond reasonable doubt, that the first defendant, (General) Amos Yaron, is guilty of crimes against humanity and genocide, and the second defendant, the State of Israel, is guilty of genocide”. . . this case breaks the tradition of immunity of nation-states from criminal prosecution under international law. The decision introduces a legal basis for international action to protect minorities from genocide as a lawful alternative to the current response of so-called humanitarian intervention, invasion, occupation and regime change, which have often been as illegitimate and more destructive, and in some cases as genocidal as the original violation being punished.

The Kuala Lumpur Tribunal based its momentous decision on the 1948 Genocide Convention, which prohibits and punishes the killing, causing of harm and deliberate infliction of conditions of life calculated to bring about the physical destruction of a group of people, targeted for their ethnicity, religion or race. In instances of genocide, these criminal acts are done with the specific intent of destroying as a part or in whole the targeted group, as in this plight the Palestinian people.

In contrast with previous special courts involving genocide charges, this Tribunal left the time frame of events open-ended, by starting just before the creation of the State of Israel until the present and, presumably, into the future until Israel ceases its expansionist campaign against the Palestinians and offers instead justice and reconciliation. . . The Kuala Lumpur Tribunal asserted that the modern Jewish state, in contrast to other cases, had since even before its inception pursued a genocidal program as a consistent feature and indeed a foundation of state policy. Therefore, genocide in the Israeli case cannot be solely attributed as the isolated action of a leader, political party or elected government but remains the responsibility of the state itself . . . a planning group of top-ranking Jewish military leaders in the Haganah militia, led by David Ben Gurion (who later became Israel’s first prime minister) devised an ethnic-cleansing program to rid the future Israel of its Arab predecessors. Called Plan Dalet (the letter “D” indicating the fourth plan of a colonialist agenda) was to be activated as soon as the British suspended the Palestine Mandate.

With the declaration of Israeli statehood in 1948, a coordinated armed campaign by Israeli military forces and paramilitary units against hundreds of Palestinian urban neighborhoods and rural villages led to the flight of an estimated 700,000 refugees from Palestine and parts of neighboring Trans-Jordan, including Jerusalem. Although the Israeli intent was to intimidate the Palestinians into relocating outside the borders, but before long village populations that refused to flee were mass murdered. . . That policy, however, soon metamorphosed into a systematic campaign to destroy Palestinians, that is, genocide. . . The Israeli record of massacres, extrajudicial killings and daily harassment of Palestinians comprises a continuum of criminal behavior over the past 67 years. . . piles of bullet-riddled bodies and in one case, a pregnant woman whose belly had been slit open and her dead unborn child left on top of her corpse. . . refugees were rounded up from their homes and lined against walls for summary execution by automatic weapons fire. . . ambulances were intercepted and their drivers shot dead. . .

Barely addressed in just one paragraph of the Tribunal opinion is the reality that powerful states oppose any dilution of their absolute state immunity with the unspoken objective of preserving their war-making powers. The dominant Atlantic allies have cited genocide solely as a pretext to expand their global domain though invasions under a broad and vague “responsibility to protect” principle and have imposed new constitutions on defeated adversaries authored by foreign legal scholars while guised as the ideals of domestic political revolutions. Meanwhile, their own genocidal state structures, centered in the national-security structure and military command, categorically reject any international controls over extralegal interventions operated under the cover of humanitarian operations.

. . . in limiting its call for remedial action to reparations from Israel, the Tribunal wasted a precious opportunity to demand full justice for the Palestinian nation. What is realistically required is an international peacekeeping force to guarantee the withdrawal of the Israeli military and police force from Palestinian territory until a domestic law-enforcement and security force can take over; the elimination of wall-fences, checkpoints and other barriers to the free movement of citizens; the return of occupied land in Palestine; financial restitution for the loss of lands and property inside the boundaries of Israel; and an official apology for the countless crimes committed.

Furthermore, the continuity of genocide perpetrated by the core state structure and abetted by the complicity of much of the Israeli population demands that the offending state must be reorganized under a new constitution free of religious bias and racial discrimination to ensure legal norms that prevent a repetition of genocide. This objective should require an international occupation of Israel in event that powerful elements in Israeli society refuse to comply with international law. Israel should be spared the violence unleashed against the Third Reich, but stern justice and strong rule of law are nonetheless required in situations of ideological conformity based on the goals of genocide.

The Tribunal verdict raised not only a legal challenge to supporters of the Zionist cause in the United States and Europe but also appealed to universal moral principles . . . a giant step forward not only for dispossessed Palestinians but also for humanity as a whole. Full story:

Comment: Historical facts featured in this trial and its precedents illustrate the enmity of Genesis 3:15 projected upon the innocent German nation in the cruel psyop of two holocausts of six million so-called Jews in World Wars I and II and the false claim against the peoples of the USSR of a further holocaust of six million self-styled Jews when in truth their Jewish rulers conducted the real and bloody slaughter of sixty-six million nominal Christian civilians plus the Hodolomor. Since the non-Semitic Rothschilds initiated the colonization of Palestine to the present day Cain’s enmity has roused from psychological projection upon Hebrew and Arab natives in Palestine to flagrant genocide by self-styled Jewish impostors bolstered by the immunity of their nation-state and their lewd holy (sic) book the Babylonian Talmud that asserts non-Jews are animals in human form and may be killed immunity (Bereshith, 25a; Kiddushin 66c; Soferim 15, Rule 10).

The bolded paragraphs reveal the future following the utter defeat of the Israeli criminal state when UN Resolution 181 is enforced and the Judaeo-Roman Universal church rules one world government from Jerusalem as prophesied in Scripture.

Why Orthodox Jews refuse to serve in IDF

December 01, 2013 — Neturei Karta opposed the establishment of and retains all opposition to the existence of the so-called “State of Israel”!

Neturei KartaNeturei-Karta is the Aramaic term for “Guardians of the City.” The name Neturei-Karta originates from an incident in which R. Yehudah Ha-Nassi (Rabbi Judah the Prince) sent R. Hiyya and R. Ashi on a pastoral tour of inspection. In one town they asked to see the “guardians of the city” and the city guard was paraded before them. They said that these were not the guardians of the city but its destroyers, which prompted the citizens to ask who, then, could be considered the guardians. The rabbis answered, “The scribes and the scholars,” referring them to Tehillim (Psalms) Chap. 127. (Jerusalem Talmud, Tractate Hagiga. 76c). . .

The group was founded in Jerusalem, Palestine in 1938, splitting off from Agudas Yisroel. Agudas Yisroel was established in 1912 for the purpose of fighting Zionism. Gradually lured by money and honor they sold out to the “Golden-Calf” (Exodus, XXXII) of Zionism. . . Neturei Karta oppose the so-called “State of Israel” not because it operates secularly, but because the entire concept of a sovereign Jewish state is contrary to Jewish Law . . . the entire concept of a Jewish state is in direct conflict with a number of Judaism’s fundamentals . . . we are forbidden to rebel against the nations and that we should remain loyal citizens and we shall not attempt to leave the exile which G-d sent us into, ahead of time.

Jews are not allowed to dominate, kill, harm or demean another people and are not allowed to have anything to do with the Zionist enterprise, their political meddling and their wars. . . The true Jews remain faithful to Jewish belief and are not contaminated with Zionism. The true Jews are against dispossessing the Arabs of their land and homes. According to the Torah, the land should be returned to them. . . The world must know that the Zionists have illegitimately seized the name Israel and have no right to speak in the name of the Jewish people! Full story:

The Devil’s Seminaries

Head of Christ

December 5, 2013 — When I was a little boy, I didn’t know the difference between a cemetery and a seminary. But now I do. The cemetery is where they bury dead people. The seminary is where they bury truth.

Take, for instance, a guy named Yamada, president of the McCormick Theological Seminary. As reported in the November/December 2013 issue of “The Layman,” this teacher of teachers, this preacher to preachers, says that Genesis 2:18-25—in which God forms Eve from Adam’s rib—”is not about a man and a woman.”

Oh, no, says the seminary honcho: it’s only about God not wanting the man to be alone. The Lord could just as easily, implies this babbling schnook, have created for Adam a nice male “partner” to share the Garden of Eden with. I ask the reader’s pardon for this absurd blasphemy: I’m only reporting on Mr. Yamada’s prating at the recent “Marriage Matters” conference sponsored by the Presbyterian Church USA. The blasphemy is his, not mine.

He doesn’t say why God decided to create a woman rather than another man—only that it didn’t really matter. Perhaps God flipped a coin. Nor does Yamada explain how, with only a pair of poofs for starters, God might have planned to populate the earth with human beings. All he says is that any old help-mate would do.

Gee, I wish this was a satire. But it’s not. According to the article, this dork’s doctrinal studies, at the seminary, “included Hebrew Bible with an emphasis on hermeneutics”—in this case, “hermeneutics” means the art of twisting the text to make it mean anything you want it to mean—”feminist theory and culturally-contextual Biblical interpretation,” this last referring to the art of doing violence to God’s word to make it conform to today’s bizarre cultural trends. . .
Full story:

Comment: The is the sign of Sodom Jesus in the day when the Son of man is revealed. He “came as a thief in the night” yet in fifty years our apostate denominational cousins are not even looking for the now deceased prophet who introduced His second or ‘parousia’ Coming (Luke 17:28-30; I Thessalonians 5:1; Revelation 16:15).

Invitation to the Bride: 2013 Convention, Owerri, Nigeria

Our Sister Church, Bible Believers’ Church, Owerri, Nigeria will convene their 2013 Convention from December 22 to 25. If you plan being in Nigeria at this time, do not miss these meetings. The theme of ministry will be “Separation”; whereas it is said “the world loves a “good mixer,” Jesus did not pray for the world and has always called His people out of the world. God is a separator, separating: the purpose of the Law was to separate sacred from profane, and clean from unclean while in the New Testament He has separated grace from law, and is separating wise from foolish, sheep from goats, and wheat from tares. Paul said “be ye separate.” Full details of meetings:

The Ocean Thermometer reveals Global Warming Lies

Bayswater power station

December 5, 2013 — Apart from bubbles of heat surrounding big cities, the thermometers and satellites of the world have not shown a warming trend for 17 years. This is in spite of some inspired fiddling with the records by those whose jobs, research grants and reputations depend on their ability to generate alarming forecasts of destructive global warming.
To explain this absence of warming in the atmosphere, the warmists now claim that “the missing heat is hiding in the deep oceans.” This sounds like a water-tight alibi, unlikely to be disproved because of our inability to measure “average ocean temperature” directly. . . Oceans have the essentials of a global thermometer—the huge ocean basins are the reservoir, sea water acts like the mercury, and tide gauges on the shore-line (or satellites) measure changes in sea water volume.

Two factors, both dependent on global temperature, are the main causes of any general rise in sea levels—how much ice is melted from land-based ice sheets like Greenland and Antarctica, and the expansion of sea water volume as ocean temperature rises. Therefore average sea levels are sensitive and accurate indicators of trends in average global temperature . . . they have been relatively stable for the last 7,000 years.

The sea level thermometer was higher than today during the Roman Warm Era, and lower than today when the Little Ice Age ended about 160 years ago. There is no unusual spurt in recent years, proving conclusively that there is no significant extra heat going into the deep oceans, and no global warming hiding there.
Full story:

Israel types the Church

human unit

Scripture informs us that the Old Testament was a shadow and type or prefigure and not the very image of the good things of the substance of Abraham’s promise for the New Testament saints because the sacrifice of bulls and goats cannot regenerate men’s souls as animals have no soul that can come back upon the sinner (Hebrews 10:1). When they die they are no more thus men may “kill and eat.” Each human being is an immortal spirit called soul, “made in the image and after the likeness of God” (Genesis 1:26-28) inhabiting a house of flesh and blood called body. The decisions men of Adam’s race make in this life determine their destination in the next; if their names are blotted from the Book of Life they are lost like physical Serpent’s seed whose names were never in the Book of Life, which is the genealogy of the first Adam, so the last Adam Jesus Messiah is not their kinsman Redeemer. Like pure animals our mind and body are powered by a mortal spirit given by God but not of God, and will be replaced by our theophany after this life.

Our pedigree or bloodline must be in Adam’s race because the last Adam can only redeem His “near KINSMEN.” God set enmity between the accursed seed of Cain who was fathered by the Serpent in miscegenation with Eve, and the seed of Adam through Seth. The Lord God spoke firmly against miscegenation as it is genocide to Adam’s race and a diminution of Christ’s Kingdom (Genesis 1:11; 6:1-6). Clearly ‘multiculturalism’ ensures miscegenation and a repetition of the ‘original sin’ prophesied by Jesus for this day (Matthew 24:37). “God’s Word is Spirit and it is Life” (John 6:63); when we add to or diminish from His unchanging Word the result is no longer a Life-giving Spirit but death (Revelation 22:18-19). This is the fruit of creed, ritual, tradition, trinity, infant baptism for example, and explains why organized religion is not of God. In the natural realm it indicates the risk to health and longevity from eating genetically modified (GM) crops and farm animals.

As Jesus prophesied for this our day “Satan, whose name is Death, is riding his pale horse; Hell follows with him and power is given to them over the fourth [or earth-bound] part of men, to kill with war, and with famine, and with death [of both body and soul], and with brutal, savage, ferocious, bestial earth-bound men” (Revelation 6:8; Matthew 10:28).

The New Testament, Covenant or promise actually predates the Covenant of the Law which was occasioned by Israel’s sin or unbelief in God’s revealed Word, but on account of the original sin in the Garden of Eden it could not come into effect until the death of our Kinsman Testator on Calvary as Paul explains in Galatians 3:1-3:

“You foolish Galatians, who has bewitched you not to obey the truth—before whose eyes Jesus Christ was so graphically presented as crucified? Let me ask you this one question: Did you receive the Spirit by works of Law, or from faith in the Message? Are you so foolish as to imagine having begun in the Spirit, you would now come to perfection by works of the flesh? Have you suffered so much for the Gospel in vain that you are now going to cast it away? Does He who endued you with the Spirit and works miracles among you do so by works of the Law, or by faith in the Message? As Abraham believed God, and it was reckoned to him as righteousness? You see from this then, that those who are the sons of Abraham are his sons by faith. And in anticipation that God would justify the Gentiles through faith, the Scripture foretold the good news to Abraham in the promise, “In you will all the Gentiles [of Adam’s race] be blessed,” so then those who are blessed with faith are blessed with faithful Abraham.”

“For all who depend on the works of the Law live under a curse, for it is written, “Cursed is everyone who does not abide by all that is written in the Book of the Law so as to do it.” Now it is evident that no one is justified and declared righteous in God’s Presence by the Law, because “The Just shall live by faith.” However, the Law does not rest on faith, but “He who does these things shall live by them [without one slip]” (Romans 2:25; Galatians 5:3; James 2:10).

“Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the Law inasmuch as He became a curse for us—for it is written, “Cursed is everyone who hangs on a tree”—that in Christ Jesus the blessing of Abraham might come upon us Gentiles, that we might receive the promise of the Spirit through faith.”

“Speaking in terms of human relationships, Brethren, no one annuls or adds to a person’s last will once it has been ratified. Now the promises were made to Abraham and to his seed. It does not say, “And to His offsprings,” in the plural, but in the singular, “And to your seed,” which is Christ. This is what I mean: the Law, that came four hundred and thirty years later, does not annul a covenant previously ratified by God, so as to make the promise void. If the inheritance is by the Law, it is no longer by promise; but God has granted it
to Abraham through a promise”.

“Why then was the Law given? It was added to define and show sins in their true light, until the Seed or Offspring [singular] should come to whom the promise was made, and it was ordained by angels (Deuteronomy 33:2; Daniel 7:10, 26) through a mediator [Moses]. But when God gave His promise to Abraham, He did it by Himself alone, without angels or Moses as go-betweens. [This clarifies the awkward form of words in the King James Bible: “Now a mediator is not a mediator of one [party] but God is one].”

“Well then, is the Law contrary to the promises of God? Certainly not, for if a law had been given as a power to make alive, then righteousness would in very truth be by the Law, but the Scripture has imprisoned all men, so that what was promised might be given to those who believe, through faith in Jesus Christ.”

[Jesus said, “You have not chosen Me but I have chosen you” (John 15:16, 19). And His Word has been sent throughout the world to call His chosen children Home. “He calls His own sheep by name—not Angel, Phillip, or Daniel, but the Word for their day (II Peter 1:12; I John 1:7)—and the sheep follow Him, for they know His Voice [by faith in “the present Truth”]. They will not follow a stranger but will flee from him: for they do not recognize the unscriptural doctrine of strangers” (John 10:3-5)].

“Before faith came, we were confined under the Law, restrained in protective custody until the faith should be revealed. [At Mount Sinai God placed Israel under the Law because of sin, and later smote most of the adults from the Book of Life (Exodus 32:2-33; Numbers 13:1 – 14:34; Psalm 95:10-11; Romans 5:20)]. So the Law was our schoolmaster and custodian until Christ, in order that we might be justified by faith. And the faith having come, we are no longer under a schoolmaster; for in Christ Jesus you are all Sons of God through faith. For all of you who have been baptized into Christ by the Holy Spirit [not by water only (I John 5:6-8)], and clothed yourselves with Christ. There is no distinction between Judean or Greek, slave or freeman, male or female, for all you are one with the same eternal Life in Christ Jesus. And if you are Christ’s, then you are Abraham’s seed and heirs according to the promise”.

In the natural realm “the life is in the Blood” (Leviticus 17:11), but in the Spiritual we are the Blood of Jesus Christ by the baptism with the Holy Spirit as His Life is in us. By the grace of God we are in the pedigree and pure bloodline of the first Adam; this is confirmed by the evidence of our new birth by the last Adam, and the evidence of our new birth by Jesus Christ, the Word of God, the Original Life from the Original Seed is righteousness (Luke 8:11).

The Old Testament is a type of the New. The Israelites settled in Egypt were carnal unbelievers who departed without a vision; soon after dedicating the Tabernacle, like Esau, they yearned after the fish and leeks, onions and garlic that filled their bellies in Egypt. This angered the Lord and the Shekinah consumed many in the extremities of the camp. With the exception of three men the adults were non-elect and bad seed, so God smote them from the Book of Adam’s race.

We must have God’s Spirit. The spirit of Lucifer reasoned that by seducing Eve through the Serpent he could vicariously father his own hybrid race, overcome Adam’s race, multiply and usurp Christ’s kingdom. That spirit settled on Cain. Were you a bystander you might have asked Abel and his half-brother Cain, “Please tell me if you are going to be accepted, and why?”

“Well,” said Abel, “I believe in God.”

Cain said, “I do too.”

“Well,” Abel said, “I am a worshipper of God.”

Cain said, “So am I.”

Abel said, “I gave my offering to God.”

Cain said, “I did too.”

Abel said, “I offered my prayer to God.”

Cain said, “I did that also.”

One was just as fundamental as the other. But that is the “letter without the Spirit,” not election. The Pharisees had the letter, so does every denominational minister. God predestinated and chose His own by foreknowledge from the foundation of the world and He is calling a W_O_R_D Bride by His Spirit and dressing her in the righteousnesses of the saints (Revelation 19:7-9).

“Look at the prophet Balaam and the prophet Moses. Both of them with seven altars, Jehovah’s altars, blood on each one; and not only that, but rams on each one. In numerology, exactly the right number, seven, “perfect,” seven rams, just exactly like: both altars. As fundamental as one was, the other one was also. But who did God vindicate? It was the one that was in His Word. Fundamental doesn’t mean too much; it’s the revelation of God”.

“Jesus said to the Pharisees, “In vain you worship Me . . .” Worship Him: genuine worship, true worship from their hearts. . . “In vain you worship Me.” Why? “Teaching for doctrine their tradition of men; therefore you make the commandments of God of no effect to the people”.

“If I taught you a Methodist message, it would take no effect on you; this is Bride time. If Moses taught the Message of Noah, it would take no effect. If Jesus taught Moses’ Message, it would take no effect. Because the predestinated seed are laying there that will only be watered by that type of water [Holy Spirit] that’s give for that seed. [The present Truth . . . what Jesus is doing now(II Peter 1:12; I John 1:7)]. It won’t grow any other condition. It must be the condition that grows it” (God’s Only Provided Place of Worship, p. 14:86-88).

The spirit of Lucifer came upon his vicarious son Cain, then upon Ham, who, through miscegenation with his father’s wife Naamah, not his mother, reproduced the physical Serpent’s seed in their bastard son Canaan on this side of the Flood (Genesis 6:4; Genesis 9:18-27). Satan possessed Nimrod in Babel, then moved his earthly headquarters to Babylon where he overcame the Judeans when they devised Pharisaism (i.e. Judaism), during their captivity. In league with Rome’s pagan Emperor Constantine they organized the Judaeo-Roman Catholic church at the First Nicaea Council in AD325 (Revelation 2:6, 9, 13, 15, 22-24; 3:9), renaming and introducing their Babylonian trinity from the Old Testament into the New. Oppressed by their Judaeo-Catholic taskmasters Christendom settled in spiritual Egypt, Catholicism, for almost a thousand years known as the Dark Ages. They escaped in an exodus called the Reformation carrying certain dogmas with them so that their separation was incomplete and as Protestant zeal cooled they formed denominations like the Judeans, each teaching a different Gospel. Having apostatized, they lust to unite in a World Council of Churches (Amos 3:3) and return to the thoughtless prayer book religion of Mystery Babylon: a second-hand religion recited by rote after a robed eunuch obviating faith.

When Israel rejected God’s prophet John the Baptist, the Elijah of Isaiah 4:30 and Malachi 3:1, they refused the Christ he introduced, clung to their substitute animal sacrifices and murdered Adam’s Kinsman Redeemer on the hour, day, week, month and in the year prophesied by Moses and Daniel. Then the second Israel called the Church out of apostate Israel as the first exodus had called Israel out of Egypt. Today the Gentile denominations have rejected God’s Prophet William Branham, the angel to the seventh Church Age (Revelation 10:7) who was the Elijah of Malachi 4:5-6 and Matthew 17:11. Hereby they rejected Jesus Christ who came back to earth in W_O_R_D form by the revelation of the Seven Seals (I Corinthians 13:10; Revelation 10:1-7), crucifying to themselves the Son of God afresh (Hebrews 6:6).

Brother Branham’s Message was the “midnight cry” of Matthew 25:6, which is the “shout” of I Thessalonians 4:16 and Revelation 14:9-11 confirmed by the heavenly Voice of Revelation 18:4 calling the wise and even the foolish virgin OUT from the Roman Catholic Whore and her harlot (once) Protestant daughter Churches to maturity in “the unity of the faith” (Ephesians 4:13) for “the manifestation of the Sons of God” (Romans 8:19) and the translation (I Corinthians 15:52-56).

Jesus foretold the Laodicean Church Age would end with churches materially rich and in need of nothing, “oblivious to the fact they are spiritually afflicted and pitiable, bankrupt of the Spirit, blind to faith and naked of the Blood” (Revelation 3:17). In witness to this I received an email from a denominational evangelist quoting Revelation 7:9 that portrays Christ’s glorified Gentile Church which he misrepresented as “The result of the 144,000 Jews turning to Christ in these ‘last days’ as stated in Revelation 7.” Followed by the following invitation:

    DID IT EVER OCCUR TO YOU THAT YOU, YOUR CHURCH, AND YOUR DENOMINATION WERE CREATED TO bring about the conversion of the 144,000 Messianic Jews who turn to Christ in the End Times?

    Three powerful ministries are hard at work TODAY in Israel! These are not the only ministries in Israel, but they are on the front lines helping the prophecy of 144,000 to come to pass . . .

    [I will not name the three charismatic ministers who are each self-styled Jews. The evangelist proceeds to assure me]:

    The body of Christ will be united. Denominations will cease to be. War, hunger, disease, poverty, and even death will END! WHY, BECAUSE THE AWAKENING OF THE 144,000 WILL TRIGGER THE RETURN OF CHRIST!!




I pointed to some of his Scriptural errors and he returned a reproach. Doubtless many misguided souls will respond in kind, further confirming Revelation 3:17-20. Jesus said, “Every plant, which My heavenly Father has not planted will be rooted up. Let them alone: they are blind leaders of the blind. And if the blind lead the blind, both shall fall into the ditch”  (Matthew 15:13-14). In another place we read, “a whore is a deep ditch” and Jesus described the Judaeo-Roman Catholic church as a “whore” and her (once) Protestant churches as “harlots” (Proverbs 23:37; Revelation 17:5, 15).

The wise virgins have been called out from Rome and her daughter Churches into the circle of this end-time Message. We are virgins to the revealed Word of God, separated from the denominations and denominational beliefs as indicated by the word virgin, whose spiritual connotation means pure and chaste, neither adding to nor taking from the THUS SAITH THE LORD of the Prophet’s Message. The foolish virgins believe the “letter” of the Message and are justified and sanctified, but without the Spirit they are not born again.

In Genesis 12:1-3 “The Lord told Abram, Leave your country, and your kindred, and your father’s house, for a land that I will show you: and I will make you into a great nation, and I will bless you and make your name famous; and you shall be a blessing. I will bless those who bless you, and curse those who curse you: and in you shall all families of the earth be blessed”.

Body of ChristThis same commission is given to each of Abraham’s seed (Revelation 22:17-19). Whereas he “looked for a city which has foundations, whose builder and maker is God” (Hebrews 11:10), Christ’s end-time Bride is now forming the Capstone of that City, New Jerusalem, called Jehovah-Shammah (Ezekiel 48:35). It will come down from God out of heaven prepared as a Bride adorned for her husband in the unseen eternal land of the millennium to which we are being led by faith as God led Abraham to Canaan Land. Proverbs 29:18: “Where there is no vision the people perish” but we have a sure vision: our city is the stature of the perfect Man “built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ Himself being the chief corner stone” (Ephesians 2:20). The drawing (at right) includes the bill of quantities and identifies the master builders who spoke the truth in love that it may grow up into Him in all things, who is the Head, even Christ. In confirmation of Luke 3:8, “God is able of these stones to raise up children to Abraham,” each stage was constructed from lively stones fitly joined together by the Word of faith through two thousand years, adding the virtuous Attributes of that Man from Galilee Word upon Word, line upon line, here a little and there a little as it rises to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ, which is Love.

False witnesses against Jesus Messiah declared: “We heard Him say, I will destroy this temple that is made with hands, and within three days I will build another made without hands” (Mark 14:58). This fabrication was very close to the truth. To the disciples Herod’s Temple appeared to have risen up in renewed magnificence, but to Jesus having left it desolate it appeared already fallen a spiritual ruin into the flames and He prophesied: “There shall not be one stone left upon another that shall not be thrown down” (Matthew 24:2; 22:7; 23:38-39; Luke 19:44; Ezekiel 9). And, “Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up . . . But He spoke of the temple of His Body. Therefore when He was risen from the dead, His disciples remembered what He had said; and they believed the Scripture, and His Words” (John 2:19-22).

As Christians baptized into Christ’s Body we are the Temple of the Living God; new creation, spoken not made with human hands, eternal in the heavens and inaugurated on the Day of Pentecost (II Chronicles 2:6; Acts 2:1-4; 7:48; Ephesians 1:19-23; 2:21-22; Hebrews 9:11, 24; 10:5). Israel would not recognize God’s third and final Temple even after it rose up according to prophecy, and God sent General Titus to destroy the Edomite Herod’s desolate shadow and type so that “not one stone was left upon another, that shall not be thrown down.” Once the God of Abraham, Isaac and Israel raised Jesus Messiah, the Chief Cornerstone of His eternal Temple and dwelling place, the Church, Herod’s man-made Temple became a blasphemous impersonation (Acts 5:30).

Too often man is inclined to assess his neighbour by external appearances whereas God looks upon the inward man of the heart. Matthew 22 and Luke 14 record Jesus’ parable of the marriage of the King’s Son, which speaks of the new birth or invisible union of the Church to Himself. Israel declined the invitation and mistreated and martyred His servants, so in AD 70 He sent the Roman armies as prophesied in Ezekiel 9 and destroyed those murderers and burned up their city. He also sent seven Church Age messengers to “whomsoever will of Adam’s race”; their Message was the invitation the elect of their day. They “went out into the highways, and gathered together all as many as they found, both bad and good: [Judean or Greek, slave or freeman, male or female, for God is no respecter of persons], and the wedding was furnished with guests. And when the king came in to see the guests, he saw there a man which had not on a wedding garment: and he said to him, Friend, how did you come in here without a wedding garment? [He may have spoken with other tongues, but he was without the baptism with the Holy Spirit which is the new birth], and he was speechless.”

“Then said the king to the servants, Bind him hand and foot, and take him away, and cast him into outer darkness [or tribulation of Daniel’s Seventieth Week]; there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth. For many are called, but few are chosen“.

God did not call Abraham because he was a good man or because he loved God, but by election as Jesus explained: “You have not chosen Me, but I have chosen you, and ordained you, that you should go and bring forth fruit, and that your fruit should remain: that whatsoever you shall ask of the Father in My Name, He may give it you. . . If you were of the world, the world would love its own: but because you are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, the world hates you” (John 15:16, 19).

As soon as you receive His call He separates you from all of those unnecessary desires and associations that bind you to the world. This proves you are not joining another denomination or club. He is not dealing with you and any other person, He is dealing with you alone as a natural husband deals with his wife as in Genesis 2:24—just the two of you. You had no way of turning to God; your whole make-up was against Him. He called you and now He is remaking you as a new man or woman in His image.

When Adam took his sinful wife back to himself they were ashamed and hid from the Presence of the Lord. The nature of a sinner is to cover his shame. Whereas he should have been calling upon God, He was calling Adam (Genesis 3:9). Jesus said, “No man can come to Me except the Father who has sent Me draws him” (John 6:44). As the natural man calls and chooses his wife, Christ calls and chooses His Bride by election through foreknowledge. “And no man can say that Jesus is the Lord, but by [revelation] from the Holy Ghost” (I Corinthians 12:3).

In Matthew 16:13-19 “Jesus asked His disciples, Whom do men say that I the Son of man am? And they replied, Some say that You are John the Baptist with his head back on: some, Elijah; and others, Jeremiah, or one of the prophets back from the dead.”

“He said to them, But whom do you that I am? And Simon Peter answered and said, You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.”

“Jesus answered and said to him, Blessed are you, Simon son of Jonah: for flesh and blood [man, books, Bible seminary and learning] has not revealed this to you, but My Father which is in heaven has revealed that I the Son of man, am at the same time the Messiah and Son of God. This is true just as you, Simon, are the son of Jonah; and as you have confessed Me as the Messiah] I will now confess you as Peter, and upon this rock of Spiritual revelation from My Father I will build My Church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against faith.”

“And I will give you the [faith] keys of the kingdom of heaven [or new birth]: and whatsoever you shall bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever you shall loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven”.

On the day of Pentecost when the new-born Church descended from the upper room Peter addressed the multitude from throughout the Roman Empire. His Message unlocked the Kingdom to the Israelites and proselytes, and about three thousand souls entered or were born-again that day (Acts 2:41).

Next “the apostles in Jerusalem heard that Samaria had received the Word of God and they sent for Peter and John: who, when they came down, prayed for them, that they might receive the Holy Ghost: (for as yet He was fallen upon none of them: only they were baptized in the Name of the Lord Jesus.) Then they laid their hands on them, and they received the Holy Ghost” (Acts 8:14-17). The baptism with the Holy Ghost, which is the new birth, does not come by prayer or by laying on of hands, which was an Old Testament custom sanctioning that in the belief of witnesses the candidate has received the Holy Spirit. God’s Word is Spirit in a form we can receive by faith or a clear revelation of what Peter called “the present Truth” (II Peter 1:12). But no matter what riches of faith these Samaritans, Jesus had ordained that Peter should unlock the new birth to Shem, Ham and Japheth, and they had to wait upon him.

Finally the Spirit led Peter to the Church of several nationalities of Gentiles in the home of Cornelius, and while he was speaking, the Holy Ghost fell upon all them which heard the Word” (Acts 10:44-48).

As in the natural so in the Spiritual the Life must pass through the Body to quicken the Seed and reproduce after His kind. Once Peter turned the Key, or revealed the present truth that quickened the elect Israelites, baptizing them into the Body of Christ, they too, could pass the Life through the Body by the spoken Word for their day to quicken to eternal Life those who are elect. They too, can bind or loose in the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ according to His will and likewise the Samaritans and Gentiles also.

As Brother Gerry so often reminds us, “There is no such thing as coincidence for a Christian. God works all things together for good for those who love Him and are the called according to His purpose.” You did not become a Christian by chance; neither was it by coincidence that you found our Church Website and recognized our ministry is Bible faith from Genesis to Revelation. This was foreordained because you are “elect according to the foreknowledge of God the Father, through sanctification by the Spirit, unto obedience and sprinkling of the blood of Jesus Christ [or new birth]: Grace unto you, and peace, be multiplied” (I Peter 1:2).

Ephesians 1:1-5, “Paul, an apostle of Jesus Christ by the will of God, to the saints which are at Ephesus, [Karachi, Atascadero, or Randwick: wherever you are, you are a saint by the will of God] and to the faithful in Christ Jesus: grace be to you, and peace, from God our Father, and from the Lord Jesus Christ. Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ [which is the Word for your day]: according as He has chosen us in Him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before him in love: having predestinated us to the adoption [recognition or placement] of children by Jesus Christ to Himself, according to the good pleasure of His will”.

As sons and daughters of God’s promise to Abraham, God’s Covenant with you is not conditional like the Law—I will do this if you will do that, but unconditional as Jesus said: “Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father who is in heaven is perfect” (Matthew 5:48). And if you are in Christ you are perfect, and He will bring you to maturity, “that you may walk in a manner worthy of the Lord, to please Him in all respects, bearing fruit in every good work, and increasing in the knowledge of God; strengthened with all might, according to His glorious power, for the attaining of all steadfastness and patience joyously” (Colossians 1:10-11). nl813.htm

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Brother Grigor-Scott is a
non-denominational minister who has ministered full-time since 1981, primarily
to other ministers and their congregations overseas. He pastors Bible Believers’ tiny congregation, and is available to teach in your church.

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